#zelda fancomic
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sheikfangirl · 11 months ago
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A page from my post-Botw Zelink comic. Each chapter covers key moments of my headcanon. I don't think my comic is super revolutionary in terms of story because there is so much fan content out there and im super classic and vanilla... but i dont care. I'm having fun creating my own take on what happened. This project is a time consuming blackhole and I draw it all out of order because I have no discipline whatsoever 😭 😂 It was originally just random black and white pages here and there with no cohesions, like my stand alone illustrations... but the illustrations became pages. The project is basically me fan-servicing my own self. 😂😂
Then it exploded, i've been adding color, cleaning up my panels, pimping the backgrounds.
I still unsure on which platform i will make it available to read. The friends who got my out of my shipping closet are screaming to me to print a fanzine, but i'm lazy hahaha. Might do a patreon eventually, idk.
Oh yeah, this is a panel from the chapter where Zelda and Link go back to Korok forest to put the Master Sword back in it's pedestal... I'm old, i played the old games. One of my BotW nitpics was that it didnt include the classic moment where the sword rests once again, like in ALttP and OoT. I like traditions okay!!!! Cheers!!!
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expanding-hyrule · 4 months ago
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Story Spotlights Hub Post
Reference post for links and details on the Expanding Hyrule Story Spotlights community project.
Original Post - Review Form - Reviews - Fic Archive - Art Archive
Works In Need of Reviews
Looking to help support a creator in Expanding Hyrule? All of these works in our collection have yet to get enough reviews for a spotlight. Works need a minimum of 3 reviews to be featured, and will include up to 5 in their post, but you are welcome to submit more, the link to the responses is available on this post for creators to read the whole list.
You can find all these works linked in the archives listed above!
Short Projects (Concept boards, under 10 chapter fics, etc)
Song of the City by @/ReBuggy (1/3)
Depths of the Darkness by @reallybadgirlcovention (1/3)
In the Blood by @/Zeldas_Eyebrows (1/3)
Vessels by @ro-blaze (2/3)
The inconsistences of fate by @stinkyguar
Linkubus by @/RoughInTheDiamond (1/3)
Fall Under Your Spell by @louwhose (1/3)
The Final Hyrule by @louwhose (1/3)
Red Dead Zelink by @/ghostgirl19 (1/3)
On the Shores of Change by @/leadernovaandthemacabre (1/3)
The Temporanaut by @/leadernovaandthemacabre (1/3)
The Prince of Hyrule by @batrogers
Shadows of History by @palmolli
Tri-Time War by @ixtaek (1/3)
The Tale of the Realm Walker by @tnc-n3cl (1/3)
Western Hyrule by @spicymcbean
To Fall In Love With a Goddess by @abbyz-elda
Day After Destiny by @amelias-calamity-quintet
Moderate Projects (Started comics, <50k fics, etc)
The Triforce Awakens by @sillylildude (2/3)
DadLink AU by @dadlink/@pluviatrix
Princess Link: Engaged to my sister's kidnapper??? by @sparkspsps (1/3)
The Legend of the Three by @fablesfables
Lock and Key by @louwhose (1/3)
petrichor and bones by @/pastelsandpining
Into the Dark by @deiliamedlini
The Hand That Holds the Sword by @zarvasace
Restoration Age by @amelias-calamity-quintet
Cinders of Life by @amelias-calamity-quintet
Large Projects (Ongoing comics, <100k fics, etc)
Fighting Fate by @/Allendra
Desert Blight by @/jclbs
Path of the Infinite by @shadow_djinni (1/3)
Blooming in Adversity by @/botwriter
The Promise by @zeldaelmo (1/3)
A Conviction to Save by @advocaado
Inspiration, Illusions, and other Inconveniences by @zeldaelmo (2/3)
Epic Projects (Long running comics, >100k fics, etc)
Hero by @karama9 (2/3)
All That Hurts Us by @karama9 (2/3)
The Hero of the Dunes by @webhead3345
The Golden Chain by @zeldadiarist (1/3)
Legacies & Bloodlines by @/nolansman
Unbroken by @deiliamedlini (2/3)
A Crossing of Stars by @ixtaek
Fighting Gravity by @/CrazygurlMadness
The Wondrous Adventures of the Righteous Maximus by @/Split Infinitive
Bright as Night by @/Allendra
Make a Wish, Make it Count by @/LiliansMalice
