#zooble be my therapist
fidlittlee · 1 day
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The little circus gang sillies in honor of the new ep🎪
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riverlet · 16 days
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fitzselfships · 1 month
I really wish I were being held by Zooble right now </3
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doctor-doodleman · 8 days
He really thought this adventure would be more interesting :/
Short story from my gf under the cut:
"-I'M TIRED OF THIS!" He bellowed, rising from his chair and loosening his ever-so-tight grip on Zooble's spindly neck. "I INITIALLY THOUGHT THIS THERAPY SESSION WOULD BE LESS MUNDANE! BUT NOW, I GUESS I NEED TO FIND A NEW CAREER PATH!"
Zooble leaned back on the chaise lounge, grumbling incomprehensibly as they lightly massaged the area where Caine had strangled them.
"...That's the whole point of therapy, though. It's meant to be mundane. And sad." They attempted to explain.
Zooble looked up. Caine had been flying towards the door backwards, yet he'd rammed into someone by accident, and had consequently dropped onto the floor in submission. In sync, both of them looked up at the person at the door.
...Ragatha was standing there, holding a tray containing glasses of lemonade aloft with one hand, still humiliatingly-clad in the maid outfit that Caine had given her (tasking her to be his "super amazing therapist assistant who just stays in the background and does other stuff"). She fixed the ringmaster with a steely glare and pointed at Zooble.
"Caine, stop acting like a toddler. You promised you'd give them therapy. So do it."
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sockatoothewafflebird · 4 months
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over and over, i fuck myself over, and under and under, i do it again.
morning and evening, i felt i was grieving, until i said fuck you, and never again.
daytime or nighttime, i feel i'm on my time, but time is fickle, just like a friend.
and with my departure, from the pain i harbor, i feel i am sinking, and sailing to swim...
I'm worried about Ragatha.
She'd definitely be better off not looking at mirrors for a while. Even more so if she stopped reciting random depressing songs to her ceiling, for no other reason than to dig a deeper hole, to sink further down. I can hear her singing to herself every night, the same songs she plays on all her instruments. What a beautiful voice. How beautifully she plays. But, it's always so sad.
She keeps falling. Faster. Further. Her screams can't be heard anymore. And yet she never falters. How many miles - and what kind - of shit has she been through, to think this is okay? How long did it go on for, for her to think it's normal?
It's not healthy.
But she doesn't mind. Somehow. She'd break her own arms herself if it meant Zooble would stop losing their temper at her, if it meant Jax would stop terrorizing Gangle, if it meant Kinger could just remember the little things.
She's such a wonderful person. Amazing. An unstoppable ray of sunshine for anyone willing to look at her. She's the kindest person I've ever met. Even behind all that fog, she cares, maybe more than anyone. It's so sweet.
It's so easy to see she's hurting though. She hurts so much sometimes I can see her hide her tears, I can tell she deflects all the time.
If only she knew she didn't have to hide. If only she saw it. If only she knew she's more than a toy.
If only I could get through to her.
I guess I should've listened when Kaufmo said to never fall for a girl with baggage. Seeing her like this just hurts.
I hope she can figure it out. I try so hard to make sure she's doing alright, and she always insists I don't have to worry. And I can never hide how much it devastates me that she thinks I'd drop the subject so quickly, and just act like I don't care. I do care. I care so much I think i'll fucking die if she doesn't start seeing through my eyes once in a while.
God. This is the longest entry i've ever written. My hand hurts.
Goodnight, I guess. Here's to hoping.
my plan when i find a character i like (in no particular order):
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this is how i feel about ragatha. in case you didn't notice. i love her as a character so much i just wanna put her under a damn microscope. the influence has influenced me and now i share the obsession with ragatha that mod bee from @ask-the-rag-dolly has been afflicted with.
pomni is such an observant character. and caring. and overall very smart. she can't pretend she doesn't notice all of ragatha's little lies and slip-ups.. and it eats away at her, knowing she can't do anything, knowing ragatha can't and won't accept help right now. ragatha needs to come to terms with it on her own. a therapist is what ragatha needs.
