#zuki week day three
kigozula · 1 year
Gladiator 300th Chapter Celebration
Here are my answers and I have to admit, I realized how hard it was to answer some of them xD
1.OC: It has always been Rui Shi. But in general, I do like so many OC's. Tiang is one of them as well. As I say often, Seyary is the Queen of the best OC's!!
2. Guard: Since I chose Rui Shi as my favorite OC, I choose Fei Li here. Funny and cute
3. Gladiator: The Millenium Dragon is a nice person. The Blind Bandit maybe? Or wait, Haru? Honestly I don't really have a favorite Gladiator other than the Blue Wolf come to think of it
4. Sponsor: I'm going with Zhao
5. Pair/Couple (besides Sokkla): Songshi<3 These two are the cutest
6. Friendship: Azula and her childhood friends Mai and Ty Lee. I miss their friendship these days... Azula and Rui Shi, Azula-Sokka-Rui Shi-Song
7. Villain/Antagonist/Opponent: Yes he is evil, but Rhone brought action
8. Suitor for Azula: Kuan and Hahn. Here too, I liked the action it brought. And I enjoyed it how Hahn ended up. As for the characters I like as suitors Zhao and Chan. I believe Chan will be a good character in the future(?)
"Oh?" said Ozai. "And what sort of gift is that?"
"Why, no other than him, of course," said Kuan, pointing at the man he had brought with him.
"Why, your first engagement present to me is a man?" asked Azula, raising her eyebrows. "Your ideas for courting are quite unconventional, Governor Kuan." Chapter 69
Had to drop this here, since I am re-reading this arc currently. One of the funniest scenes xD
9. Place (any houses/island/cities…): Fire Nation Capital (the Palace, Sokka and Azula's house/garden, Ty Lee's, Ember Island, Shu Jing
10. Event (weddings/festivals…): Not sure but Azula‘s birthday and the Gladiator Fight afterwards. And the second Fire Nation Festival with the catastrophic ending
Sokkla Kisses in Part 2 when they become finally a couple: I really like making things difficult don’t I? I might be missing some but at the moment: Their rejoining after the second Fire Nation Festivals, on the ship when Sokka rushed in Azula‘s room while Ty Lee is still in there, Shu Jing domestic life, aaannddd I think on the ship when Azula accidentally spills out the word love and is „angry“ afterwards, Oh and when she hurts her wrinkle and Sokka tends to it and kisses her *_*
Sokkla Love Making: The whole Festivals Arc, random moments, Northern Air Temple, Anniversary
1.Part 2, or Part 3 (so far): I really have no answer to this. Been reading since nine years, my absolute favorite arcs and moments aren't much more in one part than the other. So, I have to answer it this way ;) in no particular order:
Introduction arc Attack of the White Lotus arc Ember Island arc The Notorious Stingray arc Azula’s Birthday arc Fire Nation Festivals arc Giving in arc Northern Air Temple arc Kinslayer arc Toph finds out arc Fire Nation Festivals #2 arc  Sokka and Azula’s anniversary arc Gladiator Brawl arc Return to Shu Jing arc The Spirit Library arc Fire Lord for a Week arc Wedding arc
2. Zuki Family or Mai Jian Family: I'm honestly impressed by both. I never thought Zuko would be such a good family man. Mai Jian is a dream. I guess at the end Mai Jian outweighs Zuki even if juuuust little
3. Festivals Arc or Anniversary Arc: Again I guess I like making things difficult xD. Both are bomb... Again there is only the littlest difference and my choice goes with Festivals...
4. Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li: Captain Rui Shi forever
5. Ozai or Zhao: Zhao. He made a 180 degree turn out of nothing these days. But I still like this man in part 2 as well as the beginning of part 3. He treated both Azula and Sokka well in my opinion. Before the whole pregnancy reveal, he's been a good man to his wife Azula. Zhao is one of the best characters in the whole story!!
Ozai... well, even if he our Diva Lord is a likable character, (I mean part 1 and part 2 were very funny with him), and even if I don't truly hate him as a character, I can never see him the way I did after all the things he did to my baby Azula
6. Gladiator Brawl, Sponsor Race, Pairs Tournament or Scavenger Hunt: All are very good. My final decision is Gladiator Brawl
7. Xin Long or Appa: I ike Appa. But Xin Long wins here!!
8. Azula’s Squad or Sokka’s Squad: I'm gonna go with Rui Shi's future Squad(?) xD
9. Ty Lee or Mai: Ty Lee I like more in part 1. Mai is always good. This woman and her sudden comments are humorous. Their absence is very noticeable
10. Shoji or Kino: Shoojiiiiii
11. Ruon Jian or Haru: We didn't see much of Ruon Jian, but I still like him. I like Haru more still. He was very funny around Azula at the beginning xD
1.A Place you would like to visit or live: The Capital I would want to live in. And visiting, I would like to see every place. Esepcially Ember Island
2. If you could give Part 2 a title it would be: "A BOND UNBREAKABLE"
3. Something you look forward to: Chan. Rui Shi and the guards. *coughs* chapter 327/329. Azula visiting the South Pole. Reuniting and being happy together again forever*-*. Azula giving birth to more children with Sokka by her side
4. Favorite Sokkla Artwork from Part 2:
These two babies right here*-*:
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Future Ships you think will happen: I thought about Reirei at then beginning (Rei and Renkai) but then I found out about the age difference. Honestly, I don't think there is going to be a big surprise
Azula and Zhao will divorce when/because of … I think Zhao might commit betrayal and lose the royal family's trust (the Spirit Oasis)
When Hakoda meets Azula and Hotaru for the first time …: One of the things I am very much looking forward to. Admiration on both sides and happiness. Maybe some tears?
When Ozai and Ursa see each other …: .................................................................................................................................................... Angry Ursa.... I think she will play a major role in Ozai's future downfall, emotionally(?). Everything aside, I would support some moments of affection and longing from both sides =D. Urzai is a good ship... HAD the potential of being one of the best...
I think Ozai's future looks like...: Since things can change in this story, I don't really have an opinion on that that I can be sure of. All I can say is: I think he will stay alive...
When Azula finally visits the South Pole, I hope/wish/think …: Igloo Sokkla. Fun family times. *wantstocry*. Admiration of the whole tribe for Azula, their new family member
First things Azula and Sokka will do after their reunion:
Be happy, cry, take in each other's scent, cuddle together with their baby daughter, then sharing their miserable journey with each other, Sokka finding out about the letters and her tears and trying to keep his anger in check and never ever letting her go for the rest of his life, no matter what happens.
@seyaryminamoto , congratulations on the release of the 300th chapter! As always, I feel happy-sad and can't believe Gladiator is a journey we've been on for a decade. You already know how much I love this story;). Your hard work and love for writing and making these beautiful artworks amaze me. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to host events for your masterpiece and I feel valued with your trust! Thank you! I've already started re-reading my favorite arcs. They give me joy!
I'll be posting the correct answers to the quiz on sunday evening.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Tagged by @nullians like a week ago but I'm AWFUL at fast responses but HI I'M HERE NOW!!!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with!
Last song: Title and Registration by Death Cab for Cutie! He's right by the way. Does ANYONE actually keep gloves in the glove compartment. I think not. I'm listening to music as I write this and it just changed to Road Head by Japanese Breakfast. Make of that what you will.
Three ships: ZUKI, ZELINK, CONTESTSHIPPING, BABY!!! search 'zuki' on my blog if anyone's like wtf even is that. I sit in rarepair hell for them every day <3
Currently reading: McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, thirteenth edition. As a student, I do not get around to reading for fun very much. Or at all, even for fic- but I'm trying to make more fic time, even if book time isn't in the table!
Last Movie: I don't really watch movies. I think the last thing I watched was some pokemon chronicles with friends though!
Currently craving: does affection count??? lmao. Anyways, probably coffee, whcih I constantly want. It's not even an energy thing, it does NOTHING to keep me awake! I just like warm cozy drinks. Other than that, probably sushi.
Tagging people but NO RUSH OR OBLIGATION!!!!!! FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT @gaycey-sketchit (i think you tagged me in something a while ago but i lost it in my @'s??? idk, sorry!!!) @itstimetodrew @lostlegendaerie @lmaoirrelevant @blossyossyossy @garyandash-trash @metzintli @eondragon @maybenow22
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norhimorovine · 2 years
Home Again Home Again
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“We gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again.”
N’s words echoed in Norhi’s thoughts as she teleported into the Hawthorne Hut. She’d already called ahead on the linkpearl, letting her family know she was coming. And as her vision cleared, showing the familiar village, her eyes turned upwards to that dreaded view. The sky above was that sickly red and she felt her stomach turn. 
She closed her eyes and took a breath. But then she heard her name called and she turned in Crystal’s saddle, spotting her father of all people. P’rischy Morovine was trotting up on his own bird, grinning with excitement. He didn’t even dismount, reaching to hug Norhi atop her mount. “Gods be good. You made it!”
Norhi laughed and hugged him tightly. “I did.”
P’ris pulled back and eyed her. “You’ve seen some shit. And what the hells happened to your ankle?”
Norhi snorted and gestured at the road. “Ride and talk. Yes, I’ve seen some shit. Things in Garlemald are intensely complex. I’m not sure I can summarize any of it easily. As for my ankle,” she quietly relates what she can of the story, without getting too deep into who N and Twelves were just yet.
P’rischy eyed Norhi by the end of her story, while their birds followed the road to the shop without trouble. “You never cease to amaze me with your ability to make the most unique friends, sweetheart.”
Norhi smiled faintly. “You’d like them. They’re your brand of chaos.”
P’ris chuckled. “A pity that I need to stay here. I’d love to see this town you’ve been working in.”
Norhi mused quietly. “Maybe someday. We can go visit Misah’to, if he sticks to his decision.”
P’rischy nodded quietly and then asked, “How is he really? There were things your letter left out.”
Norhi grimached and then sighed. “The girls he took on? Pureblood Garleans. Their parents were his owners. They are sweet girls though. Coming around to understanding just what was wrong about Misah’to’s situation. And honestly a little horrified by it. But they love him like he’s family. And he is deeply protective of them. And I don’t blame him. They’re just children, Dad.”
“Maybe then, this will be a good place to build a bridge,” P’ris answered softly, “I can see why you didn’t relate that in your letter. Well, your mother’s already dug through the twins’ old winter clothing. And talked to some of the neighbors. We’ll have some to send back with you.”
Norhi nodded. “Don’t worry about sizes. There’s a bunch of kids in Alvarium. Anything that’s solid and warm against snow. If it can’t be worn, it can be repurposed.”
P’ris smiled in understanding. “Good to know. I’ll let her know when I get back. Will you be coming over tomorrow?”
Norhi shook her head, her hand settling on a large specimen bag that hung at her side. “No. I’ve got business with Sahlia. Day after though.”
“Got it. Don’t be surprised if your mother comes by to hug you tomorrow,” P’ris acknowledged with a chuckle, “She’s been climbing the walls since your call.”
Norhi winced and then smiled. “I’ll be happy to see her. Maybe Sahlia can help with my ankle before she shows up.”
P’ris snorted. “You know I have to tell her right?”
“Do you have to? Really? I’ve already spent a week being chased around Alvarium by everyone trying to get me to stop working!” she complained with a loud groan.
P’rischy rolled his eyes. “Good. Well, Maybe you’ll listen to someone this time.”
At this point, they came up to the shop. Zuki and Nhie’a both came out with Vhene and Herah on their heels, greeting Norhi and P’riscy. Norhi was sat to the side with two small children, while the three men saw to unloading Crystal’s gear and getting her sorted into her stable. 
P’rischy then hugged his daughter one more time, before mounting back up and heading back to Gridania. Norhi just let her husband insist on carrying her inside the house, while the kids chanted about dinner. She could already feel the tension bleeding out of her. 
These were pieces of her happiness. She’d found them and nurtured them. And she hoped she wouldn’t lose them any time soon.
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 2 months
Zeph hihi you are welcome my love everything for you azzy I’m love you more than anything else in the world you are just completely absolutely precious I’m care deeply about you I love you as soon they continue to eat the cake happily as they enjoy spending time together for the rest of the day as meanwhile back home the kids are sad because it they last day of summer vacation masaru im can’t believe we will go to school tomorrow and there still that stupid trip for the the hystory class test bunny what test jataro well we are going to a place call kitakami the things we will lean from there will be in the exam but it seems we will have only one supervisor the others are sick or deny to go bunny I’m see how about this me ruki and Zuki go with you guys than the day comes ?
*The kids exchange surprised looks before turning back to their big siblings.*
Collector: Ohhh, yes yes yes!
Jataro: Sure, why not? The school did say they were looking for chaperones for next week, and you three are basically adults.
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mniowicakte · 4 years
☽ the man on the moon ☾
[ zuki week, day three: hurt/comfort ]
cw : character death
The Fire Nation palace suddenly felt claustrophobic. Suki could feel the walls inching closer and closer, sweat dripping down the back of her neck. Her muscles were tense, as if she were anticipating an attack. 
Is this an attack? she thought to herself, remembering the similar sensations Zuko had described when recounting his own panic attacks. 
Suki didn’t allow herself enough time to think about it, though. She couldn’t stop reading the words of the letter over and over in her head. Finally, eyes tired and strained, Suki had had enough. She bolted out of the palace and into the capital city. 
She didn’t stop running until she reached the edge of the volcano’s cinder cone, the ridges rising up before her like mountains in their own right. Suki kept going, up the narrow and winding path that would lead her to the small plateau overlooking the shore below and ocean beyond.
The sun was starting to set behind the volcanic hills at Suki’s back, the sky turning vibrant shades of pink and orange, but she could not admire its beauty. Her eyes were fixated on the seemingly endless stretch of ocean on the horizon. 
. . . will not be returning. 
Suki shook the letter’s harrowing words out of her mind, but they persisted. She broke under the pressure, sobs exploding out of her like a bursting dam. The letter’s thin paper crumpled in her fist as she cried out, sinking to her knees. 
The sun had nearly disappeared entirely by the time Zuko found her there, curled up in a ball with her knees tucked into her chest. She was half-asleep, shivering in the cool night. He took off his robe and draped it over her body. 
Suki blinked slowly, dragging herself out of that groggy state between sleep and consciousness. “Sokka,” she murmured.
Zuko winced, but tried not to hold onto the hurt. “No, it’s me. It’s Zuko,” he told her.
“No,” she shook her head. “No. . . I mean, I know that it’s you. But Sokka. . .” her voice trailed off as her throat tightened with oncoming sobs. Hot tears welled in her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words, so she handed Zuko the wrinkled letter that had been addressed to the two of them.
Zuko sat on the ground beside Suki and she rested her head on his thigh, pulling his robe over her arms and up to her chin. He unfolded the letter as best he could and tried to smooth out the wrinkles. He read Iroh’s neat and looping handwriting slowly. 
Zuko & Suki, 
I really wish you did not have to hear this news through a letter, but given the current circumstances, I fear that it’s the only option. If I wait, you will simply hear from other sources in a few days anyway, and, well. . . I feel like that would be a lot worse.
Zuko skimmed most of the letter - the details, the context - until he found the last few passages, his pounding heart and shaking hands far too impatient to read through everything in between.
. . . Sokka will not be returning. He lost his life to the Red Lotus. I am so sorry. I know how much I cared about him, and that he meant even more to the two of you.
I’ll be staying in the Southern Water Tribe for a while longer to help Katara. I think she wants to come to the palace for a few days to get her mind off things. I’m going to see if Aang and Toph would join her. I think it would be good for all of you to be together right now.
Zuko set the letter aside, unable to finish the rest. Silently, he picked Suki up in his arms and started to carry her back to the palace.
Suki was wide awake now, unable to keep her eyes shut. Every time her head hit the silk-encased pillow, she saw Sokka’s face or heard his laugh or felt his embrace.
When Zuko noticed her awake, he kissed her shoulder and got out of bed, deciding to make the two of them some tea. He returned with the platter of cups and a steaming kettle, setting it on Suki’s bedside table. He poured her a cup and she took it slowly. 
Zuko was battling his own grief over the loss, but for the time being he focused on Suki. He knew that the moment he shed a tear, she would bottle up her own feelings and focus on making him feel better. He would get to mourn, and she would comfort him then, but for now, he needed to focus on her. It was a good distraction, after all.
He sat on the bed beside her, rubbing her back as she tentatively drank her tea. The paper windows glowed faintly from the full moon outside, casting the entire room in a soft, dim light.
"What if I had been there?” Suki thought out loud. “I can’t stop thinking about what might have gone differently if I had been there.” She looked down at the half-empty teacup in her hands. “If any of the Kyoshi Warriors had been there.”
“Then it’s my fault for being too selfish with you,” Zuko said, knowing the lighter tone and shift in blame would ease some of the crushing weight he could see pressing down on her. 
Thankfully, he was right. Suki’s shoulders eased up some of their tension and she leaned into Zuko. “I don’t think the Kyoshi Warriors should stay in the Fire Nation anymore,” she finally admitted after several long moments of silence.
The Firelord was the Kyoshi Warriors’ charge, but he was safe. He had been safe for years, and though she would never take all the credit, it was because Suki kept him safe. But Zuko wasn’t the only person she loved; her other friends, the rest of the world. . . They still needed protection, too. 
Zuko nodded, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her into his chest. “I agree.”
When she spoke, her voice was muffled by his shirt. “I would just have to figure out-”
“Stop,” Zuko gently interrupted, kissing the top of her head. “We don’t need to figure anything out right now. It can all wait, okay?”
At first, she didn’t seem to have heard him, but then she slowly nodded her head against his chest. Suki wrapped her arms around his middle, knotting her hands in the fabric of his shirt. 
Her sobs exploded like a swollen and roiling storm finally dumping its rain over the land. Zuko held her tightly, his own tears falling slowly down his cheeks and landing in her hair. 
I should have been there, kept running through both of their minds. We all should have been there. We should have protected him.
When Suki’s sobbing subsided, she sat up to look at him, her eyes red and puffy. It felt good to be allowed to break, to know that she didn’t have to always be strong and resilient around him.
“Thank you, Zu,” she squeaked, her voice and throat raw from crying. She gently wiped away one of the rogue tears on his cheek with her thumb. As much as she adored his selflessness when it came to the people he cared about, Suki couldn’t stand his inclination to bury his own feelings for the sake of others. “You can cry with me, you know,” she reminded him. “You don’t have to be strong, either.”
Zuko tried to fight it, but his lip started to tremble. He wrapped his arms around Suki and pulled her toward him once more, this time burying his face in the crook of her neck. 
They must have fallen asleep there, because when Suki opened her eyes next, the two of them were a tangled mess of limbs curled up at the foot of the bed. Dried tears stained both of their cheeks, and she had woken with a throbbing headache. She nuzzled into Zuko as he snored lightly and tried to go back to sleep. 
I’m going to be okay, she reminded herself, squeezing Zuko a little tighter.
But she couldn’t do it. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stay asleep. It was dark, dawn still a few hours away, but sleep evaded her.
That same crushing, claustrophobic feeling began to weigh down on her once more. She slid her feet into a pair of slippers then threw on one of Zuko’s robes, tying it at the waist.
She didn’t run this time. She walked slowly, intentionally, taking in the sights of the palace she saw every day, appreciating them in a new way. As she walked, she noted empty walls, bare hallways, undecorated rooms, keeping a mental list of them all. A week from this moment, when Katara would arrive in the Fire Nation with Uncle Iroh, there would be a new painting on one of those walls.
But tonight, Suki found herself in the courtyard, standing in the cool night air, the moonlight shining on her tear-stained cheeks. She heard someone’s soft footsteps in the grass behind her, but she didn’t need to turn around; she knew it was Zuko. Silently, he intertwined his fingers with hers and they stared up at the moon.
It was a full moon, like the hundreds they had seen in their lifetimes thus far, but this one was different. It was brighter, somehow, as if the moon had been missing something and was once again whole. Zuko draped his arms over Suki’s shoulder and rested his head on top of hers.
That night, though they never admitted it to each other, Suki and Zuko could have sworn the man on the moon bore a striking resemblance to Sokka. 
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
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ʚ♡ɞ SYNOPSIS: following a series of unfortunate events, misunderstandings and years of pining after your pro hero friend— all it takes is one batch of cookies ‘n cream frosting for the two of you to finally get together.
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ʚ♡ɞ PAIRING: izuku midoriya x fem!reader.
ʚ♡ɞ WC: 16.3K.
ʚ♡ɞ RATED: mature, 18+, mdni.
ʚ♡ɞ GENRE: pro hero!au, bakery!au, angst, fluff + smut.
ʚ♡ɞ CW: please read ! mutual pining, brief panic attack, heavy smut, soft sex ( characters aged up to twenties ), heavy food play!kink, praise!kink, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, kids ), fingering ( female receiving ), guided masturbation, exhibitionism, virginity loss, cumplay.
ʚ♡ɞ A/N:  hi loves!! im FINALLY posting this belated b-day fic for deku! this was a part of @rat-zuki's  the deku agenda escapes no-one collab. thank you annie for letting me take part!! sorry this was so late ‘n be sure to check out everyone else’s works!! ily guys, i missed writing for deku so i hope you enjoy! 
ʚ♡ɞ masterlist | requests | kofi
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there are three three key stages to baking a cake. the dry ingredients, the wet ingredients and the all important frosting on top.
there are three key stages to anything really; a failed relationship, a breakdown over school or work— and even life itself. a beginning, a middle and an end. childhood, the weird teenage years where you tell your mother it’s not just a phase and that you really are destined to marry whatever idol you had hanging on the back of your bedroom door...and then finally; adulthood. the confusing cesspool of responsibilities, like taxes and groceries mixed with proper adult emotions and scenarios that didn’t allow you to throw a hissy fit when something didn’t go the way you planned…
at least that’s what society would tell you.
you would argue that you never quite made it to adulthood, the kind age of twenty three not quite visible in your smile lines just yet; especially with the youthful round off to the shape of your face. you hadn’t followed the correct rite of passage into being a grown adult either— having dropped out of college three years shy of graduating to pursue your real, yet childlike dream of owning a bakery. as it turned out, the IT degree your mother had bestowed upon you wasn’t really your thing and as the responsible adult she was; she had thrown a fit about you dropping out, although your father and step mom had been more than willing to support you. hitoshi shinsou, your best friend, followed you in pursuing your career too— something about a stupid childhood pact that meant wherever you went, he would follow.
your quaint little bakery tucked away in the cosiest of street corners in downtown musutafu had been the creme de la creme of your life thus far; business booming when you first took off, aged twenty, and has been keeping yours and shinsou’s heads afloat ever since. with your grandmother’s recipe book tucked under your arm, customers travelled from near and far to try the wondrous goods of the cookie crumble bakery ( a name that took you and your purple haired companion half a bottle of vodka to create ).
it didn’t matter where people were from or what burdens they carried on their shoulders when walking into your humble bakery— all that they knew was the welcoming scent of warm manuka honey and freshly baked bread—free of judgement to ease their souls. grownups became children again, finding solace in classic childhood treats like battenberg cakes and jammy dodgers while teenagers became mature on their first dates; treating one another to a slice of romance in the form of red velvet cakes to share with that week’s allowance. parents became heroes to their children with gapped-toothed smiles when treating them to your healthy, low-sugar goodies that wouldn’t rot through the rest of their teeth while pro heroes became civilians; relaxed and at ease.
yes, pro heroes.
you were lucky enough to have such esteemed guests visit your place regularly— having been uncovered after the cookie crumble bakery became a popular destination for teachers to give gifts of sweet treats to the pros after visiting schools. Once they had a bite of what you had to offer, the heroes would always come running back for more.
pro hero deku, otherwise humbly known as izuku midoriya, was one of your favourite guests; he found himself addicted to your grandmother’s decadent chocolate brownies after being gifted them by a group of teenage girls he’d saved— coming in biweekly for years to try whatever caught his eye in the display cabinets that day. it was only natural— and pretty fucking typical — for you to have developed a raging crush on the man, falling for the honeycomb freckles on his cheeks and the gumdrop sugar laced into the smiles izuku sent your way, making you weak in the knees as they tugged at your doughy and easily manipulated heart.
you couldn’t help it, izuku was so warm.
made you feel special and gooey on the inside like a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. shinsou would tell you that you were whipped, from the way you gifted the hero with an extra of whatever he was ordering despite the fact that you both knew he could afford it. he was just so warm. yet you were a baker and izuku was a hero and in his world there was never any room for a civilian like you.
so you busy yourself with creams and custards for your favourite glazed danishes— ignoring yourself and your annoying friend shinsou in favour of settling for the position of izuku’s little baking friend.
