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glasseater-3000 · 2 years ago
ovi ziher da bi bili ljudi koji samo slusaju otvoreni radio i cajke naglas u busu i misle da su kul alternative jer su poslusali dve pjesme od taylor swift
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devil-in-lovee · 1 year ago
„Kada bi imali jedan dan da zivite, da li bi rekli nekome?“
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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emotivnonedostupnaa · 1 year ago
Znate onaj osecaj kada preko dana zivite zivot punim plucima, drzeci sve probleme u sebi. A onda. Onda sledi noc, koja tu masku srece polomi u sitne komade. I tako svaki dan, ponovo i ponovo.
Koliko puta zapravo mozemo sami sebe da sklopimo, iznova i iznova?
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torssi · 1 month ago
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Hodim po cesti in gledam na okrog, nikjer vec poznanega folka, kaj je zdaj to? Za voljo znanosti in napredka sem kot targeted individual t.i. tarca prica digitalizacij sveta. Nahajam se v mestu HERoJ aka Ljubljana, v #fejklandiji, tako da posiljam to sporočilo vsem, ki se imate moznost, da zivite brez nasilnega programiranja uma, kar izvaja darpa z uporabo nasih mozganov, in sicer v mojem primeru sem prisiljena procesirati "bolečino" in "strah" stiriindvajset ur na dan zadnjih osemnajst let. Čipirani smo praktično vsi in opozarjam, da ne gre zq hec. Bravo vsem, ki ste leta 2025 se vredu! V mojem primeru, diskreditacije in brezpogojnega omogocanja mapiranja mozganov za razvoj medicine in za vojaske namene pa so misli kot so "vsak je danes bolj zase", "Resi se kdor se more" in "egotrip" nikakor ne splacajo. Za voljo znanosti sem bila prisiljena v izolacijo, zakar se frendom opravičujem. Brezpogojno pomagam najti resitev cyber space ekipi, da skupaj najdemo pot iz matrice, kjer morajo žensje s katerimi smo v tem hellu izvajati dejanja za nehumano nasilje na komando, jaz pa jih moram predelovati in se mi zaradi teh darknet scen kozla in sem jih primoeana procesirati tudi namesto njih. Ker sem ostala brez možnost za življenje kot sem ga poznala sem jih, kot del sistema, prosila za pomoc, kar ni mozno, ker so tako kot pravijo na boljsem, a vseeno izcrpane.
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zodijak · 5 months ago
Posesivnost je moja bolest
Sta bi bilo kad bih upalio stream
i motornom pilom ti svirao na uho
dal bi se smocilo tvoje carsko ruho
da ti posaljem na kucnu adresu
odrezano uho i stakleno oko,
da ti uhvate staru u hoodu
kako radi pos’o s mojom robom
da te u tvom autu vozim u gepeku
da budes najpoznatiji na dunjaluku
udjes u ginisovu knjigu i u udzbenike
budes u svim novinama i svim portalima
da ti dam zivot pun slave i paznje
da budes poznat kao onaj
koji je prezivio, a molio da umre
da te mucim, a ne ubijem
jer sam stvarno zao
jer sam pravo djubre
da te tjeram da se umivas hidrogenom
sve tvoje pare dam ciganima na cesti
jos jednom ako je pogledas
neces zivit ni u ovoj pjesmi
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0712999 · 9 months ago
Nisam dugo ovdje pisala. Puno toga se promjenilo od 2022. Um imam prijatelje i neprijatelje... nisam vise ruzna, samo sam debela al pokusavam smrsavit. Mall me iznenadilo kak sam tak bila stroga prema sebi prije. Onak ne zvuci mi dobro zivit s takbim glasom u sebi. Ugl imam sada growth mindset.. ide mi ali mislim da mi fali te strogoce puno. Mislim da sam takav unutarnji glad razvila jer mi je pomagao.
