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dr-senpai13 · 10 months ago
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guys do you think Dasani will sponsor me
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hazbmymhotel · 10 months ago
I promise, this image is NOT a spoiler, but I did make me laugh way too hard
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Chapter 11) Zip, Zip
“So, Angie, I'm actually royally pissed!” Cherri Bomb opened the top of her latte to dump in a coffee liquor. “You always said if you ever got married, I'd be there!”
“He was bleedin’ all over the place, was I supposed to call you?” Angel leaned back, sipping his own cappuccino.
“Uh! Yes!!” Cherri recapped her drink. “Especially since it's this guy!!”
Husk looked up, a madeleine in his teeth.
“I thought you were just gonna fuck him.”
“He's old fashioned,” Angel lied. “Plus I've never been married before. I figured it'd be fun!” He grabbed Husk's chin and leaned down, biting off the other half of the cookie.
Cherri laughed into her hand and shook her head. “He's ancient.”
“We're the same age,” Angel argued, swallowing his mouth full. “I've just been in hell longer!”
“I'm also sitting right here,” Husk informed her.
“You look rough,” Cherri told him directly. “Like, not only the shit Angie’s insane brother did!” Angel winced quietly as she went on. “But you look like a rug!”
“Brutal,” Husk sighed, sipping his breve.
Angel jumped to his defense, “Husker isn't sleepin’ well!”
“Oh!!” Cherri was more interested now! “Are you two knocking boots all night?” She squealed as Husk’s blush showed through his fur. “Ang. Is he good?”
“So good!” Angel gushed. “I'm gettin’ spoiled, it's gonna ruin me.”
Cherri lowered her voice and leaned in. “So are you seriously quitting porn? Word is that Valentino is losing his fucking mind.”
“How'd you find out?!” Angel asked in surprise. “It was that sketchy director wasn't it?”
“Travis,” Husk bristled.
“Seriously? That's what you know about my videos?” Angel looked at him flatly. “My foot-obsessed-director?”
“He's a piece of shit!” Husk answered.
Cherri snorted. “The old pussy cat's right, though. It was totally Travis. He's whining about it online!” She showed Angel her phone. “But how'd you pull that off??”
“Through marriage. It's complicated, Cherri, I kinda wanted a break from explainin’ all my bullshit…It's been a long day with Nickie and other fuckin’ garbage.” Angel sighed and crossed his second set of arms. “Plus Husker isn't allowed to sleep anymore, so that's gonna be a whole thing.”
“I bet I can still sleep,” Husker said with a huff. “It's probably an overreaction.”
Now Cherri was even more confused. “... Because of all the fucking?”
“No, because he got all wrecked up by Nickie! See! I didn't wanna talk about it!!”
“You brought it up, Baby,” Husk said, but wrapped his tail around Angel’s leg. “But it's probably just PTSD or some shit.”
“Does PTSD make people scared of zippers? It don't make no sense,” Angel crossed his arms tighter.
“I mean, PTSD made me scared of egg salad for a good few years,” Vaggie swirled her cup around. “But what did zippers do?”
“It's a man covered in zippers. I think they're his skin,” Husk answered with a shudder.
“Oh, hot though,” Cherri grinned, “How many dicks do you think he's hiding?”
“Fourteen,” said Angel, “but he ate them all.”
Husk shuddered again, fluffing his wing nervously. “Not every time I fall asleep is a nightmare.”
“Do you think Vaggie might be full of shit?” Angel asked. “Over exaggeratin’ a bad dream?”
“They're just fuckin’ dreams,” Cherri agreed.
Husk nodded. “...But maybe I should stay awake until we figure it out.”
Angel sipped his cappuccino and considered. “Yeah, you've been sleepin' like 14 hours a day since your contract with Alastor broke, Husk, you sure about that?”
“Well he's a cat!” Cherri laughed. “What's he supposed to do?”
“To be fair, I was on morphine for like 5 of those days…” Husk tightened his tail around Angel’s leg.
“Do you got any left?” Cherri asked hopefully. “I'll trade you for some uppers. These little babies will keep you awake!” She pulled some pills from her pocket. “Angel, you want some?”
“Mmmmnnnnah, I'm actually handlin' sobriety pretty well today! I haven't even drank since yesterday.”
“Fuck. Married life is making you lame!” Cherri looked at Husk. “But how about you, Kitty?”
Husk considered. “I'm probably fine…” he took another sip, but stopped to yawwwn. He finished with a blep, his little tongue hanging out.
“You're so eepy seepy,” Angel stamped his feet as he squealed.
“You're such a furry, Angel,” Cherri said, even though she was equally charmed. “But seriously, you look like you're about to konk out, old man.”
Husk sighed heavily. He looked at Angel Dust, and then at Cherri’s hands. “What is it?”
“A bunch of good shit!”
“I got morphine back at the hotel…take it if you want it…is this gonna fuck me up?” Husk reluctantly held out his paw, letting her drop several multicolored capsules into it.
“Oh, yes it is!” Cherri shouted excitedly.
