#zoi plays dress up
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yaminade-no-zoi · 8 years ago
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When life gives you Rochu…
:T Hate it until your friend slowly gets you to love it.
Nyo!Russia: @yaminade-no-zoi Nyo!China: @kowai-lyndere
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breitzbachbea · 4 years ago
Drabble #76
Sometimes, you feel very gay and european and have to pour those feelings into a masterpiece of a drabble about two lesbian friends with benefits dancing in a Sicilian backyard at midnight with Efendi's Mata Hari as soundtrack. Oh yeah, and Michè and Ira are being homoerotic, the usual. A big thanks to @crispyliza for teaching me Greek phrases, one of which I used in this drabble <3. Translations at the end!
Drabble Collection on Ao3 Ship: Artemis kai Kallisto + (platonic) GreSic Human AU/Organized Crime AU
What a night it was.
It was still warm, the stickyness driven away by the breeze from the sea.
Sweat stained their clothes nonetheless. Their precious new clothes.
Timothea had decided that asking favours from friends couldn’t hurt and Marco always liked a new, different project in his free time. He had definitely never sewn a dress – or jumpsuit – or just robe – with a harness.
It was past midnight.
“My god, you look stunning, fos tis zois mou,” Timothea had told Despoina, cupping her face while her eyes had wandered over her body.
“Can’t we wear them already like this?” Despoina had asked Marco before her eyes had gone back to Timothea. “Because I want to see you move in this...”
“You can’t, unless you want to get pricked by pins until you look like San Sebastiano,” Marco had replied.
So they had waited until he was done. He had brought his sewing machine to Michele’s place and now watched proudly how the two women moved in his creation. Tassels complimented long, flowing fabric that flew to and fro, a flash of colour almost like a living being, as they danced. It all seemed one, Thea’s microbraids snapping with her movements, Despoina’s braid flowing like a river as she danced.
They seemed like one. The grass under their feet was soft, the ground swallowed the thuds as they stomped and jumped. Hands reached out for each other, traced bodies but never touched.
The fabric and skin, both deep and rich hues, glowed in the orange light from the backyard’s porch.
“Just like Cleopatra...” Music blasted from the inside, Efendi’s Mata Hari. “Let’s start a fire... let’s go.”
It was all one and it was mesmerizing.
Michele didn’t even know if he had blinked until it was over and Timothea and Despoina stopped, both breathing heavy. Now hands touched, fingers ran across faces, necks, collarbones down to navels and thighs.
“You wanna get a room, girls?” Omar joked. At least half.
“But then we’d have to take the clothes of,” Despoina said, her eyes still on Timothea.
“You could also just go behind the veggie patch,” Lorenzo said.
“No one can see you there and between the olive tree,” Marco said.
“It’s perfect,” they both said.
When Lorenzo went inside to get them a blanket, Michele said: “But please, no unchristian activities in my garden. I just had to deal with that.” He looked over to Marco.
Lorenzo laughed while he disappeared inside. Marco scratched his head and looked away.
“We didn’t really do anything,” he said.
“Only because it is you, Michele,” Timothea said. She had sat down in the grass, Despoina lying on her side beside her and giggling at the response.
“Thank you, amuri,” he said.
“We did it in my backyard,” Herakles said. His head rested on Michele’s lap, so now he looked up at him but his look wasn't returned.
Michele sighed exasperated. “Yes, but is there any place in your house you haven’t had sex in?”
“My olive tree wasn’t scandalized into infertility is all I’m saying.”
“You just don’t want other people doing unchristian things in your garden,” Marco said when his brother returned with a blanket.
“Oh, yes, that is true,” Lorenzo said. “We all know how Harry got that one sunburn.”
Marco: “And that other one.”
Both: “And the other one... and the other one...”
“Ogni cani è liuni na sò casa,” Michele retorted while the Bontade twins grinned and the Simonides laughed alongside Despoina. “Puasto abbasta.”
“Original sinning it up in here, huh old friend?” Herakles asked while Michele watched Timothea and Despoina, hand in hand and loving eyes watching one another, disappear into darkness. The glow of their beautiful costumes was a glint only as they settled, disappearing out of sight behind aubergine bushes.
The music still played.
“That’s not original sin,” he replied as his fingers ran through Herakles’ hair. He finally faced him when he said: “You would look absolutely breath-taking in such a get-up as well.”
Herakles blinked. “Are you allowed to say such things with a boyfriend?”
Michele grinned. “Beddu, if he was here, he’d say the same.”
Herakles’ lips twitched into an amused smile.
“We could dance,” he said and took Michele’s hand. “You know. In good christian ways.”
“That must be all alright with my boyfriend and the Lord,” Michele said and Herakles sat up.
The Bontade twins had a chat, both of them half asleep.
Omar played Animal Crossing.
Timothea’s finger twirled Despoina’s braid while she kissed her, Despoina’s hand caressing her hip.
The grass was still soft under Herakles’ and Michele’s feet as it swallowed their steps and rhythmic stomps. Michele let Herakles ���lead’; he always had such luck with talented men who just knew how to move their body and sweep him along.
“Undercover, I am a dangerous lover, drinking my poisonous water... and you’re under my spell. Mesmerizing, moving my hips, you are trying, you can’t resist, try to fight it... got a story to tell.”
