Vile / He/him / Throwaway Account / Demisexual Dumbass / I have opinions. A lot of them
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I’m mainly curious on the ways these systems form. I’ve heard of them naturally forming, but I know there’s other ways they have formed. As well as some of the terms I’ve heard for non traumagenic systems, mainly quoigenic. I’ve seen others though. Is there a post that lists all the types of non traumagenic systems with definitions? I’m new to these things, I apologize if I’m using the wrong terms. I don’t mean to offend anyone.
Looking To Learn About Endogenic Systems
I’d say I’m well informed on traumagenic systems; however I’m curious to know more about endogenic systems before I form any opinion on them. I want to do this out of personal experience of forming opinions without properly knowing what I was talking about.
I’ve searched the “endogenic” tag but never found anything besides people complaining about them or positive posts.
Also, this post is not meant to be a war zone. I’m simply making this for the sake of learning about people who are endo. I feel like this could be beneficial to a lot of people as well. So if you have any information on endo system or are an endo system, feel free to share.
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Looking To Learn About Endogenic Systems
I’d say I’m well informed on traumagenic systems; however I’m curious to know more about endogenic systems before I form any opinion on them. I want to do this out of personal experience of forming opinions without properly knowing what I was talking about.
I’ve searched the “endogenic” tag but never found anything besides people complaining about them or positive posts.
Also, this post is not meant to be a war zone. I’m simply making this for the sake of learning about people who are endo. I feel like this could be beneficial to a lot of people as well. So if you have any information on endo system or are an endo system, feel free to share.
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Another Unpopular Opinion
Self-diagnosing is okay as long as you understand the disorder and the symptoms behind it.
If you do not have the resources to have a therapist or psychiatrist, it is completely understandable to self-diagnose. Self-diagnosing doesn’t make you a “fake”.
However, self-diagnosing or saying you have a disorder because it seems like a “cool” thing is not okay.
TLDR: self-diagnosing is okay just don’t be like Trisha Paytas
#did#osdd#osdd-1a#osdd-1b#discourse#mental disord#trisha paytas#self-diagnosis#disociative identity disorder#vileUP
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“Cis nonsense”
I’m trans. Its not transphobic to want trans people to respect cis people.
What’s the point of the LGBT community wanting acceptance if trans people are going to be disrespectful to people who aren’t LGBT? Practice what you preach.
Also, I talked to other trans folk and they agree with me.
So no, I don’t understand why this mentally is “transphobic”. Its not transphobic to want people to respect others.
There was this tweet going around on Twitter where someone said “fuck you” on something that told cis people to click there and it caused a lot of arguments. One of them was that cis people oppressed trans people so trans people are allowed to tell them all “fuck you”.
Yeah uhh no. Not all cis people are jack asses. Not all are transphobic. Hating on a group of people is not okay. I don’t care if you’re trans or not, don’t do it.
Don’t say you want acceptance if you’re perfectly okay with being a dick to cishet people.
How about this: don’t be a dick to a group of people unless they’re actually dangerous. Hating on your local cis person isn’t helpful, it’s only going to make them not like trans people.
Just show respect for people already goddamn.
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“Trans people have no obligation to be nice to anyone”
Being trans isn’t an exuse to be an asshole. Being oppressed is not an excuse to be am asshole.
If the LGBT community wants respect from cis people, then they shouldn’t insult a whole group of people and expect that group to respect them back. Its common sense.
Trans people are only hurting themselves by being disrespectful to cis people.
Not all cis people are transphobic or bad people.
There was this tweet going around on Twitter where someone said “fuck you” on something that told cis people to click there and it caused a lot of arguments. One of them was that cis people oppressed trans people so trans people are allowed to tell them all “fuck you”.
Yeah uhh no. Not all cis people are jack asses. Not all are transphobic. Hating on a group of people is not okay. I don’t care if you’re trans or not, don’t do it.
Don’t say you want acceptance if you’re perfectly okay with being a dick to cishet people.
How about this: don’t be a dick to a group of people unless they’re actually dangerous. Hating on your local cis person isn’t helpful, it’s only going to make them not like trans people.
Just show respect for people already goddamn.
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There was this tweet going around on Twitter where someone said “fuck you” on something that told cis people to click there and it caused a lot of arguments. One of them was that cis people oppressed trans people so trans people are allowed to tell them all “fuck you”.
Yeah uhh no. Not all cis people are jack asses. Not all are transphobic. Hating on a group of people is not okay. I don’t care if you’re trans or not, don’t do it.
Don’t say you want acceptance if you’re perfectly okay with being a dick to cishet people.
