#zee propaganda
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zeloinator · 2 years ago
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these are the only 2 that came out decent, but this is Zee’s little reading nook~ i hope y’all enjoy the floral and brightness of the background >.<
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ripper-fanclub · 1 year ago
NEVER let me use the TD comic creator 😍
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earthmixsclowderofcats · 3 months ago
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Hmm . This seems familiar.
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Is this becoming a pattern young man?
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every-character-ever-poll · 10 months ago
ZEE - Total Drama Island
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hes so cool and awesome and he should have made it further!!!
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citrusacidic · 2 years ago
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this single clip is L G B and T all at once...
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year ago
am i about to watch Vicky Kaushal in yet another Indian military film as soon as it drops on streaming bc i saw him in the trailer with the mustache acting his ass off????? yes
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ripper-fanclub · 1 year ago
What do you
What do you mean with that
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trout trio catchin a fat one
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totaldrama-showdowns · 29 days ago
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Round 2 Match 8
Zee: voted most likely to be in 4 different QPRs
Gwen: Girl who goes after guys (and girls) but immediately drops them when the relationship becomes serious? That's aromanticism, baby!
points at duncan and trent. she wanted a relationship with them but both were very fleeting. it was clear that she cared about them, but perhaps not entirely romantically.
She's so lithromantic
She’s lithromantic trust me just trust me
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zeloinator · 2 years ago
Pff I could out-awkward you I bet
Anyway who is Zee Zalinos? I'm new here
Well I might not be new to tumblr, I am new to ffxiv oc stuff so hopefully this all makes sense xD I also dont really ever roleplay as Zee Zalinos (despite us sharing a name at this point whoops on that she very much is a lot of me but a distinct character I would say hopefully) but she is my Warrior Of Light from FFXIV! I dont know a lot of etiquitte I have been informed of from my boyfriend who used to WoW roleplay so I’m sorry if I break any of that! I have no clue what I’m doing but I’m a writer who loves to Project and now I have an adorable Au’ra who is also disabled and a healer main~
But! Zee Zalinos is my beloved little lizard
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My gpose skills aren’t doing her the justice she deserves but I’m trying to improve for her~
I put all lot of her lore (condensed as much as I could and hope it makes sense) in the woltourney post but I’ll happily say that and more!!
“Zee has always wanted to travel, I dont have much lore for her early life yet but once she had decided to travel to Gridania and become a Conjurer no one and nothing could stop her. (/spoilers for all expansions, as well as tw for losing limbs, sudden disabilities) In Heavensward she lost both Haurchafaunt, a companion she didn't trust until he gave his life for her, and her right leg. Not able to slow down she forced herself to learn to walk with her new prosthetic leg and continued her path through Stormblood. As a White Mage Zee never felt like she could discuss her crippling pain and phantom limb symptoms from her lost leg, it wasn’t until mid Shadowbringers, after long talks with Ardbert (or scoldings as he would describe it as) she finally told her companions, the scions and her trusted friends, about her struggles with her leg. At the end of Endwalker Zenos manages to injure Zee much more severely than it appears at first, the quick and panicked healing magics Zee performed on herself masking the severity for some time. It is not long until Zee looses her left arm, gaining her second prosthetic limb, but doing much better in dealing with its loss.
Zee is a pure healer, every other class she attempts is lacking the same touch and skill, no matter how much time she may commit to learning. Healing comes as easy as a breath to Zee, White magic being the simplest for her to wield. The stars and planet gazing of Astrologian winning her over very quickly after arriving in Ishguard. Though in her free time Zee is known to be an expert crafter, often holing herself inside her house and focusing purely on her work for days. Culinarian was the fastest for her to pick up, with Goldsmith being hot on its heels as her second best skill. Though post Endwalker Zee is ever busy with crafting, the call of her island from Tataru has her visiting as often as she can sneak away. While on her island Zee barely, if ever, uses her prosthetic arm, only using the prosthetic leg when she is wanting more maneuvering freedom without one of her beloved mounts out helping her. One of Zee’s most hidden passions is her animal caretaking. While her Chocobo, Ariadnae, is ever a worrier for Zee, the wol is always forcing her beloved bird to rest in between their big adventures. “
I have a lot more in my brain but I dont write it out a lot of the time but I would like to so I am hoping to talk about her more~ and write and gpose 💖
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r-edacted · 2 years ago
i love them i am giggling and kicking my feet like a 5 year old
Could you draw Zee x Emma maybe? I think they'd be adorable
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These two would be really cute together!! Thank you for the request!!!