"fos tis zois mou" (φως της ζωής μου) = "Light of my life" "amuri" = "Love" "Ogni cani è liuni na sò casa." = "Every dog feels like a lion in his own home." Sicilian Proverb, meaning everyone is the master in their own home. "Puasto abbasta." = "Enough now." "Beddu" = "Beautiful; Handsome"
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docholligay · 5 years ago
A THING YOU MUST AT SOME POINT DO: Michiru and Zoisite encountering each other in high society.
There was something rather annoying in the fact that the bulk of her class was exactly as oblivious as she had ever assumed. Play the correct notes, in a semblance of order, and above all else, assure that one is properly dressed for the stage, and not a one among them questions the instrument. 
To know that those who shared genetic material could fall for such a farce was all at once appalling and completely expected. 
“Zoi, such an unusual name, do you not find?” She pointedly looked across the small limousine at her siblings. 
Ryuji looked up at her and arched an eyebrow in a way that resembled Michiru’s own so closely it turned her stomach. 
“Our second names are unusual in Tokyo.” he looked back down at his notepad, “Kaioh Michiru Adrienne du Cayard.” 
“Yes,” she smiled, “and for all the use it gets outside of a French government form, it is allowed to be so, Ryuji Léonard du Cayard Kaioh.” 
“I think Zoi is Greek!” Naoko leaned forward, ever attempted to play peacemaker between the two of them, with nothing more than a pair of sneers to show for it. 
“There you are Michiru, you should know this, being so enamored of the continent.” Ryuji chuckled. 
“Well, we cannot both be the self-styled emperor of Japan, and I am afraid I must take the world that is left to me.” She turned to Naoko, “In any case, Zoi is a Greek girl’s name, you silly thing. And additionally, Zoi Sato, to have such an unusual name against such a plain one?”
Ryuji sighed. “To what point and purpose is this line of inquiry, my darling sister?” 
“I was only considering, my dearest brother, that perhaps we are greater fools all to question nothing about his sudden appearance and seeming generosity.” She inclined her head, “A man comes out of nowhere, has seemingly endless resources and yet, it seems, little free cash, knows the finer points and graces of our class, but has no pedigree we can name. The man is a parvenu at best.” She gave a chuckle. “It seems I am the only proper aristocrat in Tokyo.” 
Ryuji considered a moment. He and his youngest sister thought little of each other, but there was a shrewdness in her that he was careful never to deny or discount. 
“It is odd that we do not know his people, I suppose.” The car stopped. “Michiru, I leave you to your suspicions, but I will also leave Sato Zoi to his affairs as well.” 
“Michiru,” Naoko asked cautiously as Ryuji straightened his suit and went to the door, “What do you think Mr. Sato wants?” 
“Of this I have no earthly idea,” she took the hand of the driver and delicately stepped out, “But I shall make it my business to discover it.”
The gala was richly decorated, and it might have been impressive to Michiru if she had not lived all her life in such a gilded cage. Crystal chandeliers sparkled, the finest array of hors d'oeuvres from both Japan and the larger world were served from waiters bearing silver trays,  champagne flowed into cut and polished glassware. None of this so much as piqued the interest or impress of Michiru Kaioh, whose eyes swept around the room looking for someone in particular. 
It was blessing, then, that Haruka had been unable to attend. She was eager and loving and so very brave, but one this Haruka was not, was canny. She had been built for many things, and absolutely none of the were subterfuge. If she had let spill her suspicions about Zoi to Haruka, Haruka would have him cornered in an instant, interrogated hi8m, and been swiftly thrown out of the gala altogether, while learning nothing and giving up her advantage. 
Later, Rei would say something along the lines of sensing an evil energy coming from Zoi, and perhaps that would be true, but Michiru had not needed any sort of Sight to tell that the man was up to no good. It was true, perhaps, that the Sight later tipped her to the idea that it could be Usagi he was after, but on the other hand, Michiru might reason there was no other cause to speak to Mamoru Chiba. 
But Zoi was, of course. Mamoru had been in his sights for the last few gatherings, a man with more money than sense. The only saving grace that might be have been given to him was that the majority of his money was held in trust, still, and Mamoru would not gain access to it until he graduated college. Michiru had always wondered how long the Chiba money would hold out, after that occasion. It was perhaps ungenerous to blame Mamoru’s parents for dying, leaving him with no one who seemed to teach the boy a good bit of sense or how best to manage his investments, and so he had grown into an awkward thing, accepted mostly on the quality of his name and the shine of his coin, but Michiru blamed them nonetheless. It seemed careless. 
“Chiba,” she gave a delicate bow, “How lovely to see you, as always.” 
He responded immediately, and it gave Michiru a slight thrill of pleasure to see his own bow was deeper than her own. He knew his place, at the least. Michiru was imposing, she admitted, in her way, a queenly bearing her mother had taught her from birth. She could bow and look as if she had the upper hand, and the draped-back gown in green satin only accentuated the nobility of her. 
“An honor to have you, grace us, Michiru.” Mamoru had never quite figured out the line between his role as Sailor Moon’s paramour and Mamoru Chiba. In a Moon sense, he outranked Michiru or was at least her equal. In a life sense, he would never dare. “Kaioh Michiru, may I please present Mr. Sato.” 
“Zoi to you, I would hope, madame.” He bowed and kissed her hand. ‘Or mademoiselle, if I should be so hopeful?” 
“Do you often hope of mademoiselles? I had not considered it your manner, but I often find that life is all the more exciting for the things upon which my intuition misleads me.” 
