My life with Asperger's Syndrome (Now called ASD by Doctors)
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Check out my favorite things! Outfits, Office Gadgets, Home Decor, etc. I included links to everything if you like them too :)
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Give me a follow if you want to watch cringey videos put on by an Aspie!!!
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I am so proud to announce I got accommodation for my Medical College Admissions Test! It isn’t easy to do, but I know it will be so helpful during the exam. They awarded me an additional 80 mins of break time to spend however I need to during the exam day.
A Few Types of Accommodations You Can Get:
Extra Exam Time, Extra break time for bathroom or food and drink, Larger font on your exam, permission for an inhaler, and A separate testing room!
Here’s A Bit About the Accommodation Application Process for the MCAT:
Make sure your ASD diagnosis is less than five years old and includes specifics mentioned on the AMCAS MCAT Exam With Accommodations page
Fill out the application 3-5 months before you’re thinking about taking your exam.
They take about 60 days to decided whether to award you accommodation or not. (If you have to re-submit or add additional documents count on it taking an additional 60 days).
#MCAT#ASD#asdproblems#Autism#life with autism#girls with autism#autistic girls#aspiegirl#TheIncredibleAspie
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Sorry for bombarding your feed!
I’m just really excited to be back! I’ve cleaned up my blog to only relevant stuff and plan to keep it that way from here on out. Rest assured I will never post curse words and such! My blog is only to educate and inform people about ASD! I will also be posting photos of myself to further de-bunk stigmas.
#girls with autism#autismacceptance#AutismAwareness#autism in college#autistic girls#asd#asdgirl#autism#predmed#aspiegirl#TheIncredibleAspie
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Next Chapter For Me: Getting Into Med School as a Female with ASD...I’ll keep y’all posted! First MCAT attempt soon ;)
Fun Fact: Did you know there’s only one autistic female for every thirty autistic males?
#asd#autism in girls#actuallyautistic#autisticgirl#girls with autism#girlswithasd#AutismAwareness#Autism Acceptance#autism in college#premed#mcat#TheIncredibleAspie#aspiegirl#aspie
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I don’t know if y’all know this, but last year I graduated COLLEGE as a female with ASD!!! I got many awards and honors and feel so blessed to say I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science. I continue to prove Autism is NOT a disability but rather something that just makes me more special, and that Autism has no “look”.
#autism in girls#girls with autism#autistic girls#autisticgirl#asdgirl#asd#Autism Acceptance#AutismAwareness#girlswithasd#autism in college#autism in women#TheIncredibleAspie#aspiefemale#aspiegirl#aspie
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Autism is NOT caused by vaccination and this fact has been proven many times by the Medical Community but here’s the latest research. Autism is a GENETICALLY INHERITED mental disorder like ADD/ADHDA or Dyslexia. It’s usually inherited from the father’s genes but can be inherited through the mother’s in some cases.
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CDC Info
The Actual Study, it’s process, and findings
For those who struggle reading Scholarly Articles
#asd#asdproblems#autism#autismacceptance#AutismAwareness#autism in girls#girls with autism#educationiskey#antivaccine#pro vaccines#TheIncredibleAspie#autism in college#autism in women
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I literally can’t deal with people who say “He/She looks Autistic��� or “You don't look Autistic”. It’s an invisible disability like ADD/ADHD or Dyslexia. Can you tell someone is Dyslexic? NO. You can’t tell if someone is on the Spectrum either. We’ve got to fight stigmas like this harder, ASD isn’t like Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) it doesn’t affect someone’s physical appearance, y’all.
#asd#asdproblems#autism#autismacceptance#AutismAwareness#girls with autism#autism in women#autism in college#autism is beautiful
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I found the best Stim/Fidget toy!!!
They’re called squeezamals and they can be found on Amazon, at Wal-Mart, and at Target!!! They best way I can describe it is a cloth covered stress ball shaped like an animal. It’s super mushy, soft, and makes no noise! Took one into my college exam and my psychologist appointment to mush and squish...just amazing! And if you want one but even more discreet than the fist sized one, they have minis on little keychain hooks that are the size of a golf ball! My mom even took mine and after smushing it a couple of times decided she got now she has a pig! I bought the penguin as a backup in case my bat dies or gets lost. Target has special ones like the blue sloth and unicorn and Amazon is the only place I’ve seen the zebra. (I got my bat from Claire’s as part of the Halloween Squeezamals line) pictured below.
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Happy Halloween everyone, hope your evening was SUPER!!!
~ The Incredible Aspie
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Okay, I have a question and feel free to not answer of you aren't comfortable or don't have the spoons. I am currently pre-med (sophomore in undergrad) and I'm hesitant about trying to get a professional dx because I'm afraid it might end up hurting my chances of greeting into Med school/ becoming a surgeon. I'm your opinion, is it worth getting a professional dx? There aren't alot of resources regarding the topic and I just wanted to get a little insight from someone in a similar situation.