but in a video game? and in my au, in the middle of a broken world full of corporate greed and the cold, unforgiving whims of mother nature? if she found a therapist in either, it would be considered a once in a lifetime historical discovery. the school textbooks would have a chapter on it.
either way, something's up in the darkest depths of that cotton-filled brain of hers, and she's just built to think it doesn't matter. she's built to make sure everything stays nice and positive and okay. when we ALL see it's not. goddamnit ragatha i will make an oc that is a licensed therapist just so you can stop being such a sad wet dog and start practicing the art of self-partially-enjoy oh my god you sweet little door hinge
(song lyrics at the beginning are from over & over by rio romeo btw, theyre very cool pls check them out)
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jesus 😭
bear with me this is likely just word vomit it’s like midnight and i’m running on hot chocolate and a tadc high
I LOVED Zooble in this episode! I’d never given them much thought before, but this is definitely making me reconsider.
I love Caine, he’s my favourite character, but I definitely can’t blame Zooble and the rest of the cast for being so frustrated with him. I mean, he is a self-proclaimed ‘war-criminal.’ However, Zooble is definitely the one most open about their dislike towards Caine. We never got much of an explanation beforehand, besides them being rather blunt and edgy, but Ep3 shows us how they told Caine about their worries before - multiple times in fact - but he had always forgotten them. We don’t know if he forced them to as he did in this ep, but either way it must be frustrating for someone to put so much effort into trying to understand you, before immediately forgetting (and drawing bees while you talk).
I also love how the show shows (hah) the impact of the whole body change thing. I mean, imagine not only being transported to a whole different plane of existence and losing all memories of your life and identity, but also being forced into a body that you know isn’t yours, but don’t quite know what would make it right. It’s even worse for Zooble, who technically doesn’t even have a fixed body in TADC since their body parts can be changed. There’s a chance that the characters’ new bodies could relate to their real life identities, but to Zooble it must feel like they’ve lost out on that.
Although I didn’t relate 100%, as a trans guy I did find myself understanding a lot of what Zooble said about bodies as well. ‘I just want to find something that feels… good.’ God, wow, going right for my heart there.
And then how the therapy session switches to Zooble being Caine’s therapist. This is either because Caine forced them, they realised that Caine’s mental instability and insecurities would damage the circus (what’s up with that btw?? feel like that’ll definitely come up more in the future) or they genuinely feel sorry for him. Assuming it’s one of the latter two options, it really shows that Zooble holds a lot more empathy than they would perhaps like to put on show (I mean option 2 also has a self-saving aspect, but yk).
Also also I love how their reaction to the adventures and generally being in the circus differs from the others. Pomni has constant freak outs but still lets herself be forced into doing everything; Jax acts all tough and sarcastic; Kinger literally went crazy; Ragatha pretends that she’s ok and focuses on supporting the others, but it’s evident that she is really, really struggling; and Gangle also tries to act happily, but her happiness is literally stolen from her not after long so she remains permanently weepy. Yet, they all go through these things during the adventures as well. Zooble simply avoids it all and shuts off.
So uhh conclusions?? Idk man I’m sleep deprived
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thesimulacrasimp · 1 day
Okay i wasnt really planning to make this post but i really wanna. I know everyone is talking about Kinger rn n i would too, but i would just say the things everyone already mentioned, so i wanna talk about my bbg Caine again.
That may sound weird, but i REALLY wasnt expecting a character development for him, thats just always sounded crazy to me: AN AI. HAVING A. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. When im thinking bout it right now i think i shouldve expect it, with Gummigoo being an npc and having real emotions and feelings in ep 2, but i just always thought that Caine will be the same as character and wont get any character development through the show like everyone else does, yknow like in the 2nd ep we got Pomni's development and in 3rd — Kinger's and a little of Zooble's — i knew that we're gonna have that for every other human in this world (aka Raghatha, Gangle, Zooble and Jax (yeah i still think that jax is a human, theres no way hes an npc, that just doesnt make any sense, considering that Goose gave a canon age for him, so i dont believe in this stupid theory, sorry not sorry)) , but seeing Caine having other emotions besides happiness and sillieness (WHICH I REALLY DIDNT FUCKING EXPECT, I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT AN AI THAT WAS MADE TO ENTERTAIN VIEWERS AND HIS "OBJECTS" (i didnt know how else to call the humans in da circus, srry, english isnt my first language) WOULDNT HAVE ANY REAL EMOTIONS — ALL HED DO WOULD BE FOR ENTERTAINMENT), so seeing him having REAL emotions was something i expected less than anything. JUST LOOK AT HIM BEING ACTUALLY IRRITATED AND OFFENDED.
