#take a rest in the morning
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 4 months ago
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Daily life 11. 8. 2024 | Take a rest in the morning - A New hotel nikko kaohsiung opening in November, near by my studio just walking for 1000 steps to get there. Pretty nice there what I love her the way design & display of art in the lobby. and 又多了一個地方讓我可以『逃亡』. lol
When I was a young girl (20 yrs old/amost 40 yrs ago hahaha terrible O my old) my favorite books of one. but I never touch this book once for a very long time, maybe my life so hard; the day I was starting reread this book:
「叛逆的靈魂 (奧修自傳) Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic」
by 奧修 Osho/ Rajneesh  (रजनीश चन्द्र मोहन जैन 1931-1990 Indian godman, philosopher, mystic and founder of the Rajneesh movement.) 奧修國際資訊中心網址:www.osho.com
📌 Drawn from nearly five thousand hours of Osho's recorded talks, this is the story of his youth and education, his life as a professor of philosophy and years of travel teaching the importance of meditation, and the true legacy he sought to leave behind: a religionless religion centered on individual awareness and responsibility and the teaching of "Zorba the Buddha," a celebration of the whole human being.
˗ˋˏ ♡ღ ˎˊ˗ 第9章 - 性師父 (SEX GURU) p. 134-138 in English 👍
問: 曾有人寫過你的事,說你是鼓吹「免費的性」的師父, 報導還指出你的交心團體裡曾發生男女濫交的事情, 這是真的還是假的? 你是否在控制人們的心智?
答: 請問你認為性是應該付費的嗎? 難道它不該是免費的? 難不成你還要為它付錢嗎? 對我來說, 性是單純、美好、自然而然的現象。如果有兩個人享受彼此的能量, 沒有人有權利干涉。說「免費的性」暗示著你希望性也成為日用品, 日用品是要花錢去買的:你不是花錢向妓女買一個晚上,就是向太太買一輩子, 反正性得花錢買就對了。 是的, 我主張性是免費的。我相信每個人天生都擁有權利去分享性、陶醉在性裡面, 性會為你帶來許多樂趣, 沒有什麼好嚴肅的。那些說我在倡導「免費的性」的人真的很悲哀, 他們是性壓抑的一群人。
— 摘自與《早安美國報〉(Good Morning America)
記者肯恩·卡希瓦哈拉(Ken Kashiwahara)的專訪
▪︎ 我常告訴你,從性到超意識是有可能的,而你聽了很高興,因爲你只聽到「從性」,沒聽到「到超意識」。
▪︎ 爲了讓你意識到生命中有些更高超、更美好的事,爲了讓你知道生命中還有更狂喜、更高潮的事,這是唯一的辦法。 性只是一個開端,不是結尾。你將它視為開端並沒有任何不對,如果你執著於它,那你就開始走錯了。
▪︎ 唯有透過靜心,你將能了解我一直對你說的。這不是爭辯就可以裁決的,只有經由你自身的靜心、了解與覺知才能決定。
▪︎ 我從沒教過人「免費的性」,我所教的是「性的神聖」。我向來就認爲,性不該從愛的範疇降級到法律的範疇。當你愛一個女人的理由是因爲她是你太太,而不純粹因爲你愛她,這就是一種賣淫,一種合法的賣淫。我相信愛,如果兩個人相愛,他們可以因爲愛而住在一起,當愛遠走的時候,他們就該從容地分手。
(🤸‍♀️ yes! woof woof 🐕‍🦺 )
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bluerosefox · 11 months ago
Fenton Coded
Tim... Tim just stared.
He had once entertained the idea that he wasn't really a Drake, a very long time ago when he overheard his mom and dad arguing and some words were said in the heat of the moment, but to be honest Tim always thought the obvious culprit of anyone being his dad would most likely be Bruce (Bruce even admitted he had a small fling with his mother but that was two years before her marriage)
But before little Tim's curiosity could really take hold on the idea, he had saw on the news Robin performing a Grayson flip and the hint of Tim not being a Drake left his mind. Robin was Dick Grayson! And if he was Robin that had to mean Bruce Wayne was Batman!
Then well... his stalking of the Bats started and the rest became history.
But now, as Tim was staring at his own DNA test, something he never bothered to do until that damned Demon brat wanted to make sure he was ONLY blood son of Bruce (and doing a DNA test something even Bruce never thought of doing due to well… how he was towards Tim during his first months as Robin)
He well…
He kinda needs to find out who this Daniel Jackson Fenton is.
(Tim finds out he isn’t a Drake, but also not a Wayne (because Damian wanted to make sure he was only blood son) but is instead a Fenton)
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livwritesstuff · 1 year ago
Not a steddie!dads post believe it or not, but I was thinking about how S1-Steve conks the fuck out after sleeping w/Nancy (which was.......an interesting choice imo) but it got me thinking about what would happen if the same thing happened with Eddie.