Angel tried not to look concerned. “I mean, you think he can handle all that, Cher?”
Cherri waved her hand at him. “Pshaw, he's old enough to be my great grandpa. Right, Huskee, you can handle it.”
“You can seriously just call me Husk,” he told her firmly. “But if it'll keep me awake…” Husk swallowed them with a mouthful of his drink. “It's not like it'll kill me.”
“Sure, right,” Angel said, tossing his coffee cup into a trash bin. “Are you two fuckers ready to go out then? We'll wanna be somewhere loud when those kick in…Husker, you're probably gonna wanna dance.”
“Oh?” Husk hopped to his feet, catching himself from falling with his cane. “I'll definitely take up less space on the dance floor now–Baby, you don't have to look so sad every time I bring up my wings.”
Angel covered his mouth and looked away slightly. “I'm not.”
“Oh my God, Angie, you're becoming a tittering mom to this old dude. You sure you don't want a pick-me-up? Maybe a little coke??” Cherri checked her purse.
“Cherri, for fuck's sake, I'm not doin’ it no more, so stop askin’!” Angel grit his teeth.
“Sorry, sorry, fuck! I'm not used to you bein’ all responsible.” Cherri sucked her teeth and stood up. “Are you still drinking at all? Or are you completely boring now.”
Angel scoffed and reached out for Husk's empty cup, tossing it away for him before storming outside. “I think I need a drink to deal with this today.” He rubbed between his eyes.
Husk watched him stand outside of the coffee shop, ears back.
“What the fuck is his problem?!” Cherri directed herself at Husk.
“Coming down is hard,” Husk said simply, “he's been without for almost two weeks…it's a hard hump to get over.”
“Could you go give him a hard fucking hump so we can get on with our day?!”
“Sex won't solve withdrawals, sweetheart,” Husk felt a prickling in the back of his head. “Just give us a minute.” He walked himself outside, lightly touching one of Angel’s arms.
“Hey,” Husk said, voice soft and gentle.
Angel frowned before turning his hand, reaching to hold Husk’s. “...hey.”
“Do you want to ditch her?” Husk kissed his fingers.
Angel laughed a little before frowning again. “No…getting off this shit is hard, Whiskers.”
“I know.” Husk rubbed his cheek against the back of Angel’s hand. “We could go home.”
“Charlie will harass me into doin’ somethin’ today…I don't think so.” He squeezed Husk's hand. “Can we go to a club? I wanna see you dance like an idiot on drugs.”
“I get the feeling I'll be doing that anywhere we go,” Husk said, kissing up his arm.
Angel giggled and swatted him off. “Okay, okay, let's go.” He turned and waved at Cherri to come outside. “Stop fuckin' offering me drugs today, bitch.”
“Fiiiine,” Cherri hugged Angel’s arms on his other side. “I just wanna show you a good time, you know that!”
Angel sighed. “Yea. I know. But not today. Today I wanna remember my husband lookin’ stupid.”
“Then let's gooo!!” Cherri said, tugging them forward with her. “We're actually early enough to catch some of the fuckin' drink deals today!!”
In spite of the bright red daylight outside, the club was dark and only lit up with cool, flashing colors. The music was thumping out enough to make Husk's wing twitch each time. He couldn't make out the words, but it didn't matter!
Instead, it felt good. Husk's brain had started to itch, and the music was scratching in a satisfying beat. He heard Angel laugh, which made him feel warm. Cherri yelled something about his footwork.
Husk was pretty sure at some point he'd gotten his hands on a trumpet, and he jammed out to the music while the crowd howled in excitement. It reminded him of a time he was high out of his mind in a club in Chicago back in the early 40’s.
Husk was barely focused on what was coming out of his mouth. He knew he was sat between Cherri and Angel Dust. He couldn't keep his hands off of Angel’s legs. “You're gorgeous,” he said over and over.
“Enough about that! I wanna know about Chicago!!” Cherri demanded.
“Oh, fuck, I was 12 years into a dead marriage, and I was just craving something different and wild! I hadn't done magic in ages, and I completely crashed my own stage!!” Husk realized there was a drink in his hand, so he gulped it down. “I was so fuckin’ embarrassed, but when I was having a drink after, I got to playing. Some asshole handed me a saxophone, and I fucking love blowing horns.”
“I fuckin' bet you do!” Cherri squealed.
Angel was enraptured, hanging on every word.
“And this little twink comes up to me, he's in the tightest fucking outfit I've ever seen,” Husk was offered a cigarette, so he took it. “And he's hanging all over me, saying how much he loved jazz. He asked if I had jungle fever!” Husk laughed noisily.
Angel looked horrified, but it seemed more internal than anything else.
“Baby, you good?” Husk asked, but Angel leaned over and kissed his face.
“Tell your story, sugar.”
Husk took a long drag on his cigarette, trying to focus again. “It was my first time with a guy, and he knew what he was doing! He fingered himself in front of me and sucked my cock like a champion.” He tapped the ashes into a tray Cherri offered. “When it got down to it, I think I fucked him half the night! I can't believe how long I could throw this kid around.”
