#zoro: why is the cook sweating. what’s wrong with him
dykesynthezoid · 7 months
You’ve heard of Zoro being enamored by Sanji’s passion for food and turned on by his knife skills, you’ve heard of Sanji appreciating the view while Zoro trains etc but there’s a secret third eventuality in which Zoro is just chilling and for whatever reason gets talking about meditation and qi and such and like he’s literally just stating basic tenets that he’s known and followed for years, not really thinking much about it, but Sanji is busy watching his hands while Zoro says something about a “gate” and a “sea” of living, pulsing, throbbing energy, and something about breath “penetrating” as deep as possible down, down into the abdomen and drawing that energy up like a “thick, strong tree” up inside him and is it just Sanji or is it getting warm in here?
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
You Cook For them even though you suck at it-
Buggy, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Shanks, Mihawk
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You you offer to cook for him he is hesitant. Buggy is actually a great cook and will take over making food for you if he catches you in the kitchens of the Big Top.
"I don't know about that (Y/N)-" He would say quickly as you smile at him.
"It will be fine I promise! I've gotten better!" No the fuck you hadnt- he shouldn't have trusted you with this when you set down a bowl of slop.
"Oh What the fuck (Y/N)!? What is this?! Why is it still moving?" He yelled poking some form of meat with a spoon and watching it twitch back.
"It's just rare!" You argue back. "Rare my ass!!" He yelled before forcing himself to take a bite.
He quite literally falls apart to the ground.
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Luffy would be excited that you offered to cook for him. Being too happy to ignore the weird smell from the kitchen and from the bowl you set down.
He quickly tucked in, eating away at the bowl until it was gone and smiling brightly at you.
"Thank you for the meal (Y/N)!" He said cheerfully, you smiled excitedly.
"Did it taste good?" He stares at you for a moment like he was thinking. "No it was pretty disgusting" you stare at him shocked.
"Why did you eat it then?" You question at his bluntness of willing to eat something gross.
"Cause you made it!" Eh Good enough-
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Is equally as bad as a cook as you- So when the two of you come together it only means chaos.
"Zoro im going make us a special meal!" You chime, watching him nod and follow along.
In the kitchen he drinks as he watches you attempt to cook. Even using his sword to cut up random vegetables and fruit. Once done it is a jet black color pouring out purple steam- He stares at it a bit afraid before taking a bite.
Zoro body would lock up- Like he had been hit with electricity. His eyes beginning to water and he grabbed the booze again to down if quickly- all of it very quickly.
"....That was awful-"
He manages to groan out as he rubbed his face.
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Will be head over heals for you, and when you offer to cook for him his whole body freezes- His eyes wide and practically screaming to not have this done-
"M-My Love! My Sweet! No need for that I can cook for us!" He insist sweat hitting his brow.
"No No, You cook for us every night! Let me do it!" You'd insist and go into his kitchen. It would quickly turn into a battle of if he loved food more then you- Once he sees you hold the knife wrong and damn near cut off a finger he steps in.
Shaking his head at this and taking the knife from you.
"Please dont- Love you um.. are cookingly challenged- I'm taking over"
Before he kicks you out of his kitchen.
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Usopp has actually pretty good taste in food, He enjoys food and has been heavily pampered by Sanji's cooking and food he be served when visiting Kaya.
So when you offer him food at first he's happy and talks about his experiences as a 'Chef' but when you bring down a half burned and half raw fish that still seemed to be twitching and some other odd trimmings that seemed to be stewed.
"Uhhh (Y/N)- you made this?"
He would question as he stared at the questionable plate.
"Yep!" Hearing your cheery voice he tries to sweet talk and lie his way around eating it at first. But once you insist he would nod and take a hefty bite. His face draining of all color as he chewed, forcing himself to swallow as he sits frozen.
He ends up fainting-
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Shanks will try anything once, however he found out early on that you couldnt cook- While he never openly confronts you about it he does know damn well you shouldn't be near a kitchen.
Once you offer to cook for him he is jovial as normal and supportive. However when you bring out the bowl of- what looked like what a sea beast would vomit he started to sweat. Taking a big swig of his booze before taking a bite.
His whole body shivered in disgust and paled. Slowly trying to chew as he gave you a watery smile.
"It's alright It's Alright-"
Shanks said, his face turning purple as he tried to keep the food from coming back up as quickly as it came.
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While it may be surprising but Mihawk is the pickiest of eaters- So when you say you made him a meal, He tries to hold himself back from making any comments before he's seen it.
'Maybe it's not that bad?...'
He thinks as he takes a seat at the dining room table. Waiting quietly as he hears you clattering in the kitchen- however he knew knew it would be unpleasant when the smell hits him. You step out cheery and happy as a massive bowl is set infront of him. His eyes widened at the sight- he had seen many horrible things in his life but nothing like this-
"Why is it that color?-" He would ask as you explained away that you didn't know the exact ingredients to make it so you improvised. Mihawk took a shaky breath and leaned down to give a sniff- once the fowl odor hit his nose he pushed the bowl back.
"(Y/N) Darling. You can't cook- I can't eat this... I love you dearly but whatever is in this bowl has been damned"
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vdoesstuff · 8 months
Fic #1 (Zosan)
Based off of Headcannon #17
Nami was bored. She was bored bored bored bored. So, she decided to get Zoro and Sanji together.
She immediately gathered Luffy and Usopp. “Ok, here’s the plan.” She unfurled a blueprint of a bottle taped to a stick. “We tell them we’re playing 7 minutes in Heaven. I’ll be below deck, with the stick. You have to make sure Zoro goes first. I’ll spin the stick so it lands on Sanji. And, that’s about it.” She rolled her diagram and smiled.
“I like it!” Said Luffy, grinning wildly.
“You want to play what?” Zoro raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah! Come on!” Luffy grabbed Zoro’s arm and dragged him to the deck. Sanji was already sitting there, talking to Usopp, asking him why the fuck they’re here. Zoro reluctantly sat down across from Sanji, who glared at him as he sat down. God, why did I even agree to this? Zoro wondered. But it was too late now.
“Zoro, you go first,” Luffy said, trying to hide his giggles.
“God, you’re such a child.” He spun. It landed on… Sanji. They stared at each other. Sanji turned beet red and avoided eye contact. Usopp started pushing them both towards the closet.
“Well! In you go!” The door clicked behind them.
They both stayed on opposite sides of the closet, but it wasn’t long before Sanji started hyperventilating. He hated confined spaces. That’s part of why he always liked being at sea. On the ocean, there was no beginning or end. Just straight water for miles around. He looked for something to look at other than Zoro. Anything. Finally he couldn’t help it. He looked him dead in the eye.
“Cook, what’s wrong with you?” Zoro looked… concerned? For him?
“Nothing. It’s fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” It was true. Sanji had started sweating, and his hyperventilating had gotten worse.
“I’m fine, dumbass.”
“Yeah right. You’re crying. Come here.” Zoro tentatively put an arm out to comfort him. Is this really happening? Sanji wondered. He leaned towards Zoro’s embrace. It was… nice.
“So, claustrophobia, huh?” Zoro needed something to talk about. Anything.
“Yeah. It kinda sucks.” God, he’s beautiful, Zoro thought. The cook was leaning against him. Zoro could hear his own heartbeat from here. Sanji leaned his head back onto Zoro’s chest. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Zoro could feel his face getting red. Slowly, he leaned his head back. This isn’t so bad. Zoro thought. It’s actually… kinda nice.
“Well. It’s been seven minutes.” Luffy shrugged. “I guess we should let them out now.”
“Yeah. Haven’t heard anything.” Nami frowned. “I guess it didn’t work.”
Luffy went to go open the door. “Hey guys, seven minutes are up…” And there they were. Sanji pressed against Zoro on the side of the wall… and they were kissing. It worked! Luffy thought. Zoro and Sanji realized the door was open, and quickly pulled apart. Both their faces were red. “Don’t worry. I’ll close the door.” Luffy smiled, and Zoro gave an appreciative smile back. Luffy closed the door, and walked off.
“Nami, Usopp, it worked! Operation Zosan is canon!”
Guys I made a thing do you like it
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sunnywrites101 · 6 months
Why are you laughing?!
Pairing - Zoro x male reader
Genre - fluff, jealousy
Word count- 920
CW- nothing but fluff and a jealous zoro
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I smiled as I sat on the railing of the Thousand Sunny with Nami and Robin lounging in their chairs on deck. I was secretly trying one of Sanji’s special drinks for the girls; being one of the many guys on the ship I didn’t get the special treatment like the girls got. But Robin didn’t mind sharing a few sips of her drink with me. After the first sip I went straight to the kitchen to beg Sanji to make me one, it was so fruity and refreshing I just had to have some. But Sanji’s glare fixed me at the door immediately “C’mon Sanji I just want a little drink!” I yelled running around the kitchen to escape the livid cook “Those are only for Nami and Robin!” he yelled as I shrieked with laughter running out of the kitchen as the door slammed shut behind me to keep me out.
I fell to the floor rolling on my sides as laughter consumed me. Luffy soon joined me in my laughter from the figure head of the Sunny, as we both calmed down I let out a soft groan as my ribs hurt from laughing so hard. Getting up I sat back with Nami and Robin conversing on random topics when Nami stopped mid-sentence and smiled knowingly while Robin gave a small chuckle.
I furrowed my brows in confusion, about to ask her to continue when a hand snaked around my waist and a scent I knew all to well filled my senses, light lavender and bergamot mixed with the heavy smell of leather and sandalwood accompanied by the strong scent of steel. There was only one man on the Thousand Sunny that smelt like that, Roronoa Zoro. I sighed leaning back into his chest, I picked up on his tense muscles and I held his hand that was around my waist. “Crows nest, five minutes” and with that he was gone just as suddenly as he appeared. After he had climbed back up to the crows nest Nami let out a laugh full and unashamed “looks like you’re in trouble~” she said in between laughs and giggles. Robin simply smirked “You should go see him, it sounded serious.”
I was puzzled and tilted my head in confusion, I was sure I hadn’t done anything to piss off the swordsman but alas he seemed upset with me for some reason. I knew I hadn’t forgotten any important dates, our anniversary wasn’t until another five months, and his birthday had already passed so what was I missing? I couldn’t help but wonder as I climbed the rope ladder to the crow’s nest.
Opening the door, I was met with the sight of Zoro training tirelessly with sweat dripping down his chest. I was compelled to stare but stopped myself as I pushed the door open to announce my presence to Zoro. Once he knew I was there he scoffed and put his weights down, he then went to sit down on the makeshift bed that I made out of spare blankets and pillows. Confused, I followed his movements by coming to sit beside him. I softly put my hand on his shoulder searching his face for any signs of what I could have done wrong.
After a moment he shrugs my hand off his shoulder, my eyes widened as a small panic began to set into my stomach. “Zoro what’s wrong?” He remained silent. My panic began to rise while Zoro was never really one to initiate physical touch, he never denied it either, which made this situation all the more confusing and stressful. “Zoro what’s gotten into you, you’re being so cold” he scoffed and turned to face me, anger written all over his features. “I’m being cold to you?” he asked incredulously “Yea? Well what’s going on between you and that damned cook recently? You two seem awfully damn close here recently.” I was shocked, Roronoa Zoro was…jealous? But he continued “If you’re going to leave me for that damn cook just get it over with already” At that I couldn’t help the small chuckle bubbling in my throat as I hit his chest weakly while laughing.
After a few hits he grabbed my wrists holding them away from his chest. “what’s so damn funny!?” I struggled to breathe smiling looking up at him “you’re jealous Zoro!” his eyes widened at that “I am not jealous. I’m just stating things the way I see them and what’s so funny?!” He said angrily. I smiled wiping tears from my eyes as my laughter died out “Roronoa Zoro, I am not going anywhere especially not with Sanji, the only reason I was in the kitchen was to get him to make me a fruit drink like he makes for Nami and Robin” I explained and for a moment I could see the gears turning in his head till he huffed and turned away grumbling.
I smiled, shaking my head then kissed the apple of his cheek. Before I could pull away, he pulled me into a sincere kiss full of emotion. I pulled away slightly after a while to breathe, still sharing breaths from the close proximity of our bodies. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions” he mumbled against my lips. I giggled “It’s ok, I still and always will love you, Zoro” he pulled me to rest my head on his chest as he laid down. We fell asleep soon after with the stars to watch over us.
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onepiece-asl-lover · 4 months
Idk if your requests are open if not respond to the Privately but So idk if you actually feel comfortable writing for Luffy I am looki for one piece x reader writers who have the requests open and came across you anyway I request takes place after the time skip where reading I ask Luffy if next year they can celebrate Ace with Luffy aka next year on the day of his death instead of feeling sad they want me make sure Luffy is happy so they will spend the entire day doing things would love like eating us favorite foods and doing things he would love
I'm totally fine writing this! I'll try the best of my abilities to write what you requested. If you dont like it I can make another. Also I'll make it a Luffyxreader thing
First ever ask!!!!
