tommyrockr · 10 years
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Taken on a rooftop in Downtown Fargo
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tommyrockr · 10 years
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tommyrockr · 10 years
My latest "Uplifting Christian Corner" video 
What if I told you the phrase "Go the Extra Mile" isn't a suggestion but a command?
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tommyrockr · 10 years
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✝✝ bible/spirituality✝✝
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tommyrockr · 10 years
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Go The Extra Mile
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tommyrockr · 10 years
Be Set Apart
If someone punches you in the face let him strike the side too. If someone takes your coat offer him your shirt as well. If someone begs you for something give it to them. And if someone steals your stuff don't even ask for it back... Crazy right? Well Jesus pretty much said the same thing. Don't believe me look it up Luke 6:29-30. 
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tommyrockr · 10 years
Go The Extra Mile
Ever heard the phrase "Go The Extra Mile"? It means to go beyond what is required of you. As Christians we should always go the extra mile. Jesus talks about this in Matthew 5:41, in fact he literally says "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him two." You see in those days a Roman solider could ask a civilian to carry his gear for him. Now most a Jesus' followers were Jews and the Romans weren't exactly their favorite people, (but even those who were not Jews who likes to carry other peoples stuff?). But Jesus says not only should you go one mile, but two.  In life your family, friends, and even strangers will ask you for help. They will ask you to help carry their burdens, and we should gladly help them, not only providing the help they request but so much more. This will seem like a task to some, but it shouldn't. We should always strive to go the extra mile until it becomes our very nature to do so. And not only will others get a blessing but so will you.
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tommyrockr · 10 years
Missed Opportunity
Just recently I was walking down the street to go a coffee shop (I'm visiting the big city of Minneapolis) When a man commented on my shirt that says "Jesus is the truth, John 14:6" I went over to him a briefly discussed the verse and then I shifted the conversation in a different direction. After going inside the coffee shop I realized I had missed an opportunity. I should have perused the conversation further. I was in no hurry. When God opens a door go through it. Remember show love to everyone! Now look for doors and go through them!
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tommyrockr · 10 years
Jennifer Fulwiler: Scientific Atheism to Christ:
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tommyrockr · 10 years
A lot of the non fiction I read is filled with quotations from The Bible.  Chapters often begin with a verse.  Pages are noted with Bible references to emphasize or justify an argument.  Recently I’ve notice how much I skim all of that stuff.  If I were reading this post, for example, I would have glanced at the verses above only momentarily.  I would not have read them slowly or with any focus.  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I say to myself, trying to find my way to the stuff I really want to read.
In one sense, this practice implies that I understand the Scriptures so well that I only need to skim them.  Yet I are encouraged to meditate on them (Psalm 119) or keep them before our eyes (Deuteronomy 11) and desire them more than food (Matthew 4).  I am told that we are in the midst of training (Titus 2) and will be “transformed by the renewing of our mind” (Romans 12).  These words which provide a testament to Jesus are not intended to be primarily referenced or implied, they are reframing our understanding of God and self and are effective for teaching us what truth sounds like and training us to live like Jesus.  As such, we should expect to need them like we need food and water; often and in large quantities.
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tommyrockr · 10 years
Set Apart
What Holy mean? And how can one be Holy? Well first what does the word Holy mean? In Hebrew word for Holy is Qodesh. Which comes from the word Qadash meaning sacred. Qodesh means set apart. The Greek word for Holy is Hagios which also means set apart, but the core meaning of hagios is "Different". In the Old Testament the temple was different from the other buildings not just structurally but spiritually because you could experience God's presence. But in the New Testament Holy means different from the world and more like God. Because now, if we are born again, we can experience God's presence. And remember that Satan is the prince if this world, so to be more like God we must set ourselves apart from the world, and strive to be more like Christ. So be Holy be... Set Apart
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tommyrockr · 10 years
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."
C.S Lewis  (via littlethingsaboutgod)
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tommyrockr · 10 years
7-Year pen!!!
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tommyrockr · 10 years
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✝✝✝ Religious Inspiration http://goddaily.tumblr.com/ ✝✝✝
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tommyrockr · 10 years
If you say: I believed in God, I trusted God, and He didn’t come through, you only trusted God to meet your agenda.
Timothy Keller (via martelthechristianrapper)
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tommyrockr · 10 years
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tommyrockr · 10 years
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