How about this: don’t be a dick to a group of people unless they’re actually dangerous. Hating on your local cis person isn’t helpful, it’s only going to make them not like trans people.
Just show respect for people already goddamn.
#lgbt#cis#cishet#cisphobia#transphobia#discourse#debate#lgbtq#lgbtqa#lgbt representation#transgender#trans
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Anyone ever just look at Tumblr arguments where all people do is pretty much bash and make fun of the people who disagree with them? Yet still act like they have the higher moral ground?
If you do that, stop it. It only makes you look like a child. Insults don’t win you an argument
#discourse#drama#rant#psa#lgbt#i’m looking at the lgbt community specificially#you guys don’t know how to have an argument without insults
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My Experiences With The Fictionkin Community
Well, I made this account mainly to post about this. It needs to be said, I haven’t seen anyone publicly talk about this.
Before I start this, no this is not meant to be an attack on people who are Fictionkin. If you are Fictionkin, I do not care. However, I still think that the community is complete garbage. I wish I could say a small percent of Fictkins are toxic, but at this point it’s the majority.
Please read this whole post before reblogging or responding. I will not be naming any names or giving specifics of situations.
Why do I think the community is toxic? Well, I have a lot of reasons. I’ve met many manipulative and awful people in the community as well as I’ve heard stories from friends.
1. It is almost impossible to talk to anyone in Discord servers without risking someone getting offended or upset. These servers often have blacklists which can be added onto by users, no issue with blacklists. What’s the problem though? People blacklist things that make them uncomfortable or cause small amounts of anxiety. Blacklists shouldn’t be used for things that cause small amounts of anxiety. This results in blacklists being miles long and extremely specific. I’ve seen characters, colors, TV shows, and things you wouldn’t expect to be on one. I understand blacklisting things, I’ve had mental breakdowns over certain things. But if a blacklist is pages long, I’m not going to want to talk in there. I’ve seen people get upset at someone for triggering them despite them not blacklisting it. Additionally, blacklists are either followed to the tea or not followed at all. I’ve seen moderators not give a shit about people talking about triggers openly without censoring them. I once stated a fact on how people can easily be accused of something they didn’t do. I got banned. Why? Apparently I was attacking them. Cool.
2. Speaking of moderators, they pick favorites. If any drama happens, you better hope the moderators like you or you’re getting banned. In fact, if people in these servers don’t like you, hope you like being ignored and/or banned easily. This has happened to me in more than one instance. Moderators ban people that they don’t like if they have the smallest reason to. How do you get them to not like you? Well, if you’re not 100% positive all the time or have slightly differing opinions, they’re not going to like you. If you don’t agree with their opinions you’re seen as problematic.
3. Pointless drama is pointless Every server I have been in has had drama. And as mentioned before, whichever person the mods like more doesn’t get banned. People act completely immature during these and will result in just insulting the other person. Drama is usually started over something completely stupid. You say something slightly controversial and drama is going to start.
3.5 No, that person wasn’t being racist/transphobic/homophobic/etc. The fact that I’ve seen people get banned from servers for apparently being “racist” is insane. One of my friends said they were white, and they were called racist for some reason and banned. Yes I’m serious. In one case, someone said they were Asian and they got banned. For what you ask? Oh, because apparently Asian’s are “dog eaters” and that person likes dogs so Asians are problematic. I’ve seen people get called racists over the smallest of things like hairstyles. If you agree with the “problematic” person you bet you’re getting banned too.
4. No problematic kinnies uwu Ah yes, “problematic” kins. The “you’re not allowed here because you kin a fictional killer”. I find the whole concept completely dumb. If you kin a killer, that does not make you a killer. Also, apparently some murderer kins are problematic but some aren’t. I’ve seen someone kin a murderer, get called problematic, and another person who also kinned a murderer not get called problematic. Scar from the Lion King? Nah, he’s fine. Killing your brother and attempting to kill a child isn’t bad in the slightest.
5. The word “kinnies” is not a slur. Do not call this a slur. Fictkins are not oppressed. Slurs and insults are not the same. I know most believe it’s not a slur, but some do and that’s too many.
6. Being an ass is fine as long as you have a mental illness! I’ve seen moderators excuse toxic and manipulative behavior because oh the person has a mental disorder. It’s not an excuse to be an asshole. Before you say anything, yes I struggle with mental illness. Yes I’ve almost snapped at people. But, I don’t. I’ve worked on myself to not be aggressive. People have started drama with others and went and vented about their personal issues and have gotten pity for it. All of their shitty behaviors were excused because they were sad. Do not enable people to be assholes. This may sound shitty to say, but having that mentality is harmful.