"Changing a tragic into comfort" Luffy x Fm!reader
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You knew this day exact day your lover Luffy brother died. It had traumatized him so much that on the next year he sat in his room and barely ate, concerning you and the straw hats.
This year was the day that Ace died and when you woke up to hopefully to find Luffy next to you, you find him at your desk his hat covering his face and when you realized it he was asleep as you brought a blanket and tucked him gently.
Your head was clouded as you went onto deck watching over the railing the ocean. How couldn't you helped your lover the time he needed it the most. Were you just a bad lover and spouse.
You didn't keep track of time that Sanji called for dinner and Nami had to call you over. You could tell everyone was quiet today aswell. The death of the Fire Fist Ace and the traumatic Luffy had effect them as you guys all ate silently.
You step slowly as an idea clicked into your mind. Why don't you guys make him a small party a supporting comfort party with his favourite food items. It was the best idea you ever thought of till now as you spoke up from the quiet dinner hall.
"Please excuse me but I have an idea on how we can help Luffy." You said as you wiped your hands with a towel.
"Help Luffy?" Chopper asked as his little hands ate a loli Robin gave him.
"How can we help Luffy, we can't just being Ace back" Zoro said as he kept eating he wasn't wrong so Nami didn't hit him.
"I've heard of these things for people who have went through a traumatic event and losing sombody, it's called a..-" you tried to remember the title of this party.
"An offer party, where people who have gone through grieving often remember that it is the person who offered reassuring hope, the certainty that things will get better, who helped them make the gradual passage from pain to a renewed sense of life." Robin offered as you nooded.
Everyone seemed to listen up as you continued talking of a party and probably it might be f everyone in the crew. You know everyone in the crew as lost a loved one from a trainer to a father figure ect.
"I hope we could make a kind of party self care I believe where we get our favorite food, items, games, drinks ect and get comfort from each other."
"..." it was silent in the room it made you sweat thinking of their opinion and thoughts about this party thing.
"Y/n your idea is....SUUUUUUUPERRR" Franky says as he does his iconic pose."also can we have cola and bugers there too" he adds as you all laugh.
"And cottoncandy!" Chopper says as he jumps off Robin laps.
"The great captain Usopp declares he will want a grilled fish!"
"Yohohohoho! I would be delightful to have some curry aswell too!"
"I can pick Mikans from my garden!"
"I would enjoy sandwhiches"
"Mozuku seaweed"
"Guess I should get onto cooking then if I'll have to make all this food" Sanji chuckles a he goes to start cooking.
The dining room was as loud as it usually was which is more comforting then that dead silence a few minutes ago.
Nami ordered around for decorations. Zoro messed up. Usopp getting some of his fairytails books. Brook being out his guitar and getting it ready to place with. Franky using his robot skills and Jinbei helping Nami with decor. Chopper grabs some small royes he holds in his bag to show. Robin using her devil fruit to help around.
You smiled as you saw everyone getting ready as it remind you, you had to get Luffy as you trolled into his room.
"Luffy?" You said as you peeked your head through the door.
You see him staring at the window as you went next to him.
"Everything's alright?" You asked as you rubbed his head.
You sighed as you kept looking at him and brushing away fallen tears of his and plopped his strawhat back on.
"You know Ace wouldn't want you crying over him, he called you a crybaby when we were younger remember? He wound want you to accomplish your dreams to be the pirate king not let an incident stop you" you say as you rubbed his head.
You hear him sniffle as he wobbly answers.
"You-?re ri-right I should keep going no m-mattered what. Fo-far Ace"
"Yes, yes for Ace" you said as he slowly hugged him.
".....now how about we head outside? I think everyone wants you back as a captain? A crew can not be a car without a captain."
"Okay." Luffy said as he stood up as you stood up aswell grabbing a handkerchief wiping his tears as you lead him outside.
When you lead him outside onto the deck you could see his face light up at the celebrations with tables of food decor and the crew "helping" eachother.
"Luffy!" Chopper squeaked as he ran towards Luffy.
"Hey your back!" Usopp ran towards Luffy as well.
More and more people in the crew went to Luffy talking to him, showing him items they hold dear or giving him food
You could see him smile wide as he went around talking with his crew.
Usopp had a crafting stand and some childhood fairytale books
Choper has some little toys that Robin joined playing with him.
Sanji showed some childhood snacks he would make for his mother.
Nami opened her garden to anyone who could pluck a tangerine which was rare.
Franky shad a show to show off his robot abilities and skill.
Brook played songs for the crew.
Jinbei played around like a father being dragged to every station.
Robin reached some of an old language she used to know.
Zoro slept.
And Luffy laughed as he sprung around and also ate half the food.
You let out a breath as you saw Luffy happy again and enjoying the time with the crew.Everyone seemed so happy and joyous even when something tragic happened that turned into something joyus, and comforting.
Luffy wrapped his rubber arms around you thanking you for helping him and also letting him have party that is for everyone on the crew.
You loved this crew so much you would shake the world for them to be happy.
You couldn't hope for a better crew than this.
Shoutout to petalpetal for being my first ask I hope I did this the way you wanted this I really enjoyed writing this very much!
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Zoro x fem!reader
"I should've been stronger" - a ficlet for which I might write a second part in the future
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„Goddammit! Shit!“
You hear a loud bang as you get closer to the training room, as if something heavy hit the wooden floor with force. Carefully, you enter the room without making any noise. Zoro stands in the middle, breathing heavy, his bare torso is covered in sweat.
„What do you want?“ he asks you harshly, looking at you now. You feel slightly taken aback, although you know that abrasive tone of his well.
„Sanji sent me to let you know that he’s about to serve lunch“, you explain, not stepping closer yet, intimidated by his bad mood. „You skipped breakfast today I’ve heard, you must be hungry“, you added, sounding as friendly as you can muster to calm him down a bit.
„Go tell that shitty cook that I’m gonna eat whenever I want“, Zoro answers grimly, walking towards the giant, heavy weight he’s been tossing across the room in frustration, and the wooden planks croak in relief when the weight is been lifted off them. It’s a telltale sign of Franky’s masterful craftsmanship that the floor isn’t damaged from the action.
„I’m not on this ship to do your errands, Zoro“, you give back dry and firm, and that finally catches his attention. He likes and values when someone stands up against him to defend themselves. „What’s wrong?“, you then ask him softly while he’s busy putting the weight back on its rack. He stands with his back to you and sighs.
„I should’ve been stronger“, Zoro says with an angry, but bitter voice.
You close the door behind you and step into the room, shortening the distance to the swordsman a bit. „What are you talking about?“ you ask him, crossing your arms in front of your chest. „We all got out of the fight alive and safe, didn’t we? Usopp delivered the desicive shot and we defeated the enemy! What else do you want?“
„That’s exactly the point“, Zoro retorts, finally turning around to look at you. „If he wouldn’t have landed the shot, we would’ve been doomed. The whole thing was way too close!“
„We would not have been doomed. Besides, Usopp is a brilliant sniper and you know that.“
„That’s not what I’m talking about.“ Zoro turns his head away now. You know what he means.
„You did everything you could. You have to trust us to do our job the same as we trust you. You seriously need to give up control“ you scold him, closing the distance between you and Zoro further. „You can’t be everywhere. Why do you always think that the weight of the world lies solemnly on your shoulders alone?“ You invade his personal space as you come to a halt right in front of him, but he refuses to look at you.
You want to help him, want to show how much he means to you, but you don’t know how to reach out to him when he’s closed all the walls around him. You can’t stand seeing him like that and you want him to know that he doesn’t have to deal with his feelings on his own.
„I should’ve been stronger“, he then repeats, sounding a bit broken this time, and the tiniest sign of pain and fear flashes across his face, like there’s a tiny hole in those walls surrounding him, you know he hurts, and you don’t think twice as you gently wrap your arms around his broad, muscular frame, your head rests on his chest that starts to get cool from the sweat, but his heart beats vividly. He doesn’t reciprocate the embrace, but he doesn’t push you away from him either, and if he does enjoy your body being close to his, he doesn’t show it. But you want to show him that you’re here for him, and you hope he gets the message.
You don’t want to overdo it though, he still has his pride, so you slowly release him from your embrace and look in his face, and to your surprise he looks back at you with an expression hard to read. However, you smile.
Zoro’s not one for much physical contact, and it was only yesterday that he stared at you with that look on his face, during that hard and challenging battle, when the enemy unleashed an attack towards you that you didn’t manage to dodge in time, and just before you have been hit, you felt a strong force pushing you out of the way, and it took you a moment to realise that Zoro caught you in his arms to jump out of the way, you still have no idea from where he came flying from, but he saved you, quickly scanned you and asked if you were okay, but you were deeply enthralled by the sensation of his strong arms around you as you sat on his lap, and he stared back at you and you felt that something just…. clicked. You told him you were fine, thanks to him, and he held you just for another moment and you couldn’t take your eyes off each other. Take care he then said as he released you gently and jumped right back into the battle, drawing his swords.
But the enemies were strong too, and hard to defeat. You found yourselves backed into a corner and when you thought that this time, you wouldn’t make it, the whole crew including yourself watched Zoro gather his last remaining strength as he unleashed a mighty santoryu attack, but he couldn’t prevent Luffy from taking a hard hit and getting slammed on the ground while the main enemy prepared himself for the last and final blow to destroy you all…. Quick as a flash, Usopp jumped into action and shot at the enemy, and that was enough to defeat him and lead his comrades to flee, with Usopp being the hero for once.
After the battle, the crew rested up and decided to have a party, but not so much Zoro, who was physically present, but not mentally. You waited for an opportunity to check up on him, but you couldn’t meet him in private during the evening and due to mismatching sleeping schedules didn’t see him again until now. You’re still not sure if there is something more between the two of you, after what happened yesterday, and Zoro never appeared to view a woman in a romantic way, but maybe he just hasn’t met a woman he was truly interested in yet.
„So… you were worried about me?“ you try and Zoro breaks eye contact for a second.
„About the crew“, he corrected you. „About all of you morons. We’re getting closer to the last island. The danger is real out there.“
That small hint of disappointment in your eyes goes unnoticed by him.
He walks past you to get his towel and dry himself up. You silently watch him putting his favourite white shirt on and grabbing his swords to tie them on his right hip as he turns his head around to you.
„Come on, let’s grab something to eat before Luffy devours our share.“
You hesitate. You want to say something, ask the question that has been lingering on your tongue since you hugged him, since you felt the comfort and warmth of his body again, but you don’t have the guts. Partly because he’s behaving as usual, partly because you’re afraid he’d say no, tell you you’re seeing things that aren’t there, a feeling that’s only amplified because he behaves exactly as usual. Well... expect for him allowing you to put your arms around him.
Maybe he needs to be given comfort as well.
Zoro still waits for you to answer his suggestion. You discard your thoughts for now, nod and follow him to the kitchen to see him defend your and his plate from the ever-hoggish Luffy.
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akwolfgrl · 10 months
Part 15 LFT
Zoro wiped the sweat off his body, the clouds giving him a short break from the beating sun. Normally he'd find somewhere to hole up for a short nap after lifting but today he felt like bugging the cook. He had too much fun riling him up, his pale skin flushing so easily. Zoro thought it made him look even prettier, Sanji was just pretty. He didn't care that men weren't supposed to be considered pretty; he thought that was stupid. It might even lead to sex or a fight, either way Zoro would be a happy man.
Zoro headed towards the galley, where both Sanji and Usopp sat at the table. They were both huddled over papers, Usopp was working on some new ammo or something. He had a glass of a reddish pink liquid with ice next to him and two small rice balls with what looked like bits of vegetables scattered throughout. Curly had a cup of tea next to him and nothing else as he wrote on a piece of paper with his ridiculous feathered pen.
“Your snack is on the bar, I made rice balls, similar to onigiri but the vegetables and meat are mixed in and not just in the middle. I used some leftover vegetables from dinner last night and some fish,” Sanji hadn't even bothered to look up at him. “The drink is also for you, it is a bit sweet but it's good for hydration. There is a shot rum just for you and your alcoholic ass, Mosshead.”
Zoro grumbled at not getting the attention he had been searching for, as the current bastard was too busy. He took a seat at the bar, backwards so he could stare at his lover, he grabbed the drink and grimaced at the slight sweetness. He really hated sweet shit but still drank it anyway, before grabbing the plate of rice balls.
“What are you even writing curls?” Zoro asked, stuffing another rice ball into his mouth.
“A proposal for Nami,” Zoro stared in horror at the blonde head bent over, how could this happen to him?
He was trying to win the man in front of him over and yet he was thinking of marrying Nami. He couldn't believe this, his lover who he had just fucked last night was in love with another.
