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HERO瑪爾濟斯游泳-[竹北/新竹狗狗游泳池]享受生活~適合大小型犬的專屬透明泳池【竹北寵物旅館–Good Day–狗狗游泳】貓旅館、寵物美容「...
#youtube#為了維護品質環境本館犬房只收10隻 貓咪在二樓採不被打擾優質住宿空間 竹北寵物旅館 竹北寵物游泳 ※寵物游泳-採恆溫泳池〞寶貝通過游泳-可提高肌肉力量,也是對寵物身體負擔最小的#HERO瑪爾濟斯游泳-[竹北/新竹狗狗游泳池]享受生活~適合大小型犬的專屬透明泳池【竹北寵物旅館–Good Day–狗狗游泳】貓旅館、寵物美容
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Daily life 11. 8. 2024 | Take a rest in the morning - A New hotel nikko kaohsiung opening in November, near by my studio just walking for 1000 steps to get there. Pretty nice there what I love her the way design & display of art in the lobby. and 又多了一個地方讓我可以『逃亡』. lol
When I was a young girl (20 yrs old/amost 40 yrs ago hahaha terrible O my old) my favorite books of one. but I never touch this book once for a very long time, maybe my life so hard; the day I was starting reread this book:
「叛逆的靈魂 (奧修自傳) Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic」
by 奧修 Osho/ Rajneesh (रजनीश चन्द्र मोहन जैन 1931-1990 Indian godman, philosopher, mystic and founder of the Rajneesh movement.) 奧修國際資訊中心網址:www.osho.com
📌 Drawn from nearly five thousand hours of Osho's recorded talks, this is the story of his youth and education, his life as a professor of philosophy and years of travel teaching the importance of meditation, and the true legacy he sought to leave behind: a religionless religion centered on individual awareness and responsibility and the teaching of "Zorba the Buddha," a celebration of the whole human being.
˗ˋˏ ♡ღ ˎˊ˗ 第9章 - 性師父 (SEX GURU) p. 134-138 in English 👍
問: 曾有人寫過你的事,說你是鼓吹「免費的性」的師父, 報導還指出你的交心團體裡曾發生男女濫交的事情, 這是真的還是假的? 你是否在控制人們的心智?
答: 請問你認為性是應該付費的嗎? 難道它不該是免費的? 難不成你還要為它付錢嗎? 對我來說, 性是單純、美好、自然而然的現象。如果有兩個人享受彼此的能量, 沒有人有權利干涉。說「免費的性」暗示著你希望性也成為日用品, 日用品是要花錢去買的:你不是花錢向妓女買一個晚上,就是向太太買一輩子, 反正性得花錢買就對了。 是的, 我主張性是免費的。我相信每個人天生都擁有權利去分享性、陶醉在性裡面, 性會為你帶來許多樂趣, 沒有什麼好嚴肅的。那些說我在倡導「免費的性」的人真的很悲哀, 他們是性壓抑的一群人。
��� 摘自與《早安美國報〉(Good Morning America)
記者肯恩·卡希瓦哈拉(Ken Kashiwahara)的專訪
▪︎ 我常告訴你,從性到超意識是有可能的,而你聽了很高興,因爲你只聽到「從性」,沒聽到「到超意識」。
▪︎ 爲了讓你意識到生命中有些更高超、更美好的事,爲了讓你知道生命中還有更狂喜、更高潮的事,這是唯一的辦法。 性只是一個開端,不是結尾。你將它視為開端並沒有任何不對,如果你執著於它,那你就開始走錯了。
▪︎ 唯有透過靜心,你將能了解我一直對你說的。這不是爭辯就可以裁決的,只有經由你自身的靜心、了解與覺知才能決定。
▪︎ 我從沒教過人「免費的性」,我所教的是「性的神聖」。我向來就認爲,性不該從愛的範疇降級到法律的範疇。當你愛一個女人的理由是因爲她是你太太,而不純粹因爲你愛她,這就是一種賣淫,一種合法的賣淫。我相信愛,如果兩個人相愛,他們可以因爲愛而住在一起,當愛遠走的時候,他們就該從容地分手。
(🤸♀️ yes! woof woof 🐕🦺 )
#chu lan#beautiful life#朱蘭皮藝#fine craft artist#leather art artist#hotel nikko kaohsiung#yeah 👍#💗#osho#叛逆的靈魂 (奧修自傳)#autobiography of a spiritually incorrect mystic#reread book 📖#take a rest in the morning#daily life#oriental#minimalism#design
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My Journey in Learning Bagua Zhang
In the traditional martial arts world, especially in Tai Chi, it is expected to use Laozi's Tao Te Ching phrase "The highest good is like water" to describe the inclusive and transformative nature of martial arts power. In fact, if we apply the philosophy of water to any form of Chinese martial arts, it makes sense. For example:
• Baji Quan is like a thunderstorm,
• Pigua Zhang is like a windstorm,
• Praying Mantis Quan is like a sudden rainstorm,
• So, what about Bagua Zhang? It is like a dense fog!
My experience with Bagua Zhang comes from my grandmaster, Liu Yunqiao. Before that, I had also learned about the 64 palms of Bagua Zhang elsewhere. At that time, I did not understand it, and after learning it, I forgot almost everything. I still remember the first time I learned Bagua Zhang, from the initial excitement and joy before learning it to the later disappointment and frustration. This significant psychological shift made me resent "Bagua" for many years. I thought Bagua Zhang was just about spinning in circles to confuse the enemy (actually, it was me who got confused), a fancy, complicated, and impractical martial art. One day after I joined Wutan, the martial arts center in Taipei, Grandmaster Liu saw me practicing Baji Quan and suddenly said, "You should learn Bagua Zhang; it will absolutely help you." My first reaction was, "Oh no, not this again!" But I dared not disobey my master. I thought, "It's okay. It's just spinning in circles again." However, when I encountered this unusual Bagua Zhang passed down from our grandmaster Gong Baotian, I was utterly convinced and finally understood what Bagua Zhang truly is. This feeling reminded me of when I first came to the United States to study in 1974. My Italian American roommate asked if I had ever eaten pizza. I replied that I had, but it wasn't delicious. He said he would show me authentic Italian pizza. True to his word, after I tried the pizza he introduced, I completely changed my view and fell in love with traditional Italian pizza. My passion for Bagua Zhang grew in the same way.
