#zai has a book on how to die
vivizaii · 2 months
wanted to live but didnt x wanted to die but didnt </3
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im gonna shoot myself in the hea
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fyodior · 3 months
do u thibk beastzai is into incest,,,, when i first saw him i just thought ‘dazai??? more like daughter fucker 3000’
necessary mention// reader is aged 18+
I DOOOOO THINK THAT esp in a non-canon compliant beast universe where dazai doesn't die, and he grows older into the pm boss position. he finds himself in a whirlwind relationship that ends almost as quickly as it started, but it resulted in you: his now beloved daughter. with no mother to speak of, the two of you are in it together, by yourselves - you're inseparable. and especially with dazai knowing about the book, he considers every single moment with you precious, because he knows how quickly it could all be stolen from him. so beast!zai spends as many minutes loving on his beautiful daughter as he can.
it's a different dynamic than what we see with elise and mori, because dazai sees you as a little more of an equal than mori sees elise. of course because you're older, but also because dazai had you when he was pretty young, so you've essentially grown up together. there is very much a power imbalance, he is still your father and he frequently makes that known, but there's also..... an understanding. fondness. he loves you so strongly and so uniquely, nothing like he's ever felt before, and something he's certain he'll never feel again.
the entirety of the pm knows dazai is..... weird about his daughter. he has you by his side as much as possible, and when not, he talks about you at every turn. you are his entire world - the port mafia is nothing but a side gig to him.
he'll put you in the prettiest dresses and finest fabrics you could ever possibly desire - only the best for the bosses daughter. and when he takes you in bed every night, those same silky dresses tossed to the floor like they're nothing but rags, he makes sure to show you just how much he loves you.
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tallysgreatestfan · 9 months
This is such a fitting song for The Risen Empire.
How it talks about space exploration, time dilatation (the time thief) and gravity and other physical forces and the sheer vast distances of space, but also uses them as a metaphor for a society that has gone awry, and is stuck in powerhunger and greed and it's history...
But also the part of a love separated by the incident vastness of space that still perseveres, this made me think of Nara Oxhams and Laurent Zais beautiful romance, and also to a lesser extend of Rana Harter and h_rd and how they are on different sides of the war, being from different nations.
And the general atmosphere, vast and kind of hollow like space, but also so beautiful and deep.
It bugs me a bit of how the first song I find that fits so perfectly is not about my beloved sapphic romance Rana/h_rd, even though I have a few other songs I associate with the book by now (NFWMB by Hoozier for Rana/h_rd because of how doomed its atmosphere is but also h_rd fircely protecting Rana, Hail to the Victor by Thirty Seconds to Mars for h_rd because of what an amazing and victorious but also so tragic fighter she is, Don't Stop by Innerpartysystem because of how it has the atmosphere of the books even though the lyrics do not fit, Transgender by Crystal Castles because of how it describes restrictive societal systems, and change and body modifications as something positive and also kind of cyborg-y feel, Singularity by The Lisps because hey, it literally is about transhumanism and AI and the technological singularity, In the Presence of Another World by Blue Öyster Cult because it makes me think of h_rd and how she was meant to die in battle but instead survived as the only one of the sixteen women and found love, Antigravity by Starset because it makes me think of Nara and her gift and curse, Army by Zade Wolf because h_rd is an one woman army, Lover. Fighter by SVRCINA because it makes me think of Nara again, Northern Lights by Thirty Seconds To Mars because it captures the atmosphere of the space battles). But sadly none of these fit so perfectly.
Thought about making a playlist, but didn't do it because its all so disjointed and over the place and for all characters and ships instead of only one or two. Also does anyone have any good recs for a song that could fit Rana/h_rd?
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artzychic27 · 3 years
Artist Family Values?
Everything is calm. Marinette, Alix, and Rose are playing funeral in the backyard; Felix is helping Juleka write a love note to Rose, confessing her feelings; Nathaniel is arm wrestling That and losing
Marc: Nathaniel, wonderful news. My mother is going to have a baby and she wants us to have it... Right now.
*Several hours of excruciatingly painful labor later*
Little girl: And then mommy kissed daddy, and the angel told the stork. The stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond under a leaf in the cabbage patch, and the diamond turned into a baby.
Marinette: They had sex.
Rose: Nathaniel!
Juleka: What news?
Marinette: Nathaniel, what is it?
Nathaniel: It’s an Artist!
The baby’s name is Kiran. He has black eyes and was born with fangs
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Marinette and Alix immediately hate the baby and do everything they can to get rid of him. Guillotine, shooting him, dropping him from the roof
Marc: Mari. Alix. Why do you hate the baby?
Alix: We don’t hate him. We just wanna play with him.
Marinette: Especially his head.
To keep Kira out of trouble, Marc and Nathaniel hire a nanny. Lila.
Juleka immediately hates her because of how she’s taken a liking to Rose. Little does she know that she isn’t in love with the blonde. She’s a black widow out for their fortune.
Noticing that Marinette and Alix are onto her, Lila makes it seem like they wanna go to summer camp so they’re not in her way.
Nathaniel: *Disgusted* Fresh air. The scent of pine.
Chloé: Hi. I'm Chloé Bourgeois. Why are you dressed like that?
Marinette: Like what?
Chloé: Like you're going to a funeral. Why are you dressed like somebody died?
Marinette: Wait.
While at camp, Marinette and Alix make enemies of the popular bratty rich kids and allies out of the outcasts (The Akuma class)
Marinette finds herself glaring at a certain boy from America who glares right back at her... It’s Damian.
Back at the Artists’ home, Rose finds herself falling in love with Lila, much to Juleka’s anger but no one seems to notice
Marc and Nathaniel invite them to a gothic bistro
Lila: I just can't tell. Does she like me at all?
Marc: Of course she does. She pulled out her hair at the sight of you.
Marc and Nathaniel perform the badass tango from the movie
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Meanwhile at the cemetery, Lila and Rose get engaged surprisingly quickly
Rose: Good news! I’m engaged!
Juleka: What?! *Felix pats her back for comfort*
Lila: *Shows the ring*
Marc: That ring.
Nathaniel: It was my grandmother’s. She was burried with it.
Lila: *Holds up a shovel*
Later that night at the camp, Alix and Marinette attempt to escape with some help from Damian, but are caught by the brat campers and are forced to sing Kumbaya
Damian and Marinette find themselves becoming closer
Damian: You know... I’m pretty good with a knife myself.
Marinette: ... *Holds Damian’s hand*
Escape attempt #2 is a success. When they hear about the wedding, Marinette and Alix have to go and see if it’ll be a train wreck. Of course, Marinette invites Damian as her plus one.
It’s surprisingly pleasant. Everyone’s dressed in black, the flower girl is tossing dead petals on the ground.
“I do.” “Ditto.” Marinette catches the bouquet.
Damian: Now you have to get married.
Marinette: It’s not binding.
On their honemoon, Lila attempts to kill Rose by dropping a toaster in her bath. Unfortunately for her, Rose is immune to death by electrocution
Needing a new plan and for the Artists to stay out of her way, Lila forbids Rose from seeing or speaking to em ever again.
Meanwhile at camp, Alix shoots an endangered bird!
Camp director 1: It’s a white tailed eagle!
Camp director 2: Aren’t they endangered?
Marinette: They are now
Juleka is sulking after receiving a letter from Rose, saying she can’t see them ever again.
Juleka: Have I done something, said something? Why does she despise me?
Nathaniel: Rose adores you.
Juleka: I'd do anything for her. At her request, I would rip out my eyes. At her command, I would crawl on my stomach through hot coals and broken glass.
Marc: ... You’re in love with Rose?
Back at camp, the directors announce that the campers will be performing the poorly written and quite racist play about the first Thanksgiving
Chloé will be playing Sarah Miller, the outcasts will play the Native Americans, and Marinette will be playing Pocahontas.
Marinette passes out at the announcement
Meanwhile, the Artists visit Rose and Lila at their pristine white mansion.
Juleka: So these are the gates of hell.
Lila forced them to leave, and Rose, out of fear, backs her up.
Marc: I see Lila that you have placed Rose under some strange sexual spell. I respect that. But please, may we see her?
Lila: No!
Marc: You have gone too far. You have married Rose. You have destroyed her spirit. You have taken her from us. All that I could forgive. But, Lila...
Lila: What?!
Marc: ... Pastels?
They leave, but not before Juleka curses Lila.
They try to go to the police, but they won’t take them seriously, and Nathaniel makes the following announcement
Nathaniel: I shall not submit! I shall conquer! I shall rise! My name is Nathaniel Artist, and I have seen evil! *Juleka holds up Kiran* I have seen horror! *Felix waves* I have seen the unholy maggots which feast in the dark recesses of the human soul.
Marc: They’re at camp.
Speaking of camp. The main 3 attempt to escape again, but are caught by the other campers and are soon forced into the Harmony Hut where they’re forced to watch Disney Movies.
Hours without food or drinks later, and they come out looking pale and traumatized
Marinette snaps out of it and traumatizes them back by smiling
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With the Artists, something horrible has happened to Kiran. He blonde and has blue eyes!
Marc: My brother!
Nathaniel: *Faints*
Juleka: *Reading from spell book* “Infant possessions. These terrifying changes are most often the result of a troubled family life.”
Marc: Rose!
Juleka: If we don’t get Rose back, we’re talking dimples.
Nathaniel: Not in this house!
Juleka: He could stay this way for years. Forever. He could become... A lawyer.
Nathaniel: No!
Juleka: An orthodontist.
Marc: Juleka, please!
Juleka: ... Mayor.
It’s the day of the highly offensive show that portrays Native Americans as uncivilized people.
It goes off well until Marinette flips the script.
Marinette: You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d’oeurves. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will drive stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, “Do not trust the pilgrims, especially Sarah Miller. And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you, and burn your village. To. The. Ground.
The outcasts burn the camp to the ground and attack the brats while the main 3 escape in a canoe.
Meanwhile, Lila tries one last attempt at killing Rose, knowing this won’t fault. A bomb.
When it goes off while she’s out, she’s expecting a blonde corpse. Not Rose holding a tray of cupcakes and a warm smile
Enough is enough.
Lila: *Aims gun* I tried to make it look like an accident! I tried to give you some dignity, but, oh, no, not you!
That shows up to save the day by hitting Lila with his car and helping Rose escape back to the Artists’ Home,
*Now for the best scene*
Marinette: I may never see you again.
Damian: I know.
Marinette: There are forces tearing us apart-- Gary, Lila, tenth grade.
Damian: I'll never forget you.
Marinette: *Touched* You won't?
Damian: You're too weird.
Marinette: We'll always have today and camp
Damian: And this. *He holds up a retainer*
Marinette: What is it?
Damian: Chloé’s retainer. *Drops it to the ground* Meyn ziskeyt.
Marinette: Mi querido.
*The two kiss through the fence before pulling away and wiping their mouths*
Meanwhile, Nathaniel’s lost his mind.
Nathaniel: *Lying in bed* Swing low... Sweet chariot... Coming for to carry me home.
Marc: Oh, my sister is ill and my husband is dying. Juleka, what am I gonna do?
Juleka: Well, you already have a black dress.
Rose returns, apologizes for abandoning them, reconciles with her friends
And at that moment, Marinette and Alix return from camp. They all group hug, and Juleka is about to tell Rose about her feelings for her, until...
Lila: In-laws!
Down in the dungeon, the Artists, Felix, and That are strapped into electric chairs while Lila tells them the story of her life... Through slideshow!
She burned her house down with her parents still in it because they gave her Malibu Barbie instead of Ballerina Barbie
Marc: *Disgusted* Malibu Barbie. The nightmare.
Nathaniel: The nerve.
Her first husband the heart surgeon could never make it on dates, so she committed axe murder.
Juleka: Aw, an axe. That takes me back.
Husband #2 was a Senator who wouldn’t buy Lila that new, expensive car because they had to set an example. She ran him over.
Lila: So I destroyed one innocent life after another. Aren't I a human being? Don't I yearn and... ache and shop? Don't I deserve love... and jewelry?
Marc: *nods* Adios, mi querido.
