#zarina “the captain”
ominous-feychild · 2 months
✦ OC In Three Tag 3 ✦
This round of characters is coming from a story I've barely mentioned before: what I affectionately refer to as "the Calamity Crew" (aka it's a placeholder title)! Zarina is the captain of the ship, Cricket (more formally known as Hugo) is the navigator and her right-hand man, and--... actually these two are the only ones I'm sharing from tCC. They're definitely not my favorite or anything... even though I love the other characters, too, haha.
On the other hand, Cassandra... well, she's got a lot more in common with them than they think! And shows up in the story they're in. 👀
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These guys were super hard to pick images for because they had soooo many options, haha! But I think I'm satisfied besides wishing I could put more ocean stuff for Zari/Cass and maybe some runic/study material for Cricket.
Feel free to make guesses about their characters! I love each of these guys, but they won't show up in my writing for a long, long time... 👀😭
OC In Threes: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Part 6 | Part 6.5 | Part 7 | Part 8
Tagging list/those who seem interested! (Ask and I will not in the upcoming ones): @creative-author @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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Had to draw this with them at some point 🤷‍♀️
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incorrectneverland · 10 months
Tink: *groans* Whyyyy?
Hook: Congratulations Miss Bell, you've had your first hangover.
Tink: *groans annoyed*
Zarina: I warned you to slow down.
Tink: How much did I drink?
Hook: Five thimbles, I'm honestly surprised you're not dead.
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nightowldreams · 4 months
Hook’s search history
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galileo-figero · 11 months
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Captain Zarina commandeering a new ship 🏴‍☠️
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not-wholly-unheroic · 9 months
Me again! What's your favorite ship for Disney's Hook? I personally like Hook/Smee because old gay couple/friends to lovers. But I also want to know your fav ships
So, here’s the thing… I do understand why some people ship Hook and Smee, but to me, Mr. Smee’s relationship to Hook is more paternal. Disney Smee in particular is just like…that old man who is universally accepted by the neighborhood kids to be everyone’s adoptive grandpa. And truthfully, I feel like Smee is probably aro/ace and just…doesn’t really think much about romantic love or anything like that. Given the age difference, I headcanon that he has known Hook since the captain was a boy and was probably the only safe male role model in his life. Smee feels like he really dropped the ball by not doing more to get young James away from his abusive father when he was little and so makes up for it now by looking out for him and trying to always continue to see the little sparks of goodness in him despite everything.
As far as who I DO ship Hook with…I guess it depends on WHICH version of Disney we’re talking about, lol. Personally, I consider there to be three different “variants” of Disney Hook: (1) The OG “canon” Hook from the films, (2) Jake and the Neverland Pirates Hook AU, and (3) Pirate Fairy Cabin Boy James AU. The latter two have some fairly obvious canon or nearly canon ships which I am totally onboard for. I mean, Red Jessica has Jake-verse Hook blushing like a schoolboy and stumbling over his words and how can you NOT love them together?! They’re just SO CUTE!! Zarina and James are…more complicated, but just…I wanted them to be friends (or more) so badly throughout the whole film, even knowing how it would inevitably end. Seeing him actually fly in that film and be happy…I need more of that in my life. As for the original Disney Hook…okay, hear me out…I know this is a weird one but I was pretty young when I started shipping it and it just…stuck. I love the idea of all Disney characters just existing in one giant crossover universe like in House of Mouse (which I grew up on), so like…the villains all hang out together, right? And while Hook is my favorite male Disney villain, my favorite female villain is Cruella so…. It was kinda inevitable that I ended up shipping them. The two of them just seem like they’d suit each other… Both posh, well-dressed British villains whose nemeses are children and animals. They also often show up together along with Jafar in villain groupings. (And which my younger self decided meant there was some kind of love triangle going on that probably eventually soured the friendship.) They could be a villain power couple! Or…I could headcanon a redemption arc story for the both of them which might sound ridiculous but which 13 year-old me managed to do. So yeah… here I am 20+ years later still shipping it. 😅
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kaythefloppa · 1 month
Reason #?? as to why Jake and Sofia should’ve crossed over;
The fact that they both know someone named ‘James’ and said Jameses being utterly dumbfounded hearing their name being called out.
