#zombie XP farm
mcotherstuff · 1 year
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I didn't have enough levels to enchant so I went to my recently decorated zombie XP farm to get a few more. 🧟
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rosasappho · 10 months
attempting to make an enderman farm tomorrow….lets see how it goes….
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desertduality · 10 months
HELLO soo I was inspired by @stiffyck and the most recent secret life episode to write some tcd angst set in secret life <33 Enjoy :D
Link to Ao3 if you prefer to read there
Scar, despite all odds against him, does hold his own for a little while. Gem is after him, bloodthirsty and intent, for reasons that Scar doesn’t know. She traps his base, she shoots at him, stabs at him — and he survives it all, up until he doesn’t. There are four of them by then, and they hunt him down and pick him off. And he dies. 
These games are fun, is the thing. They get together and they make silly little groups with playful rivalry’s and eventually someone wins. It’s fun. Scar has fun, usually. 
None of them know about the world he came from. That lonely, ravaged, barren world. The zombies had been everywhere, fast and stubborn. Scar had been young and hurt and alone, and had learned to run on broken legs before he learned how to read. 
It’s been a long time ago, now. The memories sneak up on him far less often than they used to, and he’s better. This though, this thing with Gem and the others, it’s hitting him in places that still hurt; places that will always hurt. 
Scar is fresh off his first death, still reeling from being hunted down, and Cleo and Grian are telling him he can’t stay. 
“You’re not one of us,” Grian says, and they’re just playing a game, but Scar is confused. He’d been invited, hadn’t he? But then Cleo had taken it back. 
“Scar!” Bdubs is a distance behind him, sitting atop a horse and calling his name urgently. “Scar, we need to talk to you.”
Scar goes, and hears whispering behind him, something about zombies and spreading. It makes a bit of nerves flare up in his stomach, but he ignores them. He is far enough removed from the past that hearing the word won’t send him into hysterics. He’s even recovered enough that he can handle the sight of a few zombies, even if his heart rate elevates until they’re gone. He’s better, he is. 
Bdubs takes him back to the others, and they explain to him what’s been going on. It’s Gem’s task to spread the Boogeyman curse, one by one, to everyone. He suddenly feels a little bad for trying to burn the book earlier, because this sounds like a good time. Causing some chaos, killing some people, making each other laugh — it's what they’re all here for. It’s why they play the game.
(There’s a small but persistent inkling of unease living behind his rib cage at the fact that they’re comparing themselves to zombies, to an apocalypse, but he ignores it. It’s not important enough to mention it, and he doesn’t want to ruin everyone’s fun.)
They get Etho, and Gem praises him for it, and Scar tries not to compare the fortress the others are defending to the bunkers he used to raid. His brain still makes the connection, as much as he wishes it didn’t. The memories trickle in slowly, making him more and more on edge as the day goes on. It will be over soon, Scar tells himself. Then he can rest, and go back to being better.
Joel has a zombie spawner to farm XP. Scar has used it, has been inside it. He’d been expecting zombies, then. He doesn’t expect it when Joel throws down sixty-four zombie eggs in a row. 
The thin and fraying thread tying him together snaps.
Everyone is screaming and yelling, running, chasing after Joel. There are zombies as far as he can see, in groups and alone, groaning and gurgling into the night. It fills his ears, wraps itself around his mind like a vice, catapults him back to when he was just a kid, fighting the world with his teeth bared and no one at his back. 
Everything goes fuzzy and distant, the noises muffled beneath his heartbeat and heaving breaths echoing endlessly in his ears. He slows to a stop, chest heaving and eyes wide, skin going cold and numb with terror. Nothing makes sense. Everything is wrong. 
There’s something in his hand, and he looks at it, panicked tears prickling at his eyes. He’s holding a sword, and an anguished, confused noise rips itself from his throat. Where’s his gun? Guns are better, guns are safer; guns mean he doesn’t have to get close. 
The moaning of the undead is growing louder, they’re coming for him, and he stumbles forward with gasping breaths, eyes flitting around wildly as he searches for a place to hide. The ground is filled with craters, zombies in every direction, and he blinks desperately to clear his blurry vision, pushing forward with all the desperate agony of a man living on borrowed time. 
