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Sophie. Huge advocate of the body positivity movement. Vowing to love and accept myself in all my glory.Owner and creator of moloneymakes. Check me out on instagram and etsy.
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We're going to Edinburgh!!!! First stop airport picnic 🙌🏻✈️ #edinburghfringe #girlgang #birthdaygirl #bestfriends (at Bristol Airport)
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Forever a poser, but I feel like a princess today 👸🏼
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Throwback to that time my body made me smile. Falling in love with my body is such a hard and bumpy road, but I appreciate it so much more these days. Surrounding myself with a variety of bodies and people with bright bright minds and valuable words has been key to unlocking the fatphobia that has been carved into my brain. Understanding that objectively every body is beautiful, that my body just is, that it is just one teeny tiny part of my life... it opens doors. Do I want to be a slave to diet culture? Do I want to cry when my body bloats or when I eat too much sugar than my body needed? Do I want to turn down *insert food here* because I'm 'being good' even though I reeeeally fancy it? Do I want to feel like I am not worthy just because my favourite jeans are pretty much unwearable now because it's uncomfortable to do anything but stand in them? NO! Bloody hell life is too short. If you want that donut on a Friday GET ONE! If you end up coming home from work exhausted and end up ordering food or sticking a microwave meal in because the thought of cooking is too much, that's okay! If you ended up eating out for lunch 4 times this week GREAT! I really hope you enjoyed each and every meal and you picked something that really appealed to you in the moment. And, if you ate a really crappy meal that didn't seem 'worth it', or if you ordered a pizza and ate the whole thing despite being full with two slices to spare, or your body feels a bit gross because it hasn't seen a piece of fruit all week.... seriously who the fuck cares??? I don't want to spend so much time thinking about my body, about thinking about food, about placing worth on body parts or the composition of my lunch. I want to spend time creating good habits, I want to work on my business and make that something to be proud of, I want to read more books, I want to restart learning Italian because it's been a very long 5 months since I last sat down and studied, I want to learn to be more kind and less selfish, I want to learn to take a step back and stop being centre of attention, I want to write more and BE more. Fuck it. I just want to live. #antidiet #edrecovery #recovery #selflove
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Your circle of friends must match your own aspirations and dreams, or you will find little support when you need it most.
(via kushandwizdom)
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We must bring our own light to the darkness.
Charles Bukowski (via wordsnquotes)
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Struggling with life at the moment. I have no idea what has happened. The weekend was so happy and good But now I have crumbled. I'm feeling so low. My anxiety is flaring up. I am finding it hard to eat mindfully which is aggravating my ED thus making it even harder to try and eat properly. I don't even know what's happening. I couldn't even run, got in about 2 miles but my heart wasn't in it one bit. I feel sad, unmotivated, apathetic. I just can't be bothered. I don't want to do anything. I just want to hide away. I don't want to feel like this, but at the same time I don't want to do anything 😂 Seriously.
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Some people will never fit into your life, no matter how much you want them to.
Anonymous  (via wordsnquotes)
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This is why #breakfast is my favourite 😍 Poached #eggs and #avocado with mushrooms and beans on a bed of spinach. Accompanied by a #pastry and an almond #flatwhite Kind reminder that breakfast is SUPPOSED to fill you up. Breakfast can be a big meal. Breakfast is what gives you energy to get through the morning. Breakfast is essential! (And second breakfasts are even better 😉) #edrecovery #recovery #antidiet #coffee #barista #coffeelife
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My mind and body deserve to be treated better.
Affirmation of the day.  (via recoveryisbeautiful)
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All of us fight hidden, silent battles against not being good enough, not having enough and not belonging enough.
Brené Brown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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Your eating disorder will always be there but the thing is you need to counter with something. It’s always going to be a part of your life but it doesn’t have to be your whole life.
Something my therapist said today (via hopeful-journey)
I am SO thankful that I am now in a position where my ED is only a small part of my life now. It's such an incredible feeling ☺️
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Went for 4 #weetabix for #breakfast this morning. Felt comforting which is fitting given the greyness outside today!
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Boy, I can finally say I see through you Boy, I can finally say I don't need you Okay, some tiny embers still burn But for you my heart no longer yearns. Sure your face is such a lovely sight, But after all these months I've seen the light You talk the talk, but can't walk the walk For goodness sakes you make me gawk. Empty words hold a one source feeling Lucky for me, I've had time to be healing I'm no longer in that awful place I'm able to handle you with grace. At one time, dating you filled me with anxiety Obviously we were not meant to be Tonight I'm letting go of that weight Baby my worth is far too great I deserve so much more than you were able The best thing I did was lay my cards on the table It was nice to see you, but we had our time You missed out, that's it. Now you're just a rhyme.
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Today me and my best best friend @aliceandpeanutbutter finally ran our 10k Race for Life together. Here we are showing off our 2017 medals in all our pink face glory in front of a marvellous backdrop of bread! I wrote a poem celebrating the occasion. Title not yet known. - - - 'Pounding the pavements for roughly 6 miles, Each stride taken widens our smiles As we think about the cause that we are supporting Cancers' progress we are thwarting. An hour chatting about all manner of things Embracing each challenge that this run brings. Liberated (and sweaty) we shed our shirts Proudly showcasing 'WE'RE BODY POSI CONVERTS!' Tops off, we run feeling breeze on our skin Tops off, we run feeling happy within The sun shines brightly, my breathing becomes strained About 5 miles in energy's drained. But determination and perseverance prevails After all, we are two SUPER females! We meet our target and embrace and cheer Cancer, we're closer to cure each year. A huge thank you to all of those who donated You've made two ladies extremely elated. But enough about us for this last line It's our two dear heroes whom really shine' ❤️ #raceforlife #cancerresearch #cancerresearchuk #cancersucks #poem #running #runner
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Small reminder that recovery is worth it. Small reminder that recovery is possible. Small reminder that YOU are capable. YOU CAN DO THIS AND YOU WILL.
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JEALOUSY: SET YOURSELF FREE. Jealousy is a most ugly trait. Discontentment's aroused, resentment is great. And whilst at first the feeling is small, my mind becomes foe in no time at all. The cupboard of insecurity's unlocked The confidence I desperately seek is rocked. To the green eyed monster I fall prey, It's hard to keep the thoughts at bay. At once I'm hit with a surge of emotion As 'those' pesky thoughts are dealt a promotion. A mixture of toxicity; envy and sadness. Anxiety, fear and anger; it's madness! The beliefs create a sense of doubt, inadequacy. Bitter spite rises like vomit inside of me. My entire being becomes full to the brim. It becomes me, I become it, how grim! I need help, I am utterly consumed If I continue along this path, I'm doomed! This unbearable longing for who I desire to be Why? When their traits are no reflection of me? A persons beauty is no absence of my own, Neither their success leaves mine unknown. But delve a little deeper and it all becomes clear Jealousy's at work exploiting our fear. It's apparent a larger issue's at fault Because I promise you you are worth your salt. The problem is buried in a tangled web of scrutiny and evaluation. I fear it's an epidemic that is sweeping the nation. I promise you, you are a ten out of ten This I will tell you again and again And again and again until you truly believe There are no limits to the wonders you can achieve. Dwelling on your demons will only destroy Comparison is the thief of far more than joy. So I'll leave you with this; a message from me Embrace who YOU are and set yourself free!!! #poem #poetry #words #jealousy #envy
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