#~ooh i'm mentally ill~
hismercytomyjustice · 1 month
Definitely DID NOT just finish editing this week's chapter.
That would be crazy. You're crazy.
...but I am very happy with it, and very curious what folks will think...
And also extremely sorry. ╭( ๐_๐)╮
As I believe I said before, I have good news and bad news.
Good news, I fixed the problem I was having with Cazador.
Bad news, I fixed the problem I was having with Cazador.
He came across as too...nice (?) in the first draft. No, maybe permissive is a better word?
...I certainly don't think he does anymore!
Blah blah more OCD shit under the cut.
This chapter literally sent me into a 2 month long spiral that ultimately made me realize how much my OCD fucks with my writing, fanfic and otherwise. Which is why I bring up my OCD so much in relation to this fic.
Only took me ten fucking years to realize it! (ᇂ_ᇂ |||) But hey, we got there eventually!
I felt so fucking stupid/embarrassed venting to my therapist about my struggles with voluntarily writing fanfic. It's the same way I felt venting to her about the agonies I initially experienced when I decided to start taking piano lessons. It's not life or death! I didn't have to do either of those things! And yet I was so fucking upset about both. And wouldn't ya know it, turns out both were like catnip for my OCD!
I won't even begin to pretend I don't still have issues with my OCD and my writing. One of my super fun writing related obsessions lately is the deep seated fear I've gone into a fugue state and accidentally plagiarized other fics I've read. This was particularly bad with my latest Night Vale fic and my Hazbin Part 3 fic.
So, what's a person with OCD to do? Reassurance seeking and checking, of course! As I explained to my BFF the other day:
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So obviously I spent hours googling Night Vale fanons and skimming/searching through Night Vale and Hazbin fics and other fics I'd previously read to make sure I hadn't accidentally copied someone else!
FUN FACT! I've read over 100 Hazbin fanfics alone! FUN FACT, IT IS PROBABLY (thanks for the qualifier, OCD) LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO CHECK ALL OF THEM.
AND I AM ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT! That is MAJOR NO NO OCD behavior. It is a lapse. It is choosing to engage in a compulsion. Because, as they so succinctly put it at the OCD Conference I attended, a compulsion is a choice. The whole point of treatment for OCD is to quiet your obsessions and to learn how NOT to engage in your compulsions. OCD doesn't go away (unfortunately), but it can go into remission. Digging into a lapse/engaging in a compulsion ultimately pushes you closer to a relapse and further from remission.
But try telling that to yourself in the moment! Because my OCD thinks it is imperative to engage in the compulsion. Because otherwise I have to sit with the doubt/uncertainty/fear and try not to let it fester. It is so much easier in the short term to spend hours on checking and reassurance seeking. And, even worse, it makes you feel a little better in the moment!
But, as my friend so aptly said in the screenshot above, "something tells me you would just replace the thing you silenced with something new….."
Abso-fucking-lutely I would! And I did! I checked the fanons and fanfics I was most worried about, but I didn't check all of them! Even if I had, what if I thought I had and I missed one, the one that I actually may have accidentally copied? Or what if AO3's reading history isn't perfect and I checked everything and it left one off, the one that I actually may have accidentally copied?
To engage in a compulsion is to become the OCD equivalent of Sisyphus. Did you get the boulder to the top of the hill? Congratulations! Oops, looks like it rolled back down again... But this time it'll stay at the top of the hill for sure!
Right??? Right???
I did ultimately realize I was in an OCD spiral and made myself stop checking. Do I still want to? Absolutely I do! I want nothing more than to go through everything I've ever read with a fine tooth comb because otherwise I have to live with the doubt/fear/uncertainty. I have to accept I may have unintentionally been influenced by someone's work I read and loved, which would absolutely fucking devastate me because I would never do that kind of thing on purpose. It's against everything I believe in. It's cruel and it's wrong and oh god what if I did it accidentally and I'm cruel and wrong and a horrible fucking person?! This is it! This is when me and everyone else finally finds out I'm a horrible fucking person who can't write and whose only good ideas actually came from someone else!
My therapist would say something at this point like "But what if you didn't do that? What if you actually did come up with your ideas all on your own?" Or "It's possible. Anything is possible. That doesn't mean it's likely." Or "Even if you did, it's obviously not something you'd do on purpose."
Meanwhile my OCD brain is just like "We have to come up with contingencies for if you accidentally did do it and how you'll respond and fix it." And "It's just a matter of time before someone else finds what you missed when checking. What are you going to do then?" And "If it did happen, you'll have to give up writing forever and destroy your tumblr and forever hide from the justified mob consisting of the entire internet who will rightfully hunt you to the ends of the earth."
So, yeah. Needless to say, I STILL DESPERATELY WANT TO GO BACK TO CHECKING AND REASSURANCE SEEKING. But I'm going to try not to. And thank goodness I have therapy tomorrow because this shit has been living rent free in my head (in the bad way) for literal weeks now.
I keep trying to remind myself I can either continue compulsing or I can just keep fucking writing and hope for the best.
And yeah, my therapist did mention last session that I should probably ask my doctor about upping my antidepressants. Why do you ask?
Fuck it is mortifying to write all this shit out. And, ngl, my OCD is just like "Well, at least you have timestamped proof you didn't plagiarize anyone on purpose! But, y'know, no one will believe you anyway when they ultimately find the evidence you couldn't and confront you and run you out of internet town!"
...so yeah, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor for later this week to talk about upping my antidepressants... Because goodness gracious. It's not just about this. I'm still struggling with burnout (and maybe a resurgence of depression) and OCD in other areas of my life. It just so happens this latest spiral has been taking up a lot of real estate in my head lately.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
So I saw this show I used to watch as a kid on a streaming service, Hoarders, and it's about, as you'd assume, people who compulsively hoard.
When I watched that show as a kid, I remember how you were invited to almost... judge these people, "Oh, how could you live like that?! I'm glad that's not my house..." and I remember this shock factor that sunk you into the episode, at least in the early seasons.
I think it's a product of the attitude we have about these sorts of things. When I look at that now, all I see is trauma, people who are suffering, and then essentially being shamed on television, no less. It just feels like watching somebody at their lowest for an hour, recounting trauma, disability, loss and grief, mental illness, and so many things.