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And of course his almost breakdown scene. I WASNT EXPECTING THIS SHIT AT ALL. An Ai having a literal CRISIS because he realized that hes bad at the only thing he supposed to be good at is just...
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And this is not only sad but also scary, you know why? Because when he started thinking about it, realizing it — the whole world started to glitch heavily.
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And its DEFINITELY means something. My theory is that this world and Caine is kinda one isnt separating thing — if Caine is feeling good and happy - the world is also good, if Caine is having a breakdown and crisis - the world is also not feeling really good, if Caine is gone - the world is also gone, and now i think that we'll DEFINITELY get another moment in the future where Caine will be having a crisis (maybe even more extreme than that one) to the point where the world will become an absolute MESS of a glitches and the crew would have to deal w this somehow (and all of this probably will be made into a silly haha joke from Caine in the end). Idk how much of it will be the truth in the end - maybe some of it, maybe literally nothing, who knows, its just a theory.
Also this moment made me choke fr. Bro got so deep into his mind that he needed a therapist for HIMSELF
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Holy shit that was a big ramble srry bout that, I just really REALLY love my silly goober Caine n i wanted to talk about him. Thanks for reading! And sorry for my horrible english lol
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my sweetheart, my scrunkly, my babygirl💗💗💗
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royaltealee · 17 days
Look. I know it’s been a while- but I just got back some time to do something again after a full year of not posting. Hope to the one who requested this mini ficklet. And for your patience and hopefully your forgiveness on my part- I have a little surprise for you at the end of this fic. Much love!
Ps: this is not proof read we die like Gummi Goo-
Just Not Right
Something was wrong with Caine. That much was obvious for the red and blue-themed jester to accept and honestly... it terrified her.
Not in the way you expect though. No, Pomni did not feel any worry about the thing trapping her here against her will, it was the fear of what he would do if he ever did have some sort of AI equivalent to a breaking point. And she could tell that the others were starting to notice it too, the small shifts of anxious flying back and forth while talking when they were about to be thrown into yet another "fun and innovating!" adventure to "Keep your tiny little brains from going insane!"
But the first sign that caused Ragatha to finally say something was when Caine had actually hesitated on sending them to their next adventure portal. He had called them back not once, not twice, but thrice to ensure everyone had everything they needed (and more) for their expedition. But before they had finally crossed through the portal, Caine popped his weird teeth head in to leave a final little "Be sure to actually come back! Please?" Before Bubble pulled him back through to the portal back to the circus.
"What's gotten into him? He's starting to act a little fidgety for no reason now, you think he's alright?" The ragdoll avatar asked the group accompanying her. Pomni slightly jumped at the question, but now that Ragatha had confirmed she hadn't imagined her suspicion on their captor. She was about to say something until Jax beat her to it with his usual sarcastic banter.
"Well yeah, Obviously. Why do you think that everyone here is feeling on edge lately? It couldn't be that the sentient AI is acting out of character do ya, Rags?" The sway in his voice held little to no emotional attachment to the floating ringleader's sudden change in mood.
"Yeah but, why?" Pomni finally asked, looking up at the purple Rabbit for maybe his theory on things, but she should have known that Jax wouldn't give a rat's ass about Caine's new anxious tendancies. "How the h*ll should I know? I'm no dang therapist." He crossed his arms while rolling his eyes.
