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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aahl Aahn Aan Aarhvorh Adh Aerjeau Ah Ahl Ahm Ahr Ahrosh Ahruhl Akjaai Am Ambum An Anosh Anxeoi Ar Arhhoau As Ash Ashmou Aszeou At Atvei Axlau Bai Baoi Bau Baujai Baxhidh Bees Beoubai Beu Beugloi Bih Boau Boiar Boimok Borh Borjeei Breai Broiok Caai Caou Cash Cau Ceaumoeu Ceei Cei Ceiohr Ceoifeei Ceu Coaixeai Coi Curh Cutsedh Daou Das Dauah Dei Deou Dooi Dou Durhadh Dux Eahl Eemush Eenseou Eesxei Eh Ehlim Ehmahn Ehrjoai Ehrshoei Ek Ekoahm Em Emfau Emohr En Enehr Eor Erh Erhboei Erhzaei Erkei Es Esh Et Faai Fah Fahfei Fai Faiuhr Faouihm Faouzoai Far Feeion Fehrtroh Ferhgix Feunoi Fixfoom Fooi Fooifom Fraiux Frei Froi Fun Gaei Gaeu Gaeuvei Geai Geaiohn Gei Gek Geou Gerhan Geu Gexrek Glau Glurjeeu Goaikush Goau Goeshtlei Goi Gosboeu Gougeou Guhrkeai Haoi Hei Heoiohr Heouish Hihnou Hihr Hishix Hooikoei Hreiix Ihjau Ihl Ihlan Ihlbohn Ihlsaeu Ihmhon Ihmjeoi Ihmwarh Ihnas Ihrir Ihrpeu Ihsaoi Imraei In Ir Irhshas Is Ish Ishaedh Itcou Ix Jaeu Jai Jaouxaau Jaxgai Jeai Jeaiah Jeehl Jei Jemsohn Jeoidou Jih Joai Joainoai Joei Joeu Johr Jouish Jouohr Kaaiahl Kaeuidh Kaou Keei Kehrceh Keou Keoudrai Kir Kix Klem Koeu Koh Kohehn Kohrcei Koi Kou Kouxuhn Krehr Kreoi Lam Lau Leei Leeithou Lei Leifau Leu Linjer Linwoou Loistleau Maaihei Marfoai Mauloei Meash Meau Meoithou Meshfaau Mihmhos Mihzeai Moai Modh Mou Moumihn Muhl Muhlrei Murhak Nai Naou Nauedh Nauraoi Neai Neeu Neou Nihl Noahrdes Noau Noaunoeu Nohnosh Nok Nooivleai Nou Noubaau Num Numxeu Nur Oam Oarh Odh Odheex Odhgai Oedh Oehl Oh Ohl Ohn Ohnit Ohnshuhn Ohroahm Ok Oohngehr Or Orh Orhbai Orhfooh Orstrosh Oshreu Osuhl Ox Oxurh Pai Pan Pargoi Pat Pauluhr Paupeoi Pauwer Pir Ploi Poai Poh Pohlzei Pou Preu Prix Prur Push Raaujek Raei Raeu Rahvooi Raou Rau Rei Reigei Reu Reuzou Rin Rirh Rodh Roei Roeu Rohbooi Roi Roixeou Rok Roou Rou Roushau Ruh Ruhn Saoiehm Sarvrau Seau Sedh Sei Sen Seoixau Seou Seujooi Shaai Shai Shau Sheau Sheiodh Sheoiehm Sheou Sheten Shin Shitat Shohr Shoi Shokheei Shou Shraior Shum Shush Soeuurh Sohgas Soi Soouthaei Sorhgaou Sou Strooumau Suhn Thau Thauih Thauspraei Theai Theian Theiarh Therh Thidh Thohleahr Thorhlei Thosok Thummaai Treei Udh Udhkok Uhl Uhm Uhmheeu Uhmxou Uhr Uk Ukzaeu Urh Urhxihr Us Uthahm Utjat Utsai Ux Vaauut Vaei Vaeu Vai Vaidei Varh Vau Vauhoai Veai Veauhit Veaunooi Veishoei Vek Veoujin Veuruh Veuuh Vim Vishin Vit Voicei Vou Voujoadh Vouom Vresh Vuhrweu Wahmcoeu Waom Waupau Weau Weauzoau Weeixai Wehl Wei Wekthau Weshgai Woai Woorzou Wosh Wum Xadhek Xahnhedh Xaoivoau Xargaoi Xaupem Xeai Xei Xeoushum Xeujoau Xoaumaohr Xoei Xoeiwim Xoi Xoiheoi Xoikihn Xook Xorjooi Xosh Xou Xoukeai Xuhljaau Xushot Zaei Zahgoeu Zahr Zeau Zeouot Zoeistlok Zoerraai Zoiedh Zooimou Zosh Zou Zudhvoer Zun
