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8x23 · 23 days ago
happy wincest wednesday! :) do you have a favorite 'underrated' wincest moment -- like, not sam clinging to dean's face in playthings or getting church-married in sacrifice, but one of those little under-the-radar things that makes you go ! about their weird relationship?
this is probably one of the hardest questions ever, mostly because 1. i have very basic taste and enjoy the most popular moments because they're popular for a reason of course, and 2. even then, i feel like every moment feels appropriately rated (?) if that makes sense.
but for the purposes of this ask i'll go with the fight they have at the beginning of 3.05 Bedtime Stories.
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it highlights the difference in their approach when it comes to the other, at the same time as dean's own hypocrisy and sam's single-minded drive when it comes to saving dean that renders him blind to anything else.
they're so mad at each other in this scene but it comes from the deep love and desire to protect the other that they have; dean is scared shitless of going to hell and it only gets progressively worse throughout the season, but he simply can't let sam meddle at this point if he believes it means he'll die. and sam can't stand by and let dean die without doing anything. this push and pull, this game of tug of war is foundational to their relationship and i feel people don't appreciate it enough. the fact they so rarely stand on equal grounds with each other is a big part of why they're so messed up, and i love that!
other moments i feel are worth a mention: dean knowing sam's "habits, aliases, everything" in 4.01 Lazarus Rising and then that being brought up again horrifically in 4.21 When the Levee Breaks; whatever sam was doing being a voyeur in 3.01 The Magnificent Seven while dean was having sex; and dean trying so hard with his "he's not signing anything until I read the fine print" that only served to frustrate sam even more in 8.23 Sacrifice. there's lots of little things that i love about their strange and off putting relationship.
happy wincest wednesday <3
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tgtbata · 2 years ago
eyy happy wincest wednesday to you too, bud. <3 a sort of tweak on your question: is there an episode that you think might've improved/gone different/just been funny if they had introduced a fanficcy trope?
heyy <3
here's the official list on how to make everything worse better:
s01e15 the benders - XY made them do it
s2e22 all hell breaks loose pt.2 - only one bed
s04e08 wishful thinking - undercover in a gay bar
s05e03 free to be me and you - coffee shop AU
s06e13 unforgiven - also undercover in a gay bar
s08e23 sacrifice - hanahaki disease
s09e13 the purge - amnesia
s09e20 bloodlines - snowed in/huddling for warmth (the episode doesn't happen, sam and dean are stuck in a snowstorm somewhere)
s10e03 soul survivor - accidental marriage
s10e22 the prisoner - animal transformation
s11e19 the chitters - fuck or die
s12e04 american nightmare - fake dating
s13e05 advanced thanatology - not a real trope but. cpr. jesus christ.
s14e08 byzantium - in vino veritas
s15e13 destiny's child - omegaverse
s15e20 carry on - magical healing cock
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horrorshow · 2 years ago
hi suzy, happy wincest wednesday :) I know we share a love of protective!Sam -- when do you think that started happening in their lives? Did Sam have to get taller first, lol, or was it some story/life event that precipitated little brother starting to watch out for big brother?
happy ww liz!
i don't think sam's height has anything to do with it actually! i don't think sam thought of himself as stronger or more capable than dean at all. as a kid, sam always looked up at dean, and sam never fully grew out of seeing dean as a hero, so, it's not about that.
easy answer is of course that john trained them from a very young age to never trust anyone but each other. so due to the way they lived and the amount of danger they encountered on a daily basis, sam has always been more protective of dean than other siblings would be. and dean was very protective of him, while sam tried to be just like his big brother, so he wouldn't hesitate to protect dean in turn.
but besides that, i think sam's protectiveness of dean specifically developed hand in hand with his rebellion against john and hunting. and i imagine that started when sam was old enough to stay home alone, while john took dean 'away from him' on hunts.
i can't imagine how horrible it must have been for sam, as a kid, to be all alone in a motel room, waiting for his only family to return, not knowing IF they'd even return, being fully aware of the danger they were in, how often he must have waited impatiently for the promised 'we're okay' phonecall that wasn't on time, or dean and john returning hours or days later than planned, not in one piece, sam running to get the first aid kit, wounds, broken bones, stitches, bruises, all kinds of injuries, dean either too hyper or too quiet or completely out of it, but never truly the dean sam knew. anyone who has ever been worried about a sibling like that, or saw a sibling in serious pain knows that stuff stays with you. it's horrible. and when that person is the only long term relationship you have outside of your dad... there's so much to lose.
i have one very specific mental image of sam coming home from school in the middle of the afternoon, to a bruised and bloodied dean - just back from a long hunt - in dirty clothes asleep on the couch, looking hurt and exhausted and vulnerable, with sam staring at him, at first VERY relieved that he's home safe, but that fast making place for an anger on how UNFAIR and wrong it all is, how NONE of this is normal, combined with sam's constant uncertainty and anxiety and fear, suddenly wishing fiercely for a normal life where he and dean are both safe at school instead of having to deal with any of this, i think sam felt FURIOUS in that moment and that it shocked him how much anger he could feel towards hunting and his dad for doing this to them.
basically, sam tried to win dean back from john. not because sam thought dean was incapable of looking out for himself, but because dean belonged with sam. because sam would love him better. because with john there was always the threat of danger. so... his protective streak started as a bit naive and selfish, but i'm 100% convinced that it came from a place of love bc he was aware of how messed up their lives were, and bc he cared for dean and wanted him to be safe.