Nathaniel: Zay gezunt, meyn tayer.
With some encouragement from Felix, Juleka uses her last few moments to confess to Rose
Juleka: Rose, night after night, I have desired you. I would worship every pale, lifeless limb on your body, die and kill for you, love you even after my dying breath. Rose... I love you.
Her confession leaves Rose in tears.
Rose: I love you, too.
Lila: Oh, barf! *Grabs the lever* Goodbye, everyone! Wish me luck!
Artists: Good luck.
Right as she’s about to pull the lever, Kiran, back go normal and by some miracle drops down from the ceiling and switches the wires, making Lila electrocute herself to death
*One year later*
Juleka and Rose got married! Also, it’s Kiran’s birthday! And Damian’s invited!
Rose: And to think I might have missed all this. What was I thinking?
Marinette: Physical pleasure.
While the others are celebrating, Marinette and Damian hang out in the cemetery and talk about marriage. Which Marinette doesn’t want
Damian: But what if you found a man so devoted to you, who worshipped you, that he’d be your eternal love slave?
Marinette: I’d pity him
Damian: *Looks at Lila’s gravestone. ‘Friend, Family, Killer* Damn. Lila was sick.
Marinette: She wasn't sick. She was sloppy.
Damian: What?
Marinette: If I wanted to kill my husband, I'd do it, and I wouldn't get caught.
Damian: How?
Marinette: I'd scare him to death.
Damian: *Scoffs* Sure. *As he goes to lay a flower on Lila’s grave, her hand pops out of the ground and grabs him, making him scream.*
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Everything Undesired Epilogue
chapter 12
It’s been fifteen years to the day since Cyrus disappeared without a trace. He and Arella had long since graduated from RAD alongside his brothers. They had gotten married and have three children together now. Mammon remembers back to when they told Cyrus he would be a big brother- how excited he had been to not be the only child in a house full of adults. Now his son would never have that experience and it was all Mammon’s fault so it’s here in the room he and Arella had saved for Cyrus that he sits.
Surrounded by everything that reminds him of the child he’d lost, the Avatar of Greed flips through a photo album that Levi had made in honor of the little one, eyes wet with fresh tears. This room stays locked for the entire year except for today. The twins know they’re not allowed in here, even if they don’t exactly know why and his youngest is too young to even care about the door that’s always locked. They never told their children about their older brother- it was far too painful for both him and Arella, neither of them having accepted that their son was really gone forever.
In the aftermath of losing his heir, Mammon had become extremely over-protective of the twins and Mahlon. He would never allow this to happen again- he might actually die from a broken heart if he were to lose another child due to his carelessness.
“I wish I knew where ya were...” his voice catches in his throat. “I know you’re alive- that you’re out there... somewhere... I can feel it.”
And that was the sad truth of it all. As the years went on, he’d watched carefully over his only daughter, Azalea. If Cyrus was truly gone, it would be her that would inherit his title and throne. But she never developed all the abilities necessary to be Mammon’s successor. With every year that passed without the development of those powers, the demon only became more certain that his oldest was still alive.
For as overjoyed as he would be for Cyrus to return, he knew it would only cause friction in their little family. Azalea had gone her entire life thinking she was meant to be her father’s successor. She always took pride in it and Mammon now feared that the revelation that she was never meant to be would destroy his daughter’s world. Another thing that was his fault. She had assumed all this because he and Arella couldn’t find a way to break it to her.
Things were already tense between them after the birth of her youngest brother. She had pulled away from them in fear that she was being replaced and they didn’t want to lose her completely now. Azalea was considered a trouble maker to anyone who didn’t know the real her, often getting herself into more fights than anyone could count. If they told their daughter the truth now, she would think they were taking the position away from her and giving it to one of her brothers as punishment. Mammon and Arella were still trying to convince her that she wasn’t being replaced- that they still loved her regardless of all the trouble she gets into on a regular basis but it hadn’t been working.
And it was now, Mammon realized all the mistakes he’d made in not biting the bullet in talking about Cyrus. The white-haired demon resolves to tell them today when they come home for dinner as they did every Friday night since they’d moved into the House of Lamentation after they had gone off to RAD. He wondered how they would take the news. Would it be shock? Anger? It had to be now or never.
As the front door opened, Mammon perked up. He could hear the twins whispering amongst themselves, neither wanting to risk waking their little brother and then there was a soft gasp from the both of them.
“Zay, the door to that room’s open,” it’s Aurelius’ voice that sounds first.
“Mum and Dad don’t want us seein’ what’s in there so we should prolly jus’ avoid it. There’s a reason it’s always locked...”
He was about to call them into the room when his D.D.D. rang. It was a call from Lucifer so he answered.
“You need to come to the House of Lamentation as soon as you can.” and then the call cut off- not even a good bye which only served to worry the Avatar of Greed.
Mammon’s first fear was that something had happened to his wife on her return trip from the mortal world. He hoped it wasn’t that. As he got up, he left the door to Cyrus’ room open.
“Hey, I have to go to the House of Lamentation really quick, can ya stay with your brother, please?” The demon knows he should have waited for a response from the teenagers but this was an emergency in his mind. He needed to be quick.
Azalea and Aurelius only exchanged a confused look before Azalea called after their father. “Wait, I wanna go too!” And off she ran after him.
“Damn, at least slow down, Old Man!” She shouts although she doubted he could actually hear her with the wind in his ears. Azalea was having a hell of a time keeping up with Mammon as she hopped from roof top to roof top, having to transform into her demon form to even have a chance at keeping up with her father. She really wishes she was born with wings as like her twin.
As the pair reached the doors of the House of Lamentation, Azalea tries to catch her breath and as Mammon pushes open the doors open, their breaths catch in the throats at the sight before them. There, sitting on the floor having Arella using healing magic to tend to the nasty cut on his cheek, was Cyrus.
The Avatar of Greed rushes forward quickly, a million thoughts racing through his mind as he embraced his son in a tight hug. He doesn’t even know where to start with his words, he was so relieved to see Cyrus safe and mostly unharmed as he pulled back to inspect him.
He’s mostly unchanged but his white hair had grown out a considerable length, tipped with black indicating that it had been dyed at some point and as expected he had grown- nearly as tall as his father now.
“What happened to you?” Mammon’s voice is soft, “Do ya know how worried we were? Where did you go?”
Cyrus couldn’t answer. Instead, he just wrapped his parents in a tight hug as he cried and cried. He just buried his face in their shoulders as they rubbed his back.
“Shhhh, it’s okay, Baby.” Arella said as she held back tears. “It’s okay. You’re home now. You’re safe now.”
Azalea just stood in the doorway as she watched her parents. She didn’t know what to think. It felt like her whole world was crashing down around her. Who was this person her parents were fussing over? When it finally clicked in her mind that she had an older brother- that she wasn’t her father’s heir- she sank to her knees. Great, she thought, yet another person to compete against for Mum and Dad’s love.
“Azalea?” Lucifer's voice called as he knelt next to her. “Are you alright?” He can tell something’s not right with the girl.
“I....” she turns her head, “I.... I don’t know. I... Why didn’t they tell us about him?”
“When you lose someone you love, sometimes it can be very hard to talk about them. Especially when you can’t accept that they were lost.” The Avatar of Pride stands his niece up, letting her hold onto him for support- for grounding. “Your parents have wanted to tell you for some time, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to. They didn’t mean to deceive you.”
Even with her uncle’s words, Azalea was still unsure. She just wants to escape right now, feeling like she was suffocating. “I... I think I’m gonna hang out in my room right now. I need some space.” With that she dashes up the stairs, an action not unnoticed by her parents.
“Azalea, can we talk?” Arella opens the door to her daughter’s room- the one that had once been her husband’s.
“Yeah,” The girl says softly as she thumbs through a book absentmindedly.
Arella takes a seat next to her daughter as she opens her arms for her, a little relieved when the half-demon takes the invitation, the book discarded to the side as she buried her face in her mother’s chest.
“Why didn’t you guys tell me that I wasn’t....”
“We weren’t sure how- at least with you, my little flower.” She runs her hands through her daughter’s hair. “We didn’t want you to think we were punishing you in the worst way possible...”
“So what happens next for me? What’s my purpose now?”
“I’m afraid that’s something you have to discover on your own. You’ll find it one day, but you’re free now from the weight that your father’s title brings. You can be whatever you want.”
“Do you and Dad still love me? Am I good enough...?”
“Of course we do. We will always love you, princess. You are enough for us so don’t worry, okay?” She presses a kiss to the top of Azalea’s head. “We’re heading home now, okay? It's time for dinner and we can’t leave your brothers waiting.”
Azalea nods as she rises from the couch and they head out to meet Mammon and Cyrus. As the four of them walk home, everything feels right once more. With Cyrus back, their family finally feels complete.
And so the story has a happy ending. I could possibly do another fic all bout how Azalea copes with not being Mammon’s successor anymore but I haven’t decided yet. I’m going to write a tumblr exclusive fic for Aurelius first instead of a comic before I do any of that though.
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nocturnalazure · 4 years
50 OC questions
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I’ve seen the tag a while ago on @eternal-infamy​‘s blog and thought I’d give it another go, this time for Erik Zay since his adult self has made his official entrance into the story now. :) Hopefully I won’t contradict myself this time!
01. How old is your sim? In the current arc, he’s about 23 years old. When you’ll see him again later, he’ll be around 30. (Ages are indicative because well, Sims...)
02. When is your sim’s birthday? Summer 3rd. 
03. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Cancer.
04. What is your sim’s ethnicity? Hispanic/Caucasian.
05. Does your sim have any nicknames? No.
06. Do they have a job? Officially Golzine henchman, but mostly Laurie’s right-hand man.
07. Where does your sim live? In an apartment he bought using the money his father left him. It’s in a bad neighborhood and he didn’t bother to restore the place, but it’s sufficient for his needs. He’s not often at home.
08. Who does your sim live with? No one. But he spends so much time at the Golzine mansion that he’s got his own bedroom. He also sees his mother once a week.
09. What environment did your sim grow up in? (strict, loving, cold etc.) Erik grew up in a difficult neighborhood. His father Seth was not an emotional or affectionate person. His eductional method usually consisted in roughing up his son but he loved him and showed it by trusting him to be independent and make his own decisions. Carmen can be as maternal as she is temperamental. She cooks in large portions: Erik will never go hungry with all the food he brings back every time he goes to his mom’s. She doesn’t like to see Erik hanging out with bad company and will make a scene if he’s late, but that’s only because she’s worried about him.
10. What are your sim’s favourite food? His mom’s enchiladas.
11. What is your sim’s favourite drink? Beer.
12. If they have one what is your sim’s favourite color? He doesn’t really have one, but his color scheme includes several shades of brown.
13. Does your sim believe in any clichés? (love at first sight) The number one cliché that he had to get rid of was his conviction since he was a kid that he was destined to be Delia’s husband. Cordelia is his neighbor and childhood friend, slightly older than him. He has always had a crush on her. 
14. What is your sim’s sexuality? Heterosexual. (sorry for the Laurik fans out there)
15. What is your sim’s gender identity? Male.
16. Is your sim type a or type b? Type b.
17. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
18. What is your sim’s favourite woohoo position? Missionary, but he’s not picky.
19. Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favourite animal? He never had any pet, and wouldn’t know how to care for one. If anything, he’d be more drawn to something with scales rather than something furry.
20. Does your sim have a best friend? It used to be Delia, but now Laurie has supplanted her somehow.
21. What is/was your sim’s favourite school subject? He hated school. Probably P.E. but he didn’t even like team sports.
22. Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? Low achiever. He’s a dropout.
23. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? Absolutely no chance in hell for both options.
24. What are your sim’s political beliefs? (if they have them) He doesn’t have any opinion other than there are too many cops around.
25. What is one thing your sim wants to do before they die? See 43.
26. Does your sim have a favourite movie? He’s a fan of Deadpool.
27. Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. He likes all the action superhero series like Luke Cage, Gotham or The Punisher.
28. Does your sim like books? No, he never reads.
29. Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favourite one and do they play on PC or console? He plays a lot of games like GTA, Call of Duty, that sort of stuff. And sport games too, like Fifa. He has both a crappy laptop and a console.
