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Names generated from theological angels and demons, including the letter "Z"
Abyzon Addonzu Alimonzon Amyaz Amyaziel Anianzu Anzoaval Anzoavy Anzon Anzophiel Anzophim Anzou Anzuzu Arazaphou Arazi Arazie Arielzeth Asbezebus Assyazi Asyaz Azach Azachiel Azaddomal Azaddonge Azademol Azadkiel Azagieles Azaphalas Azaphor Azeblik Azebue Azeli Azepahron Azepai Azepazra Azephal Azephar Azephiel Azephimet Azephsiel Azept Azetann Azeth Azethron Aziel Azies Azimalpha Azimerax Azimiel Azrabel Azrachons Azrah Azrahah Azrakshya Azramat Azrammol Azramsiel Azran Azrandael Azrandan Azrandra Azraphis Azrax Azuzu Azuzzi Azuzziel Azuzzim...
Babezbel Baddonzu Badyazra Balberaz Banzoavy Basbezbel Bathanzu Berepazi Betzach Betzadran Betzag Betzaph Bezbel Bezbeth Bezel Bezelept Bezeleya Bezephias Bezephiel Bezephou Bezeth Bezetzach Busabyzou Bushanzon Canzou Chetzach Chonzu Chusonzu Cithyazi Daelzept Dalbezel Danzou Daraz Davronzon Davronzu Demyaz Deusionzu Drazie Drithanzu Dzoaval Dzoavron Dzoavy Dzongenn Dzonggin Dzonzuzzi Dzophas Dzophax Dzophes Dzophiax Dzophiel Dzophon Dzophoul Dzophqies Dzophsiar Dzophsiel Dzoulock Erepazel Flabyzon Forazepar Gabrazel Gadyaz Gakabyzou Ganzou Ganzu Glabezeth Grazepar Grazu Habyzon Harazaz Hetzac Ipazac Ipazaphus Ipaziel Ipazies Ipazrah Ipazu Kerazel Kerazimal Kronzu Lepaz Lepaziel Letzagel Leyaziel Leyazu Mallyonzu Manzon Manzu Maremoraz Melzeph Methyazim Metzacron Metzaphax Metzazu Monzu Morazepar Muraziel Murganzou Nabyzon Nabyzou Nanzou Nanzuzzim Nielzel Nionzuzu Nuronzu Oritronzu Oronzu Parielzel Pazaphes Paziel Pazies Pazras Pazuzzi Pelzetzaz Polamyaz Ponzu Prielzel Pronzu Raelzel Ragabyzou Razel Razuzziel Remonzu Ronzou Sabezbel Sadyaziel Sagorazu Saraelzel Shmeraz Shyazepar Shyazi Sianzon Thyazu Tzacha Tzachiah Tzachoel Tzacrons Tzaddon Tzadrabra Tzadres Tzaphes Tzapheus Tzaphiel Tzaphius Tzaphoel Tzapos Tzapurax Tzapurth Tzazac Tzazago Tzazept Tzazi Tzaziel Tzazra Tzazrak Tzazrax Urazi Uzuzuzu Uzuzzi Uzuzziel Uzziellas Uzzies Uzzieshym Uzzim Uzzimiel Vaphonzu Vepaz Vepazim Xezbehoel Xezbehon Xezbehus Xezbel Xezber Xezbera Xezberies Xezberits Xezbers Xezeban Xezebliki Xezebub Xezel Xezepah Xezepahma Xezepaii Xezepar Xezephae Xezephel Xezephos Xezept Xezet Xezethiel Yetzadra Yetzaph Yetzaz Zachael Zachar Zachas Zachaum Zachax Zachem Zachemoth Zacheneth Zacheris Zachet Zacheth Zachiel Zachim Zachimiel Zachin Zachon Zachria Zachu Zachus Zacriel Zacrock Zacron Zaddomael Zaddomor Zaddon Zaddons Zademoris Zademory Zadkinin Zadkir Zadra Zadrael Zadrap Zadraurch Zadre Zadrel Zadres Zadri Zadriel Zadrocel Zadroth Zadya Zadyalits Zadyaz Zagabif Zagadeus Zagadras Zagadrel Zagal Zagala Zagiel Zagomel Zagono Zagorphin Zagos Zagus Zapha Zaphaac Zaphael Zaphar Zapharax Zaphas Zaphax Zaphediel Zaphegi Zaphego Zapherit Zaphes Zapheus Zaphiel Zaphies Zaphim Zaphimin Zaphius Zaphomias Zaphon Zaphonzu Zaphory Zaphqiel Zaphsiel Zaphsih Zaphsits Zaphus Zapolas Zapon Zapur Zazadrie Zazazel Zazazim Zazazran Zazepaz Zazept Zaziel Zazra Zazrajer Zazramel Zebangree Zebare Zebat Zebli Zeblia Zeblil Zeblis Zeblist Zebliusih Zebubiel Zebue Zebukar Zebukavan Zebus Zelechon Zeleyazi Zeliki Zelilil Zelion Zellucim Zelphemon Zepah Zepai Zepaiel Zepaim Zepal Zeparon Zeparunan Zepaziel Zepazrax Zepha Zephaka Zephalas Zephamael Zephas Zephennin Zepherel Zephiath Zephiel Zephies Zephinin Zephius Zephoman Zephqiel Zephul Zetatron Zetentu Zeterazim Zetha Zethielim Zethim Zethimaas Zethym Zielab Zielese Zieluch Zimannine Zimara Zimaras Zimephius Zimeriel Zimin Ziminiese Zoava Zoavang Zoavange Zoavani Zoavas Zoavil Zoavir Zoavre Zoavrono Zoavy Zones Zonex Zonolas Zonove Zopha Zophah Zophanzu Zophax Zopheuson Zophiel Zophim Zophou Zophus Zoulaki Zoulsur