(and of course, it was never simply just about that. sam felt lonely and an outsider in his own family and he missed how close he and dean used to be. and a part of him tried to embrace hunting the same way dean did, but finding himself unable to, and a part of him was jealous of dean's special bond with john, making him feel even more cut off. his feelings for dean and his dad were always complicated)
i think sam always hoped, and even expected, that dean would eventually see the light and join his side. that dean would stop seeing him as his kid brother, but would listen to him and agree with his reasoning, and whatever they'd do next, they'd do it together, as equals. and that dean would somehow be grateful for it. so if he convinced john to postpone a hunt or go alone, so he could have dean with him, and dean could rest and do some homework and they could have fun or even if he was just hanging around or they'd argue or if dean stayed out all night, sam knew he'd come back in one piece to him with jokes and stories to tell him and that's what mattered. every win sam could get for dean like that was also a win for himself. in sam's mind they were supposed to be on the same team fighting the same fight, even if he had to do all the work himself to pry dean from john's hands.
but, one problem: sam was a kid, and he only ever looked at it from his own perspective, he didn't understand why dean did what dean did or what dean needed. he naively thought nudging him in the right direction would be enough. sam didn't understand why dean kept choosing john's side, didn't understand why dean didn't stand up for himself more, couldn't rhyme dean's obedience to john with his concept of the heroic big brother who could do ANYTHING he set his mind to. and with every year that passed they only drifted further apart bc of this, until it exploded.
but despite stanford and all that happened since, i love how sam only grew more protective of dean, in newer and even more bizarre ways, and he eventually got dean exactly where he wanted him, safe and happy at his side😌❤️ so it all ends well when it ends well! for a while at least :/
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stanfordsweater · 1 year ago
happy wincest wednesday, o delightful ava <3 -- do you have any headcanons about the wincesters + early winter/first snows/etc?
happy wincest wednesday!! imagine, if you will, sam and dean staying in a motel in [googles snowiest states] new hampshire when they get SNOWED IN for the first time, oh nooo, and little sammy in grade four has a very important presentation on the declaration of independence that he doesn't want to miss ;~; dean's down to make a pot of coffee and listen to the radio while pretending it's hot chocolate ("this is how it's always tasted, sammy, you're hurting my feelings.") but he knows how important it is to sam so he begrudgingly bundles up in two of dad's jackets and forces the door open with his big-kid strength (they'll clean up the puddle of melted snow in the entry after), carves a path through the snow big enough for sammy to get through, and they make the trek to school together, snow inside their sneakers, only to find out that it's closed for the storm!! they stop into a convenience store that wouldn't close if hell froze over on the way home where they shove hot chocolate containers into their jackets and spend the rest of the day drinking lukewarm-tap-water chocolate and building igloos out of the bed sheets.
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crack-in-the-chassis · 10 months ago
Just checking on the discord link -- is the 'Dean/Cas+ Stab Fest' the right server?
Yes! StabFest was the first event we put on, and we didn't realize it would become a habit. Once you're in the server, you'll be assigned a role specific to the event you're participating in at that time, so you'll see just the relevant channels.
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jamevaa · 10 months ago
Even knowing how this all ends, this moment is heart wrenching. :(
Sam marks time. Dean doesn't know why. Their watches still tick and that weird clock in the library still traces the hours and Sam writes them out on the chalkboard in the kitchen: one day and then two and then three and then—Dean doesn't keep track, doesn't want to look. The sun rises and midnight comes and it's another day in an empty world. He's not sure what the benefit of knowing how long it's been is, other than a hair shirt. Sam's good at constructing those but Dean's never felt the need. The hair shirt rides with him, inside his skin. Never really goes away.
Two remaining humans on Earth. Jack's a question mark. He spends a lot of his time split between his bedroom and sitting out on the side of the plant above the bunker. Taking in the air, or something. Dean would ask but he doesn't know what to say. When they failed—this bad. When it's their fault and there's no excuse to offer.
Sam would say it wasn't their fault but Chuck's. At least another Sam would. He tried on that first day after they came home, Chuck's glee searing some new kind of pain over every one of Dean's bones, and Sam's supposed to be the optimistic one but even he couldn't get through it. They could have, they should have. On that first night they both get very, very drunk, and Dean does have the thought somewhere between the last moments of lucidity and blackout that—okay, so they should've played their roles—at least Earth would be alive, at least there'd still be the old lady who worked the register at the grocery store and little kids selling chiclets in Acapulco and the Denver Broncos—but really, would that have been the end? If they'd gone full Romeo and Juliet. If he'd shot Sam in the head and then cut his own wrists and waited, the blood pooling into a lake, feeling every weakening heartbeat as the punishment he deserved. Would that have been enough? Or would the writer have realized that ending wasn't satisfying, either, and there'd be—shock, surprise—another sequel, the show renewed another year, and the Winchesters would be dragged back from death to enact some new version of melodrama? Dean watched a lot of soaps, back in the day, waiting through dull lonely days until he could dig a grave under cover of darkness. He knows no one ever got free, unless they got recast, and on an empty Earth there was fat chance of that. Which he explained to Sam, but Sam might've passed out by that point.