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flutteringfable · 19 days
ive been playing with a rewrite of syo because kodaka cannot write a non-abelist non-sanist depiction of did to save his life. here's what i've got so far, after some research into how systems and alters actually work. because again. kodaka cannot be normal about neurodivergence and ESPECIALLY not about did.
syo is a protector alter, formed from toko's emotional abuse from her childhood. whenever toko feels strong social pressure or fear in social situations, syo tends to front. she's a lot more forward than toko, for better or for worse depending on the person causing the stress. she gets more aggressive if the person doesn't let up on whatever it is that's bothering toko.
she doesn't actually like byakuya all that much, especially after putting the pieces together and realizing he ruined their reputation by exposing syo. though, to avoid the weird serial killer alter angle kodaka went with, i think syo would only claim to be the killer, in order to intimidate others and keep them from trying to get close and mistreat toko again. she's a lot more toned down than the original canon, but will put on the sort of unhinged act if it means others will stay away.
she is still a lot more blunt than toko, and speaks more clearly. toko is cautious about others, but syo is even more so, and is immediately suspicious of anyone who attempts to make friends with them. it takes quite some time to gain her full trust.
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
i'm so constantly tempted to put little supernatural references in the creative writing story i'm working on for uni, even though it has literally nothing to do with spn whatsoever
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the-13th-rose · 1 year
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yououghtaknow · 1 year
#ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!#ANYWAYS. fucking hate the medical system. hate being mentally ill. hate being disabled. hate this life.#but at LEAST my parasocial bway besties are making good music#[everything is falling apart] [five minutes later] omg musical theatre#deleting so many tags because i have so much to say but i can't because of the [redacted] of it all#going to try and go for a walk and listen to music and try not to go insane#i love simultaneously oversharing and being a man of mystery. i am everything and nothing and so so special.#evening plans: walk. music. dinner. try and do a little creative work. sleep.#i have planned social things for the weekend so i am NOT isolating myself#i am doing all of the things i have been told to do to get better AND YET!!!!!!!!!!#it will be okay. at least i'm at my parents' house for the weekend so i can belt about it#anyways if my paranoia is Correct and my irls are reading this Hello. I Will Explain All Of This Eventually But You Probably Know What's Up#in many ways i am just like alistair fletcher but in many ways i am not. i contain multitudes.#ooh i should try and finish the current episode of my skambr annotations tonight. at this rate i will finish s1 by the end of the summer.#the thing about sandy neuman is she's sooooo flawed but in a way that is just like me (conflict avoidance and over/undersharing)#she would fuck with yellowjackets sooooooooo much. she's a soccer player she's a lesbian she has fucked up girlbestfriendships.#ANYWAYS. if you're still reading this hiiiiiii. going to feel the sun on my vampiric skin now.#Spotify
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 3 months
Not everything needs a meaning There's a reason for the existence of the term idling, while I prefer getting stuff done recreational breaks are important, and I wouldn't say we have been arguing now have we? More of a civil discussion.
I'm called on-your-side anon or Oys for short btw nice to formally meet you,l I'm the one sending those lengthy/ier asks.
as for this place since its a multiverse there is an abundance of info, be it alters of yourself or people you know or entirely new ones, that you can use if you are willing, sure takes a while to get to that info but I believe it's rather gratifying to find what others do wrong and process this info as so to not do the same. There's a lot to be learned here if you are willing
//I'll definitely check them out if they pop up again thanks I love collecting new blogs.
Also for you tell me one thing about your version of the siblings you added to them, or in Russet's case created, that you absolutely adore.
Also I'm sorry I keep writing Russet's name differently every ask, I kinda use the qwerty and the qwertz layout, and multiple language packs on my phone so autocorrect fuddles Sometimes and I don't notice
... I guess. I just prefer to stay busy - there's always something that needs to be done in the club, or I could be training...
Oys. It's... You aren't awful, at least. You seem sensible. I can appreciate that.
... I guess I can see the merits of that. Information is a form of power, of strength. ... Though I doubt most are as sensible as you seem to be, from what I've experienced here.
#pkmn irl#kieran takeover#kieran replies#russet's kitakami trip#//yeee no problem! i love promoing my friends :D#//ooh there's so much. i think my favorite thing to add was each of these characters have a small percentage of pokemon blood -#//specifically they have dragon blood! we have kieran with hydreigon. carmine with garchomp. and russet with noivern!#//it adds another layer of nuance and complexity to their actions that i like to manage on top of everything that's wrong in the family#//for example why this kieran is so prone to lashing out AND why he's so wary about the idea of forgiveness. part of it is instincts!!#//plus with the siblings in general i'm really delving into what things were like for them in kitakami which is SUPER fun#//as for my favorite thing about russet... oh that's a hard one.#//i think. his worldview is really interesting. he doesn't like to lie but also ends up lying to himself a lot. saying he's fine with thing#//-when he really isn't fine with them. reducing himself to a background character in his own life.#//russet is JUST as mentally ill as its siblings it is simply in a less obvious way. imploding instead of exploding.#//because of that he's flown under the radar and really hasn't gotten the help he needs. he's been the family therapist for his whole life.#//also no worries! i get it. i spelled ninetales wrong for like. i think almost a month before i realized. i'm not stressed about typos#//especially since i can tell what the meaning was#oys anon
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
How do you feel about Milsiril? Like what do you think of her interactions between the canaries, her goals, her intentions and morality? I keep seeing people with mixed feelings about her, some saying she's just toxic or morally grey or doing bad but with good intentions or that she's just a mentally ill and literally so much more, also with the comic about Otta calling Milsiril love for her children/Kabru as just love for a pet, I always saw people take it at face value and say yes, Milsiril did love them more as pets instead of children, did she take up raising/adopting non-elf children because she felt like none of them could ridicule her like the elves did because they didn't know what an elf was supposed to be like (and also because they were children) or did she inherently view them as less? I mean the canaries and I'm pretty sure almost all of the cast in dungeon meshi have some sort perspective on different races especially because how they were taught about them, i just think it was interesting to finally see someone interpret it as Otta just misinterpreting Milsiril, I'm just really interested in her, i think shes neat, sorry for the rant!
Ooh, well to preface this, I hadn't really realized Milsiril was such a controversial character before my last post, I kinda live under a rock. She's really not a character I had given much thought besides what I wrote there before it, but I can do my best to express what I have thought since, with sources for it. I'm not sure what order to go thru so I'll just go by manga appearances and then extras, this will probably be quite a long post
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This is the first time she shows up in the manga (ch55) Kabru is wondering about what future they might have if the elves take them into custody because of the ancient magic, he thinks about Milsiril as a get out of jail card, and mentions "There's a chance they would make us become permanent resident of the elven lands." with the image of Milsiril holding him. I don't think that means she would be the one to not let them leave, since this would probably be an legal issue, and the fact Milsiril lives away from other Elves. It does set up that Milsiril is quite overprotective tho, with Kabru's reaction to her teary hug. (rest is under a cut)
The next time she shows up is in ch61 right after Kabru falls down the dungeon along with Mithrun, he faints and has this flashback
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She's being her overbearing self treating Kabru's small injury as if its something you need to be in bed for, hand feeding him like he's a toddler, and when he insists he wants to learn how to fight and be strong like her, she hugs him revealing to us for the first time her arm scars, she's cleary in distress too, so you wonder "what has happened to her?"
