The Season of Now
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theseasonofnow · 11 months ago
We are all carrying around broken pieces of ourselves because to experience life is to experience growth, and sometimes when we grow, it causes us to break a little on the inside.  These breaks come from significant, visible events of loss, like death, heartbreak, or physical trauma, but more often, these breaks are personal, and the loss and pain are known only to us. Each time, we experienced…
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theseasonofnow · 1 year ago
It is one of life’s most commonly accepted axioms; everything changes. Why, then, do we spend so much time fighting against it? We are continually evolving in our outer experience and our inner experience as well. It is the challenge of being human that for our lives and the working systems of our bodies to grow and work well, they are faced with a significant problem.  We need to continually be…
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theseasonofnow · 1 year ago
Welcome to Haircut Day
My most recent haircut day, 9/07/23 It all grew out of the pandemic. That is how the tradition started. Like many things in life, good and beautiful things can grow from our challenges. Often, I think that is why these obstacles come into our lives. That is true for haircut day and the monthly joy it brings. You may or may not remember, but during the pandemic of 2020 it wasn’t easy to get a…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Embracing the Dance of Change
Through the confusion we call life, we find a truth, A timeless axiom, age-old and uncouth, Everything changes, a dance so profound, Yet against this rhythm, we often are bound. Why resist the flow, the ever-shifting tide, When within its embrace, our spirits can ride? Human hearts, like seasons, forever evolve, In the intricate dance of problems they solve. Outer landscapes transform with the…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Thoughts on Summer
In the embrace of summer’s golden rays, Time slows, and worries find their distant ways. A chance to grow, bloom, and rise, Like nature’s treasures under high, deep skies. Free time, a gift, a precious boon, To wander freely, ‘neath the shining moon. Exploring realms near and far, Discovering wonders, like a shooting star. Warm weather flows from, the sun’s tender touch, Enveloping us all in its…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Challenges In Life
In our path of life, we seek ease, A gentle breeze to carry us with grace, But challenges arrive, like storms that seize, And push us into paths we can’t embrace. Oh, how we wish for roads without a thorn, Where petals line the way, without a care, Yet struggles come, like shadows that are born, To teach us how to rise, to learn, to dare. In moments when the world feels like a weight, When…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Embracing Darkness
In shadows deep, where light retreats, A realm of darkness lies and greets, Its vast expanse, a mystery, The opposite of light’s decree. Within us all, it takes a place, A part of life’s enduring grace, For knowing darkness, we can stride, Through darkest nights, unafraid, we guide. Embrace the void, the depths within, For facing darkness is to win, The veil removed, the truth revealed, In…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
In a Small Town
In a small town where dreams align, Where golden sunsets warmly shine, High school days, a tapestry spun, We cruised through life, like the setting sun. With friends in tow, we roamed the streets, Made poor decisions, life’s heartbeats, Yet shared our triumphs and mistakes, A bond so strong, it never breaks. On dusty roads, we’d play and run, With laughter, joy, and spirit spun, In sports we…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Time Lines
In the river of eternity, Time flows, A current swift, unstoppable it goes, Through the canyons of existence, it carves, A reminder that all we cherish, time starves. With each sunrise, a treasure is bestowed, A precious gift, a day yet to be shown, But heed the ticking of the cosmic clock, For time, waits not, it races, it won’t dock. In youth’s embrace, we dance with careless glee, As if…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Where Wild Spirits Grow
In the heart of Maine, where the lake waters gleam, Where dreams unfurl like ripples in a gentle stream, I was a child, with innocence aglow, Growing up by the lake, where wild spirits flow. With the morning sun, I’d rise at dawn’s first light, Embracing the day, with wonder and delight, The scent of pine, the soft whispers of the breeze, In nature’s arms, I found solace and peace. A fishing rod…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
The Little Things In Life
The world is full of beauty, If you’re only willing to see. The sunbeams dance on the water, The birdsong in the trees. The smile on a stranger’s face, The smell of freshly baked bread. The feel of the wind in your hair, The taste of a ripe strawberry. These are the little things, That makes life worth living. So don’t be so quick to rush past them, Take a moment to appreciate them. For they are…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Approaching Life with Mindfulness
In a world that is continually moving faster and providing more and more distractions to pull you out of the present moment, it is more important than ever to learn how to be aware of the present moment.  A person can lower stress and enrich their life experience by cultivating this awareness.  In this article, I will try to explain what mindfulness is and give some examples of how to practice a…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
The Mirror of What You Are
Life is a mirror, giving what you want and what you are. This thought has been with me all day. As I think of what I want to write, I am experiencing a conflict that is not that rare. Should I write what I think or write what I think others would like to read? It is a simple choice on the surface, but in reality, it is a constant battle, and it has been going on since I started publishing blogs…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
The Opposite Side of Whole
Law of Polarity- Everything has an opposite, yin and yang. Complimentary opposites are a part of the collective whole.  When people achieve balance in life, things seem to move smoothly as all parts of their life flow equally. Unfortunately, once you make a balance, life will change, and we will all have to change and keep the scales of our lives, balancing where we can enjoy life. The law of…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
How To Create A Plan
Success comes with a subjective definition. Each person defines it for themselves, and the array of different thoughts and ideas on what it looks like is as diverse as the people who think these thoughts.  There are only two options when it comes to creating and accomplishing things. One is to follow a plan guiding your thoughts and action. The second is pure and unadulterated luck, or fate…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
Enjoy The Ride
Enjoy the Ride Since I was very young, I have been in a hurry to get to the next destination. I remember being a kid and just aching for when I would be older and be able to do whatever older kids got to do. This pattern came up a lot in my life, and I am sure in your life too. I can’t wait until this happens, or that happens, and then I will be able to do this or have that. What age has brought…
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theseasonofnow · 2 years ago
The Gift of Choice
People are given a gift of choice. Some are keenly aware of this and make decisions to understand the power of their choice to move one closer or further away from the life they desire by the honesty, integrity, and character of each of their decisions. Other people move blindly through life with no awareness of the power of their choice. They muddle through situations blaming outside influences,…
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