mock-arts · 2 months
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Cover for Breath Control by @zaffrefic for the @mdzsbigbang
Rated E
(Art on ao3 also)
The start of Wei Ying’s collegiate swimming career looks promising. He is going to be swimming with his brother and friends for the next four years, and Lan Zhan has even joined his new team. Nothing is going to stop him from reaching his goals, nothing except, perhaps, himself.
Four years of swimming, school, obstacles, triumphs, and of course, romance.
swimming AU, college AU, modern AU, slow burn, hurt/comfort, Olympics, coming out, happy ending
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froy-jpg · 2 months
I present, a wlw wangxian meetcute, with the amazing accompanying fic from writer @zaffrefic !
The fic, «Straight Girl Pain»
Zaffre’s promopost! @mdzsrbb
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verobatto · 2 months
❣️tag you’re it in the self rec tag game! fic writers dont talk about their wonderful writings enough, so rec your 5 favorite fics written by YOU & tell us why theyre your favorite, then tag or send this ask to 5 fic writers you love to keep the game going❣️
Hi there! OMG I missed this so much! Thanks a lot dear anon for this tag game!
I'll start with one of my original works. It's a yaoi novel, and I'm currently posting on AO3:
"Side Effect"
I love this story because one of the main characters, Noah, grows beautifully throughout the story as he falls in love with an older man. The story slowly turns into a sweet and healthy relationship, so it was a very enjoyable writing.
"Take the next one."
This is a short fictional tale based on a prompt from a discord server, and I like it because I don't usually write these kind of stories. It's a suspense and mystery tale.
"You're oblivious."
This is a TaiBani fic (Tiger & Bunny), and I just love the way they interact here and how they end up together. Also, writing one pining Bunny and one oblivious Kotetsu is always my jam.
"Love Me Anyway."
This is a destiel fic, a modern AU, in which Dean is a CEO, and he thinks Castiel and him are just friends. It was very enjoyable to write such a special relationship.
"The Penitent."
I just cried writing this Canon divergent fic. Happy ending, BTW.
"Better Than You."
Dean is such a dummy in this one. I really loved the way he discovers himself and recognizes he just loves that perfect childhood friend of his. And turning him into an obsessive office worker trying to win against Castiel, whatever it takes, was really very funny.
I'm going to tag some writers fellows:
@aishitara @fanficburner @amemipiacitu @zaffrefic @casblackfeathers
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threepatchpodcast · 1 year
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Episode 142: All Along the Watchalong
In which a ragtag group of fans discuss watchalongs (and Spn specifically) and a new femlock stage play. Show notes and direct download information are available HERE at three-patch.com. Or subscribe via RSS or iTunes. 
@iamjohnlocked4life and @mistyzeo review the modern femlock stage play, Ms. Holmes and Ms. Watson, Apt. 2B
@avawatson @fffinnagain @iamjohnlocked4life @kelly-mads @sundayduck and @zaffrefic discuss the ups and downs of watching fifteen seasons of Supernatural over the last three years and what makes good watchalong material
And find us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
[Art by @foxestacado]
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this-is-z-art-blog · 2 years
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[ID in alt text]
Young & grown Dean from @zaffrefic’s incredible @transsupernaturalbang fic, My Golden Crown of Sorrow, which you should read immediately
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witchmd13 · 3 years
Hello, friend! Do you want me to see if I can get your paper off of my university's library account? All you'd have to tell me is the title of the journal and I can see if I have access to it, that way you won't have to tell me any personal info unless there's a chance I can acquire your paper.
I contacted one of my old colleagues who worked on the paper with me and they luckily had a copy of the original pdf.
but thank you, that's really sweet of you to offer! 💛
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saltnhalo · 5 years
Ok ok ok, so has anyone thought about the fact that after TFW escape the zombies and there's a quiet moment, Cas will realize that the only reason Chuck kept resurrecting him was just to watch him fail over and over because it was entertaining to him? And that when he died that last time, Chuck must not have felt like bringing him back because he was bored with him and without Jack he would have stayed dead? Which means that his dad cares even less for him than he already previously thought?
