#zodiacs in law
I bought the Book of Bill. I would like to propose a fanfic genre to Billford writers. I call it:
“Zodiacs in Law”
EDIT: SHORTER DESCRIPTION - Bill takes interest in the rest of the Pines family because he knows Ford won’t live without them and HE wants Ford. Trauma, angst, and shenanigans ensue.
(Oh yeah, feel free to write this platonically too. It doesn’t actually HAVE to be billford ship)
Premise is this, Bill’s goal (after world domination) is Ford. But he KNOWS, if he wants Ford (willing or not), he can’t have JUST Ford. He KNOWS he has to keep the other Pines’s around. “FOR LIKE ENRICHMENT OR EMOTIONAL STABILITY OR WHATEVER YOU MEATBAGS NEED.” (And because he knows Ford will never settle otherwise)
Thus ensues Bill trying to mount the impossible task of trying to get Stanley, Dipper, and Mabel to play house with him. To them, Bill is frustratingly omniscient to their attempts to avoid “family bonding” at all costs (Including but not limited to: escape attempts, magic rituals, running like hell, lies, more escape attempts, researching ways to defeat Bill).
To Bill, the Pines are resident cats that are “JUST A LIL FERAL IS ALL”. Make no mistake, Bill was fully expecting his patience to be tried the way they are currently trying it, and he’s up to the task!
After all, they are his future in-laws. And that kinda makes them Ciphers too, right?
Bill getting ready to drag Dipper and Mabel to board game night cause god DAMN IT YOU’RE GONNA PLAY SCREAMING FLESH MONOPOLY AND YOU’RE GONNA LIKE IT.
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astro-royale · 8 months
What may save you..according to your rising sign…
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Disclaimer, my opinion
Gemini Rising: the right kind of information. Especially information about navigating relationships, or advice from people you’re close to. Also maintaining your own personality in relationships.
Cancer Rising: Developing resilience and creating healthy habits to cope with your emotions, also Discipline. And doing things you know you have to do without excuses. Also communicate your needs directly, no need to manipulate people to give you pity. Just ask them to hold a safe space and be compassionate to you in that moment.
Libra Rising: Being confident about confrontation or creating separation if it means protecting yourself. Being around people which soothe your nervous system. I’ve noticed Libra risings can have anger issues , or suppressed anger they need to learn how to communicate in a healthy way instead of just blowing up at people or saying things they don’t mean.
Aquarius Rising: Not seeing people as lesser than you because they don’t know about certain topics or because they don’t do the things you do. And actually you may learn a lot from people you might usually avoid “basic people”. Just as you are unique, so are others. And maybe this is why you dislike people because this kind of perspective is making it hard for you to want to connect to others and acknowledge them as valuable. Also just have fun and try to enjoy the presence of other people more. Actively find things you like to fixate on rather than dislike, this will give you more of a balanced perspective.
Leo Rising: if you want attention, cultivate uniqueness and don’t look to others for inspiration all the time. Many Leo risings put people on a pedastal I’ve noticed. Become a leader and focus on carving your own path and individuality rather than always looking for “inspo”. You already are it, but take time to explore what your “It” factor is and find your uniqueness.
Scorpio Rising: my love, don’t wait for your external reality to give you stability. Go within. You are the shaman, the warrior, the truth the world needs. Go within where all your answers are. Faith and inner stability is what will give you the strength you need. No one will save you except yourself. Radically accept that your external reality will have ups and downs, and cultivate stability within. Also, indulge in some “Light” things to keep you balanced.
Sagittarius Rising: Just be honest with people bro. But do it nicely, that way you’re always going to maintain connections authentically. Dont be afraid of telling the truth because it will cause you to move else where. You’re meant to be a seeker but also to connect with people, and maybe you have big crowds you want to reach , but start off with your community. Share and try to inspire your community first, and if you can’t do that, create a community and inspire them and yourself.
Taurus Rising: Connecting with people who have spiritual values rather than materialistic. Connecting to people who don’t have something tangible to offer or just have a “use”. Connect to people your heart and soul yearn for rather than what your ego yearns for. People who can’t give anything but their heart, soul, experiences.
Aries Rising: If you want to confront people just apply for a sport. Take your energy out physically. Boxing, judo, basketball. Just anything to help you let out some steam so you can have a clear head and judge people from a balanced point of view.
Virgo Rising: chill with some artists. Or if you’re the artist, create some art. Do something to let you unwind and feel free and where you won’t judge yourself. Visiting museums and places where art and information are combined may be useful. Learn to balance play and work. Writing will help you more than you realise. Unconditional love affirmations.