Angel fanned himself, looking pleased and embarrassed.
“And I thought, well shit, how did I waste so much time on just women!?” Husk found his hand rubbing up the inside of Angel’s thigh, so he squeezed. “Men are so fucking hot!”
“Yea, that's SO true!” Cherri took a shot.
“Didja ever get his name?” Angel asked, gripping Husk's wrist.
“I can't remember, I was so fucked up! And I had another engagement in Indianapolis the next day, so I had to dip before he was even awake.”
“But you left a queen of hearts on the dresser with a ‘thanks for the lay,’ note on it,” Angel provided.
“Yeah, I–” Husk's ears perked. “Did I already tell this story?” He crushed his cigarette into the ashtray. 
“No!” Angel laughed nervously, holding his head. “No fuckin’ way, Husk!”
Husk stared at him in confusion, the drugs seeping into his brain. “Do you wanna dance, beautiful?”
Angel laughed harder, covering his face. He nodded dumbly and let Husk drag him onto the floor.
“Those two,” Cherri rolled her eye, grinning.
Husk was sure Angel was having fun, hearing him shout eagerly as they danced. He registered Cherri joining them again!
“I'm gonna go get us some fresh drinks!” Angel shouted. “Keep an eye on Husker!”
“We're fine!” Cherri yelled back, turning to grind on some massive wolf.
Husk was enjoying how the music made him sway…until he stepped forward onto concrete. He grabbed for the cane hanging on his arm, and it wasn't there. Lights flickered between green and yellow, the crowd disappearing and reappearing with each flash.
“Oh shit,” Husk stumbled back, grunting as he hit a mass.
“Watch it!” A nondescript voice shouted.
Husk stared straight ahead as he saw it. The music faded away, replaced with the sounds as it began to approach.
He could see it closer than ever. Its face zipped up and down as it walked, revealing a large red orb hidden in inky blackness. Husk turned and bolted, abandoning his cane on the dance floor as he left on all fours.
Angel Dust laughed and shimmied his way across the dance floor. He saw Cherri’s hair and made his way over. “Got you a cocktail, toots!” He looked around, frowning in confusion.
“Uh, Cherri?!”
“Yes, bitch?! Want me to pay you?!”
“No! Where’s Husk?!”
“Huh!?!” She stopped dancing to hold her ear towards him.
“Where is my Husband?!?!” Angel stepped back to find him, stumbling. “Oh, shit,” he bent down to grab his cane. Another demon grabbed his hips as he did, grinding into Angel’s ass. He turned and smashed his drink into his head, “do you fuckin’ mind?!"
“Jesus Fucking Christ!!” The demon shouted, holding his face as he sprayed blood over the spider.
Angel shoved him back and started searching at knee level, looking for a hint of Husk anywhere.
“Oh for fuck's sake, he's fine!” Cherri stepped over the writhing demon to chase after him. “You're worrying too much!”
“He hasn't done anything hard since he was alive over forty fuckin’ years ago, Cher!” Angel shoved through a group, seeing a flicker of red outside.
Husker fell back onto his ass, kicking into the floor as he tried to find his footing again. He grunted as he hit a wall, dizzy from how fast his heart was racing. He clutched his chest, sure he was going to have a heart attack like the one that killed him.
It leaned down, wrapping it's lanky fingers around Husk's ankles.
“There you are!” Angel said in relief. However, Husker looked worse for wear. He was having a full blown panic attack on the sidewalk, shoved against the wall of the club. “Way to go, Cherri,” he yelled at her before moving to kneel next to him. “Husker? Can ya hear me?”
Husk's ears twitched and he opened his mouth, only to scream as he was dragged by his leg into the road.
“Can he normally run on his back?!” Cherri was actually alarmed now.
“Uh, No!” Angel was tired of her attitude today! He grabbed for Husk’s hands and pulled him back–
Husk watched in utter terror as the Zippered man buried a hand into the tuft of his chest.
“JESUS FUCK!” Cherri leapt back as there was a fountain of blood erupting from Husk’s chest.
Angel stared. Time slowed down…it was becoming easier to trust his hands to do what they needed. He shoved at the empty space above Husk, finding they collided with mass.
“Ah, ah, Angel?” Husk stared at the red sky above them. “It's raining?” Blood rained on his face in fat droplets, warm and comforting.
“Cherri, come make yourself useful, Fuck!” Angel demanded, directing her to hold his chest closed.
“Did he just fucking unzip his own body?!” Cherri was too high for this!
“Just hold it!!” Angel gripped at his own fur, letting out a grunt as he yanked out a long string. He bit it off with his teeth.
“Angel! What the fuck is going on?!” Cherri was definitely too high. “What the fuck are you gonna do with Yarn?!”
Angel ignored her and pressed it against Husk's chest, feeling stupid, but trusting his gut. Like a sewing machine, the string worked itself into Husk’s skin in a stitch.