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It continues in the next pages, as she tells him to stay there, where it's safe and there's cake, and describes the bad things he might encounter. Until he tells her he will go with or without her help
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Honestly this is a Kabru we don't see often, this is the version of him that is usually in thought bubbles, he's blowing out in frustation over being smothered and demanding straight up what he wants, instead of trying to manipulate Milsiril, very blunt for him. Milsiril seems to flip a switch into battle mode, when she decides to train him for real.
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I really thought this was funny, the visual of these cuddly toys and this Mom that was being so soft just a second ago completely flipping into something menacing is very amusing to me. She says "I'll give you an exhaustive, thorough training in how to use a sword... until you finally decide that you're ready to give up." although it sounds cruel, it seems she really trained him as best she could to make sure he would survive the dungeon. If he couldn't take the training with her there was no way he would be able to take on the dungeon, but he could, so much so that he managed to make her let him go. I can see this being seen as her trying to prevent him from going but to me it seems more like some tough love from a traumatized war veteran in this case.
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The last thoughts he has is admitting his Mom was right, "Not only were there plenty of traps, monsters, and malice... but there were times when I felt so hungry and cold that I couldn't stand it."
And he concludes with "I never once thought that I wanted to go back there. That room where I could eat all the cake that I wanted..." While I can understand the interpretation that he means he would rather go thru all this than go back, perhaps cause he hated it there, I think it's rather a statement to how committed he is to defeating the dungeon, the visuals show him in rubble vs him in a soft big bed, the rough reality he fought to be able to face and the comfyness of what his life could be. Plus is mirroring exactly what Milsiril said to him. Admitting she was right about the bad things but that he won't give up for the safe easy life he had.
After that visuals of Milsiril are used while Kabru tries to sus out Mithrun but she shows up again in Mithrun's backstory.
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Here she's straight up called Gloomy, which wasn't really the version of her we saw so far, gotta remember this is also how Mithrun saw her and that she was called gloomy as a way of bullying. Kabru mostly cuts off her part in the story until the end, when she's the one to find Mithrun after he was eaten by the demon
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She doesn't really care much for Mithrun as we see in some extras, and she was ready to mercy kill him, but she is also the one to spare his life. This could be seen as her thinking he can still be of use, and it's how it sounds with how Kabru tells the story, but I do think this was also a merciful act, Mithrun was in rehabilitation for 20 years after being saved, by the time he was actually useful for anything Milsiril had already left the canaries and adopted Kabru.
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Now for extras... About Mithrun/The Canaries, Milsiril was cleary someone that hated the people around her. This is her extra in the Adventurer's Bible
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Milsiril seems to be the type that hates "popular kids" so to say, her description says she was bullied by other elves for being so introverted so I believe she holds a grudge against people like Mithrun that seem to have succeeded where she failed. But realizing he was a twisted person like her seemed to make her feel more sympathetic towards him, that's why I think she really did act with mercy when she saves Mithrun, he's now someone she sees as similar to her, she sees he also suffered like her
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Her decription also mentions she left the canaries specifically because she was disgusted with how the Utaya situation was dealt with. Yet it seems like she came back to help Mithrun with his rehabilitation once she quits.
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There's an interpretation to be made that she did this only to get "revenge" on the demon since she just saw the destruction of Utaya, and that she's using him. On the other hand maybe she wants to help him find a motivation to live, she's no longer a canary and she has time to actually help him now. I don't know which one is the truth but it's not obviously something self-serving if you ask me. Especially in the context that right before this scene Milsiril admits she wishes they could have talked before.
My interpretation of her relationship with the canaries and other elves is that she's someone depressed that was mistreat for her 'quirky' side, the dolls are clearly one of the ways she used to cope with anxiety/depression but it only caused her to be bullied by her own kin, she's the daughter of an important family and it's shown in other extras, including one about Mithrun, that nobles often send out the kids they don't want around to become canaries. It's an easy way to get rid of someone undesirable and I think it was the case for Milsiril. (Pattadol even assumes her parents love her less than her sisters for sending her to join the canaries).
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No wonder than that now that she's finally free from the canaries she chose to seek her own happiness away from the society she felt she could never fit into, she clearly likes to take care of children too, I think it's mean to assume she only likes them because she feels superior to them when there's no indication that this is the case.
And I don't think it's a coincidence she's so overprotective of Kabru after Utaya, it's literally the tragedy that was the breaking point for her, and he's a surviving small child from that tragedy, Milsiril cares about Kabru and wanted him to have a comfortable safe life after everything he went thru...
This ended up getting way too long so I'll make second part tomorrow about the rest of the extras and Kabru, and some other things I've seen said about Milsiril, but to answer the questions...
I don't think she treats her children as pets, Otta is just salty she was called out for dating like Leo Dicaprio.
Every single dungeon meshi character can be called morally grey because they all have flaws that in our world can be considered unforgivable, but they don't live in our world. To me Milsiril is doing her best in the context she lives in.
Who even is neurotypical in dungeon meshi, Milsiril is yet another flavour of a neurodivergent traumatized character among so many.
I believe she thought of the other canaries, especially Mithrun, as the same type of people that were cruel to her, probably because some of them really were, but that she generalized it to the point she thinks of all of them as bad by default. You can only get hurt so many times before you assume everyone will hurt you.
