#triforce of power webcomic
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 2 days ago
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aikoiya · 10 months ago
LoZ - Link's Secret Magical Powers
I was reading the Triforce of Power webcomic by @nayru-s-clay-tablet & there was actually this really cool idea there. Like, I think it was mostly for comedy, but good gracious was it an interesting idea!
Like, what if the Links are just weird? And have magical powers? But the sort that works passively, instinctively.
Like, most Links have infinite storage, right? What if that isn't typical? Like, if a normal person wants something like that, it's like a Bag of Holding? Like, literally, a Bag of Holding. Meaning it's magically infused & crafted specifically, meaning super expensive because it basically has some seriously powerful spacial magic woven into it.
But if a Link holds onto a regular bag, it basically just becomes a Bag of Holding.
Same for bottles & pots reappearing. Only instead of being bigger-on-the-inside(TM), they become indestructible.
And the pots just sort of reappear after Link comes back into a room. (Like, I just find it hard to believe that the Minish just cause such things to happen. Craft things? Sure. Hide useful things in places for people to find? Cool. But just magically repairing pots en masse at a moment's notice whenever someone utterly demolishes an entire warehouse' worth of pottery? Unless they have access to Reparo, then no. The Minish have lives too, ya know.)
Basically, he has extremely powerful, passive infusion abilities that seem specifically geared towards adventuring.
And it, evidently, being related to Farore really liking him? Brilliant!
But, yeah. I just thought that was a cool idea.
Also, I'm pretty sure that Wild's inventory is something entirely separate from the Sheikah Slate/Purah Pad. Like, the cooking ingredients, weapons, & armor are definitely not stored in them at the very least.
If they were, then you wouldn't have access to them at the beginning of TotK. Also, if your weapons were stored in them, then why would you need Pouch Upgrades? That suggests that you have pouches to begin with. And that his weapons are stored in them.
Also, you cannot convince me that Wild doesn't secretly have Hearth Mage magic. It isn't normal for food to do that stuff. I absolutely think that he's using his infusion magic to bring out those things. It's basically nutritional gastronomy with magic.
But, what'd be cool af would be if his mom was a Hearth Magess & she taught him too, but that he's now just doing it instinctively until he remembers everything.
LoZ General Masterlist
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cwgames · 2 years ago
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I have seen a lot of funny videos playing TOTK and on YouTube. And it's that time again for a breand new fan audio on "Triforce of Power" webcomic on @nayru-s-clay-tablet for @mcaquila. But first it would be really helpful if you or anyone, please help my friend @magical-game. I don't want Magi and their roommate to lose their home. 😔
You can read @mcaquila comics on Webtoons and comicfury. Also, come check out her Pokemon fan comic Moonblast on @moonblast-pokemon-fancomic . Thanks again for the inspiration, @maldreathezora . Today drawing cover is Koroks drawn from @magical-game. Come check her Patreon and Ko-Fi page for sketches you want to see. I promise you won't be disappointed. Please help and thank you. 🫶
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vilyaluna · 1 year ago
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Apparently I’m a big fantasy WEBTOON reader and it’s largely because of Triforce of Power!
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years ago
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I always wanted to draw Ghirahim from Triforce of Power made by @nayru-s-clay-tablet . Literally my fav webcomic ever and Ghirahim hasn’t been in it for too long but he already has such a fantastic dynamic with Ganondorf and Link!
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shannonsketches · 1 year ago
how does the big man feel about his two moms, what's their relationship like
Oh god OP I have so many feelings about this why would you ask me that here wE GO:
Ganondorf is a total mama's boy -- or was, until he accepted the truth of her.
H'okay, to understand my ridiculously involved perspective on Ganondorf and Twinrova, I am going to remind the audience that I spent a solid ten years working on a Ganondorf backstory webcomic prior to and shortly after Skyward Sword came out. When SS came out, I was angry, obviously, but I adapted my headcanons to include Demise, as it became clear his influence wasn't going to leave in future games.
So. oh god I'm gonna try and make my brain spaghetti as digestible as possible for people who have not known me that long lol bear with me, okay sO!!! SO!!
Demise. Happened. Whatever. But for me, to preserve my precious autonomous complex gremlin from becoming the baby from The Omen, in my little safe space bubble headcanon, Demise was sealed inside of the Triforce, and has been deteriorating for as long as he's been in there. We'll come back to that, okay, just stick that on the corkboard and remember I said that.