“Oh, Fuck!” Husk yelled, closing his eyes tight.
Cherri sat back, letting out a breath. “Angie. Seriously.”
Angel clutched Husk into his lap, staring at the empty space in the road. For a brief moment, he'd seen it. “Fuckin' hell, Cherri.”
Cherri took a moment, pushing her bangs out of her face with a bloody hand. “...Sorry, Ang. I fucked up.”
Angel leaned down, pressing his face between Husk’s ears.
“Is it gone?” Husk asked, finally daring to look up again. “Did the rain stop?”
Angel breathed out shakily. “We're goin’ home.”
“Let me…let me call you a cab,” Cherri said. “It's the least I can do.”
“I fuckin’ got it,” Angel said sourly, pulling out his phone.
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Sticky fingers gets stabbed with the requiem arrow but it de evolves him instead and he now has the zip lock bag zippers instead of the regular ones with teeth.
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bifflesnitch · 2 years ago
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hazbmymhotel · 10 months ago
Clearly I'm not the first to think of this lil guy as a cowboy
I love this design
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Cowboy Husk!! 🤠
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milkyway-gaily · 6 months ago
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[New Drop] Special 2/3 size tea/hand towels!
Only a few available because these are from the ends of the fabrics😊 I sold out of the regular square towels long time ago so this is your only chance to get them again!
● SBR Star-spangled ● Zipperman Bruno
Custom-printed in USA on a soft organic cotton gauze that's commonly used in baby apparel💙
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wobblewokgaming · 1 year ago
I did the thing.
@my-quirk-is-fred, I finally finished drawing your Amazing Digital Circus OC Y/N, or as I'll be calling her, Yinn (you don't have to use this name, this is just easier to say). I did make some minor changes (which I will explain the reasons behind), but the majority of her design remains the same.
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Here's your baby. As I said, I made some minor changes to the design. I made the black and grey parts stitched patches and I even added them to the hat/hood for aesthetic reasons, and for the more noticeable changes, I gave her a patchwork-y white tank top in place of her midriff and g-string were and a heart where the boob window was.
Now, the reason behind this change is simple: The Amazing Digital Circus is a kids game, as shown via the censors over swear words and when one flips the bird. And if swearing isn't allowed, as shown by Pomni's sailor mouth shanty, I don't think anything provocative would be allowed, lest a massive censor bar be put over her at all times. Also, along with her design, I also gave her some abilities, with said abilities being inspired by Zipperman from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Buggy the Clown from One Piece.
I noticed the prominence of zippers on her body, so I decided to lean into that heavily with her moveset. Fo example;
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Zipper Portal Manifestation
This ability allows Yinn to open zippers on any surface she touches, either with her hands or the tip of her hoodie. These zippers act as portals that allow her, her friends and even inanimate objects to hop from place to place. The main downside is that she needs to know where she's going, otherwise she'll wind up going nowhere. This ability can also be used to do this;
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Harmless Self Dismemberment
Much like Buggy the Clown, Yinn can willingly dismember herself without causing any harm to her, with the main difference being that she does so with her zippers. She can also apply zippers on her body to prevent herself from getting hit (by zipping herself open) and using the length of the zipper to increase the range of her attacks (ala Zipperman from Jojo). On top of that, she can have her limbs circle around her to create a vortex of pain, which is doubled by the blades she can extend from her wrists.
Now, for some drawings I made for the heck of it.
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Jax the blushing bunny having his head held by Yinn as Zooble, Gangle and Ragatha struggle to contain their laughter.
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Jax, Gangle and Zooble ganging up on the haters for hating Yinn for being curvy (dumbest reason to shit on someone, NGL)
Hope you enjoyed these little drawings of mine. And remember, you don't have to draw your character like this. These're just tweak to the design that I made with the context of the show it's from.
Hope this makes you feel better!
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leafnincosplay · 10 months ago
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A Stand perfect for a sneak attack
I saw this curtain at SakuraCon and had to try a Stand photo. I added the zipper in with Photopea.
Am I the only one who likes the Dub name Zipperman more than Sticky Fingers?
📸 self photography
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newtbog · 1 month ago
still watching part 5 of jjba and been thinking about zipperman top surgery
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cinnbar-bun · 9 months ago
Do you prefer watching Jojo subbed or dubbed? I really need to start watching it. It's been on my list for way too long.
This is a tricky one because I done both, but Jojo has something very different about both that make it…
You see, Jojo has a lot of music references to songs and other artists. Things that are VERY much copyrighted.
An example of this is someone named Santana, someone named Steely Dan, and someone with the ability Man in the Mirror.
In Japanese, they stay the same. However, in the English, they cannot say those names. So that means they localize them and… uh… some of them are. Choices.
There is:
Bad Company -> Worse Company
Steely Dan -> Dan of Steel
Red Hot Chili Peppers-> Chili Peppers
Not too bad! However, then things start getting crazy after a while. There is:
Sticky Fingers -> Zipperman
Limp Bizkit -> Flaccid Pancake (???)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap -> Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price (??????)
