#zoyalai hunger games au
awanderingtortoise · 10 months
Zoyalai hunger games au would hit so fucking hard rn
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atac-agent · 3 months
please excuse that-
Hi ya'll!!
This is my MasterList ig-
*idk what to write here* but happy reading guys! Stay Safe and Have Fun!!
Kaz x Inej // Kanej
.•°HOPE °•. Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // (discontinued for now)
Game Night With The Crows (The Dregs)
Zoya x Nikolai // Zoyalai
In Another Life (answered zoyalai au)
Headcanon divergence (answered zoyalai au)
Stay With Me
Helnik // Matthias Helvar x Nina Zenik
.•°Ghosts of our Past°•.
Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 (coming soon)
Remus x Sirius // WolfStar
Beneath The Howling Moon
• Draco x Hermione // Dramione
Echoes of Silence
Hunger Games ~
• Katniss x Gale // Everthorne
Remnants of Ashes
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rotzaprachim · 5 years
Hey! I just saw the tragicomedy zoyalai hunger games au and 😍😍😍 I’M SO HYPE
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Ugh this series is So Fucking Dark in light of Current Events(tm) and I’m kind of uncomfortable with the implications about Inej’s lack of agency in the draft, but the little Zoyalai as Tragicomic Victors Fake Friends-To Benefits actually trying to pull off a little revolution is one of my favorite sections, and I’m so glad you like it! 
(Hopefully this fic will happen.) 
Anyway I dunno if I posted this but here’s another snippet:
The next year is Inej Ghafa’s games. They won’t be referred to that for years after, but that’s what they become, when Inej Ghafa stands over the body of that brainless sop from her district and salutes the camera. No one in Four or Nine really knows what she’s doing with the three fingered salute, but it looks suspicious and rebellious enough that the good people of the Capitol are all aflutter and Zoya is doing something almost like smiling into her whiskey glass.
“Knew that girl had fire in her,” she tells Nikolai, even though she’d followed the general Capitol line about her for the first couple days of the game, which was that she was yet another dirty-handed slip of a kid from Six who was gonna get  a heart attack the first time they saw a blade of grass. But Inej Ghafa has clearly seen a blade of grass before, and other kinds of blades as well.
Both their tributes died pretty early this year, which wasn’t a huge surprise given that none of them had seen anything like a city before the Capitol. It’s the tributes from 1 and 3 who live in tenement blocks and understand the strange ecosystems of humans that do better on these urban arenas, and this year, it looks like, from 6.
Tributes dying early meant an early rendezvous. Nikolai dramatically carried Zoya back into his hotel room while she undid his shirt with a lot more fingernails than was strictly necessary and kissed his neck in a way that involved a lot of teeth. A lie has to be partway accurate to be believable, and Nikolai’s very sure that the exactly one word of “hate fucking” is right on the money.
Zoya turns the taps on in his bathroom and starts to undo her clothing. He sits on the marble counter and tries not to look, although it probably wouldn’t bother Zoya anyway. She stripped naked from her cattle costume in the elevator one year just to wig out some tribute from 2 she had some special grudge against.
“Inej Ghafa,” she begins as she tries to undo the hidden zipper of her blue silk gown. She turns around expectantly and he works the zipper free of where a lock of her extensive hair got caught and then undoes it all the way, to the small of her back. Lightening, thunderstorms, those are Zoya’s things, and while he only refers to her as the Storm Queen in a studiedly ironic way, he’d be lying if he said that he felt anything other than electricity bolt through his fingers where they brush her warm skin.
“She’s one to watch.” Zoya’s dress pools like water on his floor.
“Yeah. But not for much longer.”
“Give her more time than that.”
Zoya rolls her eyes and undoes her grey lace bra with a flicking motion. He tries to keep looking her straight in the eyes.
“She doesn’t get help, she fucking dies. You think the betmakers are happy how much money they’ve lost over some bitch from Six who’s barely five feet tall, living off rats and killing Careers with rusty bedposts?” While she talks, Zoya turns his shower on high and steps into the boiling water. “She fucks with their whole worldview, and the only mentor Six has is Haskell.”
         She does have a point there. Per Haskell is high as a kite off Morphling half the time and seems mostly resigned to piecing together model hovercraft. Nikolai’s never been able to get two coherent sentences out of him, which, considering the extensive range of substances most Victors become addicted too, is something of an achievement.
“Zoya,” he drawls, “are you suggesting you become Six’s fairy godmother?”
“I’m saying if we don’t, she dies.”
“Like a thousand others.” He doesn’t like being the cruel one in this duo. But they walk a tightrope every day. The first lesson of mooring a boat: one rusty link and the whole chain breaks.
