The DAYlight Tour
418 posts
exploring Dance Art & YOGA- fuel for the soul!- across the country via a 1991 Winnebago Warrior.
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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MmMmmmmm gooOoodddd morningggg! I woke at 444. #Rise and #Shine, #YOGA. It feels sacred to drive to the #studio in the #dark and come out refreshed, the day to day world only beginning to #wake. #Life is what we make of it, all the choices, energies shared, for what purpose? reason? TO RAISE THE #VIBRATION. Art is our soul released into #physical form. Today is the first day the DAYlight Studiohhh opens. Come #play! 🤗 (at CorePower Yoga)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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We're shaping up over here. The #studio is looking #colorful. Ready for #ART! #Curating begins tomorrow. If you or someone you know would like to show a piece or two, or #crafts #artisan goods, stop by and say hi 7-9ish pm. Come one #come all. Its a #party! <3 (at The Hill - Boulder, CO)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Revelation: I am in the process of opening my #second #chakra so that i may move on to the #third, #forth, so on... #litUP Thought: the #power of #art to #motivate and #inspire a #higher way of living is very #real, same as #energy #work. #Healthy #Mind #Body #Spirit is the #ultimate #score. (at The Daylight Studiohhh)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Its a curious moment in time to me, that Taco #Bell is moving in next to #Taco #Junky and has a #crew of #men renovating on #corporate dollars. And i am a #girl with a #drill scheming #dollars and #sense out of what my #mind said is #right.. Build a #life for yourself, nobody else will. And bring along as many as whom believe in the #dream. We #rise by lifting others <3 #AmericanDream #theDAYlightStudiohhh (at Boulder, Colorado)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Its a curious moment in time to me, that Taco #Bell is moving in next to our locally owned #Taco #Junky and has a #crew of #men renovating on #corporate #funds. And i am a #girl with a #drill scheming #dollars and #sense out of what my #mind said is #right.. Build a #life for yourself, nobody else will. And bring along as many who believe in the #dream. We #rise by lifting others <3 #AmericanDream #theDAYlightStudiohhh (at Boulder, Colorado)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Its a curious moment in time to me, that Taco #Bell is moving in next to #Taco #Junky and has a #crew of #men renovating on #corporate dollars. And i am a #girl with a #drill scheming #dollars and #sense out of what my #mind said is #right.. Build a #life for yourself, nobody else will. And bring along as many others who believe in the #dream <3 #AmericanDream #theDAYlightStudiohhh (at Boulder, Colorado)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Every #journey begins with a single step. When the beginning is only the beginning. One must believe wholeheartedly in him/herself. If not then who will? Hi, my name is Alicia. I am a #visionary. <3 #DAYlightStudiohhh #dance #art #yoga #light #anARTrevolution (at The Hill - Boulder, CO)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Aw. What a #beautiful #practice #yoga is. The sharing of energies within a space. This morning i was so privledged to moving meditate along side Bonnie AND Heidi, TUNDE! guiding. A #powerhouse of beautiful #strong #sensitive #inspired and #inspiring beings. All of us front row in a line. <3 Its so curious how outside of the yoga studio we each individually live our days. Shit happens. We deal with whats thrown our ways, ideally with #grace. Nobody knows all the baggage we lug around, stress, risk, responsiblity, make it work at any cost. But together in yoga WE ARE ONE! Its the #magic of the #ancient practice. We were asked to introduce ourselves to someone we didnt know at the beginning of class. I met a #man whom was there with his #wife. They come every Tues/Thurs after dropping their #daughter off at school. Adorable! Itd be a #dream come true to share my #love of yoga with a significant other. And so powerful! No other space is so #pure and #free, connecting mind body spirit not only to one another but also infinitely to the #universe and the core of the #earth simultaneously. Envision it. I was reminded of this pic recently. It was taken at the tail end of Harts N Crafts in 2014. I see the exhaustion in my face but also content #happiness. I cant wait to have this rewarding feeling back on this second go around of #business ownership, this time with 12 years of experience, a consistent daily yoga practice for #grounding and #openness, and a #community full of love and support. Life keeps getting better and better. We're in it together. #Namaste! (at CorePower Yoga)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Whats a #girl to do when its 321am, cant sleep, lies awake- #art maybe, #yoga, #meditate.. backdown on the floor of her new #boutique #gallery wondering how #life will change day by day. It is what it is. Ever #unfolding. When we feel other #souls our #positive #energies they #bloom and #prosper. #Peel away the #layers <3 (at Boulder, Colorado)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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The #SUPER #MOON of 2017 revealed herself entirely last night. Yesterday morning i dropped this #egg on the floor as i was making "breakfast" tacos for lunch. At the time they seemed symbolically the same. Today i sign the lease on my new #retail space at 1144 13th on the hill in #Boulder. Its directly below my loft apartment. #Dream come true! I had no idea this would all fall into place a week ago. Back then i thought i was moving back to #Austin TX to be a #housewife and make #babies. Hahhahahha. Not kidding. Life blows my #mind. Over and over and over. Do you know #artists who would like to sell their goods? Send them my way please! The #DAYlight Studios coming soon. ☉ (at The Hill - Boulder, CO)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Get yourself grounded and you can weather any #stormy #road in #peace... with #grace. #Yoga this morning, amazing!!!!! The rhythm of our bodies and minds. Im fighting a headcold in my nose and throat and cut last nights activities short. Chose bed in leui of visiting coworkers, and laid there feeling guilty about not going until i received messages upon waking saying its totally ok and they understand completely. NBD. No Big