80 posts
If you like what I did-reblog-it|||I am a p.o.c, G.N.C. Pronouns are they/them (Some-times [Theirs]).|||This is a Mature (Sims-Blog)|||DNI : If you are not an Ally or not LGBTIAP+/ No Radfems / No Racists / No-Underaged / No-Ableist / Butchphobes|||Contact me if you'd like me to tag you if you see your CC.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
writtensims · 2 years ago
Guess who i found outside of tumblr, the ignorant racist.
Heads up links and images on this user coming up.
Heads up comrades -> @ / teenageavenuepeace is a racist in the community . Racism is not ok nor allowed .
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I never spoke to you, I have no interest in talking to you if you're always like that, I ain't have a clue who you are human. I don't engage with ignorant ppl, racists, or anything of list. I despise toxic, immature, narcissistic, pathetic ppl, who bother random humans out of boredom by not having a life to live instead. Do not assume anything. You don't know me, no one does . If you did you'd probably wouldn't have said that, but ok . If I did strike your nerve send me a message, I am open minded, I am understanding. LMAO my english is actually very good (I am bilingual, but mainly only fluent in english) my spanish is wack AF, (just b'cuz I'm brown it doesn't mean I don't know english child) . If you ever find mistakes, is because I don't bother with fixing it (purposely), for the time being . Grow up, life changes, this is not the end, this very moment .
(You should be embarrassed and ashamed of acting like that)
If ppl actually put the energy to learn, they wouldn't CLOWN around like this one . Deflate your head / ego. I'd receive high grades and ppl actually like me . Making up stories in your mind about others to feel superior when is not the reality is pathetic .
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writtensims · 2 years ago
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Random pictures of my created butch sims. There was more to this. Although for now maybe, I will just say that the comparison between automated sims to my sims. the differences in cc and base or rather body frame between two 'gendered' townees. This is just random as hell. nothing special or unique here. LMFAO
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writtensims · 2 years ago
I been gone for quite a while, I been very busy and still am, but I got some-time, to do some-thing.. best of my ability a lot has happened and a lot of me has changed.
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writtensims · 3 years ago
Thanks for liking/re-blogging fellow simmers .
For y'all : 🌺
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writtensims · 3 years ago
I can post straight from pc to instagram. Y'all might just see more from me .
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writtensims · 3 years ago
Thanks for the likes and follows. Have a flower: 🌸
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writtensims · 3 years ago
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writtensims · 3 years ago
#1. Sweet Blu
#2. Sweet Blu
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writtensims · 3 years ago
🌷I'm here to acknowledge my current and new followers, so thanks .🌷
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writtensims · 3 years ago
tumblr posts can be edited back if there are mistakes in words even pictures.
and, if you're coming to check on the @ marigolde OC playlist situation, I am not looking to have discussions about who did what, I am only looking to be CREDITED to me here. As this is my sims blog.
For a very long time there have been many users in the sims community taking the things I create as theirs.
I never have denied anyone from using what I come up with. That would make me glad to know if people like what I do to do themselves. As a small creator, who's blog does not grow do to that and other. It does bother me whenever larger sims-blogs use what I did and claim it theirs.
I been using different social platforms, for a very long time, tumblr for my sims since I started in late 2018 ever since little things I did, others would use without letting me know, (which was usually larger "simblrs").
This post here [Sims Playlist] was not made on that date it was created much further back. I even received likes on the time I did post it, that time. I remember a month later, there was a male simmer i believe, who was also a larger "simblr" who copied it too, even used hashtags exactly the same as mine. Which was weird, almost as if they were so hungry for it . But idk what person does that, word for word with the intention of using someone else's stuff, and not even realizing there are date differences . And that is an on going problem with LARGER sims-blogs. Funky how they get the replies, reblogs, likes but they don't want to credit. Things that should have been for mine.
Because of problems like that, I've come and left.
I take it very personally, mostly because I am quite different than the standard. So whenever a person doesn't like me, I find it odd, as I know it's just them assuming the worst of me. So maybe those blogs are racist, homo/lesbianphobes, nonbinary phobic, terfs, radfems, bi/panphobics SOMETHING. - Even my patience and or attitude was directly shifted downwards because of people like that. I was a very nice person. Up until recently, when all of it went out the window because of mean and bad people who made me feel like I didn't exist or mattered like they behaved to me. If people were nicer, kinder I would have stayed 24/7 to still now, but I have had to deal with awful people for far too long .