"M-maybe he's stressed..?" Gangle proposed next, lifting a single ribbon arm up to call up her point like a finger. "What's he stressed for? It's not like he does anything to help us, he just sits around somewhere while we do the stupidest sidequests ever in gaming history." Zooble jumped in the conversation, having been forced to come this time after slipping past the last two adventures. Their voice was just as flat giving out their answer. Ragatha placed a closed fist against her chin, lightly tapping it in thought.
"Hm.. Should we try to figure it out?" Ragatha asked, looking over to Pomni who in turn sputtered out nervously. "I- Uh- Wh- Why?"
"Becaus! He's the one that's technically keeping an eye out for us so that we don't abstract. No matter how annoyingly charismatic he may come off as." Ragatha placed a hand on Pomni's shoulder reassuringly. "Maybe we could figure out how to cheer him up?"
"HAH! Fat chance! Look, if the guy that was practically made here is starting to act weirdly after hardly caring about us, to begin with, is acting like this? It's bound to cause trouble." Jax seethed, glaring at the rag doll.
"I thought you liked trouble," Gangle asked, turning timidly to the purple rabbit.
"No one asked you." Jax snapped back causing the masked girl to cower around her mask so that he wouldn't smack it off her again.
"Look, if we can figure this out and help him, maybe it'll make things easier for us." Ragatha had given the finality of her question, looking to see if anyone was willing to help her with this plan. Surprisingly it was Zooble who nodded first. "I just want him to stop acting all weirdly emotional. It's starting to creep me out." They mumbled out, then Gangle walked next to Ragatha with her next nod, then finally Pomni shook her head. "I guess." Was her only answer, though she did kind of feel on edge when Caine was acting against his nonsensicals.
Jax groaned out an agitated "Fiiiiiiineee!" before joining the group on their next adventure, cooking up a plan to figure out what was bothering Caine so much when they could finally come back to the circus.
After a very uncomfortable adventure full of potentially illegal smuggling of 3D frogs later, the group leaped through the portal back with their plan intact and ready to go for when they would see their ringleader again. It wasn't very long before they got a very long welcome back with streamers and balloons on a job well done on their adventure, even a small cake with the face of a frog that said "good job :D" that had a positively huge bite on the side of it and a suspicious looking Bubble off to the side, licking the green icing off his teeth.
"So! how'd it go?" Caine asked, floating over the group with curious eyes. Ragatha's smile was wobbly, placing a shakey thumbs up toward the AI and putting her best cheerful voice. "It was.. amazing! Right guys? we had fun, yeah?" Pomni rubbed her arm slightly, looking nervous at Caine, who in turn looked at the others. It was quiet before Jax scoffed, "It was awful."
That caused the other's eyes to snap towards the rabbit, who in turn looked at the others with an unamused eyebrow raise. "what? Was it something I said?"
Caine's body sort of floated back a bit, lifting a single finger to try and say something the normal Caine would probably say, but the figurative lump in his throat prevented a steady form of words from coming through, he almost sounded... hurt? "Oh..! well uh, I'm sorry these adventures haven't been on par with you guys lately! I'll be sure to try and make them even more exciting and engaging for you guys!"
"You're kidding right?" Jax said, after another bout of silence of trying to come up with a nicer thing to say. "Jax!" Ragatha warned through grit teeth, wanting Jax to just shut his yap for 10 seconds, this wasn't part of the plan!
"Even if you did try to make things better, which you probably won't let's be realistic. We will never be happy, not until we get back to our actual live bodies where we can't turn into some stupid monster only to be captured and stuffed into a f***ing hole to wither away while others try not to think about it. Does that sound fun to you?" He glared at Ragatha for a split second, catching the Ragdoll frown but didn't say anything.
They watch as Caine grapples for any words, anything he could say at such a raw answer, but see him come up short, dropping his hand down as a form of defeat. pulling his gloved hands back to his chest and glancing down for half a second. What was happening? Ragatha was the first to speak after Caine's small bout of silence. "Caine? Are you okay?"
Caine's jaw opened slightly, showing his floating eyes a little bit more, they looked glossy, but no liquid threatened to spill from the ivisable ducts yet, feeling his words rush through the emotins he was feeling.
