#zillennial moment ⁉
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5uptic · 1 year ago
got jumpscared in the new hbomberguy video
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rustedmoose · 13 days ago
Listening to Lore Reasons: KH and them ragging on Natalie for being younger than them and asking if she knows what NOW! That's What I Call Music is, when not that much older than me 😭
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catboybiologist · 9 months ago
"I'm a Zillennial"- cringe and overused
"I was born in the dying days of the last millenia"- still cringe but you get to sound like xenoheart for a moment which is always fun
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spectrechosts · 5 months ago
Self Love
This one is pretty recent. Vampire and her haunted reflection, being a lil gay for eachother through the barrier of a mirror. I don't have any followup chapters written but I think I'll write more with them at some point.
False Reflections, as far as Della is aware, are one of the sneakier forms a ghost can take.
No tossing things, no 'GET OUT' written in blood, no transparent figures- just a slight offness on the edge of your mind, gnawing at you. Movements not quite how you think they should look, eyes wide open when you blink. Little things that build over years and years until you've gone mad.
The subtleties of this performance are sadly lost on Della; who sees that she has a reflection at all, points out her fangs in the mirror, makes a rude gesture, turns the mirror around, and goes to bed with the firm resolve to deal with that later.
'Dealing with that later' then turns into 'Researching ghosts' then turns into 'Researching other apartments', because the False Reflection isn't attached to the mirror it's attached to the place and that's a whole pain in the ass that simply chucking the mirror in a dumpster wouldn't have been.
The apartment is, frankly, too good to give up. Not everyone gets to be an old money vampire, some people are using their eternally twenty-three visage to hide the ghastly truth that they are, gasp, twenty-seven, and just as fucked by the economy as every other zillennial. The rent is cheap, it's near her job, and she doesn't even know if undisclosed hauntings are valid grounds to break her lease.
So she puts a mirror in every room and embraces that she has a roommate.
Della gets home from work and her reflection waves at her while she takes off her shoes, a second before she waves at it.
They've made… some amount of progress, in these first few months. Communication is difficult, but they have an arrangement. Neither of them wants a priest coming around.
Her reflection doesn't try to keep the ruse going, so at the very least they're on the same page there.
She grabs herself a pack of AB- from the fridge and brews a cup of tea, then takes them both into the living room. She bites into the pack and puts down the tea, watches her reflection pick it up and drink it in the mirror as it sits on the coffee table and cools.
She doesn't know if that actually does anything for the ghost, or if it's just nice to go through the motions.
Settling on something to watch is easy enough. She scrolls through options while keeping her reflection in the corner of her eye, watching her reactions until she finds something they both want.
Now, before she starts it, she does want to talk to the ghost, which is… tricky.
The mirror, obviously, makes no sound that Della can hear. The False Reflection can hear, apparently, but it can't hear her. The TV, for example, exists in her reflected world and makes all the sounds it's expected to. She however does not, replaced by the ghost. They can only see eachother through the mirrors.
She brings out a notepad and pencil, and her reflection rolls its eyes.
"Do you mind if I try on some outfits later?" She writes, and holds the pad up to the mirror.
Her reflection writes on her own pad, holds her answer up and looks away. Della takes a moment to parse the mirrored letters.
"It's your body."
A reflection is, admittedly, rather useful to have. Nobody wants to go out with a bit of blood smeared on their lips, and it's nice to be able to see how your clothes work together. But it's weird when your reflection is in itself a person with their own stuff going on but no real… agency. She can move, Della can leave the TV on for her when the ghost feels like it, but neither of them can make her not Della's reflection.
And that's, as she said, weird, when you're trying on clothes and now the ghost is naked because you're naked. It's doubly weird when the ghost gets all… blushy, about it. Della is cool with that, her reflection can admire and blush to her heart's content, but she can't just put the ghost into that position without asking.
"You're the one that has to stand there and watch." She writes.
"Why would that be a problem?" The ghost replies, evasively.