Al ovaj ne zelim da me ljudi mrze zbog moje steogoce hah. Onak blazek mi rekao da sam prije bila jako neugodna i nezainteresirana i da sam se bas jako promjenila u pozitivnom smislu. Kao da sam bila nekomuninaktivna.. tak da se bojim bit na djeti jer znam da cu opet bit ko zombij hahah. Al sad se super osjecam onak ko podmazan auto mogu bas kvalitetno razmisljat :)
Ali kao N mi reko da sam malo preambiciozna i da nevjeruje da cu stic to napravit, al kaze da su koljena bila sjajna. Al to nije dovoljno ja zelim jos! Zelim da mi se divi! To je moja sebicna zelja. Zelim da bude opsjednut samnom i da ne moze vjerovat koliko dobro radim i koliko sam savrsena da ostavi onu zenskj zbog mene i da se pocne druzit samnom.Ono nezelim opet ispast ko da neooga molim da me voli i da misle da sam nesposobna i pareticna kao "L" sto je mislio... jebemu misa.
I zelim bit mrsava jer je istina da ljudi mrze debele ljude i da se vise zele druzit sa lijepim ljudima tak da cu izgubit na teputaciji ako budem ruzna... i debela.. onak ne zelim vise bit takva... zelim si popravit zivot.. zelim da me ljudi sa akademije zapamte za cijeli zivot zbog toga kak sam ja super .. i dq me pamte godinama nakon sto ja odem ...
Koja mala sebicna zeljam.. samo mene.. mogu pamtit i druge al ja isto zelim da me ljudi vole i pamte..
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nityarawal · 1 year ago
Sent to new fake boss on chauffer bad check scam at PNC bank & BBVA artificial Intelligence Centers.
To my family after the 6 year apartheid war. 
Do you care? Lol
Probably not. 
But this is reason to work. 
Do you have kids?
Going to bed for first night in my art shack! Laundry clean! 
Wish you were here! I love you! Xo
PS Mom- There's another 1 bedroom available for $500. 
Would you be able to send Anj & Isha? He can have the bigger one or kids together? 
This can be moved next to it! 
Or we can make one bedrooms & one living quarters? 
Miss you! Xo 
Hey y'all have you googled mom's name lately?
Mitra with Sun!
Wow- There's thousands of wonderful new stories since last we checked. Haydn didn't believe it meant Sun.
Isn't that bizarre someone who knows Farsi, studies planets, went to Iran etc would say something so dumb? He doesn't appreciate nor understand Persian poets either. Mind Boggling.
Bobba knows he's Varuna! Lol
Every Christmas the lovers celebrate their anniversary.
It's divine.
I miss you so much. Mitra got me.
Thankyou Mommy.
You know she's even compared to Christ? Some mythical jealousy with Mitraism.
A mystical knowing that rivaled Christianity.
We are so very lucky mom. I pray you're all feeling ok.
I enjoyed first night in my dressing trailer!(: 
It's getting very cute and I'm enjoying paint box possibilities.
I left a patched wall rustic with board and want to paint an American flag on it.(:
Swedes do these barn house style paintings that are really epic.
Helen's sis had one in the only black Swedish house in the village.
Do you remember?
Do you hear from any of my bffs & sisters.
Worried for Zivit.
Any news I'd be grateful for.
I lost touch with many loved ones in lame Facebook wars.
Elon has a divine new Joe Rogan pod f/ yesterday you must hear!
He's doing AI conference & praying he heard the prudes and our beloved family.
It was King Reza Shah's II birthday yesterday.
Great party.
Persians brought it celebrating their beloved King.
It felt like the globe danced and rejoiced for our lineage.
He's only leader never criticized.
Georgia says no American leader ever spoke to her so Elon finally gave their country Starlink.
That was nice.
We see it but only the privileged use it apparently in apartheid! LOL
Praying He's doing a savoy shuffle in UK and sorting it all out.
He seemed very strong. Did you know he does Jiu Jitsu?
Could Gracie studio help Isha get his rights back?