Part 2
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Gonna play some games to cope, get that nice hit of dopamine from completing tasks before I go to bed
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star-dust-shark · 4 months
pjo characters as weird and dumb things me and my friends have said
Percy: what the fuck is cockblocking like I can't block ur cock on Snapchat
Will: UUUUUUUGH MY ASS HURTS- ooh look a butterfly
Jason: I can't actually believe I just agreed with you but hey here we are
Reyna: why the fuck am I friends with any of you hoes
Piper: should I...? too late I did it
Will: the best way to rizz someone up is by rizzing them up *turns to friend, winks horribly* hey baby girl
Rachel: one sec getting my anger out *aggressively splatters paint on canvas*
Annabeth: sometimes I'm smart. When I'm smart, I'm smart. *awkward thumbs up and grimace*
Octavian: fuck the gays they should all die ... I mean I could fuck some gays
Hazel: I'll make you tea but not in a sweet way I'll make it so hot in burns your tongue and you can't speak for a week
Frank: hey guys check me out I'm a furry on drugs *WOOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF*
Grover: I love plants :3 specifically magic mushrooms but like
Leo: I mean I would totally fuck you but like respect man
Will: Ugh fuck my life I hate everything *coldplay starts playing* I retract the previous statement I fucking love life
Jason: UGH UR ALL SO DUMB but I'm in
Nico: if u wanna kys clap ur hands *rapidly claps hands*
Piper: *hypnotizes u with my beautiful blue orbs* come over to my house
Hazel: respectfully hope you die <3
Frank: I'm on acid what's it called when a ton of cats jump on each other a dog pile or a cat pile
Reyna: OH THANK GOD- sike I don't believe in that motherfucker hahahha
Annabeth: I'm so smart *holds up the one good test I got in school* see the teacher even gave me an 11/10 because I wrote my name in a cool font
Leo: UUUUUGGGGGHHHH IM SO HORNY- *mom walks in* oh hi mom how are you
Will: we can just... fuck. as friends though no homo.
Octavian: you all suck and I hate you *silence* no wait come back
Someone: haha ur gay
Nico: yeah??? and ur not?? like don't knock it until you try it dick is yummy man
Hazel: someone just told me what smearing is and honestly I kinda wanna die *fix you by coldplay starts playing* LMAO WTF
Frank: you sad ass emo dog just be happy
Percy: I Am OnE wiTh ThE oCeAn AnD HopEfuLLy aLL oF ThE hOt MerPeOpLe In iT
Leo: *talking to literally nobody* hey guys!! gonna go get my top surgery! *shows up at claires*
Reyna: I only wanna die sometimes and that's normal right
Will: *playing guitar* haha look guys I'm fingering A minor *strums violently*
Jason: screw men *eyes widen* I should start taking my own advice ngl
Will: *listening to a playlist that Nico made him* ugh my emo ass boyfriend and his stupid music I hate him *proceeds to write his name over and over again in diary with hearts around it*
Nico: what if I strangle someone with a pair of earbuds
Will: please don't
Leo: *in demonic voice* LeAf *eats it*
Nico: *pulls gay flag out of pocket* omg it's u
Will: *shuffles around in pocket, finds condom* ... it's u, vanilla flavoured
Leo: my name's Leo
Percy: and I like jugs
Nico: I'm mentally ill
Leo: and I'm on drugs :D
Jason: is there anything better than pussy
Piper: I thought you where gay
Jason: my boyfriend's trans?
Will: the temptation to fuck an emo boy rn is killing me
Leo: the masculine urge to
Leo: I forgor
Will: that's good!
Nico: like me in bed
Leo: smash or pass Ryan Gosling
Will: PASS
Solangelo: *glares at each other*
Nico: omg stop with that song
Will: but
Will: but you can take me hot to go :(
Annabeth: yeah
Percy: yeah
Annabeth: *in funny voice* yeah
Percy *hentai moan* yEEEAAAaaH
Jason: never ever look up what an eyesha erotica lyric means
Reyna: oh you poor soul *pats back*
Nico: I can't breathe
Will: just
Will: breathe air
Nico: I breathe drugs
Piper: I'm gonna go play basketball
Leo: haha play with my balls
Jason: already do
Leo: *chokes on air*
well that's all sorry for the torture, thanks to @localcosplaymushroom, @crowwolf8, @justagremlinoncaffeine, and @secret-mewtwo for all of the funny convos that went into this
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handmade-witch · 7 months
part 5 baby!! Slytherin boys x Incorrect Quote Generaror~
Part 1 ☆ Part 2 ☆ Part 3 ☆ Part 4 ☆ Part 6
Draco: Hey, are you free?
Blaise: No, I’m expensive.
Mattheo: Go fuck yourself.
Lorenzo: Come over here and fuck me yourself you coward!
[Y/N]: WHY?!
Draco: *venting endlessly to Mattheo about their week*
Mattheo, every once in a while: *in a monotone* Wow, that is so wild.
Mattheo: Astrology is fun because I can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
[Y/N]: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Blaise: What are you doing here?
Draco: I could ask you the same question.
Blaise: I live here. This is my house.
Draco: I should probably ask you a different question.
*Lorenzo and [Y/N] texting*
Lorenzo: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.
[Y/N]: Isn't Mattheo there?
Lorenzo: Yes but I like you more.
Theodore, about Mattheo: I could fix them, but honestly whatever the hell is wrong with them is way funnier.
Draco: That's what any god probably thinks about me.
Lorenzo: From now on we will be using code names.
Lorenzo: You can address me as Eagle One.
Lorenzo: Draco is “been there done that”.
Lorenzo: [Y/N] is “currently doing that”.
Lorenzo: Blaise is “it happened once in a dream”.
Lorenzo: Mattheo is “if I had to pick a(nother) dude.”
Lorenzo: And Theodore is..
Lorenzo: Eagle Two
Theodore: Oh thank god.
Blaise: Anyone d-
[Y/N]: Depressed?
Theodore: Drained?
Lorenzo: Dumb?
Mattheo: Disliked?
Blaise: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people...
Draco: I dare you-
[Y/N]: Mattheo is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Draco: Why not?
Mattheo: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Theodore, at [Y/N]: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Mattheo, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
[Y/N]: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Theodore?
Theodore: No.
Lorenzo: I do!
[Y/N]: I know, Lorenzo.
Lorenzo: I’m sad.
[Y/N]: I know, Lorenzo.
Mattheo: Ooh, somebody has a crush
Theodore: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on [Y/N] I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
*Later that night*
Theodore, very much awake: Uh oh.
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends.
[Y/N]: Which one? I have six.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
[Y/N] Which one? I have six.
Pansy, distantly: HEY!!!
Mattheo: I have very high standards, you know.
Theodore: I can make spaghetti...
Mattheo: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Blaise: You bought a taco?
Draco: Yes.
Blaise: From the same truck that hit Lorenzo?!
Draco, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help them.
Mattheo: In alcohol’s defense, I’ve done some pretty dumb shit while completely sober too.
Theodore: Can you be serious for five minutes?
Lorenzo: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
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enjolraspermettendo · 4 months
Les Miserables Fanfic recs✨️
I tried to make a selection, my absolute favourites have a heart next to them ❤️, but my les mis fics bookmarks have 17 pages, so you know, there are still other amazing fics that i didn't include (part 2 maybe?). I also realised while making this list that most of these fics are actually very well known, but still, they're great 🤷‍♀️ I'm an angst enthusiast, be warned.