Capricorn Rising: Therapy. You need someone to help you understand your feelings. Even a life coach to help you balance out work and play. Similar advice to virgo rising. You guys unconsciously rant to people and then all your feelings come out, but you don’t realise it. So try to become conscious about your feelings and when you can and when you can’t communicate them.
Pisces Rising: Have people in your life you feel like you can always count to tell you the truth and to help you see objective reality. But also try to organise your information so you won’t feel overwhelmed by it. Deffo organising will help.
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astrolovecosmos · 7 months
The 9th House and In-laws
The 9th House is associated with your in-laws. This house can describe your in-laws' personalities, some of the family dynamic, and your overall relationship with them. *Due to the 10th House's association with authority and parents' influence some may look at this House to reference in-laws as well.
Aries: Marrying into a highly competitive family, maybe a sports family, or maybe a military family. Passion, leadership, confidence, and self-focus may somehow be themes in the dynamics or personalities of in-laws. Aries is associated with separation and independence; this could indicate a more distant relationship to in-laws or even in a more literal sense with the in-laws being separated. Anger and arguments may be commonly caused by in-laws. In-laws could also be highly enthusiastic and encourage fun, assertion, risk, and being enterprising in your marriage or as a family unit.
Taurus: Marrying into a predictable, routine, unmoving or deeply rooted, maybe controlling family. In-laws may be dependable, huge foodies or materialistic, potentially may spoil their family, could be an artistic family, or a down-to-earth one. With Taurus's association with security this may mean they give their daughter/son in-law plenty of reassurance and stability OR they could see the new daughter/son as a threat as well. May be slow to form a relationship with. The in-laws will strive for peace and contentment in their family.
Gemini: Marrying into a family that highly values intellect and has high energy. Some in-laws could be flexible and others unstable. A highly communicative and social family. In-laws may be open-minded, easygoing, but potentially opinionated, may love debate or wild discussions, could seem detached as well. May judge their daughter/son in-law by their field of study, social standing, and how they hold themselves in conversations. Could have a lot to share and teach with their family. Some in-laws may be highly supportive and others two-faced, gossipers, and tricky.
Cancer: Marrying into a family that may have a great focus on family loyalty and tradition. In-laws could be very protective over their children and may not always be welcoming to spouses. Some could also be on the other end of the spectrum - highly understanding and kind to a son/daughter in-law. An in-law could be highly intuitive and frequently shares their wisdom. This family can have attachment issues. In-laws could be manipulative and possessive. This can also be a family one may easily be able to get close to, in-laws who embrace a spouse as one of their own. May be the type to show favoritism towards a daughter/son in-law.
Leo: Marrying into a proud family that focuses on honor, duty, and success. Can be warm, affectionate, and very generous in-laws. These in-laws may go out of their way to impress a spouse. But they can also be overbearing and arrogant behind their shinning gold. One in-law could stand out by playing the role of queen/king of the family. Can also be a lively, playful, and entertaining family. The married couple may feel as if they have to put on a performance when around the in-laws. Some may want to rebel. Some may fit in with the passionate and driven parent(s).
Virgo: Marrying into a hard-working, practical, intellectual, and potentially critical family. These in-laws may have high standards for their son/daughter in-law. May be very helpful and supportive in-laws who take on extra tasks, chores, and responsibilities for the couple. Could be rigid, potentially often complainers, and judgmental. These in-laws may try to contribute to the married couple's finances or health often in some way. May not be the best at sharing emotions and reassurance. In-laws appreciate a cooperative daughter/son in-law and may have a family dynamic that is all about striking a balance between teamwork, everyone contributing, and self-reliance.
Libra: Marrying into a family that has a very harmonious dynamic OR may seem like they do at first. There is pressure in the family one is marrying into to keep the peace. Maybe this family brushes issues under the rug, doesn't get too deep or passionate in their dynamics, or constantly pushes the importance of tact, manners, and grace. They could be kind, easygoing, and supportive in-laws but also potentially vain, shallow, and easily jealous. The individual with this placement may try hard to please their in-laws or the family they are marrying into. It is important for them to set healthy and realistic boundaries, and some may need to learn to stand up to their in-laws with their spouse. This can also indicate in-laws who have good judgment, admire their child's relationship, and help the couple with networking or even originally introduced the married couple to each other!
Scorpio: Marrying into an intense and passionate family. Potentially a highly competitive and combative family. This family may have many secrets, or many things might not be shared and discovered until long after the wedding and being part of the other family. Family loyalty may be important along with power and control dynamics. These in-laws could be overprotective, manipulative, and vindictive. But they could also be compassionate, motivating, intuitive, and filled with useful insight. Their protective nature could encompass their daughter/son in-law. But these in-laws may likely struggle with letting go of control and involvement. This placement can also indicate a deep, empowering, or transformative relationship with one's in-laws.