30. What is your sim’s personal style? His go-to outfit would be a leather jacket, ripped jeans, pointy boots, and one or several layers of tops.
31. Does your sim have a lucky charm? His father’s necklace.
32. Is your sim religious? Not really. He does very occasionally pray, but he’s not sure to whom.
33. What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favourite artist? He listens mostly to hard rock and heavy metal. Black Sabbath would be his fave.
34. Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favourite holiday? His mom loves celebrating holidays (because that means she can make even more food than usual), and Erik’s favorite is Día de los Muertos which he finds less gloomy than Halloween.
35. What is your sim’s favourite type of weather? Hot and sunny.
36. Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? He kind of makes a point of doing both. Generally at the same time.
37. Does your sim have a dream job? He never really cared for any standard profession. Joining the mob and working alongside his father has always been his dream.
38. Does your sim have any siblings? No, he's an only son.
39. Does your sim get along with their family? Yes, he does. He admired his father’s toughness and all the mystery surrounding him. He loves his mother dearly, and he treats Delia and her parents like family members.
40. What is your sim’s favourite hobby? Not that it’s really a hobby, and he’s not as good a mechanic as his father was, but he tries to take care of his motorcycle.
41. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? There’s only been Delia in his heart so far and he’s not looking for a relationship. He has no clue what kind of girl he would be attracted to.
42. What is a secret about your sim? Erik is a pretty transparent guy. He’s a poor liar and has a hard time not getting impatient when asked embarrassing questions. Besides the fact that he works for the mob and that he rarely changes his bed sheets... he doesn’t have any big secrets.
43. What is a wish your sim has? Cleansing his father’s honor.
44. What is a flaw your sim has? He’s hot-headed and very stubborn, even when he’s in the wrong. He also has a poor spelling.
45. How do others generally perceive your sim? Generally: a street-wise kid up to no good. But for those who know him, he’s a gem of a guy (if a bit rash).
46. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? Without him, the Golzine family line would have ended in one way or another. Isn’t that something?
47. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? His father’s untimely death.
48. Does your sim have a favourite emoji? 💩 Which he profusely uses to show his disapproval on just about anything. 
49. Does your sim use simstagram? Nope.
50. What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text) ?  “💩” sent as a reply to Laurie requesting him to “be there at 2am”.
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xiekeyin-lyrics · 4 years
[ENG TRANSLATION + Explanation] Shaking Chloe 谢可寅 rap lyrics for THE9 Sphinx
Written by: Shaking Translated by: xiekeyin-lyrics 
First Rap part
小老虎 跳个舞 (romanized: xiao lao hu, tiao ge wu) “Little tiger, dance” Since Keyin’s nickname is tiger, due to her name Yin is a old character referring to and representing tiger, so she’s somewhat hinting she’s the big tiger and calling the little tigers to dance. 
This is open for interpretation whether she’s saying: 1. Little tigers, let’s dance together! (aka let’s play! let’s have some fun!)  OR 2. Small tigers, dance for me (like a clown, entertain me with your dance.)
键盘声大 霹雳啪啦 从不在乎 (romanized: jian pan sheng da pi li pa la, cong bu zai hu) “the keyboard’s loud, blah blah, (i’m) never bothered.”  噼里啪啦 pi li pa la is the sound of keyboards frantically being typed on, but it can also be used when someone is rambling. the word for keyboard is 键盘. In chinese, there’s a term called 键盘侠 which means keyboard warriors - a term typically referring to people who hide behind their computers and keyboards, talking crap, spreading hate, brave with words behind their computers. Most typically this term keyboard warrior is associated with internet haters who thinks they are righteous and is brave with their cruel words. So this line basically’s like, the keyboards is loud (because many are typing furiously or someone is typing quickly and harshly), pi li pa la (imitating people rambling OR the constant ringing sounds from keyboards that typing causes), i’ve never cared or i’ve never been bothered by it. 
踏不灭 踏不灭 野兽野火 (romanized: ta bu mie, ta bu mie, ye shou ye huo) “Can’t stomp it out (x2) the beast’s wild fire.” 踏 means both stomp and step on, it means no matter how you step on / stomp on, the beast’s wild fire can’t be stomped out by you. 
The term for beast 野兽 translates to beast but in chinese, it’s a terminology referring to wild animals too. Considering Keyin’s nickname is Tiger (Shaking’s Yin is a chinese character representing Tiger, a wild animal), she’s basically saying stomps on her or stepping on her won’t diminish her wild fire (of passion)
灭 has a double meaning too. It’s usually a meaning of diminishing fires. But in another way, 灭口 is a term for killing someone, murdering someone, to silence someone through death. So this line can also mean that no matter how you stomp to kill, the beast and the fire won’t be killed / diminished. 
And the way she repeated 踏不灭 (stomping it out) twice actually delivers a vibe and impression to it. cause when people are frustrated, they tend to do things repeatedly? like if you stomp to kill something and it won’t die so you keep stomping on it a few more times? so it delivers an impression of expressing this kinda emotions from those who wanna stomp on her and her flames of passion. So this line is expressing, no matter how badly you stomp to kill / to diminish, keyin the wild beast and her flames of passion, the fire in her is never gonna die or die out. 未解的 飞跃的 你看不透我 (romanized: wei jie de, fei yue de, ni kan bu tou wo) “Those unsolved, those soaring, you can’t see through me” The ‘you can’t see through me’ basically means, keyin’s not an open book that you can easily predict. Rather than an invisibility concept, it’s more of a: you can’t see through what I have up my sleeves - i’m unpredictable, i’m unreadable, i’m mysterious and unphantomable.
Second Rap part:
Cuz I'm a queen  A simple lyric, but it’s an ongoing theme that keyin has had ever since she first started rapping. In her first self-written rap song - Shaking Non-Stop, she crowns herself the queen and this lyric shows us the amount of confidence and self-pride she still has predebut since 2018 till now.
This is a theme that resonates and comes back again in the final rap lyric of Sphinx later on.
You look at me 不屑的表情 WO  (romanized: you look at me, bu xie de biao qing woo!) “You look at me, a disdainful expression, wo!”
Oh My God 笑话 难关从没怕啦 怕啦  (romanized: omg, xiao hua, nan guan cong mei pai la pa la) “Oh my god, what a joke. Challenges? Never been afraid~” Personally I loved this line cause of how sassy it is. 
难关 can mean challenges or obstacles and it’s kinda a term you use for games obstacles or the toughest point of games that you have to go through in order to level up. 
But then she goes like, 从没怕啦怕啦 the first two characters means ‘never been’ and the way she raps 怕啦怕啦 is kinda a tone of cuteness and in a joking way kinda? it’s an attitude of a child going “hehehe its fine its fine it’s nothing!” kinda like brushing it off vibes too. So the attitude in this is like her being cute and saying, “obstacles? challenges? heheheh i’ve never ever been afraid~” and what makes it best is like, she’s implying the obstacles AS GAMEPLAY OBSTACLES AND SHE’S BRUSHING IT OFF nonchalantly while saying she has never been afraid ooo i love you keyin 
HOWEVER! Because of the lack of punctuations, the way she raps the 难关从没怕啦 怕啦 can once again mean something else if you frame it differently. If you separate 从没怕啦 怕啦 and add in a question mark at the end, it can mean i’ve never been afraid of obstacles, are YOU afraid (of me) now? (it’s just asking are you already afraid / are you now afraid? in general. but to me it’s hinting a vibe of asking those who looked at her disdainfully, are you afraid of me now? seeing my attitude?) 
this part all depends on how she wanna delivers it LOL i’m not sure how she wrote it to be cause 难关从没怕啦! 怕啦? and 难关从没怕啦怕啦 means two different things :’) and i guess we’ll only know which does she mean when we look at her perform
Final Rap line
万箭齐发 看我的眼神杀 (romanized: wan jian qi fa, kan wo de yan shen sha) the first four words literally translates to “tens of thousands of arrows being shot collectively”. the last six words means, “look at my killing / electrifying gaze.”
Since the arrows are being shot - notice the direction of the arrows aren’t mentioned.
Therefore, there are two ways to interprete this :  1. She’s the general. Commanding her army, leading and welcoming the battle with w her charismatic gaze / gaze that shows that she is out to kill.
This is an aura and vibe of a general / a warrior. Considering earlier, keyin raps “Cause i’m a queen”, and these two lines together is SO precious because it’s a theme she started with when she first started rapping - Check out her solo performance two years ago “Shaking Non-Stop”(linked), her first rap piece that she wrote. In Shaking Non-Stop, Keyin refers to herself as the queen with lyrics like “Welcome to my kingdom, it’s shaking so dope!” and in the chorus and most of the song she implies she is the general, the soldiers all ready, waiting for her signal to charge forth full-force. 
Now in Sphinx, it feels like her theme has not changed, she grew but she kept her confidence and self-pride that she’s still a queen, she’s still a brave, smart, righteous general. The 10 words here is like a signal commanding soldiers to shoot (btw if we watch chinese historical war dramas, at the beginning of a war, the defending army would stand guard the city tall walls and begin collectively shooting when the general signals to, and when the war begins and the offensive army comes.) and her killing gaze is typically the attitude of a general ready to fight. 
2. Keyin is describing the tens of thousands of arrows being shot at her. She is still welcoming, fronting the battle with her charismatic, killing gaze. 
In this way of interpretation, Keyin’s no longer the general. Rather, she is fighting the battle alone. But she is still fearless, still out to kill those who collectively shot arrows at her - still ready to front those who gangs up against her by attacking her collectively.
Interpretation 2′s arrows would symbolise the hate and attacks towards her over the years, how haters would gang up to attack her collectively, targetting her. 
note: the italics parts in romanized are the rhymes that shaking used for her rap, which is tbh throughout all her parts that she wrote.
I’ve posted this on one of the translation videos (link) for everyone to better understand the lyrical genius shaking LOL.
Keyin’s parts may be short but she has always put in lots of effort to write smart, good lyrics and i do think it’s so important to understand her lyrics as international fans :)
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obsidianruneblog · 4 years
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Crisis 2: Transition
Principle 2 : Low energy is displayed in sickness of the body. - A. Fischer
“Wait so…”  Veritas paused, I could tell this was becoming too much for him. But he couldn't help taking it in. The wisdom. His questions and expressions are the same as all the others when they first began the text. It’s been two hours and he is already fixated within the Lore.  Maybe I should stop him. “Grandmother, this rule here states-” I peered over the text,
“Why don’t you take a break for today... ”  It’s a lot. I don’t want him to become overwhelmed. I looked over at Zay who nodded and took over.
“Hey how about we go to the pike? You are old enough now and we can tell you about your parents along the way.” Zay asked as my grandson nodded his eyes still fixated on the text. I closed the book swiftly seemingly freeing his soul from the book.
“Y-Yeah… I think that’s a good idea.” He rose and went for his jacket on the sofa. Jade handed it to him and led him to the door as Zay went to join them. Vera remained in the corner of the room watching everyone as she normally did. Misplaced.
“V, Are you coming?” Jade asked as they guided my grandson outside.
“I’ll catch up… I need a moment” She replied coldly. Jade turned and looked at me once again with concern. She is sweet, always trying to avoid conflict.
“Go on, I am sure she has much to discuss with me before I die of old age. Keep an eye on all of them during your journey.” I said with a wink. Jade smiled and nodded as she proceeded out the door but not before running back and grabbing her suitcase. She rushed out following both Zay and my grandson. I waited until she closed the door completely and took a deep breath. “Go on…” I said as V walked over to the table and sat. I could see the red growing in her face. I pulled out my chair and sat across from her.
“You have no problem shoving this book in his face, throwing him into the Lore after what happened to me.” she paused looking upwards trying to regain control of her emotions. “This book is all that mattered to you, you never cared about it and what it has done to us… to me.”
“How many times have I told you, it isn’t your fault. You all need to learn how to control the abilities that you have been born with. My grandson is no different. He began showing even earlier than you hav-”
“Just like you to try and justify it and completely pin this all on me.”