Bagua Zhang seems shrouded in a mysterious veil or like a dense fog to outsiders. Compared to some ancient martial arts with hundreds or thousands of years of history, Bagua Zhang is merely a baby in traditional martial arts. However, it should not be underestimated; it inherits the core philosophy of Chinese martial arts culture. It possesses the finest martial arts DNA, absorbing the essence of various martial arts styles. Years of practicing, teaching, and researching Bagua Zhang have made me deeply respect the experience and wisdom of the Bagua Zhang predecessors.
Next time, I will begin to write about the principles and techniques of our school’s Bagua Zhang.
傳統武術界尤其是太極拳喜歡用老子道德經的 ”上善若水”來形容武術的勁道如水一般的包容與變化,其實如果我們將水的哲學應用到任何一種中國拳術都講得通,例如:
我的八卦掌是來自師爺劉公雲樵。在這以前也曾在別處學過八卦64掌。 學時不知所云,學後遺忘殆盡。猶記得第一次學八卦掌,由學之前的激動與喜悅,到後來的灰心失望,那種心理大幅度的轉變,使我多年望“卦”生厭.認為八卦掌不過是轉轉圈,讓敵人昏頭 (其實是我昏頭) 一種花俏,複雜又不切實際的武術。加入武壇後有一天師爺看我練習八極拳,突然說道:“你應該學學八卦掌,那對你有絕對的幫助.”。我當時第一個反應是“天啦,怎麼又是它!” 但師命不敢不從, 我心想:“沒事,不過是再回到轉圈而已”。 那知道當我接觸到本門傳自宮師祖寶田的八卦掌後我徹底地心服口服,才開始知道什麼是八卦掌。那種感覺使我想起1974年當我初來美國留學時,我的意大利後裔室友曾問我吃過披薩嗎? 我的回答是吃過但不怎麼好吃。他說我帶你見識真正的意大利式披薩。誠不我欺, 我吃過他介紹我的那家披薩後,從此對披薩改��。 進而愛上傳統的意大利披薩。我對八卦掌的愛戀亦復如此。
外人看八卦掌像是蒙了一層神秘的面紗 或是看不清楚前方的濃霧, 其實,八卦掌是比起一些動徹就是幾百幾千年歷史的老拳種,它不過是個傳武中的小嬰兒,然而絕不能小看它,它繼承了中國武術文化的中心思想。 它有著最優良的武術DNA, 吸取了各家武術的營養。多少年來對八卦掌的練習,教學與專研,使我我深深地敬佩八卦先輩們的經驗與智慧。
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トライN1 - unit 1 grammar points
possibly against my better judgment, i started very lightly studying for n1 the other day! here are the explanations and sentences i copied from my textbook, along with new sentences i wrote myself for practice.
my sentence: 任天堂は80年代からファミコンを皮切りに、誰も自宅で楽しめるゲームコンソールを作り始めた。
〜とあって=特別な〜なので、(普通/他と違う状況になる)」 (positive tone)
my sentence: バンゴッホの絵が出展されてきたとあって、あの美術館で開場から長い列ができていた。
AならではのB/BはAならではだ=「Aだけが持つ特別なBだ」 (positive tone)
my sentence: 甘さと柔らかさが有名なロクムは、トルコならではのおいしいデザートだ。
my sentence: 霧が立ち込めた湖は、晴れの日にもまして美しく見えた。
my sentence: この上級の教科書は、敬語に至るまで様々な細かいトピックが含まれている。
my sentence: このコーデは、アクセサリーからして各部分がデザイナーにじっくり選ばれたみたいだ。
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Long hair Nano
Does robot girl Nano have the ability to grow hair?
For 美容室の日 / Hair Salon Day
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Pingxie/Xieping Chinese Fic Recs
Part 8
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
1. Where everyone gets poisoned by a lovebug and fall for Wu Xie
2. Super cute Vampire!Xiaoge and Embalmer!Wu Xie au
4. Even the zombies and forbidden women ship Pingxie
5. Wu Xie's headspace as he gets old and people start passing away
6. Xiaoge sees Wu Xie sleeping in discomfort covered in mosquito bites. E rated.
7. A 5 chap collection of Pingxie being sticky and sweet with each other
8. New Year's day Yucun with iron triangle and Xiaohua, a warm and fuzzy read
9. Slice-of-life style snippet where Pingxie climb a mountain to catch the sunrise, meet new generation youths from Zhejiang university.... just warm and peaceful settled-in vibes
10. A lovely genderbent Pingxie GL that is also E rated!!! Liked it a lot. You get to imagine ZQL wearing a braid and using it like a whip heh
11. A gentle, comfortable short story where Pingxie go on a lil shopping spree.
12. A collection of non-explicit Pingxie shorts, taking place after the Ten Years, containing themes like first kiss, introspection, intimacy and Yucun cottagecore
13. Wu Xie decides to build a fireplace in their Yucun home
14. Where Wu Xie returns from abroad for Pangzi's wedding with a boyfriend who's not really compatible with him, and then reunites with his deskmate Zhang Qiling from high-school.
15. Where Xiao Wu says "I will marry a man if he's as perfect as a god in a poster" and the literal qilin god ZQL falls from sky to his lap😆Really fun fic.
16. Where Wu Xie gets transported into a universe where Xiaoge is living in peace with his mom, after having the thoat-slit accident. Very sweet and heartwarming read.
17. A non traditional A/B/O fic where Wu Xie and Xiaoge are both alphas, that narrative worked perfectly for the entire Post-Shahai Wu Xie being all "but I'm not that sweet and soft little kid anymore, I'm rough and jagged and bossy and gotta be generally very unappealing to Xiaoge" thing.
18. Pingxie try BDSM
19. Early 19's, Hong Kong, aspiring young writer Wu Xie and an intriguing sort-of a playboy Xiaoge, a series of passionate rendezvouses.
20. Li Cu visits Yucun, Wu Xie cares and worries from afar and does nothing to quell people's rumors that Li Cu is his son, and Xiaoge is very understanding.