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jihef03 · 1 year
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First weekend request done ! Asked by @flammedoudoune , a pixie and a pirate !
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locitapurplepink · 10 months
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edream93 · 9 months
Curious about Zarina's life (and death) on the Isle? 👀
Hey anon!
So essentially it follows what happens in Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy but instead of realizing that James (aka Captain Hook) is bad news and staying away forever, she tries to see the good that she once saw in him. Essentially, she repeatedly ignored the red flags, convinced herself that he would change, and unfortunately wasn't able to see herself out of a toxic relationship with him.
When she heard about the Isle of the Lost and how all the villains would be resurrected and put under there, she begged the fairy queen, Queen Clarion, to turn her human so she could be with the man she loved. Though Queen Clarion is definitely the most level-headed of the Neverland fairies, push her too far, and she can be just as petty and/or vindictive as anyone. She was mad that King Adam wasn't listening to her about how negatively "retiring magic" would impact her faries. As a bit of an "eff you," she allowed Zarina's wish, which technically uses a lot of magic, and helped her sneak onto the Isle. Not much is known about what happened to Queen Clarion and the rest of the Neverland fairies, though. She and the rest of them just...disappeared...leaving Zarina as technically the only remaining Neverland fairy.
But again, Neverland fairies get so much of their magic and strength from the island, and even though Zarina looked like a human and wasn't able to access her magic on the Isle, at her core, she's still a fairy, so as the magic in Neverland seemed to be fading with Pan asleep and Tinker Bell sealed away, along with the less than stellar health conditions on the isle, she died soon after giving birth to CJ.
And if you're wondering, Hook treated Zarina as a side check at best, an annoying nuisance that he wasn't afraid to lay a hand on at worst when they were together on the Isle. As I said before, the Hook siblings have different mothers, so we know Hook wasn't faithful at all. There were a few times when Smee would try to convince her to get over his captain, but after her love for Hook almost nearly faded, Zarina only had pride left, and she couldn't let it seem like she was giving up on this man that she had given EVERYTHING for, so when she found out she was pregnant with CJ, for a moment, she thought Hook would change, but he didn't. He still wanted nothing to do with her. So Zarina wanted nothing to do with her child. She gave birth to CJ, did her the kindness of at least putting her in somewhat cleaning clothes, avoided the child-eating witches, and left her on the deck of the Jolly Roger before she soon after died, labor and a broken heart taking the final toll on her body. Harriet was the only one who saw Zarina leave CJ behind, and even at a young age she was so adamant that this left-behind baby was her sister.
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And that's all I got! Again, I never planned to go too deep into Zarina's backstory. Just give a few hints for people who watched the Tinker Bell movies.
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
@shouldwemaybe Here you go, a minority, but still if not an even more beautiful story
Toxic Fairies
Sometimes it hurts Harriet to look at her siblings. A pain they would never understand. They were too young to remember, too young to see what she saw. She aches both out of love and fear. They never had what she did, she isn’t sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.
She had a loving father, at least for a little bit. He would braid her hair, teach her to read, teach her how to swordfight, teach her everything she would need to know to run a ship. He told her stories of the world, of the seas, of all the different cultures he saw, of all the different people he met. He loved her deeply, calling her his greatest treasure. She got loving hands and tender touches. A soft smile promising her the world.
She had a loving mother, who told her stories of a place that most people would never see. She would spin stories of magical beings and places, of a boy who would never grow up but would always forget, of sirens and mermaids, of fairies that committed acts of pure wonder, of stuff that could never happen. She would promise that she would have that one day, that she would be the one flying and committing acts of wonder, being the defiance to the word Never. She had delicately woven blankets, made with love, from someone who was too smart to be reduced to this.