7. Age range Fictkins tend to be 13-18. Which means the whole community is stuck in a teenage mindset. Even the 20+ people I’ve met act like teens. I don’t like teens now, why would I want to be in a community where everyone acts like one? It’s near impossible to have a conversation with these people and be civil.
8. No DoUbLes “No doubles” AKA, you cannot be here if you kin the same character as me. People are going to kin the same characters as you. I once saw someone join a server that had their kin on the list. Once that person left, the person who put that kin on the list started calling them names and being an ass (they were a moderator). Imagine if Therians or Otherkin were like that. Sorry cat Therians, I’m the only cat allowed here.
Overall Thoughts The Fictionkin community is awful. I’ve seen enough things to make me want to not associate myself with anyone from it. Not every Fictkin person is like this. I am aware of that. But when I’ve seen so much shit from this community I don’t want to trust anyone from it. I’ve trusted the wrong people. I’ve felt more welcomed in the Therian community and don’t feel like I have to worry about pissing someone off. I’m interested to know anyone else’s experiences with this community. If you want to message me feel free, my anon questions are turned on.
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Unpopular Opinions V2
IAh shit here we go again (I’m bored and do not want to work on an English project) Pokemon edition
- Charizard is overrated, however I still like him
- I don’t think the national dex cut was that bad. Yeah I miss being able to play using certain Pokemon but it’s a new game, I’d rather use the newer mons than the older ones.
- Zamazenta (without held shield item thing) > Zacian
- Mythicals now are.. not as good as they were. There’s so many damn mythicals that I don’t even know who most of them are. I like Mew due to the mysterious aspect to them. It was hard to obtain them without glitching, hacking, etc., but now you can pay for the PokeBallPlus (which is way too expensive) or just get it in an event.
- I’d rather pay $30 for DLC than a whole new game. Although, Pokemon BW2 were great sequels and felt like entirely different games.
-You do not have to play a game to be a fan of it. Some people do not have the time or money to play video games.
- I prefer the sprite art over 3D models
- I don’t think the pokemon games need to be difficult. The games are targeted at children and families, most of which may not understand how typing and abilities work. I’ve played Pokemon for all my life and I sort of struggled a bit with Pokemon SWSH. I’ve been playing Pokemon Emerald Kaizo and it’s pretty fun despite the grinding that I have to do before major battles.
- Route 1 and 2 Pokemon are underrated. Mightyena, Pidgeot, Furret, Noctowl, all babies. I love them despite how weak they can be.
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I just wanna make posts that people can see but noooo Tumblr won’t let me because my account is new smh
Anyway, fun fact: GBA Pokemon sprites were limited to only 16 colors per sprite. Additionally, each sprite has a colored background. The first color of the color palette is transparent. So if you messed up indexing a sprite, the body color could be transparent.
I learned that the hard way
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Unpopular Opinions V1
I’m just going to use this account to say my opinions that I would usually get flack for. Tagging these under VileUP So, here we go.
1. Both transmeds/truscum and tucutes can be equally toxic. I’ve seen tucutes tell transmeds to die.
2. You can be trans without dysphoria.
3. Kalvin Garrah is one of the people that preach about how bad the trans community is whenever he tries to tell people publicly that they are not trans and starts drama. He now calls himself a “transsexual” because the community is so bad despite him causing a shit ton of drama himself. It is okay to experiment with your identity.
4. MOGAI pronouns are fine. They are not hurting anyone
5. The trans community is the worst community out of the entire LGBTQ+ community. Specifically trans twitter, that place is a dumpster fire.
6. Trans men can be feminine and trans women can be masculine. It does not make them any less trans.
7. Who cares if you use pan or bi or anything else? Use whatever label you prefer.
8. Being attracted to animals, children, dead things, etc. is not a sexuality. Please go get help if you are having thoughts about this.
9. Otherkin shouldn’t be compared to being trans. I know species dysphoria is a thing, however I do not think they should be compared to trans individuals.
10. Attack helicopter and jokes like them were never funny
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#lgbtq+#discourse#gay#lesbian#pan#bisexual#pansexual#unpopular opinions#vileUP
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Today we have
1) An extremely confusing hoodie
2) Stoned Minion Build a Bear
3) A trio of tiny chefs that are minorly disturbing
4) An extremely cursed porcelain doll that looks like she belongs in The Exorcist that had eyes that follow you around the room
5) Because you can't drink your Premium Wine in a Can without a display shelf that lets everyone know it's Premium Wine in a Can
6) Chicken pillow
7) Nun in a Frame
9) Oddly phallic bottles
10) Slightly confusing mug
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