He thinks he hears someone call his name, but it can’t be real, it’s just a memory, it’s just his stupid, persistent hope manifesting itself at the worst possible time. He has to get back to his base, his bunker, but nothing looks familiar, no direction looks like the correct way to go—
He runs anyway, passing by a giant stone statue and weaving around holes in the ground and slashing blindly at anything that looks like it’s moving. He spots a tower in the distance, oddly shaped and oddly colored, but a structure nonetheless, and he runs for it. The zombies are here and they never left and he never left and he runs. 
He only makes it halfway. 
There’s a zombie in one of the craters, and Scar doesn’t see it, is too wrapped up in his tunnel vision, and it grabs at his ankle as he walks by. He hits the ground, hard, his knee hitting first before everything else. He hears a sharp crack, and knows it’s broken. 
He twists his head around wildly, tearing his leg out of the zombies cold grip with a yell of pain, dragging himself out of reach just in time for others to bear down on him. His vision becomes a swirling kaleidoscope of hands and teeth, of skin and claws, and he opens his mouth and screams. 
(He won’t know until later, but everyone near spawn hears it. Everyone hears it, and freezes, and turns to look. It sounds like pure terror, like the final cry of a dying man. None of them will ever forget it.)
He swings his sword wildly, slashing and scrambling to get away, but his knee hurts and they’re pushing him down, he can’t get up—
He hears yelling, distantly, but that still can’t be right, no one else is here, no one else can save him—
Scar rolls to the side, and falls into one of the craters, dirt and pebbles sprinkling down on top of him when he hits the ground with a dull thud. He shouts through clenched teeth as the landing jostles his leg, but still pushes himself up and back until his back hits the solid side of the hole. Grass and dirt is still clinging above him, forming somewhat of an overhang. They can’t attack from directly above. Scar grips his sword in violently shaking hands and waits for the hoards to find him. 
He still hears the voices, but he shouldn’t be hearing voices, he’s alone here, he hasn’t heard a human voice not his own since he was six, and he closes his eyes tightly for a few seconds, willing himself back to reality. Something drops to the ground in front of him, and Scars eyes wrench themselves back open, landing on the shadowed figure of a person coming his way. He has both hands on his sword, and he points it at the approaching zombie. 
It speaks. It says his name. 
“Scar,” the figure says, a deep, frantic concern in their voice. “Are you— What happened? Are you okay?”
The cloud that had been blocking the moon slowly drifts away, and Scar gets a good look at the figure — the person — in front of him. He’s human, he’s alive, and Scar knows him, he knows who it is, but he can’t be here, he’s not supposed to be here. This is the world where Scar is young and alone. No one else belongs here. 
The past and the present collide angrily in his head; he doesn’t know what’s real. He doesn’t even know this person's name. The person is crouching a few feet away, empty hands extended imploringly, worry plain in his eyes. Scar’s eyes catch on his shirt, black with gold accents, and can’t help but think that something’s missing. A letter, he thinks, but can’t quite remember which one. 
It doesn’t matter. He’s not really here. 
He must’ve said some of that out loud, because the man’s face drops, something heartbroken pinching at his eyes. Scar feels bad, and doesn’t know why. 
“I’m here, Scar,” says the man, voice trembling. “I’m real. You’re okay.”
The man is a liar. Scar shakes his head, a trembling exhale shaking his tense frame. The sword remains steady. 
“No,” Scar says, voice strained and breaking. “No, you— you can’t be. Not here.”
“Stop saying my name,” Scar begs. “I don’t know— I don’t know who you are.”
It’s only half true. He recognizes him, knows he’s a friend, but his brain is rebelling against the very thought that he could exist in a place like this. In the place Scar grew up. No. Everyone was either dead or undead, here. Everyone but Scar. This person with sad eyes and gentle hands does not belong. 
“Impulse!” Another voice is calling down at them, and Scar looks up, catching a glimpse of bright orange curls and mismatched eyes. Nothing makes sense. “Is he okay?”
The man — Impulse — looks at him, and then looks up. He can still hear the zombies, everywhere and far too many. 
“Get Grian,” Impulse says, and the person above them freezes for just a moment, and then disappears. 
Grian, Scar thinks. Another name he knows. Another name that doesn’t make sense to be hearing in a world like this. His mind scrambles, his eyes sting, the zombies groan and shriek above him. Nothing makes sense. 