Sagittarius: Marrying into a gregarious, fun-loving, zealous, and active family. In-laws may give their adult child and their spouse a lot of space and freedom. Could also be unreliable, selfish, irresponsible, and dishonest in-laws. An in-law could also be boastful and dogmatic. They may not accept a son/daughter in-law unless they agree with their opinions or beliefs fully. In-laws could also be the type who refuse to acknowledge the marriage or relationship status, treating the son/daughter in-law always like a "stranger". Because Sagittarius is associated with luck, maybe a spouse has hit the jackpot and their in-laws could be very giving, open-minded, and friendly. In-laws may live far away or be part of a very different culture than the daughter/son in-law. Whether there is a good or bad relationship, the family dynamic is likely flexible, fast paced in some way, or maybe even exciting or wild.
Capricorn: Marrying into a strict, traditional, ambitious, practical, or potentially a well-known family. Reputation and work ethic may be important to the in-laws. These in-laws can also be reliable, patient, chill, and they watch out for their children, including the son/daughter in-law. These in-laws could be highly judgmental, negative, and rigid. Some may want to rebel against their in-laws or question their authority and judgment. Trust issues can be a big deal in the dynamic somehow. The in-laws could be workaholics or highly materialistic or even greedy and unexpectedly manipulative. Capricorn is associated with integrity, these in-laws may approach their married children with full trust and respect, at least at first. These in-laws could also help their son/daughter in-law with getting a job or career.
Aquarius: Marrying into an unconventional family or family dynamic. There are many ways the in-laws could be unique depending on your society. Maybe there are untraditional roles, large age differences, they could have a free-spirited lifestyle, are politicians, the list could go on. These in-laws could be separated, divorced, or not married at all. The in-laws could also be highly detached or estranged from the couple. These in-laws can also be conversationalist, highly value intellect, love a good debate, embrace quirks, and be open-minded or very friendly. There can also be a hypocritical, opinionated, or controlling nature. These in-laws could also be highly unpredictable and unreliable. In healthy and idealistic dynamics they can make a daughter/son in-law feel accepted, be a great teacher, and inspire the couple or individual.
Pisces: Marrying into a sensitive, emotional, maybe artistic, or maybe a touchy-feely family. This family and/or the in-laws may be easy to get along with at first, making a daughter/son in-law feel at home or at ease. But these in-laws can also be manipulative, elusive, and volatile. There can be an unstable and always changing feel to the family dynamics. An in-law or both parents may be highly intuitive and receptive to the married couple's relationship. A son/daughter in-law may conform to their in-laws beliefs and wishes or be highly sensitive to their wants OR the in-laws themselves may be quick to try to please or pacify a son/daughter in-law. Boundaries can easily be crossed in the dynamic. There can be a great opportunity for closeness, but this can come with plenty of pros and cons. Spiritual or religious beliefs may be a hot topic somehow. With Pisces strong association to healing, an in-law could become the mom this individual always wanted, or the daughter/son in-law could be the daughter/son the in-law always wanted. Or the individual may act as the family's therapist.
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thesecretsofthedivine · 8 months
Pick a Pile Reading | Messages From Your Future Spouse 💍🪐
Business Carrd 🍶🧺
Paid Services 🍇⭐
Tip Jar 🍾🎱
*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading - take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
*Exchanges with other intuitives/readers are available via dm's
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• I love the sound of your laughter.
• You’ve turned me into a more carefree person.
• Let’s spend the day baking/cooking then heading right back to bed to cuddle!
• I feel like we could never have enough quality time together.
• You’re my favorite person in the world.
• I’m addicted to your scent.
• We should start a family (🐾/👶).
• You’re my lock screen.
• I tell all my friends about you. If you checked my notifications, all you’d see is a group chat roasting me for how obsessed I am with you.
• There is no place I’d rather be than here with you in my arms.
• I like to watch you sleep. You just seem so peaceful and still that it’s intensely captivating. I hope you don’t mind 😵‍💫.
~ miscellaneous: earth sign placements. homebodies. 2 introverts or an introvert & an extrovert. hard-working, masculine qualities in your spouse. wholesome domestic moments.
• I want to drown in the sea of your existence.
• Dedicating poetry and art to you — my favorite muse.
• There is nothing in the world that I wouldn’t give to have more time with you.
• I’m afraid of loss/dying, but entering old age with you would make my existence complete.
• Please don’t leave me.
• Can I wake you up early if I’m craving your attention? It’s hard for me to contain my excitement when you look this beautiful/attractive.