He raised and smiled coyly, still holding on to her hand. “I hope of nothing but a rich life and a happy ending.” 
“It was been my experience that people often mistake that for a life with riches in it, leading their end to be the happiest for others most of all.” 
They stood there a moment, simply looking at each other. Something passed between them in that moment, something Michiru experienced little in her life, and last remembered the first time she met Minako Aino. There is an electricity, when one finds a rival whose skill meets one’s own. 
“You are clever.” He laughed, finally “Not the first to say so, I’m certain.” 
“Michiru is known for her wit, in these circles.” Mamoru nodded, too deeply. He was making himself look obsequious, and Michiru refused to pity him with a glance. 
“Razor sharp, I am sure.” His eyes still locked hers. 
“Careful my dagger, Zoi,” she smiled her small smile, “for it may yet kill again.” 
“Oh! Michiru!” 
It was, there turned out, a worse companion than Haruka in this effort, and Mcihiru could hear her voice echoing off the stone, the click of her too-anxious heels on the marble, the woosh of her dress selected for the way it made her feel a princess and not its seasonable fashion. Michiru clenched her teeth beneath her smile. 
“You look so beautiful!!” Usagi was next to her in an instant, a giggling cream puff swatched in an off the shoulder pink gown with too large a skirt and too many ruffles. “But you always look beautiful, of course, is Haruka here? I have extra snacks! I bet she looks beautiful too. ” 
Usagi offered the plate, containing an indelicate amount of blinis with caviar and lobster toasts. 
“I’m afraid she is not, Usagi, but she will be so pleased to know you asked after her.” She looked to the two of them, “Perhaps you and Mamoru should dance, I know not how long the music will going. The night is waning fast.” 
“Oh, but we’ve only just begun!” Zoi stepped forward, a look in his eyes lean and hungry as he looked to Usagi. “And who might this captivating woman be?” 
At that moment, Michiru could not have told you that Zoi was going to attempt to take Usagi’s silver crystal. She might have felt a prickling of his malice toward the senshi, if she had concentrated, but in this moment she had not. Michiru did not know that there would be quite the battle between ehr and Zoi, in the end. 
But what she did know, was that he sensed something in Usagi, and that he desired her not in the way a man desires a woman, but in the way a starved dog desires a steak. He would consume her bones and all, and she knew that intensely in this moment. 
“This is my...my significant other,” Mamoru tripped, “Tsukino Usagi.” 
“Hi!!” Usagi gave a graceless bow, still smiling brightly, “I see you met Michiru! She’s like a real princess, I think, but she’s nice too!” 
Michiru nearly laughed. She had never been nice a day in her life. Pleasant perhaps, and cordial most certainly, but it was an overabundance of grace in Usagi’s own nature that would cause her to ever call Michiru nice. Chiba was either a perfect idiot or a perfect weakling, and Michiru was not certain wich answer she wished to supply. How could he fail to see the way he looked at her? He was a wolf to a lamb, and he was none the wiser. 
It was another facet of Michiru’s personal tragedy, that she had clever foes and foolish allies. 
“Oh,” Zoi lowered his voice, “But look at you, so like a princess. A perfect mouthful of cotton candy. Don’t you simply melt with sweetness?” 
“Usagi,” Michiru grasped her hand, “I am missing Haruka terribly, and I am so very fond of this piece. WOuld you be so kind as to dance with me? It is a waltz, and very simple, I assure you, so there is no need for shyness.”
Zoi glared at her. “I was hoping--” 
“Yes,” she looked at him. “You were.” 
She swept Usagi off to the dance floor, putting herself in the perfect position, soldier leading her queen. It was very nearly pointless to warn Usagi off of someone she thought to be kind, and to be flirtatious. She would assume only the best of him, and she would witness the gold of his tongue, the jewels of his cleverness, and never suspect them to be so much gilt and paste. It was foolishness, to attempt to warn her. 
But, as she took Usagi into the dance, she knew she had to try.
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bowldeepfannish · 5 years ago
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Fanart commision: scene from the Sailor Moon Shakespeare pastiche AU titled All The World’s Stage being developed by  @coppercrane2​​  . She’s the most Penguin Lady of them all and one mighty pillar of the SenshixShitennou corner in the Sailor Moon fandom. ---> @ssrevminibang Feasting on the juicy plot previews and picking each other’s brains was a delight and the highlight of my Summer <3. Thank you so much Charlie <3.
All handmade traditional in pencil , just scanned and sepia-ed to enhance that Renaissance period feel a-la Da Vinci sketchbook.
INFO AND #SYMBOLISM ahoy (inner history nerd unleashed alert!)  so buckle up XDDD
Jupiter/Makoto (aka Viola) Capulets-Prada is here disguised as a (male) page ‘Cesario’ in the Montague-Moschino-Gucci (M-M-G for short) noble household, in order to investigate the murder of her parents. The M-M-G clan is likely involved in the murder but the lady is determined. Keep your friend close and your (likely) enemies closer? Yep.
The Montagues’ first son and heir Nephrite/Orsino ‘s troubledar (and also his UST) is pinging at the new page. Dun dun dun dunnnn.
While ‘Cesario’ is at it he tries to polish his fencing and fighting skills too, to the delight of Montague cadet’s branch cousin and blades wizard  Zoisite/Benvolio. Hence the dagger&swords lesson in their inner yard depicted in the above art happens. Orsino closely watches them on the ground while his sister Rei/Beatrice Montague gazes at the trio from her chamber window on the first floor >D.