Grian will, some distant and muted part of him says. 
Grian will. 
Grian is on top of their cobblestone tower — laughing at the sheer amount of zombies and chaos in the distance — when Gem comes tearing up the slope at high speeds, something frantic and determined in her eyes. 
“No zombies allowed!” Grian calls down, grinning, though it dims when she looks up at him. There is something serious and desperate about her gaze. 
“Grian!” She slides to a stop at the base of their castle, face dotted with sweat and panic. “You need to come with me, something—“
“You’re just going to kill me,” Grian says, confused and faltering. “Why would I—“
“It’s Scar,” Gem interrupts, a harsh concern clipping her words. “He’s— Something’s wrong with him, a zombie got him and he screamed.”
Grian tilts his head. “Scar screams all the time.”
“Not like this,” Gem says, sounding genuinely shaken. “Not like this, Grian, please.”
She doesn’t even have her sword out, standing at the base of their fortress with wild eyes and a desperate plea. Something’s wrong with Scar. Something bad enough that everything else has gone out the window. Gem’s not here asking him to play the game. She’s here begging him to pause it. 
“Okay,” Grian says, a new bubble of panic growing in his chest. “I’m coming, let’s go.”
Gem nods at him when he emerges from the tower, and then she takes off running, leaving Grian with nothing to do but follow. It seems to take forever to get there, weaving around hoards of zombies and craters left over from the wither attack. The other server members are mowing through the hoards with swords and axes, and what seems to be extreme prejudice. They all look a bit shaken. The coil of nervous worry in Grian’s rib cage grows. 
Gem stops them at a random crater, and nods. “Down there,” she says, and then throws herself back into the fray, cutting through any undead limbs that reach for her. The surface is a battlefield. 
Grian drops down, and Impulse turns to look at him, grim concern pressing his lips thin. He looks relieved when he sees him, and Grian looks behind him and realizes why. 
Scar is there, hunched against the wall and shaking like a leaf, sword held in trembling hands and fearful eyes flickering between them. Grian’s stomach drops, and he inhales shakily. Scar looks lost, and so very, very afraid. He’s never seen him like this. 
“It’s the zombies,” Impulse says, quietly. “They set him off somehow, I— He barely recognizes me.”
Grian remembers, distantly, Double Life. Scar had fallen into a pit of zombies, and they had both died that day. He hadn’t quite understood why their shared heart had been beating so fast for so long after; he never knew the reason for Scar’s shell-shocked eyes above his trembling smile when they met back up. He still doesn’t know why, but now he knows for sure. Scar is afraid of zombies. 
“Get rid of them,” Grian says, equally hushed, even though everyone has already started. Impulse just nods, one hand on his sword, and climbs out of the crater. Grian turns to Scar. 
“Scar,” Grian starts, voice carefully relaxed. “You’re safe, okay? We’re getting rid of them.”
Scar shakes his head, moonlight catching on the tear tracks on his face, and Grian aches.
“You can’t be here,” Scar says, turning pleading eyes towards him. “You— You can’t be here.”
Grian gets a little closer, and crouches down, doing his best to appear non-threatening. “Why not, Scar?”
“It’s wrong,” Scar says, sounding all of ten years old, terrified and unsteady. “I’m supposed to be alone, you can’t be here.”
“Why are you supposed to be alone?” 
“It’s just me, it’s always just me,” Scar insists, and then he inclines his head upwards, to where the zombies are still groaning. “Me and them.”
Grian swallows, feeling out of his depth and worried. The only reason Scar would have a reaction like this is if it had once been true. Once upon a time, it really had just been Scar and hoards of zombies. And in Scar’s mind, that’s where he was. He’d never left. Grian’s stomach rolled. 
“We’re not there,” Grian says, still unsure where there was. “We’re in Secret Life, Scar. We’re playing a game.”
Scar shakes his head again, violently, and starts trying to stand up. A muffled whine escapes his throat when he puts weight on his knee, but still he stands. Grian wants to grab him and shake him and then wrap him up in several blankets. 
“You’re hurt,” Grian says, a note of pleading in his voice, hands hovering, wanting to reach out. “You shouldn’t be walking, Scar.”
“I’ve walked on worse,” Scar says vacantly, and twists around to look behind him, making a noise of frustration. “My backpack, where’s my— I need—“
“Backpack?” Grian repeats. 