“your crush is coming, sugar,” shinsou tells you with a lazy smile, leaning over the counter during his break from waiting tables and chatting with the old ladies in the back corner. the ones who love him and give him hard boiled candies and call him sugar.
you jump up from your place behind it, eyes shooting to the door with its charming little bell swinging from side to side— alerting the entry of the pro hero ( who, if any bigger, would break the tiny door frame of your quaint little establishment ) tired from work but a smile still on his face.
“a crush, huh?” izuku hums, lips quirked up curiously, dampening his darling expression— his buff frame joins shinsou in leaning over the counter, strong arms crossed and showing the flex of his muscles from under his teal hero suit. he must have come straight from work to see you, or rather to see if you’d gotten his order finished like you said you would. nonetheless, your heart flutters.
snapping back to reality, you make an attempt to shake your head— waving your arms in protest before your purple haired friend can speak for you again. you fail. “little yn has a crush on someone, don’t you?” his eyes speak for his teasing tone.
“oh yeah?”
oh no. “definitely not,” you reach over and slap a hand over shinsou���s mouth. apron catching on your display cabinet and making you stumble, body flaming with embarrassment. izuku chuckles. “i don’t have a crush on anyone. don’t be stupid. i’m too busy running this place all by myself.”
you scowl at hitoshi, who only offers you a measly shrug as you slowly pull your hand from his mouth and izuku laughs a little harder at your interactions, having known you both for just over two years.
“ouchie, you know i help you run this place too.” your best friend says to you, winking.
“it’s true,” izuku adds after a slight pause, looking like he was going to say something else before changing his mind. he's grinning now, however. “i’ve never seen anyone entertain old ladies like shinsou does!”
both men give each other a knowing nod. shinsou speaks next. “exactly.”
“what? hitoshi, oh my god...whatever,” you deflate with defeat, withdrawing your body from the two men and avoiding deku’s sweet gaze as if you might melt when he looks at you. “i’m gonna go and grab your cheesecake izuku...neither of you, try to get into any trouble while i’m gone,” you let your eyes flicker to the pro hero briefly, allowing yourself to bask in his attention only just before retreating to the back room to retrieve the matcha cheesecake he’d ordered for his mother’s birthday.
you fan yourself on the way there, hoping to cool the heat that flushes through your body from the pro hero’s presence.
izuku is warm, but you’re drawn to his warmth like an ant to sugar.
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whenever baking a cake, you advise combining the dry ingredients first.
no matter how many times a day you find yourself doing it, sieving together mixes of flour, salt, baking soda and other dry things is always a process you’ll find soothing. fine combing the ingredients with a sieve whilst adding air to your soon to be cake— much like breathing life into a creation, nurturing the very thing you created—much like love. in a strange metaphorical sort of way,
you were always careful with baking soda however; a teaspoon too much could destroy even the most cared for of things. practically explosive. it could cause a whole cake to blow. it reminded you of those science experiments you would do as a child, mixing the dangerous combination of vinegar and baking soda until it imploded.
much like a certain friend of izuku’s that you knew.
katsuki bakugou was like an explosion, from his hair to the nature by which he worked. you hadn’t known him very well, he’d stopped by the bakery once or twice and other times you’d seen him prowling the streets for villains and other menaces to society— but you’d never given him more than a short wave and nod, in fear of setting him off. it’s not like you could stop him and have idle chit chat about how in love you were with his childhood rival.
“how much longer am i gonna have to wait for this damn cake?” dynamight hisses from a two seated table relatively close to your usual location at the bakery’s counter. his words are directed towards no one in particular, but are brittle and hang in the sweet scented air.
you look up from your place; assembling a box to have the cake ready to go after having it decorated quickly and letting your calm stare settle on the hot headed blonde, bored expression cast over well-aged features. his order had been placed at the last minute and izuku had warned you that his childhood friend was extremely impatient even when it came to the most fragile of things— but you hadn’t minded, it only meant the green haired hero would be spending more time with you during the wait.
“not long now mister kacchan— i mean lord, sorry king, dynamight...sir!” you squeak at the mean glare he sends your way, shifting his upper body so you have his full attention. your eyes shoot to deku’s face, still warm as always, inviting and safe— an apology woven into the green constellations of his own orbs. you hadn’t meant to let the old nickname slip...it was just, izuku had told you bakugou’s childhood name with an air of fondness one night when he’d stayed to help you close up while shinsou lay sick at home. the air and softness to his voice that night was something you just couldn’t forget. “it’s just chilling in the fridge for now… i’ll need it to be cool in order to add the filling between the layers, otherwise it could melt from the heat of the sponges!”
since the cake was ordered so last minute and bakugou couldn’t care less about the type, you’d gone with your grandmother’s classic strawberry victoria sponge—a cake made for any occasion, especially since he hadn’t disclosed that to you either.
bakugou’s ruby gem eyes flick over your form, up and down...up and down...most likely judging you for your chocolate smeared apron and flour dusted cheeks. he tuts, pressing a closed fist into his own, yet, scarred cheek before leaning its respective arm against the table, looking away from you and allowing your body to sag with relief. “damn nerd, been hangin’ around with the civilians way too fuckin’ often,” katsuki says gruffly as he nods his head over to you. “‘specially this one, startin’ to rub off on ‘er,”
the pair of you visibly stiffen, the box you’d been making clattering to the floor from your slippery butter hands and temporarily freeing you from the evil clutches of katsuki bakugou. the nerve of him! to put you and izuku in such a situation; you in particular, one off-handed comment like that and someone, anyone could get the wrong idea. pin-pointing you as the little civilian girl who clings way too much to everyone’s favourite and soon to be number one hero. who knew bakugou could be so upfront? had shinsou blabbed to him? you wouldn’t be surprised, your menace of a best friend usually handled affairs with the explosive pro. ducking your head, you miss the way bakugou smirks knowingly and the way red flares up against deku’s cheeks, bubbling brightly beneath his freckles and creating the illusion of stars against a pink summer’s night sky.
bakugou thought it was funny how oblivious the two of you were and if he was going to be stuck here waiting on a damn cake he sure as hell was going to make the best out of it.
composing himself with a cough to clear his throat, a slap to his rival’s stupid head and a roll of his broad shoulders— izuku picks up the conversation again at a less awkward point. “so kacchan, what’s this cake for anyway? you’re usually not one for sponges,” he asks, and you hum happily to yourself at the cheeky lilt to your crush’s tone. he wasn’t wrong however, in all the times bakugou had visited the cookie crumble bakery; he’d only ever gone for the smaller and healthier options like granola bars or oat and raisin cookies. never anything as pretty nor refined as this.
“s’not for me, y’fuckin’ shit-stick!” the blonde grunts in his own defense, heat flashing across his cheeks as izuku gives him a taste of his own medicine. not so cocky now are you lord dynamight… or whatever the hell your stupid hero name is, you muse in your mind. “s’for kirishima’s welcome home party tonight. he’s coming back from that long-ass mission abroad ‘n racoon eyes said he’d be mad if i didn’t get him a stupid fuckin’ cake for his stupid fuckin’ surprise party.”
“you don’t like surprise parties, kacchan?” deku teases, with a bright smile that you catch in all its glory— smile so high on his cheeks it almost locks away those precious forest eyes you love so much.
“no i don’t like fuckin’ surprise parties, get off my dick nerd.”
the interaction between the two heroes reminds you somewhat of a lover’s quarrel— bringing an amused grin to your cherry lips. “kirishima? as in… the red riot?” you interject without meaning to, your mind away from you as you make quick work of evenly slicing the two sponges in half, piping fresh cream from the centre of the first half — moving outwards. you follow the cream up with a layer of strawberry jam, freshly sliced strawberries and your secret ingredient— white chocolate shavings. you repeat the process smoothly after stacking one layer on top of the other, the boys watching you closely. it was probably for the best that you had interrupted them as well; as though not to disturb your afternoon round of customers. the two stop and look at you, bakugou nodding his head silently. “and you’re throwing a party for him?”
“‘course i fuckin’ am!” the explosive pro looks to you, sending a shiver of nerves down your spine— your incredulous tone having perhaps offended him slightly. or maybe it was because you’d hit a nerve like he had with you and izuku, you would know, you would recognise having a defensive stance over your harboured feelings anywhere.
“that’s sweet of you,”
“whatever,” the silence flickers between you both with bakugou’s seemingly finalising words, and deku doesn’t know if he should step in— feeling an impending explosion from his old friend. but instead, katsuki surprises you by standing from his seat, reaching your shaking form in three short strides to poke his nose in the way you begin to decorate the top layer of red riot’s cake. he points to the way you’ve swirled red food colouring into the cream icing on top, smirk evident in his voice as he speaks. “you a fan or somethin’?”
you blink, surprised, and look behind the large hero to deku, who stands rigid with a face twisted into an expression you can’t quite read. “of who? red riot?” your question earns you a grunt from bakugou. “uh, yeah, sure! ‘m a fan of all of you guys really, it’s an honour that you’re even standing here in my bakery!”
“s’not what i asked, flour girl,” bakugou prides himself in the pun, eyes trained on the delicate way your fingers move to perfect the gift to his friend. “you a fan of shitty hair or not?”
you bite your lip, lifting the hand you’d used to pipe finishing swirls of pink cream on top of the cake ( adding strawberries to each one before assembling the box around the finished piece ) and wipe your brow, thinking of an answer. “y-yeah! i guess i am!” you sigh, breathless with relief.
“then yer invited to his party, shitty hair’d like to see his fans.”
you jump back in shock, flustered that the pro hero is extending an invite to his friend’s party to some plain jane like you, and shake your head vigorously as you let bakugou heave the cake over the glass counter. “oh no,” you excuse yourself as quickly and politely as possible. “i couldn’t, partying isn't really my scene and i couldn’t intrude on something personal like that—!”
your hurried words enter one of katsuki’s ears and fly out the other, an unimpressed mask falling over his defined features. “i weren’t askin’. i was tellin’. yer invited ‘n i expect to see y’there for shitty hair. b‘sides deku’s gonna be there.” the blonde tells you like a stonewall not willing to budge an inch. you’re left with a wide open mouth, floundering like a stupid fish as the great god of explosions and dynamite or whatever the fuck it is leaves your bakery swiftly, accompanied by the swing of the bell.
you turn to deku who only plates up a sheepish grin, fingers finding the back of his neck as he rubs it gently. “i will be there,” he affirms softly, getting ready to leave as well. “it could be fun, just us two and kacchan’s raging crush on kirishima, huh?”
just us two.
“yeah,” you nod, replacing your bewildered expression with a shy smile. “i’ll meet you there, then?”
deku hums approvingly, filling your body with warmth as he approaches the door, offering you a little salute while his hand makes contact with the handle. “i’ll text you the address.”
the warmth is still there even when he’s gone and the words izuku uttered leave tears in your cotton candy heart.
just us two.
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the stone path leading up to dynamight’s private neighbourhood and home crunches underneath your combat boots like praline, as you walk towards the source of his welcome home party for red riot. nerves flitter through your bloodstream too, making the fabric of your tartan dress all too tight and a little itchy against your skin.
maybe you should have changed.
the words run through your mind, but are often counteracted by the thought of how much effort you’d put into your outfit just hours before. the fabric of what you wear matches the colour of your crush’s hair— a detail you hoped that deku would notice when you met him in the party. “i look good,” you tell yourself in an attempt of self-reassurance, repeating the praise shinsou had drilled into you hours prior as he helped you to get ready. he could tell how worried you were about going to a party where every guest had some kind of celebrity status and possibly earned more than what your bakery was worth— but you deserved to be there as much as the next person; besides parties were the perfect environments to get to know your crush— apparently. especially if you could get him alone.
that piece of advice, you know hitoshi had pulled straight off of wikihow.
it’s the thought that counts, you suppose.
squeezing the box of cookies you’d caved in, making them as an extra gift, you continue to follow the bass boosted thumping of music towards what your phone told you was bakugou’s place. you’d acquired his address, in a text from your companion deku— your heart practically dropping out of your ass while you buffed out your eyeshadow, forcing your purple haired friend to answer for you. no matter how many times you’d texted izuku for orders and pick up dates, your still heart raced at the sight of the green heart emoji next to his name.
you couldn’t help but wonder if he would be excited to see you too, even though it had only been a few hours since you’d last seen each other— you couldn’t help but dream up scenarios of what your night would be like. would his trusting emerald eyes drop to the form of your outfit? would he compliment you, tell you how pretty you looked and how he was so glad that you came? would you sneak away from the crowds to a quiet room where you’d tell him ‘i like you, izuku,’ and seal the night with a gentle kiss?
it’s this train of thought that helps you reach the mansion much faster; bakugou’s lawn is littered with pro heroes and empty red solo cups alike. you’d never pegged bakugou as the type of guy to throw a party like this— the handful of times that you’d met him indicated that he preferred his own company and that of a select few...but maybe these were the lengths he’d go for someone he cared about. for kirishima.
and it made you think back to those warm forest irises and sun kissed freckles; and how much you’d be willing to do the same for izuku if he asked.
you make your way up to the front door fairly quickly after that; ringing the buzzer and taking the opportunity to peer through the glass windows on either side of the door, checking out the life of the gathering inside while you wait. it seems so fun, with booze flowing and choruses of laughter practically shaking the whole neighbourhood and you shift on your feet at the possibility of actually enjoying yourself tonight.
the door finally opens and you jump, snapping back to the person who now stands before you. a security guard stands in the spot where the door once was— clipboard in arm, dressed in all black. you don’t blame katsuki for hiring security, although they were all pro heroes and could most definitely handle themselves, too many high profile people in one place could definitely become a cesspool for villain activity.
“name and invitation.” the security guard states simply, jaw set in place and beady eyes squinting down at you from behind darkened shades. offering him a polite smile, you give him your name and watch as he flicks through what must be the guest list on his clipboard. his brow raises before speaking again. “you’re not on the list, do you have an invitation?”
“o-oh,” you stutter, brows furrowing. although you had only been invited at the last minute, you would have thought bakugou or at least midoriya would have taken care of any details like this. though, you couldn’t entirely blame them, they were pro heroes above your friends and acquaintances. “uh—can you check again? i’m a friend of izuku midoriya’s…”
recognition sparks within the security guard’s eyes but he doesn’t budge; letting the party bustle behind him. “i just checked, you’re not there.”
“wait!” you squeal as he moves to close the door, suddenly flustered by this new information. “can you just— check again? i should be there, really, i’m a friend…”
“sure you are, sweetheart.” he says rudely, flicking his gaze down to the guest list once more but barely checking through it, finding amusement in the way you sag with defeat before moving to shut the door again.
it’s with this you realise that this guy thinks you’re just another crazed fan trying to sneak into a gathering of famous people, famous heroes with a lame excuse of being their friend. you wonder how many other girls have tried this on hero security before and decide to switch to a different and hopefully more convincing approach.
shoving your foot into the door, you huff and muster up as much confidence as possible, trying not to lose your balance by hopping on one foot and holding the box of baked goods in both of your hands. “i’m the caterer, i made the desserts for the party and brought along some more. i need to check on dynamight’s cake, so if you could please just go and get him so we can clear this whole thing up!” you cry, annoyance slipping through the cracks of your tone but you try to keep your cool and hold up your box, hoping this lunatic will see the resemblance between your logo and the one on your cake box inside.
“you think no one’s tried that excuse before? you’re not on the guest list, you don’t have an invitation. now scram, punk, before i call the police.” the security guard leans down to your height, jabbing a finger into your chest and making you wobble. “you can ask dynamight yourself. in your dreams. i’m not leaving this door for you to sneak in.”
embarrassment starts to bubble under your skin as guests both inside and outside of the party start to notice your predicament— you’re putting up so much of a fight but you don’t even like parties, drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. you’d like to say you didn’t know why, but that would’ve been a giant fib. you’re still here because of your raging crush on izuku midoriya and the way he looked at you with pure excitement when you said you’d see him at the party earlier today.
so you ground yourself, ready to lay one out on the security guard when glass shattering behind him disrupts your flow. the pair of you turn your heads only to spot deku stumbling down the stairs, standing over the shattered pieces of a now broken vase. “oh fuck, kacchan’s gonna kill me,” he giggles to himself with a slight slur to the edge of his words. his beauty is like a ray of hope to this bleak situation— a tight black shirt splayed across his chest and arms, tucked into cargo pants of a matching shade. you’ve never seen him dressed so casually before, tattoos intertwining with the scars his hero costume usually hides.
you can’t help it, voice bubbling up before you can stop yourself. “izuku, hey! think you could help me out?”
“you know this chick, mr.midoriya?” the guard grunts as you make a weak attempt to step through the entryway and meet with the pro hero, forcing you to stop in your place. for a second, your eyes lock with deku’s and it feels as if electricity has started to crackle in the air. his cheeks are rosy just as they were that day in your bakery and your heart hammers in your chest just at the sight of him.
“don’t think so!” he hiccups quickly, smiling big. he’s tipsier than you thought. the world around you crumbles and you feel like a knife has been shoved straight through your chest— stopping the very organ keeping you alive from beating. from feeling. even when drunk, you’re not even memorable to the hero you’d befriended over the last two years. were you really just another civilian? like bakugou had called you back at the bakery, like the security guard thought you were? a cloud of betrayal settles above your head, laced with hurt as you back up on the doorstep. “nice outfit though! the green… ohmygod, the green reminds me of my hero costume!!”
it’s not long until deku becomes distracted by the yelling of his friends located deeper within the party and you watch him stagger away with humiliated tears welling in your eyes. “sorry kid,” the security guard hums, using his size to back you up and out of the door some more. “better luck next time.”
“right,” you say, voice shaking, hurt now twisting through your bloodstream. shifting the box in your grip you shove it towards the guard before he has a chance to lock you out of the party for good. “c-can...can you just make sure bakugou and kirishima get these? i promise… i promise ‘m just a baker,”
you walk away without giving the security guard an opportunity to mock you like you were some stupid fan— quickly making your way as far from bakugou’s house as physically possible, putting great distance between yourself and izuku. it hurts to breathe, the world falling away from you and you feel so silly. to have believed that you were something significant in the life of a pro hero, in the life of izuku midoriya himself. there were probably tonnes of people just like you in his daily routine, providing small and irrelevant acts of service to punctuate his busy days of saving lives.
you were just a baker and he was a hero. you knew that, you always knew that.
you weren’t special to him, like he was to you.
realisation and panic settle in the base of your rib cage, crawling through your lungs and sticking to your throat like webs of black tar. you can’t breathe. you have to get out, you need to go home. the dress you wear, colours of forests and ferns like izuku’s hair and eyes are a pungent reminder of the truth and suddenly feels too tight around your body. somehow you stumble out of bakugou’s gated neighbourhood and frantically search through your mini backpack for your phone; desperate to call shinsou. you could do with his comfort right now.
your best friend picks up after three rings, voice heavy with sleep when he answers. “what in fucks name do you want—?”
“toshi,” you say, holding back a fresh wave of tears just from hearing his voice over the line. “can you come...c-can you come pick me up, please?”
you hear shuffling on shinsou’s end, possibly him sitting up in his bed and adjusting his phone in his grip. “what? why? i thought you were at blasty bitch’s house party—“
“please,” you reiterate, hoping the emotion in your voice is enough to grab your best friend’s attention. you don’t want to talk about your embarrassment for the night, you don’t want to think about it either. “pleaseplease, just come get me...toshi, i wanna go home,”
“text me the address sugar, i’ll come get you.” he tells you sternly, hanging up the phone.
you wait for only twenty minutes in the cool night air before shinsou’s rust bucket rolls up outside the gated community and it takes everything you have in you not to burst into tears once again. your childhood best friend jumps out of his car; hoodie in hand to pull over your head before guiding you back with him and strapping you into your seat.
no words are exchanged as he drives you home, it’s silent when he unlocks your bakery and takes you to your apartment on the top floor. the same treatment is given as he wipes away your makeup, runs you a shower and helps you change for bed. you’re so grateful for hitoshi shinsou, you’d be sure to thank him with baked goods later on when you weren’t numb from crying.
he liked your apple danishes best, the ones without green apples.
you decide as you fall asleep, you’ll always hate the colour green.
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after mixing all things dry for your cake batter; you’d usually work on the next step of wet ingredients. a sad mixture of milk and eggs and oil— grim to look at, gross to feel.
you suppose that’s what’s been resonating with you the most recently. getting over your crush on izuku has been one of the most awful experiences of your life thus far— you exaggerate but feel that it’s true. you feel sluggish more often than not, screaming your frustration and tears into your pillows before the day’s begun and you have to open up the cookie crumble bakery for business.
embarrassment, anger and sadness roll in heavy waves over your body— hitting you at the most random moments during the day whenever the party incident comes to mind, making you cringe and retreat to the back room in the middle of serving customers, often leaving shinsou to carry the brunt of your work. he understands for the most part, checking up on you when you’ve been gone for too long or he thinks that you’re crying...but his patience is wearing thin even as your best friend and exhaustion sets itself in his eyebags at a greater rate than usual. there’s only so much that he can take on to be there for you during this situation.
you just want to get over him, stupid, sunny, warm and gorgeous izuku midoriya. forget that he ever held your heart between strong hands and powerful fingers and move on with your life instead of feeling like crap for the stunt he pulled. but for some reason, you find yourself holding on to the slow treks in the evergreen woods of his eyes and his inviting smile, you cling to the moments you’d spent laughing with him over the counter and having him keep you company on late shifts.
you couldn’t let him go even if you tried, even if midoriya hadn’t called or texted you within a week of seeing him shit faced at the party.
even if he hurt you, you didn’t want to be the normal girl who let izuku midoriya pass by without another word.
“incoming at nine ‘o clock,” shinsou mutters to you as he briskly walks past your position at the counter, replenishing the breakfast muffins, and slips into the back room. you barely have time to look at him nor give him your confused frown before the little bell at the doorway goes off and someone steps into your bakery.
whipping your head over at the sound, your blood runs cold at the sight of the man who’s been avoiding you for damn near a week straight. “hey yn,” he says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head and undercut like he always does. deku looks good, sweat lining his brow and cheeks tinted pink as if he’d been out on a run and decided to swing by. your suspicions are correct when you get the scope on his outfit, plain khaki shirt and grey joggers— showing off everything he has to offer.
but you won’t allow yourself to be tempted, building walls up and around your cookie cutter heart. “mister midoriya,”
“c’mon yn, please don’t be like that,”
“‘m not being like anything izuku,” you sigh and you can see his posture sink a little as you continue your work of filling up the trays of sweets in the display cabinets. spending way too long fixing details that don’t need fixing— anything to keep your gaze away from the face of the hero who could crush your heart if he wanted to.
the hero’s mouth opens and closes as he ponders his next words— not used to the way you give him a cold shoulder. “then please don’t ignore me,” izuku says with a pleading tone and you mentally curse shinsou for leaving you alone with him, already wanting to plunge back into the swirling sea of dartmouth twinkling in his orbs. “i want to apologise to you, for the other night…and just...try to explain things,”
stopping your work, you glance up at deku and wait for him to speak. “go ahead,” you say expectantly, giving him a chance before you change your mind. part of you can’t help debating it briefly...if he’s undeserving of your forgiveness, especially after how you were treated by both him and the guard who’d humiliated you— while the other doesn’t want to be trapped in this fog of resenting izuku.
he takes a minute, taking out his headphones and pausing his running playlist, you wonder if he’d taken a run today to sort through his words, adding your bakery to his usual route. “i’m so, so sorry for what i said to you that night,” deku starts, idly fiddling with his fingers. “you know i wouldn’t ever forget you on purpose and if i had known kacchan hadn’t figured things out with your invite...if i hadn’t been so drunk either, i would have vouched or left with you. i was just so drunk that i lost my head and...hurt you in the process,”
you mull over his words as they feed at all parts of your heart, making you want to forgive izuku—and you could. you could if he knew exactly how he made you feel and acted accordingly. cracking each of your fingers in preparation to spill your guts out to deku, you take a deep breath. “you really did hurt me, izuku...you made me feel small, insignificant,” you mumble, voice barely above a whisper so that your early morning guests can’t hear. “like i was unworthy of being your friend? purposefully or not it felt like you didn’t want to know me and despite how long we’d known each other...like i was just another civilian in your life. it really sucked, especially when you didn’t reach out to me after,”
there’s a beat of silence as the weight of the world lifts from your shoulders, and you already feel so much better having expressed how you truly feel.