She had Uncle Séamus, who would make her laugh, teach her how to brew the perfect pot of tea. He taught her to stand up for herself, to not commit the same sins he did. He taught her that you are only as strong as the people around you, and they have to care for you to be strong. Fear only leads to hate. He introduced her to her best friend, to someone she would see as a brother.
Then he was born.
And slowly father turned from loving to hateful. It was gradual, the signs were already there before. The manipulation and fights before he made it up and she came running back.
Instead of loving hands and braids, they pulled and pushed, tearing at both his hair and theirs. No more soft stories, but strict instructions telling them to be the best. They’re Hooks, they are to rule the seven seas, to take back Neverland. 
His rages grew. But she never left, no, she loved her children too much, she loved him too much. She would be the one to calm him down, the one to soothe their wounds. She would stroke their hair, spinning stories until he was in a place for her to calm him down. Her healthy body slowly dwindling, her faith in herself fading. She tried nonetheless.
Harry reminds her too much of their mother. His undying devotion mirroring hers, he just got lucky that the one he devoted himself loved him just as much. That his goddess cared not just for him but everyone around her. Her brother would always be cared for, the one thing her mother lost. No, he likened him to their father but he was his mother’s son through and through.
He had Séamus Smee, who snuck around, taught him how to run a ship the right way in quiet and hushed tones. He had the importance of a first mate pressed upon him, that a good first mate only elevates a good captain. That to support is so much harder than to lead, even more so when there’s so much on the line.
Then she was born.
And the good existed no more.
She had fits of rage and dark closets. The pain of existence forced upon her, with screams of what he supposedly lost years ago. A boy who never grew up and murdered whoever he hated, who killed him. She had a hook shoved in her face, scratching and scarring, until there was nothing left to carve. Brutal fists that hit at the sign of a mistake, that taught her she is only as good as herself.
She had a weak and feeble mother, who could barely protect them, if you could even call it protection. A mother that refused to leave, not for her children, but because she loved him. Loved the man who beat her, that tried to sell her then nearly killed her because she is his and his alone. She had a mother for a few short years before she died, her magic long gone, drained from children and the barrier barring them from the outside world.
She had Mr. Smee, who subjected himself to constant abuse, who ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. A bumbling fool, who was only good to serve her. Someone that only lets other people down.
Calista Jane was like neither of her parents, or perhaps she was like both. She was free, seemingly flying through the air and creating pictures of something new. Not quite feats of wonder, but something that danced around her fingers and created anew. She was incredibly intelligent with a love for the seas and the desire to build her own crew, not belong to someone else’s or take the breadcrumbs left by her siblings. She would be the greatest of them all one day.
And then there was Malvina.
The one she would never really know. Born too late. Born to a different mother. Separated so far from the seas that she may never feel their call. Harriet doesn’t even know if their father is aware of her existence. He was that far gone when she was born. Perhaps it’s better this way, she traded a life of violence and salt for one of thorny bushes and dripping poison.
Harriet knew she was her father’s daughter. His rage lived through her, the wounds she inflicted lingered and lasted, staining all those near her blood red. That her abuse of her first mate, her dear beloved Sammy, might lead to a mirror of their fathers relationship. When she hurt and he accepted it, never trying to leave because who would be there for her when he left. She hates herself for what she has become, but she can’t help it. Her father has infected her.
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 22 days
tom hiddleston captain hook feels wrong. he should not be voicing him he's too . not scary
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flammelikeshookdust · 7 months
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Haha yes toxic yuri! Yes!
*proceeds to draw only the cutest, most wholesome dynamic*
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incorrectneverland · 10 months
Peter and Hook are fighting
Zarina: You know you were right this is very fun to watch.
Tink: I know right.
Zarina: You boys having fun!?
Peter: Yeah!
Hook: I'm a man! Not a boy!
Peter: I thought you were a codfish.
Hook: Quiet!!!
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korkocartoons · 2 years
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I can explain!!!! .....
no, I can´t....( run away)
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tobiascore · 11 months
putting this out here that i am a firm hookdust hater!!! if you come here looking for hookxzarina you are not welcome! that ship makes me super uncomfortable and so if you like it please leave!!!
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