I genuinely can't be held responsible for how I talk or type or act, for peoples nasty racism, terf, radfem, homophobic+++ issues. I genuinely am not responsible for THEIR very own behavior .
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writtensims · 3 years ago
There we go, I've finally posted it, I had a long day, the time changing today here messed up some things. Check out my newest and latest small story that is interactive, I'll probably do some reblogs of it like a TZR. If you like the idea feel free to do it too, but let your followers know, credit. I'd appreciate it a lot. Make sure to just choose one option. Sure you can look at the other interaction but, It'll be a bit better if you just chose one. I plan on improving how is been done and how simmers will interact with it. Check it out and [get started] Or read the [INFO]
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writtensims · 3 years ago
Surviving The Holidays
Stroll through a small interactive story you can read. This story is a choose your own path. Bellow to get started just choose between the Sim of Kasey to talk to Camille. Do you want Kasey to? (click the chosen link in bracket, interaction to this first part). [ Goof Around with Camille ] ||| [ Scare Camille ] (check this intro here: Info)
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writtensims · 3 years ago
Surviving The Holidays - Scenario
In some hours from now, I'm going to post a small story. But it'll be a difference type of style. I have been kind of (sort-of) been working on this kind of story for around three years. Is a type, that I been wanting to try out, for a very long time but I couldn't. Until the latest update of the Sims with scenarios. I originally thought to do this a long time ago, I just been having a very hectic life of recent. So I thought, today should be the day to get this going, before anyone else decides to continue to keep stealing everything I do. So if you do like this, try it out, I welcome anyone to do what I do. (Just tag me in, otherwise I won't be kind about it). - There is a low possibility someone, already did some thing like it. But since I been planning it out for several years, it's still kind of mine . I'll let you meet the two Sims of this small story for now. - Camille Alvarado (Jealous, Perfectionist, Genius and a Quick Learner) - Kasey Reeley (Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, Goofball and a Collector) Description goes.. Young Adult Sims or Older. Unrelated. Theme is Rivalry Sims are two who hate one another due to some scam from gnomes.. They been living together when it happened. Tension has grown and a lot of mistrust. They now do not get along or stand one another. But neither has made the move to leave the place they live in. Will these Sims, mend their issues before the Holidays??? (You tell me). Possible Outcomes: - All household sims, are friends with no negative sentiments. - Two household Sims are romantically involved as enemies with benefits.
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writtensims · 3 years ago
Also thank you to those who've followed me. 🌹
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writtensims · 3 years ago
I need to know, what are you afraid of ? In regards to every thing, online and offline, people, all. I am genuinely curious. I don't think you understand, I'm actually asking, tell me. Message me or send me an ask, reply. I got to really know the root of people who have fear of having a conversation or others who can't confront. Why ? What is it ? Is a tad amusing to me, that people will pretend to be someone they really aren't. But, when it comes right down, to it. Actions and words are directed elsewhere, but to me. what is that fear ? How even are they afraid? I never even met a lot of people here, nor have I given really any reason to make people be of me. If Anything, back in 2019 I use to be very friendly, I taught people stuff and some-times I try to. But really, is just funky how people have this strange fear of talking to me. Even though I never actually given a reason to. I am not a foe, but people have made me theirs, for what ? That's what I want to know . They've made me their foes, because... I'm different ? Is it that ? But that's, unusual, I'm not a terrible being . Just very blunt . But I got to keep pointing out that fear, what are y'all issues I've got to know what made ppl go "I can't tell them directly so I'll do it hiding." Or "I hope they don't notice what I did."