Fourth day of an empty Earth they get in a fight. It's halfhearted at best. Dean's hungover and Sam's jittery and terrified because there's nothing he can think of to fix what's gone wrong and Jack's quiet, a kicked dog not wanting attention in case another boot comes its way. Dean drank the last cup of coffee and Sam's pissed at him and then Dean's furious. It feels pointless even as it's happening. Sam gives him that look like he expects more and Dean throws his empty mug at the wall and leaves the kitchen and every ounce of anger drains out as soon as he's in the hall. He takes a shower—by some miracle, they're still getting water and power and light—and leans his aching head against the cold tile and doesn't cry but maybe he'd feel better if he could. It keeps not coming. When he dries off he pulls on boxers and a t-shirt and goes back to the kitchen and the pieces of the mug have been swept up and left in a broken pile on the kitchen island. Visual metaphor. He hopes Chuck appreciates it.
Sam's in his bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed with a beer in hand. Ten in the morning. "Stealing my move," Dean says.
Sam doesn't look at him. Dean sits beside him on the bed and looks at the wall, too. Says, "Where's Jack?" and Sam says, all rusted edges, "Outside," and Dean doesn't know how the kid does it. When the door's closed on the bunker it feels—not good but not all that different than it used to. When they were alone down here, and the world could pass by overhead unknown. The silence down here is something Dean loved. The silence out there—
He takes the beer out of Sam's hand. Sam lets him. He takes a deep swallow. Then he sets the beer on the bedside table, and then he sets his hand on the back of Sam's neck, and then watches Sam close his eyes and his jaw flex. Dean doesn't want to ask; he doesn't have to.
They fuck. It's not good or bad. Dean's brain shuts off and when he comes to they're panting and it stinks kind of, Sam's sweat and the jizz in the air and two bodies sticking together. Sam's arm is curled under Dean's head and Dean turns his face down into Sam's bicep, hides his eyes from the light. His hangover hasn't gone away and may never. He says, "If we could've," and can't finish, but Sam knows what he means.
"We had our whole lives to learn how," Sam says. Very quiet. He lays his hand on Dean's belly and his forehead tips down against the back of Dean's head. Kind of hurts, bone to bone. "I never could. Could you?"
Sam's blood on his hands in exchange for seven billion lives, plus or minus a few. His gut aches. He can't respond but Sam doesn't seem to expect him to.
Refractory periods being what they are in a man's forties, Dean can't wipe his brain clean again the way he'd prefer. He leaves Sam's room and gets drunk again instead. In the morning he's hungover, and Sam's made coffee, and the chalkboard says it's day five.
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preseriesdean · 10 months ago
if you don’t mind me asking, could you share some of your favorite fanfics or authors? thanks ❤️
oh hi hello!! yes of course!! i actually haven't read any spn fic in a while but i have spent a lot of time organizing my bookmarks. i'm going to assume that you meant samdean fic but i'll add a few non-samdean ones at the end.
@zmediaoutlet (deadlybride on ao3)
candle_beck (ao3)
@goshen-applecrumbledore (ao3)
whereupon (livejournal)
Linden (ao3)
sevenfists (ao3)
there are so many more great authors but these came to mind :)
i am going to list my forever-favorites first - the ones i would recommend to anyone and everyone, screaming-from-the-rooftops kind of love - and then many many more under the cut.
beloved by urchinesque (2016, 1.9k, NR, warning: death) It might be the gentlest thing that's ever happened to them.
in my opinion everyone should read this once. it's quick. they die. it's-- happy, somehow. beautiful. i think about it all the time.
Last Day on Earth by candle_beck (2009, 10.8k, E) A list of things to do if you only have one day to live, presented in inconvenient non-list form.
last year my best friend and i were pondering which fic felt quintessential to samdean for us and somehow settled on this one. i still agree with the choice.
Odysseus, American by coyotesuspect (2010, 10k, M) Dean finds Peter O'Toole's recording of the Odyssey in a bin marked “Audio" in Casa Grande's only used bookstore. The place smells like cigarette smoke and old books, and it reminds him of Sam. Stanford era.
my favorite stanford era fic. i think it captures dean's loneliness and desperation beautifully.
A man with his insides out and his outsides off by britomart_is (2016, 5.3k, E, time travel, underage) They say there are only two stories in the world: man goes on a journey, and stranger comes to town.
another fic i want everyone to read. it's so short and feels like a novel. sam is messed up and dean is in love and everything is miserable.