"I- I don't... know?" he cleared his non-existent throat, watching as the group glanced at one another with both surprised and growing weary looks. "it's just-" Caine shifted again, feeling uncomfortable. "I've been feeling... off lately. Like- like Just now I felt something. I wanted to- to- what was the word that Gangle's doing right now?" The group looked to the mask, who held her broken smiling mask, sniffling a bit when looking towards Caine, squeaking out a small word. "Crying?"
"Yeah, that." Caine wrung his fingers against his own, not being able to look anyone in the eye.
"Oh my god, the AI is learning how emotions work." Pomni gaped.
So that was what was going on, Caine was dealing with something so forgen that plagued his coding, at first it was subtle little jabs, flashes of hurt, true happiness and excitement, anger or otherwise. Zooble let out a sigh catching everyone's attention. "Is that all?" Caine looked at the abstract character before him, who looked just as unamused as the bunny right next to them.
"I- I just don't know how you do it all the time! it- it's like constantly making my body and mouth do different things, and- and- AUGH!" That burst caused the others to jump at his little outburst. "I mean, what am I SUPOSED to do? I have to make sure no one here goes insane, then, I have to watch over Bubble and make sure he's fine, and then THE MOON IS MAKING ADVANCES AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY!" Caine pulled at his little top hat on the top of his head. "It keeps going on and on and when I think I finally got everything under control, there's always someone or something making me feel something that I'm NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO FEEL!" Caine finished, breathing extremely hard if that was even possible for an NPC to even do.
Everyone went silent, even Jax and Zooble's eyes were wide with the amount of vigor in Caine's words he was able to convey.
He was supposed to be the goofy, happy, go-lucky guy that kept the fun in the entire circus for the sake of the other players... If he can't even keep his emotions in order, what kind of a host is he?
The amount of silence caused the floating gaggle of teeth to shrink in on himself at his outburst. Surely they didn't need any more baggage being dumped on them after being stuck here for who knows how long? No, no. That just won't do, he needed to cool himself off. They needed someone to help them! Not his own haywire code scaring them.
Caine made a sound that sounded like his throat was being cleared awkwardly while trying to keep an uppity attitude.
"W-well! That's enough for you all today! Go and enjoy your congratulations cake and take a rest!"
"Wha-?! Caine! Hold on there buddy, you can't just dump that on us, say it's fine and leave just like that!" Ragatha called out to the already ascending ringleader. Who in turn just pushed out the most forced laugh he could muster with a flick of his hand.
"Oh, Ragatha! Aren't you such a sweetie, but I'll be just fine! Nothing to worry about, just a- eh- MINOR malfunction in my code! Hahaha- HAHAHA!---" and with a final snap of his fingers, Caine had popped out of existence.
"Well, that was something." Jax's slightly surprised voice caused the group to side-eye him with glares, to which the Rabbit wistfully ignores.
————————HAVE YALLS SURPRISE—————————-
(Takes place an hour after the fic)
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jester089 · 11 months
It's an improvement
This isn't a request. But It's a good idea I want to write for. It's just going to be short and my ideas on it. TADC Crew x Therapist Reader
Caine really really appreciates you. You keep people alive, AND you are someone who professionally knows about humans and how they work so you can teach him stuff. He's constantly asking you questions, and existing around you seeing how you act. Just since your arrival no one has abstracted, and the adventures and circus as a whole are much more hospitable. You truly are the person the circus needed to be, well to be ok. At least for now. But all these people's problems, this AI trying to learn about humans from you, the stress of the fact you're now in a digital world. It's a lot. You can save them, but no one is going to save you. And you just have to deal with that. This world needs you, and if you go. Then so does it.
You helped Gangle with her insecurity and self worth. You got her to be more confident and stand up for herself. Something she honestly loves you for. So she asked you out, she just felt so cared for and loved around you. You said no cause you don't date your patients, she was hurt but didn't blame you. But she relapsed into old bad habits, this time without you to help her out of them. She started all together avoiding you. It was just hard to look you in the face when you know all her deepest secrets, and the fact that she has feelings for you. At first you made the circus easier, better even. Now you make it harder for her. And Gangle blames no one but herself for all that's happening to her. Even starts to feel like she deserves it. "If I don't deserve this, then why does this always happen."