( I'm trying to also tag the tumblr accounts of the authors: if you are one of the authors and I missed your url and want me to add you or if you want me to remove you dont hesitate to contact me! )
❤️ World Aint Ready by idiopathicsmile @idiopathicsmile
Enjolras presses his lips together. He already looks pained, and Grantaire hasn't even opened his mouth yet. That's got to be a record, even for them.
"I need a favor," he says at last.
"With what?" says Grantaire. "Ooh, are you forming a cult? Can I join? I'd be awesome at cults, I just know it." He ticks off his qualifications on his fingers. "I love chanting, I look great in robes—"
(High school AU. Grantaire the disaffected stoner is pulled into a cause bigger than himself. Or: in which there are pretend boyfriends for great justice.)
Part 1 of World Aint Ready-verse
To Fold the Sheet by Lyres
“Can you say one good thing about the season?”
Holding out his soap-sud covered hands until Grantaire tosses a towel on top of them, Enjolras hums in thought. “Not really,” he says, once he's dried off. “Just don't have a lot of happy memories of summer, I suppose.”
(In which Grantaire attempts to make Happy Summer Memories, and Enjolras is endlessly patient.)
History of Melancholia by Squash (JeSuisGourde) @meta-squash
Grantaire deals with his depression by documenting it through photography as he and Enjolras try to wade through life with mental illness. It doesn't make it any easier for him or Enjolras, though. It's the blind leading the blind as they try to navigate the waters of depression.
A series of moments in no particular order, showing the paths that Grantaire's depression and addiction has taken him on and the ways he has tried to survive.
Submission (Going Down, Down) by ddeadkennedys
anyway, enjolras hated grantaire at first. enjolras isn't an asshole, he's not a gatekeeper or some sort of shitty elitist, but grantaire was uninspired, hopeless despite all that potential. a waste. but then that whole thing went down, and shit changed, and if grantaire thought he couldn't get enough of enjolras' attention before, now that enj is only mean to him for fun he's a fucking junkie for it.
Part 1 of the revolution is my boyfriend
Keep It Kind, Keep It Good, Keep It Right by lady_ragnell @theladyragnell
“You aren’t going to ask me if I’m okay?”
“You aren’t. Believe me, I know the signs.” Grantaire sighs, and his breath mists in the air like cigarette smoke. “They love you in there.”
“And out here?”
“You know that’s not a fair question.”
Forget Me Not by Opium_du_Peuple @just-french-me-up
Enjolras loses four years worth of memories after a nasty car accident. Though he still remembers who Combeferre and Courfeyrac are, he also finds himself with a herd of friends he doesn't remember meeting. Friends who are exactly what his blank mind needs to recollect his missing memories.
or : the amnesia fic no one asked for.
i'm not the moon (i'm not even a star) by serinesaccade @serinesaccade
“The amnesiac has questions,” says Grantaire. Boyfriend grips the wheel. “Don’t worry, we’ll start with the 200 dollar Jeopardy trivia.” A semi roars past them. “What’s your name?” The perfect sinew and bones of his fingers relax. “Oh,” he murmurs. Just like that, defenses lowered. “Enjolras.” “Cool,” Grantaire says. “I’m Grantaire.” Something happens to Enjolras’ face which, if you zoomed in, might be considered a smile. “I know.” “How long have we been dating, Enjolras?” The almost-smile is gone. The gameshow metaphor has become too apt; someone’s lost it all. “That’s complicated.” Well. Grantaire should’ve known some part of this fairytale was too good to be true. He’s best friends with a streetsmart renegade and someone who wrote him a welcome-back-to-consciousness poem in godawful blue icing on an orange frosted cookie cake. There are nearly ten people who were waiting for him to wake up in a hospital room. Of course his inexplicable relationship with his supernova hot, socially conscientious boyfriend is ‘complicated.’
thirteen days and fourteen hours and a dozen minutes by Potoo
"Enjolras,” Grantaire gasps as delicate fingers brush over his chest, an airy quality to them, “what do you want?” Because Grantaire would serve him the whole world on a silver platter, and it would never be enough.
“You,” Enjolras states, his voice clear and severe, “I want you.”
Enjolras discovers one by one what his friends think about Grantaire. He is rather surprised by their words.
Also: body worship porn.
Metropolitan Art by ryssabeth @avagueambitioninyourerection
Paris is his home.
❤️ Wrap your fingers round my thumb by Ibbyliv
When Éponine leaves in the morning, he’s already feeling much better. No really, he is. He makes a cup of coffee and even showers. The sun is shining brightly –even though it’s mostly late in the afternoon than morning but he has no one to apologize to, no reason to excuse himself for being a lazy ass and not finishing that painting for ages- and he’s humming a catchy tune that has been stuck in his head while he wipes his hair dry with a towel. He opens the door because he feels good enough to take the trash out, and everything’s alright, even the odor coming from the plastic bag, until he hears it.
It’s a cry, a wail, desperate and heartbreaking as if something tiny is trying to cause its lungs to explode and is on its way to success. Grantaire looks around, not willing to accept what he feels coming, before lowering his eyes on the floor. In this moment, Grantaire swears, he's so fucking wasted. * Enjolras leaves to work abroad for a year. When he returns, he finds out that there has been a new addition to their group.
A Series of Progressions by AnnaBolena @annabrolena
Modern AU in Paris in which most of Les Amis are students and all of them are sort of slow on the getting together aspect of relationships, with sociopolitical commentary and medical jabber peppered in between.
how sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame by Tegami @furtherfish
He could have shrugged and that would have been it. Say that he just found it precious. But Grantaire was Grantaire and he never could keep himself from oversharing and he was already dizzy with the way this night was going, so he told the truth. “The first thought I had when I read that poem was ‘If someone would ever call me “sweet boy” and mean it, I would probably pass out.’” OR: E & R are being ""casual"". Grantaire attempts to break some of their habits. Enjolras reads some angsty notes R left in his copy of Shakespeare's sonnets. Then they fuck
❤️ Hotel California by sunflowerbright
'You can check out, but you can never leave' - Reincarnation!AU
❤️ Paris Burning by thecitysmith @thecitysmith
In a world where cities are personified, the City of Paris has been missing for centuries, driven away by the horrors of war and the worst humanity has offered him. Enjolras dreams of meeting Paris, and leading him to a better tomorrow. What he doesn't know is that Paris is now a cynical drunk who calls himself Grantaire.
