The Indescribable System
37 posts
Indescribable? Yeah, Indescribable sadness
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-indescribable-system · 2 years ago
literally no one gets it
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the-indescribable-system · 2 years ago
Does anybody get in that mood where if you don’t absolutely destroy your life in the next 5 minutes you’ll spontaneously combust
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the-indescribable-system · 3 years ago
Updated one cause a lot has changed since I/we posted this!
1) 26 or 27 i think? ish?
2) L... Is the youngest and i guess Vee would be the oldest
3)Oh yeah most of us are friends with each other the closest tho are probably zoe and jordan
4) A few but they’re complicated to explain
5)The Vitae system. (It’s just the life system but in latin)
6) Yeah mostly mcyt’s rn unfortunately but also Jane Doe from Blindspot
7) Like a house with a forest behind it on a completely empty street in the middle of no where
8) Everyone has kinda their own room but only a few have their own area
9) Mm the kitchen and library aren’t really used anymore
10) The attic. I stay out of there
11)Cloak, Jordan, and I hate(Zoe) being in the inner world. Going in freaks out kayla so she always stays near the front and the rest are okay with it
12)Most of our fictives dont front
13)I’m not sure i don’t really go in. whatever they want I guess
14) Most of us are pagan but other then that nope
15)Me(Zoe), Charlie, Jordan, Cloak front the most with Kayla almost always co fronting
16)No i don’t think so?
17)Outfits and aesthetics. also lunch plans not everyone wants to hang with the same friends
18)Yeah jordan and charlie sometimes lower their voices a little
19) The view /j Probably the sun sets that happen sometimes. Most of the time they’re just random
20)The attic, the basement, the bathrooms, and Zander (f*ck that guy)
21) “Cloak and zephyr sitting in a tree k i s s i n ahhhh” mm idk it’s funny to me!
-Charlie and Zoe!
Multiple System Ask Meme
1) How many system members are there?
2) Youngest member? Oldest?
3) Any friendships within the system?
4) Any relationships within the system?
5) Does your system have a name?
6) Any fictives or factives in the system?
7) What does the headspace/inner world look like? Is it just one building/area, several, or more?
8) Do members have separate rooms/areas? Does anyone share a room?
9) Any unused rooms/areas?
10) Unexplored rooms/areas?
11) Who likes/dislikes being in the headspace/inner world?
12) Any members who never leave the headspace/inner world?
13) What do members do in the headspace?
14) Is anyone religious? What are their religions?
15) Who cofronts the most often (what group/pair)?
16) Are there any otherkin in the system?
17) What is something that system members have very different opinions on?
18) Does anyone talk with a different voice in the outer world? In the inner world?
19) Favourite part of the inner world/headspace?
20) Least favourite part of the inner world/headspace?
21) Running jokes within the system?
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the-indescribable-system · 3 years ago
omg i’m alive ayo who made this account and when let’s go!
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
Reblog this if you think DiD systems are valid.
Gonna show this shit to my dad and gonna punch him in the face with how many agree with us.
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
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This white woman’s shocking account of police brutality reveals the importance of the #BlackLivesMatter movement
Molly Suzanna shared a story on Facebook that she had never told before: when she was 19, she ran a red light while crying, then was pulled over and forcefully removed and beaten by a police officer. She explains in the letter that she believes her situation would have been even worse had she been black — and she ends the letter with an important call to action.
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
I pity the demons  torturing me in hell since I have this neat trick,
* disassociates until numb *
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
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“It’s not in the budget”
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
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i’m counting at least four dead giveaways and another obvious cop
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
TRAYVON MARTIN was walking home with an iced tea and Skittles. He was shot by George Zinneman, who was found not guilty.
KEITH SCOTT was sitting in a car, reading. He was shot by a police officer, who was not charged.
ATATIANA JEFFERSON was looking out her window, and was shot by a police officer, who is still under indictment for murder.
JONATHAN FERRELL was asking for help after an auto accident. He was shot twelve times by police, case ended in mistrial.
JORDAN EDWARDS was riding in a car and was shot in the back of the head by a police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
STEPHON CLARK was holding a cell phone, and was shot 8 times, 6 in the back. The officers were not charged.
AMADOU DIALLO while taking out his wallet, 41 shots were fired by four different officers. They were all acquitted.
RENISHA MCBRIDE after an auto accident, she knocked on someone’s door for help. The homeowner was found guilty of second-degree murder.
TAMIR RICE was playing with a toy gun, and was shot by police officer arriving on scene. Officer was not charged.
SEAN BELL was hosting a bachelor party. 50 rounds were fired by police officers who were found not guilty of charges.
WALTER SCOTT was pulled over for brake lights, and was shot in the back by a police officer who pleaded guilty to civil rights violations.
PHILANDO CASTILE was pulled over and told officer he had a legally registered weapon in car. Officer acquitted of all charges.
AIYANA JONES was sleeping and was accidentally shot by an officer in a raid on wrong apartment. Officer cleared of all charges.
TERRENCE CRUTCHER needed help when his vehicle broke down. Was shot by a police officer who was found not guilty of manslaughter.
ALTON STERLING was selling CDs, and was shot at close range while being arrested. No charges filed.
FREDDIE GRAY was beaten to death by officers while being transported in police van. All officers involved were acquitted.
JOHN CRAWFORD was shopping at WalMart, holding a BB gun that was on sale—police officer was not charged for his murder.
MICHAEL BROWN was shot twelve times by an officer, including in the back. No charges filed.