#444 names#dnd names#fantasy names#name stash#fantasy name#names#markov gen#markovgen#character names
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[EN] This building was on the headlines of newspapers around the world. Today in Dubai, they have been forgotten about him. Hundreds of new, once larger and larger projects are like mushrooms after rain. _____ [PL] Ten budynek był na czołowkach gazet całego świata. Dzisiaj w Dubaju już o nim zapomniano. Setki nowych co raz to wiekszych i wyższych projektów wykwitają jak grzyby po deszczu. _____ #dubai #building #dubaicity #dubaiarchitects #newbuilding #newdubai #architekturamiasta #architektura #architekci #architecture_hunter #bau #burial #burjalarab #zagiel #dubajzagiel (w: Burj Al Arab, Jumeirah Open Beach, Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpQ0GjlPWy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nnd2cesz4bh6
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What other demons are there beside the goetia?
oh boy, there’s so many. I’ll make a very short list.
ertael, exael, fomalhaut, gadreel, geryon, gurson, hakael, haures, hermoni, hosampisch, iomuel, jeqon, jetrel, jove, junier, kael, kasadya, kasbeel, matarel, neqael, omanel, ouza, penemue, rahab, resbeel, samiel, sarakknyal, satanachia, satanail, satavel, sathariel, shamshiel, simapsesiel, sipweseel, suphlatus, talmaiel, thausael, tumael, uzziel, yehadiel, yetarel, zagiel…the list goes on.
demonic heirarchy:
abaddon, lucifuge, belphegor, agliarept, taroon, luthian, rashoon, verrine, verrier, asafoetida, behemoth, sonnellion, tezrian, rosier, mephisto, delipitorae, svengali, musisn, huictiigara, khil, frimost, bechard, clisthert, clauneck, bucon, morail, hiepacth, hutmos, guland, mersilde, etc etc etc
larvartum demons:
elites - ones I work with
the imitari, ajna, incubi/succubi, oolull, corvivia, devoratum, nightmare shifter, ordog, shadow demon, deception demon, saligia, fumantem, vigilas, delibya, dokka, marteijannas pectabula, momo, recolte reaper, rhodonite egyptian lamia, smoke demon, etc.
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audio: https://gloria.tv/audio/6AtWXPYMrqft3krPApbBG6a6D
Czego w odległym szuka kraju https://vk.com/wall467751157_431
647 Prolegomena do Odżydzania po Myśli Platona http://sowa.quicksnake.cz/Komisja-Bezstronna-ds-Ustalenia-Przyczyny-Zamachow/Czego-w-odleglym-szuka-kraju-PDO647-ZR-von-Stefan-Kosiewski-SSetKh-LERMONTOW-Zarys-Estetyki-Chazarow-FO345
Zniweczona Rzeczywistość von Stefan Kosiewski https://ligon.wordpress.com/2019/02/05/analiza-wiersza-lermontowa-zagiel-w-przekladzie-stefana-kosiewskiego/
Studia Slavica et Khazarica LERMONTOW https://sowamagazyn.blogspot.com/2019/02/znalezlismy-dla-ciebie-kilka-swiezych.html
Zarys Estetyki Chazarów https://twitter.com/sowa/status/1092899127246180352
345 Fascynacja Obłędem https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6498164773446774784/
Germanowicz Diewiatow 20190207 ME SOWA http://debilis.blox.pl/2019/02/Niesiolowski-zalatwial-dostawy-pylu-weglowego-a.html
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Morael stopped and stared at him.