So, granted, you’ll see these localized names in both the dub and the subtitles! However, in the original Japanese dub, they’ll say the actual name. So Bruno will yell STIIIICKKYYY FINGAAAARS but the subtitles will say ‘Zipperman’.
It’s kind of just, what are you willing to deal with? Both are wonderful and have a star studded cast! However, you’ll sometimes have to deal with awkward localizations or a very obviously different subtitle compared to what was being said. If you take a lot of issues with the sub and statements being crazy different, just stick with dub. Otherwise, choice is yours! You can’t really go wrong with either!
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134340jinsvocals · 1 year ago
As someone who is relatively new to the Jojo fandom, here are some of my takes on the relationships we see in the show.
!Spoilers ahead!
For starters a lot of the friendships we see with a joestar and his jobro(s) are very close. However, some of these could potentially have been romantic relationships as well. While it’s very true that if some friendships were gay some part’s wouldn’t exist. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that nothing was there. My biggest example is Jotaro and Kakyoin. While I’m not a proshipper, I do think had kakyoin not died, he and Jotaro would have either dated or have a really close and beautiful friendship. The bond that those two shared was one that makes cry over what could’ve been.
On another point I have is during part 5, how did Bruno come back alive the first time. It’s probably common knowledge that his heart stopped, and his soul was ascending, but then he just came back alive. Was it Giorno or something else. My initial thought was that it was Zipperman that kept Bucciarati alive. This “theory” of mine is also backed up by part six and star platinum keeping Jotaro alive until Jotaro disc came back. I guess I wasn’t paying attention or maybe Bruno was just persevering.
This is all I can think about today. Well enjoy my rant tumblr :)
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hazbmymhotel · 10 months ago
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Zzt Zzt Zzt!!
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Chapter 10 is out
Chapter 10) Breaking Bonds
Husker hadn't slept so well in years.
His body was held in plush warmth, even as he was pushed to roll over.
It was so comfortable, Husk stretched out in the warmth of the sun. He purred noisily, feeling the wind waft over his fur. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been in a field of wildflowers.
“Maybe fifty years?” He said to himself.
Husk rolled onto his stomach, stretching his full wings behind his back. Life was pretty good. He glanced around as he saw a fat little bumblebee.
Husk started breathing fast. There was something wrong with the bee…Husk moved to stand, stumbling forward. The sky was quickly adjusting, the blues turning blindingly yellow.
Husk turned, trying to find where the strange insect had flown to.
Husk took a step back, falling back into concrete. He'd expected his wings to catch his fall, but instead the harsh coldness of the floor seeped through his shirt.
Husk stared at the ceiling with his one cat eye, the other covered by a makeshift blindfold. Grunting, he pushed himself to sit up. “Angel?” He asked, feeling like he swallowed hot iron.
In front of him was a set of metallic stairs. Feathers littered the steps where he'd tumbled.
Zzt, tk…Zzt, tk…Zzt, tk…
Husk realized what the sound was. It was metal on metal. kicked into the floor and scrambled onto all fours, running into the new hallway before him.
Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! Husk desperately ran, but the hallway stretched out in front of him. He remembered now, his wings were gone! He finally rounded a corner, panting to catch his breath. He perked beyond the wall, back towards the distant stairs.
The sound was just as close as it had ever been. A shadow lumbered and wobbled, shuffling its way towards the man.
Husk's ears flattened. He couldn't explain the utter fear that creature brought to his middle. It was the worst terror he'd ever known.
Keep running! He internally screamed, turning heel and dashing into the unknown.
The zipping sound filled his ears with dread. Husk's eyes pricked with tears. He was running so hard, he worried his lungs would burst!
A door!
Please, he begged wordlessly, please don't be empty.
But as he opened the door-
Husk fell out of bed with a yell, startling Fat Nuggets in the process.
Angel screamed, too, one of his boots falling to the floor. The other had been properly zipped to the top. “Jesus, Husk! You sure do sleep like an asshole!!”
Husk scrambled beneath the bed, working on hyperventilating in the comfortably tight space. He scrambled back further as Angel dropped his face down to the floor.
Husk let out a loud breath and hid his face into his paws.
“Uh…you good?” Angel asked. “Wanna come out? And apologize to Nug?”
Husk gripped his head before relaxing his hands. “That was embarrassing,” he complained, shuffling back out from the dark.
“You've been off morphine for a few days now…do you just normally have wild and crazy dreams?” Angel asked, tugging his boot back on before Husk could comment on his foot.
“No..” Husk held his hand out, letting the pig walk back up to him. He relaxed more as Fat Nuggets climbed into his lap. “These dreams are weird.”
“Yeah? Weird like fuckin’ Pamela Anderson through a hole in her head or weird like talkin’ pizza?” Angel shuffled back, leaning against the side of the bed next to Husk.
Husk dropped his head to rest on the pig. “Neither. I'm constantly being haunted by-AH!” He leapt back beneath the bed, making Fat Nuggets roll unceremoniously onto the floor.