❤️ Thirty-Two Times by Ark @et-in-arkadia
Marius, looking chastised but sad, says, “Is there nothing then for romance, Enjolras? It seems a strange emotion to be struck with, distracting as a fever, if it means nothing.” It is Grantaire who answers first. “Nothing means anything, Marius,” says the cynic. “Yet who would ever die for his country if he did not love some person who lived within it?”
❤️ Once We're Kings by raeldaza
Their kingdoms have been at odds for centuries, so what will be a greater 'fuck you' than to send hapless knight Grantaire as their representative for Prince Enjolras's queen choosing ceremony before he is crowned King? Grantaire disagrees, but he doesn't seem to get much of a say in the matter. No one is really expecting anything to come of it, but trust Enjolras to defy expectations.
❤️ Your Heart on Your Skin by zade @racetrackthehiggins
Grantaire’s first flower appears when he is two years old. It’s late, for a First Bloom, considering some children are born with their First already etched above their hearts, but Grantaire’s parents are warm and loving and wait to see what sort of child they have born unto the world. His First Bloom, when it comes, is vibrant patch of yellow carnations. He is too young to know what it means, and his parents don’t tell him, just—withdraw, and a much smaller patch of yellow carnations appears on his mother’s ankle. -- Soulmate AU where things in your life appear as flowers on your skin, and people with hard lives have a lot of flowers to show for it
Tetris by chapstickaddict
Cosette is Enjolras' half-sister. His father slept with Fantine and then buggered off to be with his wife. Then Enjolras found out. One day he sees her- and he knows its her- and doesn't know what to do. Enjolras is Cosette's half-brother. Her mother slept with a married man and died of a broken heart and weary soul. Then Cosette found out. One day, she finds him-and she knows its him- and doesn't know what to do. Then Marius happened...
Silence Is the Speech of Love by lady_ragnell @theladyragnell
Grantaire's life has a pattern: he pays his respects to Aphrodite, he goes to work, he loves Enjolras and provokes him because he can't bring himself to do otherwise. That seems unlikely to change, at least until Enjolras speaks out against the gods and ends up cursed. Grantaire does his best to help him, but it turns out it's just as hard to love Enjolras up close as it is from afar.
Part 1 of The Speech of Love
❤️ I Believe In Nothing but the Truth and Who We Are by Whreflections
"Under the wine, Grantaire smelled like smoke and summer nights. His dark hair curled in a chaotic mess around his face, his neck below pale and soft. The first time they met, the first time he drew the scent into his lungs, he ached with the need to mark that stretch of skin, to card his fingers through Grantaire’s hair so very gently before tilting his head back so Enjolras might mark his bared throat and make his claim. He resisted then, telling himself that to act on instinct alone was the arena of an animal; he was a man of intellect, and he could choose." As an alpha, Enjolras has known Grantaire to be his mate since he first came to the Musain, a truth he does his best to bury. With his devotion already promised to France, he tells himself he cannot risk dividing his loyalties, cannot risk a bond that would pull so heavy on his heart. This is what he's told himself a thousand times, but when Grantaire needs him, his careful resolutions may not be able to hold against the strain.
His Love Letter by ShitpostingfromtheBarricade @shitpostingfromthebarricade
Your Wednesday regular appears right on time and orders the same thing as he does every week, but something's different today.
❤️ Here's looking at you by illuminate
“So domestic trouble rather than treason?” Floreal said. “I’m not saying one precludes the other.” Enjolras said, which came out more pained than he had intended. “Are you suggesting Grantaire sold national secrets to a crime lord because you were a bad boyfriend?” Floreal asked. Her tone was bemused, but there was a glint in her eye that turned the comment into mockery. “No.” Enjolras snapped, stung, and then didn’t say more. Spy AU. Grantaire removes his tracker and disappears the same night Lamarque is killed in his office. Enjolras is left behind, trying to figure out what happened and why Grantaire didn't tell him anything.
❤️ Meanwhile, A Glacier by standalone
“I’ll go.” He says it without brashness or deference. Just a statement. “Where?” “You want to climb the Forty,” he says, and Enjolras can’t deny it. “I’ll go with you.”
❤️ It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster @shamedumpster
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Part 1 of INtSA-verse
❤️ Combeferre's Tattoos by standalone
Enjolras clunked down three lowball glasses of whiskey and a bottle of soda water. “We have already established, ‘Ferre, his freedom to leave us. Can you please stop bringing it up and instead give him some incentive to stay?” Combeferre cocked his head to the side, as if amused at Enjolras’s crankiness. “Such as?” “He seemed to like you shirtless.” ‘Ferre nodded. “Then perhaps someone should take my shirt off.” or When the universe gives you Enjolras and Combeferre, who the hell are you to ask questions?
Part 1 of Tattoos AU
❤️ In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile @idiopathicsmile
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Part 1 of IDOAG-verse
❤️ We still got time (Raise your hopeful voice) by RavenXavier
“Excuse-you!” came Grantaire’s offended voice from the other side of the room. “I would make an excellent wife, Monsieur Lesgle, should I choose to! I have all the qualities of one!" (In which Enjolras slowly falls in love, and Grantaire takes the time to explore what feels right.)
Musagetes by defractum @defractum
"You've had sex," says Grantaire, just to clarify. He gives Enjolras an obvious look up and down, as if he's trying to imagine it right now: Enjolras having sex, Enjolras in the act of having sex. The curve of his mouth gives away his smirk; it's Grantaire though, so his smirk is two-thirds mocking and one-third self-deprecating. In which Enjolras has sex, has casual sex, and doesn't talk about it; in which Grantaire speaks better through art.
❤️ Through the Narrow Place by revolutionbarbie
“What brought you to Paris?” Montparnasse asked. “A train, ostensibly. And a bus.” Grantaire leaves Poland for Paris, content to remain alone forever if it means that he'll be safe. He goes to work and he comes home and he doesn't think about how few people there would be to miss him should he disappear. When he meets the Friends who gather and plot at the Cafe Musain, he realises how much he has been missing and though their leader is reckless and arrogant, Grantaire can't help but be drawn to him.
❤️ A Thousand Miles by kjack89 @kjack89
Some couples had a morning breakfast routine. For Enjolras and Grantaire, it was coffee. Come rain, shine, or hectic schedules, they still made time every morning to have a cup of coffee together. Sometimes that time saw Grantaire perching on the counter in the bathroom while Enjolras gulped his cup in the shower; other times, it was the two of them in bed long past when they were supposed to get up, wrapped in blankets and each other. Some days those precious few minutes were the only time they saw each other, and they treasured it. Even when Enjolras was out of town on business, they called or Facetimed each other to share their morning cup of coffee. It was the one consistency in their lives that Grantaire could count on.