I was sad to see another 14yo boy- little Quazi- caged by Space x and estranged from mom in daddy detention; am worried Isha was sold out?
I don't appreciate the way Sunil Carved me out of my family. We are not for sale nor barter.
Justice is undoubtedly going to be served.
It gets worse with every passing moment.
Elon says the price just goes up.
Make today a peace day like everyday.
I love you so much. Can you send me pictures here?
Isn't there anyway for y'all to shake a dead woman's Gag orders and embrace freedom of speech? RIP Queen Elizabeth & Barracuda Mamma Lori Clark Viviano AKA Sharkbait. 
Look at Elon squirm with BBC pod next. 
They have terrorized us over lame religious shit we didn't even know of from Roman times.
It's a history of wars.
Is Sunil an existentialist?
I never fully understood his superstring theory.
Do you Isha?
Please look and let me know.
I think he probably is.
Do you remember when he'd set up little villages of cards in living room; and video while Romeo knocked them down to find the treats?
There's lots of ways you can groom in war.
It's just not the Huntley way.
I don't believe it was Gautama's way of the Rawal Gotra either. Buddha loves his mom so much and is overflowing with Empathy and compassion.
We've all cried and Sung you home.
Megxit home.
Reza home.
Do you want to visit today and trick or treat?
I want to play Halloween; hug/eat and celebrate with my beloved family. 
It's sad Britney and her family broke. Praying they forgive each other- for her heart and everyone's involved.
Between us all, we've probably been targeted by over a million Jewish attys capitalizing on our family. 
We must always trust our enlightened elders.
That's why what Sunil did was a mind "F." ):
I'm sorry.
I know it wasn't good for anyone's Psyche.
Come home.
Shall we tie up the other trailer?
It's just for now.
Hopefully Elon really will get Reparations.
I'm grateful for all the time I have to enjoy the globe, you, and choose to enjoy it.
Maybe it's rude to laugh in face of tragedy; rude to defy cancer; disobedient to angry British leaders in rages over silencing for their organized criminals kink…..
I really feel Elon could rise through this. Please hold him in light of your heart. I just want the microcosm to reflect what my family can create. 
Jyoti Nitya
Light Eternal
Mitra Nitya
Friend Eternal 
Anjali Nitya
Grace; Offering To God Eternal
And grateful for our mighty Varuna Eternal. 
Ja Nitya 
We are a Tribe of peace, light and love. 
Prosperity is Gravy. 
I feel I paid more for Twitter's freedom of speech on X than anything in my life as a citizen journalist. I had to. For the word. It's very important to us. Vows. Faith. Simple human structure honoring heart values. Lovers. Boppa doesn't believe in divorce. Nor do I. It's Barbaric for one's soul. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please. 
$44b wasn't what it really cost & I think Elon gets that.
We all worked.
Got taxed in alienation warfare. 
Every home I had was raided by Nazi Sheriff on bribes.
It was creepy.
I never broke the law. 
My job is to be a mom, a full disclosure journalist and realtor. The word means more to me than the buck. That's rare. 
I might not look like Miss Ambition but it's because priority of my life is you. To some being a mom might not bring the Britney billions they want to tax our family with. 
As far as I'm concerned my billions are voting in an arena of violence we don't appreciate. 
Return all. Elon knows this is on to-do list. 
We won't have blood money on our hands. 
We worked to hard as yogis to allow Sunil Rawal to violate our sacred family. 
My stomach is actually quaking at what nasty things hrs done. Let it go. It's just not worth it. We choose love. With you. Every day.
Every minute. 
Mitra Nitya is the eternal friend. 
We all know that's true. 
We all will be paid.
I got my X tip button. (:
This won't ever happen to another family on my time or dime. 
4 billion mothers are strong.
Hugs. Xo
With all Love,
Nitya Eternal 
(Mitra Moezzi's daughter of the Persian Qajar dynasty.)
Mom- Whom I miss with all my heart. Shouldn't we all have access to the psyche geniuses of our era? Especially loved ones. I know so many people have suffered.