Aahlahneei Aaidaiau Aaierh Aaijeonleoi Aaijoi Aaitheoxpohl Aaithis Aatxih Aauek Aauhoohmash Aauit Adhmashdreu Adhpehr Adhxauem Aedhush Aehgoau Aeiaeiex Aeiatfeeu Aeidlaau Aeivom Aerheu Aeuahoai Aeuaunaai Aeuohl Aeuoou Ahlvuhmaei Ahmei Ahnoi Ahnoufihm Ahrdasam Ahrihn Aiaujai Aigahm Aihihngou Aioau Aioisoi Aipeai Aithanrosh Aithoh Aiuhfai Akthihn Anaahn Ansudhskleeu Anum Anveaiux Aoiaaivan Aoiai Aoiekgloi Aoifrusou Aoiou Aoucou Arxahr Asei Ashshixhun Atuhlpak Auarhdaeu Aucoiin Aufouthom Aukedhdooh Aulouhis Auooiroau Aupeoiaahn Auzeai Axauoeu Axek Axsproilon Baouou Beeneu Bemrouou Boauotxaeu Bohret Booueisaehm Breeioucin Budhduteai Bumgei Cadhjashsheu Caeuih Caipoimau Caukom Cimoeinai Cohlooi Daidooshluhn Dauarurh Deicerh Detfuk Deunuksahr Dihrjek Dleuxihr Doeuxeei Doistlaeukrit Dokvehou Doouukeerh Draauaunush Eaieuthihl Eaioneu Eaiooi Eatxon Eauaau Eauish Edhoou Edhsoi Eeiat Eeieou Eeinaei Eeioi Eeiot Eesheushai Eeuax Eeueou Ehnlou Eiak Eiauai Eidaoi Eidoaiaei Eieoiosh Eifot Eiheuooi Eioam Eiomfohr Eioor Eiraoieau Eishihesh Eiudhok Eizaou Ekhaei Emvaueai Emzuhoi Enaauthoeu Enem Eoheeion Eoibehn Eoiimxehm Eoikoei Eoiou Eoiseaigoi Eoithish Eoizehl Eoueies Eouihm Eouimor Eouleau Erheeu Erhmuxeou Erihnei Erjut Eshaies Eshpoeibeu Eufashaoi Euin Eushooukot Excoei Expeu Faneeuarh Fanhaahvun Faoiim Fauun Fesou Foiernohn Foouahm Futnurzeu Fuxshaufehm Gaaudeuoi Gaerudh Gaouoaien Geohureoi Gihmauvei Ginweeu Girhdeouoau Gixoou Goailux Gokahl Goufihmeei Gouxeoujau Groujer Guhrhoi Guhrusroi Gurhvoou Haihoi Haoihuxosh Hauadhdoas Hauum Hedhsklaeu Hetfau Hexwaxbih Hihnox Hoimehmaoh Homau Huhnaehmhaei Hukpaiox Ihmhuhsaau Ihnarh Ihnohmaoi Ihnveksihn Ihrdaisproi Ihret Ikoauit Ikpem Iksox Inaiau Ineuau Inpunkau Irish Irnuhosh Ishdos Ishoau Ishohjurh Isihm Ispoh Isshooukuk Issoeu Isthahleai Ittheu Ixoubeek Jaausai Jaeuotxeau Jaihaeuai Jaikormat Jainamthihl Jeaueujim Jemodh Kaibeeigehm Kaithihn Karhahl Karjurh Kauvuhr Keeijoehkehr Keoieh Kerimih Kidhraan Koailoiuhr Koiuhr Kooijonahm Koonou Koouehut Kunmoou Latau Lehaoiah Leoiuhn Lerei Loeucouoai Looudaeu Luhnohm Maeudeaieai Mahnidhak Maijeioi Mauut Mikosh Moiehlkon Moiihr Moinir Moshzeuou Moxiser Muxix Nadheiaei Naiaoi Naixot Neasaaugahm Neeiisheai Neicoon Noiei Nooioi Nureeicas Oauehrtheai Oauhehnhehl Oauou Odhaeiaei Oeuehmeai Oeumauei Ohjooiheei Ohlkeu Ohlleeifaai Ohlon Ohmer Ohmfah Ohmohl Ohneaupehn Ohosooi Ohousoau Ohrgaoiaau Ohrzerh Oibehmou Oibratesh Oieaicoou Oiehneu Oiehnvou Oiihei Oinaeu Oionoau Oior Oirehmvoei Oishauloai Oiuhn Oohlpaeioou Oouaau Ooukehn Oouuh Orhfehnxeou Osgloi Oshmoxhek Oshurh Osperh Othaai Otvux Ouaau Ougedh Ougou Oumahuk Ouoau Ouooi Ououoax Ououun Oushaohr Outhadh Ouut Oxjaau Oxohn Oxosidh Pahhasnen Paiaiaoi Paushei Peeuuhl Pehsaiau Peohnai Peshou Peuuroei Pihei Pitouor Pomehmbou Poshasat Pouvlok Puhljamjeeu Raauushik Ranim Raoithem Raoshoai Rehnboipoai Reiahn Roiuhmkoai Romeidudh Romos Saeuidhmau Serhuhlduhn Shaiarhuk Shaiceoubraei Shaieoupeou