“Proposal? But why?” He needed to know what the hell he did wrong? How to fix the problem, maybe Sanji would give him another chance when Nami turned him down.
“She controls the money of course,” Sanji replied, finally looking up at him, confusion clear on his face, no cigarette smoke to cloud his expression.
“What are you hoping to get?” Ussop chimed in peering over at what Sanji was writing, and Zoro was glad that the other man had saved him from speaking.
“I'm hoping to get canning supplies, I have some personal funds but this would be used for everyone. It would save time and money. For example I'm making these numbers up but let's say tomatoes are normally ten bellies a pound but someone has them on sale for only five bellies a pound. If I buy a hundred pounds of tomatoes I can turn them into tomato sauce and tomato paste, saving money in the long run from having to buy as many in the future,” Sanji explained much to Zoro's relief.
Zoro nodded along as he countied to enjoy his snack. Now that he knew he had a chance and that Sanji wasn't trying to marry Nami.
“Do you have a good chance?” He asked, he never would have thought about doing something like that, then again other than new swords there wasn't really anything Zoro needed in regards to his position on the ship.
“Well I also made some chocolate truffles with the rest of the chocolate in hopes of buttering her up first, of course I'd have made them for her anyway,” Sanji gusted towards the fridge with his feathered pen. “Oh afterwards if she says yes want to have celebratory sex?”
Ussop choked on his rice ball, one look at his embarrassed face, and Zoro was almost certain that he was the one who had watched them last night. He had a panicked look on his face when Sanji began to slap his back.
“Do you really need to talk about that in front of me?” He whined trying to recover from his near death thanks to Sanji!
“Why not? We're all guys here back at the Bartiria all the guys talked about was food, fucking and fighting,” Sanji shurged like it was normal. Then again… did any of them really know what normal was?
“Speaking of fighting, shit-cook wanna fight?” Zoro throws out instead, giving the poor sniper a chance to escape for now.
“Yesss, I've been itching for a good fight, but after I give this to Nami-swan~,” He motioned to the paper under his hands.
“Umm guys, can you maybe not damage Marry?” Ussop asked them timidly. He was trying to make himself small enough not to be talked to but still request the respect of their ship.
“Of course, I'm sure we can manage that,” Cook reassured Ussop while smiling.
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mrsclownisajoke · 1 year
One Piece! Various! x Female! Reader!
The straw hats have spotted an island! And to no one's surprise, they weren't welcomed. And now they somehow got themselves in a situation of welcoming another crew. What a day.
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"Pirates? Again?" One old lady wearily sighed, "do they never learn?" another guy whispered as they watched a boat with some kind of sheep dock at the island. They shook their heads and hurriedly went back to their village to share the news.
Meanwhile, at the straw hat's ship. Usopp had just announced that he had spotted an island and realized just then that, that was a bad idea. "Oi luffy...!" The rest of the crew momentarily stopped and turned to see the stretched arms of their captain holding on one of the trees on the island, before they could protest, luffy had already blasted himself off with a shout of "MEAT!!".
"that idiot...!" Sanji groaned as the crew sweat dropped at the sight of Nami's deadly aura from behind.
"MEAT!!" Luffy ran aimlessly as he drools, already thinking of devouring the whole village supplies as he eats till his hunger fades – which would be close to impossible. He ran and ran until he stopped when he smelled...something delicious....something like...his eyes turned to meat and he immediately dashed towards the direction where the smell was coming from.
At the same time, his crew was already docking the going merry by a high cliff, hiding it from plain sight.
"I swear, if luffy causes us trouble I'm gonna double–no! Triple his debt!" Nami stated firmly with an angry smile, usopp sweat dropped as he muttered, "when has he not?" chopper clung to him as quickly as he hurried left to whatever when he saw Nami's smile directed to him.
"well, we gotta buy supplies then find the captain later. At this rate, we're gonna die before we even get to another island." Sanji blew from his cigarette as he went down the going merry, "DON'T WORRY NAMI-SWAN! I'LL KICK THE CAPTAIN IF HE EVER CAUSES TROUBLE~!"
"stupid cook." Zoro muttered not-so-loudy and Sanji immediately fumed as he heard, "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU STUPID MARIMO?!" Their forehead butted each other in dominance as the others sweat dropped.
Eventually, the crew arrived at the village. However, they were stopped by some civilians who looked at them with disgust.
"Say your business! Do you wanna meet the witch or to raid us?! Answer!" Before anyone could react, ussop already began to shake to his knees as he shouted "WITCH?!"
"W-WITCH...WITCHES ARE TRUE?!" Chopper trembled beside him, "of course not." Zoro answered smoothly as he walked forward. "If you guys wanna fight, just say–"
"SHUT UP!" Nami's bawled fist connected to his head, "IS ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT, FIGHTING?!"
She turned towards the villagers with a sweet smile, "sorry about that. And no, we're just here to restock our supplies don't worry."
"As if! You're pirates!" A young man shouts, his anger was short-lived and was replaced by fears as he didn't dare to look at the side. "That's no way to talk to a lady, haven't your parents taught you that?" Sanji's feet were only an inch away from the young man's face. The others were startled and started to back away, and the young man lost his footing and fell on his back.
"hey guys...why don't we find luffy and leave immediately? Didn't you hear? A witch..." Ussop was cut off by sanji's scream of "MELLORINE~!". He was probably thinking of a woman with huge boobs...and...ussop blushed at the thought and immediately shook his head. Focus ussop! Witches are known to turn people to frogs!
Nami sighed as she watched the villagers run away as the ussop was narrating. "We're already in trouble...ugh, what's wrong with this crew..."
"I could have cut their legs so they wouldn't run at least–" Zoro only recieved another bump on the head as Nami comically cried.
The young man from before slowly crawled away when he froze as a chill ran down his spine. "Where are you going?"
Nami stepped forward, "you're going to help us, won't you?" With Nami's smile and sanji's glare at the back, the young man peed his pants.
This is part 1 y'all I would have made part two but the things I wrote deleted itself after I saved it so I lost motivation. Part two will probably be posted after a year or two. Lol, joke.
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justasillyoldfox · 3 years
One Piece: Strawhat Ansgt Headcanons
♡This is my Strawhat angst headcanons. Don't like 'em? Leave ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
♡This non-angst headcanons are here
WARNINGS: Dark themes, angst, mention of character death, derealization, cursing, trauma, spoilers
♡Luffy: Because of watching their brother, Ace, die in their arms he has PTSD, severe depression, and he does have episodes where he detaches from reality and thinks his surroundings aren't real (derealization). Jinbei will help him cope with his depression and derealization episodes sometimes. He touches his scars a lot, exspecially the one on his chest
♡Zoro: He is highly afraid of his friends and crew members dying, that is why he always thinks he needs to be stronger. So he can protect his friends. He cannot handle the anxiety of losing his friends and a few of his coping mechanisms are sleeping so he doesn't have to think about it and training so he is focusing on something other than the horrible thoughts that come to his mind. On rare occasions he will wake up in a cold sweat because he had a nightmare about what happened back at the Sabaody Archipelago (Arc)
♡Nami: She is afraid that something like the past will happen to hear or her friends so she tries to keep everyone safe in her own ways. She does have PTSD because her past and because of what Arlong did to her mother, her village, and her mentally and physically. Usopp and Luffy will help her cope with episodes she has and try to keep her spirits and tell her they won't let anything like that ever happen to her again
♡Usopp: He is very insecure of himself and how he is perceived by the world, they don't want to be a burden to others and have them clean up their mess. He is afraid his crew will leave him if he made a mistake or not be seen as manly (Water 7 Arc). He has improved on his state of mind and physical well-being...but you can never stop the horrible thoughts that will come from the back of your brain and remind you of horrible things you have done. Nami will usually help him with these hard times and remind him of all the good he has done for the crew and how they can't move on without him
♡Sanji: After the Whole Cake Island Arc he will get reoccurring nightmares about how he was a kid, locked up in a cage, tortured by his brothers and father. He will sometimes cry, Zoro will usually accompany him in these times and let him ramble on about it, cry, stay silent, or even fall asleep on him. Luffy will let him take a break from cooking so he can get some actual sleep and let Nami or Robin cook for the time being if that's what he wants. He doesn't usually let others see how tired he is of doing anything so Luffy and Zoro both have to pressure him to take a break and enjoy the sun or being pampered by everyone a little bit
♡Chopper: Chopper's anxiety used to be really high but after being with the Strawhats he has learned he doesn't need to go by societies rules and can be whoever he wants to be. He usually sleeps in due to his insomnia and tries to make up for it by taking care of the crew while hes awake. He makes sure everyone feels welcome so they don't have to feel like he did when he first ate his devil fruit
♡Robin: She is a bit afraid of not being wanted but after Water 7 (Arc) they have come to the realization that she is truly wanted somewhere safe from her past and the feeling of being hung by the neck if she did anything wrong. She is grateful for such a place as being with the Strawhats and Luffy especially so she will protect him at all cost so she can keep the man who told her to say that she wanted to live to fulfill his wish and become the Pirate King
♡Franky: He is afraid of his closest loved ones dying so he will continue to upgrade himself so he can protect those he loves from harms way. In the beginning he was to afraid to really be close with the Strawhats because he didn't want them to end up like Tom, dying to save his life. He misses Tom dearly but is grateful for his close ones still being alive
♡Brook: Even though they joke about how they are already dead, he is still very afraid of death, as this is his last chance at surviving. He will get depressed about life and how he has left his past crew mates behind but will keep reminding himself he has the Strawhats and needs to see Laboon again
♡Jinbei: Sometimes he feels as if Queen Otohime's death was his fault and how Nami suffered a great deal because he let Arlong loose. He will try not to show it but he is an emotional person, so he will occasionally say sorry to Nami and she will continue to forgive him as she knows he still needs to grow from his slight traumatic past. He is grateful to have such another caring crew. They don't let people judge him for how he looks or acts because they will smash a couple of bitches who hurt his feelings in any way
♡I'm sorry if this is a bit shitty but I have been holding this off for about 2 days so here take this :)
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
I read all your soulmate AUs and they are SO well writen! I was wondering if I could request the same soulmate body swap AU with zoro instead?
Absolutely love your writing and thanks in advance😚😚
Hello! i'm sorry i took so long! but here it is and thank you so so much! ❤
That night, the Strawhats were at a bar celebrating Zoro’s 23th birthday. Sanji didn’t want to make cake for him, but Nami asked him very nicely. Brook and Franky sang him songs, and Usopp made him a present. The young man was having fun, surrounded by the people he loved, and even the cook wasn’t being annoying. He was feeling thankful.
— Maybe you’re going to meet your soulmate this year. — Robin smiled.
— Soulmate? — the green haired man raised an eyebrow, not knowing what she was talking about. He was very dense about things like that. — What do you mean?
— When the youngest soulmate turns 23, they switch bodies. And the only way to fix it and switch back is kissing. Not simply kissing, but kissing after falling in love. — she giggled. — Isn’t it fun?
— No! I would hate to be in someone else’s body for who knows how long. And if I don’t fall in love, I’ll never go back to my body.
— Well, mosshead, I don’t think you falling in love would be the problem. — Sanji interrupted the chat. — But someone falling in love with you is impossible.
Even though it was Zoro’s birthday, the two of them couldn’t stay without fighting for 24 hours anyway. Meanwhile, you were having a sleepover at your house with a couple of your best friends. You were drinking some wine, talking about your love life, and hearing your friend’s story about when she met her soulmate. The story about when they met, when they kissed and switched back. It sounded so magical, you couldn’t wait to meet yours.
The next morning, you woke up and stretched before opening your eyes. The house was noisy, more than the usual, and the place smelled so good, like someone was making food. Which was weird since your friends never really made breakfast after a sleepover.
Opening your eyes, you looked around and noticed this wasn’t your room, and the people sleeping there definitely weren’t your friends. For some reason, you felt like you couldn’t see well. Also, the chest with scars and the calloused hands weren’t yours. The portholes made you realize it was a ship. Looking at the people sleeping, they didn’t look like marines, nor had any uniforms in sight. So your soulmate was a pirate! Which was very exciting.
All you could feel was genuine happiness when you realized it your soulmate! You finally switched bodies with him. After years imagining how it’d be and how they looked like, it finally happened.
You got up trying not to wake the others, and went to try to find a mirror as soon as possible, wanting to see every detail of this man. You already knew he had strong arms and a toned chest, but you wanted to see his face.
While heading to the bathroom, you saw a blonde man. Since he was apparently a crewmate, you smiled and greeted him.
— Good morning. — you said, walking trying to find a bathroom before the cook could even answer. Sanji was speechless by Zoro being suddenly polite and waking up earlier than everyone else, that he didn’t even have an answer on the tip of his tongue like he usually does.