“I am not pinning anything on you V. But this anger that you hav-”
“The anger that I have is the results of you and that damn book of yours.  You always do this, you always just redirect and pretend and focus on what you want. You don’t even see what is happening with everyone around you. This meeting today wasn’t about Veritas turning sixteen, it was about you having all the spades together while you add another powerful being to your collection like we are all your propert-”
“You are my family.” I said rising up and rushing myself across the room to the bookshelf. I grabbed the  gold wrapped box and brought it to her. “Here I made this for you myself. For your first publicati-”
“No. You don’t get to try and be my family now after abandoning me. Forcing me to figure all of this shit out for myself while you and your mages write in that damned book.” she got up and pushed the book down to the ground along with the various other glasses and plates  on the table. I need to tell her. I need to just be honest and tell her the truth. I wanted to be there but I couldn’t be. Why the Lore is so important. Just tell her.
“V...” it was all I was able to make out as she stopped at the door, her wrist on the doorknob. “All I have ever wanted was a world where all of you achieve your dreams. Where all of you could live full lives better than the ones I had. I am here now, I am trying now.” These words were the best I had. But they were true. She didn’t turn but I could hear the sniffles and tears coming down her face, along with her wiping them on her hoodie. She proceeded to open the door anyway and in the doorway stood the only person who could get past the flames of her rage.
“RuiMel…” She said shocked as he stood before her.
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onwardintolight · 5 years
Canon Catchup
With TROS coming out soon, I’ve been doing a lot of catchup on canon material that I’ve missed, particularly that which I think will be most relevant either for the movie or for Resistance Reborn (which I finished yesterday and will talk more about below). I will avoid major spoilers, as excited as I may be about some of them, haha, but I wanted to write out a few of my thoughts here while they’re fairly fresh.
A Crash of Fate by Zoraida Córdova and Galaxy’s Edge by Delilah Dawson—these don’t seem quite as relevant to TROS, but I read these two Galaxy’s Edge tie-in novels a few months ago and I thought I’d say a few words. I REALLY enjoyed the A Crash of Fate; it was such a lovely, heartwrenchingly beautiful story that reminded me a little of Lost Stars in the way that it focused in on a friendship/romance between two people who wouldn’t ever be main characters in the movies. The story was told primarily over the span of a single day, and wow did I not expect my heart to be pulled in so many different directions. Definitely one I will read again and again. 
I’m not sure I’ll do the same with Galaxy’s Edge. It was a super fun read, with some great, Indiana Jones-like action sequences, and I’d recommend giving it a go especially if you’re planning on ever going to Galaxy’s Edge—but it also had a few seriously problematic elements that I just couldn’t overlook. For one, NO WAY is Leia going to force Vi to work closely with someone who tortured her, and speaking of torture, many black people have already commented on the problematic nature of the excessive violence Vi undergoes in this book.
TFA and TLJ Junior Novelizations by Michael Kogge—I wanted to get a refresher on these stories, and since I’d never read the junior versions, I decided to give them a try. Overall I enjoyed these quite a bit. The TFA one was way better imho than the adult novelization by Alan Dean Foster, and both had some really meaningful character moments. There was one Leia scene at the end of the TFA one that brought me to tears.
Aftermath: Life Debt and Aftermath: Empire’s End by Chuck Wendig—I’d originally read the Aftermath trilogy as each book was released, but with everything I was hearing about Resistance Reborn, AND with the return of Palpatine in TROS and the promise of finally figuring out what’s been going on in the Unknown Regions, I thought it was a perfect time to revisit it. I skipped the first one (my least favorite of the three, and also my copy is in a box somewhere from when we moved last and the library’s audiobook copies were checked out) and read a synopsis instead to refresh my memory, then dived straight into Life Debt. Both of these books were as good or better than I remember them. I enjoyed them the first time, but I enjoyed them even better this time around. I feel like they’ve gained even more significance now. My HanLeia shippy heart is happy with some of their scenes, and also I rediscovered that I absolutely adore and would probably die for Norra, Wedge, Jas, Sinjir, Temmin, and crew.
Spark of the Resistance by Justina Ireland—this was a super cute but ultimately rather forgettable junior novel. The best part about it was seeing Rey, Poe, and Rose interacting. I may revisit it sometime after TROS and see if my unexpectedly skyrocketing feels for these characters (see below) makes it better.
The Poe Dameron comic run—I’d previously read the first trade (Black Squadron), the third (Legend Lost), and maybe a tiny bit of the second (The Gathering Storm), and aside from a really poignant bit in Legend Lost I just didn’t find myself very invested. This time around, however, flipped that on its head. Trades 4 and 5 (Legend Found and The Spark and the Fire) completely did me in, and without warning, I found myself 100% invested in Black Squadron. Poe, Jess, Snap, Karé, Suralinda, and L’ulo have officially joined the Aftermath crew in my list of characters I would die for. I just want all my babies to be okay! There were numerous moments in those last two trades (including the AMAZING Annual #2, a must-read for HanLeia new canon fans) which made me cry. I’m not even joking. So good. Well done, Charles Soule.
Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse—Buckle up because I have a lot to say! I HIGHLY recommend reading the Aftermath trilogy, Bloodline, the Poe Dameron comics, and watching the Battlefront II campaign (which I talked about in another post) before reading this because HOLY MOLY. You won’t be lost if you don’t, but it will mean so much more to you if you do. Speaking of crying, I literally lost count of the moments that brought me to tears, and so many were significant because of how all the stories I mentioned and more have been so beautifully interconnected in this one. Wedge and Norra, Zay and Shriv, and so many others—each was given their due and it was amazing. One character’s surprise appearance had me practically on my knees with joy and heartbreak all at once, and I would say more but I’m really trying to keep that promise not spoil you, haha. 
If the Poe Dameron comic weren’t enough to win me over, this book has officially cemented Poe as one of my favorite sequel trilogy characters. Tbh, I’ve had trouble feeling much of a deep connection with any of the sequel trilogy leads—I love them, sure, but not like Leia, Han and Luke, the trio I grew up with. I’ve wanted to love them more, I’ve wanted to be more invested in them, but it just hasn’t happened. I’m really glad I read this book before TROS, because I think this has changed that. I was definitely getting a few OT golden trio vibes with Rey, Finn, and of course, my Boi™ Poe—except they’re completely their own characters, and I’m really starting to love them for who they are.
Overall, I absolutely loved this book, it felt really meaningful, and I can’t wait to read it again. 
That being said, when I finished it yesterday I felt a little bit disappointed, like it tasted a little bit bittersweet. I’m still trying to figure out why that is, but I think it may be down to three things: 
1) Though there were a number of fantastic character reveals, there were some obvious people absent and I can’t help but wonder where they are. I hope they’re not dead. I hope TROS includes some of these characters, too. I hope we get the rest of their stories either way.
2) The book is way too short. Especially on the heels of the Aftermath trilogy, this feels like only the first act of at least three. The ending comes way too soon, just after it really seems to get going. This I don’t blame the author or the publishers for at all; they are very limited, after all, in what they can portray leading up to TROS. But it really left me longing for more. This book had such a wonderful focus on character, but in the end, I wanted to see the character arcs get even more resolved than they do here... but I guess they really couldn’t be, and that’s what TROS is for. I just hope the movie does it well! I need all these people to be okay <3
3) It doesn’t shy away from grief, struggle, and the mental cost of war. Honestly, that’s part of why I love it so much, but I think that’s also part of why it left me feeling a little melancholy. The Resistance is in such a seemingly hopeless place, and while things do get better over the course of the book, there’s still such a terribly long way to go.The First Order rains merciless terror on anyone or any planet who gives even the slightest hint of opposing them or of aiding the Resistance. The whole galaxy is afraid. Poe struggles deeply with guilt and with how to make up for the horrible mistakes he made in TLJ (this is not brushed off in the slightest, not by the book or by the characters in it, and I appreciate that). Rey is confused and still unsure of her place in things. Characters are faced with the fact that they will almost certainly die because of their choice to join the Resistance, and it’s heavy. And Leia. Oh, Leia. I am deeply grateful to Roanhorse for her very realistic portrayal of Leia as someone who has lost so incredibly much (most recently her husband and brother), most definitely has PTSD, and probably is dealing with a bit of depression. Leia is weary. Leia struggles to keep stepping forward, struggles to figure out the next step for those she leads. Leia struggles to keep hoping. The battle between hope and despair in the face of terrible loss and terrible odds is very much felt in this book. But as ever with Leia, hope always wins in the end. By the end of the book, you can still feel the struggle, but hope wins. 
I think that because I personally relate so much to Leia, reading some of that was hard. Not because I feel like it’s contrary to who Leia is, but because I resonate with it so much and because it reminds me in a particularly strong way of some of the struggles I’ve dealt with that I’d like to forget. It’s no wonder that my heart felt heavy after I closed the book. But along with that, I also see how Leia perseveres, how she’s finally gotten to a place where she lets herself rely on and be comforted by others, and how she accomplishes the seemingly impossible just because she damned well refuses to give in to despair, no matter how tempting it may be. It reminds me that I, too, can accomplish incredible things despite all my struggles, despite the odds stacked against me.
Anyway, I highly recommend this book. Resistance Reborn hasn’t quite come up to the level of Bloodline or LPOA in my personal ranking, but with future rereads, it very well might someday. 
This book—along with all of this reading—has put me even more on the edge of my seat for TROS than I was before, if that’s possible. I desperately want it to be the best ending possible for the Skywalker Saga and for all these characters who’ve become so beloved to me. I’m trying to temper my expectation—TFA still isn’t especially my jam, after all, and while overall I’m a fan of the ST (the TROS trailers made me cry, for goodness sakes), I have a somewhat complicated relationship with it in general—but goddammit, I’m hoping anyway. There’s so much beautiful setup in the new canon EU, such a deliberate focus on character, and so many hints that this might reach through the whole saga and bring together something bigger than we can imagine. 
I’m hoping anyway.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
S1 Rewatch - Maggie’s Take [ 1.08 ]
oh yeah so things really... so things might’ve made points here it seems. worm?
Favorite scene
Many good contenders... I feel this episode moves faster than one would think?? Like it all was a blur in my memory but then looking back on it I’m like... oh dang! I think that the Dasher & Lucas scene makes strong points, but... ultimately... I have to give it to Riley & Lucas in the booth together for her lighting exercise. I’m honestly surprised I’m not going with the waltz lesson, but like, the Romance of the lighting booth scene really hit me hard this time around. The shot of his hands over hers on the sliders... when they realize they’re standing so close, and Riley just launches into an explanation about why she thinks he likes the booth in this soft murmur because there’s so much about the situation that’s delicate and speaking too loudly might just disrupt the fragile state of it all... her literally reading him like an open book as she explains his entire mentality in metaphor of how beautiful but removed it is to be in the booth where you can see everything but stay safely isolated, the way he is GAZING AT HER AND THEN SWALLOWS........ LIKE SIR. MA’AM. THEY LITERALLY CAN’t BREATHE Y’ALL, THEY CAN’T BR E A T H E!!!!!!!! THEYRE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!
Favorite performance
There literally is no other answer to give than “Dancing Queen.” That’s one of the best numbers in the series. Y’all catch when Dyl and Asher blew kisses to Riley??? That’s mighty angelic of them!! But since we know this is the most iconic, I’d like to throw an honorable mention to a) “9 to 5″ because that fucking BOPS and Katy Hart snaps!! and b) “Lean On Me,” as that’s one of the only moments where the class truly feels united. And if I could gif this show, Dylucasher with their arms around each other during this number would be in every single gifset of them I ever made. Thanks!
Favorite character (within context of the episode)
Dare I continue to be a stan... dare I say Lucas James Friar again? This is a pretty good development episode for him, and I think the way that he responds not to threat of punishment by authority but rather by the concern or judgment of his friends says so much about him as a character. This is the episode where we realize that yes, Lucas is a troublemaker and a bit of a dick and a sarcastic cynic, but he does genuinely care about what he’s deemed worth caring about. It says a lot that his response to Dasher’s “treason” is to take their criticism to heart and actually consider it rather than be angry with them. Also, love that that bitch has juice boxes in the booth FJDSKGJDLKGJD LIKE HAHAHAHA. But relatable.