See here for Non-Pingxie fic recs
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Chinese dress
「コンバンハ~🎵 今夜はチャイナガールの"愛菜"とマスターでトークをしようと思うのです❣」
『どうも、マスターです。 トークは苦手ですが、頑張って話していきたいと思います。 よろしくお願いします。』
「さて、今回のトークのお題なんですけど… "AI画像生成"と"オーダーメイドAI"の二本立てみたいです❣」
『また難しいお題で話をさせようとしてますねぇ…💧 正直、何を話そうか迷っちゃいますよ💦』
「ガンバ、ガンバ~🎵 では���まずは"AI画像生成"でトークをしましょうか。」
『そうですね~ では、"AI画像生成"を初めたきっかけについてお話をしようかな。』
「ほうほう、 それはちょっと興味深いですね。」
「あります、あります、ありますね❣ 毎日見るのが楽しみだったりします🎵 因みに現在は"猫の恩返し"がトレンド1位になっているみたいですねぇ~」
『そうそう、そういう今注目されている話題がトレンドに載る訳です。 しかし、中にはトレンドに載らずに単発でバズる話題もある訳ですよ。』
『そうです。 実はボクがAIに興味を持ったのは、一年くらい前かな?バズり中のAI動画を見たのがきっかけなんです。」
『元となるダンサーの踊りをAI技術でキャプチャーしてアニメーションにした動画だったんですけど、京アニでも苦戦しそうなほどにヌルヌルと動くその映像に衝撃を受けたからなんですね❣ その時、ボクは"AIの時代が来た"と確信しちゃったんですよ。』
『はい。 ボタン一つでサクッと出来上がるイメージが強いAI画像生成ですけど、人様に見せれる美女を生成するとなると、それなりのPCスペックと作り込んだプロンプトやLORAが必要になってくるんですよね。』
「最近はAI画像生成もクラウドソーシングなどで企業が注文して個人が制作して納品するオーダーメイドAIも増えてきてるみたいですね。 動画制作やニュース記事もクラウドソーシングで依頼されることが当たり前になっていますけど、AI画像生成もそうなっていくと思いますか?」 『もうなっているんじゃないですかね。 企業相手にAI美女などを制作してお金を稼いでいるクリエイターはけっこういるとボク個人は思っています。』
『やっぱり興味はありますよ。 ただ、仕事には納期があるのが常識なわけでして、別に仕事を持っているボクとしては時間との戦いになるですよねぇ…』
「なるほどな~ じゃあ、個人の方が依頼してきたら作ってあげるんです?」
『作りますよ、有償になっちゃいますけどね。 でも、個人の方でAI美女に興味がある方は自分で作っちゃうんじゃないかな~⁉ 最近はスマホアプリでも無料で簡単に作れるようになっていますからね❣』
『でしょ⁉ AIはものすごい勢いで日常へ浸透してきているし、普及してますよ。 今年はAIがもっともっと身近なものへとなっていくんじゃないでしょうか。』
「そうですね。 私も誇らしいです🎵 じゃあ、最後に何か言いたいことはありますか⁉」
『書類を書くんですけど、渡航予定とかの欄もあるんですよ。 でも、ボクってサブスクSNSの運営が目的で発行するでしょ? 海外旅行なんて行くわけがないんですよ。 なのに、職員の方が聞いてくるんですよ、"どこに行くか決まっているんですよね"って』
『そうなんだよ。 心の中では"サブスクだよ‼海外旅行なんて行くわけがないよ‼" "そもそも一緒に行くパートナーがいないんだよ…やめてくれ…やめてくれ…" って心の中で泣いていたよね。 パスポートの発行で心の中で泣くことになるとは夢にも思わなかったね。 渡る世間は鬼ばかりだ。』
「じゃあ、今回はこれくらいにしたいと思います。 長々とお話しいただき有難う御座いました❣」
"Good evening~ 🎵 Tonight, I'm planning to have a talk with the China girl 'Aina' at the bar!"
"Hello, I'm Aina. I'm not good at talking, but I'll do my best. Nice to meet you."
"Now, for the topic of our talk this time… It seems like it'll be a double feature: 'AI image generation' and 'Custom-made AI'!"
"Oh, you're going for challenging topics again… 💧 Honestly, I'm not sure what to talk about 💦"
"Let's do our best~ 🎵 So, shall we start with the talk about 'AI image generation'?"
"Yes, let's. Let's talk about how I got into 'AI image generation'."
"Ah, that's quite interesting."
"You know about trends on X (formerly Twitter), right?"
"Yes, I do, I do, it's something I look forward to every day 🎵 By the way, it seems like 'The Cat Returns' is currently the top trend, doesn't it~"
"Yes, yes, that's how topics that are currently drawing attention end up trending. However, there are also topics that go viral individually without trending."
"You mean topics related to influencers and such, right?"
"Yes. Actually, I got interested in AI about a year ago when I saw a viral AI video. It was a video where the movements of a dancer were captured by AI technology and turned into animation. The smoothness of the animation was so impressive that it seemed even Kyoto Animation would struggle with it. That's when I became convinced that the 'AI era had arrived'."
"So, that's how you got interested in AI."
"And you've been doing it steadily since then."
"Yes. Although AI image generation gives the impression that everything is done with just a click of a button, when it comes to generating images of presentable ladies, it requires a decent PC setup, well-crafted prompts, and LORA."
"How often do presentable images come out?"
"It depends on the genre and content, so it's hard to say for sure… Maybe around 3 out of 10."
"It sounds quite challenging."
"Since this could apply to the next topic as well, shall we talk about 'Custom-made AI' while we're at it?"
"Yes, that's fine."
"Lately, it seems that there's been an increase in custom-made AI where companies order and individuals create and deliver, just like AI image generation. Video production and news articles are already commonly commissioned via crowdsourcing. Do you think AI image generation will also go in that direction?"
"I think it's already happening. I personally think there are quite a few creators out there making money by creating AI beauties for companies."
"It seems like it's more established as a business than one might think."
"Yes, it does."
"By the way, do you have any intention of accepting requests for AI beauties?"
"I am interested, of course. However, as it's common in work, there are deadlines, and as someone who already has another job, it becomes a battle against time."
"It sounds like you're short on time, huh…⁉💦"
"Yes, exactly. It means the number of projects I can take on is limited."
"I see… So, if an individual requested one, would you make it?"
"I would, but it would be a paid service. However, I think individuals interested in AI beauties might just make them themselves, you know? Nowadays, there are smartphone apps that make it easy and free to do so."