Shaioi Shaouotthosh Shatkau Shaushat Shehhis Shemwar Sheoiahl Sheuahcos Sheuvlooubadh Shirhmoi Shohpoedh Shoshjau Sooisoh Soshsehm Southihr Souxir Splohzen Splushir Sumai Suraiis Thaauus Thaidaihau Thaxbaeirush Theauautheoh Theroh Thihlkau Thinames Thodhoomzaou Thohem Thooianim Tlinbloodhoi Udheiaei Udhohmwet Uhleorhdoai Uhloei Uhlom Uhlpaohnaes Uhmau Uhmeouhau Uhmgoahm Uhncushrurh Uhnei Uhnosbesh Uhraehr Uhrfeijoeu Ukdoi Ukxeauroai Umoseoi Umurhoai Unshuhlboi Urehek Urhehrthaau Urhpeiou Ushmoehrtheeu Utax Utotoeu Vadhooufeei Vaiehm Vaiiszoou Vaoudeei Vatzidhjehl Vaucaehm Vaueei Veaioeu Veoueuesh Verhkeom Viheideu Vohlbougou Vooiosheai Vrinemgush Vuhloeu Vuhmeijai Wahoeu Waiuhlgluhn Waomkehir Weisorh Weiweohmleu Wemoiik Wihau Woivai Wooiau Wouom Xarpeifaau Xedhooieu Xeeuaoi Xeijouseai Xeordahmfir Xeouvosh Xeupoeilohl Xirhaiposh Xodhneoisum Xoeuneios Xoueuas Xoulaxhan Zaion Zanouaou Zeiisoeh Zoiooufehl Zomuhr
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questioned-quetzalcoatl · 2 years ago
Apparently it's against the rules to kiss/be affectionate in Adelaide Zoo because it angers and distresses the animals. Perhaps NZ got a little handsy with OZ during a visit and he literally shoves him off XD
(Fml Jack you always give me the most cursed ideas but this was too funny not to write about u3u, also get out of my ask box I swear you're constantly here-)
Rating: K
Pairings: New Zealand/Australia (Nzoz)
Variation: Canon
"Please? Just one kiss?"
Jett sent him a withering look from over his shoulder, grinding his teeth as he thought about how to respond to the whiny New Zealander that stood in front of him.
"No James, it's against the rules."
【Don't Kiss me at Adelaide Zoo】
Whenever James visits him, Jett is fairly convinced that James only comes to Australia to see the selection of animals. And to see him of course, but if he had to choose between saving Jett or saving a rare Hairy-nosed Wombat, Jett stood hardly any chance.
In order to make some light of the situation, Jett always made sure to take James to a zoo or wildlife park. This visit in particular had started out as any other, James arriving on his delayed Air New Zealand flight from Auckland to Sydney. Proceeding to absolutely smother the Australian he'd missed so dearly in hard to breath cuddles and kisses, these sessions could go on for hours. They never failed to gain a few off handed stares from other Airport goers that passed them. Over the years Jett had warmed up to the action of having the breath squeezed out of him affectionately.
They usually stayed in Sydney, Jett concluding that a trip down to Adelaide would at least give them a change of scenery. Of course, Adelaide Zoo seemed like the go too place to take James. You can imagine his surprise when they're stood at the gates together and James blinked at him, a little dumbly.
"Aus, darlin, where are we?"