Favorite line(s)
“This school is bananas.” –Charlie Gardner
“I’m sorry, when did we promote you to speaking level?” –Maya Hart to Charlie Gardner
“It took some research, and some conferring with online sources, not to mention a lengthy thread of rather persuasive emails --” –Jack Hunter
“Brain surgery would hurt less.” –Farkle Minkus
“Oh, don’t look at me like that. He’s onto us! He knows! Look, you can see it on his beautiful, withholding face!” –Asher Garcia
An underrated moment
This isn’t underrated, I’m just a stan, but love me the scene where Zay and Riley are trying to figure out Lucas’s costume for the techie number and he just won’t give Zay anything to work with kjhgjkdfdh. But he will, however, let Riley take his measurements and follow her directions and allow her to touch his shoulders and torso and arms and... yeah. Interesting, interesting............
First impression vs your reread impression
This episode has always been fun and has a lot of fun elements to it, and even from inception we knew “Dancing Queen” was going to be iconic. But I don’t think I give this episode enough credit upon reflection of the full season. I was surprised by how genuinely fun it was sandwiched between the theatrics of 107 and the admittedly heavy tension of 109 (whew... Friday!) So my reread made me more appreciative of it overall I think. Also we love a ZC set up... they did outsell! Romance won this episode!
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odanurr87 · 6 years
Watching Voltron Season 7
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This summarizes my feelings on the season quite nicely.
I’m trying something different this time around. Instead of reviewing the season as a whole -something I might do later anyway- I decided to provide written commentary on each and every episode as I watched it. The quality of the comments will vary and you probably shouldn’t take them all too seriously (especially if you really liked this season). If it looks like I’m giving Season 7 a hard time, it’s probably because I am, but know it comes from a place of love (maybe). Having said that, I have to warn you that: a) I’ve not provided context for all of my comments, you’ll just have to figure out what I’m talking about at times (fairly easy, particularly if you’re watching the episode at the same time); and b) there are lots and lots of spoilers!
So, sit back, relax, and let’s watch Season 7 of Voltron: Legendary Defender, shall we?
Episode 1: A Little Adventure
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Keith and Shiro’s story should’ve been shown earlier than S7. It might’ve helped me like Keith a little more. It’s a great flashback, but it feels a little rushed.
The humor is not really funny and it doesn’t gel well with the more solemn story of Shiro lying in a coma fighting for his life.
Pidge decides to check his comms at a completely random moment.
Okay, the “literal bait” bit was funny.
Episode 2: The Road Home
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They let Lance decide passenger arrangements?
The passsenger arrangements was a funny bit. Thankfully, it didn’t overstay its welcome.
Did everyone have to explore the Blade facility? Nobody thought of staying with the lions just in case?
“We’re under attack.” Read above.
The wolf is deciding the arrangements now. I’m okay with that.
You can’t defeat a few fighters without forming Voltron? Wouldn’t that be more energy-taxing than firing lasers?
“We run.” Why didn’t you do that in the first place?!
Hunk. My man!
Episode 3: The Way Forward
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Why are we back to goofy Lance?
“We’re destined for greatness.” Yeah, right. Wouldn’t be surprised if one of you kicks the bucket before the end of the episode.
Baddie is terrible at interrogation. Your prisoners have just answered your question.
Coran’s antics are not funny.
Bayards can teleport, huh? Would’ve been nice to use that trick in the cell.
Yup, they’re dead.
Eh, three-year time lapse. No biggie.
Episode 4: The Feud!
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This isn’t funny or interesting, just boring. Sorry, I’m skipping this one.
Okay, that closing music is the best thing of this episode. Of course, bear in mind I skipped to the ending.
Episode 5: The Ruins
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Seinfeld? Why are we wasting time like this?
Remember what happened the last time we deviated from our voyage?
Hunk gets it.
Yes, abandon the lions… again.
That reveal was way too fast. The guy’s story was more interesting than this.
Isn’t Lance supposed to have a broadsword?
So you had the Voltron team escape the force field so they’d be incapacitated by Macidus... again. What was the point?
I was kinda hoping Keith would say, “It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
Episode 6: The Journey Within
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I’m still not sure how going to Earth is gonna help them replace the Castle of Lions.
Their Paladin armour protected them but the lions are frozen? I’m thinking too much.
Hunk’s already softening the blow for the Paladins getting replaced?
Well, this is riveting stuff. And I’d still have this episode over all the previous ones.
I doubt people would react this way but who knows. Keith is back to being an asshole. Just as I was warming up to him.
Well, I guess we couldn’t have an episode without something trying to kill the Paladins.
That speech feels a little out of place now, Keith. Just a tiny bit.
Guess they have energy now?
New configuration. I dig it.
And about damn time too.
I was expecting more from an episode with this title.
Episodes 7 & 8: The Last Stand, Parts 1 & 2
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Okay, I may be nitpicking, but couldn’t we have left the flashback for the reunion?
Sanda seems reasonable, for now anyway.
This episode is picking up the slack from the previous ones. Nice.
It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.
Okay, if I were a guy at this briefing, I’d have a hard time believing any of this.
I see good points on both sides here. Compromise: why not inform a few governments and start from there, similarly to what they did on Stargate SG-1. Broadcasting this to the whole wide world without a plan seems terribly irresponsible.
Voltron’s own Area 51. Cool!
Are these guys going to be the new Paladins? I sure hope not.
In all this time you didn’t even contact a single government? Are there even governments in this world? It’s not about emotion, it’s about resources, dammit!
If getting kicked out of the garrison was your biggest concern, I say go for it.
“The cat’s out of the bag now.” My thoughts exactly.
Whoa, I guess it’s true what they say, everyone wants to rule the world.
I’m pretty sure what you wanted to say was that there are mass riots and widespread panic out there, right?
I’m sure glad everyone else in the world has that nice and shiny particle barrier.
Oops, guess they didn’t.
Why the f*** is Sanda so stubborn?! We tried it your way and everyone died. Surely we can’t do any worse than that?
Every other place that didn’t have your shiny new tech got wasted, no kidding.
Sam really wants to rule the world, doesn’t he?
Yes, he does, he’s just gonna wait for the lions to show up. Doesn’t take a genius.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but, so far, the best episode of this season hasn’t featured the Paladins or Voltron.
Meet Veronica, the new Black Paladin.
Why reveal your presence like that?
Query. They designed weapons that are effective against Galra ships but not against Galra troops? Seems like an oversight.
Don’t worry, they’re not about to kill a badass character off like that.
Told you so.
Okay, I’m slightly more willing to read about what happened on Earth while the Paladins were away in comic book form. Slightly.
Oh, Lance’s sister. Hot.
I’m not sure that… Well, what do you know, it worked.
The next episode, Keith, the next episode.
Episode 9: Know Your Enemy
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How exactly are you blocking- You know what? Forget it.
And that’s how the Paladins were killed! Kidding.
Introducing New Keith 1.0.
That door seems like a weak point.
Confirmed: Pidge can fly.
New Keith 1.0 is jealous of Keith 2.0. The plot thickens.
I had completely forgotten about Adam. Way to go killing him off like that. Couldn’t you have featured him in a couple more episodes at least? As it stands, he was entirely superfluous.
New Keith 1.0 is even more of an asshole than Keith 1.0. Someone punch him for me, please.
Sanda has been unusually quiet. I don’t like that.
Space Battleship Yama- I mean, Atlas!
Seriously, handing over the lions at this point would be dumb beyond measure. It merely leaves you at the mercy of the Galra who’ll backstab you at the earliest opportunity. Why are we even discussing this? Are we really going to make Sanda a baddie now?
“We need intelligence and we just don’t have it.” She’s absolutely right, just not in the way she thinks.
What was that? New Keith 1.0 went from being a jerk to a more or less decent guy in less than an episode? What’s going on here?
Hunk couldn’t rescue his parents. I’m surprised this show was that bold.
Episode 10: Heart of the Lion
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I don’t understand any of what just went down. So an Earth power source makes an Earth prosthetic go berserk but an Altean one won’t? Are there evil power sources in this universe now?
Also, that arm’s missing a half. Just saying.
Admiral Sanda’s back to her senses. Good.
Yes, call your brother an idiot for showing concern. That’ll show him!
A tiny nitpick: why not use the wolf to teleport around?
Confirmed: New Keith 1.0 is no longer a jerk.
Allurance moment. I ship it.
That scene with Pidge and Keith.
Damn, Sanda’s all about the problems, isn’t she? How about a solution every once in a while?
How did they do that again?
It’s a bit of a gamble but it’s better than sitting around and doing nothing.
That Tenzin moment!
Lance 1.0 would’ve boasted about it. Just saying.
Um, why is Red not responding?
Great visuals, great music, great scene.
Drama! To be continued… or maybe not.
Those troops are terrible shots.
Cut it with your sword, cut it with your sword!
Or that works too. Were we holding back Red just for the sake of drama?
That was… awfully fast of the Galra.
Oh, no, don’t you tell me that... For f***’s sake, that was idiotic! You’re helping the guy who has built planet killers instead of the people trying to take them down?!
No formation sequence and music? This doesn’t bode well.
Can energy beams be bended like- Ah, forget it.
Personally, I would’ve cut off the episode at the blast, maybe even the season. Kills all suspense otherwise.
Episode 11: Trial by Fire
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This marks the second time the lions get captured this season.
“We made a deal!” Famous last words. My eyes are rolling.
The bad guys are leaving. I wonder why? #sarcasm
The main villain lied to you? No way! This must be a mistake! Also #sarcasm
To kill everyone I presume.
We only now remember we have a crystal than can act as a power source?
Um, why is everyone looking at Shiro like that? Just roll with it.
Now, if the Atlas were destroyed right now, that would be funny! I have a wicked sense of humor.
“Take them out.” A little late for that.
Ah, the redeeming arc begins! I foresee someone dying.
The ship “gained abilities”? I’m just gonna say it: magic.
Just kill her. I mean, she’s gonna die anyway. It’s that kind of arc.
Told you so.
Episodes 12 & 13: Lions’ Pride, Parts 1 & 2
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Voltron formation music is back but with less punch.
Voltron’s finally kicking ass!
Why are we surprised that Sendak is going to destroy Earth?
I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s a (relatively) stationary cannon, and they probably don’t have enough mirrors up in space to track all of Voltron’s movements. Voltron shouldn’t have any problem dodging those blasts.
So Sendak’s willing to destroy his own ships to get Voltron? I’m game! Let’s rush from cruiser to cruiser! At least they’ll provide temporary cover.
They’re letting the Paladins move around the mirrors untouched?
Why not reflect the beams back at the cannons? Just a thought.
“Commander, they’re deflecting the beams.” Um, send someone to take the lions out? It’s not like you’re short on ships.
Why not simply blow up the crystal? You did bring explosives with you, didn’t you?
“Victory or death.” Why not simply transfer command to another ship?
I’m just going to pretend I didn’t see you on the hull of that ship, Shiro.
That was a surprisingly smooth landing, all things considered.
Death it is.
Another Allurance moment.
Okay, why is this Part 1 again? Looks like everything was rounded up nicely.
Looks like I spoke too soon.
You’re overdoing it.
Ah, for the love of... Another mega-robot?!
I’m with Allura, this season should’ve ended in the previous episode or at episode 10.
I don’t know what the Komar is. I skimmed through previous seasons.
What happened to “we can recharge Voltron ourselves”?
Really? Somehow this robot is more powerful than anything we’ve ever seen? My eyes are rolling again.
Magic returns to save the day.
You’ve got to be kidding me, you built a ship that can somehow turn into a giant robot and you didn’t know?!
Okay, no, stop, this is beyond ridiculous now.
Weren’t there civilians around?
I seem to recall saying you were overdoing it. We’re way past that point now.
Why not return to Earth as soon as you’ve pushed that thing into space? I forgot, drama.
If they die, I’ll take everything back.
Lions still there so they didn’t.
Nice speech. Not feeling it though.