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ripper-fanclub · 1 year ago
Ripper in my IOTS au:
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fictional-gods-tournament · 1 month ago
Round 1
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Characters' info under the cut
Pahrkhun the Scouring Wind
Domain: One of the two deities of the desert kingdom in the book; wind and sandstorms, venomous desert creatures; has an order of warrior monks dedicated to him.
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Stone, Storm and Salt (wiki)
Domains: The three gods of the zee, stone is the nameless god of home and healing, storm is the nameless god of high places and anger, and salt is the nameless god of farewells
There are powers.
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Ranald (wiki)
Domain: Primarily the god of Luck, Deception, Thieves, and Revolution (The Gambler, The Deceiver, The Night Prowler, The Protector)
the primary reason I like Him so much is because of a quest (Divided Loyalties) where the protagonist is a faithful of Him, and He is our best and worst friend.
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doyouevenknowwhatshappening · 8 months ago
You are, in fact, not a leftist or even left aligned if you do not support Jewish people and denounce anti-semetic behaviors when you see them.
You can not call yourself a leftist, an alternative person (such as punk, goth, etc), or call yourself anti-fascist if you do not stand up for Jewish Voices.
There is an actual rise in not-zees in the USA and even other places. This is usually a mind frame seen in the EXTREME right and MAGA crowd.
Know your dogwhistles.
Such as "Have a totally joyful day" or "lizard people control the government," as some of the more well known ones. Which are blatant calls for Jewish hate.
I am Goyim, I am not a Jewish person. I have no Jewish ancestors. However, I was taught about Jewish history in the most dumbed down way any kid can. Then I took it on myself (as you're supposed to do) to learn MORE. I have read about the past, both ancient and modern, of what jews have gone through. The amount of hatred, judgment, and fear these people experience is beyond me. For simply existing.
And before ANYONE begins to say anything about Palestine, I am 100% pro-palestine. I support the nation's right to exist peacefully, to have jurisdiction over their land, just the same as I support the right for Jewish people to have a safe place. The occupational control of the Palestinian people, the fact Hamas was created by Isreal, the fact that thousands are dying right now as I type this out; none of this is okay. What Isreal is doing, what Netanyahoo is doing, IS NOT OKAY. All of this has been caused by white nationalism, anti-semetism, and colonialism.
Jewish people as a whole, and Muslims, are NOT TO BLAME for the genocide happening in Palestine right now.
If you read the history, if you KNOW things before you scream them at the top of your lungs, you'd also know this. You'd know to blame Europe for what it has caused. You'd know to blame Anti-Semitism and the UK for "giving" Jewish people, Isreal. You'd know to blame the USA for getting involved in anything in the Middle East. You'd know that NEITHER THE JEWS OR PALESTINIANS WANT THIS.
Propaganda is two sides of the same danm coin people. Listen. Learn.
There are DEFINENTLY people doing things that are cruel, unjust, and horrifying to Palestinians. However, fear mongering has led people everywhere to believe, "Look what this one IDF soldier did/said!" Means "look, Jewish people ARE bad! Think of the children!"
The same way that many Israelis are being fed the same propaganda about Palestinians/Muslims as a whole. SINCE BEFORE OCTOBER 7TH.
Lies will and HAVE came from both sides. This doesn't mean that everything coming out of Palestine is false by ANY MEANS. But it does mean that fabrications to aid your opinions will always and have always been part of how wars have been fought.
People who scream for justice for Palestine while screaming at anyone for being Jewish and inciting hate against them are just as bad as the people supporting said Genocide.
You can acknowledge that what's happening to the Palestinian people is caused by a terrorist state. While also continue to fight against the hatred, misconceptions, discrimination, and fear of Jewish people worldwide. This is not about "picking sides" between Palestinians and Jewish people.