Cloak and Dagger by @crownedcrusader
The Weekly Hyrule News by @/BatNeko
Reality by @/Leila Editer
The Hunt by @/andrhars
And the Clouds Parted by @/SkyLeaf
I Belong To You by @mistresslrigtar (2/3)
The Magic Awakens by @/Scarlet_Curls
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini (1/3)
S.T.T. by @/AzrealTheStoryteller
A Voice from the Desert by @avoicefromthedesert
Already Spotlighted Projects
| Alternate Triforce | The Baker and the Seamstress | Break the Wheel (post scheduled) | Captain Link Araki and the Harbinger of Destiny | The Curse of Demise | Cycle of the Stars | Divine Gemstones | Fae & Fortitude* | The Fruitcake Campaign (post scheduled) | Goddess of Secrecy | Guarding Zelda | The Hero and the Priestess | The King's Lament | A Link To The Stars | The Mage's Lantern | Mark of a Hero (post scheduled) | No More. Not One Single Time More | On My Honor | The Princess's Heart | Remnants of the Past | The Ritual of Lomei Labyrinth (post scheduled) | The Sea's Prophecy | Stone Fate | Strings of Fate | Too Old to Keep | Triforce of Power | Uneasy Lies the Chosen of Farore | Void's Grasp
*Some works spotlighted received spotlights but were removed later due to reassessment with the EH's archive requirements. This is not a reflection on the quality of the work, only that further readings or statements from the creator no longer qualified it as an Original Legends work.
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moonteaa · 3 months ago
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You know when you fall asleep somewhere and then you wake up the next morning on your bed?
Happens to Zelda a lot and she’ll often find herself sleeping on a hammock.
She either works herself until she’s out like a light or Teba, or Link or her other companions get her to sleep. Let the Princess rest 🤍🍃
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kenneduck · 1 year ago
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Ahhh!! Guess what arrived today? Pre-Orders for “Secret Confessions to a Sage” will be opening in a day or so, so keep an eye out~! 🌸💕
Patreon | Twitter | Instagram | Ko-Fi
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lemonspades · 1 year ago
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Guess who's back with weekly uploads yall XD
<Page 12 - Part 14 >
Also Fair warning to all, There will be Tears of the Kingdom spoilers from hear on out.
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lynelsscareme · 3 months ago
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Prince Style Test - mostly complete
Baby, we are in business!
[Close ups under cut]
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I have had way too much fun working on this guy. He is so bouncy and dramatic and filled with his own kind of charm.
His games are the ones I played the most (outside of a few exceptions) as a kid, so I have extreme nostalgia for cursing at my DS when it decided to not read a Gameboy cartridge. (the nerve)
He has a lot of nicknames amongst the Links ('Prince' is merely a title bestowed by someone who wanted to upset him - which didn't quite go how Pink intended - and is barely used by the other Links, much like how Pink is only called so when the others want to rile him up) ranging from their Storyteller, Dungeon Crawler, Adventurer, Bard, Swift, and many more. Currently, he stands alone as the fastest of the Links, but only for as long as he can bear the pain of going that fast in a body that tired.
Whilst an incredibly skilled fighter - adaptable, swift and bold - and only just beginning to reach the age of majority, he knows full well his body is at its limit. Despite this - or perhaps because of this fact - he takes any threat to the younger, or more inexperienced members of their group very personally. This can cause some friction between those Links and himself. Luckily, half a decade spent word smithing his way around perception spells and curses have made him very adept at soothing ruffled feathers. Unfortunately, he is inexperienced in one very notable aspect - dealing with constant companionship with not-so amenable souls. Getting used to others when they don't want to get used to him is going to cause him some grief.