(Peace is so much easier. Royals are fun and I feel lucky to be half princess getting a little crumb of respect in Woman Life Freedom Baraye Global awakening about apartheid in Tehrangeles regions too.)
"In the end, all debts must be paid, just a question of when. Later makes it worse."
| Elon Musk
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devil-in-lovee · 1 year ago
„Depresija je kada zivite u tijelu koje se bori da prezivi, sa umom koji pokusava umrijeti.“
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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lookerweekly · 2 years ago
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Na Festivalu-u-Opoziciji koji se održava od 8. do 11. juna u KC Labu u Novom Sadu i posvećen je zvuku, improvizaciji, i umrežavanju aktera nezavisne umetničke scene, biće predstavljen i bečki kulturni prostor echoraum, o kome će govoriti umetničke direktorke Alisa Beck i Sara Zlanabitnig.
| LookerWeekly
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trojerucica-blr · 2 years ago
Riblja Čorba - Lutka sa naslovne strane - Official Video
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MRTVO  SLOVO   NA  PAPIRU  ZA  ISTINSKE  ZRTVE.Posebno  izdvajam- у име и уз сагласност лица чије је право повређено, притужбе може поднети и инспекција у складу са законом којим се уређује област инспекцијског надзора.
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Postedela  sam  ga ZATVORA,a i moju je majku lobirao  za uslugu  laznog  svedocenja u KP porodicnog  nasilja,paravan su  mu bila zajednicka djeca da ne izgubi drzavnu sluzbu,tolika PRITVORNOST,zahvaljujuci meni je postao TO sto jeste,a da zauzvrat me je UNISTIO,sto i dalje cini.
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0 notes
anksiozzznost · 2 years ago
simbolicno na danasnji datum, napokon odustajem od ovog bloga. steta, bas sam vezan za svaki put sto sam ovdje dusu ispisao, ali jebi ga. sta je tu je. mozda ponekad udjem nesto napisem, mozda nikada. jedino sto je vjerovatno je to da cu svakog 17.3. doci da napisem brzi update zbog sebe.
cetvrta godina od tzv. "najgoreg" dana mog zivota. za pocetak, nije najgori dan ikada bio. bio je los dan jer je tada sve izaslo na povrsinu. sve sto se mjesecima nakupljalo, ali nije to poenta danasnjeg rebloga.
proslost je sa razlogom proslost, ne mozemo je vratiti i popraviti, mozemo samo iz nje nauciti.
sto se tice protekle godine... zaista unikatna na svoj nacin. povukao sam se, bio sam samo sa bliskim ljudima u kontaktu i radio na sebi.
klise zvuci, ali sam previse odrastao u jednoj godini. kada se sjetim kakav sam bio prije tacno godinu, apsolutno dvije razlicite osobe. da me znate, znali biste tacno o cemu pricam.
nisam tu gdje sam ocekivao da cu biti, iskreno, ali ne sekiram se. znam kuda idem i ne zelim se osvrtati na nepotrebne stvari. moje greske me ne definisu.
da, grize me savjest zbog prijasnjih glupih odluka, ali to nisam bio ja. to je bila osoba koju je obuzeo los stav prema svijetu zajedno sa losim periodom zivota.
ali to nisam ja. ako mi neko zeli suditi srce zbog toga, razumijem, ali me nikada nece definirati kao individuu koja jesam.
trudim se, vrijedan sam, psihicki i fizicki sam jaci nego ikada.
nisam tu gdje zelim da budem, ali jednog dana @anksiozzznost ce napraviti pozitivan uticaj na svijet, a nikada niko nece znati da sam to ja.
to je jos jedno obecanje samom sebi.
sto se tice bloga, nadam se da ste uzivali u njemu i da je imao barem neku vrstu uticaja nad vama.
ovaj blog je najiskrenija verzija mene, i nadam se ko god je procitao sve od pocetka do kraja da se pronasao barem jednom u njemu.
