#zack wilson
dynastytrades · 2 years
THE 2021 QB CLASS! - A State of the Union (Dynasty Trade Value) - Dynast...
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hockeyboysarehot · 2 years
Dude zack Wilson is such a pretty boy
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wwprice1 · 10 days
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Watchmen film concept art by John Cassaday!
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dontaskchaosandco · 30 days
drawing poll: evil laughter in the background edition
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shyjusticewarrior · 9 months
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 228
Tim: Alfred, Damian bit me!
Alfred: No biting!
Duke: Alfred, I don't see how any government stands a chance.
Alfred: You're not wrong.
Rose: My dad hates your dad.
Jason: My date hates your dad.
Rose: We have so much in common!
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fertileground · 9 months
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watchmen, 2009 (dir. zack snyder)
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olvaheiner · 5 months
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Watchmen (2009)
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vengeancevixen · 4 months
Did you ever get to see the House of Memories at a Panic show? It was basically a Panic history museum of items from every Panic! era from their outfits, instruments, tour posters, memorabilia, awards, music video props, etc. The museum was hauled from show to show and set up and displayed for fans to walk through. So cool!!!! Brendon LOVED Panic, as we all know, and wanted fans to be able to experience everything Panic through the years, through every era, keeping all those memories alive.
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biteress · 6 months
Which fictional characters 👀👀👀
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nitpickrider · 11 months
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Fabian, not that I don't appreciate your talents But it will be a cold day in hell before they invent a hovercraft that can outmaneuver the flyin' Falcon. Captain America 409
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
My Adventures with Superman brings Hope back to the Man of Steel - REVIEW Ep 1 & 2
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*Spoilers for the first two episodes, now streaming on Max!*
Growing up, Superman always came off to me as a very nothing character. White bread. Good for the sake of good. Not funny like Spider-Man, not dark and cool like Batman, and too powerful to be in any real danger.
He was just there as the original cape and tights. He was important because he did it first, but that didn't make him interesting.
As I got older, and I read and saw him in more media, I realized the fun of Superman comes from the kindness. The hope he brings to those around him and that stable positive force is essential to the world and the Justice League. While he is the most powerful person in the room, because of who Clark is and his values, he's the person you fear the least.
He's gonna save your cat, he's gonna stop that burning building, and he's gonna get the bad guy, as unharmed as possible.
This is where the DCEU lost me, and where I think most Superman content does. That hope, that kindness, the gentle giant that Clark is has somehow been lost in translation.
While Henry Cavill is a great actor and can play the hopeful side, setting the tone of the movies as so dark and serious drained Superman of his charm.
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Superman and Lois has done a good job bringing Clark's hopefulness back in moments, but the Zack Snyder DCEU feel coupled with the CW drama still keeps Superman and Lois pretty dark and dire.
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While Hoechlin is a fantastic Superman, the world he inhabits has kept me wanting a true representation of the character I love.
Which is why My Adventures with Superman is such a breath of fresh air.
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Let's start with Jack Quaid. Using such a pure sounding soul like Quaid to embody Clark was a stroke of genius. While he is known for playing good-ish characters like Hughie in The Boys and Peter Parker/ The Lizard in Across the Spider-Verse, Quaid does not coast on his past charms for Clark.
This character equally feels fresh, different from Quaid's past characters, and like a kid who is transitioning into the Man of Steel.
Whether he is struggling to flirt, scold Lois for lying, or fight a robot, Clark feels genuine, kind, and strong.
As Superman, Clark does not change into a scary, super powered god. Instead, he is trying to help the bad guy, clean up the messes, and rescue kittens from trees. While we only get a glimpse of his true Superman form at the end of episode 2, it is enough for me to get so excited that I'm typing this all out. This is the Superman I've been waiting for!
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Rounding out the cast are Alice Lee and Ishmel Sahid as Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.
Lee has a quality not always perfectly emulated for Lois in my opinion, which is spunk. Moxie. She is so clearly the leader of the team for the Daily Planet. Couple that with her comedy timing and clear chemistry with Quaid, this may be the blueprint for Clark and Lois in the future.
While usually Lois is a made journalist by the time Clark shows up, starting them at equal footing is an interesting development. I'm hoping they use this to show just how quickly Lois Lane can rise the ranks against others.
While Sahid is utilized the least so far, conspiracy theorist comic relief Jimmy is equally charismatic and likable. He is a character I think the DCEU and CW didn't quite understand the value of, but this show clearly does. My hope is this character goes on to go on as wacky adventures as he does in the comics.
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The chemistry between the three characters is very strong for the first couple of episodes. So much so I don't know if I'm more excited for more Lois and Clark romance, Clark and Jimmy bafoonery, or Lois and Jimmy investigating.
While the villains leave something to be desired in the first two episodes, the inclusion of overarching villains Deathstroke, Amanda Waller and General Lane lead me to believe they hope to build out this universe, at the very least into Batman.
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If that is true, I am so in.
I can see a world where we have 3-4 different anime shows introducing key members of the Justice League, all leading up to an anime style movie where they fight Brainiac, with Jack Quaid's Superman at the center of it.
But perhaps I am getting way ahead of myself.
All in all, My Adventures with Superman has me excited for Fridays to come. It has heart, it has comedy, and it seems to understand the Last Son of Krypton better than most pieces of media.
This should be the blueprint for Superman Legacy.
A Superman who brings donuts for all his coworkers.
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Help me pay my student loans by donating!
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picspammer · 9 months
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Dan ...
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thingsasbarcodes · 22 days
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Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
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zendasian · 10 months
Me contemplating where it all went wrong.
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[ Day 3 No Instagram]
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dacapa · 6 days
The dynamics of Dimension 20's intrepid heroes seasons has changed so much that I now often find myself rooting for the villians in the same way that one roots for Tom when watching Tom and Jerry.
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itsrainningjwight · 2 years
Dwight 🤣
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