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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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The 3 best (and worst) store-bought sauces For spiralized veggies or just plain old pasta, these are the healthiest (and unhealthiest) premade toppers. The 3 best (and worst) store-bought sauces 1 of 6 EAT THIS: Lidia Bastianich's tomato basil sauce Bastianich’s sauce uses honey, and tastes like it’s been simmering on the stove, not sitting in the pantry. SKIP THIS: Prego Italian sauce, tomato basil garlic Prego’s added sugar would make any nonna scowl. EAT THIS: Buitoni pesto with basil The best pesto is mostly basil, not spinach; pine/walnuts, not cashews; olive, not sunflower oil; and parmesan/pecorino. Buitoni pesto (in the cold case) is the next best thing to homemade. SKIP THIS: Barilla traditional basil pesto Like we said, you don't want to eat a pesto sauce that's more spinach than basil. EAT THIS: Annie Chun's teriyaki sauce Annie Chun’s contains less of the healthier cane syrup and has a velvety texture and light, tangy taste. SKIP THIS: Kikkoman teriyaki marinade and sauce Why reach for a product with high-fructose corn syrup—Kikkoman’s third ingredient? 6 photos Healthy food
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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He's more obedient than most adults...
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Amazing footage. When was your last adventure. Remember as a kid playing outside and discovering new things. As adults you try to keep the same feelings from youth going, but sometimes this is tough. With work and family demands, you tend to place these travel desires on the back burner. But 2017 will be different for you! Today you will plan a trip. A tripped filled with adventure. You should ignore the little voice in your head that is giving you all of the 101 reasons why it's stupid to consider traveling. Just watch the video below for inspiration!
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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HE KILLED AND CARVED HIS WIFE AT THE "GRINDER": MAXIMUM PENALTY REQUIRED AGAINST ASHISH TAKOORDYAL The trial at the Assizes filed with Ashish Takoordyal, 37, ( READ MORE STORIES LIKE THIS: ) opened on Tuesday January 10 before Judge Nicolas Ohsan-Bellepeau.Ashish Takoordyal pleaded guilty to murdering his wife Bahanoomatee, better known as Deepa, 33, strangled and killed before his corpse was cut to the grinder.The prosecution then demanded the maximum penalty against Ashish Takoordyal. The defense pleaded it "provocation".Judge Nicolas Ohsan-Bellepeau will pronounce his sentence on Thursday 12 January. It should be noted that the maximum penalty is 60 years in prison.According to the prosecution case, the tragedy occurred on 9 January 2014 in Eau-Coulée. The remains of Deepa Takoordyal had been found in two garbage bags in a ravine in Trois-Mamelles mountain.Deepa Takoordyal was missing for several days. The police investigation resulted in the arrest of her husband Ashish Takoordyal, a professional vigilante.Ashish Takoordyal accused his wife Deepa of having extramarital affairs.
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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[SLIDESHOW] BELLE-MARE: A POLICE CAR INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENT A road accident involving a police car occurred in Belle-Mare near the public beach around noon on Thursday 5 January.A master car and a police car collided. The two cars were each heading in a different direction.Two police officers sustained minor injuries. They were taken to the hospital where they were treated. Both drivers underwent a breath test that was negative.The police opened an investigation to establish the circumstances of the road accident.
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Chennai: Liladhur Ramdhun Retrouvé Sain Et Sauf Lenadhur Ramdhun, the brother of Viren Ramdhun who is the president of the Hindu House, was found dead on 28 December 2016 in Chennai, India.This is what the son of Liladhur Ramdhun, Kevin, told Radio Plus. He said he received a call from the Mauritian High Commission in India informing him that his father was found safe and sound several kilometers from the hotel where he was staying in Chennai.Aged 69, Liladhur Ramdhun went to India for a holiday with his wife and sister-in-law. He gave no sign of life after leaving the hotel where he was staying in Chennai. He had gone astray.It was a member of the public who found Liladhur Ramdhun after his photo, accompanied by a notice of research, was published in the Indian press following his disappearance.The person who found him welcomed him home before calling on the telephone number on the search notice.Kevin Ramdhun told Radio Plus that he could speak to his father after learning the good news. His father, he said, told him that he was doing well despite the fact that he felt fatigue, having walked several kilometers on foot since his disappearance.Kevin Ramdhun said shortly before 1 pm that he was about to go to his father's place.