• Let’s watch the sunset together and stay up late talking for hours.
• Every detail of your existence does not go unnoticed by me.
• We were meant to love each other in this life/I know that we are past life lovers who have found one another again.
• Come on, baby. Don’t be shy with me.
~ miscellaneous: water sign placements (especially scorpio or for their moon sign). 2 night owls or a night owl & a morning person. hozier songs. romantic moments caught on camera/posted online. artist x muse trope.
• You light me on fire with desire.
• I love teasing you more than anything else in the world.
• You’re my best friend and lover, all wrapped into one.
• My heart feels warm and glows from the inside whenever you’re around.
• I can’t lose you. If I do, I’ll go crazy.
• Let’s go for a drive, listen to music, eat food, and forget about our worries.
• I want to be the first person you call when you’re in trouble.
• I will never judge you.
• We will travel everywhere and make the world our own.
• I want to surprise you with grand gestures (especially via gifts or shared experiences).
~ miscellaneous: fire sign placements. ready or not — bridgit mendler. sneaky smirks that make you smile uncontrollably. spontaneous memories or communication. fluffy hair & tan skin features for some.
• Pulling out all my best jokes just for you.
• Give me a nickname and I’ll give you one back.
• How can I possibly deny your charm?!
• Your style is impeccable. Every time we’re in a shop together, I just want to watch you pose in front of the mirror.
• I’ll make you homemade snacks and share my family’s recipes with you!
• Spoiling you with acts of service.
• We don’t even have to speak to understand one another. Mere eye contact is enough.
• You bring out my (good) crazy side 🤪.
• I love how we can always bounce off each other’s energies so well.
• I wanna give you expensive jewelry or items with my initials on it.
~ miscellaneous: air sign placements. a quirky sense of humor. distinct eyebrows. friends to lovers trope (Monica & Chandler came to mind). latin/hispanic backgrounds for some.
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witchthewriter · 5 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls for the thousandths time and ... my crush on Luke is still alive and kicking...
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Lawful Good
Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aries Rising
・A grumpy man on a good day, intolerable on a bad day and luckily for you, you met on one of his worst
・You labelled him as a jerk, and vowed never to go near him nor his cafe for the rest of your life
・But then your car broke down and he was the first person to drive past you.
"Need any help?"
"Yeah- oh. No, no I do not," you said to Luke and slammed your car door closed. Hautily crossing your arms over your chest and staring forward.
"Oh c'mon," he called out from his open window.
・This interaction solidified a new way of looking at Luke. You didn't hate him anymore ... no, quite the opposite. But you were damn sure he still hated you
・Heavy on the will-they-won't-they trope. It went on for four months before you both couldn't take it anymore.
・There was something pulling you towards him, like a constant ache and whenever you saw him, it was relieved. You knew you loved him two months after knowing him. And it hurt so much seeing him go out with anyone else.
・But god, by a goddamn Stars Hollow miracle, he saw you. Finally saw what you saw in him.
・Very,, very family orientated. You're in trouble? He's dropping everything to help you.
・You're sitting next to Luke on the couch watching tv and suddenly get a call saying one of your siblings needs help? Luke is already up and putting on his shoes.
・You can try and help him but he shoos you inside and says he's got this.
・Goes over and above for anything that you want.
・Will literally save up everyday until he reaches his money goal to take you to Disney Land because you told him one night you really wanted to go.
・Stubborn as all hell, thinks he knows best but you're the only person who can make him fold.
・When you first told him you loved him, he nearly got the air knocked out of him.
・He's incredibly touch-starved, and doesn't want you to know that (but of course you know that...)
・Despite the grumpy exterior, Luke has shown moments of being supportive and encouraging
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
The Moon and His Star
"Why are you babying me" (Luke) x "Because I know you like it" (You)
Acquaintances to Standing Up For Him to Friends to Lovers
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Like Calls To Like
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Into My Arms by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
Also, for the most part it's gender neutral but in the nsfw section there's female genitalia used for the reader.
I wasn't going to add this but ... I want to ... but for some reason thinking about Luke & smut makes me blush so hard so please forgive me for any mistakes or such :')
・You both stand mere centimetres apart. Your breaths mingling as the snow slowly falls around you.
・Standing outside his diner, you shivered as Luke's hand slowly moves around your waist and pulls you close
・Your lips melt into his, your hands gripping his jacket. Trying desperately to get closer to him. To press against him, to feel ... to feel anything of his body.
"Let's go upstairs," he mumbles against your lips, his hands roaming around your body.
・Your first time together was fast at first; ripping each other's clothes off. Trying to see each other's naked body and drink it all in.
・But once the clothes had been discarded, you both became very ... sensitive and vulnerable.