Clothes, heraldic motifs and stonemasonry for the scene above are a mix of both authentical late medieval/early Renaissance refs, plot clues hidden in  plain sight and a nod to the source characters >D.
- butterfly/moth & flame motifs, heraldry for the Montague-Moschino-Gucci are peppered all over the picture:
1) moth to flame, anyone? It ‘s a nod to desires and ambitions of more than one kind in the fic, and a sign of danger. 2) moths partake with the meaning of butterflies but also bring a note of ambivalence compared to the diurnal, pretty butterflies. (They’re both awesome :P ).  3) flame: It brings light and warmth but also destroys. Ditto on passion! Also nod to Mars/Rei. 4) moths were also a signature Gucci feature in one of their recent-ish fashion collections so it seemed a perfect fit for the Montague-Moschino-Gucci family crest :P.
- spring (?) water well:
1) a private and handy source of drinkable water is a major boon in an era without tap water and no plumbing and hit-and-miss sewers. Another sign of status & luck. Plus water symbolism!
The water bucket is there but hidden behind the central character. We just see the rope attached to it. --> Things hidden in plain sight, the dive for truth at the botton of the well/under the surface.. and thirst in more ways than one X°D.
2) nod to Ami/Portia being part of the M-M-G family (married into).
3) water inside the well, flame motifs bas-relief outside to surround it, a metal moth on top of the well... yes all these bits are there and placed just like that and there for a reason. The whole metalwork atop the well included. Start speculating my darlings >D. 4) there is more but see point 3).
- swords & dagger:
1) if you are a novice daggers are better/more effective a weapon than futzing with a rapier. 2) Zoisite/Benvolio loves shiny stabby things :P . In any universe he values the aesthetic. To thyne own Extra self be true. Also him: dagger vs rapier? Why choose one?  :P
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- hair/hairdo (or lack thereof):
for all the variance of styles in history strictly speaking for many centuries no respectable woman would go around with her hair down and loose.
Hence Rei’s hair at the window is properly braided and covered ( also a little nod to Olivia Hussey in Zeffirelli’s movie adaptation of Romeo & Juliet ) . Makoto/Viola here is disguised as a boy hence she let her hair down to blend with the males in the household + that combined with the ruffled collar helps disguising her lack of an Adam’s apple 8D .
Zoisite is still tying his hair in his trademark canon ponytail also because he’s such a wild walking genderbent Rapunzel his locks would get in the way of fencing XDD.
- hats (or lack thereof):
Nephrite/Orsino hates, hates, hates that cumbersome poofy embroidered hat. But for all his discomfort he’s a Good Kid (Mama Beryl/Tamora is a stickler for heraldic paraphernalia and power dressing) and as the first son and designated heir he gotta.
Rei wears her headband/hair cuff and and ribbons interlaced in her braid like a proper refined aristocrat young lady of means.
Zoi should probably wear some sort of hat and also tie his shirt laces but he can’t be bothered plus he’s from  the cadet branch: he’s gotta play such a non playing straight card whenever it suits him amirite :P
- miscellaneous wall work: it recycles elements from previous buildings, preferrably Romans. Includings choice bits from Antiquity in your very building was as much a sign of status (Roman Empire mystique!) as sometimes a necessity due to lost techniques/expensive exotic materials.
- lozenges/trellis window glass and decorated ceramic + ornamental bricks framing the window: very period. A handful of such windows still survive 50 metres from my house :P.   XV century Italian goodness <3. I actually sneaked a tad of late XIX century feel in too :P (medieval-ish Art Nouveau architecture is quite a thing where I live).
- glimpse of Rei’s chamber: carved and painted wooden ceilings, tapestry (landscapes with castles and/or mythological themes usually) hanging on the wall for both decor and shielding from drafts belonged to the noble class taste of the period ( a rather long period and large area in the Westt... much beloved in the middle ages up to well into the Tudors’ era at least :). Sometimes if you could not hang tapestries you would commision trompe l’oeil of tapestries :D ) .
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A repeat of the pics as sometimes Tumblr doesn’t display the top pic in pic posts  for me :°D. Thank you for reading if you have made it to the end!
I am looking foward to the published fic. Thak you so much again for this fantastic commission chance Charlie I loved working on this :,). -------- my twitter
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harkovastwebcomic · 2 years ago
Chapter 10- Sophistication
Chen-Chen felt awkward. The Nymus around her all seemed to be having a lot of fun but she had no idea what to do. The Nymus at the bar were gathered in small groups, engaging in lively conversation. Unfortunately, Chen-Chen couldn’t relate to anything they were talking about. She managed to pick out odd details about tax rates and voting for particular candidates and what she assumed were references to plays and stories she didn’t know, wrapped in terminology that seemed deliberately opaque. The whole tone of the conversations seemed strangely competitive in a way that made Chen-Chen uncomfortable. The Nymus were outwardly polite but it soon became clear that they were constantly engaged in a subtle, passive-aggressive, one-upmanship against each other. If any of them made an error, used terminology inaccurately, or allowed some other opening in their dialogue, another would pounce in the form of a cutting remark, fake concern, or a seemingly ‘innocent’ question that would leave the person who misspoke feeling humiliated. This allowed the person who bested them to steer the conversation in a direction of their own choosing. Chen-Chen started to think it was for the best that she was an outsider. The band at one side of the room was playing strange Nymus music which Chen-Chen found even harder to follow than the conversations. It just felt like confusing background noise, adding even more to her sense of being out of place. Zoi-Dos-Nan seemed to be enjoying herself, but Chen-Chen couldn’t for the life of her figure out why. The conversations that seemed so cryptic and adversarial to Chen-Chen seemed to fascinate Zoi-Dos-Nan, and she was eager to engage in discussion with any of the groups, flitting from one to another. Chen-Chen followed her, trying to hide her bewilderment. Even the drinks were weird to Chen-Chen. Served in small bowls, they tasted of sweetness and alcohol and little else. It didn’t repulse Chen-Chen, but she was sipping it more out of politeness than anything else. ”Isn’t this great?” said Zoi-Dos-Nan sounded very eager, filling Chen-Chen with embarrassment for her own lack of enthusiasm.