Like many of the Links Hylia pulled to her from throughout the Eras, the Hero of Legend died before his time - he hopes to make up for it, for all none of the others think he should have to.
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pennbzh · 1 month ago
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just a little comic about the master sword and zelda botw...
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tropeifier · 7 months ago
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Originally posted online on August 31, 2024.
Pyra and Mythra respond similarly to blade-based comments.
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chaendeulleo · 1 year ago
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Little Echoes of Destiny winter/holiday themed illustration ❄️
+ a small preview for the epilogue
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dreamy-wolfy · 8 months ago
Hero of Peace
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Part 5 is here !
Previous / next
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flameultra04 · 9 months ago
Tri Force Heroes - A Material Matter
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For a while now I’ve been wanting to make a sort of series of minicomics revolving around TFH, taking place during various parts of the adventure and with varying tones. I suppose this is the second of them, the first being the one from January 2023 (you could even argue all the way back to the coffee shop one from 2021). Working on this for three whole months (and fifty hours) tells me that these take a long time, but I don’t mind. Though this series won’t be frequent, it gives me an opportunity to practice with this sort of thing.
You could say Navy was right though. Cardinal may be the closest thing to evil around there (Sage is just there for the laughs meanwhile).
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expanding-hyrule · 15 days ago
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The Curse of Demise by @thecurseofdemisecomic
Adventure Fantasy | General | Tumblr | Ongoing
Synopsis: Ganondorf attempts to murder Link while he is young, but the boy survives, and he must fulfill his destiny as the Hero of Hyrule, however, as he fulfills his duty, he uncovers a truth about Ganondorf and Hyrule, that was lost to time…
A very fun story with a neat premise! The comic starts off very strong, with an action-packed first chapter. Link and his sisters play off each other really well, and I love the Sheikah here and how they interact together. - waterglider
Curse of Demise is an intriguing and worthwhile read! The story and the art left me with a happy feeling each page that I read. The pacing in my eyes is good as you get to know and learn more about the characters, lore, and over all take time to enjoy it as you would with the games. I'm on board to see what will come of the story no matter what route it goes down. You can just tell the hardwork that went into it and I'm so glad to have read it and very happily recommend it to anyone looking for an original zelda comic to read! - SpicyMcBean
This comic follows such a fun and intriguing cast of characters. Their relationships and interactions are such a boone to the premise, the author has a great handle on multiple characters and their development already. The frames, angles, colors, and expressions are all so thoughtfully illustrated to deliver an immersive story that has me excited for more! - SparklyHyperbole
You can find @smilesrobotlover at Instagram.
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eclipseeraofthebeast · 6 months ago
Legend of Zelda | Timelines
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Sheik slinks between buildings - within the shades of stone walls that tower above. Ever so stealthy, they open the door to an abandoned house and creep inside. 
Their body held tightly in stance, always alert to move at any given moment, slumps forward and retreats to the far end of the room to collapse on a bed. A heavy exhale pushes out of the warrior’s lungs. 
A thick lulling takes over, allowing the exhaustion to take hold. Thoughts of Link and his awaiting quest weigh their mind. 
‘He is so strong. To be so resilient through all of this. May the Goddess’ watch over him now.’
Shiek’s eyes go heavy. Their body falls into a complete state of rest, disarming their otherwise unhindering demeanor. They begin to fade into the sleep.
Thoughts of Link, thoughts of Impa - dance into phosphene clouds of color on the black canvas of dwindling consciousness. 
We will succeed. The thought urges a courage in their heart. We will succeed. 
Another heavy sigh escapes their mouth. ‘We’re not alone.’ The affirmation reminds their weary worry. They imagine all of the sages awakened in the Sacred Realm - awaiting their duty to strike down the Demon King. 
The lull pulls deeper as their mind begins to soothe. The heart slows down. 
“It’s about time we met, Sheikah.” 