You finally found a mirror in the large bathroom. The place was beautiful, not the way you expected a pirate ship to look like.
The reflection showed a green haired man, tanned skin, wearing three earrings on his left ear, the man also had a scar over his left eye, which was closed. He looked intimidating in a good way, if that makes any sense. Damn, that man was good looking.
You traced the scars on his chest slowly, wondering how he got it. You only imagined the stories he could tell you after switching back.
— Marimo, are you going to be there forever? — a knock on the door made you jump. — This bathroom isn’t only yours.
You opened the door and saw the same man from earlier. Giving him an apologetic smile, you made your way out of the room.
— I’m so sorry, I was already leaving.
A few minutes later, everyone started to wake up. During breakfast, you tried to keep as quiet as possible, sweating whenever the cook stared at you as if something suspicious was going on. Should you tell him about what was happening?
— Hey, Zoro, why aren’t you drinking your sake yet? — a boy with a long nose asked you, tilting his head to the side.
— Isn’t it too early to drink that? — you raised an eyebrow. Did your soulmate really drink that early in the morning?
When you asked that, everyone went silent, except the boy with the strawhat, who kept eating everything from his plate and from other plates too. Their eyes were wide, and mouth hanged open.
— Zoro, are you feeling sick? — a cute raccoon asked you. When you saw him talking for the first time, your heart stopped, but everyone on this ship acted as if it was natural. — You usually don’t refuse to drink.
— I’m okay, but thank you. — you smiled, patting the animal’s head.
While finishing your meal, you heard the crew whispering talking to each other while staring at you. It felt awkward, but you tried to act as normal as possible.
— I didn’t think Zoro would find his soulmate so soon. — Robin said. — That was fast. What’s your name? — she asked, looking at you.
— I’m… (Y/N). I’m from a small island, hopefully not far from here. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything… — you bit your lip. — I was afraid of how people would reacted when I told them the truth, so I tried to act… As if I was him, but I have no idea of how he acts.
— You refused beer and were polite with Sanji. You started wrong. — the orange haired girl giggled. — Don’t worry, let’s find your island.
When you told him about where you lived, you realized it’d take around two days to arrive. It was frustrating, but you spent a lifetime waiting, two days are nothing compared to that. You took this time to get to know the crew better, while everyone kept telling you stories about Zoro.
He was a strong swordsman, who always got lost and liked to drink sake. He took many naps and spent the rest of the time practicing. Everyone said nice things about the man, except Sanji. Apparently they fought a lot.
And then the day was finally there, and you could see your town from far. The crew decided to go with you trying to find Zoro, since he probably went out and got lost. You gave a few descriptions about your appearance so they’d know who they’d be looking for.
Walking in front of a forest, you spotted your figure walking. It was your soulmate, who was lost. He was cussing and walking in circles.
— Hey! — you said, smiling and waving, getting his attention. — Found you!
— Ah, I guess you’re my soulmate. — he walked towards you. — I was taking a walk but… This forest wasn’t here before, I don’t know what happened.
You couldn’t help laughing, he wasn’t joking though. He really believed the trees popped out of nowhere like magic, and that’s why he couldn’t find his way back. The two of you went silent, a comfortable silent, just looking at each other.
— My friend explained about soulmates and all… So we can… Try to switch back now, if you want. — he looked away, trying to hide the fact he was extremely flustered.
— Yes, we can. — you bit your lip, cheeks feeling warmer. — I guess we’re alone here, so it’s a good time now.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to make a move. Zoro didn’t have much experience with this, but he wanted to impress you anyway. So his hands gently held your face, while he pulled you into a kiss. A gentle peck that became a little sloppy kiss, you tried to make him follow your movements. He took the hint and finally it felt like your lips were perfectly for each other.
Opening your eyes, you saw your soulmate. His half lidded eyes, and a slight smile on his lips. He looked so good, and cute at the same time. Without any warning, you claimed his lips one more time. The man was caught off guard.
While walking around trying to find the others, you two started to actually talk to know each other.
— Hey, Zoro... — you said, getting his attention. — When did you fall for me?
— Well, I'm not the best with this kind of stuff, but when I saw the swords in your room, I knew the universe brought me the right soulmate.
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portgasairlines · 2 years
Seasonal Romance
Tw: Foul Language
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Chapter Six: Phone Calls and Naps
Chapter Seven: Lunch and Kisses
Zoro watched Luffy as he slept, his chest rising and falling with each breath. He was sure he'd seen Luffy blush, but as soon as it appeared, it also disappeared. He could have been wrong. He wrapped his arms around Luffy's waist and buried his face in the crook of his neck. He was sure his feelings were becoming more noticeable at this point.
"What am I going to do with you...you're driving me crazy."
Zoro mumbled to himself, making sure he didn't wake Luffy up. Then he saw a shadow appear over them. He looked up, and a cold sweat started to form.
"You like him, don't you?"
Zoro sighed, but nodded. He could feel his face heating up.
"Who would of thought. Does any one else know?"
"The cook."
Nami smiled and crouched to their level.
"That explains a lot. Well, I can definitely say your odds are better than Kids."
Zoro gave her a small smile, knowing that it was true.
"Then I'll leave you two alone. Have fun napping I guess."
Nami stood up and left. Zoro just pulled Luffy closer, wanting to sleep as well. The weather was nice, and the shade and small breeze made it better. If he could, he would have stayed like that for hours. Fortunately, fate decided to give them the time off.
After an hour or so Zoro woke up to familiar voices. He looked up see Usopp and Chopper staring right at him. Well, more like staring at them. He still had his arms around Luffy.
"Shit what the-"
Usopp slapped his hand over Zoro's mouth. He whispered.
"I have never seen him sleep so calmly. He always looks uncomfortable."
Chopper nodded.
"By the way, what is this? Why are you two sleeping together?"
Brook walked over, a cup of tea in his hand.
"Isn't it obvious? With the way Zoro-san acts it's clear that he likes Luffy-san, yohohoho!"
Zoro scowled. Had everyone but the man he's in love with noticed?
Usopp turned back to Zoro, analyzing him.
"I think you're right Brook. Wow, who would have imagined."
"If you three don't leave right now I'll make sure you can never walk again."
Usopp shivered at the thought. He quickly stood up, Chopper following his lead.
"Then we'll leave you be. Come on Chopper, you wanted Robin to lend you a book right?"
"Oh you're right! I need it for my assignment."
With that they left. Brook on the other hand walked towards Franky, who was trying to build something for a nearby squirrel.
Zoro sighed. He hoped they wouldn't bring it up to Luffy, who wanted to be awake by the time they arrived.
After a few minutes he decided to wake Luffy up. It had been over an hour, if anything he should be getting proper sleep at home instead of at the park. He shook him slightly, which didn't work. Then he tried calling his name. Didn't work either.
"How much sleep have you been getting at home?"
In the end he couldn't wake him up. There were other methods, sure, but he didn't have the heart to yell at him. After a few minutes tried one more time and shook him with more force, and it worked.
Luffy looked up at Zoro, their faces inches apart. This caused him to remember what happened at the roller skating rink, and he blushed. He quickly turned.
"Everyone's here now."
"Are they? But I want to sleep more."
"You can sleep more once you get home."
"But you felt more comfortable than my bed! Maybe it's because I've had it since primary school..."
Zoro gave a soft sigh and ruffled his hair.
"We can go buy you a new bed then."
"No thank you. I got it from my brothers, I'm not replacing it."
"What? Then tell them to buy you a new one."
"But I have the money for one."
Zoro wanted to strangle him.
"Then buy one. I'm pretty sure they would tell you to do the same."
Luffy pouted at the thought. He rested his head in the crook of Zoro's neck.
"I guess. I'm just too busy to buy one these days."
Zoro knew he was just being lazy, but he didn't bother pointing it out. That's when Nami came towards the two.
"We're about to start eating. Let's go you two."
Luffy quickly stood up.
"Really?! Finally! I'm starving."
Zoro stood up and followed behind them. He looked around and saw that the spot that they originally had was no longer being occupied by them.
"Oh marimo, come help me for a second."
Zoro walked over to Sanji, who quickly pulled him away.
"What the-"
"Earlier, you were about to confess right?"
Zoro started at him for a bit before running his hand through his hair, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Shit, yeah. I was lost in thought."
"You scared me, and I'm not even the one who's confessing or being confessed to."
Zoro smiled, which made Sanji groan.
"I hate you. Come help me, we're moving closer to the lake."
He handed Zoro the basket and pulled him by the wrist. Everyone else was already there. Nami was talking with Usopp and Luffy, and Robin was playing cards with everyone else.
Once the basket was put down everyone started talking and eating together.
"And then Kaya kissed me!"
Sanji choked on his drink.
"What?! You got kissed before me?!"
Usopp laughed.
"Clearly ladies prefer me over you."
"I'll kill you."
Nami bit a piece of her fruit.
"Haven't you two been dating since September?"
"Yeah, but being kissed is nice."
"Hm, is it?"
"Nami-san we can try!"
Nami just smiled at Sanji. Robin flipped through her book.
"I can say that it's nice as well."
Everyone stopped and turned towards her. Sanji looked like he had just been stabbed.
Robin looked up from her book. She blushed when she realized all the attention was on her.
"Oh, I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."
Nami smiled.
"That big of a deal? Who was it?!"
Franky laughed.
"Yeah, who was it?"
Robin sighed and closed her book.
"Wouldn't you like to know Franky."
He just smiled. Usopp stared at the two before putting the dots together.
"You kissed Franky?"
Robin nodded. Sanji was close to attacking Franky, but was stopped by Brook and Usopp. Zoro and Luffy just watched the commotion.
"Sorry for not waking you up on time."
Luffy turned to him.
"Hm? Oh it's fine, if anything I'm happy I got to sleep longer."
Zoro nodded, a little happy he was forgiven. Luffy bit his sandwich, some of it getting on his lips.
"Didn't your siblings teach you any manners?"
Luffy frowned.
"Of course they did! Kind of."
Zoro rolled his eyes and brushed his lips with his thumb. Luffy stared at him for a second before smiling.
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strawbabysimp · 3 years
Sous-Chef || Jealous!Zoro x Reader
Genre: Light Angst
Category: Jealous!Zoro x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Misunderstandings, Obsessive Working Out, Relationship Insecurities
Request(s): "Hello!!! I found your blog a few days ago and I felt like I absolutely had to make a HC request! Your writing is amazing!! Do you think you can do a HC on Zoro having a partner who likes to cook and shares the kitchen with sanji? maybe a little jealousy?"
A/N: I started this as headcanons but I got a bit carried away and it became a fic~ I hope you don't mind💕
"Those two are getting along pretty well, huh?"
Zoro looked up from his lap, his drift into slumber interrupted by the long-nosed sniper's words. His brow furrowed in confusion before following Usopp's gaze, catching sight of you and Sanji laughing amongst yourselves about something he wasn't privy to by the kitchen door. He wasn't surprised to see you there, often spotting you alongside the chef cooking up some new recipe he didn't understand the specifics of but would end up eating nonetheless. At his Nakama's lack of response, Usopp hurried to calm down the already cool-headed man. "Not that anything's, ya know, happening, or anything like that! I didn't mean that- I mean... You know what I meant." Zoro shrugged off his concerns inturn for returning to his attempt at sleep, this time without interruption from his crewmate.
He fell asleep to the sound of laughter.
The next day was interesting, having woken up to the shuffling of clothes and hushed voices. His senses were keen and he picked up on the ones responsible for the disturbance immediately. What were you and Sanji doing?
"Hurry up before you wake up the Marimo. I have something to show you!" The cook's voice was raspy in his attempt at quietness and Zoro was tempted to steal a peek at whatever was so interesting you had to get up before sunrise to see. "Shhhh!" You scolded the other man's insistent words.
Right after the initial shock of this wore off, a much more cynical thought made its way into his head.
He wasn't welcome. That's why you hadn't woken him up. That's why he couldn't come along with you, clinging close to your side in the morning air as you laughed off the curly-brow's stare of discontent at the sight of him. Whatever this thing between you and Sanji was, Zoro had no place in it and that notion was supported by the both of you. Zoro wasn't welcome in this part of your life, even as a spectator, and you had made sure of that.
You stepped out the door and his heart ached. He wasn't mad - not at you at least. He was confused. He hated being confused. Anger at least meant he understood the situation, but right now, he was left alone in the bed you and he were meant to share, feeling far too lonely for a man whose partner was just outside.
You came back in after some time, getting back into bed with a content sigh, the heat of his body warming you up from the cold dawn air. He was stiff beside you and you called his name in a low voice. He didn't respond to your questioning tone and you gave a soft smile to his relaxed face.
Zoro could only sense your stare, not your feelings, and turned over with a small, well-placed groan.