iza zidova koje ste sagradili da biste sebe zastitili stoje divne osobe. nemojte dati da vas svijet tek tako rusi.
volite kako zelite da bude voljeni,
zivite kako zelite da zivite.
budite osobe visokog integriteta i neprobojnog karaktera jer to je jedino sto je bitno.
niko se nece sjecati vaseg materijalnog posjeda kada nestanete, nego kako ste ucinili nekoga da se osjeca sa vasim djelima i rijecima.
to je moja najveca lekcija od prethodne godine, ostalo je irelevantno.
nadam se da ste dobro, sve je prolazno, a sve sto zelite je na dohvat ruke.
samo je pruzite.
dobrodosli, uzivajte u boravku
-anksiozzznost <3
ne znam
Previše razmišljam. O svemu. Ponekad gubim osjećaj za realnost. Ne znam šta se dešava oko mene. Šta se dešava u mojoj glavi? Šta se dešava sa mnom? Koji mi je kurac? Osjećam se toliko pogubljeno i ne znam šta me vuče više. Nemam suicidne misli nego jednostavno ne razumijem. Želim samo da se ne osjećam pogubljeno više. Želim da ponovo budem sretan kao nekada, da imam razlog za sreću… nije ništa kao što je nekada bilo. Zaglavljen sam izmedu svijetova koje sam stvorio u svojoj glavi. Ne znam koji me najviše vuče. Ne znam čemu da se posvetim. Ništa više ne znam. Na današnji dan sam se ubjedljivo najgore psihički osjećao ikada. Previše toga mi je prošlo kroz glavu, previše toga me boli, previše toga sam preispitao. Šta sam zaključio na osnovu ovih misli? Apsolutno ništa. Samo sam našao još više pitanja, a nigdje nema odgovora. Jedina želja trenutno mi je da se osjećam bolje. Da ponovo okusim istinsku sreću. Nebitno u kojem obliku. Ne znam više ni jel’ to zaslužujem.
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losazaego · 6 years ago
dobar ugled u lošim krugovima
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aotymidnights · 1 year ago
nmg nastavit zivit ovako
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ne znam ako gledas rukomet ali ja gubim zivce ne mogu ja ovo gledat plakat cu
gledala za nista 🙄 suplja obrana napad nikakav pa da ja sad moram za austriju navijat ...
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pricam-ti-o-njemu · 8 years ago
Kad si najslabiji, valja nekad otvorit kutiju prošlosti, pregledati sve padove koji su te stvorili u osobu koja si danas. Vratit će te na pravi put još snažnijeg.
pricam ti o njemu
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nityarawal · 1 year ago
Hey y'all have you googled mom's name lately?
Mitra with Sun!
Wow- there's thousands of wonderful new stories since last we checked. Haydn didn't believe it meant Sun.
Isn't that bizarre someone who knows Farsi, studies planets, went to Iran etc would say something so dumb? He doesn't appreciate nor understand Persian poets either. Mindboggling.
Bobba knows he's Varuna! Lol
Every Christmas the lovers celebrate their anniversary.
It's divine.
I miss you so much. Mitra got me.
Thankyou Mommy.
You know she's even compared to Christ? Some mythical jealousy with Mitraism.
A mystical knowing that rivaled Christianity.
We are so very lucky mom. I pray you're all failing ok.
I enjoyed first night in my dressing trailer!(:
It's getting very cute and I'm enjoying paint box possibilities.
I left a patched wall rustic with board and want to paint an American flag on it.(:
Swedes do these barn house style paintings that are really epic.
Helen's sis had one in the only black house in the village.
Do you remember?
Do you hear from any of my bffs & sisters.
Worried for Zivit.
Any news I'd be grateful for.
I lost touch with many loved ones in lame Facebook wars.
Elon has a divine new Joe Rogan pod f/ yesterday you must hear!
He's doing AI conference & praying he heard the prudes and our beloved family.
It was King Reza Shah's II birthday yesterday.