“Yes, it’s….” said Chen-Chen, considering her words carefully “…well it’s certainly very different from what we do in my homeland.”
“I’m sure,” said Zoi-Dos-Nan. “This is sophisticated civilisation at its best.”
Zoi-Dos-Nan dipped her beak into her drink and flicked her head up. This propelled a few drops of liquid onto Chen-Chen’s dress. Chen-Chen, always eager to partake in foreign cultures was wearing a Nymus dress Zoi-Dos-Nan had picked out for her. Chen-Chen was still wearing her normal long sleeved top under the rather revealing garment. Chen-Chen was a very open-minded Tsung-Dao but she was still a Tsung-Dao, and she had her limits! The constant inadvertent flicking of drinks on her was another example of the limits of her tolerance. This was something the Nymus all seemed to do in this place, and none of them thought anything of it. Realising it was an innocent act in Nymus socialising, Chen-Chen was trying her best to overlook it. But even her tolerance might hit its limit if one more person splashed a drink on her. Chen-Chen came out of her own thoughts and realised Zoi-Dos-Nan was engaged in a conversation with a confident young Nymus man who was pontificating with enthusiastic gestures. Zoi-Dos-Nan seemed quite enraptured with what the man was explaining to her. ”You see,” said the man “I tend to favour the views of Hoo-Voh-Yo.” ”Oh really” said Zoi-Dos-Nan, seemingly fascinated “More so than Bek-Net-Ta?”
“Well what Bek-Net-Ta doesn’t realise,” the man leant closer to Zoi-Dos-Nan “and this has always been a central tenant of my philosophy, is that we aren’t just individuals. We are all interconnected as part of one LARGER individual.” ”Oh of course,” said Zoi-Dos-Nan, with a giggle “that makes so much…” ”While I wouldn’t dispute we are all connected in a societal sense,” said Chen-Chen “and that we hold a responsibility toward each other, how does your philosophy account for INDIVIDUAL responsibility? A criminal is responsible for their own crimes and the teachings of the Sacred Five are based entirely on an individual achieving enlightenment. We can’t advance spiritually as a group, even if we can share wisdom and build our collective knowledge.” The Nymus man and Zoi-Dos-Nan both stared blankly at Chen-Chen. Chen-Chen shifted on her feet nervously. ”Well…” said the Nymus man nervously “I’ve got places to be.” He hurried away. ”What did you do that for?” said Zoi-Dos-Nan angrily to Chen-Chen. ”I’m sorry!” said Chen-Chen, a little panicked “I thought we were discussing philosophy!” Zoi-Dos-Nan turned and walked away in annoyance.
Chen-Chen was left baffled about what she had just done wrong. ”That was painful to watch.” said Ki. Chen-Chen jumped in surprise, spilling her drink on herself. She turned around to face Ki behind her, holding a drinking bowl of his own. ”While you’ve been playing at socialising,” said Ki “with embarrassing results, I might add, I’ve been finding out the details of the threats this city faces. It seems without me to corral you all, my loyal little band of scrabbers have all run off in different directions. I’m the only one who seems to keep you all organised.” ”But,” said Chen-Chen “wasn’t it you who left the rest of us first?” ”Well…” ”You said a glib line and then ran off without telling anyone else what to do. You do that a lot.” ”You know, Chen-Chen,” Ki smiled at the corners of his beak “You are surprisingly quick-witted. Rather unbecoming for a Tsung-Dao…but I like it. Come on, let’s get out of here and I’ll tell you what needs to be done.”
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psalexanzondria · 7 years ago
In too deep - Jasper x Single!Mother Reader
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Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Jasper x Single Mother!Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Jasper falls in love with a widowed single mother with a 6 year old daughter.
Warning: Mentions of violent death, and crappy jobs.
AN: Sorry Nonny, if it’s not what you expected!
“Mommy, where we goin’?” Charleigh asks from her seat in the back of the car, causing me to look in the rear-view mirror at her. Her little hood is drawn up over her head, her blonde curls tucked neatly into the hood as the window is rolled down partway to help her feel better when she told me she wasn’t feeling good.
 “We’re going to see Aunt Bella for a while, sweetie.” He eyes widen as she lets out a tiny cheer, throwing her arms up in excitement at my words, causing me to smile to myself.
 “Auntie Bewwa!” She squeals, bouncing up and down in her carseat.