"You honestly believe that? Sure you two are more volatile than anyone would expect but of course he loves you. He wanted you to go back to Sam, he really doesn't hate the hunter which to be honest I'm not sure how I'd feel if Gavriel pulled something like that."
He leaned up to whisper into Gabriel's ear.
"He missed you Gabriel it's why he even looked at Ithuriel. Gavriel said as much. I'm sure you did the same when you slept with Kali or Rowena...Sam. Looking for something or someone you can't have. So you settle for who is in front of you."
Morael stepped away bowing to him.
"You have two hours before I take Harviel away for some fun. Good luck."
He spun away and walked toward where Harviel and Gavriel was eating.
Their children stared at them before Dokiel moved first tackling Damiel to the ground. Who laughed as the Haniel and Zagiel huddled around him.
Khamael moved to sit back next to Dean, a relaxed sigh on his face.
"So you enjoying the dance?"
Khamael shook his head, sending Dean and Scarlet an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry Cass but this can’t wait. I’m sure we’ll be done and you can get fitted for the ball.”
Damiel had been clear, he wanted to surprise him. No one was to tell him before they saw each other again.
Currently he was back in their Heaven sitting on the floor in the living room sorting CDs.
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zagiel is implied due to 5 seconds of footage from the movie episode of ultraman ginga and if you're not advanced of a shipper to do that return to the Hell Potato
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PodKisst – THE KISS ROOM-2018-#7-JUNE
KISS ARMY – you have been summoned for the seventh season of THE KISS ROOM! Matt Porter is joined by Bobby Dreher with: * Ed Spangenberg from KLICK STUDIOS * THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Fran Galanti, Jim Zagiel, Anthony Porter) * the return of Chris Giordano, plus Bill Elam, Brittania Elam, and Madison Porter!
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Proba wyjscia i pospacerowania po centrum Warszawy okazała sie dziś nieudana ;) wszędzie ścisk i tłumy, wszystkie kawiarnie zajęte. Cóż... chyba mam rację zazwyczaj omijajac miasto... obwodnicą;)
(via Proba wyjscia i pospacerowania po centrum Warszawy okazała sie dziś nieudana ;) wszędzie ścisk i tłumy, wszystkie kawiarnie zajęte. Cóż... chyba mam rację zazwyczaj omijajac miasto... obwodnicą;) #warszawa #warsaw #igerswarsaw #zagiel #centrum #zakochajsiewwarszawie #spacer - Anka (Elaaine) (@elaaine737) - Ligaviewer is the best instagram web-viewer)
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Dean sighed and nodded that made sense. He smiled down at their daughter.
"She is beautiful, like you."
"Dokiel he didn't call for us, at least wait till he -"
They both stopped as they turned to see the healer who their father had just allowed to join his garrison.
They both said with a sigh. Iahmel bowed to them.
"I don't think it is a good idea to go see him."
Dokiel rolled his eyes.
"I congratulate on your permission but I still don't see him giving his approval."
Haniel sighed heavily and moved toward the bunker.
"Surely it is your sister's decision wether we continue our relationship?"
Dokiel laughed and shook his head.
"No, it is ours, and you'll never make the cut."
He turned away and wrenched the door open. He reached for his blade before the angel was already between them playing with his daughter.
"Get the fuck away from my kid."
Dokiel gazed up at him.
"That isn't any way to talk to your stepson. I'm disappointed Dean, I thought you'd be more understanding."
Haniel sighed in frustration and gave Castiel an apologetic look.
"Sorry Daddy, he wouldn't listen. I thought it best I come with him to mitigate his...worse tendencies."
He sent his little brother a glare. Dokiel pretended not to notice. He straightened grinning when Scarlet held onto his finger.
"Hani look! She likes me!"
He looked up at Castiel for the first time.
"Oh, I'm sure Iahmel is a good healer but do not allow him to court Zagiel, he is too lo born for her."
He turned back to Scarlet sitting on the floor and playing with her.
Dean stared for a long moment before he slammed his beet bottle on the counter.
"An explanation, now Cass."
The Talk
They didn't talk all the way home. Dean could tell Castiel felt uncomfortable though he wasn't sure if it was from being in a car with his upgraded status or just because of what happened.
He also looked angry. Dean had no regrets, Sam had given up everything for Gabriel. He took those sickos's kids in too. And the way he was thanked was Gabe cheating on him with some random ex??
Dean slid into the garage and turned the car off. He opened his door and stood looking down at Castiel.
"You want me to open your door for you your highness?"
He sneered before he added.
"Well it get it your damn self."
