pagestoread · 4 years
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march 2 | @progressaesthetics march challenge: If you’ve chosen a major, why did you decide on it?
i am a sociology major, and this is my first semester. and i am planning on applying to the social work program in my fourth semester. there are so many things in society that i want to understand more and why people think they way they do. i am also hoping to work with children and teenagers in the future.
i wanted to be a nurse when i was in my elementary years, but i realized that i am not good with blood and needles.
* and my cutie suga (sticker) says hi to y'all *
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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For my researching fellows, what are you researching on? If you’re not currently researching, what is the topic within your field that you’re most passionate about?
Prothesis and their improvement and affordability. I want to be able to make/do a prosthetic that is affordable enough for anyone who needs it, and not have it be something a selected few people with disabilites can get.
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ddaengstudies · 4 years
Sorry if you are getting a lot of asks about this.. but is there a certain tag I should post the zoomester studyblr challenge posts to? I am so excited to start doing this tomorrow! If not I'm just going to use #zoomesterstudyblrchallenge
Hi love! I’m so so happy to hear that you’re taking part in the challenge! Sure thing, that’s exactly the hashtag for the challenge!
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pagestoread · 4 years
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march 3 | @progressaesthetics​ march challenge: have you done a challenge before?
i haven't done a #studyblr challenge but i have done a lot of book challenges.
one of the things that i want to get out of this challenge is to get to know myself more based on the prompt of the day, as well as get to know more people here.
i have had a lot of tumblrs before and it was just for fun and i don't really get a lot of it. that is why i decided to shift to a bujo/book/studyblr blog-ish because i know i can benefit from it, and i really glad i did
* credits to my friends plants and nice apartment *
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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Quickly! tag urself!
five am. ice cold water. watching the sunrise. healthy smoothies. skincare. reads often. friends with everyone.
ten am. iced coffees. always in a hurry. golden hour aesthetic. remembers the little details. loves old movies.
midday. mom jeans. picnic dates. thrift-shopping. pinterest. low-key insecure. obssessed with photography.
three pm. the color yellow. walks everywhere barefoot. oversized t-shirts. can make anyone laugh. a bit crazy.
five pm. warm smiles. classy. aesthetic instagram feed. anklets. soft music. yoga. face masks.
eight pm. netflix. cuddles warm sheets. indoors life. loves singing but can’t. sweats. never sleeps.
midnight. driving at night. flirty. neon lights. wears a lot of read. neon lights. big sunglasses. karaoke.
three am. tired eyes. small sketchbooks. pressed flowers. stargazing from the window.
Definitely ten am, I probably have a caffeine addiction by now, and will forget your brithday but I wont forget that you like frogs and your favourite colour. I don't really have a favourite movie if I'm honest, though my comfort movie is Pride and Prejudice (2006) if that counts for anything
Happy Saturday, hope y'all can make the most out of your weekend!
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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Introduce yourself! What’s some basic info you’d like to share about yourself? Also! What are you studying? (If you’re in college, what’s your major? which semester are you in?)
Hi my name is Anniki, I am 19 years old and I am from Mexico. I am currently studying my third semester (or zoomester if you will) of Biomedical Engineering.
I am looking into moving to Osaka, Japan to finish my college tuition or start my masters there. I speak Spanish, English, a bit of Chinese and even less Japanese, but we're getting there.
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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What’s some random miscellaneous piece of information that you just happen to know?
Ohh this was made for meeeeeee and no I won't elaborate on any of these
The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused a domino effect that ends up with tentacle p*rn comics and h*ntai being created
We have ABBA bc of Hitler
The mangaka that writes Given used to do Haikyuu! a/b/o doujinshis
pls google the following:
why were chainsaws invented
spacemovie 1992
frank henelotter 1990 movie
martin walz 1996 movie
jordan rubin 2014 movie
John de Bello 1978 movie
Trey Parker 1997 movie
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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What are three things that inspire you?
thats a bit of a personal question. I am inspired by a lot of different things that surround me, so if you do have a couple of minutes to read and try to understand me more as a person rather than as a content creator, then do read on. If you don't have the time or you simply don't particularly care, then i advice you to scroll on, I'm sure youll find more and prettier pictures to look at in this infinite scrolling experience, perhaps you may find one of my reblogs appealing enough to reblog yourself.
I am inspired by myself, but not the self i am at this very moment, but rather the idea of who I, myself can and will become in the future. I wish to do so many things in my life that you see successful people doing, that you think, "if I only could do those things". I am aware that there's a process that has to take place in order for me to be able to get where I want to be, a hero's journey if you must.
But do not chuck up my dreams and aspirations as only material, dear reader. No. My dreams go beyond the material. Although, yes a nice place to live in a large city would be ideal for the kind of work and services I wish to provide in the future is the ideal, it is not an absolute necessity for me to achieve my dreams.
I dream of freedom, of understanding; I, dear reader, dream of knowing. Knowing what lies beyond what we understand today as mere humans. I dream of bringing knowledge to all who seek it. Of educating the masses so that they are not taken advantage of as our ancestors where. Knowledge, dear reader, is power and I don't want to add onto the history if holding that much power above people's heads.