Breathing Hard by whereupon (2009, 9k, E) The day Dean figures it out.
this is so simple and yet-- everything to me. i can't think about dinosaurs without thinking about this fic, which doesn't tell you much, but you'll see. sometimes this is really all you need.
The Last Outpost of All That Is by gekizetsu (2008, 59k, E) The world ends while they’re asleep.
this fic has stayed with me my whole life. i thought about it even during my years away from spn and fandom entirely. they're alone and you don't know why and they build their life together and you end up wondering, is this hell or heaven? whenever i come across a screenshot of the last couple of paragraphs i want to cry.
see things so much clearer by deadlybride (2020, 11.7k, E) Sam's been acting oddly. Dean learns how to use the history on an internet browser and finds out why.
this is a fic that hits the spot for me personally so well. another favorite preseries fic. i love the idea of sam using livejournal, and of dean finding out this way.
Stay The Distance by lazy_daze (2011, 24k, E) Sam is dependent on Dean's touch and closeness after the wall falls - Dean's presence reminds him of why he chose to wake up, and keeps the memories at bay, allowing Sam to function.
i love enmeshment, and i love that here it's literal. i love that they're just sort of fine with it.
more fics below!
in absolutely no particular order whatsover. please check the warnings and tags on these before reading!
Recall by De_Nugis (2012, 6.3k, E) Sam's having a hard time telling what's real and what isn't, especially when it comes to some voicemails from Dean.
Living in god's blind spot by applecrumbledore (2022, 25k, E) Of all the situations Dean didn’t need his dad to see him in, ‘getting off to being pushed around by a guy’ was in the top three. And ‘a guy’ was a massive glossing-over of reality. Any guy—any other guy—would be bad enough, but Sam was fucking cataclysmic.
Almost At Home by balefully (2008, 24.3k, E) Sam graduates from high school in early June in rural Tennessee. He and Dean start the summer with an all-nighter of celebration; the day after, while both fight hangovers, John calls to assign them their first hunt by themselves.
they said it was the fall of man by jukeboxhound (2016, 7.4k, M) Sam gets his soul back on a Monday.
When I Fall Asleep It Is Your Eyes That Close by britomart_is (2009, 1.9k, E) Post-Season Two. Sam is alive. Dean is happy.
Life As We Know It by sevenfists (2007, 13.7k, M, curtain fic) On the morning that Sam woke up, Dean ran five red lights on the way to the hospital, his half-empty coffee cup sloshing in the holder.
tied up like two ships by orphan_account (2014, 3.1k, E) Dean liked to hold hands.
Gospel Truth by Cerberuss (2020, 15.2k, E, case fic) ‘DOES YOUR BROTHER KNOW THAT YOU WANT HIM?’ Individually placed letters, bold and tinged brown with the weather. Sam can’t look away and he prays, dream dream dream.
Buy You A Mockingbird by candle_beck (2011, 10.3k, M, underage, outsider pov) A genuine horror story.
because you want to die for love by hathfrozen (2021, 27.3k, E) Sam and Dean settle into their Heaven—and into each other, too.
the constant vow by deadlybride (2022, 119k, E, fem dean-ish) They've just finished up a pretty standard job and are killing time in snowy Wisconsin when Dean wakes up no longer looking like Dean. That's just the start of their problems.
This Fortress Made of Us by mickeym (2009, 10.8k, E) Sam really didn't do very well without his brother. Coda for Mystery Spot.
State of Love and Trust/As I Busted Down the Pretext by cormallen (2010, 2.9k, M) When you know exactly what your brother's thinking, there are some chances you just don't take.
Quiet with the Rain by Linden (2014, 5.3k, T) Dean can spot an undercover cop at thirty paces, a hooker at twenty, and rims that will match his baby's at ten. But the fact that his little brother is in love with him—that, he can't see worth a damn.
have a cigar by deadlybride (2020, 5.6k, E) What happened with Andy and Ansem unsettles Sam. Dean doesn't seem worried.
Heart Shaped Balloon by winsive (2022, 18.5k, E, underage) Sam and Dad are fighting. No surprise, but it's the weekend before Valentine's Day and Dean isn't missing out on the chance to bang a cheerleader just to console his bratty little brother. He does bring back a heart shaped balloon for him, though. It's not supposed to be cursed.
Bare by gracerene (2022, 2.2k, T) Of all the things Dean hasn't done before, Sam never expected something as innocuous as skinny dipping to be on the list.
Speechless by candle_beck (2008, 11.2k, T, case fic) Dean loses his voice and their rapport is only moderately impaired.
Like It Was Yesterday by nomelon (2014, 4.9k, T, fem dean, amnesia) Sam can't remember a time when Dean wasn't there. Dean is always with him. Sam's whole life, there's never been anyone else.
Like a Ghost with Two Voices by Dyed_Red (2022, 46k, E) To cure Dean from the Mark of Cain, Sam has to let Dean, in all his demonic glory, possess him for 28 days. It goes about as well as expected.
Breathe You In (Choke You Down) by orphan_account (2021, 5.9k, E, pwp) Dean really likes the way Sam smells.
lost in yesterday by margaryes (2023, 1k, NR, john pov) John hasn’t seen his youngest son in 18 months.