The light shined through under the door and it was Zoro's turn to wake up before you. It had to have been a few hours since your mysterious departure and return to the room and while he was still plagued by the many questions your actions left in his mind, no good could be done laying around.
He quickly got ready for the day, fixing his clothes in the mirror for a split second before heading out to the deck. The smell of food hit him and he knew that whatever the cook was making was going to be good. Not a surprise. Despite the pleasant aroma, his calm mood shifted and he wanted nothing more than to get away from the tell-tale signs of breakfast.
Your voice rang across the deck and his chest tightened. He turned around to face you, the soft smile on your face a welcome sight no matter any internal struggles he was facing. He knew trust was a difficult and sometimes fatal thing but he truly did have faith in the fact you wouldn't do anything to hurt him. This was his own issue. He trusted you(and Sanji but he wasn't about to say that).
He put off his training for a later time, the cook calling out that food was ready soon after you had approached him. Everyone quickly gathered and as the food was placed down, forks at ready to fend off their Captain's gluttonous hands, the Strawhats dug in. Your thigh was pressed against Zoro's and in the approaching winter island weather - and truly any instance at all - the contact was most welcome. Zoro poked at your plate playfully, expecting a laugh as he half-heartedly went for your food, but was surprised to see it garnered no reaction. His eyes traveled up your neck and he spotted your upturned lips which had a small smile of his own gracing his face, but as he looked at your eyes he realized you weren't paying attention to him in the slightest. You were looking at Sanji. And he was smiling back.
The pleasant expression on the swordman's face dropped away and he went back to eating, catching Robin's eye whilst doing so. The two shared a blank look and Zoro nodded at her before continuing his meal.
Your cheek pressed against his shoulder as he chewed around his fork, the warmth that filled him at the action burning in a masochistic sort of way. He knew he should talk to you but some part of him was scared of the answer and avoiding feelings was something Zoro did best. Be logical and win. That's all he had to do. But was there even something to win? And if so, hadn't Sanji already won?
The affectionate gesture received no reaction just as his had before and you removed yourself from his warmth.
Breakfast ended and with a quick press to your forehead Zoro was off, no doubt going to train up until lunch. The smile you received was tender yet rushed and you tried to trust in the fact that Zoro would come to you if something was wrong. Confronting him made him uncomfortable and you tried to avoid that when possible, giving him a place to express himself freely without forcing it out of him.
You made your way back into the kitchen, asking Sanji if he needed help with anything. He turned down your offer politely, content with the process of making the crew drinks on his own, but at the look on your face, he changed his mood. Directing you off into the food storage to get him some supplies, what he had originally planned to be a simple hot chocolate was now turning into an assortment of treats. He could tell you needed something to distract you and what better than cooking alongside the ship's gifted chef to soothe your need for occupation.
The snacks practically made themselves, you and Sanji working in sync as you gave the occasional comment or request. By the time it was done, there laid mugs of hot chocolate topped with fresh whipped cream and an assortment of cookies for everyone to choose from that would hopefully satisfy them until lunch was ready.
Sanji took the liberty of handing out the food to the ladies, stopping by Chopper as well because who could resist the cuteness of the blue-nosed creature. It was hard to believe anyone could consider him anything other than adorable perfection. You were of course stuck with the boys, balancing the dishes as you handed them off with a word of thanks from the recipients - or the occasional attempt at grabbing another serving.
The only person left was Zoro and when you didn't find him in his usual napping spot you crossed the deck with a sigh. That man truly was too predictable.
"Hey Y/N! Looking for Zoro?" Usopp questioned, the chocolatey drink coating his upper lip as he smiled. You nodded. "He said he wanted to be left alone to train. I'll graciously take his food though!" The sniper reached out for the goods, taking them from your frozen hands as you frowned. You always delivered Zoro's food to him when he trained, even if it went cold he ate it just so you would stop by to bring it to him. Maybe something really was wrong with your boyfriend.
Zoro's muscles ached under the strain of the weights, he had lost count of the reps by now and had no intention of stopping any time soon. His arms begged him to put them down, already far surpassing his goal for the workout session, but he couldn't. He found peace in the rhythmic movements and the pain only seemed to calm his mind. The endorphins in his brain fueled him on and he could easily see himself becoming addicted to the act; if he wasn't already that is.
All the anger and confusion faded into the background as his body screamed at him to stop. The sweat dripped down his face and the plain white shirt he adorned was soaked through with the moisture. He would have taken it off but that would require a break and that wasn't something his mind allowed at the moment. He let the fabric cling to his body as he focused on the movements.
A knock at the entrance had him dropping the heavy equipment without a second thought, looking over to where he had set his swords. He worked to catch his breath, the pain in his chest yet to subside due to the lengths he had pushed himself when the smell of tobacco flooded his senses.
"What are you doing, Marimo?" Sanji said without his usual instigating tone, the cigarette balanced against his lip as he spoke. The declared "Marimo" huffed, not happy to be interrupted by the main cause of his grief.
"Get out."
"I'll leave when you get your grassy head out of your ass and stop doing whatever it is you're doing."
"And what exactly am I doing, Cook?"
Sanji shot him a look, annoyed by his Nakama's false ignorance. His next words weren't a suggestion. "Fix this."
He turned around without another word, leaving Zoro alone once again, his only company being the cigarette smoke lingering in the air as a cruel reminder of the other's words.
Zoro didn't have the will to leave the space, the workout equipment surrounding his now near-sleeping form. He knew avoiding the issue would only make it worse but the comfort of being alone to dwell in his ill feelings was too tempting to resist. Just as he was about to lay down for a quick nap a knock broke him out of his wallowing state. Could he not get an ounce of peace on this damn ship?
His eyes widened at the person approaching.
"The one and only," you said in a somber voice, approaching the man. You weren't used to the lack of alcohol flooding your senses as you got close. He always smelled a bit of the drink and the small difference had you shifting on your feet, only adding to the uncomfortable mess of the situation.
You sighed, tugging Zoro up and along behind you as he simply gazed at you in confusion. He wanted to rip his arm away from your grasp, not a fan of being grabbed so harshly, but the lack of physical contact between you two left him a little more lenient if it meant he could touch you.
The trek to the food storage was silent, the tension between you two lessening slightly despite no words being exchanged. You caught a few looks from the others, some sending concerned frowns or even a stern glare from Sanji directed at your boyfriend. He didn't come in here often unless it was to steal alcohol - he came in here pretty often - and the way his eyes shifted around the room made it obvious he was uncomfortable with the situation yet decided to stay to see whatever this was through.
You let go of his arm to make your way over to the corner, pulling a box into view that had Zoro walking over himself to see. The top came off with a crack and you moved over slightly so he could get a better look from beside you. The container was filled with what looked to be little balls of algae but couldn't possibly be from how they sat on top of one another.
"Sanji found these on the last island. He said they reminded him of you, well, he said they looked like some sort of moss ball which is basically the same thing-"
Your words faded off into the background as Zoro peered down at the box, the contents staring back at him mockingly. He picked one of the fruits up, surprised at the hard exterior, and turned to face you.
"Is this why you snuck off yesterday?"
God, he felt stupid.
"Snuck off?" Your eyes widened in realization.
"It was supposed to a surprise! I thought maybe I could make you something with them. I would never... What did you think was happening?"
Zoro met your gaze with a shrunken expression. His words sounding pitiful to his own ears. "I didn't know what to think Y/N," his hand came up to card through his hair as his eyes shut, "I didn't want to think anything."
You gave a soft smile, knowing the conversation could get far too grim at a time that was supposed to be pleasant. "Sanji wanted to show these to me. I think he wanted to do something nice for us. He can be a bit of a dick," Zoro laughed at your words, "but he's sweet." There was a million different things he could say in that moment to counteract your words but decided against it. The weight that had been crushing his ribs finally dispersed and with a smirk he asked, "So, what can you make with these?"
You grinned, going off on a tangent about all the things you and Sanji had tried, the swordsman watching with bright eyes at the enthusiastic verbal reenactment of your cooking trials.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Intense Training Session With Zoro - F! S/O
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A/N : if you think I wasn’t going to make a steamy nsfw post for Zoro, especially based on this? Then you’re wrong. lol
Summary : Asking Zoro for some advice and tips on training, leads to a different kind of lesson. Not good with summaries—
“Hey, Zoro?”
Emerging from below and helping yourself up from the ladder that lead up to the crows nest, you smile at Zoro.
The swordsman stops his lifts for a brief second to glance at you, nodding his head to acknowledge your presence before continuing his lifts. “Oh, [Name]. What’s up?”
“Nothing really, I just have a favor to ask.” You say cautiously, smiling more at him as you walk towards him and then took a seat on the couch by the window.
Zoro grunts a bit as he sets down the barbell and picks up his towel to wipe his sweat a bit, glancing to you from the corner of his eye.
“What is it?” He asks suspiciously, his eyes narrowing at you and your awkward, shifting figure.
“Uh, nothing much. Just, do you think you could...” You slowly stood up, walking around side to side, back and forth slowly.
Zoro raises a brow at you before you finally blurted it out.
“Can you please train me? Let me join your training sessions. Give me some lessons to get stronger!” You stop in your tracks and bowed a complete 90° to him.
He was pretty taken back, not expecting you to be so forward as he clears his throat, his cheeks a bit pink as he furrows his brows.
“W-Why me?” His tone sounded a bit harsh, but it wasn’t his intention.
You stand straight and look at him confusedly. “Because you’re the strongest one in the crew... you’re really strong, and I figured if I want to get stronger, you’re the best person to ask. But if you don’t want to, it’s fine! I can ask Sanji or-“
“It’s fine.”
You widen your eyes at Zoro, who was turned away and still holding the towel up to his face. “We’re starting in 20 minutes. Get changed and come up here by then. I’ll teach you some lessons.”
You smile brightly and grin at Zoro. “Of course. Thanks, Zoro!” With that, you’d head down from the crows nest, careful not to fall from the ladder as you made it to the main deck and went to change.
Zoro continued to hide his pink cheeks behind his towel as he exhales softly, wiping the rest of his sweat away.
He felt a bit surprised that you thought of him to train you, and that he was the strongest one in the crew. ( other than Luffy. )
He felt a bit embarrassed hearing that from his crush and couldn’t help the warm cheeks of his.
He was contemplating answering you, but mostly just thinking about how’d he feel, but after hearing you mention the stupid love-cook, it made him annoyed and he spoke without thinking.
He wasn’t sure if he was going to regret this or not, but regardless, you asked him to help you train so that’s what he was going to do.
Why did he agree to help you?
Currently doing some stretches as you were told, he couldn’t stop his lingering eyes from wandering all over your body, your curves being accentuated by your spandex shorts and tight tanktop.
It didn’t help you were in the middle of toe taps, bending over each time and showing off your ass directly in front of him.
Zoro shifts a bit uncomfortably, clearing his throat as he averts his eyes. “Alright, that’s enough stretching. Let’s get started.”
Standing up straight, you turn to see Zoro heading over to the dumbbells and you nod, following after him.
“Let’s start off with something easy. Grab a dumbbell and do a 100 squats with 100 lifts.”
You did a double take, widening your eyes. “T-that’s easy?” You ask, clear disbelief in your expression.
Zoro raises a brow and nods. “Of course. If we’d been doing this for a while, I’d make you do five hundred or more.” He says, as if it was obvious enough.
Giving a small hum, almost a whimper escaping your lips, you sweatdrop a bit.
‘Perhaps I asked the wrong person to train me..’
Seeing his skeptic look, you sigh and grabbed the lightest dumbbell you could find, before going over to the center of the room and positioned yourself.
Then, gripping the dumbbell tightly in your hand and into a lifting motion, you spread yours legs and began to squat.
Zoro made his way over and watches as you begin to squat and lift in unison, walking around you in a circle. His eyes glossed over your figure to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself with any bad form you accidentally had, but he was quick to be distracted by the sight of your ass.
Imagination was quick to take over his mind, letting himself see that you were bouncing yourself up and down on an imaginary dildo, with the heavy pants from you being heard as you picked up the pace to get it done quicker.
Biting his lip, Zoro slowly walks around to look at you from the front and stare at your big breasts bouncing with each quick squat you made.
His mind let himself imagine his hands squeezing them, one for each hand and let his ears be filled with the sound of your sweet moans as he pinches your buds.
Then he started to imagine you were bouncing on his semi-hard cock, that he hadn’t realized was forming.
With each big bounce you made on his cock, he would harden and let his arms and hands roam your ass and then up your curves.
He’d shut his eyes tightly, small grunts escaping his lips and right into your ear as he huskily spoke into it.
“You wanted this to happen, didn’t you? You purposely asked me to train you because you knew it’d lead to this, so you even wore such clothes in front of me..”
“Zoro..” was all that could be heard from you as he pulls you close and thrusts up into you, breathy loud moans filling the room.