"Are you about to 'we're both girls' me?"
"I don't know what that means. We are both girls"
Della rolls her eyes.
"FYI, I'm a lesbian."
The ghost reads that and goes pink, scribbles and tears out multiple messages from her notepad.
"I don't know what that is. Is that some modern thing?"
Della breathes slowly through her nose as she puts her thumb and finger to her temple.
"This building finished construction in 1993."
Della sighs. Okay, fine.
"Tell you what, I'll turn the bedroom mirror around between outfits. Just in case anyone would get embarrassed."
"You don't have to do that!" Her reflection scrawls hastily.
"I won't… if you ask me not to."
Her reflection goes pink again.
"I swear it's not for creepy reasons! You're just very pretty and I was caught offguard and didn't know what to do! I can be normal!"
Della laughs.
"You're physically incapable of creeping on me, I'm the one choosing to change in front of you. Be as abnormal as you like." She writes, making a mental note to get some nice underwear to try on for her.
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taylovelinus · 7 months ago
When I was a collegiate member of my sorority, I was always the oldest one in the chapter. But you wanna know what actually made me *feel* old? It wasn’t that I was the only member with a birth year beginning in the number “1”. It wasn’t being the only girl in the room old enough to drink alcohol. It wasn’t even the pictures of me wearing skinny jeans in a room full of girls wearing baggy jeans.
No, it was when I went to national officer training and the ice breaker was “tell us your name, your chapter, and who your favorite influencer is”. THAT almost sent me into a stroke. I think I spit out something along the lines of thinking that Vinnie Hacker was cute, but it took me a moment to even think of a single tiktoker. Every other girl was throwing out the names of these people I’ve never even heard of, and the room would nod in agreement, recognizing each and every one. But I genuinely had no clue!
And yes, it’s a sign that I’m the zillennial in a room full of core gen z. sure. But it was also such a hell world moment? Like why do you have a favorite influencer? It’s a bit like asking what your favorite brand or advertisement agency is — not your favorite product, not your favorite drink or snack or, hell, even your favorite makeup item or magazine. No, it’s not about the quality of the thing itself, it’s about who is pandering to you better, who sells you better on it, who’s life do you like observing the most, panopticon style? Who is your favorite corporate shill? Literally what the fuck
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 10 months ago
planning things with zillennials drives me insane
"probably" means "yes," "yes" means "maybe," "I'll be there at 6" means 645, "I'll be there after 6" means 9, “sometime” and “later” mean “never,” and up to the moment they arrive there is a better than even chance they'll cancel on you anyway
I know the internet loves cancelling plans but when someone cancels on you and you have spent who knows how long getting your dwelling ready, cleaning, acquiring and preparing food, etc.,
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livingfictionsystem · 6 months ago
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Alright, we're back with one of the most aggressively queer writers I've been keeping an eye on. I had a lot of thoughts about this book, so we'll get down to it.
First of all, a very visceral novel about queer solidarity in the face of oppression. I ADORED Daphne and I learned to love Mary. If you're a fan of queer RAGE, this is a very satisfying read. LGBTQIA+ representation is what this author excels in. Lesbians, pansexuals, trans people, autism. The thing with AJW, I occasionally find myself annoyed with how often their first-person protagonist stops and explains dysphoria, transness, and autism to the audience. But I also realize that they're probably trying to explain this to cis and neurotypical people who are likely not familiar, so while it annoys me, I've learned not to fault it.
That being said, welcome to Trauma Fest 2023! If you have a trigger, it's likely to be hit. White tends to include a list of trigger warnings, which is lovely, and also warns you that they're a fan of gore. And I mean, G-O-R-E.
I don't consider myself having a weak stomach in regards to books, but White's descriptions can even leave me gagging. That's not a complaint, by the way, I'm just impressed. I love the way emotions are described---seeing the world through a stressed-out, autistic lens was, uh, familiar.
