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writesofpassage · 9 months ago
Margarets House- By:Jessica Jones
Do not shed tears the day I go,
Now I know what you don’t know.
-The Kingdom that awaits me is free of pain!
And I can see my loved ones again.
Except no one is sick, or sad, or broken.
And only kindness comes from the words that are spoken.
I get to look upon the Lords loving face.
And I’ve been washed clean by GODs warm embrace.
I will miss all of you, but please don’t cry.
I’ve chosen to go home to live in the sky.
I’ll look over you and tell the angels to guide,
But for now I must go to be by GODs side.
Thank you for the memories, the laughter and love.
I cherish it all as I see from above!
Heaven is beautiful,just wait and see.
And GOD prepared a lavish mansion there for me.
So I ask that you smile through sadness.
I want you to laugh at the pain.
I hope that you dance in the puddles,
When life showers you in rain.
Because once the journey has ended
And you walk over the rainbow bridge too.
You’ll see that the fight was worth fighting,
And you’ll see all of heaven rooting for you.
Now go live life to the fullest.
And know that I tried while I was here.
I ask that my memory brings you joy and gladness!
And that GOD wipes away all your tears.
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Room 1666
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"He knows Tom.” The pretty blonde woman's words stung him but this was not a revelation.
"Of course he knows, he knows everything.”  Tom stated twisting in his chair. "He probably knows we are in this hotel now, why did he send you?”  
"Why is he toying with me like this.”  He smiled after the words left his mouth, he knew why he was toying with him.  He wanted to see Tom struggle and writhe, knowing that he and Ann were in this hotel together.  He wanted Tom to wait, to feel like he had escaped the punishment for what he had done, and then at the right moment he would reveal himself and make Tom suffer for his crimes.
"He knows about my involvement, Tom.”  
"It’s only a matter of time now.”  she shoved her index finger in her mouth biting hard on the nail before pulling off a piece and spitting onto the floor.
"That’s a really nasty habit you have there, Ann.”
"Shut up Tom, I think we have both done worse things than nail biting.”  The couple laughed, not a happy laugh of two people enjoying a moment. It was nervous laughter, of two people trying to put in the back of their minds their hidden betrayal that was brought into the light.
"What could I do, you know?  I mean really what could I do? This isn't like anything else, there is love there.  I had no choice, I had to follow my heart.”
That statement gave Tom the boost of confidence he needed to believe what he did was right.
He definitely stated, “Let him come then!”  
"I want him to show up now, to knock on that door and find us both here together.  I’ll scream it in his face, this was love something he knows nothing about!” He repeated with a thunderous bass in his voice that put Ann on edge.  “LET HIM COME!!”
"Stop that Tom”!  Ann begged “You know he won’t show up, he's too powerful to connected to find us in this seedy motel.  No, Tom, he will let us sit here and think about what we have done.”
Yeah you’re right, he will probably send someone to get us and deliver us to him.  Tom slouched back down into his seat and started chewing on his own nails.
Ann sparked a cigarette and slowly sucked in the deadly smoke before turning to Tom and saying.
"Well for what's it worth, I’m glad we did it.” Ann sighed.
"Really?” Tom asked giving her a surprising glance.
"Yes, really!” Ann repeated.
Toms skeptical look, directed her to say more.
"Yes, Tom I’m glad, I knew what I was doing.  We both have free will, I knew he would discover what we did.  You can’t hide secrets from someone like him, but I’m glad we did it.”
"No matter what we face when he comes for us, I enjoyed every second of it and I would do it again.”  Ann smiled at Tom and gently rubbed his face.
"Thank you, Ann”  Tom whispered closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of her touch on his skin. A knock on the door brought the hiding couple back into the present.  Ann snuffed out her cigarette, Tom straightened his tie, they both stood up together, hand in hand, slinking towards the motel door.
Another knock, louder this time stopped them both a few inches from the entrance.  Ann reached for the lock to let in the guest they had been dreading.