Zooble would probably hate you at first. You show up and start telling her everything she's doing wrong. That isn't actually what you do but that's what it feels like to her. When, or rather if she gives you a chance you could genuinely help her. She still wont be nice to the others or you, but you can help her out in the long run. At least not for a while. But you might make her able to make friends. Which at the moment she'll say she doesn't need others. But no one can survive alone forever. And despite that being what she wants and what she says, that still applies to her.
Honestly weirdly enough you don't help Kinger. He may be seen as crazy but he's still alive, and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's lived in this world for so long and has found a way of life that works. He honestly doesn't need help, at least not while still in here. Once out in the real world he will though. He doesn't need help though. He just needs a friend. Someone to casually talk to. Someone to hang out with. Someone who wont call him crazy. And you're more then happy to be that friend. And because you aren't patient and doctor something could actually stem from that. If you both want that at least.
You two are a power duo here. You keep everyone ok, she helps out more as a low down friend type person, and you as a professional. You two alone keep the circus running and people alive. And despite how much Ragatha insists that she doesn't need help/sessions she does. She's a tough cookie and wont admit it, but you can still get through to her. Despite what she says she needs it. So keep working hard. All you need is her to trust you, and you to constantly pester her about it. And eventually she'll break and let you help her.
Jax is going to openly agree to getting your help. At first he just planned on using it as a way to mess with you. But then you actually made him realize a lot and actually start helping within not a lot of time passage. Then he started genuinely going to your sessions. And with enough time and hard work he turned into an amazing person to be around. He's still vulgar and often rude. But he doesn't bully anymore, and actually goes out of his way to make others days better. You know you two aren't related but you're proud of him. He made so much progress and genuinely improved. And sure you helped. But you can't improve unless you want to. So the fact that he made that much progress especially in such a short time shows that he isn't a horrible person, he just didn't know better.
Thank f#$%. She needs this so badly. You help her out with her anxiety, a lot. You know this place isn't good but you help her get at least kind of used to it despite you getting here after her. She'll still look for an exit but she feels like it's actually possible now with your support. Before she was just frantic and panicking. But now it feels like a genuine and attainable goal. With time and effort she starts to calm down and feel, happy! Feel calm. It's a strange sensation to her, but not bad strange. And once she does calm down she starts really appreciating smaller things. "Like sure this place is a prison and I'm here unwillingly. But not much I can do about that. And it is really pretty outside today. And while I'm here I don't have to worry like back in the real world. Nothing is expected of me. All I have to do is just exist. I can do that."
(I enjoyed writing this. And will maybe expand upon this in the future. Maybe. I still have a whole lot of requests to get through.)
xoxo, Jester
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an Au idea for a fic
i can't keep this to myself. [Zooble and Jax are not here because they be 17y old]
Ragatha = Agatha Rand, female, 25y old, lesbian, Psychologist (Therapist), German/UK descendant, natal British.
Pomni = Ponmani Powell, female, 20y old, bisexual, patient, Tamil/UK descendant, natal British.
Gangle = Gabriela Smith, female, 21y old, straight, nurse, Spain/UK descendant, natal Spaniard.
Kinger = Reggie King 43y old, straight (widower), patient, UK descendants, natal British.
Director Caine 52y old , straight (married to the moon XD)
mental health hospital AU.
Agatha is in her second year in the mental health care hospital, and a week ago she was stab from a patient but she came back anyway, now she take a sole new patient, a nervous small girl, the two of them begin to develop a relationship that end up being healthy for both of them.
I going to do a fic about this idea, but if any wants to do something with this idea, be my guest.
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karfecc-dreamer · 1 year
Hiya! My name is Karfecc/DREAMER, I'm 16 y.o. Russian artist and this is my very first post on Tumblr! I finally decided to post at least something here, because why do I even need an account here if I don’t do anything?
