widestshoes · 16 days
Something I’ll never forget, was just that first glance out into the massive skybox that was the divide, like just the atmosphere of that singular road lined with power lines leading to a city that has just been cut into, and despite that something still flashes red out in the depths of it. it still amazes me how great that looked and how little that area was explored, like don’t get me wrong I loved lonesome road just because of its world space, I loved using no clip and flying around the area to see everything, going over to the city and just walking around it like it was playable,
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I mean look at this image, I’d kill just to see a playable version of this, the original lonesome road was great but all I’ve wanted since first walking through those broken bus doors was to explore that city.
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widestshoes · 17 days
Something I’ll never forget, was just that first glance out into the massive skybox that was the divide, like just the atmosphere of that singular road lined with power lines leading to a city that has just been cut into, and despite that something still flashes red out in the depths of it. it still amazes me how great that looked and how little that area was explored, like don’t get me wrong I loved lonesome road just because of its world space, I loved using no clip and flying around the area to see everything, going over to the city and just walking around it like it was playable,
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I mean look at this image, I’d kill just to see a playable version of this, the original lonesome road was great but all I’ve wanted since first walking through those broken bus doors was to explore that city.
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widestshoes · 1 month
I’ve been reading https://kapachiramasama.tumblr.com/ ‘s “If We’re gonna do this, We’re gonna do it right” for awhile now and it’s amazing, one thing I wanna talk about is the more recent chapters so, spoilers I guess for the later stuff BUT
It’s good to see that Tucker didn’t fully understand what actually happened to Maine, like Tucker spent the last couple chapters saying like oh Maine just gave up and he let sigma take over when that definitely did not happen that way, in the latest chapter it’s shown that Maine didn’t give up, neither did Tucker but, that sigma tortured Maine and is torturing Tucker, attempting to break Tucker like he broke Maine, Maine was pretty separated because of his injuries and because he didn’t speak to much before hand, so he’s was easily breakable by sigma, But Tucker, oh he’s the most human that couldn’t ever happen to him (Arrogance is a rather unbecoming trait) so the moment sigma got anything to crack Tucker’s already weak defences, as he’s spent the time prior separating himself and keeping secrets from everyone also not sleeping or eating wild, he took it and brought Tucker down, AWESOME
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widestshoes · 2 months
ALSO KILLIAN’S THEME! how could I forget… Anyway it’s another banger by Buck and his composer Andras Altason, I don’t think I mentioned it last time with my Dan graves post but they are such bangers, shade doesn’t have one so THATS why his fourth
Something that I like in Season 4 of Life is a Table (LiaT) is showing how far shade has fallen into complacency, like when he finally appears to fight the big bad guy (fella named killian) Shade just straight up runs away, like yeah Killian has just got done a speech about him being the Evilest villain ever so immediately when it happens you don’t think “why’s shade running he’s the badass of all badasses” its just one of those things that happen cause who’s wanna fight, it’s not till the end that things start clicking and especially Killian’s major speech during the season finale.
Again LiaT is awesome I highly recommend it if halo machinima, some awesome animations (season 1 was eh but then again I know nothing about animating so I can’t really speak), some weird storylines and like weird goofiness is your thing I’d check it out
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widestshoes · 2 months
Something that I like in Season 4 of Life is a Table (LiaT) is showing how far shade has fallen into complacency, like when he finally appears to fight the big bad guy (fella named killian) Shade just straight up runs away, like yeah Killian has just got done a speech about him being the Evilest villain ever so immediately when it happens you don’t think “why’s shade running he’s the badass of all badasses” its just one of those things that happen cause who’s wanna fight, it’s not till the end that things start clicking and especially Killian’s major speech during the season finale.
Again LiaT is awesome I highly recommend it if halo machinima, some awesome animations (season 1 was eh but then again I know nothing about animating so I can’t really speak), some weird storylines and like weird goofiness is your thing I’d check it out
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widestshoes · 2 months
I gotta say, Dan graves is like my favourite character from LiaT (Zero is second because ROOMIE) like first off he looks awesome so that’s a couple points, second his expressions and the way he speaks and talks to people is just great, every sentence finished or started with Baby, he’s got that superiority complex, I found LiaT at random one night when the fifth season dropped and the Animation was Incredible, so if y’all got a couple extra hours to spend check it out
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widestshoes · 2 months
Jschlatt just went live I’ll be busy for the next hour or two
Until I remember I HATE JSCHLATT
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widestshoes · 3 months
Something I’ve wanted to speak about but had trouble putting into words, is what’s going on with the reds at the start of restoration
It’s very noticeable that they are all different, that something changed them that they are not themselves, and what I think is happening is that they’re trying to revert to their pre season 8 selfs, to ignore everything that has happened to them, the death, the trauma of the battle for the Staff of Charon.