"Wait.”  Tom let go of Ann’s hand and ran to the small nightstand placed in between the double floral covered beds.
"What are you doing, Tom?”  Ann said gesturing for him to come and grab her hand, “we can’t run from this.”
"I know Ann” Tom smiled at her as he reached into the drawer, he slid his hand over the barrel of his gun he had placed in the dresser.  He pushed the gun to the side and picked up a book. He held it up triumphantly, smiling at Ann.
"OK, now we can open the door.”  Tom said.
"Are you kidding me, Tom?  Really, a Bible, how long has it been since you have even opened one of those?”
"It’s been a while,” he stated, “ I don’t know though it just feels right.  He may kill me or worse, but I know I did what was right. So I’m going to hold this bible until he cuts my hand off with it.”
Ann laughed, “well don’t worry about that sweetie, he will.” Another knock at the door was followed by a voice.
“Hello, I know you are both in there, it’s time to come out.”
They wanted to run onto the balcony and make a break for it, but there was nowhere to go that he would not find them, so hand in hand and hand in Bible they slowly unlocked and opened the door to the room.
"A Bible?  Nice touch.”  smirked the gentleman entering the room.
Realizing the gravity of what was to come Ann fell to her knees in tears.
Not Tom though, he stood tall holding the book in his hand and began to plead his case to the stranger.  
"Do what you will to me, but please let her go.... I involved her in this to help me, to help my son, he was my son... I had to walk away from the job... how could he expect me to... I don't care about his power... I was not going to take the soul of my son! Even if it means I have to burn in Hell, I would do it again.”
"I know you would Tom and so does my employer, that is why I am here.  You both will answer to a new boss now, training starts tomorrow. As you already have the reading material in your hand you can prepare tonight.  Your contract with your last employer has been cancelled. See you at 8am.” With that the mysterious man turned to leave, stopped and looked over his shoulder to say.  
"By the way Tom, get rid of the gun and Ann lose the cigarettes you won’t need them anymore.”
Written by: Jessica Jones
Originally published in 2011 on yahoo contributor ~Jessica Jones
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Alpha Omega
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We the people are the change called to rise up
We the people stand together to show
We the people are larger in numbers
We the people continues to grow
We the people break free from oppression
We the people join hands in the truth
We the people know justice will be ours
We the people showed the world proof
We the people were always the strongest
We the people found courage within
We the people lift the veil of illusion
We the people would do it again
We the people are the voice in the silence
We the people creating light from the dark
We the people forging peace in the violence
We the people started the spark
We the people a phoenix from fire
We the people lifting the flame
We the people joined force in the millions
We the people are changing the game
We the people have seen their true power
We the people will not be ignored
We the people are the faith of tomorrow
We the people with the Spirit as sword
We the people are brothers and sisters
We the people are neighbors and friends
We the people are the world over
We the people is where We begin
We the people sound the drum of the future
We the people in a battle for what's right
We the people will be victorious
We the people will end the fight
Written by: Jessica Jones
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Fake News
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What if you turned off your tv and wrote the script of your own life
What is dormant inside that is called to be a world changer
What is fearful in your bones that leads you to hate a stranger
Even the word suggest they are odder than you
What if the miracles hibernate inside of them too
What if the news didn't tell you who to hate
What if you unplugged the distraction and filled up your neighbors plate
What if the cure to cancer was in your hands
What if you could realize your dream of traveling to distant lands
What if that sunset could heal you but you let programing kill you
And while still breathing you dig your own grave
Going through the motions of life, tune in, you're a slave
What if you could be a player in the universes game
Not for accolades, not for worship, not for money or fame
For the experience, for the lessons it’s trying to teach
What if instead of building golden churches you used your voice to preach
Of love and of healing, of findings ones path
What if your idea could house the homeless
Your solution could bring sight to the blind
What if your inner peace could stop global wars
But it’s lost, a sleeping giant, inside your mind
When you shut off the real you, false persona steps in
You turn on the tv to see what’s happening at 5, 6 and 10
There's a story to make you fearful, one to laugh and one to cry
It creates your illusions, then shows you something to buy
While the world dies around you, while you die inside
Everybody near and far also locked up, they hide
What if you found each other, tuned out the noise
Through the haze and the fog, searching out simple joys
Venturing into the unknown with hope instead of fear
What if all the answers are in you, now and here
Solutions to problems, a shoulder to lean, a joke meant for stages if only you'd dream
A mentor, a teacher, a leader of men, a woman who inspires just look within
What if for a moment you tuned out the hate What wonders and marvels could an open mind create?