That being said, this didn't come without its problems. First of all, this is set in Victorian England. Well, sort of. Though there is some exposition about how the main character's autism clashes with the notoriously 3D social chess of Victorian culture, this is really only used as an aesthetic backdrop. The characters' dialogue is no different than if they were plucked straight from American Zillennials. I almost dissociated the only time a 'bloody' was dropped by people who had been cursing the entire time. White admits in the note in the back that they were only trying for meager accuracy, but it really seemed like they wanted to have an aesthetic but also an air of oppression. And for Victorian society, as absolutely hedonistic they tended to be behins closed doors, I'm a little bored of the Victorian=OPPRESSION trope. Queerness was illegal, but it was prevalent enough that it's sort of at odds with the utterly dystopian plot devices the book utilizes. Kind of took me out of it sometimes and really felt more like the Handmaid's Tale than London. (Though for Daphne to have a Greek obsession was definitely a nod to the culture back then. Not sure if White meant to do that.) Also, they didn't consider mentioning over-bust corsets? That would've been ideal.
Also, the trauma was Too much. Anything and everything deplorable that has ever happened to an AFAB person happens here in canonic and sometimes graphic detail. While it succeeded in horrifying me and creating suspense, it really bordered on torture porn.
Ghosts are also a main mechanic of this world, but it's not really described *how.* There's a shifty society, mediums are societally recognized and even used in the economy, all very cloak-and-dagger. But every description leaves more questions than answers.
Also, I think the author has only four characters at any given time they can build up. It was sort of funny how the sanitorium was full of other children, but the plot itself more or less forgot that was the case.
All of the villains were completely one-note, just absolute revolting people who would hurt any innocents the moment they got the chance. Not much build-up, just---Character gets alone with Bad Person, is tormented/beaten/mutilated/worse, repeat. They seem like caricatures. I was a little surprised that they weren't eating puppies for dinner, or tying people to railroad tracks. The supposed justification for the sadism was a bit weak, but put-together enough to spark outrage.
But you do feel outrage. You crave vengeance like the spirits mentioned. The author is a master of building suspense, of describing what it's like to feel backed against the wall, for all of those feral feelings of survival and community to bleed together. Overall, a wonderful queer gothic horror story about survival and revenge, particularly if you ignore the snags.
-Rune 💠
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triviareads · 1 year ago
ARC Review of Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings
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Rating: 4/5 Heat Level: 3.75/5 Publication Date: April 16th
A sapphic opposites-attract romance; Opal gets conned into buying a flower farm with her lottery winnings, only to find out it's already owned by Pepper. The farm is failing and the two women decide the best way to save it is entering a national flower show competition.
My review:
This was the sapphic cottage-core romance of my dreams! Opal wins the lottery and in an effort to distance herself from her mooch-y fake friends, she escapes by buying the Thistle and Bloom. Enter Pepper, grumpy flower farmer and actual(?) owner, and the two of them quickly come to the agreement that they'll live together as roommates while they sort out the situation and enter a flower sculpture competition for the prize money.
I loved the idea of both Opal and Pepper finding refuge in the Thistle and Bloom at different points in their life. Both have been hurt in the past and the farm is their safe space as well as the source of inspiration for their art (the way the author describes growing flowers absolutely sounds like an art form; not to mention Opal's shoe-painting business), which is why it's all the more important that they save it from bankruptcy. However, things get further complicated when they begin a no-strings, no-feelings sexual relationship when obviously, there are some very real feelings growing between them.
I really like the way Mazey Eddings wrote both Opal and Pepper's characters; they come across as somewhat messy zillennials (complete with doctoring their own hair to fit their mood)— and they are! Opal and Pepper are 24 and 26 respectively. I saw some reviews call them immature but as someone around their age, I completely sympathize with the way they're both just trying to get by financially while navigating a new relationship. Like, there is a third act break-up that some might see as an overreaction, but I think it fits the pattern of their prior relationships, and the way they react makes sense. What I could have done with less of is the amount of zillenial pop culture references— from 3 different Taylor Swift references to Phoebe Bridgers and Timothee Chalamet. I feel like constant pop culture references tend to date a book.