Like, all the Upside Down shit is done and they're all healed up and, after pining for each other for ages, Steve and Eddie finally hook up.
It definitely wasn't a gooey, sappy, romantic love confession type of situation, more like the natural culmination of several agonizing months of sexual tension and trying to feel out what the other might be thinking and a pretty aggressive campaign of flirting on Eddie's part that he's certain Steve was matching him on toe-to-toe for at least most of and being badgered by their friends to pull their respective heads out of their respective asses — a glorified hook-up, really.
Yeah, there might have been an undercurrent of more in the way Steve had threaded their fingers together and the way he'd looked at him with those gorgeous hazel eyes of his and the way he'd kissed him like it fucking meant something, but there hadn't been a lot of words.
Eddie's a words kind of guy, believe it or not, and he'd really like to be looped into whatever the hell is going on inside Steve's perplexing brain, thanks, but no.
Instead, afterwards Steve had pulled Eddie into his arms, twined them tight around his waist and tangled their legs together and tucked his face into the curve of Eddie's shoulder, and that was...new, but in a matter of minutes he'd started softly snoring, and that — dozing off after a hook-up so the other can make a discreet exit — is a move Eddie knows intimately, not that knowing it makes it sting any less, because Eddie had thought Steve might be more, that this thing roiling beneath the surface of their friendship could be more than just a one-time thing.
It's actually kind of fucking horseshit, actually, that Steve is expecting Eddie to just leave like this had been nothing more than a chance to get laid, because Eddie knows it's more than that — not because he has good self-esteem or whatever, but because it's so obviously more than that.
The whole thing actually kind of bothers Eddie, and he's always been a petulant shit about things that bother him and he'd never cared too much about doing what he's "supposed to", or whatever, so...fuck it. He's tired and this rich-people mattress is way more comfortable than anything Eddie had slept on before, and Steve needs to grow a pair and face the music of this shit in the morning.
So instead of sliding out of Steve's grip like everyone who came before him, Eddie settles in and forces himself to fall asleep too.
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angelmush · 25 days ago
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magenta smoothie 4 breakfast, vibrant vase of tulips 4 my gf, black dragon dog 4 sharing the couch with, and a big stack of notebooks 4 writing
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year ago
Who was Kagney Linn Necessary?
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(the gofundme for her memorial/funeral will be at the end.)
Kagney Linn Necessary was born in Harris County, Texas in 1987, and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri and in Ridgway, Pennsylvania. [x]
In her early years, she moved to California with ambitions of becoming an actress and a singer but entered work as an exotic dancer before signing with LA Direct Models, a pornographic agency. Karter entered the adult film industry in September 2008.[x]
But that wasn't the entirety of who Kagney was. At face value, the only information I could find with a quick search was the basic information above from Wikipedia. All anyone seemed to know about her was who she was when she was in the "industry." I wanted to see what I could find about her, the person. Not Kagney Linn Karter, but Kagney Linn Necessary.
I raked through interviews she had, her personal social media accounts, and any other articles that I could find just to find any little facts about her that I could.
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I thought about omitting her time within the porn industry to focus solely on everything else except that. But I feel it would be tasteless to keep it out. I think it needs to be mentioned. I think it is important to show that women pulled into the porn industry are not these separate beings from any other woman with dreams. This was a 36 year old woman who was just like any other woman who was preyed upon.
Necessary released an EP, The Crossover, in 2018. In 2022, Karter released her debut album, titled The Take Over. [x] She would post clips of her singing covers of songs as well as songs from her upcoming EP on her Instagram.
In 2022, she began learning how to play the piano, even posting a video of her progress.
Necessary was also a recovering addict. In 2021, she posted about the things that helped her stay clean and how she was pleased at having a second chance at life. In an interview, she was intentionally vague about the substances she used, only referring to them as "candy" and "a little bit of everything." But with no insurance or money for rehab, she opted to detox herself at her parents home, working at their tanning salon for free in exchange for "produce."
She moved from Los Angeles to Ohio in 2019 and got involved with pole dancing fitness studios before being involved the opening of one in Akron, called Alchemy Pole Fitness. She posted many videos of herself having fun and practicing new/old moves.
In November 2023, she was posting pictures of her new house and how well it was coming together,
[their website leads to a website called Alchemy Space Studios and says that it was founded and run by a separate woman. But upon looking up the LLC for the business, Kagney is named as the registrant and she is named as the owner of the space in two separate articles.]
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In 2015, Carter claimed musician Chris Brown paid her $2,500 to be his escort. She reportedly tweeted things like 'I WILL NEVER F*** A WOMAN BEATER EW DISGUSTING' and 'HE IS PURE EVIL' about Brown.
I just felt like adding that because what a queen.
From her students from the studio and friends, she was known to love animals, including her dog, Murphy, and had a deep devotion to the community she was cultivating in Ohio. She was known to be fearless and empathetic, creating her studio as a place for people to feel safe and accepted.