Getting to the point, I couldn't help but join in the excitement surrounding The Amazing Digital Circus! I really liked the pilot, its atmosphere reminds me of vague memories from my childhood. Not surprisingly, I've already done a lot of doodles about this project (mostly humanizations), so I decided to post them all in this post^^
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I love Kinger so much... I want to comfort this sad 'nd wacky old man and take him to a therapist
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They really look like an "anxious daughter" and "Alzheimer dad" duo to me
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Although I like what I've done for Zooble and Caine so far, I feel like I'll be redoing it a in the future. They seem a little bit unfinished to me
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My boy! His name is Fine and he's based on a hot man in a black suit with a burning bucket on his head that I saw at one circus performance this summer
That's all! Sorry for the grammatical mistakes that are definitely in this post, I wrote most of this using a Google translator. Bye!
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percyramblesabouttadc · 11 months
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so i drew up some designs of what i think the cast would look like outside of the circus🥺
i wanted to make them look different while still keeping aspects of their circus designs
i saw like a post somewhere that gave humanized zooble prosthetics and i just loved that so you know i had to incorporate that somehow! i also wanted to try and get some of the colors from their circus design onto them too bc i felt like that would be nice. i'm not super happy with their design, like i feel like i could do better but like.... i'm lazy atm.... i'll do that later!
for kinger you know i had to keep his piercing blue eyes. you know i did. it's such a fun and silly aspect of his character how could i not.(his design is kinda basic so i don't know what else to say about it i'm very sorry kinger enjoyers)
when it comes to Jax's design! i still wanted him to have some pink and purple so you could recognize him but also have it be different from his circus design so i did the best i could. i also kept his teeth yellow because it's a thing you can translate to a human design and it doesn't need to be changed. i like that Jax has yellow teeth because so do i. HE KEEPS HIS YELLOW TEETH👹👹
GANGLE!!! omg i do rlly like how i designed her! i still wanted to incorporate ribbons some how so i gave her a braid with a ribbon at the end, however i do feel like she changes up her hair often in order to use more ribbon because it's something she enjoys!!! to me she gives off scared ex-theater kid. for obvious reasons. did i do that vibe justice? idk you tell me!
ohhh Ragatha..how i love you so.. Ragatha! her hair is infact dyed! bc you know her hair is so iconic to her character but i originally didn't want her to be ginger, why? felt too close to circus her! but i didn't want to rid her of her ginger entirely. so i toned it down, made it a bit more orange than red and made it dyed! i think it looks nice:) she's also a waitress! felt as it might fit sense she does give off people pleasing therapist friend vibes.
and for last but certainly not least POMNI!!!
she was the one i designed first! and obviously she doesn't have her normal colors from her circus design other than her hair!(did you know that pomnis circus design hair is supposed to be black but it just ended up looking brown? yeah. yeah.) it's mainly because she is infact wearing her work uniform and she doesn't really get to express herself through it but also i just wanted to change for her to be really present. because i can😁 but you know i had to keep her looking tired and depressed bc thats pomni for ya
see like the reason i wanted to make my own designs was because i didn't like the idea of them looking so similar to their tadc counterparts, it leaves more angst opportunities when they look so much different from their original bodies. right now this is kinda some concept work, i might change things(cough cough zooble) but right now i'm happy with them!
holy moly this post is so long i am soososo sorry
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fitzselfships · 4 months
Vent under the cut. I'm so sorry I am not normal at all </3
Dude having (suspected) bpd and self shipping with a character from a popular piece of media who is commonly shipped with another character sucks like what do you mean seeing canon x canon art of them now has me terrified of a fictional character abandoning me what the hell </3
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I’m making a
Rainbow Factory au :3
I’ve only edited the door icons so far
Gonna give a mini Description of them rq
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RF Pomni, the factory’s newest member!! She doesn’t really know what’s happening, but she does know she wants out and NOW. But, much like the OG Circus, there’s no escaping! Especially if Caine is in control of the factory…
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RF Ragatha! She knows what’s going to happen to her and the others, and acts as a sort of… therapist? towards them, especially Pomni now that she’s appeared.