Sheik’s body startles to a scramble as a masculine form cages them in with a sword to the neck and a knee pinned against the spine. The stablizing grip of their right arm arches Sheik’s throat a hair’s distance from the blade. 
There is a controlled stillness to the intruder. No further words come from the figure, so Sheik takes in what little detail they can from the arm stationed over their shoulder.  
It is as dark as the shadows of the deepest corners of the room.
A phantom, Sheik assesses. Perhaps something that slinked out of the Shadow Temple when Bongo Bongo barged open their seal. 
With no other choice but to remain calm and calculated, Sheik finds their center. 
“Who are you,” Sheik asks plainly.  
They snicker at the question with what sounds like a tinge of contempt. 
“I am the Shadow of your arrogance, Princess.”
In a swift movement, the figure withdraws its grip and kicks Sheik from off the bed - knocking the breath out of them as they hit the floor with a thud. 
Quick to recoil, Sheik twists their body up from the ground and into a defensive stance against the shadow.
Red eyes stare at red eyes. Sheik falters in bewilderment. 
“A Sheikah?” 
“No more than you are.” He grunts before charging forward, knocking his forearm against Sheik’s block and back into the wall. 
Sheik juts their knee up into the torso of the shadow being, knocking it back into the middle of the room. In a swift-flowing movement, Shiek draws their daggers and lunges at him.
Blades clash and resist against each other’s strength. 
“Ya know, I thought we would have met far earlier than this.” He growls. “You just keep on making me wait.” 
Confusion begins to fall over the Sheikah with not only the shadow’s words but also the tone of his familiar voice. 
His masculine strength overcomes Sheik's and wins, knocking them back onto the floor - knee pinned suffocatingly against their chest.
Again, placed at the mercy of the blade. 
Another round of stillness. If the aim was to kill, they would be dead already. 
Sheik’s eyes adjust to the dimness of the unlit room.
That blade… 
Sheik’s eyes shift to peer directly upon the figure looming above, sharpening their focus on its features. Sheik’s heartbeat quickens, thrusting blood to drown their head with pulsing panic. 
“...Link.” Sheik proclaims, viens flooding with concerned dread. “What happened to you?” 
“I am not that fool.” speaks the phantom. 
“But you know what… I am…” The figure slams the sword down the side of Sheik's head and through the slack of their cloak, tearing it into the wood of the floor. “- Significantly…angry. With you.” 
He swings the sword to the side, leaving the shambles of the garment to fall away from Sheik’s face. 
“Zelda….” The words hiss out slowly - like angry steam from a boiling pot with low water. 
With her face exposed, she lies beneath the figure with shocked eyes that try to understand the situation. 
“What happened to you.” She tries again. 
“What happened.” The dark Link echoes eerily. “What happened is that I have had many years to finally catch up and truly understand how much you really fucked things.” 
The being smirks upon a knowing thought. “...You deserved ending up in Ganondorf’s hands in the end…” 
The shadow leans over to wrap his fingers around her neck, only gently applying pressure. “I wonder what he’s doing with you now.”  
His face changes into a grimace as the thought processes - a combination of angers washing over it.  
“What are you talking about?” The Sheikah implores, frozen to the ground at the end of his hands. 
The shadowed form of the destined boy leans even further down so that his face is intimately close to the Sheikah. 
“The timeline,” He whispers into her ear.  “-where your hero dies.”
(to be continued)
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 1 year ago
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Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr, Webtoons, Comicfury, or Tapas!
New to the comic? Check out the About page!  
❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎
⭐ Patreon ⭐ Triforce of Power Zine ⭐ ToP: Ghost Stories Zine ⭐ Ko-fi  ⭐
And we're back! Happy New Year!
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taykaysea · 7 months ago
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The Product—> The Starter
Please enjoy ^~^
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calibrationneeded · 2 years ago
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Page 6/9 of my totk comic based off welcome to the black parade by mcr
I'm not super fond of this page, i think the colors could be better and the composition could be more dynamic, but oh well
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