Cut to Twinrova. She's 300+ years old. She's lived through two previous Gerudo Kings. In my headcanon, Gerudo males are always born sickly and often don't live very long, which is why the Gerudo kind of ceremoniously decided they're godkings, since they tend to be tragic births, often killing the mother and then dying days or weeks later.
Twinrova, and her magicks, changed this for the king prior to Ganondorf. She helped stabilize his health, and he lived long enough to fight in the civil war. When he died, she realized that she had an opportunity, and when Ganondorf was born, she took it.
You may have noticed that Twinrova is the only Gerudo who can do magic (in OoT, at least). This contributed to a headcanon that she is an arcane practitioner, and a follower of the deadgod Demise. Do you see where I'm going with this? Walk with me.
Ganondorf is born, his mother dies, Twinrova is the only magic user and the only one with the ability to keep this child alive. So she takes him, and isolates him, and not only keeps him alive through his sickly infancy, but also raises him herself. She becomes a strict teacher, and a harsh trainer, and an unapologetically intense parent.
This is, to Ganondorf's knowledge, because the desert is cruel, and Ganondorf is of divine birth (all Gerudo Kings are), and he will have to not only be a protector of his people, but also walk the fine line between ally and threat to Hyrule. He needs to be elite. He needs to be perfect. He needs to embody a god, because quite frankly she intends him to do that.
She's raising a vessel in which to resurrect Demise, and take revenge on Hyrule for all the shit it's pulled for the last 300 years.
But Ganondorf doesn't know this. He fully believes she's preparing him for the realities of his role, and of the world he'll be stepping into as a leader. So he defends her at every turn. When Nabooru points out how horrible she is (she hates Nabooru, if that's not clear), when the late Queen questions her motives and her mothering toward Ganondorf, when anyone speaks ill of her, Ganondorf speaks in her defense. That's his mother, and she was the Gerudo Queen for a time, and she is to be respected as both.
And then he gets the triforce, and that godmatter hits, and he consumes what is left of Demise, and he knows the truth, and he understands, and he is angry.
But she is useful.
So she is not his mother anymore. She is a flunkie, like any other, and he is, for the first time in his life, more powerful than she could ever hope to be. And Demise is dead. He ate what was left of that god's heart and his power is the proof. There is only Ganondorf.
And she'll get what she wants. Hyrule will fall. But she will not take part in it. She's confined to the temple as a watchdog, since she was so eager to be subservient, unless he personally summons her elsewhere. And when she dies, he is much too far gone in his battle with sanity to care.
So, tl;dr:
It's complicated.
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mcaquila · 6 years ago
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The fact that her horse’s face was drenched in tears was also a sign something was wrong.
This was kind of a warm-up for drawing these dorks in parts of an upcoming Zine for my Triforce of Power fancomic. I’m really excited for it~!
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oldblogmcaquila · 7 years ago
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An idea sketch for the cave-y parts of Hades.
Ganondorf: This monster looks really weak...and he’s singing to himself...maybe we should just ignore him...
Link: I can’t hear you over the sound of the rupees I’m about to get.
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growingupgerudo · 5 years ago
Hey are you ok with/what’s your opinion on other people doing a Link-gets-adopted-by-Ganon/the-Gerudo webcomic? Like where the only thing it really has in common is Link being raised by Ganon/the Gerudo? Would you support that comic or would you want it to not exist because it’s close to this one? Sorry is confusing or something I’ve just had this idea for a while and was wondering if you were bothered by it?
Yeah, we're fine if you use the general idea! If you start using specifics though (like using Vridi and Sika without our permission), then it would be a different story. Most Ganondorf-centric fan-content have similar elements between all of them (since we're using the same source material), so it helps to have one or more elements to help yours stick out. For example, ours is more focused on the OOT Gerudo instead of the BOTW Gerudo, featuring characters like Nabooru instead of Urbosa. Our Ganondorf is also noticeably different from the canon Ganondorf, with both character and design.
I know the whole "Ganondorf adopts Link" story has been done before we made our comic, so we had to make some changes from the canon to make it stand out somehow.
Also, style really ties into the distinction of the story. An example would be "Triforce of Power" by @nayru-s-clay-tablet with the Calvin and Hobbes-esque style to compliment the light-hearted, adventure-focused tone of the story.
Hope this helps! Happy comicking!
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byrdsfly · 3 years ago
red, yellow, claret, porcelain?