The way your walls tightened and clenched around him would make him groan out, even more so at your nails clawing at his back and pressing his face into your breasts as you rode him hard.
Zoro would growl a bit and just as he began to thrust roughly, he’d—
Widening his eyes, Zoro snaps to reality and sees you standing in front of him with furrowed brows. A bit of sweat could be seen on your forehead as you wiped it away and stare at the green-haired swordsman.
“You okay? I’ve been calling you for a while, you just stood there with your eyes shut.”
Zoro blinks a bit as he takes a look at your body before his own. Slowly, a blush rose to his cheeks as he turns away from you, scoffing.
“I’m fine, did you already finish the 100 squats and lifts?” He says, turned away from you and you nod, a bit confusingly. “Yeah, I did.”
“Good.. do 100 more.”
Pouting, you huff and went towards him, moving so you stood in front of him and disregarded his red face.
“Come on, training isn’t just squats and lifts— I-I’m sure anyways. Let me do something else!”
Zoro looks down at you, and felt his cheeks warm further when he caught a glimpse of your cleavage. He scratches the back of his head before exhaling heavily.
“Fine, we’ll spar a bit. Grab a staff.” Pointing to the stacked bo staffs on the shelf against the wall, Zoro went to his own that was on the ground and picked it up.
Smiling in satisfaction, you nod and went over to the stands and picked a light staff up. Though it was wood, it was smooth and had rounded ends. Gripping it allowed you to not have to worry about splinters, so that was nice.
Walking over to the mat where Zoro stood, you showed him the staff and he nods.
“Good, now try and hit me.”
Humming a bit, you didn’t waste any time to start swinging the staff towards him, charging towards him with each swing but Zoro merely blocked and dodged with ease.
Each lunging towards him let your breasts bounce and Zoro was slowly becoming distracted again. His erection was still there from earlier, and if you stopped and looked closely, you could see the bulge in his grey sweatpants.
Biting his lip and watching the way your legs move since you were quick on his feet, made him so distracted that you managed to get a hit on him in his gut and the action startled him enough to knock him down.
You quickly used this to your advantage and jumped over to hover on top of him and held the bo staff horizontally over his neck, ready to press down but instead just held it above him.
Slowly, a grin took over your lips as the realization settled in. “Hey, I did it!”
Overwhelmed with your victory, you hadn’t noticed you were straddling his hips and more specially, ass pressed against Zoro’s crotch below you.
It wasn’t you sat up straight, panting a bit, did you realize what you were sitting on and what was poking you.
Glancing down at Zoro, you see his eyes shut tightly as he quietly grunts and panted a bit himself. His face was flushed.
Tilting your head innocently, you swayed your hips up and down and the softest moan was heard.
“O-Oi, what are you doing?-“
“Did you even try to hide it?”
Chuckling at Zoro, you began to grind onto him a bit, feeling his bulge grow beneath you. “It was visible as soon as you started staring at me while I was squatting.”
Zoro widens his eyes as his blush deepens, him scoffing a bit. “Shut up, I can’t believe you decided to wear this instead of something else.”
You simply roll your eyes. “Would you have become aroused if I wore a hoodie and some sweats like you?” You cheekily question, grinding against his crotch harder.
As you said this, you hum and began to reach for his hand and bring it up to your breasts, letting him grasp it.
“Come on, tell me what’s distracting you from your teaching. Is it my outfit? Because any other woman could wear it... or is it just me in general?”
Zoro bit his lower lip as his eyes began to fill with lust, watching you smirk at him and tease him.
He growls lowly as he forces himself up and turns so you were now on the ground and he hovered above you, hands pressed on the floor on either sides of your head.
“You think you can tease and play around with me like that?” He scoffs, his eyes shining a dangerous glint in them.
Quickly, he plasters a devilish grin and leans down to your ear, hands making their way to the hem of your spandex shorts, gripping the waistband between his fingers.
“Looks like you need to be taught a different kind of lesson.”
A/N : this has been in my drafts for so long ( 2 months ) and it’s so old and like, this is just a little something and I know it’s not great but it’s something ;-;
This is completely different from how I wanted it when I first started writing this and because I can’t remember, I changed it that’s why it’s a little messed up, weird, rushed and doesnt match the title nor summary at all.
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mrskisaki · 4 years
This has been in my head for a few days so I decided to finally write it, hopefully, it comes out good. Reading @redhairedace fic gave me the final push to stop procrastinating lmaoo. I hope y'all like this since y'all know how I feel about writing fics so it's gonna be short lmaoo
I love this song and it's very underrated: Perfect- Selena Gomez
Sanji x reader 18+
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Different inflection when you say my name
Kiss me, but your kiss don't taste the same
Is it real or am I going out of my mind?
”Sanji! You're back! How was your trip, did you find any new foods?” Rushing to greet your lover, you leaned up to kiss him, craving that warm loving kiss and embrace that you've missed while he was away. But instead, the kiss you received was cold and stiff. ”It was fine (y/n), I have to go prepare dinner for tonight, now if you'll excuse me.” He dismissed himself, walking towards the kitchen but before turning ”Nami-swann~ that outfit looks amazing on you! Is there anything specific you want to eat tonight?” With hearts in his eyes, he listened to her request and rushed off to make it, leaving you standing there wondering if it was something you said.
Curious 'bout the company that you keep
'Cause I hear you talking 'bout her in your sleep
And now you've got me talking 'bout her in mine
Glancing at the clock, you rolled over wondering why you were awoken at this godawful hour but thought nothing of it since you were wrapped in your lover's tight embrace. Closing your eyes, you listened to the beating of his heart and allowing it to lull you back to sleep, it almost worked until you heard him speak ”Oh Nami-swan~, you're so beautiful. I love you, please marry me...” frozen, you tried to convince yourself that you misheard him but the fact that he let you go and turned his back to you had you thinking otherwise. The coldness that crept upon you made you realize that you were never warm, to begin with.
Ooh, and I bet she has it all
Bet she's beautiful like you, like you
And I bet she's got that touch
Makes you fall in love, like you, like you
You sat in silence, watching him cut vegetables for the upcoming meal. You never once brought up what you heard that night, thinking that maybe you misheard what was said because of your fatigue but the distance between you two started to grow with each passing day. ”Sanji... Is everything okay? You've been distant lately, are you alright?” Putting a hand upon his shoulder, you try to make eye contact but he shrugs you off ”I'm fine, you're disturbing me and if you don't mind, can you leave? Oh and tell Nami-swan~ that I’ll have her dessert out in a minute, thanks.” Turning around, he resumed his previous tasks, leaving you standing there staring at the back of his head without a second glance. Leaving the kitchen, you did as he asked and the smile on Nami’s face didn’t sit right with you.
I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest
I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips
Maybe I should be more like her
Maybe I should be more like her
I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too
And she's perfect
And she's perfect
Sweat glistening on the two bodies tangling in the sheets, moving in sync with each other but it wasn’t the lovemaking that you were used to; it was dull and felt like just a way to relieve stress. There was no sweet nothings whispered in your ears, no soft kisses on your breasts and no hand-holding, not even eye contact, instead, it was something to just get over with. Getting close to his edge, he sped up in his thrusts “F-fuck Nami-swan, you feel so good” cumming in you and catching his breath, he pulled out and went into the bathroom to clean himself then returned to bed and turned his back to you, leaving you with the familiar coldness creeping upon you. Getting up to go finish yourself off and wash, you couldn’t help the tears that ran down your face. You knew it was over, it's been over long before you noticed.
How does she touch you? can I try it, too?
I know you're twisted, but baby, I'm twisted, too
I wanna know how she could make a man lose his mind
”Sanji you goof put me down!” ”Ahh but Nami-swannn~ this dress makes you look like the most beautiful princess the world has ever seen! Thank you for blessing me with such a sight!” Spinning Nami once more, he set her down but didn't let go. Their harmonious laughs echoed around the deck, she truly did look like a princess; a princess that took everything you had. They were a sight to see, a perfect picture and you were the outcast. “Oi (y/n)! Come play tag with me, Usopp, and Chopper!” Being dragged away from the scene is what stopped the thoughts in your head. No matter what you told yourself, you knew what was going to happen and all you could do is just sit there and wait for it to happen. Bracing yourself day by day for the inevitable that would bring you pain, no matter how hard you tried, you just weren't her, you weren't good enough for Sanji.
With the smell of her perfume
I could love her, too, like you, like you
And I can almost hear her laugh
Curving on her back for you, for you
Sighing from the stress of the day, you wanted nothing more than to sleep the night away but upon reaching your shared room, you heard it. The sweet soft moans of the woman who captured your lover's heart and the rocking of the bed. “Yes Sanji, right there! I fuck you better than she does, don’t I?” “F-fuck.. Nami, you’re better than her in every way. I love you” You could tell by the pitch in his voice that he was close to his peak and by the increase in volume in hers, she wasn’t far behind. Standing there behind the closed door, you wonder how many times they've slept in the same bed that you sleep in at night, how many times has he told her that he loves her, how many times has he told you he loved you and not meant it.
I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest
I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips
Maybe I should be more like her
Maybe I should be more like her
I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too
And she's perfect
You knew this day was coming but it still filled you with anxiety and made your stomach turn. The silence in the cold room didn’t help to ease the harsh thumping of your heart. When he opened his mouth, you knew what words would spill out ”I'm sorry (y/n) but I no longer love you. It’s not you, it’s me. I woke up one day and the sparks were gone and Nami- Nami was there, my feelings for her were greater than the ones I had for you. It was a mistake confessing to you, it was lust, not love. I’m in love with Nami, I'm sorry” The way he looked at you is what devastated you the most; apathetic. You truly meant nothing to him, 3 years together, 3 years of laughter, of smiles, of love meant nothing to him. He watched as you wept, looking down on you as if you were the one in the wrong. Turning around to leave the room, he called out once more with the coldest voice you've ever heard ”Make sure you have all your belongings and move them back into your old room before dinner.” Shutting the door behind him, you couldn't help the sobs that escaped your mouth.
I can see her body rushing into you
Crashing on your skin
Burning within, burning so deep, deep
On your skin, skin next to me
She's crashing on your skin
Settling in, burning so deep, deep
On your skin, skin while you sleep, uh
“Z-zoro, I don’t know what I did wrong... I gave him everything and I still wasn’t enough.” Cradling your body into his, he sighed. Zoro knew of what Sanji and Nami were doing, the whole crew knew but there's nothing they can do about what's already done. The swordsman wanted to kill the cook and would have if you didn't forbid him from doing so. Moving a piece of hair out of your face and wiping the endless tears away, he felt his heart shatter with the look on your face; broken, Sanji had broken you and didn’t even care. “(y/n)...I know it hurts but you’ll be better, it’ll make you stronger. I know you loved him but you have to let him go, if you let me, I want to be the one to pick up the pieces. I won’t rush you into anything you don’t want but no matter what, I’ll be here for you” tilting your head up, staring into his eyes, two hearts beat in sync with the other. Taking a deep breath, you leaned in, foreheads touching, breaths mixed into one “Are you sure?” Putting a hand upon your cheek, wiping a stray tear with his thumb “Yes.” Lips collide and a piece of the broken heart gets picked up.
I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest
I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips
Maybe I should be more like her
Maybe I should be more like her
I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too
And she's perfect
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lawslessons · 4 years
So I read your rules and saw your requests were open 😊 can I ask for Sanji X Reader oneshot/HC where they are having one sided feelings for that cook from a long time but this person doesn't even notice. Angst with happy ending please. Im a sucker for angst and happy endings. Please ignore this if you are not interested. 💜 take care!
Sanji x Reader: Just a Glance
Yes! I am so happy you requested this! I had an amazing time writing this and I hope you enjoyed this!
Warnings: Minor Angst
Synopsis: Thrown away looks and sympathetic smiles, that was all the chef wad able to offer them for the longest time. The longer they were forgotten by the chef, the more desperate and fearful they became and the harder they seemed to fall for the oblivious, love sick man. But through a twist of fate and a simple glance, will their destiny being to not look so bleak?
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They sat across the table from him and watched as he doted on the women that were there. The hearts in his eyes thumped rhythmically as he served the women who didn’t even acknowledge the chef’s existence. Nami and Robin didn’t seem to notice the chef’s affections, but they did. And god, they wished that were them. If Sanji were to approach them like that, they knew that would melt, combust, explode. Their heart would swell up and they knew they would be no better than the chef in front of them. But that wasn’t how things worked now, was it? The chef turned over his shoulder and shared a small glance at the person who was staring at him from across the room. They sighed dreamily and watched as the chef turned away, he seemed to not notice their affliction. Or was it because he didn’t care? If that was the case, they didn’t blame him. After all, he was a powerful man, someone who could get whatever he wanted very easily, and that was something that upset them sometimes. Why would he want to settle for someone like them when he could have any other woman or person in the world? This had been going on for quite some time. They would always try and do their best to get Sanji to look over at them, acknowledge them in the same way he did the girls. Were they so different from them?