Unraveling by Linden (2017, 855 words, E) No, he’d said, the first time Sammy had tried to kiss him, sixteen and half-drunk and stupidly beautiful, even though he’d wanted so badly to say yes.
pack up the moon by deathdreamt (2021, 5.9k, T, pre-slash) Sam storms back out from their room, his backpack on and his duffel hanging off his shoulder and isn’t it kind of tragic that his whole life fits in two bags. He looks suddenly much younger than he is, eyes shining. John is back at his guns, whiskey at his elbow, and Dean can hardly believe how rapidly his life is cracking down the centre.
Yesterday, minnesota by applecrumbledore (2022, 30k, E, case fic) Any initial awkwardness filtered away over a hundred miles of highway as Sam thumbed through the missing witch’s diary again. Some people had secret coke habits or secret second wives, and some people had passionate, pitch black, no-kissing sex with a family member every four to six months and never talked about it. You had to find ways to cope.
All Heartless Spectres, Happiness by orphan_account (2021, 5.6k, E) Lisa Braeden receives an email with the subject line, "You Deserve to Know." It contains a single video file and nothing else. (soulless sam)
The Palm Oasis by fictionallemons (2022, 12.3k, E, underage) John strands Dean and Sam at a middle-of-nowhere motel while he investigates possible demon omens in Arizona. The place is nothing to write home about, but at least it has a pool. Dean resolves to think of this as a vacation for him and his studious little brother, but when their money runs out sooner than expected, he considers turning tricks at a nearby truck stop so he can feed Sam.
Other Brothers by homo_pink (2020, 7k, M, underage, outsider pov) A callow boy can go from infancy to someone’s lover in the space of two wildflower summers.
Leader of the Pack by astolat (2007, 14.9k, E) Teaching old dogs new tricks.
Underground Wires by eggnogged (2012, 15.8k, E, fem sam, underage) It’s hard enough being a teenage girl even without all the extra crap: they move around all the time, her family is as far removed from normal as it’s possible to get, and she’s in love with her older brother. Sam has no control on any of it, she’s just trying to stay afloat.
Multitude of Sins by Linden (2015, 4.4k, T, outsider pov) Every now and again, Jim Murphy would look up from his altar and find the Winchester boys at the back of his church.
Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior by ADeedWithoutaName (2018, 10.3k, E, underage, dub con-ish, john pov) John Winchester loves his boys, and would take a bullet for either of them. He knows that he's doing it right, the way he's raising them, the things he's teaching them. Not every problem, however, has an easy answer. Like what to do after an incubus case in which their target got his pollen all over both of John's sons.
You Can't Lose What You Never Had by nigeltde (2016, 5.6k, E) You can't spend what you ain't got, and you can't lose what you ain't never had.
Flagstaff by Linden (2014, 7.3k, T, pre-slash, john pov) John tracked Sam down in Flagstaff, four days after he got home to find him gone.
I'll take my chance on a beautiful stranger by fleshflutter (2007, 3.8k, M, outsider pov) If Chase were a better friend, he might try to end the game now, before Brendan loses even more money. But if Brendan is a dick at Stanford, it’s nothing compared to how he is on break.
Cupid's Got A Gun by geckoholic (2012, 13.5k, E, non-con) Fuck-or-die, set in early S4. But they've been fucking for years, so that shouldn't be a problem, right? Wrong. Ever since hell, Dean's in no hurry to get that show on the road again.
Someone Else's Blood by sevenfists (2006, 6.7k, E) The first time, of course, was an accident. (pretend dating)
How Many Floors to Realize by lazy_daze (2009, 26k, E, swesson) AU from the end of It's A Terrible Life, in which Zachariah decides to keep stringing them along a little while longer, because damn if they aren't somewhat entertaining, right?
Worthless cartography by applecrumbledore (2022, 15.6k, E) Dean didn’t know what finally made him go for it. The djinn’s dream was a catalyst, but the call was coming from inside the house, and he’d been letting it ring for a very, very long time. (They get one night together right before Sam is taken to Cold Oak. Dean has to deal with that.)
The Space Between Sense and Memory by orphan_account (2021, 4.8k, T) There are a hundred unwritten rules on all the acceptable ways brothers should touch each other. There are hardly any ways at all to break them. Or; five times they follow the rules and one time they don’t.
Ions in the Ether by nigeltde (2019, 10.9k, E, case fic) When was the last time you trusted happy.
Crossed Wires by rivkat (2015, 10.9k, E) Dean thinks Sam is dead.
Crown and Anchor Me (or let me sail away) by Sena (2010, 23.7k, E, underage) Sam Winchester is fifteen years old, at yet another new high school in yet another state, he doesn't get along with his distant, distracted father, he's figuring out that he likes guys just as much as he likes girls, his clothes never fit and his limbs ache at the joint ever since his growth spurt started, he has to study for the PSAT and, oh yeah, he's a little bit in love with his brother, Dean, who's taken a break from hunting monsters to work at a local garage for minimum wage.