(Of course Dean would comfort Cas when he admits that he doubts the point of existing anymore)
Ooft, you have a good point, and that sounds like a very tough realisation to have. Poor Cas :/
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Goodnight Bunker
Title: Goodnight Bunker
Writer: zaffre
Original title, author & illustrator: “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown, Illustrated by Clement Hurd
Content/TW: none
In the great Lebanon bunker
There was a telescope
A warded dungeon
And a Batcave full of –
A table with lovingly-carved initials
And a silver blade belonging to an angel who stayed
And a golden spear
And a fridge full of beer
And a motor pool with a black car
And a trunk with a rocket launcher and crowbar
And a massive glowing map
And a moose taking a nap
And thousands of dusty books and a red-haired witch and some ancient kitsch
And a squirrel in a dead-guy robe who was saying, “Son of a bitch!”
Goodnight bunker
Goodnight table with lovingly-carved initials
Goodnight telescope
And the warded dungeon
Goodnight blade
Goodnight angel who stayed
Goodnight spear
Goodnight beer
Goodnight black car
Goodnight crowbar
Goodnight glowing map
Goodnight moose taking a nap
Goodnight books
Goodnight witch
Goodnight crossroads demon-turned-king
Goodnight kitsch
Goodnight to the squirrel in the dead-guy robe saying, “Son of a bitch!”
Goodnight Heaven
Goodnight Hell
Goodnight to the Earth as well
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mydogwatson · 7 years
A Short Review
Because everyone likes to discover writers that they might not be familiar with (never too much good fan fiction, right?), I thought that it would be nice to introduce one here that some of you might have missed out on.
 StillTheAddict (on AO3) has thus far posted only three stories, but each one is well worth reading. I feel sure that a brief look at each of her stories will whet your appetite to read them yourself.
 First up is Overheard, a cute and fluffy 221B that works perfectly within that restricted format. It also falls nicely into another favourite trope of mine, The Yarders Find Out.  Lestrade comes to Baker Street one day looking for help with a  case. Instead, he accidentally overhears a cosy domestic conversation between Sherlock and John and realises the truth. Short, sweet and delightful.
 StillTheAddict’s second story is entitled Storm Front. Unusually, in this tale one of the secondary characters, namely Sally Donovan, plays an unexpected role in bringing Sherlock and John together. This is one of the stories that follows the idea that season 4 never happened. After a rather disastrous end to his entirely disastrous marriage, John is now back at 221B. Sherlock’s happiness at that development, however, is tempered by his conviction that their time together is limited. He estimates four months before John will start dating again and probably not long after that before the next Mrs Watson appears.
 During a pub evening, Donovan tries to talk some sense into Sherlock, but it is not until  an incident of homophobia hits the pub and BAMF John sets things right that Sherlock begins to hope a bit. To think that just perhaps things might not be as dire as he had believed.
 Some lovely sentiment follows, as well as a nicely written first time sex scene. As seems appropriate for a story entitled Storm Front, there is the added delight of another one of my personal favourite tropes, the boys being caught in the rain. I can’t be the only one who finds that very romantic, can I? All in all, Storm Front is as immensely satisfying tale.
 And now we come to the third story.
 The title of this one, Tea With Irene, gave me a brief pause, because Ms Adler has never been one of my favourite characters. But StillTheAddict did not let me down. As in the previous story, Overheard, this terrific tale is propelled forward by an overheard conversation. This time, it is John who eavesdrops on Sherlock having a cosy tea with an unexpected (and possibly in John’s view unwelcome?) guest, namely one clever dominatrix.
 Clearly, our boys are lucky in their female acquaintances, because this time it is Adler (like Donovan earlier) who precipitates the truth finally coming out. What at first, at least to Sherlock, seems like a disaster, turns into something quite different. Adler even has the pleasure of shaving Sherlock and getting him dressed for what he is convinced ‘is not a date.’