Angel looked around in confusion as he finished zipping his boot. “Husker, are you seein’ ghosts?”
“No,” Husk growled.
Angel tapped his fingers on the floor in annoyance. Nugz was trying to climb after Husk to comfort him. “I'm gonna assume my pig knows better, cuz he says you're scared, but you're actin’ insane…dare I say, a scaredy cat?”
Husk groaned and reached out to scratch under Fat Nuggets’ little chin.
“Well?” Asked Angel. “You gonna let me in on these fuckin’ nightmares?”
Husk was slow to climb back out, looking tired and rough. He accepted his cane as Angel offered it to him, and he stood.
“I need coffee, first.”
“That makes sense,” Angel agreed, “you look like shit…” he got up, keeping his gaze fixed on Husk. “Maybe we got too rowdy last night with the anal beads?”
Husk cleared his throat. “No…that was fine. Fun.” He smoothed his ears back.
Angel grinned and opened the door for him. “I mean, I thought so. You're really responsive.”
Husk waved his hand a little, blushing into his ears. “It's been a long time!”
“Hope you stay so sensitive,” Angel said, dropping his voice to a hush as they walked through the hall. “I like gettin’ to play top sometimes.”
“You have a one-track mind,” Husk turned his head away, feeling more relaxed as they walked through the hall. As they approached his kitchen, Husk tilted his head back and sniffed the air, sighing happily, “coffee.”
“Yea, yea, sit down and Mommy will get you a cup,” Angel offered.
“Good morning, boys!!” Charlie said excitedly, sitting at the kitchen table with her own mug covered in rainbows. “How's it going?!”
Vaggie looked up from buttering a piece of toast. She gestured aggressively with her knife, “You both are getting loud!”
“It's not like the whole hotel hasn't heard your pipes singin’ to the lesbian gods, Vaggie,” Angel said, pouring two mugs. He tried not to giggle at how Husk enjoyed a full half cup of cream in his coffee. He wondered if Husk could get fat in Hell, and the idea made him squirm in a good way.
Vaggie blushed and scowled. “That’s not true!”
Charlie only giggled, refusing to say anything but, “Well, Vaggie…”
“All of you are disgusting,” Alastor stood in the corner of the room, holding Lucifer’s mug to drink from. “I assure you, you are all far too loud.” His half ear flicked in annoyance.
Husk took his mug with both hands, lapping at his coffee with his tongue.
Angel waved off Alastor and sat across from Husker. He took a sip of his own black coffee. “You feelin’ a little better after getting up?”
Husk breathed in the smell of coffee and licked his lips. “A bit… But these dreams are fucked.”
Charlie turned her body towards them both. “Dreams?” She batted her big eyes.
“Husker’s havin’ nightmares,” Angel answered, and Husk rolled his eyes.
“Not every night,” Husk said.
“I'd have nightmares sharing a bed with Angel Dust,” Alastor slurped his drink. “Husker never had nightmares under my control.”
“I didn't have dreams at all,” Husk said flatly.
Alastor lifted his mug, “exactly.”
“What happens in your dreams?” Charlie asked. “Is it the same one over and over?”
Husk grumbled and lapped at his drink. He didn't want this to become a whole thing. But with Angel staring him down, he figured he wouldn't escape it. “It’s more like the dreams pick up where they left off.”
“It's always in this empty place…it's all yellow and confusing. No doors lead anywhere…”
Vaggie set her toast down and listened more intently.
“And there's this thing.” Husk shuddered as his fur stood on end. “It's always following me.” He stared into his half emptied mug. “I can't explain it, but I know it's going to kill me.”
“What's it look like?” Vaggie asked, tone serious.
“...Tall? Dark?”
“Handsome?” Angel supplied.
“No,” Husk shook his head. “It sounds like something zipping, over and over…like someone standing and zipping a jacket up and down.”
“I could go get my dream interpreter!” Charlie announced excitedly.
Vaggie shook her head. “Husk.” She looked at him with a fierce expression when he met her eyes. “When did these start?”
Husk looked at her in confusion. He shook his small wing. “After we went to the Spider's Nest. It started off bland and boring…”
“But it's ramping up.” Vaggie said.
Husk tilted his ears back. Angel frowned at Vaggie, “listen, sugar, it sounds like you know somethin’.”
“Yeah, and what I'm gonna say is you can't sleep anymore, Husk,” Vaggie told him.
“That's not…very reasonable,” Charlie pursed her lips.
The doorbell rang!
Husk jumped out of his skin, all of his fur completely poofing out now.
“Oh! I got it!!” Charlie hopped to her feet, rushing to the door. “It could be more sinners!!”
Angel scoffed, but Vaggie kept staring Husk down.
“You're in danger,” she told him. “The labyrinths are nothing to fuck with.”
“Uhhh!!!” Charlie called out.
Vaggie sighed and got up. “Don't fucking sleep while I'm gone.” She left the kitchen. “ANGEL IT'S FOR YOU.”