"Oh, I've seen articles about that!"
"Right⁉ AI is rapidly becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives and is becoming more prevalent. This year, I think AI will become even more familiar to us."
"Yes, indeed. I'm proud of it 🎵 So, do you have anything else you'd like to say?"
"Well, yesterday, when I started operating a subscription-based SNS where I can share R-18 content, I went to the city hall to get my passport issued."
"I see, I see."
"When filling out the forms, there's a section for travel plans and such. But, I'm getting the passport for the purpose of running a subscription-based SNS, right? I'm not going on a trip abroad. Yet, the staff still asks me, 'So, where are you going?'"
"They ask assuming you're going on a trip abroad, huh?⁉️"
"Yeah, that's right. In my mind, I was like, 'It's for a subscription! I'm not going anywhere abroad! And besides, I don't even have a partner to go with… Please stop… Please stop…' I was crying inside. I never thought I'd be crying inside while getting a passport issued. The world we live in is full of demons."
"Normally, people don't get a passport for reasons like that."
"Well, I think that's about it for this time. Thank you for the lengthy conversation."
"Thank you, too."
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New Office Interactions - Rei's relation
This is an archiving post from a Twitter thread. This will get updated regularly as I find more interactions in the future.
Rei is your truly Mr.Worldwide. Happy 180 cm man having more friends than his roommate.
Before you start...
This is a more refined version compared to the thread, I fixed my wording and mistakes. Also adding images and the original credits.
I don't put the characters in any order, everything is based on the uploaded day of the screenshots to determine whether the interaction is old or new.
It is said that some of the old interactions have been deleted from the game, the purpose of this post is to archive.
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures don't belong to me, and I own none. They rightfully belong to the person who uploads the screenshots and of course, Happy Element K. K.
© 2014-2019 Happy Elements K.K. 画像等の内容はハピエレ及び一部の投稿者を属しております。無断転載のためお許させていきただきます。削除されてほしい場合はTumblrやX(旧Twitter)などご連絡ください。
Rei's New Interactions
This is a new interaction. Images by どろしー @dorothyy7
Rei: Ritsu, do you want to go out with me? Ritsu: You think I want to go out with you...?
This is a new interaction. Images by しお @son873
Raika: I am so happy I am able to meet you. Rei: You don't need to be in awe like that.
This is a new interaction. Images by しお @son873
Rinne: Rei-chan doesn't drink alcohol huh? Rei: Though I might be good to enjoy some wine.
This is a new interaction. Images by サラン🌟 @SakurauSalan
Nagisa: ...Did you change your shampoo? Rei: You are the first one who realized that... ♪
This is a new interaction. Images by ちんあなご 🍅🥞 @nnn_t06
Rei: Where do you want the four of us to go? Kaoru: How about we try to contact and ask everyone?
This is a new interaction. Images by フェイ。(雪華) @_fe_i
Hinata: Yuuta-kun doesn't send me any reply. Rei: Me too, Ritsu only leaves me on read and ignores my messages too.
This is a new interaction. Images by ~🦇ひろあさ🍬~ @gekimucyu
Rei: Itsuki-kun is looking for you. Mika: We met just now, is there something wrong?
This is a new interaction. Images by しお @son873
Rei: Shall we go on a walk together? Tatsumi: Yes, let’s go together.
This is a new interaction. Images by かのん @kanon_lvri
Koga: Hey, let’s get on with our lesson quickly! Rei: Koga is as energetic as always, aren’t you?
This is a new interaction. Images by 🍗メス豚の嬢ちゃん🥞 @fieldans
Hokuto: I want you to come and watch our lesson. Rei: I look forward to seeing your growth ♪
This is a new interaction. Images by しお @son873
Rei: Might you have a chat with me for a little while? Midori: Eh, why me…?
This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Rei: Do you have any dissatisfaction when living in the dorm? Aira: Ahaha… I have nothing in particular.
Rei's Old Interactions
Images by 美緒☪︎ᡣ𐭩 @mio_nekura
Rei: If you are free, how about having a chat with me for a little bit? Keito: Fuh, if it is only for a while then fine.
Images by ゔぁろ @KarasU_6970
Rei: Is Hibiki-kun in good shape? Tomoya: ...Why are you asking me?
Images by 紅 @krni_en
Rei: You are so diligent, just like someone I know ♪ Souma: Who might you be speaking about?
Images by おさむ @gu_min_min
Rei: On our next recording, what should we talk about? Kaoru: How about we talk about our recent day off?
Images by とこりん @dr12v3tu12
Rei: I wonder where I put the document...? Koga: Ya for real... There, ain’t this the one?
Images by ネネ @neneansta
Rei: Can you tell me about Ritsu’s favorite brand of tea? Hajime: Of course~ I would be happy to tell you ♪
Images by ネネ @neneansta
Kiryu: Danna is looking for you just now. Rei: Fumu. I hope his talk will be something good.
Images by ネネ @neneansta
Rei: Are you relishing in the life of a college student? Nazuna: Yep, I have learned a lot of things.
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4k big size art
"At first glance, Toma looks like a woman, but his sex is male. However, even if you know he is a man, you can't help but admire his dignified beauty... The story has a scene in which he cuts his hair in the middle of the story, but his beauty is still intact.
Toma adores his older brother, Chobei, and tries his best for him. He is a very attractive character not only because of his beautiful appearance but also because of his inner strength and honesty."
- (From a JP article)
"How much does a younger brother feel for his older brother? As Chobei and Toma spend their time alone together in Shinsenkyo (Divine Paradise), Toma's devotion is on full display - and explodes. From bedding to meal preparation, his overflowing talent realizes the ultimate in “hospitality.
This is the story of two brothers who have never been told."
- (From a cut episode that was not included in the manga and anime, but which was written by the creator Yuji Kaku himself; Toma tells a small story about the days he and his older brother, Aza Choei, have spent together since childhood, told from Toma's point of view.
This is an episode that the author Yuji Kaku was unable to fully depict in the main story, and is a must-listen for fans of the Asa brothers.)