He slammed the door before he stormed off to where Scarlett was in her nursery. Blissfully unaware of everything that had happened.
Dean didn't understand if Castiel had effectively chosen Gabriel why he insisted on coming with him. It made no sense, Dean didn't need him. He was write before to think he was a liability.
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aph has a phase where they calls TLOL "LOLAU," short for "Land of Light and Ultras"
Geed Earth: LORAH (Land of Rock and Humans)
Planet Zagiel: LOZAL (Land of Zagi and Lugiel)
The planet they grew up in: LOTAS (Land of Tiga and SAND)
The Land of Mirrors: LOMAS (Land of Mirrors and Song)
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PodKisst – THE KISS ROOM-2018-#6-May Saturday
KISS ARMY – The party continues with day two of our KISS ROOM celebration! Matt Porter is joined by Tom Staszewski, Bay Ragni, Paul Adler, Larry Barrow, THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Fran Galanti, Jerry Lee Watkins, Jim Zagiel, and Miabella Galanti) PLUS * An eyewitness report from the Indy KISS Expo from Podcast Rock City’s Joe Polo! Originally broadcast live on Saturday, May 12, 2018 via Montco…
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"Zagiel was always curious. When they attacked he thought if he bonded with one he could understand them and help them."
He sighed and held Kushiel close.
"You saw how that worked out."
Kushiel had told Grace he was going to take care of some business for Michael. Honestly he didn’t think she would notice she was always with the Gods now.
He unlocked the door and slipped inside. He moved past the pile of clothes and ignored the sounds of children calling out to him.
Agares looked up at him. His fingers resting on the keyboard. He sighed seeing Kushiel.
“Can’t you leave me in peace? Why do you keep coming back?”
Kushiel didn’t respond, simply began to take or his clothes. His skin was on fire, felt like invisible bugs were crawling under his skin and through his wings. He lunged grabbing Agares and pinning him to the bed. The computer crashing to the ground.
Agares sighed, some of the anger ebbing as the his essence reacted to Kushiel’s touch, rational thought beginning to leave his mind.
He didn’t know how he had forgotten this feeling. He grinned up at Kushiel, grabbing him by his hair and pulling him down to kiss him.
The children crowded in the doorway, their eyes dead and their actions listless as they watched. They shuffled in different directions. They would be taken any day now. Shipped to a school run by their kind and at the tender age of 20 when must true angel and demon children were only beginning to be part of their fuller society, still treated like the children they were - they would be sent to work in fields and factories making armor or things for angels and demons who could afford it.
Kushiel bit down, Agares arching into it, the endorphins in his essence reacted ten fold at the more intimate action. Kushiel was already in a daze, his head fuzzy and feeling like he was floating. The more he drank the more weightless he felt.
He gasped pulling off Agares’s neck as he felt nails rake down his back, blood welling up in the wounds she slipping under Agares nails.
Kushiel began to pant turning back to kiss Agared who held him tighter. How could he ever wished to be free of this? To never want this angel to touch him?
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PodKisst – THE KISS ROOM - 2018 - #5 - May Friday
PodKisst – THE KISS ROOM – 2018 – #5 – May Friday
KISS ARMY – Meet us in THE KISS ROOM for the MAY 11 super special! Matt Porter is joined by Tony Mann, Tyler Adams, and THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Fran Galanti, Steve Foerst, Jim Zagiel, and Anthony Porter) PLUS * The kick off of THE KISS ROOM DEMOS PROJECT VOLUME 5 * a exclusive announcement from Todd Michaels, Richard Koehler, and Ross Cameron. * the Podcast Rock City Crew (Joe Polo, Jody…
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The Kiss Room – 2018 - #3 - March
The Kiss Room – 2018 – #3 – March
Matt Porter chats with: * the legendary Big-John Harte about his new book! * Anthony DeLucia Jr from ALIVE! ’75 * special guests Judy and Eric Wisniewski * plus a set of deep cuts from THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Fran Galanti, Steve Campagna, and Jim Zagiel) with Chris Ann Colvin on the cowbell http://podkisst.com/audio/TKR20180309.mp3
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PodKisst – THE KISS ROOM! – JULY 2017!
PodKisst – THE KISS ROOM! – JULY 2017!
Matt Porter kicks off the July edition of THE KISS ROOM with Curt Gooch and Jeff Suhs, the authors of KISS ALIVE FOREVER: THE COMPLETE TOURING HISTORY! Plus THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Steve Campagna, Fran Galanti, Steve Foerst, Jim Zagiel) jams on some songs with a bunch of awesome “rock star kids”! The PodFather Ken Mills joins us for the Day In KISStory, plus lots of great KISS talk, music and…
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