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RF Jax! He’s an asshole
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RF Kinger! Not much changed about him, other than he’s a tad brighter. He’s still very much jumpy and Spacey outy. No one actually knows how he’s lasted as long as he has, especially since the death of Queenie…
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RF Gangle! She still has the two masks, typically wearing her tragedy mask. She’s aware of what’s going to happen to her eventually, so she doesn’t bother fixing up her comedy mask a lot…
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And last but definitely not least, RF Zooble! They’re very pessimistic about the situation they’ve ended up in, and doesn’t bother trying to be positive, even around Pomni! It’s a bit unfair in Ragatha’s opinion, considering Pomni doesn’t really know what’s going on. But how can you be optimistic with Caine in charge?
(Reblog with Caine & abstracted to come later my tumblr is getting laggy)
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denny-artsss · 6 months
the sun trying to be the circus therapist
Caine: well- I guess you could um- *thinks* be the circus therapist-
*Caine points towards the crowd going insane, Ragatha and and Pomni having a mental breakdown competition, Zooble falling apart trying to put their pieces back together, only for Kinger to knock them down again and chant something in Latin while Jax and Gangle and wrestling in the background, kicking stuff over*
*everyone lines up for therapy cause Caine forced them to*
Zooble: I'm falling apart. Literally.
Sun: have you considered embracing yourself the way you are?
Zooble: I'm trying- but Kinger keeps knocking me ove-
Kinger: *knocks them over* MY TURN!!
Sun: and what CAN I help YOU with?
Kinger: I think I am going insane I feel like there's bugs under my skin!
Sun: NEXT!
Sun: ...
Gangle: *sniffles* hi...
Gangle: Jax keeps breaking my comedy mask... any tips on how to make him stop?...
Sun: have you tried breaking his face?
Gangle: I did- but he just keeps breaking it more and more no matter what I do, even if I am violent-
Sun: Well, violence is my only and final solution to all the possible problems in the world. So I am out of ideas.
Gangle: *sniffs and wiped her tears* it's okay... Thank you anyway...*walks away*
Jax: *pushes Gangle aside and takes a seat*
Sun: and- *gives him a weird look* What is your problem?
Jax: *throws bucked of ice water at sun laughing*
Moon: Oh goodness, what happened to you?
Sun: hard day at work. But it was worth it. Now everyone is happy!
*they both look down at the chaos being 10 times worse than before*
Moon: uh huh- yeah- they sure...seem happy...
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carnivalcentipede · 3 months
[||⛓️||] The Carnival Rabbit Hole [||⛓️||]
hey, the names jax. i dont really have any nicknames besides cent and centipede so any of those work. im a jax fictive in a did system although if it wasnt obvious from everything about this blog my main source is carnival jax (share a source with the og one tho).
im mainly using this thing for reblogs of shit i enjoy but i will occasionally talk about system shit or post artwork ive made. feel free to stick along for the ride. just know i do not have a filter lmao
system talk will probably be tagged with #system stuff or something around those lines
artwork will be tagged with #centipedes cartoons
rants or text posts in general will be tagged with #chatting with centipede
stuff relating to friends is tagged with #creepy crawlies
reblogs wont be tagged unless i have a reason to have a reblog tag
one last warning: i am a massive bug lover and will probably have a lot of bug related stuff on my blog
boundaries and shit below
do not treat me like my source. im ok with talking about tadc shit and some of the more light hearted carnival au stuff but i am not the character. i just have memories from it
if you know our hosts og blog do not go around telling people about it. we'd rather people not know hes a system which is why im not disclosing shit about that part
do not vent to me. i am not your therapist. i am a 22 year old (bodily 19) rabbit guy on the internet. i could give less of a fuck about your issues because i have my own shit to deal with
i am completely fine with playful flirting and anything related to that but please be aware i am gay. it does give me more bragging points towards zooble tho that i have bitches thirsting for me /lhj
ligma balls
i will block you or use you as my verbal punching bag if you cross any of these boundaries and im feeling spicy. thats your only warning lmao
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