They remembered their first encounter with the chef. When they were recruited by the boisterous captain, a party was held in their honor. While everyone was talking and playing games, they had noticed that someone was missing from the group, yet all this food was appearing constantly. After putting two and two together, they decided to venture away from the party and over to the second floor of the ship where they saw the chef preparing food for everyone. They lingered at the door and took in the breathtaking sight. The blonde chef took in a deep breathe of his cigarette and looked down at the pans in front of him. While there was a lot there, nothing seemed to be messy. His swift and dexterous hands moved efficiently around the stove and mixed, stirred, flipped and turned the food. There was a small bead of sweat that dripped down the side of his forehead and onto his cheek but he was quick to wipe it away. He didn’t seem to notice the wide, impressed stare he was being given across the room. The chef rolled his sleeves up and used a hand to brush part of his hair up before he continued with his cooking, he was focused, nothing seemed to be distracting him and he looked like the type of man who would get disturbed by any disruption. So out of respect for his craft, they left the kitchen with a red face. They leaned back against the kitchen door and felt their heart beginning to thump rather sporadically against their chest. When they placed their hand on their chest and felt the poor organ struggling to relax, they smiled. This was the start of something wonderful, wasn’t it?
Wrong. Completely wrong.
The look Sanji was giving the other women who were there was making that painfully obvious for them. It took all inside of them to resist saying anything, doing anything. What would it take for him to finally notice them? The women seemed to notice their friend’s affliction quite some time ago and had a plan for it in place. The women saw it as a perfect plan which could get the love-sick cook off their back and give their friend the attention they so craved from their crush.
“Oi, Luffy? Sanji? Why don’t we all play a game?” Nami suggested as she gently traced her finger along the lip of her glass. Sanji grinned and bounced over to Nami’s side before he clasped his hand into one of her’s.
“Yes! Anything for you,” Sanji said with a large grin on their face. Perfect. Nami smirked over at Robin who looked over at their confused friend. What were they all plotting? No matter what it was, they had to admit that they were curious and wanted to be a part of it. So they reluctantly moved over to the table and watched as Nami clapped her friends when the group all gathered.
“These are the rules, we all have to sit in a circle and we will spin a bottle. Whoever the bottle lands on has to go into the closet and read off a question assigned to them by the group,” Nami explained.
“Isn’t that just seven minutes in heaven without the heaven?” Franky asked, Robin kicked his leg under the table with a small smile on her face. “Yow! Why did you do that?” Franky frowned to which Robin chuckled and gently brushed her dark hair over her tan shoulder.
“Anyways, like I was saying, that’s the game we’re playing and if any of you have a problem with that, I don’t wanna hear it,” Nami stated before she went to lead the way over to the main deck so they could all sit in a comfortable circle. Once everyone was situated, Sanji brought out an empty sake bottle and placed it in the middle of the circle before he went ti sit next to Franky. Excited about getting this started, Franky grabbed the bottle and spun it. Much to his surprise, it landed on Zoro. Zoro looked at the bottle in some concern but stood up and went to go into the cramped closet with Franky. Some yelling was heard, but when both of the men came out they didn’t look angry at one another, in fact they both looked rather pleased with each other.
“We are never talking about that again though, ok?” Franky frowned at the swordsman who just rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face. The whole crew was left wondering what had happened in the closet. The other rounds were uneventful. Robin went with Usopp and Chopper went with Nami while Brook went with their captain. All that seemed to be left was them and Sanji. And Robin knew this. The cunning woman watched as the spun the bottle and used his devil fruit abilities to make the bottle stop on the chef. She watched with a pleased expression on her face as her friend looked shocked and then terrified.
“Look’s like you two are up,” Nami grinned as she watched the confused chef and their friend stand up and slowly make their way to the closet. When they were both inside, they both finally realized just how cramped the space was, neither of them knew how Zoro and Franky were even able to sit in here.
“What’s the question?” They asked Sanji. The chef looked down into his suit’s pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper before he began to read over it.
“What’s your biggest fear?” Sanji asked with a small frown, “How are we supposed to answer this in seven minutes?” He asked, they couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. He never understood, did he? Perhaps that was their biggest fear.
“I know mine,” They shared as they rested their back against the wall and sighed. Sanji lit a cigarette and watched them in some curiosity, “But I want to hear yours first,” They said with a small grin.
“You drive a hard bargain,” Sanji dryly laughed as he blew out the toxic smoke into the communal air and sighed. “Never being good enough for someone,” he shared, that came as a surprise to them for sure.
“What do you mean?” They found themselves asking him.
“Relationships and stuff I suppose, I guess I always go around to other women and people because I guess I never expect myself to be good enough for one single person. Sound’s pretty shitty, doesn’t it?” Sanji asked them.
“It kinda does,” They admitted which made the chef laugh. They smiled when they heard the sweet music of Sanji’s voice reach their ears. “Now I guess I should say mine, right?” They asked Sanji to which the chef nodded. He seemed to be a lot more relaxed now that his secret was out of the way. “Having the person I love never loving me back,” they explained with a sad smile on their face. Sanji once again looked confused, it shocked them how dense he actually could be in moments like this.
“Love? You love someone?” Sanji asked just as the door was being opened by Robin’s hand.
“It doesn’t matter I suppose, I know he’ll never love me back,” They said before they left the closet and looked at all of their friends sitting in the circle still. “I’m feeling tired, I think I’m going to sleep early,” They announced as they went to leave. And unbeknownst to them, Sanji looked over at them with a concerned look. 
He was up for the rest of the night, pacing round the kitchen and saying goodnight to the rest of the crew. It was quiet for the whole night, but there was one thing that broke the silence. He heard a door opening somewhere on the ship, and when he poked his head out of the kitchen, he caught sight of them standing by the railing of the ship and looking out into the night sky with a small smile on their face. Sanji was now the one who found himself staring at them and taking in their features. He supposed the thing that surprised him the most, made him the most worried was the sad look in their eyes. Those bright, beautiful eyes were illuminated by the stream of tears that flowed onto equally beautiful cheeks. The chef couldn’t bear to watch them stand out in the cold air with such a despairing look on their face. He stepped out of the kitchen and removed his suit jacket and went up behind them. He blew out some of the smoke in his mouth as he dropped the fabric over their shoulders and watched as they turned to face him.
“I can’t sleep because of you,” Sanji shared, he watched as their face suddenly pinked and Sanji slowly began to put the pieces together. But he needed to be sure about this before he did anything. “I guess you’re awake for the same reason too, right?“ Sanji asked as he crossed his arms over his chest to keep himself warm for as long as possible. They hugged the jacket closer to themself and looked away from the chef. Sanji reached his hand forward and gently touched their chin with his finger and led their face to look him in his exposed eye. “You can be honest with me,” He assured them.
“Yes,” They found themselves saying without even realizing what was coming out of their mouth.
“Yes?” Sanji asked as his hand moved to cup their cheek. He felt his heart skip when they relaxed under his touch. Was this happening? He just talked about his fear with them a couple of hours ago, and now here they were, so close to dissipating their fears. “I’m scared of you, what you’re doing to me,” Sanji admitted as he pulled his hand away and stuffed his hands rather ungracefully in his dress pant’s pockets.
“What am I doing to you?” They asked with a sudden frown. They removed the jacket from their shoulders and shoved it back into Sanji’s arms. “You’re acting as if this is all my fault, do you realize what all you’ve done to me? How much I’ve suffered because of you?” They asked as they stepped back, their hands and feet practically hugging onto the rail. “You’re so blind, Sanji! You are everything I want and everything I’m scared of at the same time! I can’t take it!” They snapped as they dug their nails into the wood and looked up at Sanji with pitiful eyes. Sanji was in shock, his cigarette fell against the deck as he watched them cry and break down in front of him. Sanji didn’t know how to handle this, them. He never had to deal with something like this and it caught him off guard, he was shocked and felt as if he was punched when he finally came to a serious realization.
“I’m your fear?” Sanji suddenly asked.
“Yes! You Id—“ They were quickly cut off when Sanji pulled them into a hug and held them close and tight to himself. They stopped talking and looked at the chef with wide eyes as they were suddenly being kissed. Sparks flew and they both knew that what they were feeling was real and raw and powerful.
“I don’t want you to have to fear me,” Sanji said as he pulled them closer and hid his face against their hair and sighed. “You don’t need to fear me anymore, I’m yours, I want to be yours. I was so blind until now,” Sanji confessed as he looked down at the person in front of him. They wiped their tears away and felt their jaw drop just a bit, Sanji confessed to them, was this a dream?
“Yes! You, only you,” Sanji assured them with a small smile. “Only you…”
“Only me.” They mumbled, “What changed your mind?” They asked, they were genuinely confused, they didn’t understand how he could be so certain about all of this.
“I just had to open my eyes and look at what was in front of me… it took a glance.” Sanji smiled. They found themselves smiling at what the chef had said and dryly laughed at the irony of the situation, that was how they knew they liked Sanji. Loved him. Fell for him. And god, they were falling even harder now. As the sea breeze blew Sanji’s hair out of his face, they instantly knew that what they were feeling was safe and good. They no longer had to worry about their biggest fear, they had someone to protect their heart, and all it took was a glance.
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xxrat-bastardxx · 4 years
mind if i slide in the first three parts of my zoro x reader fanfiction in here, its posted on archive of our own and wattpad too but i might just switch over to here so ppl can request one piece oneshots and drabbles n’ stuff anyway here it is:
Stargazer: A Roronoa Zoro x Reader
     I've been looking up recently. Not that I don't look up ever, as it is kinda my unspoken job on this ship. However instead of looking up to navigate the stars at night, lately I have been fascinated with looking at the crow's nest in the daytime, wondering what a certain swordsman was doing in there all day. Since I joined the crew the green haired hunk intrigued me. His cold personality strange to me as it was so different than everyone else on the ship. Although I found him interesting we never really had conversations, only short small talk here and there and common courtesy. A part of me wanted to get closer to him and find out all of his little secrets. The sane part telling me to leave him alone and find another person to bother.
    "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, pulling me out of my daydream, "FOOD!"
    "Go get Zoro while you're at it too," Nami followed.
    I got up from my spot on the grass and started my ascent. A sudden wave of excitement and nervousness washing over me. Finally I would learn the secrets of the crows nest. I unlatch the door and pull myself up, sitting myself up with my legs dangling out of the door.
    "Oh, that's boring," I say accidentally, quickly covering my mouth when I realized I actually said that out loud. Zoro drops his weight and looks at me, a puzzled expression on his face.
    "Excuse me? What did you say?" He questions even though he obviously understood what I said.
    "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. I was just expecting...Well I don't know what I was expecting, something different I guess." I answer not wanting to lie to the poor man I just insulted.
    Don't get me wrong walking in on a buff man working out is not necessarily boring. Just the obvious thing a buff man would be doing with his time. I guess I was hoping he would turn out to be a mad scientist or delicately painting the ocean from the perfect view the windows give.
    "Um...Anyway. It's dinner time, Nami wanted me to come get you," I say trying to change the topic and quickly make my escape. "I'll be going now, sorry I interrupted your workout."
    "Wait," Zoro says, stopping me before I leap down to the safety of the deck, "I'll walk with you." Weird. I just insulted him and now he wants to walk with me. It's not even that far of a walk either...
    I wait for him to grab a towel and dry off his sweat before heading down to the deck. Waiting for him at the bottom I listen to the commotion ensuing in the kitchen. If we don't hurry our damn captain will eat all the food. I hear a soft thump as the swordsman lands next to me. Looking up at him I shudder slightly just now realizing our hight difference. I quickly take in all of his features, never being this close for so long. Short green hair, did it always look that soft? Tan skin, was it always that smooth? Thick scar running across his chest, do you think he would let me touch it, I wonder how it feels? Damnit (y/n), why are you such a creep! I shake my head and start the short journey to the kitchen. Zoro following silently. I turn open the door to the kitchen with a smile and offer Zoro the chance to go in first. He nods to me in thanks and takes his seat at the table.
    "There you are (y/n)-swan! I thought that marimo brute kidnapped you, I was about to go save you myself," Sanji swoons carrying plates of delicious looking food. I laugh making his face light up as I sit down. The mentioned brute becoming visibly annoyed at the cook.
    "Don't worry Sanji he couldn't kidnap me even if he tried. Everyone knows I'm too quick to get caught," I reply teasing Zoro as I point my chopsticks at him.
    "Tch, how do you know...I wouldn't even want to kidnap you." Zoro grumbles poking at his food.