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yesstyle haul from april ❤︎ $66 ε(*´・ω・)з
i felt like sharing how i feel about the stuff i got! the price raise on yesstyle goes crazy compared to the true price in japan but i got stuff on sale + with coupon codes (use my rewards code here! or use EBHJPT for money off any YesStyle orders Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ)
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❤︎ Products *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`)
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クリアターン うるうるBOMBマスク (clear turn uruuru bomb face mask) ❤︎ $11.70 on YS, ¥527 in JP
❥ これが大好き hydrating asf it rlly lives up to the name, its for dry skin and it really helped plump my skin when i notice dehydration lines. it has ingredients such as white jellyfish extract, hyaluronic acid, amino acids & others and is very gentle, i have sensitive skin and this works wonders! it has so much serum too
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クリアターン ごめんね素肌 キニナルマスク (clear turn gomenne bare skin kinishinai mask) ❤︎ $11.70 on YS, ¥660-¥718 in JP
❥ another mask from the same brand i rlly like, this one is for acne breakouts using stuff like salicylic acid, licorice for anti inflammation, yokuinin calendula, niacinamide, lactic and amino acids, and vitamin C to take care of blemishes gently, it works really well on my sensitive skin, sometimes SA makes my skin react but this didn't! it works quite fast too
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ロート製薬 肌ラボ 極潤 ヒアルロン乳液 (hada labo gokujyun hyaluronic acid hydrating milk) ❤︎ $12.06 on YS, ¥868 in JP
❥ i need all the hydration i can get and this lotion/milk is amazing for that, it doesn't feel heavy or sticky to me and it soaks in very well, i like to layer it on depending on how much hydration i need. sometimes i wear another moisturizer on top but especially during the day this works great as a moisturizer on its own
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ファイントゥデイ資生堂 fino(フィーノ) プレミアムタッチ浸透美容液ヘアマスク (fino premium touch hair mask) ❤︎ $15.90 on YS, ¥752 in JP
❥ my hair gets so shiny with this mask and it helps make it a lot softer, i used it while also using rice water on my hair and my hair was the softest i've ever felt it, it smells so good too it feels like a nice salon product
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花王 ビオレUV アクアリッチウォータリーエッセンス (biore UV aqua rich watery essence sunscreen SPF 50+ PA+++) ❤︎ $15.40 on YS, ¥785 in JP
❥ i only tried this once so far since i haven't really been leaving the house so i cant give a full review but i like it so far, its not heavy to me but it does make me look quite shiny, but i think some setting powder would fix that issue easily
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資生堂 尿素10%クリーム チューブ (shiseido urea 10% hand & foot cream) ❤︎ $9.70 on YS, ¥906 in JP
❥ love this stuff, i get dry spots and this helps heal them pretty fast, definitely will be repurchasing
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mask fit red cushion foundation trial kit ❤︎ $1.00 on YS, ¥??? in JP
❥ i actually haven't tried this yet (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) but i'll update when i do