・So, it slowed down, and rough touches turned into gentle caresses.
・Luke couldn't stop staring at you, smelling you; he wanted to lose himself in you.
・You love riling him up; obviously not when people are around. But teasing him at home; rubbing his crotch innocently.
・Nibbling at his ear, giving his neck a kiss or two, and then walking away.
・Luke's reaction is always the same - nose flairing, hands curling into fists; he knows this game. He's just never good at playing it. He hates teasing. He'd rather just pin you down and jump your bones.
・But you love how much you can provoke him; it means he loves you that much that your touch drives him wild.
・Blow jobs are one of his favourite things; he never expects you to do it, and for a while he never let you service him. But now that he knows you enjoy it too...god his heart pounds whenever he thinks of it
・Loves pulling you to the edge of the bed, slipping down your pants/lifting your skirt and practically ripping your underwear from you. He holds your thighs apart and eats you like a starved man
・At first he doesn't like your sex toys; feeling inferior to them.
・But you showed him how they can be used in sex for heightened pleasure.
・You still haven't gotten Luke to a sex shop though. He has vowed never to stand a foot in that shop.
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manifestmoons · 9 months
2024 The Lunar Calendar
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Using a lunar calendar involves tracking and utilizing the phases of the moon for various purposes. Here's how you can use a lunar calendar:
Understanding the Moon Phases: Familiarize yourself with the eight primary phases of the moon: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
Setting Intentions and Goals: Each moon phase represents a different energy. New Moon is ideal for setting intentions, while Full Moon is a time for culmination and realization.
Manifestation and Planning: Plan important events, projects, or rituals aligned with the corresponding moon phase. For example, start new projects during the Waxing Crescent for growth or release unwanted habits during the Waning Moon.
Spiritual and Personal Practices: Use specific moon phases for spiritual practices like meditation, reflection, and manifestation. Many people find rituals such as charging crystals or performing moon-related ceremonies more potent during certain phases.
Gardening and Nature-Based Activities: Use the moon phases for gardening by planting seeds during the Waxing Moon for optimal growth and pruning during the Waning Moon.
Emotional Awareness: Pay attention to how the moon phases affect your emotions, energy levels, and sleep patterns. Understanding these patterns can help align activities with your natural rhythms.
Maintaining a Lunar Calendar: Keep track of the moon phases using a lunar calendar. Mark important dates and phases to assist with planning and intention-setting.
Remember, while the lunar calendar can offer guidance, personal experiences and interpretations of the moon's phases vary. Experiment with different practices to see what resonates best with you and brings you closer to your goals.
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soulful-lving8 · 1 month
8th house series (astrology)
Day 2
Synastry - partners north node in your 8th house
North node represents the future, growth, evolution,whilst 8th house is about raw sexuality,depth,passion, intimacy.
This relationship is a journey of depth, intimacy & transformation within the relationship
There's a dynamic exchange of transformative energy & depth,your partner brings lessons and experiences that will encourage you (the 8th house person) to confront your shadows, embrace vulnerability & transform
This is a karmic connection 😎 y'all just gon reap what you sow. If you work hard, support each others growth, through your deep soul-level experiences you'll reap the reward.
Your partner will learn to explore & embrace the depths of their own psyche and life's mysteries.
Your partner is drawn to your intensity,depth and capacity for transformation
They see in you qualities they'll like to cultivate/integrate into their lives
Your partner is challenged to confront their fears , embrace vulnerability and grow spiritually
You (8th house person) will learn a lot about intimacy.through the relationship you deepen your understanding of intimacy, transformation and lifes mysteries..you'll feel a sense of destiny/purpose
Your partner is in your life to help you confront your shadow, embrace vulnerability and grow.
You both encourage/support each others growth and evolution through mutual acceptance, understanding and depth
Issues of power dynamics, emotional intensity,fear of intimacy and this requires patience, empathy and the willingness to confront your shadow
Your partner may struggle with impatience,they may want to push you hard so you can confront your shadows,you may feel overwhelmed by the intensity of the transformational process but if you both approach this relationship with openness, empathy and a commitment to mutual understanding & support, a dedication to spiritual growth,you can create a safe space for a deep transformation, spiritual connection and deep intimacy ie soul level connection.
You both enjoy an unexplainable and unexpected feelings of animalistic sexual desires with one another,you are raw with each other,you feel so bonded to a point you'll feel merged into them.you both fulfil each other's dark sexual desires.
You'll both inspire each other to confront your shadows,you'll feel like you know their fears,darkest secrets and desires.
It's frightening how much you feel for each other,merging into each other's soul.youve never met someone like each other that understands you on an extremely deep level.