“Damn. Right when this was gettin' intense…Husker, you okay?” Angel stood up.
Husk breathed out shakily, trying to smooth his fur back down with his hands. “Yeah. I'll be right there. It's probably Cherri.”
Angel kissed his cheek, smoothing a tuft on the back of his head. “Probably. Be right back.”
That left Husk and Alastor alone.
“You're going to die, Husker,” Alastor insisted gleefully as he sipped his drink. He loved how Husk bared his teeth at him. “What? I'm not the one who cursed you to purgatory.”
Husk pressed his palms into the table, pushing himself to his knees on the stool. “What do you know?!”
“That beast is ancient. He's built of shredded souls, held together through whatever means necessary.” Alastor tilted his head, pleased to see pinpricks of fearful tears forming at Husk’s eyes. He was always easy to frighten. “He longs to become whole, devouring souls as he strolls about limbo!”
Husk stayed still, processing the information. He breathed heavily, his heart slamming in his chest. He leapt five feet in the air when he heard gunshots.
“Mm. You'd better check that,” Alastor looked over his fingernails.
Husk scrambled to grab his cane and made his way to the foyer.
“You fuckin' piece of shit! After what you did, you think I'm gonna hear you out?!” Angel was holding his favorite tommy gun.
Arackniss sighed. A series of small x’s covered the left side of his face. “No, but it's not really a negotiation. Dad said you're comin’ home whether you'd like it or not. I don't wanna haveta unravel your belly again, Anthony.”
“Fuck you!” Angel shot again, laying out at least two of the guys behind him. “I'm about to grab shit that's gonna actually kill!!”
“Come on, Tonyyy, baby brother! None of that! Your little hubby could even come!” Arackniss reasoned. “Dad says he's impressed with what you did!”
Angel scoffed. “Obviously you think I'm stupid, but that stupid?!”
“Boys, boys, we don't have to fight! Maybe you fellas could join the hotel!!!” Charlie tried. Angel and Arackniss gave her a look that said: shut up. So she did!
Alastor stood next to Husker, smirking. “You're not going to get involved?”
Husk hated the lump formed in his throat. He wasn't a coward…he wasn't that much of a coward. He willed his feet forward, but knew he felt as useless as he looked.
Angel dropped a hand down, a clear motion for Husk to stop. Angel had this. “Nickie, I'm gonna give you one last warnin’ to get the fuck outta here.
Arackniss barked a laugh. “Yea?!” He jumped back as Angel made a grab for him, pushing one of his goons, a fly, in front of him.
Angel grasped at the fly’s stomach and yanked back, expecting guts to spill onto the floor.
But they didn't.
Everyone stared at Angel, hands triumphantly yanked back with nothing in his grasp.
Everyone saw nothing, save for the brothers.
“Um,” Angel hummed a little, confused by the string in his hand.
“See?! You's don't even know what you're doin’!!” Arackniss shouted. “Now put it back, and let's go.”
Put what back? Husk frowned, trying to make out what they were looking at.
“No!” Angel stamped his foot, winding the string in his hand. The fly let out a yell as he was tugged forward by a seemingly invisible force. “I'm gonna take everythin’ that’s yours and Dad's!!”
Angel tried very hard not to look surprised when a soul contract unfurled next to his face. He grit his teeth for a moment, trying to make a decision. “What the fuck is your name?!”
The fly looked as shocked as Angel felt. “Uh, Uh, Roberto??” A black chain appeared around his neck, trailing back towards the center of the city.
The name Roberto appeared on the scroll.
“Good. Guess what…You're stayin’ in this Hazbin Hotel! And you, Roberto, are gonna…uh…Participate in the Redemption Program!! That's my fuckin’ order!”
It stunned everyone into silence when a pink chain closed around the black one on Roberto’s neck, causing it to disintegrate.
Arackniss stared at Angel, dumbfounded.
“You wanna be next?!” Angel loomed over him.
Arackniss took a step back, too stunned to answer. “Let's…let's go, fellas.”
“And you know what…Leave the bodies!” Angel held his gun high, waiting to shoot. “I'm takin’ those assholes, too!”
Alastor grinned wickedly. He used his shadows to drag the corpses into the hotel to reform.
“Angel, what the FUCK?!” Vaggie felt like this was becoming a new catchphrase!
“Charlie,” Angel ignored the angel in favor of her girlfriend, “got you some guests. Roberto!”
Roberto snapped to attention.
“What're these fucker’s names?” Angel strolled over the men, leaning down and yanking strings from both of their bodies.
“Uh…Taser and Anchor?” Roberto asked.
Angel snapped his fingers in annoyance. “Their human names? Do you know em?”
“Oh…Giovanni…and Angelo?”
“Good. Uh… Thanks. I'm handin' you over to Charlie.”
She squealed excitedly and took Roberto's arm. “Is that what you normally go by? I'm Charlie, great to meet you!”
“Um…They call me Flyboy…but I prefer my name?”
“Perfect! Roberto it is! So everyday we start activities at nine am…” Charlie led him down the hall, Vaggie following with her head in her hands.