Great party.
Persians brought it celebrating their beloved King.
It felt like the globe danced and rejoiced for our lineage.
He's only leader never criticized.
Georgia says no American leader ever spoke to her so Elon finally gave their country Starlink.
That was nice.
We see it but only privileged use it apparently in apartheid! LOL
Praying He's doing a savoy shuffle in UK and sorting it all out.
He seemed very strong. Did you know he does Jiujitsu?
Could Gracie studio help Isha get his rights back?
I was sad to see another 14yo boy- little Quazi- caged by Space x and estranged from mom in dadddy detention; am worried Isha was sold out?
I don't appreciate way Sunil Carved me out of my family. We are not for sale nor barter.
Justice is undoubtedly going to be served.
It gets worse with every passing moment.
Elon says price just goes up.
Make today a peace day like everyday.
I love you so much. Can you send me pictures here?
Isn't there anyway for y'all to shake a dead woman's Gag orders and embrace freedom of speech? RIP Queen Elizabeth & Barracuda Mamma Lori Clark Viviano AKA Sharkbait. Amen.
Look at Elon squirm with BBC pod next.
They have terrorised us over lake religious shit we didn't even know of from Roman times.
It's histories wars.
Is Sunil a existentialist?
I never fully understood his superstring theory.
Do you Isha?
Please look and let me know.
I think he probably is.
Do you remember when he'd set up little villages of cards in living room; and video while Romeo knocked them down to find the treats?
There's lots of ways you can groom in war.
It's just not the Huntley way.
I don't believe it was Gautama's way of the Rawal Gotra either. Buddha loves hos mom so much and is overflowing with Empathy and compassion.
We've all cried and Sung you home.
Megxit home.
Reza home.
Do you want to visit today and trick or treat?
I want to play Halloween and hug/eat celebrate with my beloved family. It's sad Britney and her family broke. Praying they forgive each other- for her heart and everyone's involved. Between us all we've probably been targeted by over a million Jewish attys capitalizing on our family.
We must always trust our enlightened elders.
That's why what Sunil did was a mind "F." ):
I'm sorry.
I know it wasn't good for anyone's Psyche.
Come home.
Shall we tie up the other trailer?
It's just for now.
Hopefully Elon really will get Reparations.
I'm grateful for all the time I have to enjoy the globe, you, and choose to enjoy it.
Maybe it's rude to laugh in face of tradgedy; rude to defy cancer; disobedient to angry British leaders in rages over silencing for their organised criminals kink..
I really feel Elon could rise through this. Please hold him in light of your heart. I just want the microcosm to reflect what my family can create.
We are a Tribe of peace, light and love.
Prosperity is Gravy.
I feel I paid more for Twitters freedom of speech than anything in my life.
$44b wasn't what it really cost & I think Elon gets that.
We all worked.
Got taxed in alienation warfare.
Every home I had was raided by Nazi Sheriff on bribes.
It was creepy.
I never broke the law.
My job is to be a mom, a full disclosure journalist and realtor. The word means more to me than the buck. That's rare.
I might not look like Miss Ambition but it's because priority of my life is you. To some being a mom might not bring the Britney billions they want to tax our family with.
As far as I'm concerned my billions are voting in an arena of violence we don't appreciate.
Return all. Elon knows this is on to-do list.
We won't have blood money on our hands.
We worked to hard as yogis to allow Sunil Rawal to violate our sacred family.
My stomach is actually quaking at what nasty things hrs done. Let it go. It's just not worth it. We choose love. With you. Every day.
Every minute.
Mitra Nitya is the eternal friend.
We all know that's true.
We all will be paid.
I got my X tip button. (:
This won't ever happen to another family on my time or dime.
4 billion mothers are strong.
Hugs. Xo
Nitya Eternal
0 notes
hipigram · 8 years ago
Godine su prošle i prolaze. Ništa više nije isto, život sve izobliči, izda i tera po svom.
t r a n s m u n d a n e d
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