I’m saying it right now, Season 8 should jump forward in time several years.
Acxa! I had forgotten all about you. Seriously, when did we drop you?
Lotor’s been a very naughty boy. So much for time skip. It really was the way to go after this season.
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kannuckthewolf · 7 years
My personal thoughts on The Last Jedi
Here’s a list:
• Poe’s actions in the beginning were a product from his known knowledge of the layout of that dreadnought thanks to Zay Meeko from Star Wars Battlefront 2 DLC The Last Jedi. Should he have done it? Probably not. Did the cost of all those lives make his actions look reckless? Definitely yes. Was it still worth it? Yes and no, because the dreadnought was taken out, making it a great victory for the Resistance/Rebellion and the cost of life was massive. Which makes me wonder, what happened to B-Wings and Y-Wings? They still had X-Wings and A-Wings. If my memory serves me well, Y-Wings were bomber ships. What happened to them? Were they decommissioned or something?
• So if Luke went to Ahch-To do die, why would he leave two pieces of map that could help someone locate him? Was it specifically for only Leia so that when he died, Leia would bury or burn his body? That needs to be answered somehow because if he didn’t want to be found, then why would he make a map to FIND him?
• Why didn’t Luke ask Rey how she acquired his father’s lightsaber? Furthermore, how did Maz Kanata acquire that lightsaber? Last time we saw it, it went falling down a supposedly endless way on Cloud City in Bespin.
• The whole thing with Leia flying through space was... interesting. I mean, it was hinted heavily in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi as well as the canon books she has Force abilities. Just... did it have to look Mary Poppins-like when she floated back to the cruiser? And how did, when that door open, did no one get sucked out into space?
• Vice Admiral Holdo. She was in Claudia Gray’s Leia, Princess of Alderaan book. So I knew who she was, but why wouldn’t she tell Poe her plan? Like the whole plan? Also she didn’t act like she did in the book. She had a weird speech pattern, not like Yoda. She looked like Holdo, but didn’t speak like her character.
• Which leads to wonder where were the Star Wars Loremasters in this? Where was Pablo Hidalgo? He does the visual dictionaries for the new movies. Why didn’t Rian Johnson ask him any of this was aligned with known Star Wars lore?
• Luke’s character. I mean, okay. Luke can change as a character. That’s fine. But the fact that Mark Hamill told Rian Johnson said that this Luke Skywalker wasn’t THE Luke Skywalker, I feel like Rian Johnson should’ve went back to the drawing board. Luke thinking killing Ben Solo, his own nephew, the son of his twin sister and his best friend, was a good idea just was not... Luke Skywalker. Remember, Luke Skywalker redeemed his father, Darth Vader, who everyone in the galaxy thought was irredeemable. Why not sit down and talk to Ben? Why not have an intervention for Ben?
• Also, his reason for his isolation was kind of a let down. Like, your nephew goes to the Dark Side so your response is to give up, cut yourself off from the Force, and run away?! Like what?! I thought the reason was to be more believable than that. Like, his wife (Mara Jade in my mind because she will always be canon to me) was killed by Ben Solo/Kylo Ren and maybe his child (boy or girl doesn’t matter) became hellbent on killing Kylo Ren so they went AWOL then Luke felt so guilty and shit that he lost all hope because not only had he let his nephew, sister, and best friend down, but his wife had been killed by said nephew and his child is going down the path of the Dark Side. You know, a little more emotional impact.
• The whole Canto Bight subplot. Why? We didn’t need that. I get the purpose for it, but it felt to Earth-like, too much Las Vegas/Atlantic City-esque. Also, Maz Kanata was playing a video game during that holo-chat with Poe, Finn, and Rose. You can’t tell me otherwise. Union dispute my ass.
• Vice Admiral Holdo’s scarifice was great with the hyperspace jump into the Supremacy and the Star Destroyers behind it. Just, it would have been more emotional impactful if it was Admiral Ackbar.
• Then again, this was Carrie Fisher’s last movie (Rest in Peace Carrie, you’ll always be my space princess and general). Why not kill Leia and have Holdo take Leia’s position in the Reistance/Rebellion?There were two emotional ways they could’ve done it. Instead, she lives at the end. They’re going to have to kill her off-screen and maybe give her a funeral scene in the next movie. Or just kill in a book or comic and have her funeral in said book or comic which would feel cheap in my opinion.
• Why kill Luke? I get Leia was supposed to have a big role in the sequel trilogy, but just switch her role with Holdo and have Luke die in the next movie. His death scene in this movie did bring tears into my eyes because of the binary sunset theme, reminding us of A New Hope.
• For people who gave The Force Awakens shit for having similarities to A New Hope, there were parallel scenes in this movie with Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. You can’t ignore that.
• Rey’s parents being no one. I’m okay with that. Remember, Anakin was a slave on Tatooine. He came from nothing. Hell, when we first met Luke, he was basically nothing to. While we did learn his father was a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars, we didn’t see him as an heir to some great bloodline. He was a farm boy who finds out he has the Force. Rey is the same. Some junker girl who finds out she has the Force. Though, I’ll admit, it would’ve been nice if we got a training montage with Luke and Rey. He promised her three lessons and really only gave her one. The second lesson was just talking.
• Ben Solo/Kylo Ren’s personality seemed to switch back and forth between “I’m conflicted” and “I’m a monster and I’m okay with that”. Maybe that constant switching of personality was to show how conflicted he was, but... it was kind of jarring.
• Finn and Rose’s relationship came out of nowhere in my opinion. Rose, I like. Their relationship, not so much. Even Finn seemed surprised and confused when she kissed him.
• I feel like if Finn died in the way that he was about in this movie, I would feel like his arc is complete. He defected from the First Order, simply wanted to run away, then he met people that made him want to stay and fight for something beyond himself. He would’ve died a hero’s death in a heroic way. He would be remembered for this great heroic moment for all time. Instead, Rose crashes into his ship, “saving” him by dooming what remains of the Resistance/Rebellion.
• Luke’s astral projection fight with Kylo was pretty cool. Like, a part of you knew that wasn’t really Luke because he looked younger than he really was. But it was cool to see basically taunt Kylo, baiting him so that everyone could escape.
• The Luke and Leia scene felt more like a send-off to Carrie Fisher. “No ones ever really gone” (or something to that affect). Carrie Fisher will always be with us.
• Snoke dying the way he did wasn’t satisfying to me. Yes, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren killing was great. It was like that scene in Return of The Jedi where Vader’s watching the Emperor cackling as he electrocutes the crap out of Luke and Vader’s like “fuck this, I’m going to save my son” and picks up the Emperor and tosses down a long shaft. That was satisfying. Yes, people cheered at my first screening of the movie (the second time no one seemed to care). But then, after Rey and Kylo fight those red guards, Kylo’s like “I’m going to rule the galaxy and Rey, you should totally join me” and she’s like “Dude, what are you doing? Don’t do this” then the fight over Anakin’s lightsaber which is split in two. Seriously, you have Kylo kill Snoke and making it seem like he’s going to turn back to the Light then it’s all just kidding lol. Then, you don’t have the balls to make Rey go evil because you need that Jedi/Sith battle in your next movie.
• That brings me to this point. People say this movie takes risk. I’d argue it really doesn’t. Yes, they changed Luke’s character drastically. But they swing back and forth. Poe and Holdo’s tensions could have been avoidable if she just told him her plan, instead they make seem like she’s shady as all hell and Poe decides to mutiny for logical reasons until we finally know the whole plan and Poe is now all for the plan. Rey and Ben/Kylo’s Force Bond talks were great, but they didn’t really change either of their characters (though Reylo fans will tell you they’re totally canon now even though she rejects him after their fight on the Supremacy). They could’ve killed Leia and they almost did until they brought her back to life. Luke was against fighting the First Order because he wasn’t just going to walk out in front of the entire First Order with a “laser sword” and fight them even though that’s exactly what he does at the end.
• The Porgs were cute but unnecessary. Poor Chewie. He was under utilized in this movie.
• Captain Phasma was under utilized AGAIN! Seriously, you got Gwendoline Christie to play a kick-ass stormtrooper who’s apparently cool as all hell and then she gets even less screen time as she did The Force Awakens?! You hyped her up so much that of course what little she did do in the last two movies let us down!
• The Yoda scene was nice. It was nice to Empire Strikes Back Yoda again.
• General Hux has been a laughingstock in this movie. He became less redhead Hitler and more idiot general who wants validation.
• Another thing about Snoke. Look, when you or your parents first Return of The Jedi without any knowledge about the Emperor, did you care? No. You didn’t know his background. All you knew was that he was a scary old guy that Darth Vader took orders from. He was intimidating like Snoke was. We only learned about his origins through books and the prequel trilogy. Yes, I thought we’d see him in all three movies, but *shrugs* oh well. We’ll probably learn about him in books and comics now.
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rilesandlucas · 7 years
Night time-rucAS
a/n Ugh I know this is a boring prompt and shit but I love you guys so i am writing idk.
'Riley, this camp is going to be fine.' Maya sighed saying the same words she had said 50 times over. The anxious Riley fidgeted in her seat and looked out the rolling hills and large dams trying to calm herself. 
'Maya this is the only camp I've been on without my dad, and this is the first time I've gone away without at least one member of my family. I miss them already and we aren't even there yet.' Riley anxiously rambled and Maya fake gasped at the brunette.
'Are you saying that I am not your family?!' The blonde joked and Riley instantly starting trying to make up for her comment. 
'Oooo She got you there sugar.' Zay added towering over Riley's seat to look upon the two friends. 
'I'm not saying Maya isn't a family, I'm just saying she has a track record of making me uncomfortable in these type of situations.' Riley added matter-of-factly and some slight ooo's came from random places on the bus. 
'Ok Riley has a point there.' Farkle said joining the conversation from the row across from Maya and Riley. 
'When have I ever made you uncomfortable?' Maya asked and Riley laughed in her face.
'I was with you there Maya but you've lost me, you're never gonna win this one sweetheart.' Zay mellowed and put his earphones back in. Maya threw her hands up in agitation and awaited Riley's response. 
'That time when we were home alone for the first time ever and you said you went to the bathroom but you really went to get a ghoul mask to scare me.' Riley replied and Maya raised her finger.
'Ok yes that was mean but it was one time, and you weren't even that scared.' Maya retorted trying to save herself.
'I called the cops, they thought I was just joking and tried to fine me, and then there was that time we went to the park together and you pretended that squirrels were secretly demons that were gonna eat me unless I wore yellow.' 
'You were gonna get rabies if you tried to cuddle another one. I was helping you.' Maya snapped back. 
'Maya I wore yellow every time I went outside for 3 years!'  
'Yeah that one was only funny for a year.' Farkle added in but the two girls ignored him and continued arguing. Riley and Maya went back in forth about all the incidents that had ever happened but 3 minutes in a loud stop halted their conversation. 
'Ok that is enough, Maya, Riley doesn't need to be scared and Riley you need to distract yourself not re-scare yourself.' Lucas chimed from the seat in front. The two girls sighed defeated and called a truce. 
'So eye spy?' Riley asked and Maya and Lucas nodded eagerly. 
The gang arrived at the accommodation not long after and after eating the accommodation's weird textured spaghetti they had 10 minutes to chill in the group areas before they had to head to bed and get ready. The gang had decided it was best to play a quite game of monopoly not wanting to stress out the already shaking Riley. Halfway through there game their math teacher came over and told them they had 2 minutes and then they had to be in their rooms getting changed, or in the bathroom brushing their teeth. They all nodded but Lucas looked over and saw Riley getting incredibly nervous, he knew she wouldn't want to bring it up in front of everyone so he made up some excuse about getting books and whisked Riley away. Riley knew that Lucas just wanted to see how she was and Riley welcomed the comfort, she looked back at the group packing up and saw Maya wink at her, she smiled back and followed Lucas to a small room at the back of the inn. 
'Hey what's going on?' Lucas asked caressing her thumb with his. Lucas and Riley had only been dating for about 4 months but it was a tradition that every time Lucas held Riley's hand he would caress her thumb. 