“I need morphine,” Scar says, voice tight with pain and panic. “I need to get out of here. You need to get out of here. You can’t be here.”
Morphine. Scar’s plan is to numb the agony of a broken knee and run on it anyway. Scar says it like it’s normal, like there’s no other choice, like this is the only way. Maybe it was, once. Grian wants to scream and cry and pull the universe apart with his hands. Instead, he grabs Scar’s wrist in a gentle hold. 
“I am here,” Grian says, soft but firmly still, and Scar freezes. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Grian tugs at his wrist making Scar meet his eyes, trying to ground him. Scar blinks at him, hazy and distant, chest heaving. Grian reaches out slowly, and takes the sword from Scar’s hand. 
“Do you remember,” Grian begins, “asking me to be your friend?”
Grian remembers. Scar, with grey skin and crimson eyes, hiding a sheepish grin behind a bouquet of poppies and lilacs. Something like recognition flickers across Scar’s face, and Grian keeps going. 
“We had a llama called Pizza.”
“I blew you up on accident.”
“The moon was falling and you built a rocket upside down.”
“You were my soulmate, of course it was you—“
“You made fun of our bread bridge.”
“You were actually a pretty good mayor, you know.”
Grian lays their memories out between them, holding Scar’s wrist gently in his hands, and doesn’t stop until Scar looks at him and finally seems to see him. His face crumples, awareness flooding his expression, and Grian lowers them both to the ground when Scar’s knees give out. 
“I’m sorry,” Scar says, voice cracking, and he gives an awkward little laugh that makes Grian’s heart twist sharply. “That doesn’t— That hasn’t happened in a while.”
“It’s okay, Scar, don’t apologize,” Grian says, adjusting his grip to hold Scar’s hand loosely. “Do you feel better?”
“I feel like I ran a marathon,” Scar answers, exhaustion in his tone. “I don’t— Thank you. For bringing me back.”
“Of course.” Grian hesitates. “…Where did you go?”
Scar takes a shaky breath, eyes going tired and sad. Grian’s eyes catch on a scar peeking out beneath his collar. 
“I was stuck in a hardcore world when I was a kid,” Scaf says eventually, resigned. “I was the only player in a zombie apocalypse. I had to… let myself die, to get out. But I spent years there.”
Grian stares, quietly horrified. He imagines Scar, so very young and so very alone, running on broken limbs and killing things that once were people every day, and still finding the willpower to survive for years and years. That Scar had grown up in a world without light and still come out of it with a personality bright enough to blind them all — it was nothing short of miraculous. Brilliant, mischievous, stubborn Scar, with enough skeletons in his closet for all of them and the uncanny ability to make them laugh until they were out of breath. 
“You never said anything,” Grian says, careful to keep any accusation out of his voice. He understands. He still wishes he had known, somehow. 
“It’s not fun to hear about,” Scar says, and stares at his broken knee. “And it’s…not easy to talk about, either.”
“I know,” Grian says, squeezing his hand. “But if you ever want to, I’m here. I don’t want— I don’t want this to happen again.”
The zombie sounds have died down, the others having done their damn best to kill them quickly. It’s quiet but for their breathing, slowly slowing down. 
“I’m a lot better,” Scar says, brow furrowed. “That was just, a lot more than I was expecting.”
“It’s okay,” Grian says. “It’s… You don’t have to be better all the time.”
Scar glances at him, his mouth lifting just a bit, looking a little lighter. “Thanks.”
“And you can talk to us.” Grian smiles back. “We can help you when it’s hard.”
Scar lets out a long, slow breath, the shake in his hands finally down to something manageable. Grian is relieved for all of two seconds, and then something mischievous flickers in Scar’s eyes. Grian sighs, because he knows what’s coming—
“That’s what she said,” Scar says, quick and unapologetic, and Grian smacks his shoulder with his free hand. Scar laughs, and Grian just rolls his eyes and grins. 
Yeah. He’ll be fine.