This relationship is meant to help you both grow and evolve through shared experiences relating to themes of the 8th house(finances, intimacy,shared resources)
So ask yourself,what are your fears/ insecurities on intimacy,trust and sharing?
Your partner is fascinated by you(8th house person) they feel a deep sense of attraction like they've known you for a life time,an instant sense of intimacy & connection.
They are likely to be drawn to your power and intensity,they think you are mysterious and intriguing
Your partner feels like they are being pull into your emotional depth,they may feel like they are loosing their sense of self , like they are being controlled or manipulated.
They also need to face their fears of intimacy & connection,their fear of transformation,resisting the changes this relationship is bringing into their life
Your partner will learn to trust & surrender
They'll help you connect with your own power & intensity,face your fears and grow.
This is a connection/relationship that requires courage,honesty and a willingness to face ones deepest fears and insecurities.
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sapionic · 6 months
Numerology And Your Name
The Numerology of your name is insight to your character. Let's be honest, nobody is changing their name like we change solar charts every year. You most likely had your name your whole life, right? Let's look into some characteristics and energy people are likely to have just focusing on their first name as it's the strongest and most demanded. This is using regular, basic numerology because there are multiple systems people use.
Winter - This is a cute name as it is linked to the season so you automatically get fluffy or bright vibes from this name alone. Let's now break it down
W=(23)5, I=9, N=(14)5, T=2(20), E=5, R=9(18) We see that there is a pattern of 5 with this name so we know that 5 is linked to Leo in Astrology and linked to Mercury with the Numerology system. I have seen the energy play out in the astrological ways though. Looking at people with this name, we know they are likely to be feisty, sexy, and sexual. They can be spicy, creative, and complex. Likely to be deep into the party scene. 5 is the strongest energy of this person so they are likely to prioritize joyful experiences as much as they can. Notice how the W is 5 once the 2 and 3 is added. 23 is linked to high social activity. This person would be a good party host. Someone with this name also has significant 9 energy as you can see. They are good in authoritative roles, but they are likely to prefer authoritative roles in places they can also enjoy. Club owner, club host, promoter, dancer,etc. Likely have good basic life skills with the one 2 energy that they carry. This makes them efficient with money opportunities, cooking, and showing compassion, but also being comfortable with self. Winter would be a person who could be difficult to deal with and won't always be easy to handle, so she would need to grow up and mature. Change will be prominent. Winter=8
Whitney - Well known name, but not extremely common at this same time. We can see some repeating energies from the first name we did above, but let's now focus on this name in its entirety. W=5(23) H=8 I=9 T=2(20) N=5(14) E=5 Y=7(25) Whitney would share a lot of traits with winter, but with a splash of secrecy and sensitivity. Whitney would require a little more depth in her experiences, thanks to that 8 influence. She would likely do things while focusing on the long-term. She knows how to have fun, but still play for keeps. She is a hard worker and likely keeps a job. Likely came into lots of money and knows how to seize good opportunities. She likely had a little more taboo experiences than Winter(8 influence). Since Whitney is someone who likely endures many pressures in her life, her destiny # is 5 which balances out the drama and chaos she experiences. What better way to balance it out than good ole fun? Whitney=5(41)
Jasmine - Common name. Let's get into it! J=1(10) A=1 S=1(19) M=4(13) I=9 N=5(14) E=5. We can see that Jasmine has big 1 energy so that would make a person with this name innovative, impulsive, daring, bold, and active. The next significance we see is a 5 so we know Jasmine would be no stranger to sex appeal or activity. She is likely a fun loving individual who can be silly, playful, and childish, but also very protective. Where is the protective energy coming from? The 4. Any pressure or anger she has is expressed outwardly. Any excitement and urge she feels is acted on promptly. Any desires and interests she has is acted on promptly. Jasmine doesn't do anything she don't want to do. If she does anything, it's because she wanted to. Heavy 1 energy can make a person a hot head in some way. This is why changes will come to Jasmine. JASMINE=8 which is about growth, maturity, and transformation.
Mariella - Interesting name that I wanted to use for this post. Let's get into it. M=4(13) A=1 R=9(18) I=9 E=5 L=3(12) L=3(12) A=1
We can see that someone with this name has a nice 1 and 3 balance going on. Mariella likely has a good deal of initiative and social spark. She finds it easy to connect with others and there is a charm and grace to her mannerisms. She is likely proactive and good with responsibility. She likely has resourceful and intelligent friends who enrich her mentality in some way. She may sometimes talk herself out of things or downplay her capabilities. She prefers to be part of a group although she can handle things well on her own. Very high social energy. Likely to have a relaxed demeanor. People like talking to her. Could easily find herself being a manager of some sort. Would make a good marketing expert. MARIELLA=8 She will need to learn how to be more consistent as her energy initially may be scattered and she change plans often. She will also learn to be more private.