 “Yup, so if you go night night, when you wake up we’ll be there.” I say, causing her to nod as excitedly as she can be, without basically ripping the seatbelt that is keeping her carseat from moving. It’s not even ten minutes later that Charleigh’s head falls to the side in her sleep, eyes fluttering with happy little dreams playing behind her eyelids as I grip the steering wheel tighter, watching the road as I feel the dread that was on my shoulders slowly lifting.
 “Hi dad.” I greet as the door opens, and Police Chief Swan, my father, greets me with a one armed hug, Charleigh is sleeping in my arms in the bitterly cold night.
 “Hey sweetie, come on in.” He answers, and I nod, shuffling into the house as I kick off my shoes, careful of Charleigh, who stirs in her sleep, before curling her head into my neck, snoring softly. “We have guests over, Bella’s boyfriend’s family.” Charlie explains as I nod, brushing my hair out of my face. “In the living room.”
 “Alright.” I carefully enter the living room, seeing a bunch of beautiful people in various seats, Charlie drops into the recliner, and Bella is beside a brunette boy on the love seat. “Hey, sis.” I sing lightly, her head snaps up, and she is on her feet, hugging me while being careful of her niece.
 “Oh my gosh, Zoi! Is this Charleigh?” She asks, causing me to nod, and she presses her hand to her mother as I shift Charleigh in my arms, her hood falling back to reveal her sleeping face, and blonde curls. “God, she’s beautiful!” Bella whispers, causing me to nod.
 “Isn’t she?” I notice a blonde girl is hovering close to Bella’s shoulder, observing Charleigh. “Would you like to hold her?” I offer the blonde, causing her to blink rapidly, looking up at me as I smile at her.
 “Oh, I’m so sorry! Zoi, this is Rosalie, and her fiancee Emmett. Alice and her girlfriend Miracle. Jasper and my boyfriend Edward, and their parents Esme and Carlisle.” Bella introduces, pointing to each individual person, each one is beautiful in their own way.
 “Nice to meet you all. I’m Bella’s older sister, Zoi, as you may have guessed. This is my daughter Charleigh.” The little girl in my arm shifts, rubbing her eyes as she yawns.
 “Where we at, Mama.” Charleigh whimpers as she stretch a bit.
 “We’re at Grandpa Charlie’s and Auntie Bella’s.” I answer, causing her head to snap up, and her eyes to widen as her arms flap as she makes grabby fists at Bella.
 “Auntie auntie!” She sings, causing me to laugh as I hand her to Bella, who panics a bit as she settles Charleigh on her hip.
 “She’s precious.” Rosalie says, waving at my daughter, who giggles, hiding her face behind her hood.
 “Thank you.”
 “Is her father with you?” My dad asks, causing me to look at him.
 “I know you don’t like-”
 “No I do not like Roberto.” He snarls Charleigh’s father’s name like it is poison upon his lips.
 “No, Roberto isn’t with me. He was gunned down when Charleigh was a 9 months old, which you would’ve known if you’d bothered to answer the phone, or call me back.” I answer with a bit of a snipe in my voice. “Not to mention, he took off when I was 6 month pregnant, so you know, no lovelorn or love lost there.” I turn back as Charleigh tilts her head at me, seeing th sour look on my face, she covers her face with her hands, then pulls them away with a bright smile.
 “Boo!” She cries, causing me to pretend to startle, jumping as I press my hand to my heart.
 “Oh! You scared me, you silly girl!” I tease as everyone watches our interactions, Bella hands her back to me as Charleigh yawns, rubbing her eyes again.
 “I’m tired.” She murmurs, causing me to smile.
 “Dad, will you show us t our room for the night?”
 “That’d be my room!” Bella pops up from her seat beside Edward. “Edward and his brothers, and Carlisle are having a boy’s hunting trip of some kind, so Rose, Alice, Miracle, Esme, and I are going to have a girl’s night.”
 “Good to know. Night guys.” I wave to the strange family.
 “Night night!” Charleigh chirps, and we start up to the bedroom, Bella smiling at us all the way.
 “What?” I ask with a partial laugh.
 “Jasper couldn’t take his eyes off you. Except to look at Charleigh, with the eyes of a father.”
 “No way.” I shake my head.
 “Yes way!” Bella counters, causing me to pause.
 “No!... Really?”
 “Yeah!” Bella laughs, causing me to smile a bit, and she opens the door. “I’m just saying my observation.” With that, she leaves myself and Charleigh to settle in for the night, contently falling asleep once I’ve tucked Charleigh in.
 Sitting on the back porch of the Cullen household, eight months later, I watch Charleigh dance with Emmett while Bella and Edward talk in the corner of the kitchen, and Alice and Rose are on either side of me, and Jasper is waiting for his turn for a dance with Charleigh. “Five, I can’t believe she’s five today.”
 “I can’t believe she told Alice off, because she tried to throw her a party today.” Rosalie answers.
 “This is what she wanted. To see her best friends.”
 “She spoiled.” Alice jokes, watching Jasper lift Charleigh into his arms, dancing to the music from the boombox on the porch.
 “She deserves to be spoiled.” I answer.
 “You never told us why you moved here.” Rosalie points out.
 “Okay, so Charleigh’s dad wasn’t really gunned down when she was 9 months old, he was gunned down two weeks before we moved here, because he owed money on some debt. After an attempt on kidnapping Charleigh, I moved us here.” I answer, causing Rose to look disgusted, and Alice frowns.
 “What a horrible man.” Alice states, causing me to nod, and Jasper sets Charleigh down, grabbing his hand, she tugs him towards us, and I stand with a smile.