This is about liberation. Full stop.
This is about ending the tyrrany.
You can not be anti-war and yet celebrate when war is being fought. This is not a football game. This is not chess. These are lives.
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ripper-fanclub · 1 year ago
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LOOK AT THE GIFT @wheredidalltheusersgo MADE FOR ME AND MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!
(The bouquet is for me and the ripper plushie is for my boyfriend 💕💕💕🤭🤭)
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calamity-calliope · 6 months ago
(jumping on this bandwagon just because) [Thanks @zeebreezin ]
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Middle image by @feivelynart. Seriously, go check them out!
Name: Johnathan Morholt Certsey
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Honestly who even knows
☘ Propaganda for:
He is a pawnbroker
Accomplished calliopist - loves playing with and for others
Very lively fellow, and you can count on that day or night.
Just generally spirited and joyful, hardly seen without a smile or a positive attitude
Catfish-shaped <3
Calls you "deary"
Knows many a good zee-ztory, as has no objections to telling them
excellent cook!
Lives and breathes the zee, loves a good adventure on-board with 90-foot flash schooner Calamity!
Fun uncle energy all day every day
Protective of his friends (he would kick ass for you)
Made to cuddle. Loves to give warm hugs.
Whistles jaunty little tunes when he's busy, and you bet he loves to dance
Likes holding hands (his hands are warm)
Embraces eccentricity, and likewise embraces fellow eccentrics
WILL share his big coat you if you are cold
Wouldn't be caught dead being unfaithful in a relationship and works with his other to keep it healthy and meaningful - respecting boundaries when needed.
🤔 ??? propaganda:
Bataireacht practitioner, and he carries his shillelagh with him everywhere. It's his version of a bedside spear.
Sometimes irritatingly curious. If you have antiques and/or a unique, expect that he'll ask about them
He snores 💀
Notable for inadvertently getting himself into troublesome situations. He is generally good at escaping these, but it's a bad habit.
Whatever the Victorian England equivalent of that one family member who disappears into a Yankee Candle and emerges four hours later with $150 worth of candles is.
Sweet-looking for sure but he has one hell of a sailor mouth.
🧨 Propaganda against:
He is a pawnbroker
Has a communication issue - and not in the relational sense. New English speaker who has spoken Gaeilge (Irish) his entire life and you would probably have an easier time reading Finnegan's Wake. To fix this he's learning German!!
Has never been in a full-commitment romantic relationship before
For all of his cheerfulness, he's undeniably suspicious
It's the sun-cult stuff
Carries about him all the faux innocence of a man who has killed, and is bound to kill again
Often out on unspecified business. Several of his clients happen to be located at various places across the zee. It's no whaling journey, but expect him to be gone for months at a time
Not a quick problem solver- the bigger the problem, the more time he needs to think on it, during which the issue tends to worsen.
Sometimes the nightmares get to him.
Very minor but he smells a tad bit like bilgewater
Postage enthusiast, but in an accidentally creepy way. Known for sending vaguely threatening packages to strangers.
Very serious about his religion. Sometimes becomes lost in the bliss of it, and you wonder if this is the same man you knew before.
Straight-up serial killer vibes sometimes
Tagging those willing who haven't done it yet :)
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elleryhart · 6 months ago
oc smash or pass
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Tagged (ish) by @zeebreezin
Name: Ellery Hart Age: late 20s-early 30s they just don't know Gender: nah (egg. has not cracked. that's a guy.) Sexuality: bisexual
Propaganda for:
is a freak, if you're into that
very polite, all things considered
very eager to please
will do almost anything you ask to the best of their ability
generous and enthusiastic partner
Propaganda ???:
a freak
also will be getting more monstrous. in the middle category because I don't know your life
will bite
other partners include: woman who is friends with everyone, enby who has problems, creature who breaks into people's houses to help them, man who canonically killed them
Propaganda against:
is. kinda a freak.
way too into the hunt
bad at communicating
does not take care of themself
will disappear for a week without saying anything and then when they come back you'll get a two sentence letter saying they died at zee but they're fine now
this weasel is all bones. sorry.
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