By dx I am assuming you mean diagnosis…in which case no, it would not hurt your chances of getting into medical school or becoming a surgeon. I actually recommend getting a diagnosis because of the benefits you can receive like extra time on tests and/or a private place to take your exams. Also the company who administers the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) itself now offers accommodations on the MCAT!!! It does take a while though, so I recommend applying for the accommodations three months out before you register for your MCAT testing date. To get these though, you do need a professional diagnosis.
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My thoughts on tv’s The Good Doctor...
Within the first few minutes of the show, I thought “he’s behaving more like he has OCD rather than ASD” but the longer I watched, the more similarities I saw with how most high-functioning Aspies behave. I myself want to be a doctor, so the fact that this tv show has an Autistic person who is a doctor is very inspirational to me! I think Freddie Highmore has done a very nice job in portraying the disorder for someone who does not actually have it. His portrayal is realistic (though a bit dramatized because it is Hollywood...) and is aiken to Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock (highly accurate) rather than the goofy over-acted Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. I enjoyed the first episode as a whole, and look forward to episode two! I think my most favorite part that he is around my age (23-25ish) which is an age range that is hardly ever portrayed in movies and television shows as being on the spectrum.
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Organic Chemistry is NOT Disability Friendly
Hello Readers,
It’s the Incredible Aspie here, finally with an update for you. Everything up until this point for me in college has been fairly smooth sailing. The Disability Services Office at my University provides ASD students with extra time on exams, a separate quiet room to take the exam in, and allows us to bring in min dry erase boards, molecular modeling kits, fidget toys, food or drink, etc. for exams (just no cheat sheets, obviously). This semester I began the second to last class I need to be able to apply for Med School in 2018 and my last class in order to graduate this December; Organic Chemistry part One. Now, I am fully aware that at different schools, this class is taught in different ways. However, how my University structures/teaches the class is highly unfriendly to those with Learning Disabilities or Autism.
For starters, this is my only class this semester and it is overwhelming me completely, I have already done everything in my power to succeed here, including spending $50 on a paid tutor and meeting with free University tutors to no avail, watching countless Youtube videos, and reading Organic Chemistry for Dummies (I know, don’t judge me until you’ve been here though). Day one of this class I walked in and sat down waiting for the lecture class to begin, only to never hear a lecture at all. Instead, the Professor merely put trivia clicker questions up on the smart-board. I was extremely put-off by this, having NEVER in my entire educational life had a teacher/professor who didn’t actually lecture. I let it go because at the end of the class he said to watch the lecture videos he had posted on the school’s student website. I was actually excited by this, thinking I’d be able to re-watch the lectures over and over until things clicked! Wrong, The “lecture videos” are him reading the textbook along to a powerpoint. Sidenote: the textbook is practically unreadable due to the amount of Jargon they use and we are expected to complete 8 paragraph long annotations on it twice a week on a separate website from the school’s official student webpage.
All-together for this ONE CLASS we are required to complete tasks on...three different websites and show up to the physical class twice a week for the trivia questions (it has been three weeks now and he still has not lectured in class). As if these downfalls weren’t enough, Organic Chemistry is riddle with theories and abstract concepts, rules that all have exceptions to them, and structures that you can’t actually see with the naked eye so you’re forced to memorize how they look in 3D even though you’re given a 2D example of the same thing. I’m struggling hard with this any prayers or wishes for luck are welcome.
Hope to Post Again Soon!
#Autism#ASD#TheIncredibleAspie#Organic Chemistry#Autism in college#Disabilities#learning disabilities
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Trying Marmite, a popular british snack usually eaten on toast
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My lunch in Oxford England!!! I had pie on pi day!!!
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An Autism Debate in College
Recently I just completed an Honors College course where we had to debate against another student on assigned topics. I had to listen to a debate on Whether or Not Vaccines Cause Autism, and after listening to the debate I of course rebutted the sources of the Pro side that was trying to convince us it was true, after talking to her for a bit about certain debacles involving certain untrustworthy sources on ASD, she broke down in tears and told me she was a mom, had an autistic son, and didn’t believe a word she had said. This just goes to show you, you never know a person until to reach out, a thing I have learned as I got older. Sorry I’ve been behind on posts, schoolwork has taken over my life. I love my readers and PROMISE I’ll start posting again!!! Thanks for hanging in there!!! And by the way, it’s official, I’M GOING TO ENGLAND!!! It will be my first time away from my parents for that long (about one and a half weeks) as well as my first time abroad!!!
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