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lilypadpanda · 2 years
Things Rick Shades canonically has no knowledge of:
Lip Balm
Hot sauce
Business Cards
Pinky Swears
Things Rick Shades DOES canonically have knowledge of:
XP Farming
Black Liquorice
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sweet-potato-42 · 11 months
today has already been disastrous for blue due to the bounty mechanic buuuutt at least red hasnt found their base but blue found reds
i beg tubbo or anyone else doesnt log on later and get found at their base
I see etoiles has been making an xp farm and he had a zombie villager so red will catch up to blues gear soon
im losing hope on blue winning now unless they can clutch up like crazy and figure out something smart new. their tema has all the big brains (like game big brain)
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majormeilani · 7 months
tips for not dying in Minecraft that i have learned from playing many upon many hardcore Minecraft worlds that will save you almost every time
ALWAYS keep your health and hunger as high as you can in dangerous places in the game. one fall or a step into lava could be the end for you if not
ALWAYS keep a look out of your surroundings when exploring. look up, down, left and right, especially when navigating caves and new areas. place torches every couple of blocks as you run through them as well. this tip is especially important because it keeps mobs from sneaking up on you and is helpful for finding resources too!
ALWAYS have wood with you OR bring an oak/birch/azalea sapling and a dirt block with you when exploring underground. you can also bring moss too. when you kill skeletons, you can use the bone meal from their bones to grow the sapling and replenish your wood supply with at least enough to make torches or a crafting table
you can eat and row your boat at the same if you start eating food and then start rowing immediately after
if a fight seems too hard for you to win, running away is your best course of action
or sometimes if there's a creeper in the mob group, you can lure them to the middle and block with a shield and the creeper will damage or kill the mobs around you
ALWAYS crouch at high ledges when walking past them. one time i fell off a ledge but somehow managed to land on the hitbox of the block in such a way that i was able to jump back up all because i was crouching
protection four armor on all armor pieces will protect you from A LOT OF DAMAGE in some cases you can literally stand right next to a creeper or tnt and you won't take fatal damage, even on hard difficulty
a mending bow is better than an infinity bow for long term use as arrows can be bought in bulk from a fletcher villager for 1 emerald
use villagers to farm xp for enchanting and emeralds. the best way to start a village is with a farmer villager, fletcher and a shepard. the fletcher you can trade sticks to for emeralds to buy bread from the farmer and beds from the shepard (3 tier trade)
the best villagers to farm emeralds and xp is between librarians and cartographers or fletchers and librarians. farmers and clerics are also a decent choice for getting xp but may require gathering surplus resources. fisherman and butchers kinda suck but can be a substantial food source
bring shears and night vision potions to ancient cities. use the accessibility function to toggle crouching for navigation of the city to avoid summoning a warden. you can use shears to quickly break and pick up wool from the hallways of the ancient city. to avoid triggering the shriekers, surround any chests, sensors or shriekers on all four sides (or the top/bottom for shriekers and sensors for extra safety)
when you go to the end for the fight, bring at least 3 stacks of wood with you. you can also bring at least a stack of wool with you if you plan on using beds but the wooden planks are helpful for crafting or pillaring, otherwise
do not be afraid to use blocks to make navigation easier. this can be used especially if you are familiar with the layout of a structure but are too afraid to fight enemies head on, like looting bastions or woodland mansions.
don't be afraid to build farms! they may seem cheaty but they can be helpful in the short or long term
you can capture mobs in boats to prevent despawning (java edition), which is especially good when zombie villagers show up before you have the resources to cure them
save most of your gold bars for golden apples as they will save you in a pinch
ALWAYS have some sort of building block in your hotbar. this can be useful in blocking off mobs or pillaring to escape.
having something to break your fall in your hotbar is also recommended but not required. hay bales, beds, water buckets, snow buckets and slime or honey cubes can break your fall
in java edition you can also use boats and sometimes mobs to drop down from high places and mitigate fall damage. boats you can actually row off edges and fall from high heights without taking damage at all!
having a boat on hand is also always a good idea for navigating the world and also acting as a barrier for catching dangerous mobs in
you can put carpet on top of fences to hop over them!
in my experience, having 1 smite 5 sword and 1 sharpness 5 sword on hand is very helpful for fighting everything in the game. the smite 5 sword will kill anything undead in a couple hits, which most mobs you will encounter will be
jumping before hitting always deals more damage, esp with an axe which is a good early game weapon! most mobs die in 1-3 hits from an iron axe
there's more but i am too tired to remember them
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syn4k · 7 months
Is it an option to kidnap a villager from another village
i only know where this one village is and im already sidetracked im just trying to get frost walker for my boots so that my armor stops dying every time i walk onto magma blocks. because im building a zombie pigman xp farm and they spawn on those. I HAVENT BUILT ANYTHING IN AN HOUR I JUST NEED FROST WALKER DUDE
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isa-ghost · 1 month
that hardcore dying nightmare? canon event for a philza hardcore enjoyer right there.