“i’m sorry,” izuku whispers to you again, reaching over the counter to grip one of your hands. “i value your friendship so much, and hurting you, someone i care about, is one of the worst mistakes i’ve ever made. it’s no excuse for me to have been so drunk, i never get like that and so fast…wish i had a better explanation for you aside from the fact that i was nervous.”
you feel the sentiment to his words, but there’s a burning question on the tip of your tongue. “i think i can forgive you, i just need to know why’d you drink your nerves away?” you ask him light-heartedly.
izuku taps his nose, shaking his head but relief floods his veins at your willingness to accept his apology. “can’t say, it’s a secret for now.”
at that you smile, he may not be ready to tell you now but you’ve had enough of the heavy stuff to last you. just glad that muggy feeling is no longer crawling down your spine. there’s a flutter in your rib cage, like a butterfly from izuku’s forest has been set free in your body when you realise your hands are still linked and shyly pull away— both of you with flustered expressions. deku steps away from the counter, ear-splitting and a golden smile on his face as he stumbles over the nearby table, alleviation hanging in the air between you.
“i should uh, get going. i’m so sorry again,” he tells you, abashedly trying to fix the chairs and table he’d tripped over. “hero duty calls!”
“quit apologising, nerd and get outta here,” you giggle, heart squeezing at the adorable nature of your friend. although you know that despite the hiccup...your feelings for him are still there.
giving you a nod, deku quickly makes his way to the door— ready to walk out when he stops and waves to you for attention, seemingly remembering something. “oh and before i go! could i place a quick order? i need some cupcakes and other treats for a baby shower. for a girl friend of mine. i really can’t stay much longer to discuss the details! but i’ll text you?”
and then for the second time, involving the one and only izuku midoriya and the clutches of your feelings...your world breaks like shattered glass and egg shells. a girlfriend. your crush, the man you’ve been pining over… has a girlfriend. and you feel as if you’ve been pushed right back to square one. being insignificant enough to have been forgotten and not been told about izuku’s brand new relationship. what did it matter though? you were only his friend. this whole visit, this whole week apart was probably to plan a gentle way to break down the news to you. and still deku let you pine over a lost cause. you barely have time to respond to him before izuku is out of your shop and down the street— leaving you to revel in the massive blow he’s just delivered to your achy-breaky heart.
a girlfriend. someone you’ll never be for him.
“so i take it that went well?” shinsou asks you cheerily, hand on your back as he emerges from his hiding spot in the back room. he pats your shoulder once before returning to the sweet old ladies he usually waits on— without a clue of what’s just happened up front.
you stare blankly, feeling broken yet again as you look to the order text izuku has just sent you.
“yeah, it went splendidly,” you mutter weakly to yourself, clutching your chest as your heart crumbles to pieces in its place.
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weeks go by and barely anything has changed.
despite apologising for hurting your feelings that night; deku’s actions fail to replicate his words and you bottle up poisonous sips of resentment towards him. you can no longer look into his eyes whenever he’s around, you stop seeing lush mint forests and fairytale land but instead stormy sage waters swirling with inner hatred. you can’t stand to look at deku knowing how much of a fool you were to think you could mean something more to him, to have fallen for him.
you throw yourself into working alongside shinsou, keeping yourself busy with baking and packing orders around the bakery. but your heart remains stung despite every cake you ice and every cookie you bake...it was hard and it didn’t help that izuku came around almost every other day thinking that your friendship would proceed on a normal level. you knew that if you lost izuku it would be your own fault; for letting your feelings get in the way of being there for someone so important to you— someone who’d taken their bare hands and forced you apart to make home in the shell of your body and your life.
he acted as if the air between you hadn’t changed and that the cells in your body weren’t trying to force him out and reject his sweetheart candy persona. how could he? when every second spent in the four walls of your bakery he was asking for another one of your specialty bakes for another special occasion for the girl of his dreams that he’d forgotten to tell you all about. a birthday, a baby shower, whatever it was that the hero needed; you baked it for him. and it could have been so easy to tell deku no, but you were too far gone in the candyland of love to say it.
and like the final stage of baking a cake was the icing, your final straw with izuku midoriya had been the wedding cake he’d asked you to make.
he was marrying this girlfriend of his that you’d never met, having a baby with this girl you’d never met.
it hadn’t taken you long to lock yourself in the back room; forcing yourself to work in izuku’s new commission for nights on end. your customers missed you, shinsou would tell you after closing up shop at eight pm and joining you in the kitchen— but there were no words, positive ones at least, that could roll over your tongue to make conversation with. your best friend worries for you, you know that, it hurts for him to not be able to console you in the way that you need— to soothe the burn left by izuku midoriya from his hot sugar grip.
you need closure and that’s why he makes the call.
for you it’s just another night; working on this stupid fucking wedding cake that makes you want to scream or burst into tears just by looking at it— makes you want to smash it to pieces as you layer sponge on top of sponge— smoothing the surfaces over with homemade cookies ‘n cream buttercream. working quietly, you don’t miss the way the doors to the back room creak open and the heavy footsteps that come with it.
“i already told you toshi,” you mumble, annoyed, letting your words twist with the still chill air. “i’m fine, i just want to get this stupid wedding cake done so i can go home and never have to see izuku midoriya again!” you feel triumphant by the end of your words, finally admitting the root of your sadness to yourself and your best friend— thinking that with this cake would come the last of your romantic woes. but something about the stillness to the room feels off, it lacks the crackle of a sarcastic comment from your best friend… something along the lines of ‘about time’ and ‘i knew it’. the words never come and the foot steps you’d heard earlier make no attempt to come closer to you.
it’s the silence that makes you look up.
and when you do, you’re met with fern hair and forest eyes and the constellations of cancer written across well aged cheeks. “izuku,” his name falls from your lips like a forbidden word and as soon as the warmth in your heart comes, it goes. you turn back to your work— focusing on crumbling more cookies to pair with your italian meringue buttercream.
“hey,” he says gently, as if what he says will break you. “shinsou called, he’s worried.”
and you care? is what you want to ask him, is what you fight with your tongue to say and swallow it down. because for weeks all izuku has done is take and take and take from you. surely he knew that he was the last person you wanted to see right now. so it’s silence that wins, that you choose and you return back to making the frosting.
deku waits for what seems like an eternity for your reply, but steps closer to your table and workstation when you don’t— sighing. “i’m kinda worried too, yanno,” are you? “...you’ve been so busy, i’ve barely seen you as of late. i just want to make sure you’re okay,” they all seem like sweet little lies, spun like cotton candy to muffle the loud noise and pain in your ear but you continue to stay silent.
reaching you, the pro hero takes a stance opposite you— looming over the other side of your work table while a heavy quietness bounces in the distance between your bodies, punctuated only by the sounds of your ingredients mixing. “i’m sorry.”
“do you even know what you’re apologising for?” you yell brokenly, finally piercing the tension flooding through the room with your butcher's knife— letting it rattle against the walls and push both you and izuku up against them. “do...do you even know what you’ve done?” the tail ends of your words are much quieter this time, and you watch as deku steps back— frightened by your outburst. remaining mute, his eyes search yours frantically for an explanation before you have to give one to him yourself. because if he doesn’t, it’ll show you that he truly doesn’t know how he hurt you and somehow; that causes a brighter pain to sting at the candied organs in your chest.
dropping your spoon, you clap a hand over your mouth, begging the higher power that izuku doesn’t see the way your lips tremble as if you’re going to cry. “oh god,” your voice is muffled and weak, “you really don’t know… oh god i’m so stupid,” izuku doesn’t reach out for you nor does he make a move as you pull back away from the table. “you use me, get a girlfriend and keep on using me to make these little gifts and treasures for her that she’ll remember for life...when i was here, falling for you this entire time. and i thought you felt the same… i thought that you knew…i thought that you knew that i was in love with you...”
you gasp; confession to your crush out in the open before you can grab its tail and prevent it from ever coming out. all at once you feel crushed and humiliated— shooting your gaze away from the situation.
“you’re in love with me?” deku breathes steadily, but you don’t dare to look at his face for the way he might pity you.
shaking your head and blinking away salty tears, you sigh. “i think you should go back to your fiancé. i don’t know why shinsou called you. you don’t need to be here,”
“fiancé?” izuku chuckles wetly into the cool air filling the room, making you look at him. the corner of his cadmium orbs are creased with laughter lines and his lips are pulled back into a gentle grin. you feel demeaned, how could he laugh at you at such a time? “you mean ochako? oh my god…the stuff you did for me? you mean the babyshower and the wedding cake?”
“who?” you ask sternly, quickly wiping at your eyes and cheeks. “what?”
deku leans over the table to get a better look at you, frowning at your tired and puffy eyes but still looking at you with all that warmth he has for years. “ochako’s a friend from highschool, she recently got engaged to another friend of mine, iida— after finding out they were pregnant,” he explains to you softly, hoping that your sniffles calm down. “they hadn’t had the time to organise everything on their own, but i knew your bakery and its goods would go down a treat at their baby shower and wedding, so i took the liberty of ordering for them myself. they’re traditionalists, they just got everything in the wrong order.” he jokes at the end.
and just like that, the realisation clicks. “you don’t have a girlfriend?”
“no, yn,” izuku laughs again, rounding the table to grab your wrists— towering over you, with a gaze so fond as he directs it down at you. “ochako isn’t my girlfriend, nor my fiancé. i was kind of hoping someone else would want that spot,”
“that so?” your tummy churns, butterflies fluttering throughout but your body flushes with stupidity. you think back to weeks ago, when deku had asked you to make something for a girl friend of his— he had literally meant a friend who was a girl. what an idiot, you think to yourself, misreading izuku’s poor wording like that and causing all this grief.
the air shifts and you feel izuku’s familiar warmth surrounding you despite the cold in the back room. the hold he has on your wrists tightens and pulls you into the firm of his chest— not caring if you stumble. letting one of your wrists go, izuku tilts your head by your chin up to face him with just a thumb and a forefinger.
“i love you,” is what he answers you with, “you’re the one that i want,”
before you can say anything else to his confession, midoriya presses his lips against yours in a gentle chaste kiss— causing you to let out a muffled ‘mmf’of surprise. the action is sweet but all too short, with his teeth sinking into your lower lip as he pulls it back gently; giving you the choice to either kiss him or pull away. you need his lips on yours again, that insatiable hunger for sugar and dopamine driving you forward as you kiss izuku for a second time— tongue grazing over the swell of his lips, fingers tangling in the wildness of his hair to keep him close to you. deku welcomes you into his mouth with a sweet sigh, arms dropping to your waist and his large hands squeezing your hips.
your tongues work together instead of fighting, sliding across one another in a deep lover’s kiss and deku takes your lip lock as the opportunity to lift you onto the metal table— being mindful of your cake and work. “‘m sorry,” he says into your mouth, kissing you with more fever, growing handsier by the second.
“what for?” you sigh, tangling your fingers in his baby hairs— arching into all of midoriya’s touches.
one of deku’s hands moves to cup your jaw and the other to undo your apron from behind your back, making your breath hitch. “for hurting you, i didn’t wanna,” his nose brushes against yours and you can feel his peppermint breath against your cupid’s bow. “‘n i still did it...twice,”
you lean up to give a quick smooch to the pro hero before you, hands feeling out the bulk of his muscles from his shoulders to his slender waist— mapping out his body and basking in the reality that he is yours. “then ‘m sorry too, for making this situation what it was,” you breathe weakly, licking your lips nervously.
deku shakes his head, forehead resting against yours. “if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t have gotten my shit together to tell you that i love you,”
your body vibrates at the three words. he loves you. the very sound of the syllables sets a fire alight in your lower belly and all you want to do is be close to him—press yourself against him and just feel everything that is izuku midoriya. you let him pull off your apron and push the cotton shirt you wear underneath up and over your head, his scarred hands are warm against your exposed flesh as they pinch at your sides. deku drops his lips from yours to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake, some nip at your skin causing deep bruises to blossom underneath your skin— marking you in a signature of his name with midnight blue and purple ink. the others are wet, izuku’s tongue curling over spots of your flesh looking for the ones that are most sensitive.
you flinch when his heated pink muscle flicks over your pulse point, nails only just scraping the surface of your shoulders. all of a sudden, izuku clamps down with his teeth on that same area— pulling a shaky gasp close to a moan from between your plush rapturous lips. “oh? sensitive here, babydoll?” the hero asks you, darkened eyes twitching up to your face. you can only manage a nod, tilting back your head and creating more room for him to work another mark into your skin. his hair, soft and fresh-scented, tickles your neck, heightening your responsiveness to his activity at your throat. “you’re so pretty here, with my marks on your skin. wonder how pretty the rest of you looks,”
“y-you can see it, take it if you’d like,” your head tips back in offer, at his words, giving him more room to cast his claim in bruises across your neck and shoulders. his praise rattles in the base of your ribcage and disrupts your candied heart in its place, sending it into a series of flutters. “i’m yours now,” using a single knee, deku pushes your thighs apart, letting him lead your body into position… trusting izuku, you follow him willingly into the forest, just as you would with anything.
this time he catches you before you fall, with ghostly soft touches and gentle whispers— he pulls you by your thighs to the edge of the metal table until your bodies are close enough that you can lose yourself in the towering trees and lush green. you watch with innocent eyes, while the darkness takes over the woods in deku’s own, embers of lust starting to burn at the outer edges of an evergreen eutopia.
“i want you to be mine, in ways that no one else can have you,” deku tells you seriously, an expression of clement hunger smoothing over the mask of his freckled face. the forest fire burns even brighter, catching on mosses as your hands reach up to twirl with baby locks of the hero's hair. casting his gaze down, a little off to the left, deku takes a deep breath and lets his large hands slide up to the band of your bra—you choke on air tinged with the scent of him, thinking that he’ll remove it— but instead, cautious thumbs slide under the lavender and flower designed lace and rubs where your breast meets your ribs. you realise there, that the green haired hero is asking in his own way, for permission. “i’ve always wanted you but i was scared, scared to break you and make you crumble with the life that i lead,” izuku’s voice lowers an octave, growing heavier and heavier the more he lifts your bra away from your chest as if he’s weighing up the options of leading you off of the gingerbread pathway and to a place of sin.”i just don’t want to hurt you more than i already have,” he finishes, eyes fluttering shut.
cupping deku’s face now, you brush your thumbs over his stardust cheeks bringing him down low to lick the luminous orange flames of his fire— to soothe the burning and the hesitation he feels. “you can’t hurt me anymore, izu, you can take me,” you reassure him, pressing a kiss to his cupid’s bow. “we’ve waited this long, i don’t think i can last much longer without having you closer,”
that’s all he needs, all the permission izuku midoriya needs to pull you into the cracklingfire and burn any traces of you that lie unclaimed. “then let me take care of you,” izuku promises, bending to his knees in front of you, the green haired man’s hands slide warmly up the plains of your back—he traces your spine before reaching the clasp of your bra and unhooking it with ease, the material falling at your front. the emptiness of the back room does nothing to hide the beefy groan deku lets out. it could be the air or the fact that you’d managed to pull the sound from his lips that causes goosebumps to rise on your exposed skin. you allow him to pull the rest of your bra away, his breath soothing the chill against your tits before bulky arms snake around your middle.
he takes one of your hardened nipples between his teeth, rolling it between them carefully as shiny green eyes shoot upwards to follow your reaction. midoriya smiles around your bud at the way your face twists; nose scrunched cutely and eyes fluttering shut as if you’ve never felt such a sensation, before a quiet mewl escapes you.”izu,” you say pleadingly, not quite sure of what you’ve asked for— your untouched body a playground for the love izuku has to offer. “gimme, more…” at your request, his tongue lolls wetly over the swell of your breast as he takes it fully into his mouth and coats your skin in a glaze of his own saliva. he can taste the vanilla on your skin, it drowns him in waves but adds a lustrous fuel to his fire.
wrapping an arm around the back of deku’s head, you draw him into the blistering heat of your frame, holding him as he suckles on your tit and starts to grope at the other— massaging the fleshy mound between his thick and scarred fingers, kneading it to coax more of your song and darling moans. there’s awe dotting the ferns of his eyes, dripping like liquid gold from his eyelashes, and when he bites down on your flesh, the point of his teeth draw shapes into your skin.
you squeak like a little nymph and izuku finds himself becoming addicted, savouring how you twitch just for him. “you taste so good, you sound like an angel,” the hero praises you, pulling away from your bruised chest and remaining connected to you only by a clear string of his own spit, “you must be an angel, there’s no way someone like you falls from heaven just for me,” he tattoos the words into the spot between your breasts with similarly wet kisses from before. “you’re my angel now, kay baby?”
you whimper, again sounding like an angel’s song. “yes ‘zu, yours,”
if izuku had been a spirit of the forest, a demon of sorts then maybe you really were the angel that he needed to calm the rustling leaves— or maybe his flames would consume you and your wings whole, causing you to fall. the scalding heat of his mouth works on your unattended breast—giving it the same loving treatment that makes you writhe against the work table, nearly knocking the frosting you had been working on away. curiously, izuku releases your nipple, one hand beginning to graze your cotton panties from underneath your uniform skirt, your last item of clothing remaining. the one by your chest dips into your cookies ‘n cream frosting, beginning to smear it over your untreated breast. it’s cold and sticky on your skin, contrasting between the temperature that rises between the two of you.
“zu, s’cold,” you mumble, starting to curl in on yourself, gripping the shoulder of his shirt tightly to ground yourself. deku hums in content, latching onto your chest again where he's painted you like a canvas with the icing and the vibrations shoot straight through your body, down to your core—a patch of damp forming at the crotch of your panties from where he’s started to rub at you in sweet circles. “w-wait izu,” you simper, tone of your voice small and precious as the pro hero squeezes your clit, tip of his finger running over the length of your clothed slit. the sensation that builds in the depths of your core, like a pressure waiting to be relieved.
pushing a finger against your entrance from over the material, izuku watches in fascination as the spot of your arousal grows darker and larger, sweet honey seeping from between your folds.”what is it, babylove?” he asks you, as puffs of his hot breath begin stimulating your sex, your hips jump up against your will— body overcome with the fire.”does it not feel good to be touched like this?”
escaping from your hold, the pro hero finally falls to his knees in front of your parted legs— pulling his working digits away from your stained panties in awe, a thick string of clear essence being the only thing that connects him to you now. “i’ve never…” you pant, heat prickling underneath your skin like a thousand tiny stings. a feeling that's foreign and painfully seated just above your abdomen, desperate to be licked and soothed by izuku and his flames. “please, i’ve never..” if he would just explore the woods of your body then maybe you could garner some relief, but only feel taunted when the pro hero swipes more of the frosting against your panties and slots his mouth against your aroused cunt, tongue darting out to suck on your juices through the sticky material.
“c’mon sweet girl, spit it out, you can tell me,” izuku coos into your slick, groaning with debauchery at your taste. his nose bumps at your sensitive clit, sending waves of bright and brand new euphoria through your body.
“i’ve never been touched like this before, izu,” you squeal out at last, letting the syllables rush out of your mouth underneath slurs of pent up saliva— not even bothering for a pause in the middle. the green haired male pulls back from the solace between your thick and doughy thighs, eyes widening with shock as he realises how much of your innocence he’s burned away through forest fires already. a thick smog of ash and lust hangs heavily in the air with the weight of your next words. “i’m a virgin…”
“you’re a...you’ve never…” he dares to ask, rubbing smooth circles into your thighs, your skirt falling back into place over your sex. the fabric does nothing to hide the saccharine scent of your puffy and potentially virgin folds, and midoriya feels himself twitch with cupidity in his pants at the thought of being the very first into your garden. visions of you opening up for him like a blossom against his forest floor makes the blood pumping through deku’s body swelter with an undying need to take you; he wants to be the first to have you break and fall apart against his fingers and cock and maybe his tongue after everything he’s put you through. he almost feels undeserving.
“no,” you turn your head away from your newfound lover abashedly, liquid shame brimming in your eyes. “t-there was only one time in college with shinsou, we only used our hands but he...he was the only one who got to...to cum…”
izuku grunts in disapproval at the thought of your sweet cunt being touched by anyone besides him— even if it had been before he’d even met you. standing once more, the pro hero cups your cheeks with his sex tainted hands and brushes away your tears, thumb slipping passed your strawberry licorice lips and forcing you to taste the mix of your essence, frosting and tears. “no need to be embarrassed babydoll,” he says, dazed and distracted by all that you are.
you’re so pretty, so obedient sucking on his digits with hesitant doe eyes. “we can fix that, yeah?”
you nod around his thumb until it's clean and hum with anticipation. “uhuh,” you mumble, blindly trusting izuku—because he’d promised never to hurt you again, because you knew that he would take care of you.
“good girl, now let’s get you out of the rest of these clothes, babylove.” deku pulls his thumb from between your lips, chuckling at the pout that smooths over them and leans down to capture them in a kiss. his scarred hands make quick work of pulling off your skirt and peeling away your panties that stick to your sex. you shiver when cool air hits your bare cunt, crying out for something to keep you warm. izuku knows that you yearn for his fire in the woods to drag you in and take your spirit as prisoner— so he rushes to shrug off his t-shirt before uniting your bodies and wrapping one arm around your shoulders, keeping you to him, the other dipping to toy with the treasure locked between your plush thighs. “shinsou used his fingers on you, right?”
“yes,” you say breathless, drawn to deku in a similar way a moth is to a candle flame, basking in his heat. “but i didn’t get to cum,” you remind him.
only then does the green haired pro send you one of those smiles, the ones where the constellations on his cheeks shone bright... the ones that you had always believed were saved especially for you, making you feel warm inside, because now you knew that they were. “then i’ll have to show you what it’s like to have a real man’s fingers pleasuring you, angel. you’ll have to wait a few dates before you get to feel my tongue on you though, baby,” deku whispers a breath’s width away from your ear, sending shivers down your spine as the calloused tip of two of his fingers circle your soaked entrance. “give me your hand angel, let me teach you,”
you writhe nervously against the metal table, dropping your hand to join izuku’s at the entrance to your awaiting cunt and let him guide your smaller-than-his fingers to your swollen clit. rubbing smooth circles into your back, your tits pressed salaciously against his sweaty pecs, the hero instructs you to draw dainty shapes onto the puffy nub, letting you jolt in his arms and grip his flexing bicep. “hah, zu...that feels nice,” you babble clumsily, brain growing hazy as the first shocks of ecstasy filter through your bloodstream. “zu...s’supposed to feel that good?”
your question makes him wonder how innocent you really are, if it's so much so that you’d never even buried your baby fingers into your own cunt and gotten off before...maybe with the success of your bakery, you just didn’t have the time. his chest swells with pride and his cock with need at the idea of being the one to knock you down a few pegs of purity— another sinner’s smile pulling at midoriya’s bruised lips. “of course it is, little love,” he chuckles, aiding your hand in stimulating your honeyed bud faster, helping your flower to bloom, more of your arousal to gather in your pussy lips. “oooh you like that don’t you? ‘course my little angel does, so naughty. just wait until i stuff my fingers inside that darling lil hole of yours.”