'What if I go to bed and I can't sleep, and we know Maya and Smackle will be out in 5 minutes. So then I'm lying in bed and my mind makes up scary scenarios that could happen, and then I hear footsteps but I won't want to wake up Maya or Smackle cause they'll bite me. So then I just wait there and try to see if I die or not, and then I scream and wake everyone up. Then when Maya and Smackle go back to sleep I hear something crash so then I start crying and fall into a small panic attack. Then I try to tell something but I can't move until I eventually black out and fall asleep at 4 am and we all know I need go asleep at 10 otherwise I will be really mad the next morning-' Riley rambled but Lucas had had enough of her rambling and kissed her. 
'Ok I get it I was rambling but Lucas these are real things that could happen. I don't know what to do.' Riley groaned and put her hands to her face. Lucas rubbed her back soothingly and shushed her slightly. 
'Ok I see you're nervous Riley that's a given, did you take your medicine this morning.' Lucas whispered knowing it was a sensitive topic for her. Riley shook her head and Looked down. 
'Riley this is why you're like this.' Lucas replied and Riley continued looking down. 
'I know, but it makes me dizzy.' 
'Yeah and know you can't sleep, you're gonna have consequences for your actions.' Lucas lectured and Riley just nodded her head still drooped.
'Ok so, how about we just stay up the two of us for a little bit and whenever you're feeling less nervous how about that?' Lucas offered and Riley nodded her head and snuggled into her. 
'So cuddle bunnies season finale, ammi right or ammi right ?' Lucas asked and Riley started her rambling.' 
'See Lucas that's why Barney Stinson would be better as my dad and not Maya's cousin.' Riley finished her long speech. 
'Ok I see that is a fair point, I can't argue with that logic, I mean the Darth Vadar thing gold.' lucas replied and Riley simply nodded her head. 
'Wait Lucas what time is it?' Riley asked fretting to fix her hair. 
'7 O'clock, time to start the day.' An unfamiliar voice answered from near them. Riley and Lucas snapped there heads over to the voice and saw a mischievous Maya and Zay looking at them. 
'OOOOOOO this is gonna be a good Riley and Lucas story who are we gonna tell first.' Zay jokes turning to Maya who holds up her phone.
'Well Isiah Hank.' Maya started earning a glare from Zay. 
'We have that photo we took we don't we just go straight for the homeroom group chat with Mr Matthews, I think he'd love it.' Maya joked and Riley growled at her best friend. 
'Ok I was joking, I'm glad you guys finally talked all night. I mean even though your dad talked all night with Lauren so it's got bad memories, you guys made good memories at the ski lodge and know you're making good memories out of talking all night.' Maya said deviously before walking off with Zay to get breakfast. 
'SO we talked all night.' Lucas asked and Riley nodded.
'At least it was with you.' Riley replied and Lucas kissed her head. 
'At least it was you.' Lucas smiled. 
a/n I didn't proof read soz not soz. 
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yuniesan · 8 years
Notes and Words: Chapter 1 – First Meetings
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Synopsis: Riley Matthews is an A student, she loves to write stories and take pictures, but doesn't have friends, and those who call her their friend only use her to copy her notes and homework. She's shy and doesn't voice her opinions very easily her only getaway comes from her hobbies. One day while she was on the bus from her dorm to school she happens to meet Lucas Friar. In that one moment her whole life changed. Now she's experiencing life unlike she ever has before.
 *This is the Second Rucas FanFic that I’m working on, new chapters will be posted every Friday. I’m going to post the first today, the second will go up This Friday.
I hope you enjoy the story!!
The bus from the dorm was packed with people on their way to school or work. The dorms were several bus stops away from the school normally she would take the shuttle bus but that morning she had missed the bus. She had run towards the bus but the driver hadn’t seen her and kept going, she felt invincible each time it had happened but instead of moping around she walked towards the city bus stop and waited there. She had decided on going to an all-girls high school because she wanted to focus on her studies but she also felt awkward around other people. She felt that going to a school with just girls would take some of the pressure off but she still felt weird around other people.
As the bus moved down the road Riley grabbed onto a handle and pulled out her favorite book, it was a mixture of a travel narrative and beautiful photographs. The book was by one of her favorite authors, he made traveling the world seem like an adventure written in beautiful words, it also encompassed her favorite hobbies writing and photography. Both were things that she didn’t need friends to accomplish because the stories she wrote were made of friends she created and not those treated her as though she were expendable. When she took pictures she was able to capture the small things in life that made her own life beautiful.
The bus jerked and Riley’s glasses began to slip down her face, “Hey check out four eyes,” someone said from behind.
Riley hated taking the city bus because some of the students from the nearby all-boys school took it as well and they would often make fun of Riley because of how she looked. Or they would make loud comments that would just make her uncomfortable. As the bus moved along their comments about her started to annoy her.
“Dude, she goes to that all-girls school right, why is her skirt so long?” the same voice said.
“Zay stop making comments about someone you don’t know,” someone said.
“I’m not the one eyeing the girl, geez your taste in girls has gone down man. She’s definitely not your type.”
Riley tried her best not to get angry by the comments or turn around and throw her book at them. Instead she turned up the volume on her headphones and continued reading her book. She was listening to her before school playlist which was filled with a mixture of music mostly rock because she was preparing herself for the long eight hours at school listening to everyone’s trivial lives. As the bus reached her stop it jerked her away from the handle and she landed in the strong arms of a boy. When she looked up she saw his forest green eyes looking down at her, his arms were wrapped around her body holding her in place.
“I got you,” he said to her but she jumped out of his arms dropping her book. Instead of talking she pushed her way towards the back doors. “Hey you dropped your book,” he said as he lifted it off the ground catching her skirt in the process and pulling it up revealing her cuddle bunnies’ underwear.
She felt her cheeks redden as she screamed and ran out of the bus. ‘Why does this always happen to me?’ she thought to herself as she ran down the block towards the school. Some of the local students were making their way towards the building smiling happily but Riley just wanted to drown herself in the school fountain. When she got to her classroom the embarrassment began to die down. She would never see these boys again why should it bother her.
“Oh hey Riley,” Missy said as Riley sat down at her desk. “I need to copy your homework, and your notes because I didn’t finish it yesterday.”
‘You’re such a liar Missy you never do any of your homework you just copy everything from me and the fact that the teach hasn’t noticed drives me nuts,’ Riley thought to herself but instead of telling her that Riley just smiled and nodded at Missy.
“Hey Riley, I heard you missed the bus this morning and ended up on the bus with a bunch of guys from that nearby all-boys school,” Darby said from her desk. “I heard that they were giving you a hard time.”
Riley wanted to scream because she had hoped that no one would have seen what had happened.
“I heard about a girl screaming on the bus because someone pulled up her skirt,” Sarah said bring up the most embarrassing part of her day and it wasn’t nine yet.”
“I heard that the boys from that school are hot, maybe we can set up a get together so we can get to know them better,” Missy said looking at Riley. “Do you think you can set that up?”
“No thank you, I have a lot of studying to do,” Riley tried to say but Missy was already moving around the room asking which girls would be interested. She stopped in from of Maya Hart’s desk and smiled.
“Hey Maya you want to come with us?” Missy said looking down at Maya who was busy drawing something on a sketch book. “Hello Maya you heard me?” Missy tugged on Maya’s hair but the girl didn’t seem phased by it.
“I don’t want to I already have a life and a boyfriend,” Maya said as she got up and walked away from her desk. When Maya was gone Missy huffed and walked towards her own desk.
“Why is she like that, god she is so stuck up.”
“I heard that she’s trying to get into some big name art program,” Sarah said.
Riley tuned them out as they talked about Maya and the boys from the nearby school. She heard Missy reminding her that she wanted the notes as she walked out of the room.
“Stupid Missy, why can’t she just leave me alone,” Riley said as she walked around the corner. “Why is she like this anyway we were never freaking friends. This is why I don’t like talking to people.”
“If you feel that way why don’t you tell her,” Maya said startling Riley.
“I didn’t see you there,” Riley said.
“Don’t worry I won’t tell, but Riley you have to learn to stand up for yourself. Don’t let her push you around.”
Riley stayed quiet as Maya walked back to their classroom, Riley walked back a minute later hoping that the excitement died down. As her classes went by everyone changed to new subjects and slowly stopped talking about the embarrassment that she had faced earlier that day. By the end of the day she was just happy that school was over and that she would get the chance to finish her favorite book. When she looked in her bag to pull it out for the walk home she realized that the book was missing. That was when she realized that she had dropped it on the bus after that guy had grabbed onto her. All of her favorite parts were highlighted and tabbed so that she could go back and read them whenever she could. It felt as though a part of her was missing.
As she reached the school gates a bunch of girls were squealing and talking about some hot guys they had seen at the front. Some of the girls thought that a couple of girls were being picked up by their boyfriends. Riley didn’t care about that, she wanted her book and it was missing. She didn’t even notice the guys everyone was talking about until one of them spoke.
“I went through all the trouble of coming here and you’re ignoring me?” he said. Riley recognized the voice. “You dropped your book earlier,” he said.
She looked up at him shocked, “Um…” was all she could say before Missy jumped in.
“Don’t mind her, she’s usually really quiet, Hi I’m Missy, I’m Riley’s hot friend and what is your name?”
“Lucas… Lucas Friar,” he said his voice made Riley feel like something warm was rising through her body.
“Well Lucas would you like to hang out with us today?” Missy said pulling him away from Riley.
“Sure, as long as I get the chance to talk to Riley,” he said. Missy looked at her pissed because one of the hottest guys in the group had wanted to talk to Riley.
“Sure she’ll be there,” Missy said before breaking away and grabbing Riley, “You’re going he’s cute and I want him so you’re going.”
Riley didn’t know what to do, she wanted her book back but if she didn’t go she knew that Missy would make her life a living hell. “Sure,” she said in a quiet voice.
“Great let’s go,” Missy said grabbing Lucas by the arm and pulling him away. His friends trailed behind and Riley was the last one to move forward. The group ended up at a nearby karaoke place that had isolated rooms for groups. Missy’s uncle ran the place so she had them bring by alcohol to the teenagers even though they were all dressed in their school clothes.
“So do you guys want to introduce yourselves?” Missy said to the guys.
One of the guys got up and danced their way towards Missy “Hi, my name is Zay, I’m single and you’re hot,” he said. Riley recognized the voice automatically as the one that had made the comments about her while she was on the bus.
“Anyway, next,” Missy said.
One of the guys looked up from his computer and said, “I’m Farkle, and I was dragged here today even though I need to finish my project.”
“Right,” Missy said once they were all introduced to each other. “Give me a sec,” she said before leaving the room.
“Listen man,” Zay said to Lucas. “I want to be with Missy so can you step back and let me have her. I know every girl will throw themselves at you but let me have this one please, she’s hot and totally my type.”
“That’s okay with me, I don’t really care,” Lucas said looking at Riley.
Missy walked back into the room with a bottle of something brown and didn’t look like soda, Riley was worried about what Missy was up to.
“Let’s make this interesting,” she said dropping some hard alcohol into the beer they were given when they arrived. Missy sat down next to Riley and whispered in her ear, “Listen I want Lucas so make me look good, and leave him alone.”
Riley nodded because all she wanted to do was go home and read her book. Instead she picked up her drink and started chugging it not realizing that she hadn’t picked up her orange juice because she had just wanted to do something that wasn’t listening to Missy.
“Hey look at the dork, she’s really drinking that fast,” Zay said when Riley looked up she realized that it wasn’t her normal drink.
“Oh my god, her face is all flushed,” Missy said. The two of them started making fun of Riley together, laughing about how she looked. Instead of sitting there and listening Riley got up and walked out of the room. She ran to the nearby bathroom and splashed water on her face. The alcohol was already making everything fuzzy.
“Are you okay?” Lucas said as he walked into the girls’ bathroom.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Riley said as the room began to spin.
“Come on I’m taking you home,” he said. Riley hadn’t realized that he had their bags in his hand because the room all of a sudden dropped out from her.
 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕
 Riley woke up the next day confused over where she was, it didn’t look like her bedroom the walls were white instead of purple, there weren’t any pictures on the walls. The room felt empty.