❤️ Hēbē by illuminate
“You cannot feed on a citizen without their consent, because that would be an attack on their person - and their Rights, I am sure. But you cannot risk revealing your nature and so you cannot ask for permission. Luckily, you have me, who am already aware and quite willing.” The chair screeches loudly as Enjolras pushes himself away from the table. ”Come now, Apollo, let me be your cupbearer.” Grantaire implores; his tone somewhere between teasing and honest. “No, we are not doing that.” Enjolras growls. (In short: Enjolras has trouble feeding himself, because he is too busy planning the revolution. Grantaire finds out and is more than willing to help.)
Part 1 of cupbearer
Enjolras looks down at where Grantaire’s hand holds the pack against him and doesn’t bother to take hold. “If you were Combeferre,” he says, “this would be the part where you tell me these things will kill me.” “If I were Combeferre, I’d be inside and you’d be bothering someone else,” Grantaire snaps. He snatches the pack of cigarettes back and extracts one, leaving just two inside. It is with sharp, savage movements that he jabs it into his mouth, lights it with the silver Zippo, and then offers it to Enjolras.
love is in the air, i just gotta figure out a window to break out by tamquams
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Weiss: We need to get you something casual to wear. Even I don't just have dresses. I have skirts, and jeans and yoga pants.
Jaune: What's wrong with this shirt? It's cotton. It's comfortable.
Weiss: You don't have any other shoes just those heavy boots.
Jaune: What's wrong with my boots? They're comfortable and I know if I have to I can crush somebody's skull with them.
Weiss: Besides the fact they are on my new coffee table? Get some slippers, sandals, or tennis shoes and I'll let the shirt and pants go.
Jaune: I have jeans...
Weiss: One pair? I've seen your closet. Face it. You've gone all hunter with no relaxation.
Jaune: I sleep shirtless in gym shorts. Are you complaining about that? It's not typically something a loving wife tells their husband. 'Put on more clothes.'
Weiss: You also only have one pair of gym shorts. You're so military it would make a Spartan cringe. It's not like you don't have the money for clothes.
Jaune: I've been busy.
Weiss: But now you're not.
Ruby: Ooh! We should dress him up!
Jaune: What am I? A doll?
Weiss: It's settled then.
Jaune: Settled how? Since when are we putting things to a vote. That's not allowed. Everyone has to be onboard.
Ruby: Get democratized.
Weiss: What happened to your onesie? At least you had that. At least it existed even if I am glad you just sleep in gym shorts.
Ruby: Your chest is nice to sleep on. How is it soft and hard at the same time? But we aren't hoofing it around anima anymore and you're not clawing your way back to Vale. Let us dress you up.
Jaune: Again like a doll?
Ruby: Yeah. But you're our doll. Please? For me?
Jaune: *makes the mistake of looking into her eyes, gets up with a sigh*
Weiss: We don't mean right this minute. Good gods.
Jaune: *sits back down* You know where to find me.
Weiss: You have to teach me how to do that Ruby.
Jaune: You both do that to me. You looked at me, folded your arms, and told me to get a psychiatrist and I did.
Weiss: True. But there’s something special about the way Ruby says ‘please? For me?’ Isn’t there? She does it to me too. She’s like ‘I know you like this color of paint for the bedroom but I like this one. Won’t you agree to it? For me?
Ruby: *has this look of 'who? Me? I'm not familiar*
Jaune: As far as I’m concerned you both cheat hard and ruthlessly. How often do you walk around singing in the kitchen while you’re making coffee? You cheat. You both do. You both do it as much as you can get away with and that’s quite a lot. And what am I supposed to do? I’ve got nothing. I have neither defense or offense.
Weiss: How is doing things you love cheating? I happen to sing while I’m doing chores. That’s for me. If you happen to like it, then that is on you. I am talking about how Ruby actively uses her charms to get us both to do what she wants.
Jaune: And I’m just saying you’re not innocent. As soon as you found out it turns me on when you sing you started singing at me all the time.
Weiss: Okay. I did do that.
Jaune: Bangarang. And everyone in this house knows that Ruby just looks up at you with those big silver eyes and asks nicely and gets her wishes granted. Everyone knows that. Especially Ruby. She knows we can’t help ourselves and she knows that we know that she knows. But there’s nothing to be done. What am I going to do to get what I want?
Weiss: You don’t want anything though. You don’t really care what color the annex office gets painted. You hardly care what you eat for dinner. You could probably eat the same thing every day without complaint.
Jaune: That’s exactly what I used to do at Beacon until you moved in with me. I ate the same thing every single day. And you know what? I liked it.
Weiss: You’re schizophrenic. You have to stop with these mentally unwell behaviors. That’s a part of fighting back against your illness. It’s not enough to just take the meds.
Ruby: Yeah, that’s a sign of mental unwellness… You should eat different things…
Jaune: Exactly how long term am I supposed to be thinking here?
Weiss: *Smacks his chest gently with the back of her hand*
Ruby: *much less flirtatiously and aggressively hits the inside of his thigh*
Jaune: And you both abuse me.
Weiss: Oh shut up.
Ruby: Big baby.
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howlingday · 4 months
Cinder Has Issues
Ruby: What makes you think you can get away with this?!
Cinder: Mwahahahahaha~!
Cinder: I have mental illness.
Ruby: What?
Cinder: Like ADHD, depression-
Ruby: I know what mental illness is. Why are you telling me this?
Cinder: It would be problematic for you to criticize me~.
Ruby: You killed a bunch of people!
Cinder: I am literally neurodivergent and a minor.
Ruby: Okay? Me, too? I didn't kill a bunch of people, though.
Cinder: I have trauma, Ruby.
Ruby: Ooh, you're opening up! Let me hear the traumatic backstory that justifies all your actions.
Cinder: I was bullied.
Ruby: I was bullied, too. That's your trauma?
Cinder: Oh, you think people can't be traumatized by bullying?
Ruby: That's not what I said.
Cinder: Are you dismissing my feelings?
Ruby: Most people who get bullied don't end up KILLING PEOPLE.
Cinder: Some of them do.
Ruby: I got bullied in school, and Jaune got bullied more than I did, and we're both fine!
Jaune: We are?
Ruby: Okay, maybe not fine, but we don't kill people for fun.
Cinder: Everyone deals with these things differently.
