Writer's Flow
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Lifelong bookworm and writer currently working on contemporary YA fiction and romance, and desperately seeking agent. (Madonna reference, not a plea for attention:) Volunteer member of James River Writers in Virginia.
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writersflow · 4 months ago
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writersflow · 4 months ago
How wonderful! Banned Book Baked Goods :) It’s never too late to celebrate #BannedBooksWeek (or to read banned books;)
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writersflow · 5 months ago
100 Vocabulary Words for Gothic Fiction | For Writers
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Hello Writers! I've put together a list of 100 words to help you expand your vocabulary for writing gothic fiction in October. I categorized the words for easy reference. I did some research using thesauruses and dictionaries to compile this list for you. I hope you find it helpful! 👻🎃
Atmospheric Words
Tenebrous - dark and gloomy
Oppressive - overwhelming and unpleasantly powerful
Ominous - suggesting evil or harm is imminent
Eerie - strange and frightening
Uncanny - mysterious and unsettling
Nefarious - wicked or criminal
Malevolent - having evil intentions
Sinister - giving the impression of evil
Melancholy - deep sadness
Lugubrious - mournful or dismal
Sombre - dark and gloomy
Dreary - dull and depressing
Desolate - empty and lonely
Bleak - cold and depressing
Dank - unpleasantly damp and cold
Character Descriptions
Pallid - abnormally pale
Gaunt - thin and bony
Haggard - looking exhausted and unwell
Cadaverous - corpse-like
Wan - pale and sickly
Spectral - ghost-like
Enigmatic - mysterious and difficult to understand
Brooding - appearing darkly thoughtful
Tortured - suffering mentally or physically
Macabre - disturbing due to focus on death or injury
Architectural Features
Gothic - relating to medieval style architecture
Dilapidated - in a state of disrepair
Decrepit - worn out or ruined due to age
Crumbling - breaking into small fragments
Decaying - rotting or decomposing
Ramshackle - in a state of severe disrepair
Crypt - underground room or vault
Turret - small tower on a building
Parapet - low protective wall along the edge of a roof
Buttress - structure built against a wall for support
Supernatural Elements
Apparition - ghost or spirit
Phantasm - figment of the imagination
Specter - ghost or phantom
Wraith - ghost or spirit
Revenant - person who returns as a spirit after death
Ethereal - extremely delicate and light
Otherworldly - belonging to an imaginary or spiritual world
Paranormal - beyond normal explanation
Preternatural - beyond what is normal in nature
Occult - supernatural or magical
Emotions and States of Mind
Dread - great fear or apprehension
Foreboding - fearful apprehension
Trepidation - fear or anxiety about something that may happen
Anguish - severe mental or physical pain
Despair - complete loss of hope
Melancholia - deep and long-lasting sadness
Hysteria - exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion
Delirium - state of confusion and hallucination
Madness - state of severe mental illness
Obsession - persistent disturbing preoccupation with an idea or feeling
Gothic Settings
Moor - area of open, uncultivated upland
Wasteland - barren or desolate area
Labyrinth - complex maze-like structure
Catacomb - underground cemetery
Dungeon - dark underground prison
Mausoleum - building housing a tomb or tombs
Sepulcher - small room or monument where a dead person is laid
Necropolis - large cemetery, especially an ancient one
Citadel - fortress that commands a city
Monastery - building occupied by a community of monks
Weather and Natural Phenomena
Tempest - violent windy storm
Miasma - unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor
Fog - thick cloud of tiny water droplets
Mist - cloud of tiny water droplets in the air near ground level
Gloom - partial or total darkness
Twilight - soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon
Umbra - the fully shaded inner region of a shadow
Penumbra - the partially shaded outer region of a shadow
Crepuscular - resembling twilight; dim
Tenebrous - dark, shadowy, or obscure
Literary Devices and Narrative Elements
Foreshadowing - warning or indication of a future event
Omen - event regarded as a portent of good or evil
Portent - sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen
Harbinger - person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
Presage - sign or warning that something will happen
Doppelganger - look-alike or double of a living person
Grotesque - comically or repulsively ugly or distorted
Gothic double - character representing the duality of human nature
Unreliable narrator - narrator whose credibility is compromised
Frame narrative - story within a story
Liminal Spaces and Concepts
Threshold - strip of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway
Liminal - occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold
Betwixt - in between
Interstitial - of, forming, or occupying interstices (small spaces between things)
Twilight zone - undefined or intermediate area between two distinct states
Purgatory - place or state of temporary suffering or expiation
Netherworld - imaginary subterranean world of the dead
Abyss - deep or seemingly bottomless chasm
Void - completely empty space
Chthonic - concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld
Miscellaneous Gothic Terms
Sublime - of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire awe
Ineffable - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
Eldritch - weird and sinister or ghostly
Atavistic - relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral
Numinous - having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating the presence of a divinity
Happy writing, and Happy October! 📜🕯️- Rin T.
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writersflow · 5 months ago
on the witches road...
Send this to your coven for protection ✨
Listen to the new version of the Ballad in our official playlist. Agatha All Along is now streaming on Disney+.
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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***** His Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope
I consider John Lewis one of my heroes, and had looked forward to this book even before he passed away. I had a Netgalley arc and everything when we lost him July 2020. However, it took me far too long to finish reading this, for many reasons, the year 2020 being just one of them. (Also, I had already started his own memoir Walking With the Wind which is also recommended:)
After seeing updates on Selma and so many horrible recent struggles for current civil rights, though, I returned to it, now with a hardcover, and returned to the 'simpler' times of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. I love the way Meacham tells the story of the movement along with Representative Lewis' own growth as an activist and politician. He was fortunate as a writer to have had many conversations with Lewis over the years, so a lot of the facts were backed up with personal reflection. As with many aspects of the battle for civil rights in the United States, and with Rep. Lewis' life, there is an acknowledged religious tone to the telling, but I believe it is inspiring, even for secular readers, not overwhelming. We also hear from other members of the movement and Meacham's factual research, giving fuller perspective.
I learned new things about Lewis and SNCC, as well as other people and aspects of the era. And I felt like I was honestly brought to the moment on the bridge when he faced that sea of blue. It is often a sad, violent story, of course, but as he did in life, John Lewis' calm, determined voice rings through, bolstering the message of non-violence and democracy. I highly recommend reading this book, sharing the story of John Lewis, and passing on this message as much as possible to the young generations too.
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writersflow · 2 years ago
Fight For the First
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Campaigns on Fight for the First will allow you to take action against book bans in your community and gain direct support from EveryLibrary. If you create a campaign on Fight for the First, EveryLibrary will help you reach more people in your community through our extensive supporter and partner network. We'll also help you get the training and support you need to win!
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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CELEBRATE #ReadanEbookWeek the best way you can! READ an Ebook! Smashwords has a fabulous sale March 5-11, 2023 so you can also SUPPORT INDIE WRITERS! https://www.smashwords.com/shelves/promos/1/any/any
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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writersflow · 2 years ago
December 15th is Cupcake Day!
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In honor of National Cupcake Day we are sharing this recipe from the 1828 edition of Eliza Leslie's "Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats." Leslie was a prolific author of popular cookbooks, and was the first to publish a recipe for the "cup cake."
Let us know if you bake them!
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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#Nanowrimo #Nano #writing #writingcommunity
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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An illustration by Tor Freeman for The Book That No One Wanted to Read by Richard Ayoade 
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writersflow · 2 years ago
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writersflow · 2 years ago
omigosh its like looking at kid me in my dream forest with books and mushrooms and a fashionable rodent friend <3 <3 <3
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Which book will they pick, and what story will it hold? Prints
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