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Ahhh yes, this!! ☝ ☁
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“Why do you always look up?” he asked.
She doesn’t want to share her secret. She doesn’t want to tell anyone what the real reason is. Yet for him, she found herself honestly speaking. “I don’t always look up. I just stare at the sky, whenever I feel the need to breathe. I look up every time I wanted to tell the world that I survived another day. That I love how the stars shine as if they were smiling at me.” She glanced at him and said, “It’s stunning, you know. The sky. No matter what mood it shows me. No matter how imperfect it is. It’s wonderful. And it always reminds me that there’s something beautiful beyond everything.”
Infinite // ma.c.a
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Beneath the superficial lies the truth. ~Gorjess
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”
— Najwa Zebian
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
The Layover
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Speaking to me in whispers formed by the wind
In dreams either sleeping or awake
Reality unfolding in a symphony of connected synchronicity
Teaching that we are made of mastery, woven together in human nature
In us and through us the universe forms where it always was and always will be
Life viewed through the star gazers eyes, traveling among the cosmos
Felt with flesh and experience staying grounded concurrently flying
Floating above mediocrity in the mind
Soaring with the most high, Where all is pure and good in perfect harmony with imperfection
The highest peaks created by love
The lowest valleys reaching for love
The hardships realized as lessons
The traveler was sent here to learn
A brief stay, a visit in unending miracle
Creator, creation, created colliding
On some level realizing that when the journey is over, no matter the path walked
All souls would pack their bags and come for another stay
How amazing this life is and the love that blooms side by side with the flowers
Drink it in, eat it up, revel in it, bathe in it, share it generously
Love is the answer, love is the question
Love is all encompassing God is love
Written By: Jessica Jones
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Alphabet Soup
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Words can turn into a sword with just a switched letter 
A power yielded momentarily leaving battle scars for years to come A gift that if used carefully creates blessings that won’t be undone Given freely to strangers and lovers alike, daily making enemies of friends
The same poetic groom falling down on one knee spilling his heart out like blood on the battlefield Is the man aged in the court across from his bride Both explaining their case only hearing one side
burning love letters in exchange for the sentiment of pride
Pulling creation apart with a daily build up that finally breaks like the water bursting from a dam
Once released it rushes over, swallowing everything around it A force that can drown or cleanse all it touches with impunity it washes over just the same
What held together for years all at once destroyed When least expected and never planned for it can roll in like a summer storm
Revelatory, drunk kin sharing conversation, starting as simple salutations, snowballing into sticky situations, all started with a word Even deceit can’t find a hiding place, the truth comes out eventually Creating chaos or building bridges, misunderstandings becoming missed opportunities
Second chances, first dances, rocky romances, holding their breath all searching for the perfect syllables
To start over, start at all or start a new, forming complicated thought processes  once it’s said there are no second guesses
Stating  your peace now wait for the verdict to be read, the response will seem carefully crafted as though it took years to ferment like a fine wine
Or fumbling out of  lips raw, unfiltered, unedited with coffee stains coloring the rough draft of emotion
When all is said, reading the fine print and asking the right questions will lead to the closing of minds or expanding ones vision
Communication building communities drawn from the same source that creates fictitious friction A voice that’s commanding taken down by a whisper he hasn’t heard until it’s too  late The weakest man standing called to rise up and put on armor, empowering his fate Searching out gurus like water in the desert to quench a thirst Once the palet is wet with wisdom making sure ego speaks first With new knowledge now knowing  the ledge we tread near is steep Turning to neighbors and cursing  them, forgetting to practice what they preach The tongue as our weapon sent to inspire or destroy to empower or imprison Even when at war with yourself building your you-niverse with love or hate  in effect you create what you are and believe