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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This Stabilized Footage of a Drone Flying Up a Mountain Is Pure Gorgeousness Damn. I feel like I’m watching the Paramount Pictures title sequence (you know, the one with the stars and the snowy mountain) come to life. Or, like, the opening sequence to a huge blockbuster movie right before it kicks off its first action scene. But I’m just watching a drone fly up the east ridge of Hübschhorn, a… Read more... #Mountains #Stabilized #Beautiful #Drones
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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When it's the middle of the night and you're hungry AF 😂😂👌
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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#satisfying #melting #like4like #followme #instalike #l4l #follow #lifehack #love #likeme #instagram #happy #me #fashion #doubletap #girl #fun #instagood #tbt #hot #color
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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#satisfying #melting #like4like #followme #instalike #l4l #follow #lifehack #love #likeme #instagram #happy #me #fashion #doubletap #girl #fun #instagood #tbt #hot #color
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Starting 2017 with a fulfilled heart and hoping for a lot more adventures to com... Starting 2017 with a fulfilled heart and hoping for a lot more adventures to come 🌊🐚 🤙🏾 #love #blessed #nature #islandliving #explore #passion #local #dreamlife
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Island life #Christmas vibe at its best ☀️🎄🐠🎅🏾 Sending all my love and joy to all of you during this special sharing time 😘 #mauritius #islandlife #havingtoomuchfun #local #blessed #sharing #celebratingourway
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Bagarre Sanglante A Terre-Rouge: 8 Blessée Dont Un Homme Aux… Un homme a fait irruption dans la cour d’une famille à Le Hochet lundi, assénant des coups de sabre à la ronde à ceux présents. Huit blessés sont à déplorer, dont l’un qui a eu les mains quasi sectionnées. Une fête de fin d’année qui se termine dans un bain de sang à Le Hochet avec huit blessés à coups de sabre à déplorer, dont l’un est dans un état critique. Ce dernier a d’ailleurs été admis dans une clinique privée. Une sexagénaire a elle aussi été agressée au sabre au cours de la bagarre. Après cet incident, la police de Terre-Rouge a arrêté un suspect. Il s’agit d’un marchand de farata. Il a été traduit en cour de Pamplemousses sous une accusation provisoire de serious assault. Il a été remis en liberté conditionnelle.Parmi les victimes figurent Omesh, un électricien de 24 ans qui a été blessé à la main et aux doigts ; sa grand-mère Kalawtee, âgée de 61 ans ; et Vinay, le gérant d’un snack de 38 ans. Ils ont chacun reçu un coup de sabre et un coup de bouteille à l’arrière de la tête. Hemant, 38 ans, l’oncle de Omesh, est, quant à lui, admis dans une clinique. Il a été blessé à la tête et ses deux mains ont été quasi sectionnées. Il devrait subir une intervention chirurgicale.Omesh nous fait le récit de cette bagarre. Selon lui, chaque année, des amis et des proches se réunissent pour prendre un verre sous un badamier qui se trouve à côté de leur cour à Tagore Lane, Le Hochet. Le lundi 2 janvier, ils étaient une vingtaine à se regrouper vers 11 heures.Cinq heures après, ils ont commencé à faire éclater des pétards. Ce qui a irrité un homme venu rendre visite à sa belle-mère habitant le quartier. Mécontent, il a menacé le groupe, leur intimant l’ordre de cesser leurs activités. Une violente dispute a éclaté entre le groupe et l’individu qui a alors lancé : « Atann mo vini. »
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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🙃 when you get the answer!
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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[Video] Réduit: Kamal “Li ti kouma enn sov-souri zean oubien enn alien” Kamal, ki enn fan Mo Ti News ek enn abitan Réduit, finn anvoy enn video ki bien etonant. Ladan nou trouv enn kreatir ki etranz ek personn pa finn kapav identifie li korekteman ziska ler. Lo video-la nou trouv enn bet ki pe lite lo enn ta feyaz palmie ki finn sek. Guet video-la: Dapre bann informasion nou finn gengne, se enn lisien ki finn gengn malad ek tou so pwal finn grene. Li mars lo so 4 la-pat ek bizin ranpe pou bouze. Met enn komanter si zot inn deza trouv enn kreatir parey anba. #Newsfeed
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Violente dispute entre voisins à Grand Gaube : Une personne arrêtée Une bagarre entre les familles Vivien et Moideen a dégénéré tôt ce matin. Neuf personnes dont un enfant se sont retrouvées dans l’incapacité de sortir de leur maison encerclée par leurs voisins. La police a dû intervenir. L’Hélicopter Squadron et les membres du GIPM ont également été mobilisés. Cet incident a fait un blessé. Il s’agit d’un père de famille. Une maison a été incendiée ainsi qu’une voiture. Par ailleurs, une personne habitant la localité a été arrêtée.La situation est retournée à la normale dans ce village côtier du Nord.
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viralmuscle-blog · 8 years ago
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Slow Cooker Shredded Steak Tacos We're obsessed with these Slow Cooker Shredded Steak Tacos. MAKE IT!
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