Danielle - Common name that I wanted to use. I had a friend with this name. Met her at work. Let's get into the general name of this person though. D=4 A=1 N=5(14) I=9 E=5 L=3(12) L=3(12) E=5. Someone with this name is likely to be fun loving and even funny, just like Mariella above. There could be moments where Danielle would be a little shy, but that is temporary as people with this name has very fluffy and upbeat energy. They are likely to be big on having a good time and socializing. Danielle and Mariella likely have big social networks physically, but Danielle may be the one that parties a little harder in this equation. She is always focused on where the most fun is and that is where she will go. She likes to laugh and would rather live on the bright side of things rather than worry and be sad. She won't handle sad situations how typical people may expect her to. Danielle likely has more drama in her life than Mariella, but it's more than likely linked to pettiness more than anything. Sex and fun is a highlight for Danielle. If she don't do nothing else, she's going to attend a fun event or create it. You may notice that every Danielle you know loves to be on the scene or it seems from your view that she is always on the scene. Day and night events, it doesn't matter. She would likely value friends that supports this lifestyle. It can seem like she is hard to catch up with if you are more on the controlled side. This party lifestyle is a highlight, but it isn't the end all be all which is why Danielle will change. Danielle=8 She would have to learn to take life more seriously and to smell the roses more. She will need to learn how to slow down and make sensible choices. Double 5 and double 3 energy can make someone too impulsive for their own good.
Hope you enjoyed. You can now do your own or comment and I can keep this thing going by replying and linking things together all with just a first name. This is fun and simple, especially when you dont know people's chart info.
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bitchy-craft · 9 months
Octopus | Spiritual Animals
Hello and welcome to this post! I decided to introduce a new series to my blog: Spiritual Animals. In this series I will give information on animals via a spiritual perspective. I hope you guys like and enjoy it! Feel free to request specific animals you'd like to see! @lepoulpe-blog
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Octopi are associated with many things throughout cultures, the main things however are; adaptability, intelligence, and mystery. As well as problem-solving abilities and elusive nature.
There isn't a direct association between octopi and a specific planet. Although the one most alligned would probably be Neptune due to the connections to the oceans.
The same counts for zodiac signs, although the traits and qualities of the octopus could align with the water signs; Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Again, due to their connection with the aquatic.
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negrowhat · 2 months
What used to be Twitter has brought to my attention that Coach and Nawin are a side ship on a series called Zodiac Slayer
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makosharkie · 3 months
I want to know what is the most common zodiac sign among shifters, so here’s a poll.
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I have officially found the easiest explanation for how I imagine “Zodiacs in Law” could be as a trope/genre:
It’s just the extra evil version of “Uncle Bill” type stuff.
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astro-royale · 5 months
「Things to keep secret★ 」
8th house edition…
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Based on research
The 8th house gives us a certain intangible, power… A power that cannot be taken away from us.
No matter how hard people try to stop your 8th house qualities from manifesting.. they will simply fail. Because what is in your 8th house is.. is directly linked your karmic debt.
The power you have, you are meant to use wisely depending on the planet/s residing within your 8th house. You are in fact tested..this is part of your karmic path; Will you use this power for the greater good? Will you ascend or will you descend?.. will you satisfy your ego, or your higher nature?
This is the test that comes with the power in the 8th house.
NOW the 8th house is the house of your longevity.. so a way to promote that “longevity “ aka your LIFE FORCE ENERGY is to preserve your POWER to preserve thy ENERGY. ⚡️
Now.. there are certain qualities which need to remain hidden in order for their power to remain preserved, depending on the planet.
Here is what they are:
SUN in the 8th house: Your schedule & routine
MOON in the 8th house: How you spend your time and what you enjoy doing.. what keeps you emotionally satisfied.
MARS in the 8th house: Your plans and strategies, how you implement things, and how you take action on things
MERCURY in the 8th house: What kind of data you consume; books, social media..etc
JUPITER in the 8th house: Your spiritual path & practises
VENUS in the 8th house: Plans & things you have learned through experiences.. keeping romantic relationships private is also best for this placement
SATURN in the 8th house: Plans, ideas & how you work.
KETU in the 8th house: Your intuitive insights,what you think will certainly happen, otherwise people can misuse it.. or if you tell them your ideas they may implement it first and get credits for it
RAHU in the 8th house: Don’t lie to make yourself seem greater than you really are. Be discerning with who you share information with and how, especially spiritual knowledge & knowledge to do with investing.