Careful to speak words which do not deceive when using the power within Joining forces where tone and intent is one false step away from leaving an era or an error in it’s wake And each generation joining in the initiation for truth and inspiration can be mislead with a lie
The weapons of the poets, man, soldier, lovers, gossips, and more quickly going from turn of phrase to declaration of war From the beginning it was words and they are stronger than swords one should only march into battle aware of what you fight for
-Jessica Jones
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
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You're the direction that will lead me to the finish
The destination I dreamed of but never went
You're the love I have inside yet also seek
You're the letter that I wrote and never sent
You're the smile shared between two passing strangers
You're the church bells in the distance I hear chime
You're the flame that inspired hope with just one spark
You're the second hand when I'm running out of time
You're the only words I need to complete my sentence
You're the rainstorm sent to wash clean my skin
You're the answered prayer that delivered me from penance
You're the silent partner to whom I bare my sin
You're the light that shinned when I was lost in darkness
You're the deep part of my soul that has no fear
My mind plays tricks and says you're not a part of this
My heart can tell the difference, you are here
Written by: Jessica Jones aka Gorjess aka thewriteofpassage aka writesofpassage
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
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You touched me with words
Seduced me with lies
Caressed me with feelings
Undressd me with eyes
Promised illusion
Deception my prize
How charming your words
Your knowing half grin
My defenses were useless
I welcomed you in
-Gorjess aka Jessica Jones
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Right?!? Write!
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
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Submit here
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Only look at someone’s scars should you wish to heal them
Only ask for someone’s truth to understand
Only seek a persons path with intent to join them
Only want to know their secrets if you can,
release their demons and forgive their darkness
Bask in their light and let their angels fly
Understand the duality that is a part of us
That’s where you’ll find the answers, deep inside
A puzzle is not formed with missing pieces
Half of the words will not complete the book
You know nothing if you only skim the surface
Ignorance is judgement formed by look
You will see that we all are complicated, everyone searching for something that is true
You will find the soul who runs from love, for fear of hatred
Once revealed themselves to sinners just like you 
mywriteofpassage IG
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writesofpassage · 7 years ago
Go Getter
Today I will be a adult
Everyone has been telling me to grow up for years
Maybe they're right
I am the age of an adult
When I look in the mirror a grown woman stares back at me
When I walk away my childish heart says it's not so!
But I see my hands they are aging along with me
Then I look at the sky and my soul says I won't!
Still I have decided it's time to be an adult
Today is the day though I still want to play I will find a way to accept turning grey
What does it take to be an adult?
I'll not speak out of turn when my thoughts race
I'll not get so excited when it rains
I'll buy a briefcase, go to the office and yell at slow drivers and trains
I should check my emails, I will set some goals
And then my adult body will line up with my brain
Goal 1 set some goals
Goal 2 don't lose site of goals daydreaming of other goals
Goal 3 don't get sidetracked when you get a random urge to go look at the leaves changing on the mountain side you know you have to plan your nature walks months or years or at least hours in advance you can't just go on a whim because it's beautiful outside and you just want to feel the wind on your face.
Goal 4 Be. An. Adult.
Maybe some of us were not meant to grow up
Perhaps we were sent here to remind
The adults of the world to remember to play and not to be so concerned about time
Today I will doodle on paper
I think I will call up a friend
I'll eat a big bowl of ice cream
And then...
I'll probably daydream for an hour or two
Take a warm bubble bath and
tomorrow try adulting again
Yes tomorrow, that's when I will try again
With my schedule today there's just too much in the way
So tomorrow I will absolutely and truly, most definitely, maybe, possibly, consider being an adult once again
mywriteofpassage IG
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