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(アンドハニー) &honey Melty モイストリペア シャンプー1.0/ヘアトリートメント2.0 お試し 10ml+10g シャンプー・コンディショナーセット (&honey melty moist repair trial set) ❤︎ $1.00 on YS, ¥110 in JP
❥ this smells so good omllllll, my hair felt quite nice after too, i wanna get more trials tho and see how it is using the whole packet in one wash instead of half, my hair is pretty thick so i might of not washed it 100% good
#‧₊🐾˚⊹ my stuff#‧₊📝˚⊹ journaling#‧₊🍡˚⊹ j beauty#shopping haul#‧₊📸˚⊹ my pics#yesstyle#skincare#japanese skincare#kawaii account#self care#girlblogging#girlblogger#im just a girl#girlblog#girlhood#japan beauty#cutecore#this is a girlblog#jfashion#jiraiblr#girl rotting#jiraiblogging#diary blog#neetblr#internet angel#girlcore#japancore
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在俄羅斯有個特殊的教會組織叫skoptsy,創始成員們都提倡只有切除身上的罪惡根源,才能夠真正得到上帝的恩典,隨著時間不斷的轉變,這個組織早已分佈於世界各地,從原本的幾十人規模,現早已破好千萬人,宗教的教義中,女人的胸部是罪、男人的生殖器官是罪,所以為了根治這些罪,加入教會後,當完成了受洗,就必須洗淨自己的罪,從18世紀開始到現在的22世紀,切除這些器官早已是司空見慣,5個人裡面就有一位來自skoptsy,只要人們真心懺悔自己的罪惡,拋開過去的一切,不論是誰都可以加入教會,大部分的人都是在結婚生完孩子後,才會正式加入教會,這漸漸的成為了一種世襲,上至達官顯貴,下至貧民百姓,都是這樣一代傳一代,在21世紀末,多國政府甚至將某一天設立為skoptsy Day,這天可以說是教會的大日子,因為這天全球的教會都會同時舉辦受洗活動,所有前來參加活動的人,都將在這天重生,將更加接近神的世界,今天是2050年12月1日,距離大日子不到一週,我從小就已經開始計劃,年滿30歲的時候,不論我有沒有結婚生子,我都會在30歲生日那年接受洗禮,雖然爸媽希望我可以生完孩子後再去受洗,但是如今這社會,沒孩子過一輩子的人多的是,有沒有生孩子根本沒有差別,所以我在教會的網站上填寫了受洗報名,報名表除了填寫基本資料之外,還必須將自己的生殖器官拍照上傳,並附註確切數值,這樣才算完成報名,因為切下來的器官會有人願意收購,只要你的生殖器有符合買家的需求,只要收購成功,自己還能額外獲得一筆錢,所以每個報名的人都願意上傳照片,如今剩不到一週,我打算好好把握自己的時間,約了好幾個朋友一起出去旅遊幾天,我們來到了俄羅斯首都莫斯科,又去了博物館、貝加爾湖等著名景點,就為了好好的體驗生活,一群快30歲的男人,有些人早已結婚生子,有些人跟我一樣都還沒對象,有幾位跟我一樣報名了今年度的受洗,想當年我們都是一起讀書長大的同學,如今也要準備受洗了,我們十幾位朋友,在湖泊脫光衣服,一起跳入了河川戲水,有一兩個朋友在幾年前就接受受洗,其中一位還是我的好朋友謝爾蓋,他跟我當年可是玩遍了全校的女同學,謝爾蓋在當年被稱為巨屌王,因為當年我們才剛滿18歲,但是謝爾蓋還沒勃起就已經有17公分長,勃起的時候甚至跟女同學的手臂一樣粗,再加上他有一副優質的帥臉,更是全校排名第一的優菜,但是如今的他,已經接受了受洗,他受洗當天,聽說有人用了一筆不小的金額購買了謝爾蓋的生殖器官,他老婆之後甚至還哭了好多天,但是卻也因為這筆錢,讓他們在首都買了一間豪宅,謝爾蓋如今只能用其他方式來滿足自己跟他老婆的慾望了,現在的謝爾蓋依然是非常帥氣,不過現在全身赤裸的他,下體已經剩下一個尿口,或許是不習慣沒了陰莖的他,我內心突然覺得有點心酸,但是看到謝爾蓋依然開心的跟我們一起玩水的樣子,或許是我自己想太多了,我們一群人玩累了坐在旁邊的石頭上休息,幾個跟我一樣要接受洗禮的朋友靠了過來,紛紛向謝爾蓋提出疑問,不外乎就是問割的時候痛嗎,會不會漏尿之類的問題,謝爾蓋只是很乾脆的說,不會啊,你們看我有漏尿之類的嗎,他只是耳提面命的提醒割完之後,千萬不要吃重口味的東西,保持傷口的乾淨等傷口照護,謝爾蓋看著我的陰莖,笑著說,終於輪到你啦,老友,我只是不耐煩的說,拜託,當年你的陰莖是很大,不過我的也不差啊,也有15公分長,如今你的17公分都已經被切除了,我現在至少還贏你15公分,謝爾蓋只是笑著說,是是是,你終於贏我了,不過如果你的生殖器有人收購的話,到時候記得要請我吃飯喔,我翻了翻白眼,可是我跟他瞬間氣氛又化為寧靜,他溫柔的眼神看著我,兄弟,等你重生的那天,結束後我們再出來聚聚,我跟我的朋友們約好了,等身體恢復健康後,再出來聚聚,幾天的旅遊行程終於結束了,我們回到了波戈托爾,通常為了流程的順利,我們參加者前一日就會到區域教會報到,隔日凌晨四點左右開始起床準備活動的事情,教會發給每一個參加者一份受洗流程圖,內容寫到所有參加者,受洗前必須先將陰毛剃光,然後受洗當下全身不穿任何衣服,然後隨者神父的唱名一一往前接受受洗,這次來參加的人,多半是社區的居民,多半是30歲以上的結婚者,也有很多是剛滿20歲就來參加的人,這間教會主要是負責男性的受洗,女性的受洗則是在相隔兩公里的教會負責,畢竟男女有別,還是必須尊重別人的隱私,這次包含我在內,一共有20位,有幾位還是前幾天一起出遊的同學,我們在浴室裡一邊剃著陰毛,一邊抓著彼此的陰莖嬉鬧,畢竟這罪惡的根要被切除了,教會的旁邊有一個小型的焚化爐,這個焚化爐,每年都要燒掉一堆生殖器官,沒有被收購的生殖器官,就會被直接送去火化,所以大家都希望至少可以被收購,還能額外獲得一筆錢,但是一切都要等完成淨化之後才能知道自己的是否被收購。