“don’ wanna wait, wanna feel you inside me now,” you drawl with impatience and teary doll eyes, yet again, lifting your hips as you ink star shaped patterns onto your sex. “‘m wet for you izuku, i know that… i can take your fingers,”
the hero spreads your folds with two digits, looking eagerly with darkened chartreuse orbs as your viscous juices pour from your empty hole. “fuuck baby, you talk so dirty for someone who hasn’t been fucked before,” duku grouses erotically— far more turned on than you’d thought. “spread those thighs, that’s it...nice ‘n wide babylove, keep playing with your clit for me...so fucking pretty…” you do as he says, legs nearing the edge of the table as you roll your clit to your heart’s content, lewd sounds echoing throughout the room as deku eases a single digit past your entrance—immediatley curling it to get a feel for your velvet walls.
“ohmygod—fuck ‘zu,” comes your needy whimper, the grip you have on his bicep tightening, nails digging crescent moons into his manuka honey skin.
“yeah? you like that? how do you feel ‘bout ‘zuku giving another?” he says and pushes his lips into a mock pout while concentrating hard on making you see stars, airily asking himself more so than you as he slips another digit into your hot cunt alongside the other—scissoring them in order to stretch you open and prepare you for his cock. “grab hold of my wrist, want you to control how fast or slow i fuck this pretty little pussy with my fingers, kay?”
an answer barely escapes you aside from a weak nod— following deku's gaze to the way your sex sucks him in and covers him in all of your liquid. it’s so dirty, the way the pro hero lets you control his hand,practically riding his fingers and grinding the seat of his palm against your clit, the action dragging you through the winding trees of ecstasy. he curls them against the spongy spot deep within your walls, making your thighs twitch and eyes cross lewdly. every thrust of his fingers earns a gush from your little cunt, weeping at the stimulation.
deku thinks you’re the most precious little thing, a delicate fairy tucked away into his neck—breathing heavily, strings of saliva hooked to the roof of your mouth while you grasp and grip his body for your taking. he mumbles sweet nothings into your hairline things like ‘that too fast, sweetheart?’ or ‘tell me if it’s not enough, babylove,’ his sweet honeysuckle words sending tingles down your spine and fluttering through your sex— deku stroking you into the shape of him.
the weird feeling in your belly from earlier returns, building up in slow stacks and twisting like rope inside of you. izuku holds you to the edge for hours, or that’s what it feels like— pumping scarred digits in and out of you at an impressive speed, telling you it would feel better if he made you wait for what was to come. “so tell me, is it true that he never made you cum like this?” the pro hero’s voice drops an octave, deep and rich like expensive chocolate and he shakes off your hand around his wrist, taking control of the pace at which you’re given pleasure.
“feels weird ‘zuku,” you cry, tummy starting to burn with every push of his fingertips againstyour g-spot, relentlessly scissoring their corresponding digits inside of you every time. “s’too fast, can’t… don’t think i can hold it..!” your legs shake violently, willing to close but izuku pins one down to the table and casts his gaze to where your body meets his hand, watching eagerly for something to happen.
“let go for me now, promise it’ll feel so good,” midoriya sighs and a scream tears in the base of your throat as the rope in your tummy finally snaps and the weird pressure that had been building up finally shoots out of you— more specifically from your sticky and squelching pussy. eyes rolling to the back of your head, clear liquid spirts from your sex in streams, pooling underneath your ass and running down the length of your slit— sliding between your lower cheeks. deku doesn’t stop even though you’re overstimulated and gushing like a river, thumbing fast and random shapes into your raw clit until your stream stops flowing and finishes splattering against your thighs along with izuku’s pelvic bone and hand.
you can’t stop shaking through your release, which pools on the floor and beneath your bum, allowing deku to cradle you into his bare chest and rock you in his arms until you’re grounded. “good girl, did so well,” soft praise is not wasted on your ears as you nuzzle into his addictive, sweet and tooth rotting warmth. “my virgin baby’s a squirter, huh?” slowly but surely, the hero lets you go to take a peek between the globes of your thighs— watching your face for any signs of discomfort when he touches you. his forest hair tickles your inner thighs when he dips his head to your cunt, grunting at the overstimulation when his tongue traces your folds to clean up your orgasm— making you grip his hair harshly.
and when izuku stands up and gives your cunt a second to calm down— his lips find yours in an overheated kiss that sets your body alight for him once again. under the mint sherbet flavour on his tongue, you find yourself. like candy and rock salt laced with izuku’s taste, unlike anything that's ever graced your tastebuds before.
the kiss lasts very little before the hero pulls away, fingers twisting with the knot on the grey sweatpants that he wears. a dark spot grows on his front from his leaking tip, cock hard against his inner thigh. you frown, wondering how long deku had been like that as he tended to you. how was he able to hold back? you surely would have lost your mind in his position— while your heart feels bad for leaving him alone and unattended, what’s left of your working conscious craves to see what hides behind izuku’s waistband and your mouth waters at the very thought. before your mind can catch up with your hands, you reach for his v-cut hips and attempt to run your fingers over his prominent dick print, yanking at the grey fabric to reveal what you’ve been waiting for.
“fuck, love,” izuku hisses, letting you roll down his sweats and boxers in one go, but snatching up your hands before you can jerk him off. “wait, just wait baby…”
he places your hands on his chest, the deep green of his eyes form a stern warning of ‘no’, despite the heavy heat waves of desire that radiate off of his well-built body. drool pools on the palette of your tongue as you watch his cock slap against chocolate and carved abs, precum smearing between them and his tip an angry shade of ruby red from arousal. “but izu..wanna help you like you helped me,” your lips push into a tempting pout, accentuating the devoir in your tone.
but deku continues to shake his head, his heart beating rapidly deep within the twisting timber land of his ribcage— protected by oakwood and tree branches that only you can figure out a way through. “another time babylove, when i’ve gotten a chance to take you on a real date,” he sighs, an immodest sense of agony drawn across his features and sewn into freckles. your heart soars and beats hard in your pussy, succulent hole clenching and causing nectar to drip from your forbidden flower. izuku fists his cock with one hand as he gently pushes your body back against the cool metal table, your back arching away from the frigid feeling giving him an erotic view of the soft mountains of your chest bouncing ever so slightly.
once you lay flat on your back, the hero presses his body over yours— trapping you between the cold surface and the blazing temperature of his body as if he were the sun… accompanied by his abs rippling against your tummy and hardened shaft sliding between your scalding, drenched folds. deku’s sticky tip skims dangerously over your bud, rewarding the silent back room with a pair of overwhelmed and eager moans. both of your bodies tremble, tortured from holding back. your hand searches for deku’s in the tangled heap of firewood limbs, fingers link during the sloppy afair of your grinding sweaty bodies— and you think you might cum again, just from the quiet whimpers your lover breathes into your ear and the sensation of him pushing his hard on against your quivering sex.
“want me to put it in now, baby?” izuku coos, his words are like delicate icing against your skin but his eyes speak of carnivorous obsession when he pulls back to look at you... as if he’s going to bathe you in every sense of him and drown you through your mind, body and soul. the keen smile he gives to you when you nod a little, warms your heart, to know that he loves you this much. “s’gonna hurt a little bit, so let me know at any time if you want me to stop, you got that?” giving deku’s hand a squeeze in acknowledgement, your breathing deepens as he lines his cock up with your entrance, tapping his tip against your virgin hole before pushing against it, slipping into you with a slight resistance.
you don’t want to resist anymore, you’ve spent so long running through the woods and away from its demon that carried your feelings for izuku that you’re so tired of trying to push him out. tears, salty, begin to well in your eyes at the pain of deku’s cock breaching your walls for the first time— the weight of him burns almost uncomfortably, he’s so much bigger than you anticipated and you dig your nails into his skin, enough to draw blood, in order to cope as you whimper wetly. “izuku!”
“shhh babylove, i know…’m so sorry. i know,” deku tries to comfort you, hating the way you cry for reasons other than feeling good. your pretty eyes are screwed shut, locking away the gems he treasures so much. he wants to stop, he should stop— he promised to never hurt you in any way shape or form ever again, but here you are clamping down on him with this tiny and wet virgin cunt...and he feels so fucking good.
midoriya should feel guilty for liking the way your body wriggles under his in slight pain, the way you drip and feel so fucking tight around him even though he’d given you his fingers.. you’re barely even half way down him, trembling legs loose around deku’s waist while he holds his hips back from cantering all the way into you. “it’ll all feel so good in a moment, promise you sweet girl,” deku slurs, already pussy drunk as he manages to sheath another inch into you. suddenly, he perks up with an idea and his fingers that remain free lean away from your bodies and dip into your frosting—he smears it against your neck and valley between your breasts before reaching between your impossibly close bodies and rubbing some into your clit.
“izu...wh-what are you doing?” comes your small voice, a sweet melody to the sluice noises your sex makes with every trace of izuku’s fingers against your frosting covered bud. already you feel looser, velvet walls beginning to welcome his dick instead of reject it, bliss building up in your veins instead of that uncomfortable sting.
midoriya continues to play with you there, easing the burn as he puts out hurtful flames, choking on his groans with every flutter that ripples through your increasingly wet hole. “trust me, s’gonna help, doesn’t that feel better already?” with every circle drawn against you, your juices mixing with frosting, comes another inch of deku’s cock pushing against unused and ribbed walls until he’s right at the hilt, finally buried all the way inside of you. like before, izuku leaves you seated right on the edge of another orgasm, both of you stilling to revel in the way your bodies finally connect and make one whole. izuku waits for you, for the throbbing pain to fade away as your pussy adjusts to his size, pressing butterfly kisses across your face while you stop your run from the forest just to feel. “i’m going to move now, okay angel? it might hurt again,”
“c-can you make me cum, would that help?” you whisper into the chill air, hips shifting beneath deku’s as he starts to draw his own back. a non-committal ‘yes’ is uttered against your neck as he prepares to take you, tongue beginning to roll over your skin to distract you and taste the frosting that covers old love bites. you don’t know what part of your question he’s agreeing to, but you don’t care— for deku brings back the stimulation of your clit right at the same time as his cock pulls away from your selfish walls and stretched out hole. “ohmygod!” you squeal in surprise, a small orgasm washing over your body like waves on a shore, you spill honey and molasses against your gooey sexes, providing deku with the lube he needs to make love to you properly.
“god, you’re so pretty when you’re cumming for me, babydoll…” izuki tells you with a dizzy and seraphic gripe, driving his hips forward to fill you up again. his face ducks into the other spots where he’s laid frosting over your skin, its sweet vanilla flavour tangling with the salt from the light layer of sweat that coats you too. deku makes quick work of licking it up in order to distract himself, because if he sees the way your angelic face twists with newfound arousal and thrill, he’ll lose his mind and fuck you too hard to cope. that or he’ll burst and cum before he’s even had a chance to take you to high heavens. “‘m gonna fuck you now, promise to make you feel good.”
looping your arms around the back of his neck and losing yourself in the depths of his soft dartmouth hair, your words come out as susurrant in the darkness of the back room— catching in your throat and trembling towards their end as deku sets a slow and intimate pace to his thrusts. “you could never make me feel anything other, izuku...please give me your all,” you feel his cock pulse, sheathed inside your gummy walls mid-thrust, blood rushing through your body with every passionate rock of izuku’s body into yours. he overwhelms you, the demon in the forest taking your hand and pulling you through the canopy into divine devoir, telling you with the rustling leaves and the groans of your trees, of your izuku...to accept the love and lust he has for you.
tanned skin, cut deep with scars, feels slippery, slick against yours as izuku’s cock takes the dive into your virgin heat— the heavy vein on the underside of his shaft mapping out new pleasure points inside of you and committing them to memory for the next time you make love. the next time won’t be the last, nor will any time after that, because after years of chasing, deku doesn’t plan to let you go. the words hang like mist in the air he breathes over his lips, but his body tells them better, the way he leaks and lines your inner cunt with his aroused signature is enough to say what he can’t.
so instead of speaking, he grunts and groans into your neck, between your bouncing breasts and shoulder blades as he draws on them with dollops of frosting and bites or nips, or sucks it away until blossoms of purple and darker shades form against your sweaty skin. the air around you grows humid, the scent of vanilla and cookies and sinful sex beginning to waft through it. izuku slips in and out of your puckered hole with newfound ease, the clear and gooey strings of your last orgasm clinging to his cock and your puffy pussy lips help to guide him, to follow the channel of your cunt and claim it as his own. “you’re so wet, you’re so good, takin’ a big cock like mine and all on your first try,” deku simpers between the bruising paintings he leaves against you, barely audible against the slow build of skin slapping against skin and your sexes squelching in combination. “can’t believe i’m the first to claim you, gonna be for your first for everythin’,”
although your pupils are dilated and darkened from your epic high on lust, your gaze falls onto izuku’s face and how it twists with impassioned heat, his brows furrowed with concentration while he churns up your insides and shapes your pussy into the form of his weighty girth— making it so that no one can pleasure you the way that he does and that when you look at his face, you only see constellations in the night sky of his forest, ones that tell you… you’re getting high of off sex and balls that slap against the curve of your ass. you’re high off of dopamine flooding your brain with every jam of izuku’s blunt and angry red tip against your g-spot. you’re high off of him and the love you’ve been harbouring for him all this time.
“want you to be my one ‘n only,” you tell izuku earnestly and through hiccuped mewls— your hips lifting to suck more of deku into your cunt now that you can, and the only burn that you feel is the one from his hot body, stuck to yours along with the stacks of delectation in your lower belly. all caused by izuku midoriya himself. you’re grateful that shinsou wasn’t the one to have taken this from you, that you’d steered clear of lonely one night stands and random passionate flings. because all that waiting, all that longing meant that you could share this loss with deku, to start a new path into the untouched clearing with deku.
there’s no one else you could imagine holding you like this, pumping their cock into you so hard that your juices stream from your pussy and decorate his balls, especially when his tip kisses your cervix. there’s no one else you could want, except for him. “n-no one else can have me like this,” you say, earning a stuttered breath from deku.
you feel his cock twitch from your words, curving up to press against the soft spongy spot that has your creamy cunt choking him out. “don’t...d-don’t say stuff like that while i'm inside you baby...makes it so much harder,” izuku whines with tears docking in his eyelashes. he could cry from how good your hole feels clamping down on him. the hard ruts of his hips into yours, strokes of his dick against your molten sugar, gummy walls start to slow into rough grinds— his hips moving in smooth circular motions and pelvis rubbing harshly against your clit. “you make me wanna lose control,” deku can only soothe himself by slathering another patch of frosting against your collarbones, fangs sinking into the flesh and pink muscle scooping up what he’s laid down.
“you can with me, you can do anything you want with me...jus’ wanna feel you izu,” you lament zealously, pushing against izuki’s chest until he’s leaning up right and you’re able to sit up and rest back against your palms on the metal table creaking beneath you. at this change in position, you’re both able to see the exact point at which your bodies meet and witness the sheen of creamy white that’s started to gather at the base of izuku’s cock every time it pumps in and pulls out of your dripping, greedy mound. the pro hero can’t seem to tear his eyes away from the sight, increasing the pace of his languid rolling hips just to see the way your pussy responds before spitting onto his cock and creating more dirty deluging sounds. the slick paints his strong thighs and stains yours as izuku grabs ahold of them and pins them down to the table to keep you spread.
reaching for the ruined bowl of cookies ‘n cream icing, you dip two fingers into it and move your upper body forward until you’re close enough to drag them over midoriya’s neck and your lips are within inches of latching onto his skin. “f-fuck, sweetheart, what are you doing?” deku mutters, spit pooling on his tongue, ready to drip it onto your sexes as they slap together— the sound echoing through the empty backroom.
“wanna try to make you feel the same way i do, wanna mark you too,” you say, voice barely audible over the way he ploughs into you with new vigor, bullying and bombarding your insides, turning them to nothing but mush and sending shockwaves of delight crackling through your veins. without missing another beat, you latch onto deku’s neck and suck, attempting to paint midnight blue into his skin and lay your own claim.
teeth and tongue abuse the spot on his neck, sweat dotting the pro hero’s brow and adding to the humid bubble surrounding your bodies dancing passionately in the dead of the night. “atta girl, you’re so good to me...shit,” izuku curses into your hairline, large hands going from gripping your waist to dancing up your back so that his fingers are able to grip at the roots of your hair and force you closer to his neck to give him a hickey. the drive of his cock into your sopping pathetic pussy never lets up, making a home for itself in your raw and used sex.
when you pull back to admire the flowering roses of blue you’ve created against deku’s timbre skin, he groans basily from deep within his throat— the sound vibrating through the cavity of his chest and shooting straight down to your creaming core. “you’re gonna kill me with this cunt, sweet girl. gonna ruin me so ‘m only ever thinking of you...is that what you want?” deku practically sobs, enchanting you and tilting your head to face his so he can place a lingering and sugar coated kiss against your wet lips.
his emerald eyes are crystalline with love and lust for you, and you alone, making your tummy warm and your candy cane heart turn to liquid sugar. you can taste the saltiness of tears on your tongue as your mouths slot together perfectly but you can no longer tell whose pellucid teardrops are whose and where they’re coming from as your bodies stay tangled, moving against one another in sticky and sensual movements. “‘s all i’ve ever wanted, for you t’be mine and for me t’be yours,” you say broken down by sheer yearning for the man you’re making love to— accepting harder assails of deku’s heavy girth inside of you.
“then i’m yours, fuck everything else, my heart is yours, angel.” izuku affirms, panting avidly into your mouth as his hands drop to the globes of your ass to pull you back and forth on his dick. after one last dollop of frosting and another delphinium flower sucked into your lover’s shoulder you lean back on your elbows, and match his thrusts with jumps of your hips into his, watching as streams of your arousals seep to the table beneath your bodies. you begin to head down a winding path in the smokey woods, the wildfire from before having surrounded you until your senses are overwhelmed with one another and you’re both climbing to your peaks. “can feel you ‘bout to cum, you’re chokin’ my cock...gettin’ so fucking tight around me,”
“take me to heaven, izuku,” you plead him with glass stained eyes, taking in his rosy star cheeks and his handsome face— a matched expression of craving scrawled across it. “wanna cum on your cock for the first time,” you clamp down hard on deku, pulling small ropes of precum from his tip while you chase him into the blinding white flames— coaxing him to take all of your body as you offer it up to him. you want him to cum, to be the only cause of his pleasure from here on out. “wanna feel everythin’ with you...”
pushing you to lay back, deku cages your body against the table, letting it rock from the sheer force of his hips ploughing into yours as his angry cockhead bares down hard against your cervix. his golden arms flex as they hook beneath your thighs, to drag you up to meet his unforgiving pace and izuku presses his forehead to yours, emerald stone eyes shining with tears beneath artificial white light before he speaks “i can’t— fuck, baby… i can’t hold back...need to cum soon, i can’t fucking hold back when i’m with you,” he stumbles over everything that he says, lips slipping over yours in slow and lazy motions unlike how he pounds into you. midoriya cups your head with one hand, pulling you flush against him and the other descends the planes of your flesh to toy with your clit once more. “i love you so much, you know that right? fuckin’ love you…”
“you love me?” you ask him in a moan, though you already know the answer. you also know that hearing him say it may push you over the edge for the final time. “please say you love me— f-fuck…say you love me, zu,”
brushing a thumb over your left cheek with the hand that cups your head, izuku offers you one of his warm smiles— reminding you of all the reasons you fell for him, reminding you of the sanctuary of your bakery and all the nights in it that you’ve shared. “i love you angel,” he whispers, slipping his lips against yours for one final kiss before the earth beneath you shatters and the gates of heaven open just for you; his tongue grazes yours in the heat of your mouth as his dick brushes up against your g-spot, launching you into your high. you cum hard, the life in your lungs swept away from you as every single one of your neurons fire at once. you moan loud, the sound swallowed by midoriya while his stuttering thrusts guide you through your orgasm— release gushing out of your hole and staining his tummy and pelvis.
you’re still coming around when izuku falls into his own high, his pretty green eyes locked away as they screw shut— whimpers coating his lips like glaze as your spasming cunt leads the way through his orgasm. “cum for me zu, love you s’much...keep comin’ for me,” you coo to him sleepily, love flooding your veins as he humps you desperately and pulls out at the last minute to paint your soft tummy with his potent white seed; letting it slick the spot where your abdomens meet while his cock twitches and softens between you.
silence lays thick in the air aside from your laboured breathing and the soft smooches the pair of you give to one another. izuku chuckles breathily into your neck, using his arms to pull away and hover above you. “it’s about time, huh?’ he says, kissing your nose with a lovestruck grin.
“mhm,” you nod, reaching up to brush your thumbs over his freckles, memorising every one of his details to convince yourself that everything is real and that pro hero izuku midoriya really does love you, the clumsy little baker girl. “it only took us two years, a couple thousand of my bakes and a bowl of frosting.”
“but i wouldn’t have had it any other way,” izuku tells you fondly, finally pulling off of you and helping you to sit up. he’s about to scoop you into his arms and take you up to your apartment above the bakery so that the pair of you can shower and rest; when his phone goes off from somewhere in his discarded sweatpants. locating it and bringing it over to you along with his shirt, he lets you slip on the material and lean over his shoulder to read the text alert— which makes his face flush with red and causes you to burst out laughing.
are you guys done yet? midoriya i know i sent you over to fix my best friend but fucking her a floor below me isn’t exactly what i meant. whatever, just make sure you fuckin’ sanitise my kitchen before opening hours tomorrow. losers.
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
The Art of Blind Dates. Deku x GN! Reader
This piece was written for @rat-zuki 's the deku agenda escapes no one collab. Happy Birthday to our favorite broccoli.
Content warning- This fic rated PG-13. Aged up characters, Allusions to sexual activity, swearing, gender neutral reader.
“You know, we really have to stop meeting like this.”
You jumped, the spray can you had been using left an unsightly streak of bright red across your masterpiece. You scowled behind your mask as you turned to face the man who had spoken.
“We do. You keep making me mess up my hard work!”
You smirked, pleased with yourself as you saw Deku, the number one pro hero, recoil at the sight of your mask. It had taken a few weeks to convert the All Might mask into an ahegao face, but it was worth it if it horrified your number one pain in the ass. Izuku blinked a few times, sighing and bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He was clearly choosing to ignore your choice of disguise.
“I wouldn’t have to mess with your work if you chose to do things that were, you know, actually legal? You’re talented, Brushstroke. You could get paid to do murals or something instead of…” Deku gestured towards your latest creation. You were rather proud of it. It had taken a good amount of planning to manage to paint a fifty foot tall mural of pro hero Dynamight mooning the city with the bold caption ‘The Hero Commision can kiss my ass.’ It would be perfect if not for the red streak from where Deku had startled you. With a contemplative hum you shook your spray can and quickly turned the offending mark into a cartoonish lipstick print. Midoriya sighed heavily. “I’m standing right here, you know.”
“I know.” You grinned behind your mask. The voice distorter you used did nothing to hide your chipper tone. “I also know you like it. And you can’t tell me Dynamight wouldn’t love it. He literally said that on live interview!”
“Yes, but not with his pants down to his knees.”
You bent over, throwing your cans of spray paint and climbing gear into your duffle bag. It wouldn’t do for your nemesis to get his hands on some of the tools you used. Mei’s stamp was all over it.