Jett was rather dumbfounded as he just stared at James. The Kiwi seemed genuinely confused.
"James. We're stood in front of a sign, with the giant letters, A-D-E-L-A-I-D-E-Z-O-O"
"I thought we were goin' to the movies-"
"Why on earth would I take you all the way to South Australia for a movie?!"
"I dunno! You said we were goin' to see somethin! So I thought movies..." James paused like he'd remembered something from the war. At least something along those lines with the fear on his face. "Just so you know Kookaburra, there's at least 2 tons of popcorn in the back of your car."
"I'm sorry wha-"
Before Jett can continue however, he's dragged into the gates of the Zoo. Perhaps a diversion of sorts because lord knows that James knew the argument that would follow when they got back to the carpark.
It might seem strange, James supposes, for him to be so fascinated by Jett's eyes. The Australian only giving him a odd look as they stand against the fences that border the Tiger enclosure. Perhaps he had never gotten the chance to look at them properly, they're a beautiful chartreuse green. Somehow they were more breath taking than the striped big cat that strolled along it's enclosure.
"You're staring again, you know..."
Jett diverted his attention from the Tiger over to the lovestruck Kiwi next to him. It wasn't abnormal for James to be hit with these kind of lovestruck trances.
"Oh I know, I just can't help the fact your eyes are so perfect~"
Jett just rolled his eyes but his face said otherwise. Giving him a very fond smile and a light pink blush to his response.
"Please, your chat lines are cheap."
James rested his hand on the railing before fully turning to Jett, Jett's peripheral vision catching James about to lean in for a kiss. Feeling a hand caress his waist and slide across his hips. Almost like his flight or fight responses kick in when he's yanked towards James, he let out a yell of distress and cupped James's mouth with his hand while James was mere centimeters away from his face.
James just stared at him in shock, looking down at Jett's fingers then back up at the flustered Australian who had just denied him his kiss. The fear on Jett's face only making him more confused.
Their gazes meet for a spilt second before Jett quickly looked away from him, pushing James back with his fingers on his rough lips. "D-don't kiss me...not here..."
"Whot?! Why?!" his voice was muffled against Jett's palm, barely audible at this point.
"You just can't James-"
"Koala bear?! Normally you love my public affection! That time we made out at SeaWorld and got kicked out!"
"That's the point-" Jett hissed softly at him like he was giving him some kind of classified information that no one else could hear about. He was certainly acting like it too, the way his head tilted back to look around for other visitors, to see if anyone had seen them.
"Please? Just one kiss?"
Jett sent him a withering look from over his shoulder, grinding his teeth as he thought about how to respond to the whiny New Zealander that stood in front of him.
"No James, it's against the rules."
"Against...the rules?! What rules?!"
There's a heavy sigh that the Australian lets out when he finally looked back up at James.
"It's against Australian law to be affectionate near captive animals. They could become jealous, anxious or aggressive. That then leads to them causing disturbance, or worse, harm to other zoo goers."
James just stared at him like he was mentally processing the overload of information that simulated his brain to, figuratively explode. Like a computer with limited space and storage that would break almost on command.
For some reason James just imagined a very angry koala attempting to scratch out his eyes. Which amused him to some extent, making him chuckle and grin.
"So I can't kiss you?"
James winced quietly when Jett released him from his restraints. Giving him a rather sheepish smirk all of a sudden.
"Fine. But as soon as we get back to the car, I'm making out with you."
The Australian let out a small snort like he was kidding about that, unfortunately for him, James wasn't kidding.
Jett was suffocated in love once again, in Adelaide Zoo carpark.
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doniplayswow · 7 years ago
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Super early wip picture of Zeau. Future Ren’dorei that is currently under the illusion of a human for IC and play purposes right now! Warlock on Moon Guard
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imagineshazamlokimight · 4 years ago
Au where Captain marvel is mute (the beginning) pt 1/?
Name: William Joseph Batson
Species: Human vessel, Demigod
Age: 11 years old
Relatives: deceased
Guardian: Magraman, Wizard of the Rock of Eternity
Home: Abandoned Buildings
Title/s: Captain Marvel, Champion of Magic
The wizard was ordered by the gods them selves to dispose of his champion. Billy was in disbelief! Destroy him but why! All he ever did was for the gods! All his work for them! His life! But now now he sees he was just a tool, a slave. Enraged he voiced his option only to be chained to the floor and muzzled. His bracers were shackles he realised, they had always planned this. He looked at the wizard in panic seeking help, but only turned his back.