Deal!!! What we choose to emphasize resides in our own minds. Guilt cures nothing. All of life unfolds as its intended, forward motion always. So this morning i woke, still with a dry cough, but sans alarm at a little before 7am feeling fresh. Id wanted to go to 730 yoga, the beautiful Monique teaching. And am. Did... I know its a component to healing myself, currently moreso physically thab emotionally or  spiritually. Sweat it out. Move. Breathe. Such a magical practice. We focused on feet. Grounding. Feeling secure in ourselves whatever may come our way. Ive never taken a class where so much presidence was placed on toes! Yummmm. They carry our weight, makes sense to give our feet some love. The look of surprise and joy in someone's eyes when they see you for the very first time... awwwww! Id snuck past Monique upon scanning in and at the beginning of class when she saw us standing face to face, howd i get here, whered i come from. I lovvVvveeddd that moment so much. This trip has been so sweet! Reconnecting to a lifetime ago, a past me. Remembering what life was like here day to day and realizing ive journied down a new path. Boulder feels home. Travel gives us perspective. Excited that today i go back. But before, hours of adventure in texas still await me. GooOooodddd Saturdayyyy Morningggg! This is my #burger from last night at Hill's Cafe. I saved half for breakfast today. (at CorePower Yoga)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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Awwwwww. WHAT A GOOD DAY! SooOoooo busyyyyy is how i like things. By 1pm I'd practiced 2 hrs of yoga, caught up with two #girlfriends and met one new #baby Levi 😍 My second hour of #yoga was with Brendan Bell, not NOT to be forgotten. He gave me THE. MOST. AMAZING. #heart #opening #wheel assist to date. Spreading ones #wings, though it was never directly stated (and i appreciate), was a reoccurring theme. MmMmmmmm yesssSssss. With cuing poses, he was relentless. I swore by that far in half #pigeon was next, BUT NO, an entire next standing series starting with #cresent lunge went down. Too we flowed Sun B at leastttt 3 times. Wow wow WOW. I feel so open and relaxed, free. I loved reconnecting with #yogis and practicing again in my old home studio. A #sweet #soul #sister Sophia happened to be in class and when i opened my eyes to begin, her mat was positioned by mine. Middle center. Sharing and shifting, creating energies together. The power of yoga is real! ...."detox to retox"- a favorite quote from years ago i repeat here and there. After a 4 hour drive #home with #dad to Abilene it inevitably was #margarita and #game time. Parker approved, as shown here 🤗 (at Abilene, Texas)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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One thing i dont miss is Austin traffic. Id forgotten about it. Like so many other moments that have poofed from my memory. #Yoga #brain is a real thing. Know i NEEDED to see Caitlin and take a class of hers while im here, i went this morning at 715. Arrived one minute early and the last parking spot in the garage was waiting for me. Claas was on point. A good morning wake me up packed with of lots of opening poses. Especially the heart!!! Where at the very beginning we laid on our backs with a #block between our shoulders. YesssssSssss! Perfect! It was so nice to reconnect. And acter class i realized again how we met. Because id forgotten... that my duplex here was a part of #East #Austin #Studio #Tours and she happened to wandet in bc she loved Winnie parked out front. We chatted about it and i gave her a tour. Eventually when i moved to CO she let me park her at her mom's in #Denver for a bit. It was a #LIVESAVER. i dont honestly know what id have done without those few days of downtime for my brain to compute. Whats next. The theme of class in a way tied into this.... that the only courage that matters is moment to moment, a quote thats resonated w Caitlin for some time now. Step by step by step. Our convo arose when i mentioned to her my plans to open an #art #gallery #boutique on the hill in #Boulder. Word is out! Its all unfolding. <3 (at Austin, Texas)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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So curious. To practice $ #yoga w 20+ students 15+ years younger than me, legitimately. ALL. OF. THEM. Cute that i blend in. Sweet. Only w 7000ish extra days ahead of me. Experience is knowledge gained. Experience is knowledge gained. Experience. Gain. <3 (at Boulder, Colorado)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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More T
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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The struggle is real. I really must get out of #bed. Yoga in an hour, errands before... in other words, energy is shifting in the #cosmic #universe. Do you feel? 💫 My thoughts from last night's practice: To witness life as it unfolds. Unattached emotionally. Every moment of life happens with divine purpose. Imagine that. Each time we step onto the #yoga mat is an opportunity to shift perspective. Start fresh. All there is is HERE AND NOW. Present tense. Presence. I love the ease in which Laura leads class. I love the opportunity to practice along side Bonnie's #grace and #beauty. I love #love simply. May this practice continue to alleivate suffering is statement with which class ended. Yes. Our layers of bound budded #petals open naturally with time until we are #flowers in full #bloom is imaginery i find suiting. 🌻 (at Boulder, Colorado)
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thedaylighttour-blog · 7 years ago
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I very much appteciate when the #universe speak loud and clear. I found both of these notes individually this morning after wiping the slate clean and rebooting my mind at #yoga. The back of the other card reads: "you have come from a place to which you will return, and you have not come empty handed" In class kenda asked on multiple occasions, what does your heart desire. Listen to your #heart. It knows the way. I feel like i know this, and do. Also, avoid anticipation. Of which as of late i havent necessarily. Ive been eagerly awaiting my #trip back to #austin for the first time in over a year since i booked the #flight two weeks ago. I leave on wednesday. Go with the flow. <3 (at CorePower Yoga)
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