Wear Him Lika a Habit by sevenfists (2008, 2.2k, M) Their first kiss isn't an accident. It's anticipated well in advance, discussed for weeks, argued over, second-guessed.
Amor Prohibido by phoenixflight (2020, 3k, M, underage) They spent the spring of Sam's sophomore year living in a shitty apartment south of San Antonio. Every Friday night the clearest channel played three hour marathons of a Spanish soap called La Casa del Corazón. There was a mutually understood truce about watching it, because the alternatives were infomercials or creepy kids’ cartoons that futzed into static every fifteen seconds.
Open Road by Mollyamory (2010, 2k, T) Sam's old enough to know what's good for him.
It's the Blueprint of Your Life by queenklu (2011, 38.4k, time travel) Sam jerks awake in the middle of the night and everything goes to hell. Well, not literally, though Dean is staring down the barrel of less than a year before his deal comes due. In the midst of dealing (or not dealing) with his impending death, a killer ghost ship, and Bela showing up out of the blue, Dean also has to figure out what’s going on in Sam’s head to make him so twitchy, why he’s suddenly breezing through this case while writing endless notes in a notebook he won’t let Dean see.
North of Wednesday by Mollyamory (2008, 3.5k, G) Sam's behind the wheel before he realizes he doesn't have the keys. Coda to Mystery Spot.
non-wincest fic.
dean/omc. We Drank a Thousand Times by glorious_spoon (2010, 43k, M, warning: death) They meet in a bar fight in North Carolina when Dean is nineteen, broke, and desperate, then again when a hunt brings the Winchesters into town a few years later. Neither one of them ever puts a name to it but every once in a while, through the years, Dean finds his way back.
dean/cas: terror & desire intertwined by rupertgayes (2022, 39k, M) Faced with Castiel suffering a fate worse than death, Dean makes the decision to let Cas use his body as a temporary vessel. All things considered, Dean thinks, it could have gone worse.
gen, sam&dean: what lasts by deadlybride (2021, 17.2k, M) Not long after they move into the bunker, Dean loses a leg. Most of a leg. After the hospital, Sam brings him home, and they figure out how to live with what remains.
gen, dean-centric: To Repair Broken Men by procrastin8or951 (2015, 3.1k, T) Dad and Sam keep fighting. Dean can't fix his family, so he fixes things around the crappy apartment they are staying in.
dean/michael: our hour came round at last by orphan_account (2015, 1.8k, NR, pwp) "I want to be inside you," says Michael, low and velvet and hungry and that really shouldn't turn Dean on but it does.
dean/lucifer, dean/cas: exploratory by sp8ce (2022, 4.9k, E, non-con) One night, Castiel proposes he and Dean have sex. Except it's a little more complicated than that.
dean/cas: for a healthy heart by Askance (2013, 2.4k, T) A strange black box appears in Castiel's bedroom one afternoon.
gen, sam&dean: charmer & gentle by Askance (2015, 3.7k, G, outsider pov) The afternoon girl calls them Big and Tall, the strangers who come in late every now and then, buying this or that. The night girl doesn't think those names fit quite right.
dean/cas, past sam/dean: whose wings, though tattered, shall carry me home by fleshflutter (2009, 2.2k, T) There is a breeze moving across the field. It stirs the long grass in lapping waves like the sea. Castiel runs his fingertips through it and remembers flying.
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flownwrong · 18 days ago
got tagged for a thing by @petymology, thank you kindly!
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 friends to do the same.
this is... extremely boring haha you caught me at a rare and embarrassing stage of obsessively listening to two all time faves and little else!
@portlandwithyou @thenightblogcometh @zmediaoutlet @ghostsisters @gueule @syrupmap @rightspocko @stanfordsweater @saltlickmp3 @flashbulb-memory tagging you guys if you wanna!
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spnj2fanlw · 5 months ago
Fic idea:
I have an idea I would love to read but I'm still totally blocked for writing so if any of my writer friends is taking asks or feels inspired by this I would love to read it.
Sam/Dean. One of them comes across a cursed wedding ring on a hunt and like Dean with the ballet shoes is compelled to put it on. When they do one magically appears on the other brothers finger. (The person they love most) At first it's great, the attention, introduced as husband etc but things turn sour really fast with jealousy and possessiveness and when the first brother tries to take the ring off to stop all this it won't come off, of course. Things quickly build to the second one going to do a murder suicide and it can only be stopped by an act of true love which makes both rings disappear leaving the brothers to have one hell of a conversation and hopefully some great getting together sex and happiness. Set anytime but I see more later years.
Could be funny or angsty
So anyone game??