Ruby: You can't just use trauma and mental illness to shield yourself from criticism!
Cinder: Yes, I can.
Ruby: Look, I get you're still a kid, but-
Jaune: She's 26!
Ruby: You're 26?! I thought you said you were a minor!
Cinder: I'm a 26-year-old minor.
Ruby: Okay, no, we're not doing this. I'm ending this here!
Cinder: You would attack a neurodivergent minor?
Ruby: I attack murderers! (Leaps)
Cinder: Very well then, ABLEIST. (Maidens up)
Ruby: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell is this?!
Jaune: Her Adderall gives her superpowers!
Ruby: Adderall only does that if you DON'T have ADHD! Which means you were lying about (THWACK) HAVING IIIIIIIIIIIT~!
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emithecharmer · 1 year
Lotte World
(Amusement Park), Friends to Lovers, fluff, kissing scenes, teasing between friends, jokes about being mentally ill
Sorry for any mistakes!!!!!!
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"Ooh they have cotton candy too!" Jisung laughed at your excitement, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, trying to keep you close to him. It was crowded at Lotte World, but after you told Jisung that you'd never been, he made it his life's mission to be the one to bring you.
"Oh! We should take pictures too!" You said, moving towards the booth.
"We should do it at the end, then our smiles will be the biggest." Jisung said, leading you slowly away from the photo booth.
"Ah," You pat his head softly, leaning on his shoulder, "what a smart man you are, Han Jisung." He preened.
"I try." He chuckled.
"What's the plan for tonight?" He asked as you two were sitting down in the food court.
"Hm..We could have a movie marathon." You suggested.
"No Twilight though.." You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes.
"Wouldn't be much of a movie night without Twilight." He groaned at you, putting his head into his hands, but you saw the smile.
"We can watch Howl's moving castle first, so you can replay it in your head." He jerked his head up, brows furrowed.
"I think you underestimate my ability to quote that movie, word-for-word." You laughed, throwing you head back slightly. Jisung's eyes practically sparkled as he watched you give him a detailed plan for the rest of the day, only butting in a few times to help you out with directions.
"Arcade!" You squealed, running behind Jisung and watching him play a game he was 'an expert at.'
" 'No, Y/n, I'm great at this game!' But then he loses." Jisung pursed his lips and pretended to be offended.
"Poor bay-bee." You exaggerated.
"Baby?!" He turned to face you.
"I'm older than you!" He continued.
"Technically, yes, but mentally, I'm older." You said, making him scoff.
"Mentally, you're ill." He said, making both of you burst into laughter.
"Tell Minho to never cut his hair, please." You said, making Jisung snort.
"I'm not supposed to tell you, but I'm your only friend, so who are you gonna tell," You deadpanned but he continued anyway, "Minho has a haircut scheduled." Your jaw dropped and you pretended to cry.
"Life is so unfair!" Jisung giggled at you as you wiped your fake tears, giving a very exaggerated sniffle.
"Where's somewhere you've always wanted to go?" You asked Jisung as he lead you both to where the photo booth was.
"Hmm, your house." He wiggled his eyebrows, making you snort.
"You've already been there." He shrugged.
"I don't know..I think I have everything I want." You nodded, not seeing the way his eyes quickly darted to look at your face, and the small smile on his lips.
"Ok, pick a style, and then pick the sticker you want on it..Not that one." You chuckled as Jisung gave his input.
"Okay, now look here.." He pointed to the camera before hoisting you onto his back.
The first picture was you on Jisung's back, holding up a peace sign and smiling brightly into the camera.
The second was you both making finger hearts and tilting your heads slightly toward the other.
The third Jisung brought you in for a back hug, confusing you a bit, but you held onto his arms and smiled nonetheless.
"Can I try something new for the last picture?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course!" You answered, unknowingly, before smiling again at the camera.
The fourth picture was you both smiling at the camera, although Jisung's mind was elsewhere.
The fifth, Jisung pulled you close to him, tilting your head up, and smiling down at you. You immediately knew what the sixth picture would be.
"I love you." He whispered before kissing you softly, hand on the back on your head, stroking your hair softly.
The sixth picture. Your first kiss, your first love confession, and your first of many Lotte World dates with Han Jisung.
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ladydigianna · 4 days
incorrect quotes || rise of red ft. y/n
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|| note: this is fictional yall
|| pairings: rise of red x reader
|| sfw
|| from the author: have fun reading hehe ^^
-incquotes under the cut-
Hook: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
Uliana: You’re charged with…..breaking into a pet store? Chloe: I thought the animals might be lonely.
Ella : Come on, Bridget. Nobody actually believes that Charming is in love with me. Bridget, to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Charming is helplessly in love with Ella. *Everyone raises their hand* Ella: Charming, put your hand down.
Morgie: Why are you drinking? Maleficent: I drink when I'm depressed. Morgie: But you're always drinking? Maleficent: *smug grin*
Charming, to Ella: You wanna fight? All right, let’s take this outside. The stars are so bright tonight and the moon looks so nice. Here, hold my hand—
Hook: I’m a reverse necromancer! Y/n: Isn’t that just- Maleficent: No. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You are literally so fucking unfunny that it hurts. It physically hurts my body knowing that people still think murder is funny. I cant believe im saying this but do you guys know how chronically online you all are, thinking that saying “oOh iM a rEVeRsE nECrOmANcER i LOvE tO kiLL pEOpLe” is genuinely funny and will get everyone in the room shitting themselves from laughter?? cause its not. It’s fucking not. In fact, its the unfunniest fucking joke ever. Not just any joke about killing people. This one specifically. Its so unfunny and stupid. Nobody is fucking laughing at that, Hook. It makes you look like a greasy emo kid who has never been outside once in their life and uses tumblr religiously. Like not even the funny side of tumblr. the fucking unfunny side filled with overused jokes about murder and illegal acts. Honestly, youre so unfunny, Hook. Fuck you.
Cinderella: Damn, the power went out. Y/n: Don’t worry, I got this. Y/n: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up* Cinderella: What-? Y/n: I swallowed a glow stick! Cinderella, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Red: I can't imagine what Hades is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Hades: You know, there’s only one person in this world who can tell you what you are. Y/n: Me. Hades: No. Hades: Me.
Hades: Do you guys hear something? Maleficent: I hear the sound of you shutting the fuck up.
Hades: Astrology is fun because I can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness. Uliana: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Red: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Queen of Hearts: Did Chloe say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Red: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
Hook: I’d kill someone if you asked me to. Morgie: I’m pretty sure you’d kill someone even if I didn’t ask you to.
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