(mine had him drown because he left his desk while going afk, and he paused, but it somehow unpaused, and the whole time chat was screaming and praying he'd come back, spamming tts and trying to get the attention of other streamers who'd have his phone number so they could call him and warn him,
It was too late by the time he came back, and he just stood in his doorway in silence for a while, staring in disbelief.)
Bro would NEVER make a zombie xp farm let alone one UNDERGROUND. Dude is allergic to closed spaces because of S2. AND his armor and shield are LITERALLY not so weak that a couple baby zombies could get him down to 3 hearts, smh. He's tankier than that.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 1 year
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Playing Minecraft with Boscha
[Just a few general headcanons on how I think playing Minecraft with Boscha would go if she were ever introduced to it. It's been a while since I've just written preferences instead of a full short story, so I hope it's up to par.]
-Okay, so–
-At first, when you introduced Boscha to Minecraft, she didn’t really care for it.
-She thought it was just some random game for little kids.
-It wasn’t until you finally convinced her to join your game while you played with Luz, Amity, and Willow that she gave in and decided to see why it was so popular in the human realm.
-After figuring out the controls, she was HOOKED.
-A game where you can control pretty much everything you want? Sign her up!
-She’d definitely prefer to play on creative so she could fly around and not worry about having to constantly type in cheats to get the materials she needs, but she’s not upset about playing on survival either.
-Defintelyyyy loves being one to farm for XP. It gives her the chance to kill enemies in the game and even get creative with it. She LOVES it without a doubt.
-For a while, she didn’t want to play alone. She had been introduced to the game with other friends, meaning she could kind of rely on them to help her gather resources and fight tougher enemies. She started playing on her own, however, upon realizing she could impress you and the others with her newest designs for her skin and builds (which she totally didn’t look up multiple online tutorials for at all).
-After a while, she really started to enjoy just being able to hop online and play with only you.
-It was really fun getting to spend time with you alone on such an intriguing game. She got to vent about her day and absolutely loved being able to crack jokes with you and just laugh and talk until the early hours of the morning when the two of you would finally log off and go to bed.
-Definitely expect her to spam you with requests to join her game whenever she isn’t busy.
-”Boscha, hun, you’ve gotta stop spamming me.”
-”But look at this thing I just found out about! If lightning strikes a creeper, it supercharges it and–”
-Will absolutely find a way into the Nether before she even has any of the gear remotely needed to survive.
-She doesn’t even know how Nether portals work, she was just messing around with lava and water, or somehow stumbled upon an abandoned portal and managed to ignite it.
-Speaking of ignition, you’d better hope she turned “fire spread” off because once she gets her hands on Flint and Steel, she’ll be setting everything ablaze.
-Will 100% go spelunking without any torches or backup pickaxes/shovels, and then complain when she finds out that she has to have a certain kind of tool to mine up diamond ore.
-Will also be the one who tries to take on multiple creepers, skeletons, or even the Enderdragon at once without a proper weapon. “I’ll beat your ass with my bare hands! Or–eh–whatever the hell these square-looking things are…”
-*QueenBoscha was slain by an arrow*
-"No fair! How'd you kill me, you bony bitch?"
-If, for some reason, she can’t play on her own console, she’ll invite herself to your house and either play split-screen with you on yours, or slide up behind you and hold you, resting her head against your shoulder while she watches you play. She’d definitely be interested in watching you play since you’ve played it much longer than her. She can learn different building techniques, ways to get around different terrains without boats and similar transportation, and hey, maybe she’ll actually learn how important it is to cRaFT A TOOL.
-Playing with her is always fun because she’s so quick to act snarky towards the fictional enemies in the game. Sure, she’ll jokingly yell at a zombie if it smacks her, but she gets so defensive if something attacks you.