These were the things I could find of her from her personal accounts and the people who loved her. She wasn't an object that will be missed for what "uses" it had. She was a woman who had dreams, who had a community who love her, who had a husband who loves her, dogs she cared for and loved who loved her, and a mother who loves her. I didn't want her story to be another reblog of a lost life.
I know this post is sporadic and clunky, but I wanted to just grab any information I could without crossing boundaries (ex. contacting the family or something tasteless like that). I just wanted to share what she had already shared with the world.
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Her friend, Megan Lee, has posted a gofundme that has already surpassed their goal. But I would still suggest donating if you are able. Rest in peace, Kagney Linn Necessary. 💜
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italyveneziano · 5 months ago
Obsessed with what America and England have going on in HetaOni. America's like "I keep having to watch my dad die from overusing his magic in past timelines and not knowing how to stop it is killing me inside but I'm not going to talk to him about it" and England's like "I can't seem to hold a conversation with my son without insulting him but I won't hesitate to use my dying breath to ensure I can protect him from beyond the grave"
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sainz100 · 4 months ago
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Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen in Tokyo ahead of the 2016 Japanese GP | x
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brasiliangp · 11 months ago
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 4 months ago
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Daily life 11. 8. 2024 | Take a rest in the morning - A New hotel nikko kaohsiung opening in November, near by my studio just walking for 1000 steps to get there. Pretty nice there what I love her the way design & display of art in the lobby. and 又多了一個地方讓我可以『逃亡』. lol
11月一家日本集團的飯店-高雄日航酒店_大和飯店進駐高雄亞灣區,很不賴 !我挺喜歡飯店大廳的設計師的現代感與西方合體的東方極簡創意,很禪風!~ 傢俱和藝品的擺設及其光影的對話,這品味我愛。ℒan~*
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veliseraptor · 5 days ago
guess who maybe got. two hours of consecutive sleep at a time last night and otherwise spent the whole time up coughing
and can't take cough syrup because of medication contraindications
i am not what one would call "happy." i am what one would call "really fucking tired"
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silkjade · 7 months ago
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jadetham moodboard (or alhaitham’s camera roll) — summer in sumeru !
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obsob · 2 years ago
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drawings ive done this week for a competition!! probably the most ambitious thing ive drawn in my new style but im very happy with them! :3
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cubtales · 2 months ago
୧(՞o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ՞)و if you see this know i love u very much!
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qilingxiong · 18 days ago
can life stop being about being Tired please i'm fucking begging
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proshipconfessions · 2 months ago
Responding to your response to my anon. I'm sorry for assuming. I just know I've sent confessions here a few times complaining about the ableism in this community. I'm a schizospec P-DID system & auDHD + cluster-b. I've been at the end of a lot of ableist abuse from other "proshippers," or I've been hurt by vague ableist statements made by other proshippers.
I can't recall if the few vents I made about ableism and abuse in the community were ever posted, and I took a hiatus from Tumblr and social media altogether. I figured I was one of those people who you refused to post/wanted to delete the confessions of.
That example that you replied with very much reads like an anti trying to troll. If these are the "confessions" you're getting, then you 100% reserve the right to delete those, and like I said, I think it should be case by case then. Bad faith anons get deleted. Actual concerns get posted.
I was referring to your comment/reply to someone else where you said these people should go to antiship blogs, which was why I got upset. And yes, I've seen a lot of similar shitty sentiments that I thought you were saying initially. I've had other proshippers tell me I'm not a proshipper then or that I should be anti-aligned if I really have so many issues with how some of the proship community behaves. I've been kind of on the fence on whether or not I want to consider myself a proshipper, neutral shipper, or just give myself an anti-ableism profiction microlabel. I'm definitely an anti-anti, but I've felt out of place in proship spaces. It's exhausting, and I'm sorry for thinking that you were doing the same thing.
It’s okay. I can kinda understand where you’re coming from and why that kinda thing could’ve stressed you out, especially if you took a hiatus and didn’t see any posts on my blog of people’s complaints about similar situations.
Especially considering I’ve gotten asks (that got anons blocked) about how “delusional” antis are and even one from someone about their theory that antis are having mass religious psychosis??? Which doesn’t even make sense. I also saw (luckily they didn’t have the audacity to send this to me. It was in its own post) someone say that antis have fetal alcohol syndrome as an insult. (Like omfg. Do people w/ FASDs not deal with fucking enough?)
Sorry for the misunderstanding and any hostility in my last answer. Have a great day.
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iero · 2 months ago
Hate that I grew up thinking my worth is only decided by my ability to work and how much work I can do in a day/week's time and naturally, I'm on day 7 of this cold/sinus infection/whatever the fuck this is and I am now out of work until this Monday because of it, so I naturally feel like a failure for... staying home and trying to get better.
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