Alastor waited behind Angel, grinning like a cat who swallowed a canary. However, the actual cat looked frazzled and frayed.
“What?” Angel finally asked as chains formed around the men on the ground.
“You don't even have to have them conscious!” Alastor said excitedly. “You're just stealing their contracts.”
Angel looked unsure, but he kept his pose strong. “What of it? Don't fuck with me, Alastor.”
Alastor looked gleeful regardless. “I knew you'd start your overlord journey, but this is exciting.”
Angel stomped past him, crossing his arms.
Husk was startled out of his daze. He turned and followed at Angel’s heels. “Baby?”
“I want better coffee. Let's meet Cherri in town. I'm not fuckin’ doing the program today.” Angel gripped his arms, storming out of the back doors to the hotel. “I don't wanna fuckin’ talk about it.”
Husk walked at his side. After several minutes of walking in silence, he said, “you know, I had a pretty good time with those anal beads.” He offered a hand for Angel to take.
Angel snorted and laughed. He reached out and intertwined their fingers. “We should try ‘em with the vibrator on next time.”
“We're trying that on you,” Husk said.
“Fair enough.”
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He is a good boy
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boimgfrog · 1 year ago
MAN why are all the stand names changes so much in the dub. sticky fingers to ZIPPERMAN???? aerosmith to lil bomber???? I like that one actually.
Lil bomber is cool but all the other changes are DEVASTATING. let them be funny. Mista's stand being named six bullets instead of sex pistols is the worst thing 2 happen 2 men ever.
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coochellati · 10 months ago
This is something that has already came to me but I felt like sharing it. Bruno and Bruce Wayne are really similar. Both lost their fathers from a random act of violence of a criminal and said events inspired them to fight criminals and bring them to justice, both of them are technically criminals because Batman is a vigilante, and both of them have adopted orphaned/wayward kids who aid them in their fight for justice. Plus both of their names start with "Bru" and are pronounced the same way :D Now with that out of the way, imagine if Bruce as Batman met a 12 year old Bruno. Let's say he's ambushing a Passione mission and he takes out every goon as he usually does. Bruno is pretty new here at this point so he hasn't fully mastered Sticky Fingers yet. And after he defeats them, Bruno is intimidated so he yells at him to stay back or he'd kill him. As soon as Bruce sees the young boy, he would see the same fear in his eyes after he witnessed Joe Chill kill his parents, afraid he'd be next. He'd also see the same intensity and resolve in his spirit as the one he had when he decided to bring criminals to justice so that people wont go through something like he did. Seeing him as a kid would also make his hatred for criminals rise further but also make him sad because he understands that he is like him; a kid who was brought in to a bad life due to unfortunate circumstances out of his control. And after Bruce talks to the boy, they start bonding over their shared losses and desire for justice. I imagine Bruno would be the first stranger Bruce would reveal himself to because he knows that Bruno is a good person and would never snitch. And if Bruce were to take him in, Bruno would be in good hands because being the billionaire he is, he has all the resources to protect him and his father. He'd probably be recruited as the next Robin both because Bruce saw potential in him and has a new way of protecting his father without joining the mafia. And if he grows up, he and his father return to Italy and Bruno becomes a vigilante to take down Passione and recruits the gang we all know and love to help him >:D PLUS IMAGINE HIM INTERACTING WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BATFAMILY AND THEM BEING HIS FIRST FOUND FAMILY IN THIS UNIVERSE AWHIDGWAIYFNGEFYGENFENGFEFNEUFENFGE
YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!
Thank you for opening my eyes to this—wild how much overlap Bruno and Bruce have with each other! Even the fact that their names are pronounced so similarly—that’s the icing on the cake.
“As soon as Bruce sees the young boy, he would see the same fear in his eyes after he witnessed Joe Chill kill his parents, afraid he’d be next. He’d also see the same intensity and resolve in his spirit as the one he had when he decided to bring criminals to justice so that people wont go through something like he did.” YES. YES. YES!!!!!!!!!!! I also love the idea of Bruce taking Bruno in, it’s so sweet.🥺 I can also see them working together really well, given their similar ideals and values. AND YES HIM BEING IN THE BATFAMILY 😭 Damn, I think we need a Batman/DC Universe x Vento Aureo AU. Not only would it be heartwarming—it would be sick as fuck. Stands are basically superpowers, so the gang would fit right in the DC universe!
Well now you’ve got me invested in this idea. 😂 I wonder: what would Bruno’s superhero costume be? I’m thinking a modified version of his classic suit would be really neat. Of course, his costume needs to be covered in his signature pull-tab pattern. And it needs zippers. It wouldn’t be a Bruno outfit without his zippers.
What would Bruno be called? I’m thinking….. Zipperman 😭😭😭 ZIPPERMAN AND BATMAN 😭
Though, we could get more creative with his superhero name. I’d love to hear ideas…
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asexual-levia-tan · 1 year ago
i forgot about zipperman
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