This book has queer rep and neurodivergent rep; Opal is bisexual and Pepper identifies as queer, and both women are on the spectrum. I appreciate how Mazey Eddings also wrote in multiple queer side characters, as well as how she portrayed neurodiversity— everything from Opal's autism and ADHD causing her use alcohol as an unhealthy coping mechanism to Pepper's sensory sensitivities that cause her to dislike large crowds.
The sex:
I was pleasantly surprised by the sex scenes in this book! They're pretty damn hot and varied, super emotional as time goes on, and I loved the dynamic— Opal is the more assertive one in bed, which leads to some solid dirty talk on her part (it's also in contrast to how she is out of bed because she tends to waffle over a lot of decision making), while Pepper is a little more rough and uncertain but she also has this stern edge. And of course there's greenhouse sex because what even is the point otherwise.
I had so much fun reading this book— it had so many laugh-out-loud moments while at the same time Opal and Pepper were such intensely sympathetic characters, perhaps even more so because they were not above messing up (also can we talk about the epilogue?? What Opal did for Pepper is literally the most romantic thing a person can do in this economy). I would recommend this book to anyone looking for an emotionally satisfying romcom that also brings the heat.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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starfiresyugiohocs · 2 years ago
OC Profile: Iris
Full Name: Iris Ophelia McGinnis. Nicknames: Irey, Petals (by her grandfather), Cupcake (a nickname that happened for a good while from Alister) Aliases: N/a Nationality: American, Japanese citizenship, ⅓ Irish Birthplace: Domino City, Japan. Gender: Female (she/her, comfortable with they/them as well). Sexuality: Demisexual demi/biromantic. Age: 19-21 years old. Birthday: September 7th. Star Sign: Virgo. Occupation: Nursing student -> Pediatric nurse; counter clerk at Kame Game; book seller at Marcie’s Marvelous Books; Pro Duelist. Voiceclaim: Janet Varney.
Hair Color: Blonde. Hairstyle: Shoulder length, very thick and more shaggy than wavy (though it does curl at the ends), has long sideswept bangs over one eye. Eye Color: Violet. Skintone: Pale. Notable Features: Scar underneath her right eye. Typically wears dark, heavy makeup. Pierced ears, two piercings on the top of each ear, a tongue piercing and a naval piercing. Also got her nips pierced on a drunken dare by Maddox. After Season 4, she starts getting various tattoos as well, mainly on her arms, legs and one on her collarbone. Outfit Style: Thrifted goth, usually getting a lot of her clothes second hand or on sale. Lots of blacks, not a lot of room for other colors unless they're accents. Loves a good fishnet stockings and ripped jeans combo. After season 4 and she gets into Dueling in tournaments more and more, her younger brother finally got to go on a shopping spree and get her some new clothes, coming in touch with her roots as Kaiba's big sister but even more goth. Accessories: Silver rings on her fingers she'll find antiquing, choker necklaces (definitely a lot more of the spikey ones early on).
Personality: Very snarky and sarcastic. Suffers heavily from resting bitch face; also tends to not be able to hide it when she does not like somebody. Beyond that, however, she typically struggles with expressing emotions and vulnerability; to the point that not even her siblings have ever seen her even shed a tear. She tends to also bury a lot of her more negative emotions and feelings to "deal with it one day when she's dead". Is absolutely fantastic with kids and animals. Isn't afraid to be blunt when she needs to be and can be overly straightforward. When you've earned her respect and care, she will be the most loyal person in the world. Very much has a caretaker nature and wants to help heal everyone she can and look out for everyone. Tired Big Sister energy as well as depressed broke zillennial energy. Hobbies: Reading, annotating books,  gardening, thrift shopping, collecting Addams Family merch where she can afford it, researching anything and everything, cooking, playing different card and board games with her family. Habits/Mannerisms: Brushes her bangs back during serious talks, easily slips into neutral masks when upset, crossed arms when she doesn't have much to do with them, lip biting, hand holding for small shows of affection, eats cupcakes the way Anne Hathaway does by taking the bottoms off and smushing it on top of the frosting. Likes: Halloween, thick books, fanfiction, motorcycles, cats, history, mythology, small businesses, rainy days, anything mint chocolate, seeing karma work its magic. Dislikes: Rich people, corporate assholes, heights/flying, overly noisy places, animatronics, hard candies, sports, writing essays. Favorite Food: Chicken fried rice, mint chocolate fudge. Least Favorite Food: Caviar.