@jinkieswouldyoulookatthis @need-more-meta @according2thelore @zmediaoutlet @ani-coolgirl @dyed-red @runawaydr3amerao3 @unsurprisinglyren @fandom-hoarder @sammichgirl
And anyone else who writes or can share to a writer I've forgotten here
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tgtbata · 2 years ago
hi busiest person frauke, happy wincest wednesday! I'm just gonna ask everyone the same thing this week, to wit: what's a good 'starter' wincest fic that you'd recommend to someone new to the ship? (bonus q: what fic would you rec to sam or dean?)
hey thank you for thinking of me!
i think i'd rec the same fics regardless of whether someone is new to the ship or not - maybe more focused on early seasons? but i'm also not very sure what makes a good 'starter' fic since i'm usually very quick to jump into ships (and not one who needs to get eased into incest ships or the like lol) but here's some fics i think that make for some cool base reading:
waiting games by nutkin
yellows, angles and silences by queenklu
have a cigar by deadlybride
lovetown by nigeltde
speechless by candle_beck
breathing hard by whereupon
as for fic to rec to sam and/or dean: i guess maybe gospel truth for the selfish joy of being perceived. other than that i have no funny or smart answer to this rip why rec something when they can live it. maybe the answer is smith/wesson porn as inspo for them. or something.
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stanfordsweater · 9 months ago
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arm length size difference in 6.12, like a virgin for @zmediaoutlet
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stonenumberone · 7 months ago
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SUPERNATURAL REC FEST (@spnficrecfest)
Baton Rouge | @prince-of-elsinore (2021) (Rated E, 7.5k, Sam/Dean, wound tending, first time, s15) Sam and Dean drive into the heart of a storm.
Put Your Arms Around Me Like A Ring Around The Sun | t_fic (topaz) (2011) (Rated E, 15.7k, Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean/OFC, first time, sex magic) "I dunno, man," Dean says, after Sam literally shakes him to get him to focus. "I don't feel bad, just... not there all the time. Like there's a hole or something and it's sucking me down into it." They're a day-and-a-half drive from Bobby's; Sam make it in a little over eight hours.
All That I'm Good For | witling (2013) (Rated M, 3.5k, Sam/Dean, underage mention, morphine, alcohol) “You're kidding me,” he called, and then he had to get up, heave himself painfully out of the bed and find his balance—he was drunker than he'd thought—and go lean in the bathroom door. “Did you just…do we have a suicide pact, now?”
What Lasts | @zmediaoutlet/deadlybride (2021) (Rated M, 17.3k, Sam&Dean, gen, wound tending, s8) Not long after they move into the bunker, Dean loses a leg. Most of a leg. After the hospital, Sam brings him home, and they figure out how to live with what remains.
The Gold Room | @hathfrozen (2022) (Rated E, 31.5k, Sam/Dean, UST, wound tending, first time, ps-s2) Sam grew into wanting Dean the same way he grew into his bones. It isn’t something they can will or trick or ignore away. It isn’t something that can be undone.
These Things I Know Are True | killabeez (2011) (Rated E, 4.6k, Sam/Dean, first time, s6) Cas is off the rails, Sam's barely keeping it together, and Dean's trying to figure out where they go from here.
Just Like Heaven | @redmyeyes (2023) (Rated M, 6.8k, Sam/Dean, forced proximity, soulmates but it hurts, s5) They both went to heaven. Dean came back wrong.
Stay The Distance | lazy_daze (2011) (Rated E, 24k, Sam/Dean, nightmares, forced proximity, s6-7) "You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there." Sam is dependent on Dean's touch and closeness after the wall falls - Dean's presence reminds him of why he chose to wake up, and keeps the memories at bay, allowing Sam to function.
Desiderata (WIP) | @dyed-red (2021) (Rated E, 45k, Sam/Dean, caretaking, first time) Dean is hit with a curse. It shouldn’t take that much to resolve, could be a gift under other circumstances, but life’s not that simple for the Winchesters.
You'll Never See Us Again | @according2thelore (2023) (Rated T, 5k, Sam&Dean, Sam/Dean, nightmares, touch-starved, s7) Sam suffers from nightmares and touch starvation post-Cage. They do their best to deal.
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imthedr3amer · 2 months ago
📖 Fic rec: SPN, Wincest, Explicit 🩲2️⃣
[Sequel to this recent rec.]
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Season/Series 11, Angst, Panty Kink, Slight D/s Elements, first time in a long time [Extra tags by me: Bottom Dean Winchester/Top Sam Winchester, Pining, Guilt, Sam Winchester's Hell Trauma, Domestic Winchesters, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Creampie, Happy Ending]
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of it started with the kinks
Collections: SPN Best Works
Stats: Published: 2016-02-10 Words: 15,093
with autumn closing in
by deadlybride
Summary: Seven years have passed since then. Sam thought he let it go.
[Don't forget to toss a kudos and a comment to the author, who is also here on Tumblr as @zmediaoutlet. 🫶]
[My thoughts: Again, this is so much more than the panty kink, so don't let that stop you if it's not your usual thing. It is, however, an incredibly tasty little cherry on top of a delicious, Sam-centric Wincest sundae.]
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saltbind · 2 months ago
I always try not to bring this subject up 'cause u know top/bottom discussion in 2025 pls this is even ridiculous but the allegations girl Sam and bottom Sam manage to be kind of ridiculous?