JORDAN DAVIS was killed because he was playing loud music. Shooter found guilty of first-degree murder.
SANDRA BLAND was pulled over for traffic ticket; was tasered and then arrested. Suspicious “suicide” while in jail. No charges.
BOTHAM JEAN was fatally shot in his home, which female officer ¿mistook for her own? (Which I’ll never understand.) Officer found guilty of murder.
OSCAR GRANT was handcuffed and placed face-down, officer then shot him in the back. Officer found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
COREY JONES was waiting by his car which was broken down, and was shot three times by police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
AHMAUD AUBREY was jogging. He was shot by two racist men who claimed they suspected him of burglaries. Both men were charged with murder and aggravated assault.
GEORGE FLOYD was suspected of alleged fraud. He handcuffed and pinned to the ground by an officer’s knee. He begged for mercy and he was ignored.
ERIC GARNER: Stopped for selling cigarettes on a nyc street and choked by a cop in broad daylight. Complications of the stress put on his throat by the hold caused his death; Openly said “I can’t breathe” several times and pretty much died while three other cops watched their compatriot kill a man. Eric was well known for just trying to sell goods as a side hustle and never actually hurt anybody.
DJ HENRY was fatally shot in his car by police officer Aaron Hess in the early morning hours of Oct. 17, 2010. DJ's passengers say they were doing nothing wrong when Hess ran out in front of them in the road. Hess says he only fired because he was in fear for his life. Hess later admitted to lying on multiple occasions after DJ’s death about the shooting.
These were all murders. They were not accidental. All of these innocent people: men, women AND children. Were murdered because they were black. Not because they were violent. Not because they were threatening, but because they were black. Something has to change. We have to MAKE a change. Black lives matter. Black men. Black women. Black children. Non-Binary blacks. Trans blacks. Every single one of their lives matter. Your friends. Your neighbors. Your teachers. Your brothers. Your sisters. We are the change.
this list isn’t even close to a being a quarter of the wrongful African American deaths in America and if there is anyone you’d like me to add please message me. I will gladly add them because people deserve to know their names.
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
*this is more of a vent post then anything else*
Physical abuse is not the only kind of abuse. Emotional abuse, financial abuse, etc. Those all exist. And they’re bad too. All trauma is valid. Just because you weren’t punched, kicked, etc. does not mean that you weren’t manipulated, neglected, or made to feel less worthy of love. All abuse survivors are so strong and amazing and worthy of love. No matter the types of scars. - C
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
My parents didn't abuse me, but when I was young and excited and wanted to show them something I'm passionate about, they got snappy at me for disturbing them while they're working.
My parents didn't abuse me, but ever since I was a young child I had to make my own meals when I'm hungry.
My parents didn't abuse me, but on weekends they'd wake up at 11am and didn't allow me to wake them up earlier so I didn't get to eat until 12 when we had a family lunch.
My parents didn't abuse me, but my dad would tickle me until I'm screaming at him and kicking him to stop, and then would get upset that I used violence against him.
My parents didn't abuse me, but when I was irrationally upset about a problem instead of comforting me they would tell me why I don't need to be upset.
My parents didn't abuse me, but they never knew my friendships at school were toxic and painful.
My parents didn't abuse me, but when they found out I was c*tting myself they threatened to hospitalise me if I don't tell them when I do it and confiscated everything sharp I had. They didn't care why I was doing it and try to solve it, they just made me afraid of doing it.
My parents didn't abuse me, but they've never offered me a nice random snack just to give me a little treat in case I was hungry.
My parents didn't abuse me, but they've always forced me to go to family gatherings at least every other week even though I expressed going there makes me feel anxious, depressed, and self hatered.
My parents didn't abuse me, but they always commented on what I ate and didn't allow me to eat certain things because "they aren't healthy".
My parents didn't abuse me, but almost every conversation with their partners becomes a shouting match and when I tell them to stop arguing they laugh and say they aren't arguing, just debating.
My parents didn't abuse me, but when I expressed being upset about the amount of chores I have they told me that it's my part of living in their household, that they do way more chores than me, and that I have to do it.
My parents didn't abuse me, but when I ask them to do something for me, like bring me a spoon for example, they say "what, can't you get up and do it yourself?".
My parents didn't abuse me, but they made me feel like the most valued thing about me is my good grades.
My parents didn't abuse me. They never hit me, or verbally attacked me, or took away my rights. They always loved me, and cared for me, and had good intentions. Yet I am still traumatized.
I still feel trapped at home. I still despise being with my extended family. I still feel unable to communicate with my parents. I still feel scared of them. I still feel guilty asking for anything. My home still feels cold, and my family feels loveless.
Don't assume you know people's stories. Don't assume you know what trauma looks like. Don't discard people's experiences just because they're different than yours.
My experiences are real. My trauma is real. My symptoms, and disorders, and pain, are all real.
I am traumatized. My childhood didn't feel safe. I never had a place of comfort. Just because my experiences don't fit what you think is required for trauma, doesn't mean I can't be traumatized.
Don't assume things about people you don't know.
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
Our mother found our book that we wrote about the system in to cope and now she knows we’re a system. Fucking shit. I want to cry and fade away into nothingness.
- C & Kaylee
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
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((The ability to appreciate and evaluate human aesthetic is not determined by your sexuality))
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the-indescribable-system · 5 years ago
dealing with people who are spacing out
DON’T: -hit them -yell at them -wave in their face in excess
DO: -say their name once or twice -tap them gently and if they don’t respond, -wait patiently for them to snap back into reality
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