 “There’s my princess!” I cry, and she beams up at me.
 “Mr. Jasper wants to take us to dinner!” Charleigh beams. “Can we go? Can we? Can we?” She asks, causing me to kneel down, placing a kiss on her forehead.
 “You betcha!”
 “YAY! Can I wear my new princess dress?” She asks, causing me to nod, and she runs into Alice’s arms, who lifts her off the ground, carrying her inside to help her get changed as I smile after them.
 “You didn’t have to do that.” I finally turn to Jasper, who smiles at me.
 “Yes I did, It the only way I could think of, to get you to agree to go out with me.” I blink at his abruptness, feeling my cheeks burn with a vibrant blush.
 Rain pours outside as I stroke Charleigh’s head, watching her sleep, soothing her in her sleep so that she doesn’t jolt awake from the lightning and thunder again, the phone starts to ring in the kitchen, causing me to bolt to my feet, and dash out the door as quietly as I can, pressing TALK and forcing the door to my ear. “Hello?” I breath out.
 “Zoi? Zoi, I need you to come in now.” My boss says from the other line.
 “Now? But, I don’t work for two days- and I don’t have a babysitter.”
 “Well, that’s not my fault is it? I need an order of jalapeno chicken fries, and a double cheese burger with heavy pickles, heavy cheese!” My boss answers.
 “I have two days off, because my daughter is sick.” I respond.
 “My poor heart. Find a sitter and get her, now!” He demands, the phone hangs up with a click, and I dial the first number that pops into my head.
 “Hello?” I breath a sigh of relief.
 “Jasper, thank god!”
 “What’s a matter darlin? Is something wrong with Charleigh? Is she hurt? Are you hurt?” He asks, rapidly firing off questions.
 “I need you to babysit. I just got called in by my jerk of a boss, and Charleigh is sick.” I explain.
 “I’ll be there in five minutes, darlin.”
 “Thank you so much, Jazz.”
 “No problem.” With that, he hangs up, and is here in no time, the two of us exchanging words of politeness, and a quick hug, a chaste kiss of the cheek, before I’m dashing out the door in my uniform. I’m home not even two hours later.
 “Welcome back, darlin.” Jasper asks as soon as I walk in the door, he’s bouncing a sleeping Charleigh in his arms.
 “I quit.” I state, tossing my hat on a chair, and taking her from his arms.
 “How come?”
 “Doesn’t matter...” I pause, then answer. “Cause they called me in when I got two days off, to take care of Charleigh.” I answer, he follows me into Charleigh’s room, and tuck her into bed. “I have two more jobs. Anyway, how was she?”
 “A bit of a fever, and some coughing- I gave her some of her medicine.”
 “Took it without a problem?”
 “Thunder woke her up, the medicine helped put her back to sleep, so nope.” He answers as I tug the blankets up around her chin, and he gestures to the living room as I nod, following to drop into a seat. “You okay?”
 “Tired. Sore.” I answer, causing him to nod, walking into the kitchen, and he comes back out a few minutes later with a mug of cocoa, handing it to me as he sits on my coffee table, lifting my leg into his lap. After prying off my shoe, he rubs my legs, working on the tight muscles, before moving to my swollen foot, before drawing my other leg into his lap as he rubs it the same way as the first. “Anyone ever tell you that your fingers are heaven?”
 “No,” He rumbles in laughter. “I can’t say they have. Glad to be of assistance.”
 “You can massage my legs, any time.” I giggle.
 “That sounds appealing. You have very nice legs.” He answers, running his hand up my leg, then hums as he smirks at me.
 “Flirt.” I tease.
 “Only with you, darlin.” He winks at me, causing me to smile at him, sipping at my cocoa, relaxing.
 The bowl in my hands falls to the floor, shattering as everyone stares at Charleigh, who is sitting in Jasper’s lap, the southern vampire is staring at her in shock as well. “Mommy?” Charleigh tilts her head at me.
 “I... excuse me.” I cross the room to the front door, feeling everyone stare at me as I leave the house, the door shutting behind me as the harsh cold of the snow nips at my skin.
 “Darlin?” I jump, turning to see Jasper standing in the doorway, he smiles softly at me as I hug my arms to my chest. “You okay?” He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I nod. “Good.” He leans down, pecking me on the lips, in a chaste manor.
 “I just... I didn’t think she’d- Jasper, I am so sorry.” He chuckles, tucking my head under his chin.
 “It’s okay, darlin. She’s six, she doesn’t know better.” He answers, stroking my hair. “I don’t mind either way.”
 “But, we haven’t even been together long enough for her to-”
 “Don’t. Worry.” He leans back, cupping my cheek as he presses his lips to mine between both of the words.
 “I didn’t think this would be so difficult.”
 “What’s so difficult?”
 “When I moved here, or when we started dating almost two years ago, I didn’t think that I’d go from single mother, to basically adopted by an entire family of vampires, and my daughter getting adopted along with me.” I press my hand to my head, taking a deep breath. “But, how do I explain to Charleigh that you aren’t her daddy, when that’s what she just called you?!” I sigh, shaking my head.
 “You know that I care about you, and I love Charleigh.” Jasper smiles at me. “I love you.” I blink at him in surprise. “So, if you would let me be Charleigh’s daddy, I would love that.” Jasper explains finally, he kneels down, pulling a ring from his pocket, and holds it out to me. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?” My hand flies to my mouth as I feel my eyes tear up, and he smiles as I nod, grabbing his face, and kissing him senselessly.