 I will say no more about what sure looks like a date to me, except to assure you that Angelo’s is even more romantic than ever with dozens and dozens of candles.
 This is a wholly engaging story and one that I would label a must-read by all the romantics amongst us.
 Although as I said at the beginning, StillThe Addict has posted just these three stories so far, the good news is that she is working on more right now. I think we will all want to look out for her next project, which is an Omega ‘verse story entitled The Right Alpha. Having been lucky enough to get a sneak peek recently, I am definitely very keen to see the rest.
 I suggest you might want to check out StillTheAddict on AO3 out sooner rather than later.
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So I think I read in one of your comments or posts or something a while back that you don't write AUs. But isn't anything that diverges from canon technically an AU? Or is there a different/better definition of AU? This is not meant as a criticism or anything, just an honest desire to discuss how one defines AU. Thanks!
Hi! Good question! Fanfiction comes in three specific genres, with sub-genres within those. They go like this: 
1. Extension fic: this is any story that takes the given canon and extends it in a way that is meant to feel consistent with what came before it. I.e., Harry Potter is still a wizard, but now he’s 24 and working as an Auror for the Ministry, or it’s Sherlock universe, set three years after The Final Problem, so Rosie is about four, etc. John has to have a daughter because canon gave him one, and if she’s not in the story, there has to be a reasonable explanation for why not. Most fanfic which is canon-compliant is extension fic. 
2. Insertion fic: also called “missing scene”, this is an extra scene written to fill a gap, which in no way conflicts with the other given canonical material. Aka, a story set during the (minimum) six-month gap in His Last Vow, which (at the time of its writing) does not conflict with what came after. Aka, what doesn’t technically count here would be a story where John and Sherlock had sex after the Rizla game in The Sign of Three, because we saw Mrs Hudson and Tessa come with no plausible gap between the events. I’m not at all saying that it’s not on to write such a story (indeed not!), but calling it canon-compliant wouldn’t quite be accurate. 
3. Alternate universe: this is anything which diverges from the known canon, whether it’s just in a very small way (John never had a child, say, or the epilogue in the Harry Potter books was never written), where the other events of canon are largely followed, or else a large divergence: Sherlock and John have completely different careers, Sherlock and John are not human, Sherlock and John are basically themselves but in a different time period, Sherlock is an adult but John is a child, etc, etc. The possibilities are literally without limit. 
The term “canon-compliant” is generally taken to mean that it was compliant with the known canon at the time of writing. When new canon is released later, it’s not that it necessarily makes everything written before that point non-compliant; it just has to be taken into consideration when the story was written. A story written in 2011 is obviously not going to be compliant with series 3 or 4, for example. Series 3 fix-its won’t be compliant with the events of series 4. 
On a final note, what’s considered a “believable” or reasonable extension usually needs to have some solid basis in the given canon. If Mary Morstan is “redeemed”, there needs to be an event in the extension fic that explains how and why, because what the canon gives is a person who kills people for money, including a murder attempt on the title character of the series and a canonical dearth of remorse. Mary cannot suddenly just not be a murderer for hire because the author simply likes the actor or wants to have a nice female character in the story. All of the canonical evidence for Sherlock Holmes being gay cannot be overlooked for convenience. Serious and believable explanations would need to be given (he was sent to “gay healing” camp and brainwashed???) Obviously there’s a huge scope for interpretation here!! There will be as many versions of these characters around as there are people who have seen the show. That’s just how that goes. Some things are givens, though. 
And yes, for me personally, whether or not I like it, the canon is the canon, and I do my best to work with that. It’s harder now than it was after series 2 or 3, that’s for sure. As a show watcher, plot gaps are a source of dismay. As a fanfic writer, they’re usually gold mines. In this case, however, there are just so many that one cannot possibly tackle them all in one story. Slowly, slowly, I’ll address them all, or at least most of them… It’s also difficult when the canon itself is inconsistent in terms of characterisation, continuity errors (for instance, John’s blog gives the wedding date as sometime in August, yet the show itself shows the date of May 18th on the invitations. That’s a big difference!). For lots of people, canon compliancy isn’t a huge priority, and that’s fine. It is for me, and that’s a strictly personal choice, of course, but yeah - I found those things particularly frustrating! 