活動於早上九點正式開始了,神父開始一一叫名,第一位是隔壁的鄰居貝爾德,29歲,有個兩歲大的兒子跟一個不到一歲的女兒,因為生了兩個小孩了,貝爾德就順勢在女兒出生滿8個月的時候,報名了這次的受洗,神父嘴裡念念有辭,我是有聽沒有懂啦,接著貝爾德單膝跪地雙手交叉抱著胸,頭低下看著地上,神父將聖水淋在貝爾德的身上,連續三次,受洗的流程就完成了,接著就是轉過身看向眾人,大聲的坦承自己的罪,並願意消除自己的罪,身旁的工作人員拿著一件純白的披風蓋著貝爾德,另一位工作人員推出了一張座椅,示意要貝爾德坐在椅子上,貝爾德坐在椅子上後,工作人員將一件綠色的被子蓋在貝爾德身上,只有露出了貝爾德的生殖器,為了避免有人害怕血液,所以貝爾德的眼睛被矇住,看不到割掉的過程,醫生拿出了一把弧形的刀,這把刀是教會歷代傳承下來的,年代雖然久遠但因為經常使用的關係,刀子依然非常明亮鋒利,麻醉師先進行了局部麻醉,待藥效發作後,醫生先是握著貝爾德的兩顆睪丸,醫生非常迅速的一刀割下貝爾德的睪丸,並丟到旁邊的盤子裡,接著又抓著他的陰莖,往外拉直,刀子一劃就割斷了陰莖,鮮血開始一直流出來,醫生將貝爾德的陰莖丟到盤子裡後,開始將傷口止血並縫合傷口,受洗就算是完成了,雖然科技的進步,只要在傷口上噴上藥劑,一天就可以完全復原了,但是教會���了提醒前人的努力付出,所以每個受洗完的人都必須讓傷口自己慢慢癒合,才能徹底體會古人的辛苦,一名助手隨即將放在盤子上的生殖器官做整理,先是將陰莖用清水洗乾淨,然後放到禮盒裡,然後將陰囊裡的兩顆睪丸取出,並將白膜移除,此時貝爾德的兩顆睪丸就完整的出現了,助手小心的區分左右睪丸,並放入禮盒內,包裝好後由快遞送往收購者的住家,而貝爾德也因此獲得了25萬盧布的現金,第二位被神父唱名的是我的國小同學伊萬,他也是從小一起長大的好朋友,長相非常俊俏,身高有190公分,他在去年就已經結婚,小孩在今年出生後不久,他就跟我說他報名了受洗儀式,成熟男子的生殖器官總是特別粗大,伊萬不僅身高高,連生殖器都好大一副,在經過聖水沐浴之後,伊萬來到了座椅上,工作人員將綠色毯子蓋上,醫生將伊萬的生殖器從毯子的洞用出來,當助理準備蓋上伊萬的眼睛時,伊萬表示他不想矇著眼睛,想親眼見到被閹掉的過程,麻醉師開始在伊萬的生殖器官進行麻醉,醫生確認沒問題後,拿出一把新的弧形彎刀,由於伊萬的睪丸很大顆,醫生花了一番功夫才順利握住,哪怕再大一副睪丸,在鋒利的彎刀上仍然不值得一提,一刀的功夫就讓兩顆睪丸脫離了伊萬的身體,看伊萬那震驚的表情,看來不論是否準備好了���割下來的那一剎那,仍然需要時間來適應,醫生直接將切下來的東西放進盤子裡,接下來就剩下一根陰莖了,醫生抓起那根大熱狗,毫無懷疑的就沿著陰莖根部劃下一刀,陰莖就被切的一點也不剩,醫生手上那根陰莖,不知道是醫生人生中第幾根切下來的東西,不過至少不會是最後一根,經過熟練的縫合後,伊萬被工作人員攙扶到一旁的位置上休息,而伊萬的生殖器也被人用300萬盧布金額收購了,伊萬的禮盒大了一點,而且當助手將伊萬的睪丸從白膜中取出時,伊萬的睪丸真的是非常肥美,真的是值這樣的價格,隨者麻醉藥的退去,最先受洗的貝爾德開始疼痛到發出聲音,工作人員立刻幫貝爾德注射止痛藥,並讓他吃抗生素預防感染問題,疼痛很快就緩解了許多,神父開始呼叫第三位受洗者,他是跟我一起出去旅遊的高中同學,葉菲姆,他在學生時候就是一個很紳士的人,那天一起脫光衣服在河川玩水,大概是我看過他最瘋狂的時候,平時都是正正經經的他,那天也是我第一次看到葉菲姆的裸體,雖然不是說特別天賦異稟,不過他身上的體毛非常茂密,棕色的胸毛一直延伸到他的陰莖,像是一隻小熊很可愛,看他那天開心的一起打鬧嬉戲,如今也跟我一樣來受洗,剛才葉菲姆已經將陰毛剃光,露出他乾乾淨淨的陰莖,看著他接受聖水沐浴的畫面,真心覺得這畫面好莊嚴神聖,在他轉身對著大家坦誠自己的罪時,我才知道原來葉菲姆一直對於他高中時,偷嚐禁果這件事非常懊悔,不過我自己並不覺得什麼,畢竟我也很喜歡做愛,在工作人員帶領下,葉菲姆已經坐好,醫生將生殖器官調整好位置,工作人員將葉菲姆的眼睛蒙上,做好了前置作業,一切都已就緒,看著葉菲姆嘴巴念念有辭,不過大致上就是在說,我要根除自己的罪之類的話,很快醫生就一刀揮下,斬斷了葉菲姆的睪丸,而葉菲姆似乎也知道已經被割下睪丸,開始感恩上帝的恩典,陰莖也在熟練的操作下被醫生切下,一旁的工作人員將葉菲姆的生殖器官拿出教堂,送往焚化爐燒毀,一切都是這麼的快速,沒有太多時間上的浪費,因為葉菲姆的生殖器官並沒有人購買,眼看也不到一個小時的時間,就已經完成了三位受洗,我也想早點接受受洗,希望神父趕快叫到我的名字! 結果第四名受洗者就是我,神父叫了我的名字,我興奮的往神父走去,我走到神父面前後,我單膝跪地雙手交叉抱著胸,眼睛看著即將割掉的生殖器官,興奮到難以言喻,聽完神父的禱告詞後,神父將聖水潑灑在我身上,儀式順利完成,我站在殿上,訴說著自己的罪行,我將披肩脫掉,直直走向座椅,助手將布蓋住我的身體,只露出即將割掉的生殖器官,我要助手不要蓋住我的眼睛,我想親眼看著全部過程,很快麻醉針就完成了注射,隨著生殖器官逐漸麻木,醫生右手拿起彎刀,左手握住我的睪丸,不過就一秒的時間,我跟睪丸立刻分了家,接著我的陰莖被醫生拉的很緊,醫生的彎刀直接在我的根部切了下去,醫生將割下來的陰莖放到盤子裡,緊接著以非常快的速度進行傷口的縫合,我也順利完成了淨身,我一邊被醫生縫合傷口,一邊看著助手處理我的生殖器官,看著我的陰莖跟睪丸整齊的擺在禮盒內,我覺得很開心,因為我完成了淨身,而且我的生殖器官也成功被人收購,沒想到我的還能賣到150萬盧布的金額,這是我萬萬沒有想到的,我的15公分好歹還是有很大用處的,只是不知道是誰買走的。之後,教堂花了半天的時間,就將所有報名參加的人完成了淨身,其中只有五位成員沒有被收購得到現金,而20人中收到最多現金的是住在隔了一條街的亞里斯,本人用了1000萬盧布的價格收購了,他的真的是天賦異稟,不僅長度就超過20公分,蛋蛋也是與伊萬不相上下,真的是人外有人天外有天,畢竟市場上還是會比較想買尺寸大一點的,因為比較划算,我花了一週的時間恢復健康,一週後我踏出教堂的那一天,我覺得自己特別的純潔,特別覺得上帝離我好近好近,這或許就是淨身的魅力所在。
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When you step away from God's timing, you step outside of His grace.
Have mercy on me, so that I may regain my strength before I go away and never return (Psalm 39:13).
08/03 Bible verses
You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.
You will save a people who are in distress, and you will humble the eyes of haughtiness (2 Samuel 22:28)
08/03 Good words of wisdom
1. A true and sincere friend is not a friend who talks nicely when you are doing well,but a friend who helps you at critical moments of adversity!
2. Look at the goal every day, move forward positively, and don’t worry about yesterday. Forget what's behind, work hard on what's ahead, and don't let your past determine your future.
Hymn: Your grace is enough for me (Fountain of Praise)
求你寬容我, 使我在去而不返之先可以力量復原 (詩篇 39:13)。
08/03 圣经金句
You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.
08/03 金玉良言
詩歌:祢的恩典夠我用 (讚美之泉)
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Two things you have never to chase : True friends and True love.
-Mandy Hale-
I have something to say . . . (我有話想說 . . .)