Kill him ! Boomed Zeaus. And in a flourish of bright light the wizard incinerated him.
He awoke at the rock, confused and in pain. His throat burned and tears spilled down his cheeks. Why? Why did they betray him? All he ever did was serve them? Was he not good enough? He chocked on a sob.
A flash of light indicated the arrival of another.
Billy still in his champion form scrambled behind the statue of greed.
Wizard: Billy! BILLY. Please Billy my boy let me explain!
He was terrified, curled in a ball muffling his mouth as he cryed.
Wizard: Billy please I don’t have much time.
Billy tried to ask why but nothing came out. He let out a large sob and tried to speak again. It was silent. He screamed but still nothing only sounds of his breath could heard.
Wizard: Billy there you are. Now my boy I don’t have much time left. The gods see us a threat, In order to keep you alive, but make it seem real I had to trade something of value. Your voice. I did this so you can stay alive for when black Adam and the dark mist come. And so that you may take my place.
I’m going to end them. The gods have become corrupt, so with this I give you William Joseph Batson, the champion of the rock of eternity, my power, naming you my successor and now wizard of the rock of eternity .
Billy took the staff presented to him, then lunged forward hugging the wizard. Another family member dead again. He held on till the wizard had fully vanished.
Then came the pain. It was ripping him, shredding him apart. He could feel them as they died, their power surging into him, he could feel the power of the rock. It’s pure magic twisting and coiling in his veins. He curled into himself, harsh breaths and tremors racking his body. And finally the full power of the rock was released. His body bowed backwards, head tiled in a silent scream as he was inundated with the knowledge of the Wizard, the power and sewn into the very fabric of the universe. He shone brighter than the stars a kaleidoscope of colours. He collapsed onto the stone floor blacking out.
It was done. He and the Rock Of Eternity were one. His true body destroyed, he was no long the world mightiest mortal. He was now the physical embodiment of pure magic.
Name: William Joseph Batson
Species: unknown, Magi, the emobodiment of magic
Age: 11 years old
Relatives: deceased
Guardians: deceased
Home: The rock of eternity
Title/s: Captain Marvel, Champion of Magic
Update: Wizard of the Rock of Eternity
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cinnaminsvga · 6 years ago
Are you telling me hera made y/n smooth like a barbie doll so zeaus wouldnt jump her bones.
face reveal
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harleyquinnzelz · 6 years ago
May I trouble you for some Zeau/Beed headcanons please? 😘
YES! I am here for this and I am so sorry it took me literal hours to get to.
So like once the ice is broken and they get past so initial awkwardness these girls would be ride or die. Like just fiercely loyal to each other.
Heart to hearts most likely initiated by Beau but man they would have some deep talks. And when they don't feel like talking, Beau just turns into a cat and gives Zed comfort cuddles.
Shopping! Like I can see them making a day of it, going to shops and getting lunch and just enjoying the day and not worrying about the latest probation worker their group has killed or their powers.
Whenever Beau is about to perform, Zed helping her to get ready.
Hanging out all night and watching cheesy romcoms and singing along loudly to songs on the radio.
Calling each other on shit man. Like not in an asshole-ish way but holding each other accountable.
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magerightsyeah · 6 years ago
Modern Greek Goddesses made w/ PastelGirl
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Hera, wife of Zeus and the queen of the gods, goddess of womanhood, marriage, and the family
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Aphrodite, a being that rose from the ocean from Uranus’s severed body, goddess of love, beauty, and sexual desire
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Demeter, daughter of Kronos and mother of Persephone, goddess of fertility and the harvest
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Persephone, daughter of Demeter and Zeau and wife to Hades, goddess of spring and queen of the underworld
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Athena, daughter of Zeus and the titan Metis, goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
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Hestia, daughter of Kronos, goddess of the home and the hearth
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Artemis, daughter of Zeus and twin sister to Apollo, goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and virginity
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Selene, daughter of Hyperion and Theia and twin sister to Helios, goddess of the moon and the night
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Iris, daughter of Thaumas and Elektra, goddess of rainbows, messengers of the gods, and personal hand maiden of Hera
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ravengregory · 5 years ago
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I’m pretty sure I didn’t come up with this. It’s too damn lovely. But with that said, Jaylon Keiser, put this on my tombstone or urn (if we’re broke at the time) when my time comes. It’s just such a beautiful poetic verse to go out on. “This world is such an ugly place with brief moments of temporary beauty that never last, and all we can do to hold on with facing the dark is to find some pretty piece of light to distract ourselves with until the night comes.” RG 12/6/19 3:00am Special thanks and love to Yena Zeau (so many hugs, like man titty hugs) for bringing this out right before slumber. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5uiNkNBtd-/?igshid=dcwxllqueq4f
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etherealpandaofficial · 8 years ago
So I saw someone posting their rejected OCs and I thought it was a good idea since I have so many.