-Sometimes it seems like she forgets that the game is entirely fictional and you aren’t actually being hurt. After a while of you teasing her about it, she starts to make fun of herself in a way. She’ll use the voice she had when mockingly reading one of the Azura books aloud. “I shall avenge thee!”
-For sure has pink-themed “equipment,” as she calls it. I’m talking pink controllers/keyboard + mouse, pink (probably LED) headphones, pink wrap for the console itself, etc. And not, like, pastel pink. Neon pink or a really bright shade of magenta.
-Her voice actress (Eden Riegel) said she’d absolutely be one to set trends in the human realm, but I think one of the trends she’d follow herself is trying to start a gaming channel.
-She’d definitely expect you to fully support her and even create a channel of your own so you could collaborate on the game.
-Eden also said Boscha’s favorite human snack would be Takis, so I can picture her snacking on those while she’s playing anything online.
-Overall, Boscha would absolutely love playing Minecraft, especially with you, and would kinda grow a little too obsessed with it for a while before moving on to a new game, though she'd always come back to Minecraft if she needed to relax.
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For anyone curious about more minecraft world updates, last night i made myself a zombie spawner xp farm!!! Honestly really pleased with how this turned out
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convexicalcrow · 11 months
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nether pyramid progress! did all the layers above the glass layer tonight in about 2 hours or so. everything below has taken ... significantly many more hours. but it's all spawn-proof now. i just gotta finish the pyramid itself, and then add some more decoration around the base. pillars or columns or something, and make the doors more interesting.
the portal in the centre goes to the desert village base. the other portal goes to the savannah mining base. there's a zombie xp farm there.
stopping now tho bc migraine wooo. -_- so we'll get back to that later.
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thenopequeen · 2 years
"I think you keep your XP because keep inventory is on "
"Ok, ok. That would have been nice, though, to just farm people."
"That would've been nice, to farm people. I've always felt that way, you know, as a zombie."
Clockers family breakfast discussion - Cleo's episode
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icaruskeyartist · 1 year
Fun minecraft things:
-> be in a discord for a server -> have a zombie spawner xp farm -> make a suggestion for use for zombie flesh -> owner thinks there's already a recipe -> point out that you are usually a vanilla player so you don't even know what mods are on the server -> owner tells you to use a certain command to look things up -> oh -> get home, use command to look things up -> it does not tell you anything related to the previous discussion -> tell owner this -> "it doesn't say [specific thing you were looking for] but it does tell you the fun stuff you can do!" -> (ò_ó)
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gatormilf · 7 months
i was domming a girl i have a pre-sex date with next week over discord while i was afk from my mob spawner xp farm the other night. After everything was done i couldn't stop thinking of the fact i had to stop mid-sext because zombies were entity cramming. if you can't handle me at my slimy reddit mod then you can't have me at my sleek latex mommy dom
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syn4k · 7 months
my friend luna: *building a cute little dock and adorning it with myriad decorations*
me, two dimensions over: *AFKing at the Zombie Pigman XP farm so that I can hit 39 levels and enchant my already scary powerful bow with Soul Stealer, enabling me to steal the Ender Dragon's soul and craft a full set of ridiculously overpowered dragon scale armor over the course of four dragon fights*
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crazybooklover0 · 7 months
Okay, I'm like, no where close to figuring out dungeons for the chmc project, I'm still working on doing stuff for trail ruins, BUT
The idea of spawners has been bothering me since this project first sprung up in my head, and I think I've figured it out!
So, spawners form because there's been a lot of one mob spawning in one particular area of the world. So like, for example, say zombies spawn in this one particular cave a lot, for a long period of time. After some amount of time a spawner forms, and that's what the player finds in the world when they join.
However, you may be asking, 'okay, that's how spawners work, but what about the room around it, and the loot in the chests? Those aren't natural' And I have an answer! It's not a full one, because, again, I haven't completely figured everything out yet, this is just stuff that came to me in like, 5 minutes.
But, you would be right, the room around the spawner and the loot in the chests are not natural! The inhabitants that built the dungeons didn't know that there would be a spawner there, but they noticed that zombies (if we're using the example above), kept spawning in that area, so they blocked it off and used it as a makeshift xp farm or something! (again, haven't figured everything out)
(there will be a proper post about the dungeons when I get to it, I just wanted to get these ideas out)
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