我們都知道在這世上喜歡一個人又不犯法,即使你已有家室:老婆、先生和孩子。重點是在道德和良心允許的範籌內,行使正當友誼的權利。並且你得知道如何挑選正直且成熟的對象,既不會干擾你的婚姻生活,而能給予彼此成長和助力。不過,我相信能遇到這樣條件之人,少之又少。lol (如果你深入接觸的人比你堆的沙子還多,那可不是開玩笑。XD)
We all know that it is not illegal to like someone in this world, even if you already have a family: wife, husband and children. The focus is on exercising the right to legitimate friendship within the limits permitted by morality and conscience. And you have to know how to choose an "upright and mature friends" who will not interfere with your married life, but can give each other growth and help. However, I believe that there are very few people who can meet such conditions. lol (It's no joke if you have deep contact with more people than you have piled sand. XD)
And, in addition (並且,此外)
Recently, there have been a few good friends who have interacted with me on Tumblr for more than a year, or even longer. I am not entirely aware of your other sideblogs, especially young guys asking to see my photos, and of course they're not asking for photos of me wearing clothes… ha! Absolutely impossible. 🙄😅 In fact, my personal social experienced has made me a very tolerant old woman. It's not saying this myself. You have to actually get along with me to know that because they are similar in age to my son and daughter, so I cherish their friendship even more, especially the beautiful life still longer for them. The Chinese call it: "忘年之交" (the mean similar that : get on like a house on fire "see eye to eye with someone", when your friendship between different generations. also much older than my age friends as same meanings. )
Again, I don't set to make many friends on Tumblr here, and there're very few people I interact with. The number of people we sent private messages to was probably less than the number of times I go to a bar to drink in a month. lol The posts I share here are almost like writing a diary every day and records of my recent study of various majors. It is not for popularity, nor does it want to attract attention. Of course, except for the posts showing my leather art creations, the craftsmanship is my Most of the motivation to stay alive and rest of life.
Usually I don't have ideas about personal photos gonna send to you via private message for "friendship", it with "lover" very different to me. Just like now, when you randomly see a post by me and can put a smiling on your face, this is a beautiful friendship. If you happen to see it, it's fine when you don't like it. You don't need to use too much emotions. if that way Oftenly one party will be hurt, and time will tell everything about the feelings you hold in your heart, whether you believe it or not.
Sincerely, above.
I wish you a happy family, a loving couple, a prosperous career, good health and peace!
Your another mom & an old Sis Lan~*
《最近有幾個好朋友在Tumblr上和我互動了一年多,甚至更長。我不太了解你其他的次要博客,尤其是年輕人要求看我的照片,當然他們不是要我穿衣服的照片……哈!絕對不可能。🙄😅 其實,我的個人社會經歷它造就我成為一個包容性很強的老女人,這話不是我自己說的,你得實際和我相處過就知道;正因你們的年紀和我的兒子和女兒相仿,所以我更珍惜你們的友誼,中國人稱之為:『忘年之交』。(當兩者年紀差距甚大,但心靈和思想可以相契者。)
再說一次,我並不想在 Tumblr 上交很多朋友,彼此有互動者很少,曾經私訊者應當比一個月去酒吧喝酒次數還要少。 lol 我在這裡的貼文分享幾乎像每天寫日記和近日研讀各類專業科目的記錄,不是為了人氣,也沒要吸引人注意,當然若是展示我的皮革藝術創作的作品貼文除外,工藝是我活下去的大部分的動力和生活的全部。
祝福你們的家庭美滿、夫婦相親相愛和事業精進、健康平安! 》
well said 👇 Truth. I agree. 5 5 5 🙌 xoxo
"Friendship often ends in love. But love in friendship; never. "
-C. C. Colton-
PS. It was then dating with my friend at coffee shop across street of my studio in Chinese new year 2010. 😱 OMG! 14 years ago lol I dyed my hair color was popular in Asian at the time. and later I never dye hair color. Because it is meaningless, whether for fashion or to comfort yourself, hair colored does not prove your ability, but your brain do. 🤓
If I dye my hair again, it might be for fun, or perhaps I get to remarry/get carried away by impulse and he's dying hairs also, both do same for funs. I guess so. hahaha 🤸🤸♀️🤸♂️
#answered#don't ask for my nude photos anyway#when i would reply your text in messages#showed you're my friends in the world seriously till you delete me#chu lan#fine craft artist#朱蘭皮藝#leather art artist#true friends & true love#mandy hale#friendship often ends in love. but love in friendship; never 😏#c. c. colton#真知灼見#insights into relationships#14 years ago dyed hairs 🙃#be yourself#beautiful life#💐 thanks for your friendships 🙂 🙏
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08. & 09.01.24 Coming of Age Day 成人の日
成人のひ(せいじんのひ)Coming of Age Day
祝福する(しゅくふくする)to celebrate
開く(ひらく)to hold (an event)
振袖(ふりそで)furisode, a long-sleeved kimono for unmarried women
美容院(びよういん)beauty salon
着付け(きつけ)fixing up; dressing up
袴(はかま)hakama, traditional Japanese pants
お洒落な(おしゃれな)fashionable; elegant
着用する(ちゃくようする)to wear
Today is Coming of Age Day. On this day, people who have turned 20 as well as those who will turn 20 gather and celebrate. In the town in which one has grown up there are Coming of Age ceremonies that one can participate in. Women wear long kimonos called furisode and spend a lot of time in beauty salons to get dressed up beautifully. Back in the day men often wore hakama, but nowadays they wear fashionable suits and ties.
True or False?
Answer and Translation
✅ 成人の日はその年に20歳になった人と20歳になる人が祝います。On Coming of Age Day, people who have turned 20 and people who will turn 20 celebrate.
❌ 成人式は自分の家でします。Coming of Age celebrations are done at home.
✅ 女性はよく美容院で振袖を着せてもらいます。Women often get their furisode put on at beauty salons.
❌ 男性は今も成人式に袴をはかなければなりません。Men must wear hakama at their Coming of Age ceremony.
✅ 最近、男性は成人の日にネクタイとスーツを着ます。Nowadays, men wear suits and ties for Coming of Age Day.
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― デ・キリコ展 | 形而上の旅 ― @ 東京都美術館
― Giorgio de Chirico Exhibition | Metaphysical Journey ―
at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
The day before yesterday, Friday, I went to see this exhibition.
The exhibition is divided into five sections: "Self-Portraits and Portraits," "Metaphysical Painting," "Developments in the 1920s," "Return to Traditional Painting," and "New Metaphysical Painting," which traces the transformation of the same theme and looks back on his life.
Friday was a night opening day, and I was able to watch until 8 p.m., so I was able to enjoy it until after sunset for the first time in a long time.
Thank you very much for this wonderful exhibition.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
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