Deck: Cyber Angel. Signature Card: Cyber Angel Izana. Ranking: Wasn't much for Dueling early on, but after she starts getting into the tournaments, she starts to rank pretty well. As of the moment, she's sitting somewhere between the top 25-50 range I think, but is pushing to get further and further.
Parents: Meredith McGinnis-Butler, Steven Nesbitt (estranged, deceased), Roland Butler (step-father, views as her real Dad). Sibling(s): Henry Nesbitt (half-brother, deceased), River McGinnis (younger sibling), Flora Butler (younger half sister); Seto Kaiba (younger foster brother), Mokuba Kaiba (younger foster brother). Children: Orion Gayle (born right before Season 4). Extended Family: See family tree here. Pet(s): None at the moment, looking at getting a cat. Love Interest(s): Alister Gayle. Extensive Relationships: See post here (coming soon).
Grew up being raised by her single mother. Steven was a very infrequent part of her life early on, and was not a good or loving presence and kept a firm distance.
He disappeared almost completely out of her life after the death of her half-brother, Henry, and after his reaction to her mother finding out that she both had MS and was pregnant again with River.
Showed back up when Iris was in middle school to bribe her mother into letting her and River attend a dinner with his boss, and she met the Kaiba brothers. He tried to arrange a marriage contract between her and Seto, and it became a heated battle.
Tried to put up with it to help keep an eye on Seto and Mokuba, though fought against it the best she could. The boys became like brothers to her and River.
Her Mom and Roland worked to protect the kids and eventually fell in love with each other.
Has quite a bit of trauma from Steven, as well as Gozaburo, during the time leading up to Seto taking over KaibaCorp, all that she took in an attempt to protect her siblings.'
Started taking college credits her last year of high school and even graduated high school a semester early. Went to college on a full scholarship to get her nursing degree.
Meets Alister a year before the story starts when he begins working for KaibaCorp in the IT department (all undercover to try and take them down from the inside) and they end u pbecoming friends and later something more.
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xtruss · 5 months ago
Gen Z, Millennial, Zillennial? Find Your Generation — And What It Means — By Year
— By Stephen J. Beard and Veronica Bravo | October 08, 2024
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Generation breakdown Veronica Bravo, Getty Images
Where Were You When The Space Shuttle Challenger Exploded?
The answer to that question is just one example of how generations identify with a shared experience. Baby boomers may have watched from a break room at the office or heard about it on the radio. Many Generation X kids sat in a classroom and watched live on television as the first space-bound teacher, 36-year-old Christa McAuliffe, perished with six fellow astronauts. The earliest millennials may have witnessed this moment, too, but would probably be too young to remember.
Then there's the rest of us − the roughly 44% of Americans living today (and growing) − who were born after the disaster in January 1986 and did not share the impact it had on the country.
Finding Balance:Millennials, Gen Z are 'Spiraling,' Partying Hard and Blowing Their Savings. Why?
And that's how shared generational experiences work. Identifying with a generation becomes a shorthand for references to shared common cultural experiences, advances in technology and behaviors forged by witnessing collective significant historical events. Generational identity also informs policy-making, particularly around marketing, health care and retirement.
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An ESRI analysis of the predominant generation by location in the country shows a higher concentration of millennials in larger urban areas like Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles, while baby boomers make up the largest generational subset in vast swaths of rural areas.
