napuleh · 7 years
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zhidd ha risposto al tuo post “drops moishes name”
cries pls titty fuck moishe
are those titties fuckable
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notorgazmo-blog · 7 years
continued from here | @zhidd
Joe hasn’t been a very good Mormon tonight, having had two drinks tonight already; he was supposed to meet Ben here, but alas, he never showed. So, with a little liquid courage, he had gone up to the first person he saw and tried to make conversation.
As always, the first topic that came up was the familiarity of Joe’s face. It’s his voice, too, he knows. 
Without the warm liquor in his belly, he wouldn’t normally, but...
“Probably the pornos I’ve done,” he informs him, nose crinkled as he nods, then stirs his drink with the thin black straw. He could have gotten away with this probably, this guy didn’t seem to sold on knowing him. “It was called Orgazmo. It wasn’t my penis, though. My name is Joe.”
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He holds his hand out, and puts on a dopey smile.
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balgarija · 7 years
@zhidd liked for a starter.
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Nice shoes, man. Can I buy you a drink?
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thedongjuan-blog · 7 years
@zhidd | @eldtunga | @gumihosverdict | @bovariesme | @ladonianapples
[Have a really happy man hug you from behind and---]
[Oh you’re not the person he thought you were and---]
[Lets you go.] I am so sorry.
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theblackrpc-blog · 7 years
hi! i just wanted to let yall know on the mods page, the link for barbietm actually leads to gothamcartel instead
oh whoops ! that’s what i get for setting everything up at 5 am! thank you! 
- mod birdie
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escapedartgeek · 7 years
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
  Around those she dislikes, Zora is pretty indifferent and makes no attempt to be overly cordial. She can come across as fairly abrupt and withdrawn - with a strong desire to get to the point of ‘why the hell are you around me’. The sooner this interaction can end, the better as far as she is concerned. She gives curt and short answers to any questions that come from people. And she’s likely to give herself an excuse to exit the conversation as soon as possible or at the very least find someone more pleasant to be around. 
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babillosa-blog · 7 years
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     ≛ ❝ how do you survive in a place so cold? do you hibernate or what? ❞
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napuleh · 7 years
@zhidd replied to your post“are you even wearing pants??”
But- But it's not a dress. It's not clothes? It's just a blanket where are your clothes????
Where are your clothes?
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sokrovennyi · 7 years
Send ▲ for an unpopular opinion.
Unpopular Opinion #43
     Pineapple on pizza is fucking great and everyone who thinks otherwise is weird. Come fight me. That is all.
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wietkoning · 7 years
“It’s not MY fault we’re in fucking handcuffs.”
“Who decided to spit vodka on the cops? In a country not his own? Or a place I can actually control them?” Aka outside city limits. You just know the cops outside of Amsterdam hate this prick. “All I did was buy the alcohol and agree to drink with you.” And yet here they are. Handcuffed. And not even the good way either.
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piashchota · 7 years
zhidd replied to your post: ↘
[he didn’t MEAN to bump into her, but he was too distracted by his phone to realize she was on the stairs in front of him until she was already at the bottom] Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry– [he rushes down the stairs to help her up] Are you alright? I mean, relatively alright, anyways.
[ She definitely accepts that offer of help by using him to pull herself upright very much so; and then checks her fingers before dusting her clothes off, taking a step back from him. ] Yes. I am fine. As fine as can be at least. [ Huffs a bit ] ..I would say thank you, but then again you did just shove me down a flight of stairs so I am a bit conflicted or expressing my gratitude would be truly in place.
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napuleh · 7 years
@zhidd ha detto: hey, uh. Why are you Like This. It's because I can't stop thinking about your rolls. [wink wonk finger guns]
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qarthadasht-blog · 8 years
zhidd replied to your post: i don’t say a lot of negative things about...
is this a sweden fanfic
it is a little known fact that sweden’s dialogue was actually based on all vowel-less proto-hebrew languages like phoenician because hima thought it added more mystery to his character 
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hercolossus-blog · 7 years
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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piashchota · 7 years
↘ For yours to accidentally make mine trip on the stairs.
[ She will just not move at all at the bottom of the stairs tbh ] ........Was that really necessary.
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balgarija · 7 years
zhidd replied to your post: ooc. let the record show that miroslav’s weakness...
moishe likes country tbh that’s a weakness in and of itself
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