    "Did I make the moss head sad?" I jab, enjoying the thrill of making fun of such a powerful person. If I wasn't able to find his hidden talent, annoying him would be the next best thing. I wanted to know how far I could take it. I swear a slight tinge of red now dusted his cheeks and ears. Cute. He didn't respond but ate the rest of his meal obviously fuming.
"Luffy?" I question making the captain pause for a moment, "Who's on night shift with me tonight?" Since I navigated the ship most nights with the stars so Nami could relax, I usually asked for a helper to be on deck so I wouldn't drop dead the next day because of pulling all nighters every night. After asking it became apparent that Luffy hadn't thought of it one bit during the day. Which was typical of the airhead.
"Ussop!" Luffy smiles. It was obvious this was the first name to come to his head.
"Hey! I've done it 3 times this week already, why not someone else?!" Ussop retaliates. Ouch. I laugh it off understanding that for a normal person that was too much time to be awake.
"I'll do it," Zoro growls "I did it most of the time before she joined so its fine." This shocked me a little, he had never offered before and just after I've insulted him this much he wants to hang out with me? Or maybe he'll through me overboard as revenge. I guess if I survive the night I'll be able to learn more about him so maybe this is my dream come true.
After dinner I go to the back of the ship and watch the sunset, It was my nightly ritual so to say. Something calm to end the hectic days on the Sunny. I take in the salty ocean air and lean my head into my hand. The ocean was so peaceful today, a gentle current pulling the ship along gentle waves. So lost in the moment I didn't realize the person coming up behind me until I felt a strong pair of hands on my shoulders. I yelp in surprise and whip around to face my attacker.
"You say you're too fast to catch, yet you don't even hear me coming," Zoro scoffs.
"Hey, that's not fair, I wasn't paying attention," I pout crossing my arms over my chest. Now this guy was touching me? What the heck did I do to get all this attention, I thought teasing him would do the opposite! I guess I'm in for a long night.
    We sat in an awkward silence for the next hour, I still had no idea why this man wanted to give me so much attention all of a sudden. I had been on the ship for almost 2 months now and had never gotten any recognition from him before. Most of my time was spent with Nami talking about maps and directions, or with Ussop and Franky trying to make bigger better telescopes to research the huge sky above us. And if I wasn't with them I was usually sleeping, preparing myself for the night ahead.
    I look over to the man sitting a couple feet away, bottle in hand. Aha! Conversation starter, please let this awkward silence end!
    "So, you like sake?" Damnit he wouldn't be drinking if he didn't like it. Why did you ask something so obvious.
    "Yeah, I guess so." He replied taking another swig. Come on (y/n) think of something better. A few more excruciating minutes passed, nothing came to mind of what I could do to fix the situation.
"I don't really drink, I don't like the taste," I say, another awkward sentence for another awkward situation.
Zoro snickers, "I guess you just haven't had the right alcohol then," He reaches the bottle out towards me, "Try it," He says. Carefully I reach out and take the bottle in my hands. I shrug and take a sip. Nope still awful! I scrunch my face as the swordsman laughs. Wiping my mouth I pass back the bottle.
"Nope, definitely not for me," I mutter, earning another chuckle from Zoro.
"It seems like you don't like anything I do huh," Zoro says.
"Huh! No no no, its not like that I promise!" I quickly jab. I sigh and look up at the stars. Zoro softly punches my shoulder.
"I know I'm joking. You're different, I like that," He reassures me. At least now I know he isn't planning on throwing me overboard.
    "Wait what do you mean I'm different?" I say, the phrase finally hitting.
    "You aren't in awe of me, I respect that." Zoro says softly. A blush creeps onto my face, I didn't expect something like this from the guy. He seemed so cold and distant most of the time, it was quite intimidating. I look down at my lap, trying to hide the redness of my face. It was reassuring to know that the scariest person on the ship thought of me with respect. With those words the atmosphere seemed to lighten up. Instead of excruciating silence it was calm, like my moments with the sunset. I lie down looking at the stars, the spring constellations jumping out at me. The grand line may have the strangest seasons, but the sky remains the same throughout the years, on a cycle you could count on. Reliable as always, beautiful as always.
I hadn't noticed Zoro lying next to me until he spoke. "What are you looking at?" I turn to him our faces closer now.
"The constellations," I reply, "They help me figure out where we need to go, and what time of the year it is."
"Hmm, I never thought of it that way," Zoro says turning back to the sky, hands behind his head like a pillow. I daringly scoot closer to the man. Leaning closer to him I point to a collection of stars.
"Look over there is the Big Dipper, that one you probably already know. Oh, and over there is Virgo!" I explain excitedly. I continue to gush over the stars pointing out more constellations and going into some of the stories behind them. This goes on for a while, I spit out random star facts while Zoro nods and quietly takes in the information I shove at him. By the time my rant is over we are sitting up again, much closer than last time. When we first sat down it was as ship mates who barely knew each other, now it was like friends, who still, barely knew each other.
"You see, I grew up on a small, but well developed island. There was a lot of light pollution so I could hardly see the stars. Definitely not how we can see them tonight. My parents were just business people, nothing special, but my grandmother was an astrologer. She taught me almost everything I know about the sky now." I slow down, "Before she passed she told me that the only place I could truly see the sky in its glory is the sea. There no one can pollute the sky with bright lights and you'll be the freest you'll ever be. So that's what brought me to the Grand Line I guess. My parents weren't so happy about it but I didn't care what they thought." I hadn't noticed my tears until a calloused hand wiped them away. A small gasp escapes my mouth as I look up at Zoro, our faces much closer than I ever thought they would be. His hand remains on my face as he looks at me, the gears in his head turning. He moves a stray (h/c) strand out of my face.
I don't know what drives me to do it but I wrap my arms around the man's waist and pull him into a hug. My ear against his chest. It takes a few moments but he soon returns the gesture sliding his strong arms around me. My heart skips a beat as he gently caresses my hair, running his fingers through it. I feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breaths, the beating of his heart echoing in my ear. I knew he was just as nervous as me, even if he refused to show it. I slowly pulled away and our eyes met, locked in to each other for what seemed like hours. A delicate smile was painted on his lips and I smile back at him. What were once cold eyes showed a new formed warmth and fondness. New feelings sparked in me as I looked at his expression and got lost into his gaze. Bravery flooded through me and I hoped he felt the same spark I did as slowly leaned towards him again. I closed the distance putting my forehead against his, eyes closed. I hesitate for a moment putting my hands on his warm cheeks, then softly place a kiss onto his lips. I pull back hands still cupping his face. I look at him, a blush dusted onto his face. He places a hand on my waist and closes the distance once more, returning the kiss with more force than the last. My hands move to his hair as he gently leans me back to the floor. I look into his eyes again when we come up for air.
"I don't hate everything you do, I definitely like this," I say bringing him into another kiss.
A few days had passed since the exciting night watch with Zoro. After getting caught with Zoro straddling me by Luffy we were too embarrassed to really talk to each other. Especially when the stupid captain brought it up during breakfast the next morning. Who knew the kid would expose us like that,
"Zoro why were you wrestling with (y/n) last night? I thought you didn't like playing, you never wrestle with me," Luffy pouts reaching for another piece of toast. This alerts Sanji instantly,
"You brute! Why would you lay a finger on my precious princess?! Explain yourself swordsman!"
Me and Zoro both turn red like a tomato and look away from each other quickly. Nami and Robin snicker both knowing what was going on.
"Um..w-well you see, Its not like you think Sanji. We weren't fighting its f-fine," I manage to blurt out before Sanji went completely apeshit on Zoro.
"But why was he on top of you (y/n)?" Luffy asks. At this point Zoro was just about ready to bolt out of the kitchen and I was just about ready to melt into a puddle of embarrassment. With Luffy's new statement it seemed to have clicked with our ero—cook what was really going on...
I shudder as I recall the events of that awful breakfast and rest my forehead on the chart I had been working on in the aquarium bar. Robin pats my head as she reads her book.
"(y/n), you're going to have to talk to Zoro again. You can't just keep ignoring him like this,"
"I'd rather die than have that awkward conversation. Plus he probably is totally over me now, he's avoiding me too you know," I mumble into the paper.
"I'm sure that's not the case (y/n). I bet he feels the same as you do right now," Robin reassures me, flipping the page.
"I think I'm going to go take a nap to clear my head," I say softly closing the lid to my ink and rolling the chart back up.
"Have fun," Robin replies, lost in her book like always.
I start my walk to the girl's room remembering how gentle Zoro was when we kissed. It was a nice surprise, I didn't realize how caring he could be. His smile flashed in my mind, how genuine it was, how deeply he listened to everything I said, truly interested in every story I told about the stars. Everything that night felt right after we took down our guard walls. God I hope that's not the last time I see his smile.
Hmm, tomorrow is my night off, I wonder what I should do. Sleeping that whole time sounds like a waste, maybe I'll pamper myself extra and take a longer bath. Yeah that sounds like it will be perfect.
I turn the corner and suddenly trip over something on the floor.
"Ack! What the hell was that?!" I yell, rudely pulled out of planning my night off. I turn around to see who tripped me to yell at them some more but stopped once I saw who it was. "Zoro?! W-what are you doing napping in the hallway?"
He blushes slightly and turns his head away from me, "I was waiting for you so I could talk to you."
"Oh, umm what did you want to talk about?" I ask sitting up,
"I wanted to apologize. For the other night," He says looking in his lap.
"What would you have to apologize for? You didn't do anything wrong" I reply
"If it wasn't for me taking things too far then Luffy wouldn't have embarrassed you in front of the whole crew like that. I'm sorry that I was the cause of that," Zoro says starting to get up. Before he could walk away I grab his arm and pull him back down. I look him in the eyes making sure he listens to what I have to say.
"Zoro, you have nothing to be sorry about, I don't think you took things to far. I'm glad you did what you did and no amount of embarrassment is going to change that," I start, "Look, I'm just glad you don't hate me. I really like you, you know."  
Those seemed to be the magic words as Zoro face lights up, the same beautiful smile he gave me that night resurfacing. He leans closer and kisses my cheek. "Meet me in the crows nest tomorrow night," He says, turning back into his confident self. He kisses me before getting up, "I really like you too," He says before turning and leaving me sitting in the hallway.
It didn't register what I got myself into until a few moments later.
"Holy shit, I just confessed to Zoro. AND HE LIKES ME BACK!" I yell to no one in particular. I jump up and run the rest of the way to the girls room like a 15 year old who just met their celebrity crush. Not my best moment but it was so good to know how Zoro felt about me. It was even better that he felt the same way about me as I felt about him. I was to excited after that to get a nap in but that was fine by me.
\ \ \
Nami came in to get me for dinner a few hours later. I was surprised she didn't ask me about what had happened between me and the swordsman, I'm sure everyone on the ship could hear my squeal of excitement earlier. I'm sure her pestering would come soon enough.
We make our way to the kitchen quickly not wanting Luffy to eat everything before we get there. I was going to sit in my normal spot next to Nami but before I could get there a familiar hand grabbed mine,
"Sit next to me," Zoro says gently tugging at my hand. I smile and sit next to him mouthing a quick sorry to Nami. The new seating arrangement did not go unnoticed by anyone. Everyone was either shocked or weirded out by how physical Zoro had become with you. His embarrassment was obviously gone as he shamelessly had his hand on my knee the entire meal and kissed my cheek every once in a while. Sanji was fuming the entire meal as well, and Zoro shot him his normal icy glares. It was almost as he was making fun of the cook at times or maybe just making sure that Sanji knew his place.
It actually wasn't long before the meal felt like just an average dinner on the Sunny. Brook singing and joking with Franky, Nami being annoyed with Sanji as Robin laughs at his antics, Luffy eating all the food while Chopper and Ussop try and match his impossible pace. Time seemed to slow down every time I ate with the rowdy crew, just having a good time.
After dinner I head to the back of the ship again to watch the sunset like normal. It was the perfect day for a nice sunset, just enough clouds to make the light shine just right, caressing the sky with beautiful pinks and oranges. I smile, stretch, and head to the grass to sit with Franky to start the night shift. We had planned to set up the telescope so I could do some extra research for my chart.
It was getting late and only a few of the crew members were still on the deck. I saw the light in the crows nest go out and Zoro heading down to the deck. I tell Franky I'd be back and went to go say goodnight to the moss head. I get to the bottom of the ladder just as Zoro does.
"You off to bed?" I ask.
"Yeah, I have to be up early for training tomorrow." He says yawning.
"Ok sleepy head, get some good rest. I'll see you in the morning,"
"Goodnight (y/n)," He smiles and leans down to gently kiss my lips. I watch him disappear into the ship before I go back to Franky and the telescope, a grin plastered on my face.
I love the whole "Zoro is actually a cuddle bug" head cannon so i sorta ran with it in this oops. anywhoo lmk how you like it or if u want more, i’ll be taking requests for x reader stuff and writing more so yeah
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