“You’re finally awake,” she heard Lucas say. Riley’s first reaction was to try and scream but instead his lips were on hers stopping anything from coming out. Riley felt that warm feeling spread throughout her body again and butterflies began to form in her stomach.
“You’re really beautiful without your glasses,” he said when he pulled away.
Riley felt her face redden and pulled herself as far away from him as she possibly could, she saw her backpack on the floor and immediately went to grab it and runaway instead she stopped when she realized that she wasn’t wearing her own clothes instead she was in shorts and a t-shirt.
“I had to wash your clothes last night, I didn’t see anything so don’t worry about that, it was better than leaving you in them since you… um threw up on them.”
“Oh god,” she said wanting to crawl under the sheets. Her lips could still feel his but she wanted to forget everything, it was her first kiss and it shouldn’t have happened that way. Nothing was going right for her.
“Come on, you can shower and change so I can take you to school.”
“Crap,” she said scrambling away from the bed and into the bathroom. When she closed the door she thought about Lucas and her stolen first kiss.
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dana-writes · 8 years
twelve days of canon (day six)
day six: day of angst :)
word count: 1036
Lucas slumped in his chair, not saying a word, not saying a goddamned thing. Thirty minutes ago, he paced, twenty minutes ago, he sat, paced again, sat again. He couldn’t decide which was better, the pacing or the sitting, so he occupied his mind on trying to think about that and not this. Not this. Not this.
He hesitated when Riley came out with the news. Did he even care to hear it anymore? He did he did he did, but he didn’t want to admit that to himself.
“Lucas, are you even listening?” She said, almost angrily, and Lucas supposed he deserved it. He nodded, reluctantly looking up at her.
“The doctors say she’s still knocked out, but we can see her.” Lucas sighed, half out of relief, half out of frustration. “Are you going to?”
“What’s the point?” He said shrugging on his jacket. It was too air-conditioned in the hospital waiting room.
“The point is that it’s Maya. It’s your girlfriend. Can’t you just… save being mad until she’s better?” Lucas laughed, humorlessly.
“You said that last time. And the time before.” He could almost hear Riley roll her eyes. She turned away from him.
“Well, I’m going in,” she told him, pointedly. He didn’t watch her go.
“Lucas,” he heard. He blinked his eyes open, blearily, jolting out of sleep. “Hey, you up?” Zay asked him, not making eye contact.
Lucas nodded, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
“Look, man, be mad at me all you want. But, really, would you rather I let her do it alone?” Lucas didn’t say anything. “Didn’t think so. Anyway, she’s awake if you want to see her. Everyone’s been through already, so she’s all yours.”
Lucas stood up, brushing past Zay, heading to the room. He peered in through the window first, seeing her moving, finally awake, and he remembered the way his insides turned cold the last time he’d seen her in that bed. He opened the door without knocking.
“Hey,” Maya said, smiling, and Lucas thought he might cry if he wasn’t so angry. Her smile faltered when he stood unmoving in the doorway, arms crossed, stubbornly. “So that was kinda stupid, huh?” Lucas said nothing. “Well, next time I’ll stick the landing,” she said, in a feeble attempt to joke. Lucas shook his head, taking slow, steady steps into the room.
“So you’re already planning a next time.”
“Maya, what the hell were you thinking? Clearly you don’t know how to ride a skateboard, or a motorcycle, or what was it last time? Or maybe a better question is what is it gonna be next time? Cliff diving?”
“Lucas, calm down.”
“That was dumb, Maya,” he seethed. He could tell his words were stinging her, but he didn’t care, he couldn’t care. He was angry. “That was dumb.”
“I know, okay?”
“Do you? Because the last two times you did this stuff you got hurt. You’re reckless. You’re careless. You don’t even think anymore.”
“Lucas, you’re making my head hurt,” she said, squeezing her eyes shut, and Lucas wanted to punch himself. But he also wanted to stand his ground.
“Sorry,” he whispered, walking over to the chairs. “Maya, this has to stop. You can’t keep getting hurt over and over again. Do you know every time Riley calls me my stomach sinks a little bit? Because what if you got hurt again?” “Well, I’m sorry I like to have fun sometimes!” She argued back.
“Fine, then go skydiving! You want a thrill? You want an adrenaline rush? Then, I’ll take you to Six Flags!”
“You can’t control everything I do, Lucas, that’s not how this works,” she crossed her arms, too, both of them, refusing to look directly at each other. So, this is what we’ve come to now, Lucas thought, arguing while Maya’s lying in a hospital bed. He almost wanted to laugh.
“That’s not what I’m trying to do. I just want you safe. Because one day you’re gonna do something stupid like this and you’re gonna die. You’ll die and I can’t watch the person I love die.”
“But I’m fine,” she said, stubbornly, and for a moment they just looked at each other. And then, like he was making the decision of his lifetime, Lucas started heading for the door.
“Says the girl in the hospital bed.”
“Lucas, don’t go.” He spun around, wringing his hands and staring at his feet.
“I can’t be with someone who does this. I can’t be terrified every time my phone rings. Call me when you’re done with this.” Then, he spun on his heel and closed the door behind him, not bothering to look back at her.
It was noon the next day and Lucas couldn’t concentrate. Not on homework, not on TV, not on books, not on anything but her. He was standing his ground, but it was so hard when all he wanted to do was call her and see how she was doing, if she needing anything.
It was noon, and someone knocked on his door. He knew it was her. At least part of him did. They were always meant to collide, over and over again, and even when he left her in that room, part of him knew that all that the next thing he would do was make up with her.
So when he swung the door open and she was standing there, he was mostly relieved that it had happened sooner rather than later. Instantly, they were hugging, and for a long time, neither said anything. Maya was the first one to break the ice.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured into his chest.
“I’m sorry, too.”
“It’s just, when things get hard, it’s easier to go back to being who I was before. But I don’t even know how to be her anymore, so it’s just… this is what happens.”
“I don’t want to suffocate you. I don’t want you to think I expect anything of you. I just worry, is all.”
“I know. I know.” He pressed a firm kiss to her forehead, holding her face in his hands.
“I love you, you know,” he told her.
“I know.”
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gramilano · 5 years
When did you start singing? I always loved to sing since I was a child. I sang on every occasion, also during public events at school, where my maths teacher heard me and advised me to take singing lesson with her neighbour who was a voice teacher. He listened me, and he told me that I was ready to attend the conservatoire in Xi’an, my city. I went there, in few years I became the best student, and they asked me to start to teach students who were older than me.
In 1998 I debuted in Shanghai with Aida that is now one of my signature roles. In 2000 I started my international career after winning Placido Domingo’s Operalia Competition in Los Angeles. From that moment all the biggest opera houses around the world opened their doors to me and I sang regularly at La Scala, Opéra de Paris, Wiener Staatsoper, Arena di Verona (where I recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of my debut there) and The Metropolitan Opera where I’ll return on 12 October with Madama Butterfly. It will be my 5th time at the Met and my 3rd time as Cio Cio San.
Hui He as Aida at Verona Arena with costume by Anna Anni
Hui He as Madama Butterfly, Teatro Real Madrid, 2017
Why did you start singing? Singing is my way to express my soul and my emotions. I heard opera for the first time at the conservatoire, a recording of La Bohème with Mirella Freni as Mimì and I fell in love with that music… I cried, and I thought opera was where I should head in life.
Which singer inspired you most when you were young? Absolutely Maria Callas!
Which singer do you most admire? Maria Callas will be my inspiration forever, but I also adore Montserrat Caballé.
What’s your favourite role? I don’t have a favourite role… I love all the roles that are in my repertoire… they’re like my children!
What role have you never played but would like to? Elisabetta in Don Carlo and Norma… but they’re two roles that I hope to sing in the future… never say never!
Hui He a young singer starts out
Hui He and family
Hui He in concert
What’s your favourite opera to watch? Manon Lescaut! I love that music and that story!
Who is your favourite composer? Puccini and Verdi are the composers to whom I dedicated the largest part of my career.
Who is your favourite writer? I love the poetry of Luigi Illica, one of the most important playwrights of the late 19th century and librettist of some of the most important of Puccini’s operas.
Who is your favourite theatre or film director? I love Hugo de Ana, a wonderful director with whom I have worked with in many amazing productions.
Who is your favourite actor? Tom Hanks.
Who is your favourite dancer? Roberto Bolle.
What is your favourite book? The Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham.
What is your favourite film? Roberto Benigni’s La vita è bella… so beautiful and poetic!
Which is your favourite city? Verona, the city where I decided to live!
Hui He in Verona
Hui He in Trastevere, Rome
Hui He at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi
Hui He
What do you like most about yourself? Sincerity.
What do you dislike about yourself? Nothing… let’s say I’d like to be thinner… lol!
What was your proudest moment? I’m the proudest person in the world when I’m on stage.
When and where were you happiest? When I’m on stage and singing well, in top form!
What or who is the greatest love of your life? Music… Singing.
What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear would be that I couldn’t sing again.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would like to have been stronger.
Hui He in Il trovatore, Orange © Bruno Abadie, Cyril Reveret
Hui He as Adriana Lecouvreur at the Filarmonico di Verona, 2019, costume by Ivan Stefanutti
Hui He after a concert performance of Adriana Lecouvreur © Salzburg Festival, Marco Borrelli
Hui He in Aida Teatro alla Scala © Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala
What do you consider your greatest achievement? I think that my greatest achievement is my career because I’m a Chinese woman that has a great career in the world of Italian opera. It wasn’t easy to absorb a different culture and way of living and thinking, but music is a universal language because it’s made from emotions and themes that are part of all of our lives. I’m proud of what I achieved. Today I can say that I have been brave and I hope that my story can motivate people. I’m so happy that it has inspired a movie, Hui He: the soprano from the Silk Road by Andrea Prandstraller and Niccolò Bruna and a book, Journey to the West: He Hui, a Chinese Soprano in the World of Italian Opera by Melanie Ho.
What is your most treasured possession? Can I say my voice? I think yes… that’s the most precious gift.
What is your greatest extravagance? We are artists, so extravagance is the rule!
What do you consider the most overrated virtue? If It’s a virtue, it can’t be overrated!
On what occasion do you lie? Michonnet in the first act of Adriana Lecouvreur sings, “Men sincera è la stessa verità” (More sincere than truth itself)… We’re actors and sometimes lying is human.
If you hadn’t been a singer what would you have liked to be? Maybe a painter… but maybe when I retire I will organise exhibitions with my paintings!
Hui He the painter
A Hui He painting
What is your most marked characteristic? My passion and my sensitivity.
What quality do you most value in a friend? Sincerity and honesty.
What quality do you most value in a colleague? Kindness and respect.
Which historical figure do you most admire? Maria Callas: she wasn’t only a singer, but an artist that completely changed the world of art, even becoming a fashion icon. She is an inspiration for all of us.
Which living person do you most admire? I admire so much Maestro Marco Armiliato with whom I made my debut at Salzburg Festival with Adriana Lecouvreur in August 2019, and Maestro Pier Giorgio Morandi who will conduct my performances of Madama Butterfly at The Metropolitan Opera.
Hui He in Vogue 2012 © Stefano Galuzzi Jacket by Miharayasuhiro, Jewels by Sharra Pagano
Hui He, portrait 1
Hui He, portrait 2
Hui He, portrait 3
What do you most dislike? Dishonesty.
What talent would you most like to have? I would like to be a professional painter.
What’s your idea of perfect happiness? My happiness is being a true artist.
How would you like to die? I died so many times on stage that when the final moment of my life arrives I will have done thousands of dress rehearsals!
What is your motto? 三人行必有我师 (When I walk with two others, they may serve as my teachers.*)
*  When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them. – Confucious
Hui He as Tosca at the Verona Arena, costume by Hugo de Ana
Hui He in the dressing room before Aida
Hui He at the piano
Hui He answers the Gramilano Questionnaire… Singers’ Edition When did you start singing? I always loved to sing since I was a child. I sang on every occasion, also during public events at school, where my maths teacher heard me and advised me to take singing lesson with her neighbour who was a voice teacher.
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