“Which is such a shame. The man’s got cake for days.” You chuckled as Deku pulled a face.
He observed you, hands on his hips. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“Away, obviously.” You said as you threw the strap of your dufflebag across you.
“And I’m just going to let you go?”
“Oh no. You’re going to chase me like you always do. And I’m going to escape like I always do. And it’s going to drive you crazy because you can’t figure out how I keep doing it.” You began stretching, exaggerating each movement.
“A teleportation quirk isn’t that hard to figure out.” Izuku began stretching as well, rolling his shoulders and popping joints.
“Guess again.” You sing songed, bouncing on your toes.
“Wouldn’t have to guess if you just told me.”
“But that’s no fun. Unfortunately, I do have to be going. Catch you later, hot stuff!” And with a sprint, you raced to the side of the building and jumped off before activating your quirk.
Time slowed around you. It was like you were hovering in the air instead of falling. Freeze Frame was a quirk you had learned to perfect over the years. Between the quirk and the assorted gadgets in your bag and on your person, it was definitely enough to baffle the number one pro hero. Speaking of, you better work quickly before your quirk wore off and splatted you across the sidewalk.
Freeze Frame was named after what your quirk looked like from the outside. It was as if you teleported, or you had frozen time around you for everyone except yourself. In reality, you were a speedster. When your quirk was active, you were able to move at speeds so fast you were undetectable to others, and to you it seemed like everything was paused in time. You probably could have been a phenomenal hero or villain if you wanted. But currently, it was much more fun to thwart a certain green haired man.
With a press of a button, you deployed a grappling hook, snagging it on the building across the alley. You swung over, keeping a countdown in your head. Would you be lucky enough and have time to…? Yes. There! A balcony door was cracked open slightly. You gracefully landed on the balcony and used the door to slip into what appeared to be someone’s bedroom, thankfully unoccupied at the moment. Taking no chances though, you slip into the closet just as the effects of your quirk wear off. The other reason you had never turned to heroism or villainy- no matter how much you trained, you could only keep your quirk activated for ten seconds at a time. It wasn’t a lot. Plus you could only activate your quirk a couple dozen times a day without getting seriously ill. But it still was usually more than enough to be able to give any law enforcement the slip. Just like now.
Deku curses as he runs to the edge of the roof. You’re nowhere to be seen. “Brushstroke! Get back here, you damn brat!” He shouted, running a hand through his hair in frustration. One of these days he was going to figure out your quirk and how to counteract it. And when that day comes he was going to take you over his knee and… No. He shook his head, blushing to clear his thoughts. What to do with you. Well, he wasn’t sure yet. You weren’t a villain, really. More of a public nuisance. The murals you did showed a lot of talent and a good chunk of the population agreed with the social commentary behind them. But that didn’t change that you had painted ten foot tall asscheeks on a building without permission. And, technically, it was within his job description to apprehend you. “Brushstroke!” Deku called again as he made his way down to the ground. There was no sign of you anywhere. Invisibility quirk maybe? Though it would be unusual if you could turn all the stuff you had been wearing and carrying invisible as well.
Meanwhile, as Izuku was getting lost in thought, you were getting naked. You stripped out of your gear and paint covered smock, moving as quickly as you dared while still remaining quiet in your hidden location. Just because the bedroom had been empty doesn’t mean the rest of the place was, after all. You shoved everything into your dufflebag, pulling out a clean set of clothing from a zippered pocket. Getting changed was a simple affair, as was ruffling your hair, messily getting it to look like a different style. One of your favorite tricks happened when you pushed a hidden button on the edge of your duffle bag. The previously dull gray bag quickly morphed into a loud riot of tye dyed color. Chameleon bags, Hatsume called them. Still in a prototype stage, your friend and employer would probably make a mint on them if you put them on the market. After a final brush off and deciding you looked acceptably civilian, you peeked out the closet door. The bedroom was still empty. You crept out slowly. The balcony wasn’t a feasible exit anymore. Not without the gear you had had to store away. You were going to have to sneak out the front door. You activated your quirk, feeling a little queasy at having to use it again so quickly in succession. It was simple to race through the apartment and out into the hall within your short time limit. In fact, with your speed, you were easily able to exit the entire apartment complex. You still had a few seconds to spare when you shot out the door. You grinned at seeing the number one pro hero standing in the middle of the street. You knew you shouldn’t do what you were thinking. Instead you should use your last few spare seconds to put some distance between yourself and the large, green haired man. Instead, you quickly dug around in your bag and found your tube of lipstick. You applied a nice thick coat as you waltzed up to him. With a giggle, you planted a firm smacking kiss on his cheek, leaving behind a clear and perfect lip print. With a grin, you hurried back to the apartment complex. It was easy to make it seem like you were just coming out of the door as time snapped back to its proper speed. You watched, hiding your smirk as you observed the clearly frustrated hero scanning the crowds for any sign of you. His eyes passed right over you, barely giving you a glance. You almost felt hurt that he thought your normal look was that unremarkable. But that was the point, after all. As Deku continued to call out for your pseudonym, you turned and walked away, blending into the crowd. You were almost out of earshot when you heard a loud cursing exclamation that would have been more in character for a certain blond hero. You bite your knuckle to muffle your laughter. Someone had informed Deku of the lipstick mark.
You sipped from a bottle of water as you watched Mei work her magic. It was strangely relaxing to watch her in her element. Though it seemed chaotic the first few times you had witnessed your friend work, there was a clear method to the madness if you just knew where to look. And you knew exactly where to look now that you had been working with her for the past three years. You were simply listed as one of her assistants. Most days that involved a random jumble of cleaning, paperwork, schedule management, and coffee making. The real reason Hatsume loved having you around however, was days like this.
“Okay! Set!” She chirped happily. “You good to go now?”
You nodded as you slid down, and walked into the testing area. “Remind me what I’m looking for again?”
“Well, obviously the usual. Make sure it’s not lethal, of course. And then I want to make sure the grid is deploying at the right time. Should be about a quarter second after detonation.”
“As long as everything looks good, want me to be full blown dummy this time?”
Hatsume tilted her head, and considered a moment before nodding. “Yeah, should be fine. Have the explosive levels where they should be. If anything messes up it’s going to be the grid deploying too soon or too late and not restraining you right.”
You gave her a thumbs up as you got into position. She counted down, though that didn’t matter much to you, honestly. One of the best perks of your quirk was that it gave you insane reflexes. You waited until the moment you saw the detonation begin to happen and activated your quirk.
As usual, it felt like time slowed to a crawl around you. Hollywood directors would give a kidney to have access to the detailed slow motion you could experience every day for free. You walked around the device, looking it over. It was meant to be a capture aid for pro hero Cellophane, a small explosive that would shoot nets of tape in all directions. It had to be safe and effective. Better to have a few civilians stuck to the walls than to risk letting a villain escape, after all. You peered into the explosion that was slowly rippling outward. Everything looked good so far… Yep, there were the grids starting to deploy. Sure that everything was safe, you deactivated your quirk and instantly were thrown backward and stuck to a padded wall of the testing room.
“Looked great!” You called as Hatsume entered the room. “I think you’ve finally got it!”
While she cheered and began praising her baby for performing so well, you tried wiggling. No luck. You were stuck rather firmly. Apparently she had upped the strength of the adhesive. After a minute, Hatsume finally noticed your struggles.
“Oh good!” She chirped. “Looks like the new formula is holding up nicely. I mean, I still need to test it out against, like strength and fire quirks, but looking good so far.”
“Little help, please?” You ask, giving her a look.
“Maybe in a bit.” She said, turning her back and leaving you there, pinned. “Want to test how long it holds. Besides, I have some questions about your last escapade and how my babies held up.”
You let out a resigned sigh. Of course. Your friend had found out about your after hours hobby about a year and a half ago. Instead of discouraging you, it hadn’t surprised you that much when she blackmailed you. She wouldn’t tell the police or heroes…. If you used some of her experimental babies on your future excursions. You had been dubious. Hatsume’s babies could be a little dangerous in the prototype stage. But it ended up working great! Your pieces went from small tagging jobs to huge fifty foot murals. Though that had caught the attention of a few public figures, including a certain green haired pain in your ass.
“I didn’t use anything directly against Deku this time.” You sighed, going limp to test if the tape would hold your weight. It did. “Grappling hook works great. The painter drones are okay for filling in large areas, but aren’t able to do clean lines well. The gecko boots continue to be amazing, but the gloves need a lot of work. The control for when they release still isn’t great.”
Hatsume nodded, quickly making notes about everything you said. There was a bit of a quick back and forth where she asked questions and you answered. Though ten minutes passed and you were still stuck to the wall. She eventually sets her notes aside and turns to face you fully. “So,” she drawls. “You saw Deku again.”
“I always see Deku nowadays!” You groan. “I swear Mei, if I find out you’re tipping him off or something...”
“Aww, come on! He’s nice! Would you rather be dealing with Dynamight?”
You frowned, not meeting her gaze. “I mean, the variety might be nice?”
“You like that with the help of my babies you’re able to out fox the number one pro hero, admit it!”
“It might be a little satisfying,” you mutter.
“And it doesn’t hurt that he’s hot either! Heard you two get all flirty during chases. The tabloids loved the kiss mark, by the way. Enjoy finally kissing him?”
“Hatsume!” you groan. “Subject change, please! Anything else!”
“Anything?” she grins at you.
“Oh god, I’m going to regret this.”
“It’s not that bad, I promise! Just, would you be interested in a blind date?”
You blink. “A date?”
“Yeah! One of my friends from school has a lot of trouble meeting people organically. You know how the industry is. Ridiculous schedules, maintaining reputation, trying to make sure they like you for you and aren’t just a fan.”
“Yeah… I guess I can understand that.”
“Well, I just think you and him would be a great fit! He’s a huge nerd in a lot of the same ways you are, but a real good guy once you get past the awkward. Plus,” Hatsume dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper “I happen to know for a fact that he’s a fan of Brushstroke’s work.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes. “You know it’s extortion to try to get me to agree when you have me literally taped to a wall.”
“I know!” Hatsume chirped happily. “So are you going to agree? I made the adhesive pretty strong this time. Who knows how long it would take to wear off on it’s own?”
“Bitch!” You can’t help laughing. “Alright, alright, I’ll go. Just get me down from here!”
You fidgeted with the ring you were wearing as you stared at the building in front of you. Maybe it wasn’t too late to bail? You don’t know exactly what you had been expecting when Hatsume had told you about the somewhat shy, nerdy man she had set you up with, but you hadn’t expected him to choose the fanciest restaurant in town as your date location. You were wearing your best and still felt underdressed. Well, if the date was a disaster, at least you knew what building you were going to spray paint next. The glistening white exterior would make for a great canvas. You chuckled quietly at your own thoughts.
Squaring your shoulders, you took a deep breath and marched in. You could do this. You were an infamous tagger. You faced off against the number one pro hero regularly. Your day job was working with Hatsume. You’ve got this. With an air of newfound confidence, you gave your name to the maitre d. It was a surprise when you were led through the restaurant to one of their private curtained rooms. This guy you’d been set up with was apparently going all out. Maybe you were going to like him after all, you thought as you were ushered in. Then you looked up.
Standing to greet you with a stupidly flustered look on his damn stupid handsome face was your nemisis. The number one thorn in your proverbial side. The giant broccoli himself.
That BITCH had set you up with Izuku Midoriya!
You froze. In the back of your mind you were aware that your mouth was hanging open. The green haired man shifted his weight from foot to foot. “Hi,” he said quietly, scratching the back of his head.
You continued to stare.
He cleared his throat, glancing to the side. “Sorry about the secrecy, but I think it’s understandable.”
You nodded weakly.
Izuku bit his lip. You realized with a start that he might be even more nervous than you are. As much as you planned to murder Hatsume later, this wasn’t Midoriya’s fault. You could get through this date at least. Eat some expensive food, drink the best wines, make some meaningless conversation, say your goodbyes, and then go home to plot the demise of your former best friend. Long, slow painful demise. Good thing about being an artist, you had lots of traps, so clean up should be easy. Looking at the worried expression on Izuku’s face, you realize with a start that you still haven’t actually said anything to him. You open your mouth to offer some sort of generic greeting. But what comes out is-
“I’m going to fucking murder Mei!”
Izuku blinks. Blinks again. Then he starts laughing loudly. He leans one hand on the table as he cackles. You stare before starting to chuckle yourself. Soon you’re both wheezing with laughter. You both slump into your seats, trying to collect yourselves. Midoriya speaks first.
“Yeah, I… I get that. I’d think that’s a common emotion when hanging around Hatsume.”
You can’t help your smile. “Only at least half of the time. But that’s what makes it fun. No one else like her.”
“That’s for sure.” Izuku leaned back in his seat, looking you over like he’s studying you. “So, I suppose we should actually introduce ourselves. I’m Izuku Midoriya. I do hero work.”
You laugh. “Y/N Y/L/N. I work for Mei and freelance art when I can.”
“Art, huh? What kind of stuff do you do?”
You’re briefly interrupted by the arrival of the first course. After the waiter leaves, Deku apologies. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to order for you, but this is one of those places where you pay them and they tell you what you’re going to eat.”
“It’s fine.” You say as you stare at the delicate wisp of some sort of thinly shaved vegetable with a dollop of strangely colored foam on top.
“You were saying what kind of art you do?” Deku cautiously was poking at the tiny fancy appetizer.
“A few different things really, but my passion is mural work. Latest job was in a maid cafe. They wanted something cute and floral, but they let me do what I wanted within that theme.”
The night continued on and was surprisingly easy. The food was delicious, the wine was better, and you were pleasantly surprised by the company. Maybe it was the wine softening you up, but as you looked across the table where Izuku was animatedly talking about how influential All Might’s example had been for him, you admitted to yourself that the green haired man was very handsome. And funny. And interesting. And you were trying very hard not to think about the way Midoriya’s large scarred hand wrapped around the delicate wine glass. It was a surprise when the final course was finished and Izuku was quietly taking care of the bill. He escorted you out of the building and you both stood awkwardly outside. Deku cleared his throat.
“If it’s not presuming too much, I’m not quite ready for tonight to end. Is it alright if I walk you home?”
“I’d like that. Like that a lot, actually.”
He smiled at you, and it was like the sun. You walked and talked animatedly. The conversation was so easy and fun, and a little flirty. Somewhere along the way your hands brushed together and holding hands became the most natural thing in the world. Time flew by as you walked together, your true destination long forgotten. You were only brought back to reality when out of the corner of your eye you saw a massive mural of pro hero asscheeks. When Izuku saw what you were looking at, he groaned.
“Could you please not check out my friend’s ass while we’re on a date?” He joked, gently elbowing your ribs. You laughed.
“I mean, you can’t blame me. It’s hard to miss.” You made a mental note to tell Mei that her paint formula was holding up beautifully.
“It’s a little embarrassing. Brushstroke is talented and all, but every mural is a time I couldn’t catch them.”
Maybe it was the wine still buzzing through your system. Maybe it was the thrill of it. Maybe you just wanted to see those beautiful green eyes widen. But you couldn’t help the next words out of your mouth.
“Well you might have an easier time if you ever actually figured my quirk out.”
“Yeah I…” He stopped. Stared. “You…” He stared harder, pulling away slightly as he looked your figure up and down. “You!!!”
“Surprise?” You laughed, and grinned at him. He was always so handsome when he was angry. You weren’t scared at all as he hauled you close.
“Do you have any idea how infuriating you are?”
“Pretty good idea, actually.”
“You’ve been leading me on goose chases for months!”
You grinned “Yes, will be our anniversary soon.”
Izuku groaned as he wrapped his arms around your waste. “You irredeemable brat!”
You would have replied, but in the next second he was fiercely smashing his mouth against yours. The kiss started harsh and desperate. The results of months of teasing and flirting. It gentled as the two of you stood there in the night, soft and sweet and full of affection the two of you had yet to put into words. The thought occurred to you that you’d have to thank Mei later. Your eyes opened as the two of you pulled away for breath. You started giggling almost immediately. Izuku pressed his forehead against yours.
“What’s so funny, darling?”
You smirked. “I never thought we’d have our first kiss while being mooned by Dynamight.”
Izuku groaned loudly before sweeping you up into his arms. You squawked and clung to him.
“That’s it.” He rumbled. “I’m going to spank you when I get you home, you fucking brat.”
“Promise?” you giggled.
You didn’t mind in the least when he shut you up with another kiss.
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Brothers + the now dateables with an MC who just can’t remember names that are like three syllables or more so they just refer to everyone by their nicknames. The mc is still new and does it and when someone says anything they’re just like “it’s your fault for having a long ass name”
I finally return to writing headcanons wow that only took me a year am I right? Ahahaha I had nearly 200 followers and I’m laughing cause I’m slowly watching them leave me. 😎😭
Jokes aside I’m doing MUCH better after resting for a long time. Mentally and physically! So here you go.
Warning LONG aha aha 🥺😭 I feel like this is shorter than my usual ones. I got to get the hang of it again.
Brothers + Dateables with a GN!MC who can’t remember long names HC
When you were summoned to the devildom, you were pretty confused and filled with a lot of questions. Naturally, you’d refer to the people you were calling out to by name, but for some reason you just couldn’t remember them.
You finally found Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos in the hallways, and approached them to ask a question. You forgot their whole names, but figured since you’ve got the first parts of each, that was good enough.
“Ah Luci, about the tasks for this week, what exactly does this part mean? And Dia, when do you want my report?” You asked them.
Lucifer was pretty mortified. He was also pissed. Did you just call him Luci? And more importantly, did you just cal THE lord Diavolo some kind of stupid nickname?
Diavolo on the other hand was laughing at the nickname you gave Lucifer. You were being scolded by Lucifer, and Diavolo was about to pipe in before you said, “It’s not my fault you have a long ass name, like damn, I could write the entire report by the time I finish saying your name.”
Lucifer is really angry at your behaviour at first but since Diavolo is fine with it... and then he soon realizes you literally can’t remember any of his brothers names with more than three syllables too.
He’ll probably try to give you food or drinks that help with your memory, and eventually finds you calling him Luci cute. Will immediately get angry if anyone else tries to call him that.
Mammon was one of the first people you met, and one of the brother’s whose full name you can actually remember. He takes great pride in that!
His name was the first his human remembered and knows by heart! Of course! He is The Great Mammon.
Also kind of sad he doesn’t get a cute nickname! Please give him a cute nickname, he wants to feel special too, or very close to you, he craves contact and affection.
The first time he heard you refer to Lucifer as “Luci” he almost lost it. Thought you were going to die and tried to pick you up and run. So surprised when Lucifer only sighed, and responded to your question.
You had to explain to him you can’t remember names that are long, and his is one of the only so far you can remember. When you refer to Diavolo as “Dia” he just genuinely wonders how you do it, like aren’t you scared?
Well it’s not like it matters! You have The Great Mammon to protect ya’ AND you remember his name, it’s a win for him!
Originally Levi thought nothing of it when you referred to him as Levi, as that’s just what everyone else did. But then he started to notice you’d even refer to anime characters or idols as shortened nicknames.
You could pronounce Ruri easily, so he didn’t notice at first since Ruri was all he talked about, but when he said “Azuki” you kept calling her “Azu” or “Zuki”. He wondered why that was an asked.
You explain to him you just can’t remember “long ass fucking names” and anything with three or more syllables was a chore to remember, so there’s no way you were going to remember Azu’s name.
Finds it kind of sad for you, and difficult to understand what character you’re talking about. One time you kept saying a character from “that one show” and kept pouting while Levi’s head was grinding 3000 gears cause there’s at LEAST 5 characters that start with “Saku” like are you saying Sakura? Which!?
Scared for your life when you refer to Lucifer or Diavolo by their shortened names. Surprised to find out you’re completely safe. Soon comes to a realization you’ll just never be able to remember almost anyone’s name, no matter how hard he tries.
He drills it into your head about a certain character will a three syllable name but after the six hours of listening you just... forgot. Like literally the show’s name has the character’s name in it and you just forgot. Cue Levi sighing and calling you a normie.
One of the lucky three people spared from you forgetting his name. He didn’t realize it at first since Mammon, Levi, and Beel were all their names or family nicknames.
And then it clicks when you called Lucifer by “Luci”, in front of everyone, at dinner. You just said “Luci please hand me the salt” and Satan stared at you wide eyed.
Were you taunting Lucifer, or did you just have a death wish? Wait neither? You mean THE prideful lucifer just handed you the salt without a retort, or question why you called him that?
Questions you later afterwards about what was up about it, and when you tell him you don’t remember “long ass fucking names” it sort of clicks. Still sort of surprised that Lucifer isn’t pissed at you.
Will research human memory because he doesn’t think it’s normal. Like you can remember words with more than three syllables, but why not names?
Will DEFINITELY make fun of Lucifer for it. “Oh, how was your day, Luci?” And will also flaunt about how you remember his name but not Lucifer’s.
Also, like Levi, kind of sad you don’t remember the name of his book characters and just call them by their physical traits because at that point he doesn’t even know who you could refer to by his thousands of book.
Asmo finds the nicknames extremely adorable!! Probably makes it a trend on social media to start calling everyone you know cute nicknames.
He didn’t think much when you called him Asmo, but hearing you call Lucifer as Luci, Diavolo as Dia, and Barbatos as Barb or baby just had him smitten.
Definitely wants to use cute nicknames too, but Lucifer is threatening him. After finding out that you physically cannot remember names with three or more syllables, including Asmo’s full name, he feels kind of bad for you.
It must suck not to know the whole name of the world’s most beautiful man! And why he starts hearing you call Simeon “Simmie” or Solomon as “Solly” he definitely steals it and copies you.
Diavolo is happy too to have someone else call him by a casual nickname, and hopes it catches on, much to Lucifer’s dismay.
Will probably want you to call him something even cuter instead of Asmo, as your own special privilege, like “Azzy”. He gets to give you a cute nickname too, though.
Beel didn’t really notice at first, until Asmo and Satan pointed it out. He asked you if you remembered his name, and you just gave him a blank look and said “Beel, I love you, but you have a long ass name, and that’s not my fault.”
He doesn’t really care though, since you still know his nickname! But he is kind of worried for your memory. Are you okay, can you still remember other words? Do you remember the names of his food orders?
Has introduced you to his gym friends but you for the life of you, cannot remember any of their names. Finds it sort of funny how you just remember them as “leg guy” or “treadmill user”.
If anyone gets mad at you for shortening their name he will stand up for you! Baby understands that you just have trouble with remembering, and will defend you.
Finds this shit fucking hilarious. He’s often called Belphie, which you remember, so it’s not like it applies to him that much.
Kinda pissy how you can remember Mammon’s full name and not his, but there are benefits. He starts calling Lucifer “Luci” from now on and taunts him for being weak to a human.
Finds it funny, too, how you just tell people “your name is too fucking long” and call them by their first syllable or something similar.
He’s not really concerned about why you can’t remember names, okay maybe at first, did he kill you too hard? No? Okay.
He probably thinks you’re like him, can’t be assed to remember people’s shit names at times and remembers them based off looks.
Sleepy baby just wants to nap with you, names aren’t important.
The prince of devildom is extremely powerful, frightening, and no one would dare look down on him. He’s always used to people being formal with him, or trying to get on his good side.
However, one day, this small weak little human came into his realm and didn’t even care to remember his name. It entertained him a whole lot to say the least.
Diavolo doesn’t have a lot of people who’d be casual with him, so hearing you call him “Dia” for the first time made him really happy! He would love to hear you say it more often, and to be super casual around him.
When Lucifer or Barbatos tried to correct you and tell you to use his whole name, you only responded with, “No one has time to say his whole ass fucking name. I’m just gonna call him Dia.”
He’s amused, it’s so daring and bold of you to say that to some of the most powerful demons. Of course, if they continue to pester you about it he would step in and tell them that’s it’s fine and he likes it.