Red: Describe your favorite shirt- It's super hard to pick just one. I'd say the three I wear most often, though are the green one I'm wearing now which has the silhouettes of the original 151 pokemon in the shape of a pokeball, with the silhouettes colored to look like one. 2nd would be an all black shirt with the outline of a unicorn on the chest, from the webcomic Questionable Content. The third is a solid grey shirt with "Courage, Power, Wisdom" on the left side of the chest, which came with my equally unofficial Triforce wallet. Yellow: name of an artist you think is under appreciated- Oof, so, I don't really know how to answer this one? I just appreciate what I like and don't pay much attention to how well known a person is or isn't. Though, leave it to me to come up with an answer for this in 1-2 business days. Claret: Do you play an instrument? Do you want to learn to play any? I barely played trumpet in 6th grade, but I don't think I'd be able to pick one up. I also grew up in a house with a piano, but never got past playing Chopsticks. I'd love to actually learn piano one day though, many times I've thought of buying a small electric keyboard at the very least. I'd also like to learn the saxophone, but mostly for meme purposes. And maybe guitar. Also the recorder... for cosplay reasons. <_<;; Porcelain: A tv show you used to love: One I love but haven't seen in a very long time would be Reboot, classic Cartoon Network, early 3D animation, awesome show. One I used to love but try to distance myself from nowadays would be Ruroni Kenshin. I still have all the manga, and I used to have the series on my computer. Unfortunately, like Harry Potter, it's one of my childhood favorites that's been ruined by the author, Nobuhiro Watsuki's undesirable proclivities.
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 9 days ago
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And we're back!
Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr, Webtoons, Comicfury, or Tapas!
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❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎
⭐ Patreon ⭐ Triforce of Power Zine ⭐ ToP: Ghost Stories Zine ⭐ Ko-fi  ⭐
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aikoiya · 10 months ago
I just got done reading all of the Triforce of Power webcomic & I just can't help but wonder what exactly G-man's plan is.
Like, he mentions himself that he eventually wants to invade Hyrule one day, but what does he plan to do with Zelda?
And, depending on his decision, how exactly does he expect Link to react to that?
How does he expect Hyrule itself to react?
Especially if the Gerudo help him?
Like, what guy would want to date a woman if she was part of the invasion of his home?
I don't think many people in Hyrule reacted with much suspicion towards him before, so Ganondorf's actions here may just result in the reignition of old prejudices. Keep in mind that as far as this Ganondorf is aware, Hyrule hasn't ever invaded them.
In fact, there hasn't been any contact between the 2 in a very long time, apparently.
Also keep in mind that he plans on stealing a holy relic that also happens to be a significant piece of Hyrule's cultural history. I'm pretty sure that's a war crime.
And, I also wonder if upon winning, does he plan for the Gerudo to continue stealing? Specifically from Hylians? Like, it's one thing if they do so because they need it, but once they become the new ruling class of Hyrule, why would they keep up the practice?
Also, it is ridiculously weird that they don't steal from women. I just don't understand that.
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cwgames · 7 months ago
And I'm back! Welcome to a new fan audio webcomic on "Triforce of Power" on @nayru-s-clay-tablet author by @mcaquila. You can read and listen along on Triforce of Power on Webtoons and on Comicfury. As some of you may know Faith April has pass away in June this summer. So I will always continue what she wanted me to do. That's why today artwork was the first gift art request I gotten from Faith. It's Linke from @anewcalamity and Sheik/Zelda from "The Sword with A Rose." I hope you enjoy listening. ༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ
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⭐Come check my YouTube channel for weekly playthroughs videos and TikTok channel for my games clips.⭐
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recentanimenews · 8 years ago
"Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" Lines Up Release Date, Roster Additions
Earlier today Capcom came through with more info on Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, including a release date, additional characters, and a new story trailer. Let's start with the latter, which shows what happens when Mega Man X villain Sigma gets in on world domination and the power of the Infinity Stones with Marvel's Ultron. 
    Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 19, and will feature Story Mode, Arcade, Training, Mission modes, and a variety of multiplayer options. The latest confirmed additions to the roster include:
Rocket Raccoon 
Strider Hiryu
Chris Redfield
  There's also a 2017 Character Pass, which grants access to six post-launch characters, including Sigma. The pass is also available with the Deluxe Edition of the game, which goes for $89.99 and packs in the following costumes: Warrior Thor, Evil Ryu, Gladiator Hulk, and Command Mission X.
  Those who are really into MvC can drop $199.99 on the Collector's Edition, which comes with the Deluxe Edition of the game, four interlinking dioramas from TriForce, and LED-powered Infinity Stones.
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS, every week at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 2 months ago
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Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr, Webtoons, Comicfury, or Tapas!
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❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 5 months ago
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The comic will be on break next week! It'll be back 10/21!
Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr, Webtoons, Comicfury, or Tapas!
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❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎
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