Anyway, sorry for rambling. I hope that helps! These genre definitions aren’t mine, by the way - this is just my summary of the definitions that have been around for decades now. Not taking credit! :)
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mock-arts · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Tagged by @kenobster! It’s been a while since I’ve been working on somethinggg but I’ve had a productive week this week lol! I’m actually working on piece #3 this week (this one for one my @mdzsbigbang fics), and I’m at a weird point, so kind of fun to share: currently drawing SO MUCH LATH lmao gonna put some crumbling plaster overtop.
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I built a 3d model for this last night lol
Tagging other ppl - gonna tag some of my various big bang teammates @zaffrefic @lieutenantruby @sunkitten-shash and some other pals @smalls2233 @cacodaemonia @cibokilley
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lizleeships · 2 years
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I am beyond delighted to finally be able to post the art for this year’s Dean/Cas Reverse Bang! 
It was an absolute pleasure to work with the ultra-talented @zaffrefic this year, and I think you’ll be very happy to read this wonderfully fluffy canonverse piece; I am in awe: it is super fun, true to character, and just SO sweet! WE ARE BOTH VERY EXCITED!!! Zaffre is a gem, and they were so patient and gracious with me! I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER! (Spoiler: WINGS!)
Read it here!!!! 
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sans-serphim-cas · 2 years
“Your soul remains the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever beheld. I would rescue you from Hell a thousand times over if only to ensure it remains in existence,”
Cas says reverently.  And what can a guy say to something like that? “Shit. That’s, wow,” is all he can manage.
-Just Say Yes by @zaffrefic
true deancascore moment.
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blogstandbygo · 2 years
Last line meme
I was tagged by both @discordantwords and @calaisreno - I'm honoured!
I'm working on a Sherlock/The Good Place crossover, and am having tremendous fun.
Last line: “You think you don’t belong here because you cared so much, you thought it was wrong to make the choices you did."
Oof, that's 22! Okay, how about:
@totallysilvergirl, @hubblegleeflower, @missdaviswrites, @pippn-frodo, @shirleycarlton, @onwallsjcfwrites, @pipmer, @silentauroriamthereal, @kitten-kin, @kinklock, @khorazir, @sussexbound, @zaffrefic, @ellipsical-elle, @amindamazed, @weneedtotalkaboutfic, @daringlydomestic, @jbaillier, @algyswinburne, @helloliriels, @meetinginsamarra, @raina-at (whew!) and anyone else who wants to play!
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verobatto · 4 years
Hi!!! I present to all of you my artwork for the DCBB, I teamed up with the super talented @zaffrefic and her beautiful and romantic story "The Lernaean Bow" you can red it here!
If you are searching for one exciting adventure, with greek mythology and a lot of Destiel romance, you need to read it!
Go, read and left kudos to my partner!
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Go check the full smut image here!
Traditional Drawing. Ink pen. Acrilic. Brush color pen. Color pencils. Click on the images for a better resolution.
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castielslostwings · 5 years
Enchanted Ink
My FTH 2020 is COMPLETE! for @zaffrefic​ 36k, No Archive Warnings, Rated E: Dean/Cas
Tags: Tattoo artist Dean, Tattoo artist Castiel, Tattoo artist Sam, Magical Realism, Magical Tattoos, Tattooed Dean & Cas, hurt/comfort (emotional), first meetings, Castiel’s wings, the Bunker, Getting together, Sweet Dean, Secret writer Dean, no relationship angst, eventual smut, domestic fluff. Top Cas/Bottom Dean.
In a world where an artist's magic brings tattoos to life, ink-gone-wrong can spell lasting heartache for those unlucky enough to experience it. Jaded and cynical on both life and love, Castiel's about to find out that even the most deeply-etched scars can be transformed into something beautiful when the right person is holding the pen.
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