Diavolo also finds it super funny how you can’t remember anyone’s names and just shortens them. He might start calling Lucifer “Luci” too!
Other demons probably look at you like you’re crazy, for addressing their demon lord that way.
Barbatos is pretty stoic, but whenever you call him “baby” you can see a faint blush on his face. He isn’t used to nicknames or affection, so when you give it to him, he’s unsure how to react a bit.
He already knew you couldn’t remember names, and would be fine with you calling him “Barb”, which you did in public. But when it was just you and him, or when you were with the others you’d call him “baby”.
“You have a long ass name so I’ll just call you baby. You’re cute like one. Not to mention, it sounds like Barbie which sounds like Barba- what was your name?”
He is pretty fine with it, except when you call Lord Diavolo just as “Dia”. It’d be fine in private or with the others, but did you really have to yell out “Dia” in front of a bunch of lesser demons?
Overall, he just doesn’t mind. Will probably give you a list or notebook of everyone’s names, and physical traits. In case you forgot who was who based off names again.
Ah yes another exchange student! Hope he can get close to you. Okay, maybe calling him “Sol”, “Solo”, and “Solly” is a bit too close for someone you just met right?
When you explain how you just physically cannot remember names he kind of laughs at you and then realizes you’re serious. He knows some people have trouble remembering names, but wow, this was sort of unique. You can remember his first two syllables, why not just one more?
He gets used to it fairly quickly, though. Prefers if you call him “Solo” over the other nicknames, but finds it sort of cute when you call him “Solly��� or “Sol”.
He will definitely use a nickname with you and call it a human thing, to try and make everyone else jealous.
The man with at least 5 60+ pact marks, the man who is an amazingly powerful sorcerer, the man who is labeled Devildom 2021’s “sketchiest” individual, is called “Solly”.
When he asked the reason to why you suggested Solly you just responded with “Reminds me of Sully from monsters inc”.
Simeon is a really nice person so he first figures you’re just being really nice and want to give everyone nicknames! And then he soon realizes you literally just cannot remember names.
He finds it sad how you can’t remember the name of his characters, or how you’ll never actually remember his full name, but really finds it cute how you’ve given him a nickname!
You call him “Sim” or “Simmie” and he’s soft for it. Will probably give you a nickname like “my sheep” or “my lamb”. He’s silently hoping Luke too, will call him Simmie. He gives off the energy of a grandparent.
He will try his best to help you remember names, but he won’t try to force you to remember! If you can’t remember, you can’t. That’s completely fine. Don’t stress yourself about it.
He has a one syllable name, so he doesn’t experience this personally. But hearing you call Simeon “Simmie” or Solomon “Sol” makes him feel a little left out and confused.
Why do you call everyone by a nickname? He wants one too! He overhears you though one night. You were explaining to some demon whose name had like five syllables that you just can’t remember long names.
Oh! He’s suddenly really happy again. It means you know his name, and won’t forget it! Also feels sort of bad for Simeon and Solomon, since you’ll never remember their names.
Will be happy if you call him “Lukie” before realizing it makes him sound like a child.
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tomorrowxtogether · 3 years
TOMORROW X TOGETHER is thriving on TikTok!
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The future of TOMORROW X TOGETHER after the “Anti-Romantic” challenge
More than 100,000 videos on social media platform TikTok had used TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s “Anti-Romantic” as their background music just one month after the song’s release, and the number exceeded 300,000 a month later on July 24. This makes it the most used TOMORROW X TOGETHER song for videos on the service.
The track’s TikTok popularity began with the “Anti-Romantic” dance challenge. After seeing the positive comments left on a video of her playfully dancing to the song, American TikToker Zuki from New Jersey developed it into choreography and posted a tutorial video where she explained the moves slowly so others could easily follow along. “I [took] inspiration from the simplicity of popular TikTok dances,” Zuki elaborated, saying she shared the tutorial because her “main goal is to entertain and have fun.” Her choreography for the dance challenge involves undulating along to the melody of “Anti-Romantic” with handclaps and hip pops in time to the drop of the beat, and it quickly spread through other TikTokers across the platform. That’s why so many “Anti-Romantic” dance challenge videos have “dc: @yutasbestie”—dance credit to Zuki by username—in their descriptions.
One of Zuki’s close TikToker friends, Irene, is also MOA (the TOMORROW X TOGETHER fandom) and covered Zuki’s choreography. With more than 45 million views, Irene’s dance challenge is the most viewed TikTok video related to “Anti-Romantic,” and as she took center stage in the trend, her follower count surpassed one million. “I woke up one day bombarded with comments of different languages,” like Portuguese and Spanish, she said, and was glad to find people “viewing my video and connecting with it despite the language differences.” Her experience hints at how the “Anti-Romantic” dance challenge spread so rapidly across the world. On June 27, when the number of videos for the challenge had exceeded 100,000, TOMORROW X TOGETHER joined in with a different kind of challenge: an “Anti-Romantic” lip sync. Their video was viewed 4.5 million times in the first day alone.
TikTok’s unique personalized recommendations works such that “related content is suggested not only to users who like K-pop, but also to users who could potentially like K-pop, depending on their preferences,” said Jay Bae, head of global business development at TikTok Korea. Even if you’re not following any K-pop artists, there’s a good chance that, if many of the videos that fall within your areas of interest use their music, content related to their songs will be recommended to you. This leads to people discovering new artists and hearing music that they didn’t even realize they would like. This is one of the reasons that TikTok has had such a notable influence on the music industry within the past several years. It’s equally likely that, once the dance challenge kicked off, these personalized recommendations pushed “Anti-Romantic” to make its way into the feeds of TikTok users who could potentially be interested in TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s music. “Anti-Romantic” maintained a steady amount of streams in the US after its first week and actually saw increases in Mexico and Brazil. It can be assumed that it was the foothold that TOMORROW X TOGETHER has on TikTok as well as in countries like the US that drove TikTokers to quickly make a lot of dance challenge videos and that those videos spread far and wide through recommendations.
On top of that, “Anti-Romantic” is in the most unique situation among all the tracks off the same album, The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE. “Anti-Romantic” placed 158th on the Spotify US 200 chart on the day of its release, placing higher than the lead single, “0X1-LOVESONG (I know I love you) feat. Seori” (173rd). According to Google Trends, in the time between May 31—when the album was released—until the announcement of The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE, the top three global search terms related to TOMORROW X TOGETHER were all in reference to “Anti-Romantic” (“anti romantic,” “txt anti romantic” and “anti romantic lyrics”). During the same timeframe, interest in the group was also highest in the Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Japan, respectively, while the countries showing the most interest in “Anti-Romantic,” in order, were Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Paraguay, Brazil, South Africa, Colombia and the US. It seems “Anti-Romantic” had a far-reaching appeal beyond simply the fanbase. For example, TOMORROW X TOGETHER released a TikTok video on July 2 using the Duet function, which allows users to split the screen and place their video beside an existing one. In this case, the group sang along with an earlier video from salem ilese, who is among the writers on “Anti-Romantic.” While the TOMORROW X TOGETHER account had seen an average of around 20,000 new followers per day, that figure shot up to 50,000, and while there had been many Google searches for the song coming from countries like Brunei, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Chile and South Africa, this shifted afterward to Armenia, Morocco, Colombia, Venezuela, Denmark, Belarus, Egypt and Korea. Apparently, some of the group’s new followers had fallen in love with “Anti-Romantic” after seeing the dance challenge. The challenge also found new fans in a more diverse set of countries.
Zuki said she chose to dance to the song because the “voice was so soothing and the instrumental was so minimalistic it gave the song more sincerity.” Not only was the music itself good, but it sparked her interest in TOMORROW X TOGETHER so that she looked up more of their material afterward and kept making videos related to them. “I didn’t expect it to have much success on TikTok specifically,” Nicole Kim, leader of BIGHIT MUSIC’s A&R Team, said, diving into what led teenage TikTokers like Zuki to respond to “Anti-Romantic.” “But I was sure the music was perfectly suited for Gen Z around the world from the moment I got the demo made by Alex Hope and salem ilese.” Kim Bo Ram, also from the A&R Team, revealed how “We Lost the Summer,” which had done well in North America, became a reference point when finding TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s pop sound: “We saw how this song that trendy singer-songwriter Charli XCX worked on to simultaneously capture trends in both K-pop and contemporary pop had a good response,” she said. “Rather than something overly sad, we wrote bitter, self-deprecating lyrics because we were trying to escape being too typical and represent Generation Z,” suggesting the style of the lyrics also played a part in the song’s popularity. In fact, “TXT [has] their unique style and concept,” according to Irene. “They have a fresh and lighter sound,” she said, “yet when interpreting their lyrics, they tend to be deep and dark,” and the group’s songs reflect “many of the feelings and experiences teenagers encounter. It is not a surprise that so many people across the globe find comfort and a connection with them.” Mariah, a TikToker, performed the “Anti-Romantic” dance at the ceremony where she accepted first place for a tumbling competition and uploaded the video, which has been viewed more than five million times. “I love the way that [TOMORROW X TOGETHER] create a safe space” for others their age to feel comfort, she said, as well as how “they know how to lead with confidence … through their music.”
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So, while the “Anti-Romantic” dance challenge demonstrates how a K-pop song can spread across the world through social media, it also shows why TOMORROW X TOGETHER is particularly influential on TikTok. The first thing TOMORROW X TOGETHER released for “Anti-Romantic” was a short film on their official TikTok account on May 27, four days before their comeback. The group was collaborating with Korean TikTok creator Sihyun Rania to produce videos for all eight songs off The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE, with the video for “Anti-Romantic,” the album’s first track, naturally kicking off the project. The videos took advantage of TikTok’s short format and platform-specific techniques through quick transitions, slick editing and videos that were tailored to the mood of each individual song. The “Anti-Romantic” video garnered over nine million views, more than 30,000 comments in languages ranging from English to Indonesian, Spanish and Korean, and some 1.9 million likes. Users expressed appreciation for how passionately TOMORROW X TOGETHER was using TikTok and excitedly commented about the group’s grasp of the ins and outs of the service. Comments calling the boys musical.ly kings and raving how they’re even good at musical.ly (referencing the short-form social media service that was popular with teens in the US, Canada and other English-speaking countries and merged with TikTok in 2018) collectively were liked by over 5,000 people, and one commenting about how good the group’s transition game is had over 12,000 likes. In another video, whose title translates to “#JustinSOOBIN” and used a slowed down version of Justin Bieber’s “Baby,” SOOBIN covered an existing dance challenge by filming himself lip-syncing in the mirror with a lovelorn look on his face. The video received so much reception on the day it was posted that the TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s TikTok account picked up 80,000 more followers compared to the previous day.
The TOMORROW X TOGETHER members “create videos that exceed expectations by interjecting with clever comments or discovering points that are crucial,” Yu Ji Yeon, also with HYBE 360 Artist Content Studio, said. “They turn out well because they watch a lot of videos posted on TikTok and share them with their friends.” YEONJUN personally suggested he do a dance cover of the popular “Nowhere to Go (Quarantine Love)” that he “saw all over TikTok and wanted to try” and specifically uploaded the video on a Monday with a hashtag translating to “#MTWTFSSKeepItUpEverybody.” BEOMGYU lip-syncing to multiple characters from Black Rubber Shoes, TAEHYUN comparing one month of exercise to one year and HUENINGKAI’s cover of “good 4 u” were all made based on things the members were interested in or that were trending at the time. Lee Da Min, another employee from the Artist Content Studio, said that “the members use TikTok like it’s a game. Everyone agreed that creators should enjoy playing with TikTok so that the viewers can also enjoy themselves and the service can become a playground where everyone can express themselves.”
Whether they’re making music or TikTok videos, TOMORROW X TOGETHER has been in step with their Generation Z peers, and as their output accumulates, more and more Gen Z followers come to experience what the group is all about. In that respect, there could be more opportunities to let the wider world know about them the way the “Anti-Romantic” dance challenge did. Bae, the TikTok executive, felt that the challenge “expresses the international creators’ own creativity through their choreography inspired by the artist’s music, and the chemistry from that combination of music and choreography really resonated with a lot of people and led them to feel similarly and have fun, which is a very TikTok-esque and ideal outcome.” That’s also the reason why TOMORROW X TOGETHER, when they showed a trailer for their LO$ER OR LO♡ER would-you-rather game via TikTok on August 17, could write, “Let’s find out together tomorrow with the one and only TikTok Kings!”—because they have the confidence to accept whatever phenomena arise from the chemistry between K-pop, TikTok and Generation Z as if they were playing a game.
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Just finished my last piece for zuki week. Now I get to relax, check out falcon and winter soldier and eat that avocado and sugar I was craving three days ago.
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MomoJirou + TodoDeku Date!!
Requested by @turtle-deku / Ava!!
Momo ran around her dorm, doing her makeup and hair and then redoing her hair and then painting her nails last minute and then finally quitting to curl her hair instead.
“Momo, you know that we were supposed to be downstairs two minutes ago, right?��Jirou asked, looking at her girlfriend. Momo wore a maroon velvet dress and black pump heels with her hair down and curled.
Jirou, on the other hand, wore just a white tank top, black jeans, and then her Doc Martins. It was simple, but edgy as always. “I know, but everyone important will be at my fathers meeting! Endeavor and so many other pro heroes! People from modeling angencies, and all of my dad’s rich business friends.”
Momo looked at Jirou before sighing and smiling. “How do I look?” She asked, twirling as Jirou got up. “Beautiful as always.” They kissed, before Momo grabbed her purse and opened the door. As the ladies walked out, they saw the other couple coming out of their door at the exact time.
A few minutes earlier...
“Midoryia... you look fine.” Todoroki complained, standing up against the wall as Deku ran around, unfloofing and refloofing his hair like a mad man. “Shotoooo. Your entire family will be there! And All Might! And- and- all those News Reporters! I have to look good so I don’t embarrass you!”
Todoroki shook his head, smiling at his adorable boyfriend before grabbing him into a hug. “You never don’t look cute.” Todoroki kissed his forehead before grabbing his wallet, Izuku’s hand, and then walking out.
The two couples saw each other, and smiled. “How are we doing kiddos?” Jirou ruffled Midoryia’s hair as Momo fixed his tie. “You look stunning little broccoli.” Momo giggled, turning to Shoto. “You nervous?” she asked, smiling sadly at her red-and-white-haired friend. “Of course not. It’s only that I’ll be sitting with my father, boyfriend, and a bunch of reporters asking me questions and watching my every move.”
Izuku smiled, grabbing his boyfriend’s hand. “You’ll be okay Shoto. You both will be.” Izuku reassured him and the raven-haired girl. 
“Exactly! You two were raised for this kind of stuff! All you have to do is act natural and you’ll meet your parent’s expectations perfectly.” Jirou smiled, raising her fist in the air as Momo laughed nervously, fidgeting with her phone. 
“I hope you’re right.” She tried to smile, but the mix of her teeth chattering and her cheeks blushing made her look like a total mess, even if she had makeup and a fancy dress on. “I think we should head to the movie. Maybe you can pull yourself together in the car. We’ll have a short 15 minutes to prepare.” 
Shoto suggested as the group nodded, grabbing the hand of their partner and heading out to the limo. Passing Denki and Mina binging on the hot Cheetos, and Bakugo giving them a suspicious glare, they walked into the long, black limo that awaited them. 
Shoto got the window seat, then Deku, then Jirou, and then Momo lastly, closing the car door behind her. Yet Shoto was incorrect, the 15 minutes were not short. Momo and Jirou went over the right away to hold things, how to speak to her dad’s friends, and how to walk in the heels without kicking her feet up whenever she felt uncalmly. 
Shoto on the other hand spent the time burying his face into Izuku’s neck, kissing his lips, and wishing he could hide away from the world with his little ‘Zuki. He knew he couldn't kiss Deku’s neck though, as it was covered in foundation to hide the hickeys from last night when Deku had comforted Todoroki’s anxiety through passionate... hugging.
“You’ll be okay Baby... You’re going to do great. I love you no matter what, and you don’t need to act any different around these people. They’re trying to impress you, the father of the number one hero. You don’t need to act any different.” Izuku whispered into his boyfriend’s ear, calming him while giving an amazing scalp massage.
 As Shoto met Izuku’s eye contact, he instantly melted in his fingers and realized how much he loved Izuku. 
“Now, here’s the deal. There will be reporters here so we must stick to the strict list of things we can talk about dealing with UA that Aizawa gave us, and we must make sure to talk as much about each other as possible. Talking about ourselves will come off as self-centered, but we should promote each other to the public. We don’t want a bad reputation as people.”
 Momo explained as Jirou giggled, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek to shut her up. “That’ll keep you quiet for a second. Don’t worry guys, it’s not that hard. Momo has been teaching me how to do this fancy stuff for days, and honestly, it’s common knowledge. Follow my league.” She winked at Deku before looking at a nervous-looking Todoroki. Reporters... oh god. Todoroki had a sudden flashback that brought him pain to think of.
“Now, tell me young man, what do you want to do with your life? Your father says you will follow in his footsteps and eventually become the number one hero. Is this true?” The hot, male reporter asked him, shoving a microphone in his blushed face. The lights were blinding and made him hot, and the cute guy in front of him was making him go insane. “Damn.” He blurted out, looking him up and down before staring at the camera in shock from his own words. “Haha, thank you. I can only guess that you are apart of the LGBT community as well. Do you pro-” 
The rest of the reporter’s words were blurred as Shoto saw his father from a far, staring bullets at him. He had just revealed his sexuality to the world, and could only be left to get more sweaty and embarrassed before being able to leave the reporter and cameraman behind. For weeks, magazines were filled with information about Shoto’s words, what his sexual orientation could possibly be, and who is possible love interests could be. 
It took a week before Izuku could drag him out of the depression he fell into, and that was by kissing him.
It was accurate that Shoto wasn’t good with reporters, and Izuku knew that too. In interviews, Shoto had called his father a bastard, had mispronounced his own name, and had once had said that he didn’t want friends in UA. “You’re going to be find Shoto. If anything happens, I’ll be right there to steal the show from you.” Shoto smiled, pinching his boyfriend’s cheek. 
“Oh goodness, we’re here!” Momo opened the car door and stepped out, everyone grabbing their partner’s hand and being met by a hundred different camera flashes, all of them blinding the poor teens. Momo grabbed Jirou and pulled her inside the building, running even in heels. Todoroki, instead, grabbed Izuku, holding him by his side and placing his hand in front of Izuku’s eyes, saving him from being blinded. 
“No comment... no comment...” Todoroki murmured, walking as this was normal for being the 1# hero’s son and a UA student himself. Holding Izuku tightly by the waist, he could only hope that a photo of them would be on the cover of at least one magazine. 
How cute... Once they got inside, Todoroki was happily relived to see that although the inside was much more extravagant and extra, there were only few reporters and their camera men walking around the place. It was a large room with a large staircase in the middle, and a bunch of rooms and hallways off the sides. “You okay Midoryia?” 
Shoto asked as his small boyfriend nodded, blushing and smiling in response. Todoroki sighed... kissing him on the cheek before going to join the girls, gripping Izuku’s hand tightly. “Lovely... Now remember the rules, we must bow from the waist only, smile only a little bit, and our hair must stay nice to entire time.” Momo turned and grabbed four glasses filled with sparkling water, dispersing them among her friends. 
“Lovely, now remember how I told you. Three fingers on one side, two on the other. And you hold it about lower-chest level so-” Momo’s lecture was interrupted by a reporter and her camera man stepping into the conversation. 
“Ahh, it’s the UA students everyone is so eager to meet! Hello, I’m Sasha from Channel News 4, and right now we are at the Conventional Meeting for the Yayorozu Hero Agency and all of it’s special guests, including pro hero All Might, Endeavor, and the hero in training Kyoka Jirou, Izuku Midoryia, Shoto Todoroki, and Momo Yayorozu. Tell me, as young adults, how did you and your friends prepare for such a prestigious event Shoto?” 
The reporter shoved her microphone into Shoto’s face, catching him off guard. Below the smile, Izuku could see that she was hoping Todoroki would say something dramatic and to be on the headlines of their magazines. He had to help his boyfriend. “Shoto lost his voice, so if you wouldn’t mind I’ll speak for him.” Izuku smiled as the news reporter happily moved the microphone to in front of him. 
“Personally, I’ve spent the past few days trying to help Shoto de-stress because after all, he’s Shoto Todoroki. He shouldn’t have to worry about the people here.” Deku smiled, happy with his response as the reporter smirked. 
“Does that mean that you and Shoto believe that he is equal or better than the famous faces we are seeing here today?” She asked as Deku began laughing, catching everyone off guard. 
“You’re so funny Sasha! I know that myself and my friends have been fangirling over all of this ever since we heard about it. With people like All Might and Endeavor here, it is very hard to feel at ease here. After all, we are just training to become what they already are, am I wrong?”
 Shoto had to think over everything, and comprehend how his boyfriend was so well in front of a camera, even tricking the reporter who only wanted drama, gossip, and for life to turn into a reality tv show. “Anyways, we must go. Nice talking to you.” Momo grabbed everyone by the arm and pulled them away, leaving the news crew in the dust. 
“Wait! We have to ask about your sexual orientation, and your views on black lives matter!” She yelled out, but was left with no answer. While Jirou and Momo went off to get food off a platter, Shoto stayed with Izuku and smiled. Grabbing both of his hands, he smiled happily. Such a happy, pure smile. “Thank you ‘Zuki. Thank you so much.” Todoroki would have said more, but the sight of his father coming from across the room behind Izuku stopped him. 
Deku turned around to see Endeavor, swallowing nervously but calming his nerves as he began to think. This was simply Todoroki’s dad, nothing more. Not the pro hero who could burn his face off then and there, but a human being who had brought the love of his life to the world. “Shoto... Midoryia.” Shoto saw his old man’s eyes drift at the two of them holding hands, and the look he was giving was unreadable. 
While on the other side of the room, Momo and Jirou were having a party of their own. Basically gossiping about the boys in their class and what Aizawa had been doing lately with All Might, they found his girly laughs and the way he whispered secrets that he knew from their teenage years to then absolutely lovable. 
“I know! Like, doesn’t Nezu care that he sleeps half of class? Iida teaches more than he does!” Jirou laughed out loud as All Might snorted out his drink. “Dang, I miss being one of the girls.” All Might giggled like a small girl, causing the two to snort their own sparkling. 
“When you’re done with the childs play, I would like to introduce you to someone Momo. Daughter, this is Ria Terrasu. She runs the modeling agency downtown for young, aspiring, female heroes.” Momo’s father introduced the blue-haired, older woman to her. 
“Yes, what your father said. We believe that since female pro heroes are so far and in between, we use our company to get their name out there! Our agency gives you a chance to do commercials with other pros, build your brand, and really find your own place in our society. We also are known for having our... pro lgbtq campaign going on.” Momo and Jirou made eye contact, their eyes sparkling and their hearts smiling. “That’s wonderful! Where do I sign?” Momo exclaimed jokingly, smiling ear to ear as the old woman giggled. 
“I knew you’d like that. All I ask for now is that you think about it. Of course, you’d only be able to do weekends and we would work 9 to 3 on Saturday and Sundays.” She explained as Momo began having second thoughts. Was she truly prepared to add another thing to her to-do list, when she was already a full time student, training to become a pro hero, and starting what seemed to be a perfect relationship with Jirou. “I’ll... I’ll think about it. Thank you Miss, really.” Momo stepped away, looking at Jirou with a sad look in her eyes. 
“W-what's wrong boo? I thought you loved the idea of that! Imagine how much fun you’d have being a model!” Jirou exclaimed as Momo smiled sadly. “Yes, but imagine all the fun we have on the weekends. I’d be missing out on all of that with you. Every hour without you is torture, so why would I sign myself up to do more?” Momo asked as Jirou blushed, kissing Momo softly. “You’re cute. Good job. Let’s go get Deku, we can cry and kiss later.” Jirou winked as Momo blushed even more, beginning to begin another conversation with All Might and make him “one of the girls” again.