“This one’s got the Capitol this fucked up with a three finger salute and not dying? That’s useful. That’s something we can use.”
He thinks, maybe, that this girl reminds Zoya of a different girl who got the Capitol fucked up over not dying, but he doesn’t say anything.
Instead, he nodds.
“How much left in the fund?”
“Shit all. I can get more.”
“Do it. She needs knives.”
Zoya pours a generous amount of his rather expensive shampoo into her hand and starts to work it into her hair.
“You are aware it’s a ruse?” he asks.
“Your shower has better water pressure. Takes fucking forever to work the shampoo out of my hair.”
Zoya, to be fair, has an awful lot of hair. Wavy and black and snake-like, and almost a barometer for humidity, he’s noticed. In the steamy bathroom, it curls like crazy.
He rolls his eyes. “You gotta have it on four.”
“Mine is on four.”
“Not general settings. Level two settings. That one’s gotta be on four.”
“Oh,” she starts, then reverts to her general glare. “These Capitol showers are fucking insane. Who fucks around with a hundered shower settings?”
He can’t fault here there.
After she pours half a bottle of conditioner into her hair and dries it off, he reluctantly shucks off his shirt and trousers as well and wraps a towel around his waist. The steam’s already wiped his skin with moisture, and all it takes is a wet hand through his hair to convincingly look freshly clean and sexed-up.
         His face is red enough already. Zoya Nazyalensky tends to have that effect on people.
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wafflesandkruge · 5 years
1.9k Followers Celebration
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Thank you so much!!!!!
I realize I haven’t been writing a lot lately, so here’s a two-part event that will help clear out my drafts/inbox! (And hopefully leave me in a good place for a 2k celebration!)
First Part:
Send me an ask or message with:
Inbox or Draft
A number from 1-50 (Yes, I actually have that many, whoops)
I’ll finish working on it and post it right away :) Hopefully, I’ll clean them out a little?
Second Part:
I also realize I haven’t posted the fics from my 1.5k celebration, so it maybe you guys can help me decide which one to post first? Send me an ask/message with a
❄️ for a zoyalai fic set in canonverse where Genya sends them both to the Little Palace to “raise moral” ( @storm-bitch-nazyalensky)
🏹 for a zoyalai Hunger Games au fic ft. kanej and Nina ( @skyang22 )
🎓 for a pre-SoC fic where Kaz, Inej, and Jesper have to infiltrate a university and Jesper’s trying his best to carry the team (@incorrectcrows )
💍 for a Pepperony wedding fic (@ironicallytiau )
🎖 for a post-KOS2 fic where the Dregs are getting recognized for their role in helping save Ravka (@ifangirlninja)
👑 for a canonverse zoyalai fic where Zoya interrupts Nikolai and Ehri’s wedding with the news that Fjerda has just invaded Ravka (@firstsqualler)
Please be following me. I won’t be turning off anon, but out of the goodness of your heart :)
This event ends in two weeks on 8/10. I’ll announce which fic received the most votes from the second part then. 
For the second part, please only vote once and be off anon, otherwise it won’t be counted :(
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dregstrash · 6 years
hey, are you still doing this song+ ship thing, if so, might I suggest Dixie boy by April Smith with Zoyalai (I think it could be fun ;))
I very sincerely hope that I’m not bothering anyone by posting so often lol. But I can’t help it cause y’all have given me such great songs to write to, and everyone has been so supportive I honestly cannot stop. 
Among the other aus that I have come to claim my own, I also have a Zoyalai Rock au inspired by @kestrel-of-herran‘s Rock playlist she made a couple of weeks ago. So this drabble is based off of that because while I was listening to it, all I can see is the Triumvrate + Zoyalai doing karaoke 
[this fic also roasts some artists, and if you like them i mean no offense, just trying to stay in character] [this is also hella long]
I’m just warning you ahead of time
The Stormwitches have this tradition that predates the start of their band. 
It had all started when Genya was still pining after David. And Zoya couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to get her friend out of her ice cream induced pity party, because while those things had their use, she drew the line at three days.
So she did something unprecedented and took her to a karaoke bar. It was just the two of them, half-yelling, half-singing to songs they’d never admit to liking and just letting their laughter fill the night.
Next time they went was when Zoya had failed her first college exam. The next time after that was when Tamar had just transferred to their college. 
And they kept coming on those good days and the bad days. 
It was just something they did. 
Even with the huge amount of success that came with being a band. Even when their group became a little bigger when David finally admitted to his feelings for Genya, when Tamar started dating Nadia, when she invited her brother Tolya, and when Zoya allowed Nikolai to meet her bandmates. They all went to karaoke bars, making sure no one recognized them, or cared that they were there. 