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Years When Each Generation Was Born
While pigeonholing someone to a particular generation based solely on birth year isn't a perfect way to determine that person's identity, it helps policymakers establish a baseline for where that person is the age range. Here are the widely accepted year ranges that define today's generations:
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Another example of a generational cultural touchstone is the way we consume music. From the early days of vinyl records and radio to cassettes and CDs to streaming services and social media platforms, music listening formats are nearly baked in to each generation's formative years.
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In 2023, millennials maintained their place as the largest segment of the U.S. population, a trend that began in 2019 when they surpassed baby boomers because of aging.
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Generations and Race in The US
Grouping generational identities by race and ethnicity helps paint a broad picture of how U.S. demographics are changing. In 2023, Gen Alpha was the most racially and ethnically diverse generation, with whites making up less than half of the population of people born in the Gen Alpha birth years (2013 to present).
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How Generational Identity Affects Retirement Outlooks
Though age, as the saying goes, is just a number, categorizing people by age can help researchers frame discussions around important age-specific issues like retirement. According to a report in June by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, nearly half of all workers across four generations from baby boomers to Gen Z either plan to retire past age 65 or not retire at all.
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But the confidence in retiring at or before age 65 drops sharply with age: 63% of Gen Z respondents are confident in retiring by 65 versus only 48% of Gen X with similar plans.
— SOURCES: Pew Research Center; Annie E. Casey Foundation; Purdue Global; Transamerica Center For Retirement Studies
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charlie-fabray · 8 days ago
You're so sweet. I agree. None of us can be perfect and I know I'm rarely even close, but we're all just doing the best we can and mean well. Yes I am. Which is particularly fun because I'm a twin! You are so funny. Ok. Zillennial. That actually feels right. Can I skip F.R.I.E.N.D.S? I've never really got that show. But you know me, I don't really watch movies and tv a lot. Ooo, yes please. Pick something out and send me the link so I can get it.
PM: He is a very bad guy. But we're free now so he can stay there running his tobacco farms into bankruptcy all by himself. I worry about my mom and worry about Austin worrying about our mom. They have a special bond. She really is beautiful, isn't she? Gorgeous actually. And strong. And you should get to know Matt. He's the kind of person you want to have in your corner when things get tough.
I know you're kidding, but as a plant lover I have actually walked into a patch of poison ivy because I saw a purple twayblade. It was not my finest moment. Oh! Haha, definitely not the lightbulb thing! That sounds painful and embarrassing and this is me talking. You'll find a claim that is even more perfect because it will be perfect for you.
PM: Of course. I love your questionnaires so I'm happy to answer any question I can as honestly as I can. Me too. I promise that I'm going to be your friend either way and just generally no matter what. Butt chin? Oh no, that can't be cute can it?
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That, and you’re a good friend! That happens, but I’m sure your intentions are always in the right place! That’s all that matters. Oh, that’s interesting, very interesting. You’re a gemini! And a Zillennial. Your results: You’re totally stuck between two worlds. Born in 1997, you technically fall into Gen Z, but your heart beats to the nostalgic rhythm of Millennial culture. So, go ahead, binge-watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and post pics of your hobbies. Keep thriving Zillennial legend! 😍🎉 Yes, you should! Or you should let me pick one for you!
PM: Oh, that’s horrible. Sounds like he’s just a bad guy bad guy, and I’ll stay away. Especially if he happens to work in tech. I’ve never met Matt, but I have your sister. She’s so beautiful. I’m glad you’re all safe now.
Yes! Like if they’re really old so their knees don't work that well, or if they knelt on poison ivy the last time. I hope you’re talking about the washing machine and not the lightbulb. Also, I TOLD YOU you guys are goals!!