While on the other side of the room, Endeavor put his hand out and tried his best to do what appeared to be a small smile. “Pleased to see you again.” He murmured as Deku quickly shook it, happy to see him trying. Shoto, on the other hand, was not thoroughly convinced. 
“Same for you sir. Have you been harassed by reporters today? We were just confronted by one, and man are they crazy!” Deku began to make conversation with the pro hero like it was nothing, even getting a shocked expression from Endeavor in return that he didn’t notice. Finally, this is my chance to show Shoto what I think of his relationship. “Ahh, I went through the same thing when I came in. It’s as if they’ve never heard of personal space.” Shoto’s eyes widened at the fact that his old man had made a joke to his boyfriend. 
“I agree sir. As if they can interview us, we then aren’t allowed to have our personal bubble.” Deku smiled, treating this as another conversation. Endeavor was talking to him, and not being snobbish or rude! What an accomplishment! “What a correct way to put it. I do not know why or how they are in here, but personally, I’ve already requested them to be removed. It’s already enough that we get blinded when we walk from the car to in here. Now that you’re here, I can’t help but as-” 
Before Endeavor could finish, Momo ran to Deku, pulling him aside. “All Might is asking for you! Come on Izu!” She pulled him away, leaving Shoto and his father alone. “What is the deal with All Might? Goodness... I do not understand the obsession with him, especially after his retirement.” Endeavor murmured as Shoto shook his head, smiling sadly. “All Might is the closest thing Midoryia has to a father. I recommend you get used to seeing him.” Todoroki walked away, going to join his friends at the circular table in the banquet hall with everyone else. So I must talk to All Might as well to become familiar with this boy? Man, why can’t this be easy?
Endeavor followed his son to the table to sit down between Shoto and one of Mr. Yayorozu’s business partners. The seating chart had Endeavor, Shoto, Deku, All Might, Momo’s mother, Jirou, Momo, Momo’s father, and then one of the business partners to the Yayorozu hero agency. “Ahh, Endeavor. Nice seeing you after so long.” All Might greeted Endeavor as he swallowed his pride, agreeing with himself that he would try and change as a father, as a father-in-law as well. “Agree.” He did that thing where he was trying to smile, but it just looked awkward. 
Thankfully, before the conversation could become awkward, the spokesperson walked onto the stage, speaking into the microphone. “Hello? Hello everyone. Thank you for joining me for the 81st Yayorozu Hero Agency Convention. To start us off, the owners of this establishment would like to ask All Might, who has so recently retired after giving us a safe way of life for so many years, to come give a speech. Everyone, a round of applause?” All Might blushed, smiling and going up to the stage. 
“T-thank you everyone, really. Goodness, this is unexpected. I would like to start off by saying-” At that moment, Deku looked to hear something beeping under the stage. “All Might! Watch out!” Using the power in his legs, he shot out of his seat, wrapped his arms around All Might, and pushed him off the stage into the corner just as an explosion erupted onto the stage. “Young Midoryia! You just saved my life!” All Might yelled as Izuku looked up to see the room being filled with explosions, causing all of the people inside to rush out of the room in a frazzled, panicked state. 
“Someone is behind all of this, and they’re targeting the pro heroes here. All Might, you need to get out of here!” Izuku exclaimed, picking up his mentor and beginning to walk him out. “Midoryia, I can help him by making a shield of ice! You go and find out who’s causing this! They cannot be far from here!” Shoto instructed as Deku nodded, leaving the banquet hall and entering the main room to find it on fire, large chunks of the ceiling and floor missing. “Deku! We need to stop whoever is doing all of these! They’re only going off whenever someone is getting close to them, so someone must be watching!” Jirou exclaimed, picking up wounded people and beginning to carry them. 
“Quick! Deku, rush up to the security office! It’s on the third floor, and it says Security on the door!” Momo instructed, creating a small bed with wheels and placing the hurt on them. 
Without hesitation, Deku rushed up the flights of stairs and then another until he was on the third floor. Slowly, he began to walk into the office, looking behind the wall to see that a person was sitting at the computer. “Super power charge!” Deku shot out from behind the corner, only to be met by nothing. “Did you not think I couldn’t see you coming through the cameras? You have a lot to learn Izuku!” The villain Toga jumped up, getting out her knife and running at him. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Deku yelled, using his quirk to jump onto the wall and then kick her from behind, pinning her to the ground and knocking her unconscious. Rushing to the computer, he looked around to find where the next bomb was going to go off. Checking the sticky note Toga had written next to the screen, he read 6:15, Floor 3 Left Wing Hallway. Looking at the watch to read 3:14, and then at the screen to see Endeavor walking there, Izuku began to panic. But luckily, Deku worked the best under pressure. Running out of the room and running into Endeavor, he grabbed his arm and used 12% of his quirk to swing Endeavor to the other side of the hallway.
 “Wha- Midoryia!” Endeavor yelled as he hit the ground, before looking towards Izuku to see a bomb going off right under his feet. Deku got launched from his feet, and then slammed into the ceiling, only to fall back to the first floor once the floor beneath him quickly crumbled away. “Oh my god!” Endeavor yelled, running to the unconscious boy before the realization hit him. Deku had just saved Endeavor’, putting himself at risk in the process. Half of Izuku’s arm looked burnt to a crisp, and his leg looked to be twisted incorrectly. “Doctor! Someone, we need a doctor!”
 Endeavor yelled out, surprised to be met by a paramedic, Shoto slowly following behind. “Oh god, Dad! What happened to him?!” Shoto nervously ran to Deku’s side, examining him with his tear-filled eyes. “He saved me son... threw me out of the way before a bomb could hurt me. Luckily, he wasn’t directly under the bomb like I had been, and only got slightly grazed by it.” He explained, feeling nervous himself. Had this poor boy really saved him, when he was a pro hero himself and was hated by the public? What was his deal?
The next time Izuku opened his eyes, he was in a hospital surrounded by Momo and Jirou sleeping with each other on the small pull-out couch, and Shoto sitting on the spinning chair. “Oh god, you’re awake.” Todoroki smiled, running to Izuku’s side. “Glad to see you’re okay Zuki.” He blushed, before the door opened behind him to reveal his father. “I think we all are.” He held a balloon that looked pitiful next to his large size, and flowers that looked expensive. “Dad?” Todoroki asked, shocked to see his father standing before his eyes. “Shoto, come out in the hall with me.” His father instructed, leaving the things on the table and leaving out the door. 
Shoto kissed Deku’s cheek before following him, shutting the door behind him. “Son, I must ask you something important, and I want the honest answer.” Endeavor asked as Shoto’s eyes widened at the sudden use of “son”. “I need to know if all of this is true. Are you sure you’re gay? Are you sure that you want to date All Might’s successor? ... Are you in love with Izuku Midoryia?” Endeavor asked, turning to face Shoto who stood there, leaning against the door with a surprised conversation. “I don’t see why you need to know any of t-”.
“Because how am I supposed to change if I don’t know a single thing about you?! How can I become a good father for you if I don’t even know you? Why don’t I know you Shoto?...” Shoto could have swore that he saw a single tear being shed from his father’s eyes. “Why did you come out to the whole world before me? Do you realize how much of a failure that makes me?” Todoroki was right. Endeavor was crying before his very eyes. 
“Why can’t I just be a terrible guy? Why must I wake up and realize my terrible actions after I’ve done them? Oh Shoto...” Endeavor put his hand on Shoto’s shoulder, pressing firmly on him. “I will be someone who you can be happy to call your father. I’m not asking for you to forget, but I am asking for a chance to prove myself to you, to your siblings... to the world.” Shoto shed a tear before putting his hand out, recreating the same gesture that Endeavor had done to Deku. 
“One more chance old man, but only because I want this to work just as much as you do.” Todoroki confessed, before hearing yells inside the hospital room. Running inside, he was met by the sight of Momo and Jirou screeching happily, jumping up and down. “W-what happened? What’s going on?” Shoto demanded, seeing that Izuku was overjoyed as well. “The modeling agency called me! They want us both!” Jirou yelled, throwing her phone to the couch before kissing her girlfriend. “Hmm, I guess that banquet was the best thing for all of us.” Endeavor murmured below his breath.
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jordanalane · 4 years
Day Two: Fighting Aka ‘The Middle Child;
This is a continuation of the incredible Fic Gladiator by @seyaryminamoto​ and will contain spoilers for what becomes of these characters. Even if you don’t know the story you can still enjoy the fluffy Zuki that is this story. 
( B.t.w. Zuko and Suki are older, married, and live in a big house with their three children. )
A collection of baby toys and dolls were placed in the center of a blanket, the edges gathered into Zuko’s large hand. “Anything else?” He asked the raven haired toddler at his feet. 
Zi looked up at him with her large, deep blue eyes, her curly hair falling around her round face in waves. Her hands lifted, reaching up for her father. 
“Really?” Zuko asked, but relented without any further protest. He indulged her every chance he could, after all. While still holding the blanket he leaned down, scooping up the little girl in her little green dress up into his arms, letting her sit against his hip. “Good?” 
“Yes.” She said in a tiny voice and a nod as she wrapped her arms around her father’s neck, holding onto him. 
He made a noise of approval, leaning in and kissing her on the side of her head as he started to move out of the house. A long hallway ran the entire length of the front of the house, ending in a doorway that led outside and to the side of the house. There was a covered walkway that connected the house to the small training hall. It was in the small walkway that Suki was waiting for them, holding a baby, their son Iroh, close to her chest. 
“Got everything?” She asked, holding her hand over Iroh’s head. It was raining slightly, and she didn’t want him to get wet. 
“Looks like it.” Zuko said to her with a smile as they both made their way down to the hall. 
It was just the four of them at home currently. Mari, their eldest daughter, was at school. Zuko had taken her, dressed in her little red uniform, earlier that morning before returning home, deciding to take the day off from work to spend it with Suki and their other children. 
Suki kissed the top of Iroh’s head as she slid open the door to the training room with her free hand. Zuki first let Zi slide down to the hardwood floor, then laid the gathered blanket out, the toys with it. The girl quickly snapped up her doll, holding it close to her and preening the doll’s hair and dress. Suki laid the large 2 month old on the blanket on his stomach, giving him access to a few of the toys should he want them. 
“You can watch him for us?” Suki asked her middle daughter as she turned her attention to her, making sure she had what she needed.  
Zi nodded, leaning forward and petting Iroh’s head, just like she had pet her doll. “I can watch him!” She declared, “I’ll do good.” 
“Oh, I know you will.” Suki smiled, leaning in and kissing her on the head as she stood. 
Neither of them were in their usual shape. The end of the war had brought a new prosperity to the young family, and with that came a certain amount of laziness and overindulgence. Pair that with the new baby and the sedimentation that came with having young children, and they were both in need of something to get them moving. 
So they came out to the training hall a few times a week to work out frustrations, move around some, and just to bond as a couple. As much as they loved their children, and having their children, it did sometimes feel like they lost something as a couple with having to take care of these little beings. Moments and times like these helped them regain that, if even for just a little while. 
Zuko went on the defensive, crouching down just so, feet digging into the green matts beneath them. Suki smirked, a feeling of power and pride blooming in her chest as she moved on him, her right arm drawing back for a jaab while her left raised, preparing for any counter attack he might have.  Sure enough Zuko shifted back with ease, dodging her attack, this however had come at the cost of sure footing. Her foot went between his feet, sliding just so as to hook his foot with her own, sending him off his balance and to the ground. On his way down he reached out, wrapping her bent arm and pulling it towards him. The rest of his wife followed, the pair falling into a heap in the center of the floor with a laugh. 
They laid there for a moment, just enjoying the physical presence of being together. Zuko shifted just enough to be able to wrap his arms around Suki’s waist. “This is nice…” 
Suki stretched her arms over her head, nodding. A small head peeked over the two of them, making the pair look. “I thought you were watching the baby.” Suki said up to Zi. 
“I am. But I’m also watching you.” She informed them, her eyes large. 
“Do you wanna come here?” Zuko asked, an arm extending.
Zi took a step back, shaking his head. “I don’t like fighting.” 
“We know.” Suki sat up, reaching out for her. “You’re our beautiful middle baby, never a fighter.” Zi came into Suki’s arms happily, only to have her mother pull her down with Zuko, the three of them cuddling on the floor. Zi seemed to enjoy this arrangement, giggling in their embrace. 
“This is even nicer.” Zuko said, leaning up just enough to be able to look at his wife and daughter. 
“No fighting needed.” Suki nisited, placing a few kisses on the side of Zi’s head. 
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fangzeronos · 4 years
Zuki Week Day 5: Caught
It was a hot summer evening in the Fire Nation, and the Palace was abuzz with guests and friends of the Fire Lord and his new fiancée had filled in from around the Four Nations. With news of Lady Ursa’s return and the Fire Lords impending nuptials, everyone wanted a piece of all three figures. Unfortunately, only Ursa was there to answer questions as Suki had dragged Zuko out ten minutes before.
 Zuko didn’t know why he was doing it. He was running down the halls with Suki, abandoning the party they were throwing to sneak off into a dark corner. He lifted Suki up and pinned her to the wall, kissing her hungrily as her arms wrapped around his neck, feeling her fingers threading in his hair.
 “I love you,” Suki whispered between kisses, nipping Zuko’s lip and feeling him sliding her skirt up. She made quick work of undoing his robes and pulling his cock out, stroking him slowly as Zuko’s fingers worked against her slowly, moaning against his lips.
 “I love you,” Zuko said, pushing into Suki and making her gasp as he filled her, her legs locking around his waist. He started a steady thrusting into her, making her gasp and moan against him. He pulled the top of her dress down, her tits revealed to the empty hallway as he started pushing harder against her.
 “Zuko…” Suki moaned, tightening her hold around his waist with her legs, rolling her hips against his slowly. “We’re going to get caught…”
 “I don’t care. My palace,” Zuko said, thrusting up harder into Suki and kissing her again, nipping her lip. He pushed her back against the wall harder, his hands gripping the underside of her thighs as he kept fucking her, hearing her panting in his ear. “Spirits, you’re getting so tight…”
 “You’re so big,” Suki moaned, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt Zuko ramming his cock deeper into her. “Never…been fucked this good…” She felt her hands claw down Zuko’s back, thankful his robes were in the way or she’d have left scars on his skin. She panted as she felt Zuko’s fingers against her clit, gasping as he drove into her repeatedly.
 Zuko drove harder into Suki, feeling her grip tighten on his neck and hips. He opened his mouth, stopping when a noise caught his ears. He turned his head, blinking softly and seeing his mother and Phuong standing in the hallway, his mother’s arms crossed and staring at him with a cocked eyebrow.
 “Busted,” Phuong giggled, smirking at Suki and Zuko. “She wanted to find you and asked me to help. We didn’t think we’d find this.”
 “Thank you, Phuong. I can take this from here,” Ursa said, the younger woman nodding and taking off for the party again. “Straighten yourselves out.”
Suki nodded softly, Zuko stepping back and pulling out of her. She readjusting her dress, covering herself up and fixing her skirt as her entire body flushed red in embarrassment. Zuko turned his back to his mother, putting himself away before turning back around, looking down as his mother stepped forward.
 “What in the Spirits name are you two thinking?” Ursa asked, looking at her son and future daughter-in-law. “We’re all in the main hall, having an engagement party for the two of you and my returning, but you two are in the middle of a hallway having sex?” She shook her head, sighing. “What if Kiyi caught you, Zuko? She’s not old enough to understand that yet.”
 Suki bit her lip. “Lady Ursa, please don’t be mad at Zuko. This was my fault. I asked him to follow me from the party. I wore this dress specifically because I know how he feels about it. It’s my fault, please don’t punish him.”
 “Suki, I followed, not thinking about being seen or caught. I’m as much to blame,” Zuko said.
 Ursa sighed. “Both of you get cleaned up. Get your asses back to the party. No less then fifteen minutes from this moment, got it? I have to come looking for you again, it’ll be worse than a talking too,” she said.
 Suki and Zuko nodded, heading for the bathroom closer to the party. Zuko watched Suki walk in, and he sighed softly, feeling his mother come up behind him.
 “You should know better, Zuko,” Ursa said, putting her hand on his shoulder softly. “Don’t get me wrong, Suki is a gorgeous woman, so I can understand, but…think it through next time. If Kiyi saw you…”
 “You’d have my ass in a sling, Mother. I know,” Zuko said softly, looking away as Suki walked out, her face red as she bit her lip.
 “Clean up,” Ursa said, walking over to Suki and smiling softly as Zuko walked into the bathroom. “You’re the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, aren’t you, Captain?”
 “Former Captain, Lady Ursa,” Suki said softly. “I’m Seneschal, overseeing all guards, routines, and in and out of every person in the castle. Ty Lee is the Captain of the Warriors now.”
 “So, you know everything,” Ursa said. “I went to find you since Phuong, who is a lovely girl by the way, where Azula had gotten to, and she said you could show me her favorite hidden passage. That was the only reason we found you. It wasn’t to try and embarrass you. I promise. I think you’re a lovely girl, and you’re more than capable to be the next Fire Lady. Zuko chose wisely in you. You’re better for him then Mai ever was.”
 Suki smiled softly. “Thank you. I can honestly say we never intended this to happen. Working so closely for the last few years, it just happened. He’s saved my life, I’ve saved his. Ty Lee teases us, but…I wouldn’t trade any of these last years for anything.”
 Ursa smiled, taking Suki’s hands. “And he wouldn’t trade you. I can see it in his eyes.”
 Zuko walked out of the bathroom, raising an eyebrow. “Mother, don’t scare the poor woman off,” he said with a smile.
 “Oh, shush, Zuko,” Ursa said with a smile, hugging Suki and Zuko, kissing her son’s cheek. “I love you. You’ve got a wonderful woman there.”
 “I know I do,” Zuko said with a smile. He took Suki’s hand, squeezing softly as the three walked back into the party.
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ecruteakmystic · 7 years
the maiden of the hall
For as long as he could remember, Morty had a pretty good relationship with the Kimono Girls. Being considered as a sort of idol in Ecruteak City, there were events where they had to appear together. They would meet up, discuss about their respective roles before moving their conversation to lighter topics. After a couple of years, their bond evolved from mutual associates to friends. Now, Morty would find time in his busy schedule to visit the Kimono Girls at the theater, hoping to catch up with them after they were finished with a performance so he could invite them over for a cup of tea.
In return for his hospitality, the sisters taught him how to dance.
It started with an off handed comment on how with his long legs, he could potentially pull off some of their more complex routine. One thing led to another and since he couldn’t find it in him to refuse when they got excited at the prospect of teaching him some of their moves, he participated in the lessons, surprising himself at how… easy it was to move gracefully. Well, as graceful as he could with his solid six foot structure. He was a little awkward with sudden spins and low crouches but overall, it was pretty decent.
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Morty liked the parts where he moved his arms in smooth arches, a folded paper fan in hand. Although it could be physically taxing (his respect for the sisters shot up with each session. Performing several times a day would leave him an exhausted mess), it felt rewarding as well. That feeling where he finally got the entirety of a dance routine down was almost indescribable. It was like you could literally feel all of your efforts paying off when you could execute a perfect two-four-two step when the first time you tried it, all you could do was brace yourself for the inevitable trip-ups.
It became a recent routine of his to practice with the Kimono Girls two or three times a week. A change of pace from his usual Gym Leader responsibilities really helped with his mental health as his mind was not tune in on work most of the time now. When he was performing a certain routine, he focused on nothing else but nailing it down. Receiving praise from the sisters felt really nice, too. It wasn’t often that he was acknowledges in skills outside of battling and clairvoyancy. He also made friends in the process, which was a nice bonus.
Being friends with him meant that he was willing to lend a helping hand but in this case, Morty never thought it would be take in a literal manner. As he extended his hand towards Naoko to help her up, his mind briefly wandered to the events that happened in the past couple of hours. His day went on normally up until he received an urgent message from Naoko. Upon entering the theater, Zuki quickly took him backstage, where he found a despondent looking Sayo sitting on a chair. He quickly picked up what was wrong once he saw the bandages wrapped around her ankle.
Sumomo and Miki took turns explaining about the accident that led to Sayo twisting her ankle. If it were a normal situation, they would simply close down the theater for a week to let the injured sister recover. That wasn’t the case this time. As it was, the Kimono Girls were set to perform at a festival up in Blackthorn City tomorrow. They were a part of the main acts and it was too late to back out now. Incurring the displeasure of the acclaimed Dragon Clan and smudging their reputation was something that the sisters were desperately trying to avoid.
Really, Morty just couldn’t say no, not when his heart felt painfully tight when he saw Sayo in tears, apologies spewing from her lips. The blond knew what was coming when he accepted their plea for help but at that moment, all he wanted to do was help the sisters (who by this point, honestly made him feel like he was an older brother helping out his younger siblings) to the best of his abilities. If that meant spending the whole day practicing the routines and going through a complete makeover, so be it.
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Look out world, here comes Marticia to the stage.
It took a considerable amount of willpower to remain graceful while he was waiting for their turn. Morty would have never thought that he could be transformed into a… respectable looking woman. Perhaps it was his smooth features but once the sisters went to town with his hair and make-up, he honestly look quite feminine. His cheeks were lightly powdered and his lips were painted with a shade of red that went well with his skin tone. His shoulder length hair – he was planning on cutting it next week. Good to know his decision to hold it off aided him in this – went through some combing and something else that the end result had him sporting curls and waves in his hair.
To complete the look, he wore a Pokeball shaped hair pin as well as a light purple kimono (fitted to his measurements, a feat that left him mildly impressed since he was much broader and taller than the usual size) with golden flowers trailing down the sleeves. Fitted into his sash was a paper fan that was going to be used for a routine. Inside of his kimono, he was wearing a small fanny pack that held his Pokeballs, his house keys and his wallet. Those were the only items he remembered to bring with him as he was in a hurry at the time.
Morty didn’t know that this light packing would bite him later on.
The disguised male quickly pull his attention back to the present, freeing his mind from any other distractions. Right now, he had to execute the moves perfectly to prevent from blowing his cover. Morty stood at the back row, taking a couple of more steps behind than Naoko and Zuki. This was the arrangement that they came up with to trick the audience’s eyes. Hopefully, he’d only look like he was a bit taller than the sisters as oppose to towering over them.
Morty took in a breath before he released it slowly. Right, it was show time.
Overall, it had been a smashing success. They carried out their respective roles perfectly, never once becoming a hindrance for the others when it was their cue. Morty had to admit that the performance, although a lot of fun, had been the most stressful activity in weeks. His heart was ready to jump out of his ribcage as they bowed before heading off of the stage. Once they were within their private dressing room, the sisters congratulated him for the success. Everyone thought that Morty was one of them, which had been the biggest worry throughout this entire plan.
With their schedules free for the rest of the day, the sisters wanted to explore the festival. It wasn’t often that they got to travel outside of Ecruteak, let alone so far up north. Morty left the room once they professed their desire to change their clothes and it was after he closed the door behind him that he remembered about his lightly packed state. The blond had forgotten to bring a change of clothes, which meant he was stuck in this kimono. Although returning back to Ecruteak sounded very appealing, a large part of him wished to explore the festival as well.
It took a good ten minutes of mentally debating with himself before he decided to throw caution to the wind. The kimono was pretty comfortable, albeit a little restricting, and he had the essentials with him. Morty was sure in this get-up, no one would look at him and realized that ‘she’ was actually the Ecruteak City’s Gym Leader. That thought helped assuaged the last of his doubts. It wasn’t long before Morty joined the crowd of festival goers, each of them decked in their own kimono or yukata.
Morty walked down a random street, taking in all of the booths and stalls set up. There were plenty of wares on display as well as a variety of food being cooked up. All sorts of scents wafted in the air, igniting a small pang of hunger from the disguised man. Morty had yet to consume anything since lunch, not wanting to feel sick just in case he got struck by some last minute stage fright. He was in the middle of choosing what local delicacy to snack on when someone came up to stand next to him, seemingly browsing what they had on sale.