I am inspired by what hasn't happened yet, but am certain it will happen one way or another.
I am also inspired by the promise of competition. A good adrenaline rush every now and then is healthy for a racing mind. I love to compete, it doesn't mean I always win, it doesn't even mean there's anything to win most of the times, but the satisfaction of feeling like you won something.
I like to compete against my classmates and friends on grades, we all know they don't determine anything other than on a scale of 1 to 100 how well did you understand, retained and rephrased the content you were taught. I like to fight them on a battle of knowledge that is on the grand scheme of things, as small and insignificant as a playground taunt.
I almost never win, I am aware of the fact that the people I compete against are more disciplined than me, smarter than me, better than me in more ways than one even. That doesn't mean I don't love each time the results are out. The adrenaline and anxiety I feel whenever I am waiting for my name to be called out and then a number. If fuels me to work harder and be better each time I have to prepare for an examination.
This inspiration brought by competition isn't limited to classroom games, it extends into public and even historic figures, almost like how many artists wish to be as good as their predecessors and the masters of their craft. I want to be better, I want to bring upon a revolution into a field of medicine that is going through one at this very moment. Technology advances so rapidly we cannot keep up with it. I wish to perfect it.
In a more frivolous side of my inspirations, I have to admit that aesthetics and the wish for recognition do inspire me to work better. As in, I will re do my notes and my desk and pretty much anything you see both on this blog and on my Instagram page, in order to make it more aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable and even relatable to the experience of other college students for their recognition. I know that this mindset might even become dangerous if left unchecked, and I am also aware that social media is fake in more than one way and I, by partaking in this behavior, am helping this notion be all the more real.
But seeing how much passion people put into their on platforms fills me with joy and even a little bit of envy; as I wish I could make my notes as pretty as them, or as organized or as abundant. I love to see people find their niche in the studyblr / studygram community and fully embrace it and it inspires me to try to be more like them and find what works for me. For now what seems to be working is text posts and other forms of written media.
I wanted to be as thorough as i could this time, since this is a very personal question, but I also love to spice it up a bit and throw in a bit of flamboyant wording and purple prose if possible.
Thanks for reading to the end of this, rather lengthy textpost
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pagestoread · 4 years
i am so behind with @progressaesthetics challenge but that's okay :)
the prompt that i want to write about today is from march 14: what are some of the reasons you love yourself/should love yourself?
i think one of the things that i love about myself is how i am willing to talk to anyone and get to know them, like who they really are, where they are from, what they like.. those kind of things. i was not like that before. i had no feelings towards people whom i don't really know when i was in my high school years. i wouldn't go out of my way to talk to them. i just didn't have that desire really growing up. i don't know what ignited that spark in me to now have that desire to know people. it is something that i want to improve more on.. as well as to see the good in everyone. because there will always be. i hope this makes sense <3
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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Tag someone who you think would get along just right with you.
the creator of this challenge
I have spoken with her and turns out where from the same region and she's quite cool
So yeah Mex power ig
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pagestoread · 4 years
i have been busy with school work and other stuff these past few days, so i haven't been able to post for @progressaesthetics challenge :(
but to keep up, here are my days 5 and 7
day 5: three studyblrs that i like seeing on my feed are
@starrystvdy | @academiix | @lifeofthegrind (i have so many that i like thooo)
day 7: some of my music faves right now
i have been listening to a lot from marina (and the diamonds) especially her electra heart album | taylor swift because taylor swift | i really looove alec benjamin | lany | also a lot of pop punk rock bands | (maybe i should list my fave songs but there are just toooo many that 5 won't suffice.
[ the other days will be some other day hehe ]
hope you all have an amazing week guys <3
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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Tag 3 studyblrs that you like seeing on your dashboard.
@wildechaotic (Actually I think i reblogged this challenge off of them)
Happy Friday Guys!
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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Share with us your feel good playlist.
this just scratches something in my head lol
its not really a feel good playlist its just stuff that i like to listen to on the daily.
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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What’s you go-to coffee/tea/beverage order?
I brew my own coffee since its cheaper, but when I do go out and buy coffee I go to Caffenio (think of it as a less expensive Starbucks) and get a Jumbo Caramel Rockaccino with two sugars
I don't buy it very often but when I do its very nice
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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What are some of the reasons you love yourself/should love yourself?
To put it quite simply: I exist
I have hated myself for far longer that I really ought to and I got tired of feeling that way
I exist and I am a person, therefore I ought to respect myself enough to learn how to love me
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axjdvsxf · 4 years
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Some of your music faves right now (let’s say up to 5)
Imma do ten because five is too little
Teenagers by MCR
Flamingo by Kenshi Yonezu
villain by teniwoha
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Panda Hero by Hachi (but its the Glutamine version) (yes we still go for Vocaloid songs fight me)
The Valley of Pagans by Gorillaz
Usseewa by Ado
Villain by Stella Jang (its a different song i swear)
and as a Bonus i will add Room No.4 by Chogakusei
I like my music loud and fast and catchy lol and sometimes with a lot of feelings behind it. And yes a lot of times my music comes from TikTok.
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