PM: Okay, I understand. That was a totally hypothetical scenario for a different questionnaire. I'm glad we got to talk about what happened with us, though. Even though I think we kinda got away from the topic. But basically, I just wanted you to know that I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to have sex with you for my first time. I still do. And the fact that we didn’t was not due to anything you did (and it doesn’t have to do with what you are, either). You’re still the most amazing and special person (with an adorable butt chin) to me.
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kasplode · 1 year ago
I’m abt to be the gayest, nerdiest zillennial on the app with this sentence but I’m choosing to treat good omens s2 like the ygo orichalcos arc. great for the gay protective moments, not so great on overall plot
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thesquireinvictus · 2 years ago
I wish I felt like I could tell people who randomly take pictures of me (b/c they take pictures of their friends generally) for the sake of posting it to social media to fuck off and to take down all pictures of me they’ve ever posted on social media.
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 3 months ago
Like my visions of """divinity""" were like "oh there's a stone archway, no matter how close I get i can't get inside. All labors are an erotic-creative endeavor and are the only way for me to touch the divine." A bunch of bullshit babble. Meaningless outside the moment of experience.
But Rudyard (literally named after Rudyard Kipling) however, was like "I saw God, he approached me as a zillennial hipster bro, he told me I am the savior of Man and that it is my calling to eradicate feminism." It's fucking awesome
Has anyone kept up with the whatifalthist thing? I only very vaguely knew about him from a BadEmpanada response but he did Ayahuasca and believed he met God and released a ten hour video trying to explain his now great understanding of cosmology and being
It's fucking awesome. Like there's that meme of "libertarian takes acid, discovers people have feelings" except in this case, it's "libertarian takes acid, confirms all of his already held beliefs, makes him believe he is a Messiah, gives him visions of the most esoteric of esoteric racisms." It's so fucking funny.
Like, as a bitch who has done some pretty extreme amount of psychedelics, the delusion of grandeur thing is very relatable and frankly, a little sympathetic, but the direction it goes is just incredible. This is our ruling class, it's fucking awesome
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joeypottrs · 4 years ago
my greatest curse is always associating here comes the sun by the beatles with the bee movie...
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awkwardpaulie · 3 years ago
Request for Brahms falling for a deez nuts joke.
I wrote something like this on the Brahms & Zillennial Nanny Headcanons but I wanna expand upon it for you!
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Memes (Brahms x Reader)
Since the Heelshire Estate is in the middle of the woods, quite a distance from the nearest town, there was little to no phone service, no data service, and definitely no wifi or internet.
You didn't consider how much internet you consume prior to coming here. During the small breaks between lessons for Brahms, meals, and house chores, you find yourself bored.
Your phone relies on data service for almost every app, even games, so you barely use it.
What you really miss was the memes.
"Lunch time?" Brahms asks with a child-like tone. He's currently sitting at the desk in the study room.
You lower the poetry book from your view to look at Brahms.
"Ooo, lunch sounds good," you reply with a smile, "we'll finish this up later then."
Brahms stands up immediately, eager for fresh food. You place the book down on his desk, take his hand, and lead him to the kitchen.
He gives your hand a light squeeze as he follows beside you. Small gestures like that let's you know how much he cares and loves you.
"What's for lunch?" Brahms asks as you both enter the kitchen.
"Deez nutz," you reply with a small smirk and snort.
"... you don't have any nuts?" Brahms replies after a few moments of silence.
'Ah, of course it went right over his head,' you think to yourself. Your smirk lowers into a slight frown.
"I know - I just - it was a joke," you reply, unsure how to explain it, "uhm - memes - internet - spaghetti sound good?"
Brahms' head tilts as he listens to you stammer on for a while. Eventually, he nods his head.
That's when you decide to stop referencing internet memes to the man that's never seen a computer, let alone pepe the frog or doge or anything vine related.
It isn't until days later that Brahms surprises you.
The day coming to an end with dinner being undecided, like usual.
"Hey, Brahms, what do you want for dinner?" You ask while looking in the fridge.
"Deez nuts," he replies in the child-like tone.
Needless to say, you wheezed like a tea kettle.
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