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“I would personally recommend the sweet buns,” Morty spoke, keeping his voice soft, almost husky like. He didn’t know what compelled him to talk but now, he just had to keep it going. “Or if you prefer savory items, they have dango that’s both sweet and salty.”
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kerahlekung · 4 years
Bang Ramlee tunjuk kat mana 500 negara baru itu..
Bang Ramlee tunjuk kat mana 500 negara baru itu...
Apa yang berlaku kepada menteri dan timbalan menteri kesihatan sesuatu yang telah memalukan kerajaan PN. Perbuatan liar dan kenyataan dangkal mereka memberi gambaran yang kerajaan PN pimpinan Muhyiddin Yassin tidak ada kelas, ironis dengan maksud menggulingkan kerajaan PH untuk diganti dengan sebuah kerajaan yang lebih berwibawa dan berkelas tinggi atau lebih boleh dipercayai. Sebalik apa yang berlaku dengan kenyataan para menteri khasnya dari kementerian kesihatan, memberi gambaran yang kerajaan PN terdiri daripada mereka mempunyai pemikiran "mamba". (Mamba bahasa Kelantan diistilahkan kepada orang lelaki yang senjatanya hidup tidak hidup).
Seorang bersikap tidak menunjukkan dia berkelayakan sebagai menteri kesihatan manakala seorang lagi terus mempamerkan rupa diri lancau seperti mana lagak serba tahunya dalam parlimen. Dia boleh langgar begitu sahaja PKP. Malang dihadapi Muhyiddin. Beliau sebagai PM barang kali tentu malu memiliki menteri berkenaan dan barisan kabinet yang mambai. Tetapi apa boleh buat, kerana keadaanya sendiri di hujung tanduk dan jadi PM dengan kuasa curi, menyebabkan dia tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa. Untuk pecat dan ganti lain, sudah tidak boleh lagi sebab yang dilantik itu dikira yang terbaik setelah disaring latar belakang.
Malaysia ada 15 negeri???
Cuma yang tidak sempat tersaring Muhyiddin ialah akal mereka. Patut sebelum angka sumpah diuji para menteri itu dengan pengetahuan am dan diajar membilang, 1, 2, 3 dulu.  Mungkin apa yang berlaku kepada menteri kesihatan itu masih boleh dimaafkan sebab, bukan sahaja ilmu perubatan yang beliau tidak tahu, pengetahuan amnya gagal.  Tetapi kalau menteri agama yang tahu fekah, tasawuf, pandai berdoa pun berbuat benda yang sama, ia adalah sangat sangat teruk. Nasib kamu Muhyiddin. - mso
Dua2 kaki kelentong. Selamba je menteri ni kata ada 500 negara dalam dunia yg buat video conf dgn beliau. Zahid pun kelu tak mahu betulkan menteri yg memang dikenali sbg menteri air suam tu. Mungkin Zahid pun tak tahu kot. Haha... Sesuailah. Dua2 kaki kelentong. Zahid pernah beritahu mahkamah, minta tangguh bicara kerana beliau ada perjumpaan di pejabat Putrajaya. Tiba2 kantoi, tiada perjumpaan. Dia juga pernah bagi tau yang dia telah temui raja Arab yang derma berbilion2 kat Najib dulu.  Tak sampai tiga bulan jadi kerajaan pintu belakang, dah mula nak kelentong sana sini...sana...sini... - f/bk
Kisah buluh lemang kahak lebai...
PAS adalah parti politik. Parti politik bukan agama. Parti politik macam PAS boleh berubah. Ada masa dia boleh jadi khadam DAP. Ada masa dia boleh kafirkan Umno. Ada masa dia boleh pula jadi perempuan simpanan Umno.  Ada masa dia boleh jadi pelacur politik murahan untuk siapa sahaja mendapatkan kuasa. Ada masa dia boleh jadi khadam siapa saja, dan dia boleh juga panggil siapa sahaja sebagai khadam. Ada masa dia sokong Syiah dan ada masa dia benci Syiah. Ada masa dia boleh mengisytiharkan jihad lawan Kristian. Ada masa dia boleh kempen sokong parti Kristian di Sabah. Ada masa dia menentang tanaman buluh, ada masa dia promosi buluh. Ada masa dia kata wajib sokong DAP, ada masa dia kata haram undi DAP. Anda masa dia kata haram undi calon bukan Islam, ada kala dia kata wajib undi bukan Islam. Ada kala dia kata hudud boleh ditangguh, ada masa dia kata hudud tak boleh ditangguh lagi.
Ada ketika dia marah lantikan politik dalam GLC, ada masa dia yang agih jawatan GLC pada pemimpin politik. Ada masa dia bagitau kalau nak tukar PM kena buat usul di parlimen, ada masa dia bersekongkol boleh tukar PM tanpa sidang parlimen. Jadi ... kesimpulannya, PAS adalah parti sama macam parti-parti politik yang lain, malah dalam banyak segi jauh lebih buruk dari parti-parti politik lain. Bila dia pakai jubah, dia kata Allah suruh dia pakai jubah. Bila dia telanjang, dia kata Allah suruh dia telanjang. Bila dia bohong, dia kata Allah suruh dia bohong. Bila dia khianat, dia kata Allah suruh dia khianat. Orang-orang dari parti lain pun ada juga yang pakai jubah, ada juga yang telanjang, ada juga yang bohong, ada juga yang khianat .., tapi mereka tak berani kata Allah yang suruh mereka lakukan itu semua. Alkisahnyer!!! - Jamzuri Ardani
Jangka hayat PN kurang 22 bulan...
Walaun kena ingat, UMNO nak kuasa sb nak duit. Sebab itu mereka bersetuju bersama PN walaupun persetujuan UMNO itu sehingga ke hari ini belum dibuktikan majoritinya.
Malangnya, UMNO sekarang rasa punca duit mereka tersekat. Pengerusi GLC dah kena balun dek pepuak PAS. Awal2 lagi Takiyuddin isytihar kesemua 18MP PAS akan dilantik Ketua GLC. Seolah2 dia nak bagitau bahawa PAS dah cop siap2 jawatan GLC dan UMNO toksah dok nyibuk laa nak jugak.
Habis tu, 54MP UMNO yg lain tu jadi apa? Jadi beruk? Tengok aje MP PAS dapat jadi Menteri, jadi Pengerusi GLC, jadi Duta Khas? Semalam 3 Pemuda PAS dapat jawatan kat Lembaga Getah. Ketua Pemuda UMNO dapat apa? Habuk pun tarak. PAS ingat UMNO tak nampak kaa benda2 ni?
Tu bab jawatan. Bab peruntukan COVID19 pun sama. Mat Said dah bising bila peruntukan DUN pun PAS dok main tarik tali dengan UMNO. Kenapa Mat Said sampai terpaksa "merafak sembah" kat MB Terengganu pada musim PKP ni? Kata PAS dan UMNO dah sekapal dalam PN. This is too much. Maknanya jika Mat Said tak bising, DUN2 UMNO akan terus dianaktirikan kerajaan PAS laa kan? UMNO Terengganu berdendam tu. UMNO Pusat ingat tu. Tu belum lagi jawatan exco. Ada 10 ADUN UMNO di Terengganu, takkan 1 pun tak dilantik exco. Kata dah nikah, sekalipun nikah free, tapi nak berjimak pun takkan macam2 halangan.
Itu baru sikit sebab PN pun belum 2 bulan usianya. Lagi lama, lagi parah ni rasanya. Najib sendiri pun dah terang2 mengkritik PN. Dia ada kes mahkamah tu. Sepatutnya Najiblah yg bermatian mempertahankan PN namun sebaliknya berlaku. Bayangkan MP UMNO yg tak ada kes mahkamah, tak dapat jawatan & tak dapat peruntukan.
Tak mustahil jika PN ditumbangkan oleh UMNO sendiri nanti. Nothing to lose what. UMNO pegang kuasa majoriti namun UMNO hanya jadi khadam dalam PN. Presiden, Timbalan Presiden, Ketua Pemuda tak dapat apa. Diorang ni tak nak Pengerusi GLC punya. Diorang nak menteri kanan. Ada kuota lagi kaa? Kuasa Allah kita tak tau. Jika PH ditumbangkan oleh PMnya yg mungkir janji sendiri, tak mustahil PN juga ditumbangkan oleh khadamnya iaitu UMNO yg punyai majoriti. Cuma ramai menjangkakan PN tumbang lebih pantas dari PH. Sama2 kita lihat. - Dr Ariff Kadir Al-Katami
Dear Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin...
Since the Sheraton affair at the end of February, you became the head honcho, rightly or wrongly, of this beloved nation. The turn of events over the past seven weeks have been so momentous that many right-thinking Malaysians are beginning to wonder if you will fulfil the promise you gave as a solemn undertaking on taking office on March 2 where you declared that: “I am a prime minister for all Malaysians.” The first signs appeared two weeks later when the menteri besar and chief ministers from opposition-controlled states were left out of a meeting to discuss matters related to the coronavirus pandemic. Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Zuki Ali (photo, below) took the rap and apologised, but the damage had already been done. Since then, there have been so many errors and omissions by your cabinet colleagues, party members, coalition partners and their leaders. Citizens are beginning to ask if you are really in charge or that there are forces – visible or otherwise – operating the joystick. If the gaffes of your ministers can be dismissed as “early day blues”, the same cannot be said of the subsequent announcements demands that have come to the fore. It must be acknowledged that you head the weakest government since we gained independence 63 years ago. We know that you need every conceivable support from every nook and corner, but this does not mean having to forsake values. We understand the need to appease the warlords from the various parties which in turn will consolidate your position, lest you get swallowed by a party with a bigger number of seats in Parliament or individuals with lofty ambitions. But you possibly can’t go wrong if you had observed the cornerstone of good governance – transparency and accountability – from the very start of your term. Throw in meritocracy, integrity and honesty and the results may have made you come out smelling like a bunch of roses.
Unthought of and arbitrary decisions are the last things that should be shoved down the throats of the rakyat. We are aware that the shylocks are demanding for their pound of flesh, the holy men are beginning to anticipate materialistic gain while the small-fry bystanders are eagerly awaiting the crumbs to be thrown at them. Each time we watch you on TV, we can notice the stress, strain and pressure on your face. Yes, heavy is the head that wears the crown, but you have inherited an extra burden with each horse veering to its own ambitious destination. Whose bird-brained idea was it to put members of parliament (MPs) and party stalwarts as heads of government-linked companies (GLCs) and government agencies? Was this debated, argued and justified by the cabinet or was it an issue of “you scratch my back, I scratch mine”? Or were you forced to agree? The claim made by the de facto Law Minister Takiyuddin Hassan (photo,below) that “MPs are qualified” holds no water in the Malaysian context. Haven’t we learnt from mistakes made in taking such a nonsensical approach? Without wanting to be accused of contempt or sub judice, allow us to touch on the evidence adduced in the on-going trials of three of them. These will suffice. From what we have read, hotels were purchased at highly-inflated prices and kickbacks were received from investing the people’s money in shares. The damage that has been done is humongous, and the only lesson the taxpayer has learnt is the art of enriching oneself and doing business the “Malaysian way”. Let it be stated that the rakyat will have no problems accepting your proposals on appointing your friends or the choice of other parties provided they have the necessary prerequisites – appointments made on merit. Not all the incumbents were ineffectual or bungling idiots who had attempted to put their hands in the cashbox. So, why the change?
Sir, you have been in the cabinet for a long, long time. You have headed so many ministries, and your experience is impressive and the knowledge from dealing with people from all walks of life would make you the right man to make the right decisions. So, the phrase “fit and proper person test” would not be alien to you. Why isn’t this simple test being carried out? We would be able to get the crème de la crème of our talent. Initially, we were reluctant in wanting to venture into saying this. Knowing our “business culture”, cronies will be lining up for contracts. Of course, they would charge a hefty fee and demand for the spoils to be shared. However, you have faltered, remained silent as incompetent and unqualified people have been allowed to occupy the hot seats, and you gave in to some ridiculous demands. Almost daily, near demands come to the fore. We are told that a group in Sabah has made demands for posts in federal statutory bodies and a senatorship for an ex-minister who was defeated in the last hustings. But the credentials of some are far from acceptable. Each is carrying baggage – real huge and heavy ones. Elsewhere, a kleptocrat is beating the war drums with snide remarks and his expectations of getting away with charges of felony. Instead of ignoring and containing the baloney, he gets your ear too.
Mr Prime Minister, this country is going back to bad old days of governance which you abhorred. You were unceremoniously removed for your bold stand against everything that was wrong. The people applauded you and supported you for your principled stand of foregoing all the power and perks that came as the country’s no 2. You didn’t walk away like a coward and sell your conscience. You stood your ground and said your piece and they were compelled to get rid of you. What has since gone wrong? What has made you change? You wouldn’t want to admit it but many feel that you are being held to ransom by some opportunistic political groups with their own agenda. If you stand up to these unprincipled guys, the rakyat will rise again in your support for a clean, honest and trustworthy government. As you are aware, the nation is suffering from effects of the coronavirus but what is more contagious is a disease called the “truth deficiency syndrome” which brought the Barisan Nasional government almost two years ago. With the change in May 2018, it was contained but whatever traces remaining are imploding without control. Are you going to contain this disorder by standing up, speaking up and making the right decisions? Or are you going to allow this government to operate on autopilot or remote control until there is no time to retreat? The choice is yours. - R.Nadeswaran,mk
Duit Deposit Bazar Ramadan 
Sudah Di Telan Buaya...
Minister  should stop trying to cheat poor Ramadan bazaar traders’ deposit money. After insisting Ramadan bazaars wont be cancelled, Minister no choice but to ban it As early as March 31,  Minister arrogantly said – “Just because Singapore no bazaars does not mean we say same thing.” Then Negeri Sembilan first state to cancel Ramadan bazaar, state of Terengganu followed suit By April 2, Melaka, Kedah, Selangor cancel all Ramadan bazaars. April 14, almost all states banned Ramadan bazaars. But different story at federal government. Federal government still considering options very keen to have Ramadan bazaars Ministers boys sold permits to traders in 66 locations in KL, Putrajaya. Minister convinced he could bulldoze the event His ministry reportedly planned to meet hawker associations to finalise stalls. Then on April 16 Minister finally threw in towel,no Ramadan bazaars in FT in any form this year  Yearly Ramadan bazaar provides opportunity for cronies to make killing,in March Minister revealed 66 locations could accommodate 50 stalls each. The calculator says that would be 3,300 permits up for grab. But the story of cash cow has just begun Last year DBKL stubbornly wanted to be in charge of 2019 Ramadan bazaar.  Former FT Minister Khalid Samad exposed the reason, rental per lot RM500, could be "resold" for RM30,000 (depending on location)  after going through chain of "rent-seekers" DBKL, with UMNO parasites, middle men, would resell permit 3,300 permits could fetch as much as RM99 million in free cash. Even at RM2,000 a piece, 3,300 lots could fetch RM6.6 million - traders have demanded refund of their deposits  - now Ramadan Bazaar is officially cancelled. - traders unhappy rental deposits carried forward to next year - why should traders’ rental money be locked up for a year  - to deny traders their rightful money is pathetic, despicable and corrupt - PM Muhyiddin should be ashamed minister trying to cheat poor traders - Minister's minions had already split money and spent it - impossible to fully refund back to traders (This is adapted from Finance Twitter) - OSTB
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cheers. Sumber asal: Bang Ramlee tunjuk kat mana 500 negara baru itu.. Baca selebihnya di Bang Ramlee tunjuk kat mana 500 negara baru itu..
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marvelandponder · 7 years
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I’m a Little Upset They Made Me Excited for Something Called Hascon
But, they did, and over the past two days (and counting! expect an IDW comic panel on Sunday!), they’ve released some spoilers and news that’s pretty damn cool.
No real movie news aside from Hype! It’s coming in 4 weeks! because they didn’t want to reveal too many spoilers for that (although I’m still waiting for Hasbro to step up its marketing game with this one), but aside from that, let’s see what news we got for MLP this weekend [if you want Movie insight, I actually recommend picking up the art book. I just got mine in the mail and WOW is the concept art ever pretty]! This is your spoiler warning if you don’t like that sort of thing.
UPDATED: TONS OF STUFF! Movie Screenshots, more season 8 news, IDW comics, and more!
MLP: The Movie!
Not much in the way of spoilers (you can read the novelization or the art book for those, I guess was their thinking), but have three stills!
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Equestria Girls
New outfits, designed by an actual red carpet stylist, Carol Lam, for both the new doll line and the characters in canon
New Youtube series officially announced, and it’s Choose Your Own Adventure style! Expected in November
Shorts to continue, and one has even been teased
Another one was a “2 minute short about Sunset Shimmer drawing a comic and them animating it... based around [the] girls catching a jewel thief.”
School play is a concept that’s coming up. Whether in short form, 22 minute special form, or perhaps even movie (although please note there has been no explicit mention of an EG5, so lovers of the movies will have to be patient)
“When asked if there is a Sunset Shimmer doppleganger rolling around, one of the panelists noted that her pet theory is that it was always Sunset's fate to travel to humanland, and there isn't an original Sunset in the world. They are leaving this open in canon though.”
No plans for Discord in EQG at the moment, but who knows?
Find EQD’s report on that here.
Okay, so first off? Loving the new outfits. With any other teenager characters, it would be ridiculous that they’re so well dressed and styled (I noticed Sunset’s hair is juuust slightly different, can’t see the others well enough to tell), but for these girls, it makes sense, since they’re all friends with Rarity.
So, yes, Hasbro. I’ll buy your crazy marketing tactics for now, because cute outfits.
As to the Choose Your Own Adventure series, I think that’ll be interesting, but not quite as cool to me as stuff like the shorts, specials, and movies. Just a matter of personal taste, but the world-building going on in the Overpowered short, for instance, is only really cool if it has a lasting effect on the characters and their world (the report said something about a coal miners daughter wanting to disco, and while that sounds possibly cute, it’s not exactly my cup of tea).
But it’ll be fun to try, no doubt! And definitely cool for younger fans!
The post wasn’t super clear on whether the Choose Your Own Adventure stuff was the only EQG content coming to Youtube (we have been teased about a series, similar to the Hana Zuki show Hasbro has on there already), but until we hear otherwise, assume it’s just the CYOA series.
And a school play theme really does sound like it could be used for a movie or a special, if they wanted to keep doing long-form stories, so that’s what I’m hoping for, personally.
Oh and we still don’t know what these are from/for:
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A currently unreleased summertime short, most likely a music video.
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A Netflix listing we found out about back in August. This might be the place they feature the specials and shorts, but who knows?
Season 7 News
Clips were shown for next week’s episode, It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You (which might end up being a Pinkie and Rarity episode) and Marks and Recreation 
It Isn’t the Mane Thing About (better clip than the first that was released)
Marks and Recreation (featuring the last song of the season)
Find EQD’s report on that here.
In addition, have some stills from a promo yet to be released on the rest of the season!
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Likely from Secrets and Pies
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Likely from A Health of Information
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Likely from A Health of Information
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(Not shown: Applejack falling into the party cave) Likely from Secrets and Pies
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From It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You
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From Once Upon a Zepplin
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Likely from A Health of Information
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Likely from A Health of Information (mask modelled after Mage Meadowbrook, so this will undoubtedly feature her story in a similar fashion to Daring Done, possibly told by Twilight, from the earlier screenshot)
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From Once Upon a Zepplin
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From It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You
Additionally, I’ll point out what we know for the season 7 finale: that there’s a tie into the Legends of Magic comics, and it’s called Shadow Play parts 1&2. Whether “shadow” refers to the character Shadowlock from the main comic series or King Sombra or something else entirely, we’ll have to wait and see!
Okay, so the most exciting thing for me is that Vincent Tong, voice of Flash Sentry and Feather Bangs, gets to sing again! As a villain this time! I could make a joke about him embracing the role the fandom has given him this season (Feather Bangs, the waifu stealer, and now Rumble, the antagonist).
Oh and for those who don’t remember, Rumble is Thunderlane’s little brother, who appears in Hurricane Fluttershy. It’s been a while, but he looked cute there.
I wonder if Starlight will have any role in this episode...
The addition of the Cake twins is to Mane Thing also adds hype for me. I’m still on the fence with the episode concept, mostly because I need to see how they’re going to run with it (could be uncomfortable to watch Rares lose her mane if done wrong), but the Cake twins were extremely endearing in Baby Cakes, and it would be nice to see more interaction between them and Pinkie Pie.
This season has been spectacular so far, so I’m glad not too much was spoiled (or you know, leaked...) so we get to enjoy it in full!
Season 8 News
Seaponies confirmed for season 8, the Movie will tie into the show
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An animatic was released as well:
Find EQD’s report here.
I find it super interesting that Chrysalis is outright ignoring Starlight Glimmer while gathering DNA, given that she swore revenge against her. A large number of fans are speculating that this will be some sort of voodoo plot, where Chrysalis literally turns Starlight’s friends against her, like Starlight did to her.
Not only that, but if you look in the background of that animatic, you’ll find the mane 7 are in a suspiciously new building...
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Some have speculated it’s Twilight’s new castle (meaning the crystal castle will get destroyed at the end of season 7, which is alarming because it’s connected to the Tree of Harmony). I feel like it might be more of an addition to her castle, either a school of Twilight’s own (hence, calling the rest of the girls Twilight’s “teachers”) or a house of diplomacy of some kind, like a U.N. building for the different nations that Twilight and company have been befriending (dragons, changelings, griffons, yaks---heck, even Sunset Shimmer could be considered a diplomat from Equestria to the humans).
It’s still a mystery...
Also, sea ponies! And they’re adorable! They translate to show style really well, actually! And it only makes you wonder just how many other things will carry over from the movie....
New info!
Look for a Cheese Sandwhich cameo
G. M. Berrow wrote a Season 8 episode she is super passionate about and her favorite episode overall. Maybe more book tie-ins like in "Daring Done".
Josh Haber's favorite pony is The Great and Probably Going To Be In Season 8 Trixie!
Derpy won't get a featured episode like Episode 100, but she will be around, likely more than season 7.
There will be two-parters, and that's plural, so it sounds like we return to the opening and closing episodes being epic two-parters. So expect You-Know-You that we saw in that animatic to be in one of these!
Things we already know about season 8 that you may have forgotten:
26 episodes confirmed
Orchestra music from the movie to be used in some of the season’s songs, which are all finalized by now
As well, there will be twice as many songs are there are in season 7, since Daniel Ingram’s time won’t be split up between the show and the movie
Discord confirmed
Josh Haber returning as story-editor
Mike Vogel returning finally after working on the movie
IDW Comics
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This year’s holiday special!
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For those of you who have listened to the Christmas album, that’ll look somewhat familiar...
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MLP:FIM #60 Sara Richard cover!
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MLP: FIM #61 Cover revealed! A collection of foreign dignitaries, from dragons, to deers, to cats/abyssnians, to gryphons! 
“The story is going to be a "united nations" type gathering where all the various creatures throughout the planet convene to discuss the future of the planet. So think a Meeting of the United Nations but with Dragons, Buffalo, Hippogriffs, Anthro Cats, and a pony who controls the sun with a mere thought. Oh but there is a discovery made at the conference that could lead to trouble for our little ponies! A problem that might end up costing Equestria ownership of Canterlot!”
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Legends of Magic #9! Seems to be a continuation of Flash Magnus’s previous issue, if the cover is to be believed.
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Aaaand a page from Legends of Magic #6! Yes, that’s right, zombie ponies drawn by Andy Price. If 28 Pranks Later wasn’t grim enough for you, surely the master of expressions will deliver!
Find EQD’s report right here!
Year of the Pony
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