I think it's soooo cool that they say they approach Dean the wrong way in the bottom Dean fanfics but they take Sam out of the character just to satisfy the version of him they have in their heads, It's such an absurd thing that it's ridiculous, and I don't even know what to feel when I see more and more blogs with this content, I don't even feel like staying here on Tumblr anymore (I stay here a lot 'cause u know, I need distraction but seriously, it's hard)
I'm sorry to bring this up to you but you're the only one who seems to think the same thing as me, you don't need to answer, I just want to vent.
You really are a good person, a wonderful fanfic writer and I don't want anyone bothering you and talking shit here so just read my ask, no need to answer
thank you anon <3
and honestly, the block button is your best friend! cultivate a feed that is just for you and you'll have a much better time. in terms of bigger spn blogs, i know zmediaoutlet (aka deadlybride) leans a lot more toward this interpretation of sam so they're always fantastic.
happy for you to vent - this has all inspired me to start putting together a rec list, so keep an eye on for that :3
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^ me rn
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preseriesdean · 7 months ago
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for @spnficrecfest day six: case fics 🧡
Ions in the Ether by @nigeltde-fic 10.9k words, rated E, published 2019 When was the last time you trusted happy.
Gospel Truth by Cerberuss 15.2k words, rated E, published 2020 ‘DOES YOUR BROTHER KNOW THAT YOU WANT HIM?’ Individually placed letters, bold and tinged brown with the weather. Sam can’t look away and he prays, dream dream dream. This sort of introspection could have come from no one but himself. His secret, his affliction, on display as a reminder. He put this here. Don’t forget, Sam, you’re abhorrent. This is all you.
the constant vow by deadlybride / @zmediaoutlet 119.5k words, rated E, published 2022 With Crowley apparently dead and Sam's soul back in place, even though Eve is a worry and Castiel's fighting a heavenly war, Sam and Dean at last have some space to get back to what passes (for them) as a normal life. They've just finished up a pretty standard job and are killing time in snowy Wisconsin when Dean wakes up no longer looking like Dean. That's just the start of their problems.
Almost At Home by balefully 24.3k words, rated E, published 2008 Sam graduates from high school in early June in rural Tennessee. He and Dean start the summer with an all-nighter of celebration; the day after, while both fight hangovers, John calls to assign them their first hunt by themselves.
Suave & Complicated by OldToadWoman 56.9k words, rated E, published 2015 Sam and Dean discover a useful, little, magical artifact. No one is forcing them to do anything. No one is going to die if they don't. They don't even feel a strange compulsion. But… it would be really helpful if they powered up the magical stone… and… all they have to do is kiss.
Crossed Wires by @rivkat 10.9k words, rated E, published 2015, check warnings Dean thinks Sam is dead.
Yesterday, minnesota by @goshen-applecrumbledore 29.7k words, rated E, published 2022 Any initial awkwardness filtered away over a hundred miles of highway as Sam thumbed through the missing witch’s diary again. Some people had secret coke habits or secret second wives, and some people had passionate, pitch black, no-kissing sex with a family member every four to six months and never talked about it. You had to find ways to cope.
Sight Lines by kickflaw/kissyn 21.3k words, rated E, published 2012 Dad's on a hunt, Dean's acting strange, and Bilton, NY, is the last place on earth Sam imagined he would figure out how to make everything fit right.
They Then Ate the Sailors by coyotesuspect 24.3k words, rated M, published 2013 The summer before Sam leaves for Stanford, Sam and Dean sublet a student apartment in a heat-wave gripped Chicago. With John tied up with a case in Iowa City, Sam and Dean are left to figure what's behind a recent spate of drownings. Sam wrestles with the weight of the secret he's keeping from Dean, while Dean struggles with his feelings for Sam. Things come to a head when a young girl goes missing and Sam nearly drowns.
a thousand dreams within me softly burn by dooping_star 14.6k words, rated T, published 2020 "there is something fierce and terrible in me eligible to burst forth, i dare not tell it in words," - walt whitman, ‘earth, my likeness’, leaves of grass
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jinkieswouldyoulookatthis · 19 days ago
Comment Tag
I was tagged by @deandoesthingstome to post the last comment I made on fanfic or fanart and link the piece for all to see. Then tag as many people as I want. No rules. Go crazy.
My last comment was:
Loved this... The guffaw Dean lets out is juvenile and genuine, and makes Sam maybe glow a little bit with baby brother pride at being funny and crass enough to get that out of Dean. And this... This is just good hygiene. Dean might go to bed marinating in his own bodily fluids, but Sam has goddamn standards. Ugh and THIS... and mulls over the idea that possibly he’s done something a little weird. Oh God and this... and then Dean asks, “Do we, uh, do we taste different?” in his most awkward, faux-casual voice. Seriously, I loved all of this! Love the mindless inevitability of the boundary dissolution... or the realization that there are definitely boundaries missing, and the awareness that maybe that should freak them out even though it obviously doesn't. LOVED ALL OF THIS!
Left on negative space is silly by @hathfrozen
Which is 4,483 words of delightfully hot wincest weirdness.
Tagging @fictionallemons, @zmediaoutlet, @masoena, and @catnipster69 if you want to do it.
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