“Okay, here it is,” Genya said over the pounding music being sung by some country star wannabe, “I will sing one Carrie Underwood song if Tamar can manage to give us a little Taylor Swift.”
“I’d rather never drum again, if I have to sing that acoustic nonsense.” She said.
“You could just sing something off Reputation,” Nadia supplied, “You know New Taylor and all that.”
Tamar glared at her, “Whose side on you on?”
Nadia smiled, “I’m on the side that doesn’t have to listen to you mope around with another old Sleeping with Sirens song.”
She scowled back, and didn’t budge, “I’m not doing it unless our dear lead bassist gets up there and gives a little bit of her Amy Winehouse.”
Zoya rolled her eyes, “I really regret even doing that song for you.”
“When have you ever done something for someone else, Nazyalensky?” Nikolai grinned from her side, “You sure you weren’t just trying to show off?”
“Says the king of big-headedness themselves.”
“Can’t be arrogant over what’s true.” Nikolai said in a sing-song. 
“I’d like to see you get up there, Lantsov.” Zoya snapped, “Give us a little bit of those Chainsmokers that I know you so love.”
She was rewarded with an eye roll. He had always advocated that he was a fan of any and all music, but when that particular duo had started rising to the top. He had claimed that the world had no need for two white guys that could barely sing and had basic beats. When Zoya had pointed out that Nikolai was, himself, a white man, he just shrugged and said “At least I can carry a tune.”
To that she had nothing to say. Because she sure as hell wasn’t going to agree with him.
“I invoke a challenge then.” He sighed getting up. Everyone at their table suddenly straightened, and eyed each other. Karaoke challenges was a serious business. Failure to complete them meant they get the crappy bed in their tour bus. “I’ll sing a stupid Chainsmoker song, and Zoya has to sing anything except classic rock or pop songs.”
Not for the first time, Zoya wished her glare could have the power to kill. “You’re going to pay for this Nikolai.”
He had already started to walk away and smirk over his shoulder, “Is that a promise?”
Nikolai got up on that tiny karaoke stage, and queued up his choice. When the opening notes to “Closer” came on, Zoya fought the sliver of a shiver go through her. While Nikolai complained about the Chainsmokers, Zoya didn’t mind them that much. At least not this song, and he knew that. He did it on purpose, and she wasn’t sure if she hated him or loved him for it.
She decided to hate it when he started to sway his hips off the stage and towards their table. He was overdoing it by a lot, but he wasn’t fazed. Their friends laughed and sang along, but Zoya could only stare. Then tried not to stare. Then found herself staring again. She couldn’t focus on one thing as the song blasted around them. Her eyes went to his then on his cheekbones then on his lips, stayed on his lips then back to his eyes. He was standing in front of her now, and she realized that he was doing it on purpose. He was purposefully keeping all her attention on him. That bastard.
The song ended, and Zoya noticed that the crowd seemed to be cheering louder than they had for anyone. She just sighed at that. If this led to Nikolai being more insufferable than usual, she could just knock him back a few anyway. 
He quickly bowed, and gestured out an arm and a smirk to Zoya.
She sniffed and just threw her shoulders back. Two can play at his game, and she was significantly better at it.
Zoya told her song choice to the man controlling the words and took her place on the stage. She held the mic in her hand, and felt the regular rush of adrenaline flow through her. She could be anything on a stage. She was a lead bassist. She was a rock singer. She was a queen of the night. And Nikolai picked the wrong challenge.
The song started. It wasn’t a song that would have been on the radio. It was all punk tones with that soul sound that talked about being a powerful woman. And just like Nikolai did with her, Zoya stalked toward their table, ignoring the friends that were raising their eyebrows at her slow deliberate steps and the predatory glances of the other people of the bar. She kept her eyes on Nikolai and noted every small gesture when she inched closer, and sang to him. 
She caught the widening of his beautiful hazel eyes, and the small bob of his throat she she swallowed. The song was almost over, and as her last act of defiance she rested her hand behind his head to rest on the back of his chair. Essentially trapping him in her voice and her arms. There was no denying what the hunger that rested in the darkening of his eyes. When she stepped back, barely registered the roaring of the crowd, she bowed and gave him a smirk as she returned her mic. 
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rotzaprachim · 5 years
Peaky blinders season 5 is out and my deep deep hatred of t0mmy and Steven Knight’s writing is really inspiring me to want to actually publish a Sensical zoyalai peaky blinders fic once I’m done w the hunger games au 
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