Charleigh and Renesmee giggle as they run down the aisle, I watch as Jasper stoops down, Charleigh into is arms, and she hugs him as I smile from my hiding place in the corner of the room. “Zoi, what’re you doing?!” I jump at Alice’s harsh voice, Jasper’s head snaps over to us as I tug my robe shut before he can see my dress.
 “Darlin?” Jasper is at my side in a second, causing his pixie-like sister to growl in annoyance. “Is something wrong?” He asks quietly, looking at the few people at the end of the church, wait for the wedding to start.
 “Cold feet.” I answer, smiling up at him. “Better now.”
 “You know I love you, right darlin?” Jasper says, leaning his forehead against my own, and I smile at him.
 “I know. I love you too.” He smiles at me, pecking me on the lips, and steps back, smiling at me.
 “I’ll be waiting for you at the end of the aisle.”
 “I’ll be the one in white.” I joke, causing him so smile, kissing me once more, before disappearing back down the aisle as Alice tugs me back towards the dressing room.
 Staring into Jasper’s eyes, before our friends and families, my heartbeats echo in my chest, and he has nothing but raw love and adoration in his eyes, causing my heart to beat even faster, my eyes fogging up with tears as we start on our vows.
 “Zoi, as I stand here before you in the presence of these witnesses, I, Jasper Hale, take you to be my Wife, I vow to love, cherish, and honor both you, and Charleigh, who I vow to treat and care, and love for as my daughter, be it by blood or marriage. I promise to be patient, loving, and caring, I vow to make you both happy, to make you laugh, and to be there, through the good, and through the bad, through the happy and through the sad. You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night. I look forward to loving the smallest moments, like your voice, when you tuck Charleigh in at night. Spin a coin into a fountain and make a wish for us. You are my wish come true.” I choke on a sound, between a laugh and a sob, my hand covering my mouth as tears well in my eyes, and I grab his face, kissing him.
 “Oh!” I laugh. “I kissed him too soon!” Everyone laughs as Carlisle smile in understanding. “Jasper, as I stand here before you, once a single mother with too much love to give, I, Zoi Swan, take you to be my Husband. To give you the right to love and care for my daughter, as your own, and I vow to love, cherish, and honor you, I promise to be understanding, caring, and honest, I vow to make you happy, to be there through anything and everything. And Jasper, may you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn't live a day without you. I promise never to let go of your hand, that the hand that I take now, will be the same one I hold in the autumn of our lives, for you are my best friend, my confidant. Marrying you, accepting you into our family, is truly my every desire fulfilled.” Jasper smiles at me as he lifts my hand to his cheek, kissing the palm, and Carlisle has us exchange rings, before pronouncing us man and wife, and Jasper kisses me more passionately than he ever has before, the world dissolves around us, and I can’t even hear the cheers and clapping of our family until Jasper pulls away, scooping Charleigh up in his arms.
 “We’re gonna be a family?” She asks.
 “Yes, baby, we’re gonna be a family. You, me, and daddy.” I answer, kissing her on the cheek.
 “Yay!” She cheers, causing Jasper and I to smile.
 “Hey, I love you, Mrs. Hale.”
 “It’s Mrs. Whitlock.”
 “What?” Jasper’s tawny gaze widens.
 “According to the marriage license, it’s Mrs. Whitlock.” I answer, and he sweeps me up in his free arm, spinning around as I laugh merrily.
 “God, I love you!” He murmurs, pressing his forehead to my own, and I smile at him.
 “And, I love you.” I answer, cupping his cheek, kissing him passionately.
 “Ew! Mommy, that’s my daddy!” Charleigh protests, causing Jasper and I to pull away, looking at her as we both laugh. My heart beats, happily as I find myself thinking ‘And I thought I was in too deep.���
Hope you guys enjoyed! Happy Holidays by the way!
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yaminade-no-zoi · 9 years ago
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“And the songbirds keep singin’ like they know the score. And I love you, I love you, I love you...
...like never before.” ♡
Toris Laurinaitis/Lithuania: Me 
Feliks Łukasiewicz/Poland: @piratecoded 
Photographer: @sailor-plutos
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yaminade-no-zoi · 9 years ago
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And I miss you most of all, my darling... ...when autumn leaves start to fall. Anya Braginskaya/Nyo!Russia: Me Photographer: @sailor-plutos
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yaminade-no-zoi · 9 years ago
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Listen to my heart beat, listen to my song for you... First picture taken by: @randomness365days Others by: @sailor-plutos Itsuki: Me Sensui: Tyler Touchdown Cosplay
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yaminade-no-zoi · 11 years ago
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Pony swag. Because I can.
=w= I really do love this cosplay. It's fun to wear. That and Celestia is so fun-loving and sweet. I love that she's such an oddball, but then she can turn around and be poised, graceful, and even intimidatingly firm when she needs to be. She's just an.all around amazing character.
Thank you, MLP for giving your characters such vibrant personalities. <3
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yaminade-no-zoi · 11 years ago
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A true lady sits up straight with her chin held high. 
A true lady drinks her tea with her pinky finger out. 
A true lady exudes confidence and poise.
That doesn't mean that a true lady can't say 'No' and reintroduce you to the meaning of the word when you don't take it for an answer.
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