What I mean is, in the battle they all lost or suffered heavily, the stability of the reds and blues was based on their unity with their numbers and friends, and the battle shatters all of that, and the reds are desperate for that stability but the present holds only more despair so they turn to their past, to how they thought they felt during Blood Gulch when their world made sense when they only needed to worry about the blues (Or blue in this case).
I believe following the battle and the attempted recovery from it, the reds were left unable to function properly after everything they have just faced, likely during this the Blue Hatred returned as tucker’s disappearance during what could of been their time of mourning probably reignited something in sarge. Thinking, “that darn blue, he’s doing this to us? Going awol right as our mission nears its end? Can’t believe I trusted a blue” once Simmons recovered properly that’s when it really took shape. Sarge always disliked the blues and still didn’t fully move on and with Simmons and the rest of his team needing stability the Blue Versus Red war would restart.
Simmons would always agree with sarge as sarge boosted Simmons ego and kept him afloat during his recovery with grif noticing a pattern. Grif’s lazyness meant that his desire to change was basically nonexistent so once figured out the path Sarge was leading them down he got angry. Grif in the opening half of Restoration is notably angry and I believe this is because he didn’t want to go back to his Blood Gutch self, like tucker he understands that he isn’t that person anymore, none of them are yet he is the only person refusing to completely go back to his old self (I say “completely” as he still leaves caboose out to dry, he goes along with stuff once he knows others are doing it or doesn’t feel endangered like season 7)
To simplify it, the reds and blues were shattered in the last battle for chorus and the reds wanted stability again, sarge reignites the blue hatred after tucker disappears during what could of been their proper recovery and Simmons goes along with it as sarge keeps his ego afloat while Grif gets angry as he recognizes that trying to go back to the false hood of Blood Gulch won’t help them at all.
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widestshoes · 3 months
Decided to draw Toby because it's been awhile
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On to more creepypasta
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widestshoes · 3 months
re: google AI. seriously. do you want machine generated misinformation or do you want to come here, to our beloved tumblr, and receive specially hand crafted misinformation. support real artists, guys. come to tumblr for your misinformation
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widestshoes · 3 months
everyone had that one guy at their wizard school said edgy shit like "dark magic is just misunderstood, not evil" that ended up wanted in three countries for necromancy
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widestshoes · 3 months
I would have Killed to see Swagtopia happen, cause well we got one side of the story where wilbur loses it, why not see what Schlstt and Quackity would do? It’s been awhile since I’ve read those story beats Wilbur wrote but I sort of understand the whole jest of it, but more Quackity and schlatt would have made my 2021-2022 even better
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widestshoes · 4 months
Okay so I’ve been rewatching season 9 of Rvb since it’s the season I’ve skimmed over the most, mostly just to watch the freelancer stuff, and with the wording and some thinking things over I don’t thing they created a new Tex, not completely.
Okay so in Restoration it’s said that the capture unit and the memory unit are two different things when it’s shown as the same item in prior seasons, likely to set a divider so the audience could understand the abilities of both devices, anyway in Season 9 Church is looking for Tex within the Capture unit however Church calls the unit they are currently in the Memory unit, which it technically is. At the end of Season 9 Church “forgets” Tex and lets her go, deleting her… Or he instead Forgot her files, leaving an Ai within the memory unit but without personality, none of what made her her, similar to what Epsilon did at the end of 13, stripping himself down to his barest form.
So what that means is that Caboose, Simmons, and grif didn’t actually create a new Ai, what they did was just giving the Ai a form/Helping the Ai remember who it once was, Similar again to epsilon. Back in the end of Reconstruction, throughout relocated and Recreation, Caboose is shown telling stories to Epsilon, this was giving Epsilon a form, Epsilon had a lot of Memories of Alpha and the other fragments and the such but didn’t see itself as Alpha as Church, But with Caboose’s help Epsilon slowly took on the identity of Church because Caboose was constantly feeding the Memory unit Memories and stories of Church and what happened.
Anyway that’s why I think the return of Tex can make sense and isn’t just, “Oh they made a new Ai cause they can now”, it all can make sense it just needs memory
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widestshoes · 4 months
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happy *FAGGOT* month you QUEERS slash affectionate!!!!!! heres agent florida uhmmmmm yea ill have something tmmrw🔥🔥
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widestshoes · 4 months
The Heart Doctor is In.
I had a thought about RvB rare pairs. @fanvsfic​‘s rare pair week gave me enough motivation to create.
Caboose goes to Tucker for help on matters of the heart. 539 words, Pre-WashBoose
Keep reading
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widestshoes · 4 months
In 15 this is the first thing that happens, they get to their small getaway houses and, aside from cry cause church, sleep
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maybe if they just took a nap together then they’d calm down
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widestshoes · 4 months
The eye surgery went really well, the recovery is not that painful and the results are immediate.. I can seeee! :D.
I wont be looking at screens for a while, so here's a drawing for you before going back to rest.
Can't wait to start using my laser beam powers on everyone/j
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