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thesecretsofthedivine · 7 months
Pick a Pile Reading | Details About Your Future Spouse ⚖️💝
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*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading — take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
*Exchanges with other intuitives/readers are available via dm’s
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[ old money ] [ athlete/athletic build ] [ family-oriented, especially with their mother ] [ fluffy, curly hair ] [ brown hair ] [ looks good in/often wears the color blue ] [ will enjoy making pinky promises or playing with your hands ] [ tall for their gender ] [ mediterranean or european background, possible greek or british ] [ charming ] [ talkative ] [ golden retriever ] [ PDA ] [ almost always wears sneakers/tennis shoes ] [ gets along well with your friends & feminine energies ] [ conventionally attractive ] [ notting hill movie ] [ spontaneous first meets, maybe during a trip abroad/after moving to a new place ] [ gemini, sagittarius, capricorn, leo placements ] [ is very knowledgeable about culture, wines, fine dining, etiquette, etc. ] [ woodsy scents/would love to drink alcohol by a fireplace somewhere cozy, especially scotch or something old school ]
[ enjoys orchestra/classical/instrumental music ] [ creatively gifted, especially in singing or photography ] [ likes to stay organized/clean ] [ gift giving as a love language ] [ nicknames that make you feel like royalty, “princess/prince” or “god/goddess” ] [ playful teasing ] [ fire sign, scorpio, aquarius, libra, cancer placements ] [ enjoys writing & keeping a journal ] [ homebody but somebody with status/notoriety & success ] [ using you as their muse on social media/in careers ] [ dyed hair for people attracted to feminines, especially pink ] [ manic pixie dream girl complex ] [ “you’re different than the rest” ] [ opposite aesthetic as you ] [ the great gatsby movie, especially jay & daisy’s attraction ] [ an old soul ] [ cynical and reserved humor ] [ light hair for people attracted to masculines, especially dirty/honey blonde ] [ somebody that i used to know — gotye ] [ a person you share a past/past life with ] [ the letters a, e, r, t, i, l, and n ]
[ spiritually gifted/self-aware ] [ 9h, 12h, 1h, 3h, 5h placements or synastry ] [ optimistic ] [ teaches you how to connect to nature ] [ sent to you by your guides/ancestors ] [ in touch with their feminine side ] [ empress in tarot energy ] [ roots for the underdog ] [ enjoys investments & humanitarian work ] [ well-spoken ] [ amicable ] [ compatible political affiliations, but they may expand your understanding of the world ] [ wears jewelry ] [ would love to get matching tattoos or wear matching clothes with you ] [ manifestation/spell work is a factor in this romance/one of their hobbies ] [ wants to build a home out of you ] [ provider ] [ sensual ] [ connected to their inner child & may like to watch disney/nostalgic movies, especially frozen ] [ a huge cuddler ] [ winter birthday for some ]
[ flexible or enjoys dancing ] [ aesthetic hands ] [ a lover of the arts ] [ soft or quiet voice ] [ socially anxious ] [ remembers the small details about you ] [ impresses your family/mother upon first meet ] [ has a cat or younger sibling for some ] [ lets you paint their nails or practice makeup on them ] [ short hair, may sometimes get perms or curling techniques ] [ thin frame ] [ infp/infj/intj/intp/etc type of personality ] [ indie or soft pop music lover, especially clairo ] [ soft kisses ] [ prone to blushing or avoiding eye contact ] [ pale skin ] [ talks about you to their best friends ] [ karaoke/comedy clubs ] [ graham crackers ] [ strong perfume, especially floral/rose ] [ height difference/size kink ]
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yourmoonie · 7 months
If I change/revise my birth place is it gonna change my birth chart too? This question is the only thing keeping me from revising… I’m stressing so hard… thank you for everything you do to the community and for helping 💗
I have personally met people who have done this before, and it is 100% possible.
Here are ways to do this:
🌙 1st Remember that time is an illusion
- also take "leap year" as an example: people who were born on the 29th of February "officially" celebrate their birthdays only once a year, but actually, it's neither 2024 now nor March.
Humans created this "system" to keep track of events and memories. So, if you keep this in mind and mentally see yourself shifting your reality to your desired one, you can 100% jump on that timeline without any hesitation.
- define the desire, then decide the time/date/birthplace/desire natal chart, then accept the fact that it is your final truth and live your day to day live (be in the present moment) and believe that it is a present fact.
And if anyone asks, you can tell them your desired date (zodiac sign) or birthplace, only if you feel comfortable talking about it.
✨️ You can do any of your desired methods if they help you with your state or "believing" in this new reality
For further questions you can always dm me too ♡
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