So here are some of my rejected/hardly used/never used OCs, starting with my species, the Lymantrians:
(If you’re interested in their “story, it’ll be below the cut.)
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The Lymantrians are moth-people who were split into two groups simply referred to as “civilized” and “wild”. There aren’t many, if any, visual differences between the groups, but the best way to describe their characteristic differences is that the civil ones can be likened to elvish races with elegant clothing, housing, etc., while the wild ones live in crudely built mud nests typically placed in trees, though if no trees are to be found they can make their nests underground.
Vitti and Mori are both wild Lymantrians.
Zeaus is a Lymantrian King, and Cydus is his illegitimate son.
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phgq · 5 years ago
Media groups condemn slay try on DavNor broadcaster
#PHnews: Media groups condemn slay try on DavNor broadcaster
DAVAO CITY -- Media organizations have condemned the attempted killing of radio broadcaster Pat Lucero Pacquiao in Tagum City on Friday morning.   Pacquiao, the station manager and owner of RP-FM Ang Radyo sa Masa in Tagum City and also the Davao del Norte provincial government information officer, survived an ambush by unidentified men after his morning program. Police said Pacquiao was driving home on Friday morning when an assailant pumped bullets on him. He sustained a wound on his back and is being treated at a local hospital. In a statement sent to the media on Saturday, the Mindanao Independent Press Council (MIPC) condemned "in the strongest sense of the word the attempt on the life of Pat Lucero Pacquiao." "We reiterate that harming any member of the press for any adverse commentary is a dastardly act not worth of a civilized society. Should any member of the media profession go out of bounds in his or her commentary, the legal remedies remain the best option to exact accountability," the MIPC said. The MIPC also reminded media practitioners that freedom of expression "has its limits, and there is no substitute for fair, objective commentary." The group also demanded that authorities leave no stone unturned in the investigation of the incident. "We also appeal to the authorities to provide Mr. Pacquiao adequate security. We will continue to monitor this incident and will assist in any way we can to help prevent any such violent act against Mr. Pacquiao and any other members of the press, for that matter," the MIPC said. Alfonso Tabas Jr., owner of Radyo de Oro, also denounced the murder attempt on Pacquiao. "I believe the media is not an adversarial press. We are just watchdogs who also need protection," Tabas said. Meanwhile, the Mindanao Investigative Journalists Alliance Inc. (MIJIA) also expressed condemnation of the incident. Possible motives The MIPC cited that based on media interviews with Pacquiao, the radioman said he had commented on several hot-button issues in his radio program before the incident. "We cannot, therefore, rule out the possibility that the attack may have been related to his radio commentary," the media organization said. In a video interview posted by Mindanet Balita on its Facebook Page on Friday, Pacquiao admitted that he has a feud with a co-employee, Davao del Norte provincial administrator Josie Jean Rabanos. He also said the Tagum Agricultural Development Corporation (Tadeco) was the subject of his commentary on his radio program. "I don't know if she [Rabanos] has the capacity to kill me," he added. Asked to comment about the allegation, Rabanos replied: “Me? How can I? We are working in one roof and I take his attacks and comments as constructive criticism.” Meanwhile, Tadeco assistant vice president for Human Resource Zeaus Vadil in an interview said: “Why link that to the controversy at hand (to Tadeco)? We work professionally and we do not do that, that’s too much.” Vadil was referring to Tadeco's conflict with the provincial government, which has attempted to close the road barriers erected by the company on its banana plantations. Pacquiao was appointed by first-termer Davao del Norte Governor Edwin I. Jubahib as the provincial information officer in July. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Media groups condemn slay try on DavNor broadcaster." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1083005 (accessed October 13, 2019 at 03:05AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Media groups condemn slay try on DavNor broadcaster." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1083005 (archived).
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womendailymagazine · 10 years ago
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Meet Zeus, The Blind Owl with Galaxy in his Eyes
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theigmilitia · 10 years ago
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Repost for our friends out in Miami fighting the good fight. Zeus has less than 24 hours to live at the Miami-Dade Animal Shelter. If you can rescue/foster, his ID is #A1636609 #Zeaus #A1636609 Here is their website link http://www.miamidade.gov/animals/
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