17 posts
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tooshieblogdiva · 5 years ago
Reflections of a Spoiled Quarantined American
Reflections of a Spoiled Quarantined American
“Where is everybody going, and why are they in such a hurry?” my mother-in-law asked one day as I drove her to the store. Originally, I thought she meant the traffic speed, or the number of cars on the road. But Dorothy, at age 91, overflowed with wisdom. She scrunched up her face, highlighting the insanity of our jet-paced, American culture. Dot regularly expressed embarrassment over her lack of…
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tooshieblogdiva · 7 years ago
A Pit Bull, a Puppy, and a Producer: PTSD and an invitation to Judge Judy
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(Note:  This post portrays a true, violent incident. If you’re not in a place to read this, please don’t.)
I’ve always loved dogs. That includes pit bulls, rottweilers and every other canine creature.
I’ve had several of “man’s (and Women’s) best friends” over the years. At one time I had a sweet Rottweiler. I knew she was a marshmallow, sweeter than a Starbucks mocha. On our daily walks, people…
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tooshieblogdiva · 8 years ago
Grief in a Silk Lavender Bag
Surreal as the moon falling out of the sky, so the day seemed.
My husband and I drove 80 miles north, to discuss the sun setting on my step – daughter’s life.
Such a day should have come later, of course.
Decades later.
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The dark drape of death isn’t always something we see coming through the windshield of life.
The funeral parlor director wore a gentle, kind smile on his lips. After discussing…
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tooshieblogdiva · 8 years ago
Drowning in a Sea of Perspective
Drowning in a Sea of Perspective
People worship celebrities and rock stars and multi-millionaires.
But this raw piece of life haunted me in a way that is forever imprinted on my soul. Truly, I will never be the same.
Springing out of the bed one rainy Seattle Christmas day,  I drove to Starbucks to buy some lattes for my husband and me.
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I’d never seen the caffeinated Mothership so crowded. I  waited my turn, bored into oblivion.
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tooshieblogdiva · 8 years ago
With Love, Your Stepmonster
With Love, Your Stepmonster
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You never know when the curtain of someone’s life will close. Jennifer Michehl entered my life over 20 years ago. She told me I was like the big sister she’d never had. I was honored when she frequently she said she could tell me anything. I didn’t try to fill any certain role for her – just be myself.
I’d thought and prayed about what an odd situation this was, having a step-daughter only 7…
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tooshieblogdiva · 8 years ago
FaKebook Envy: Welcome to Perfectville
You scroll aimlessly down your screen, peering into the lives of your “friends.”
You’ve shared laughter, tears, and life’s deepest fears with many of your closest companions. Others you know more casually.
A third layer of “friends” you wouldn’t recognize if they showed up at your door. But that’s okay because they have you “hidden” on their faKebook finest.
Inauthenticity at its finest.
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tooshieblogdiva · 8 years ago
So Yeah....the New Pressure Cooker Rocks!
So Yeah….the New Pressure Cooker Rocks!
Ya know what? Cherrie found some old, nasty, freezer-burned pork chops that sat in the freezer for like a million years. Now, I know what yer thinkin’! Ya would have thought she’d stick those ugly old things in the garbage. Right?! I mean, any sensible human would’ve thrown those suckers to the curb. But she got this new-fangled gadget for her birthday, called a programmable 7-in-1 pressure…
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tooshieblogdiva · 8 years ago
Quit Barking about Crazyticians-I Mean Politicians  
Ya know, I’m gonna celebrate when the election is over and I don’t have to hear all the barking about the crazyticians. Oh, I mean politicians. We can just all be nice and play together like we are all people. I mean you know I’m a people, don’t cha?
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
Know what Feeds My Soul? Digging
Mama often barks to people about, “What feeds your soul?” In other words, what do they love to do? Know what feeds my soul? Digging holes. Mama doesn’t like me to brag, but I’m quite talented  in this area.  Hole digging is better than smelling dirty laundry! Try it sometime. Who knew, right? ;) Trust me on this. I dug a hole in the yard halfway to Singapore. Come on over. We can fill it with…
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
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Bad day? At least you're not the one getting fixed.
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
It's Never My Fault 
It’s Never My Fault 
The night of July 4th, our neighbors set off tons of fireworks. I hate those buggers!  Mama medicated me to calm my nerves.  I don’t sleep in my parents’ bedroom because they don’t like my staring at them.  They don’t enjoy my licking their faces either. Can you believe their lack of gratitude?! I love washing their faces and feet.  I provide these services free. But I tell ya, I’m not…
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
Never Trust a Person with Clippers! 
I look like I fought with a paper shredder and lost. Don’t I?  Mama loves the shaggy look, but asked the clipper lady to trim my hair.  She said TRIM!  She didn’t say SHAVE me bald!  I’m cooler for summer, but don’t look as absolutely amazing like I used to.  Grrrrrrrr……… Before  After    I know this new doo will be cooler for summer, but I was already such a cool person, I could hardly stand it!…
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tooshieblogdiva · 9 years ago
My Date Rape Journey
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tooshieblogdiva · 10 years ago
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tooshieblogdiva · 10 years ago
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