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writtensims · 3 years ago
The past few days that've gone by I noticed that people only post or like / reblog trans specific posts about femininity. What do I mean exactly ? They claim to be allies, not transphobic, "trans women are women", "support trans ppl in this blog", ect. But only if, it conviniences them by let's say "if I interact or reblog I won't get hated" or "If I say something, pretend to support trans I'll get likes and follows". Why am I highlighting this ? There is a post by marshmellowslugsims who has made a masculine, nonbinary and trans post. That only has less then 400 responses. Think about that. What's the problem there? This isn't the only person who has done this sort of thing who gets ignored and avoided. Whenever a masc, centered [F]framed sim or person who gets posted their interactions are massively low . But post about a trans women or trans feminine . And those posts get's thousands not hundred thousands of responses. and again, someone posts masculine presenting f-framed stuff, under 400 . This has been an on going issues for years, long before a lot of us have been born. (Let me not forget those who, plaster rub all over femininity on non-binary ppl, or masculine ppl who are GNC, who do not feel ok or comfortable wearing or using, doing feminine things. Cis, het's and others / "allies" force stereo types on them, even without consent, or knowledge. A lot of people do it, more than you can imagine. It's a horrendous thing to do to someone . To obligate "like it or not" . Do you see the problem ? So which is it exactly are ppl transphobic or ? It really gets me to think in a spiral thinking, of the way ppl act in certain scenarios to feel safe or not get called out or get more attention for their own, or how they change because they want some thing from that one person to utilize them, exploit . I been keeping up with a lot of things, I am well informed and been noticing the way ppl react and behave. How they do and why they do, for months .
And for those who are picky on which trans you prefer to only support, that's transphobic if you strictly only support feminine trans . Read it again hyps. That is trans-phobic .
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writtensims · 3 years ago
As someone who binds sometimes I want to be able to give that option to my sims too, so I've compiled a small selection of CC tops I've found that act as binders/minimizers for sims!
Obviously this isn't an exhaustive list so if anyone has suggestions or happens to know of any more feel free to add them on or shoot me a message and I'll add it on.
I'm also linking to the 'Safety' page on GC2B's website, if anyone is interested in making a sim that binds safely or for someone who wants to wear a binder themselves (I really like GC2B's binders myself and they donate binders to those in need!). Binding can be potentially harmful if not done properly.
For reference, I'm using my nonbinary sim Delia. Here they are wearing a regular CC shirt:
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I have not edited their chest in any way in any of the images below.
Note that some of these are tagged 'female'/'feminine' so if you are making a sims that prefers 'masculine' clothing keep that in mind.
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1 and 2. Both versions of @pigeonhome's binder (direct link)
3. Pigeonhome's Crop Top for Dudes (direct link)
4. Pigeonhome's Dysphoria Hoodie (direct link)
5. A Pride recolour of the Dysphoria Hoodie by @yeehaww-sims
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6. Pigeonhome's Basic Jumper (direct link)
7 and 8. Pigeonhome's Baseball and Basketball Jerseys (direct link)
9. Pigeonhome's Suit and Binder (direct link)
10. Pigeonhome's Cozy Sweater (direct link)
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11. Pigeonhome's Vintage Button Ups (direct link)
12. The Basic Jumper again (sorry about that!)
13. Pigeonhome's Basic Tee (direct link)
14. @serenity-cc's Faux Fur Coat (tagged as female and might show cleavage unless an accessory undershirt is used)
15. BlueHorse's Swim Shirt Binder (they also have a few more binder tops in the file)
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16.@rustys-cc's Basic Wool Cardigan (tagged as female)
17. Rusty's Bow-tie for F (tagged as female and has a more 'minimizing' effect rather than a fully flat one)
18. Rusty's Turtleneck Sweater (tagged as female)
19. Rusty's Autumn Coat Edit (tagged female, also has a version with a T-shirt instead of a sweater here)
20. Rusty's Business Suit top (tagged female)
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21. Rusty's Basic Hoodie (tagged female)
22. Rusty's Basic Sweater VI (tagged female, there is a version with a turtleneck under it here)
23. Rusty's Basic Sweater VI, rolled up (tagged female, there is a version with a turtleneck under it here)
24. Rusty's Basic Sweater V (tagged female)
25. Rusty's Basic Sweater II (tagged female, has a more 'minimizing effect' rather a fully flat one)
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26. DaniParadise's Chihiro shirt, female mesh (tagged female, there are a lot of recolours of this shirt that also act as a binder so long as they use the female mesh)
27. @winterbjorn's Chihiro Pride recolours, female mesh (tagged female)
28. PXD Graphic Tee (tagged female, a mesh edit of the Chichiro top)
If anyone has any questions or comments please let me know! I hope someone else finds this helpful!
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