#z fighters critical
fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
DBZ Thoughts: Z Fighters Don't Care About Earthlings As Much as I Thought
So I have been daydreaming about some DBZ scenes and I had a sudden realization: the Z fighters don't really care about the Earthlings much. It's hard to explain my feelings but I will try.
Ignorance is Bliss
I find it a bit distressing how many secrets the fighters keep from the Earth's people. I understand that they are on no one's payroll so they have no obligation to keep Earthlings posted and they deserve their privacy but it's really not fair. They knew the Saiyans were coming and never thought to inform at least King Fury about it. They knew the androids were coming and did not think to inform the government of the island about the possibility of attack. You can make the argument that the Earthlings would not react well or not believe them. But come on. People at the tournaments saw Goku grow a tail, saw him transform into Ozarou, and saw Piccolo and Goku fight. Before they allowed Mr Satan to spread lies, Earthlings were accepting of these so-called light shows. And King Fury knew of Goku's feats. The Earthlings had a right to know about the dangers they faced.
Collateral Damage
Vegeta vs 18. Majin Vegeta. What else is there to say? Vegeta and 18 killed several people in their fight. Vegeta was an arrogant prick at the time so I don't blame him too much. But no one ever criticizes Vegeta for putting civilians in danger. Vegeta is not forced to atone to Bulma for almost killing her when he launched that blast to the stands. Bulma was literally a few feet away from the point of impact! I like to think she and Vegeta had a deep conversation about that when they went home and Vegeta had to make it up to her. But nope, they were wished back to life so Vegeta's actions don't matter! Also Gohan's fight with Cell. Gohan brought the fight so that fat guy was right in front of him. Of course, Gohan saved the Satan screw so he was fine and it showed off his badass moves...but was endangering that guy necessary?? And how could I forget Piccolo literally watching Imperfect Cell drink that poor man right in front of him without the slightest care on his face. Talk about cold. And they had an opportunity to stop Gero before he could hurt anyone but they put the Earth in danger for cheap thrills and testosterone stupidity. Poor Bulma, it must be hard to be surrounded by idiots.
Edit: Piccolo was actually horrified by Cell draining that fat guy. What I meant here was that Piccolo did nothing to help him.
Goku Letting Villains Go
So Goku let Piccolo, Vegeta and Frieza live. Although he did blast Frieza after he unsurprisingly tried to kill him with the energy Goku gave that bastard. Piccolo and Vegeta turned out to be good guys...but what if they did not?? I don't get the impression Goku was keeping tabs on Piccolo. How would Goku know if Piccolo did not enjoy a random killing spree every now and then? Pretty sure Majunior killed a few people as a kid without Kami giving a crap. And what if Vegeta returned to Earth and killed a ton of people before the Z fighters could intercept him?? What if he brought backup?? Well, no matter! Because we can just wish the Earthlings back! Unless...they were always revived so those suckers are out of luck :). Same argument for Frieza which Frieza actually carried out. What if Frieza arrived a few months earlier? And not just Earth! What about the other innocent people in the universe? What if Frieza decided to ignore Earth and continue his reign of terror in the universe? I guess Goku does not give a rat's ass about non-Earthlings. You best believe that once Goku left Namek, he would not care about Frieza anymore as long as he left Earth alone, leaving Frieza to do all the so-called 'mischief' Goku told him to stop doing. The Z fighters aren't exactly helping out other planets after all which is perfectly valid. But Goku sparing Frieza was such a dumb move and such a disgraceful insult to all of Frieza's past genocide victims.
Ignorance is Bliss Part 2
I find it kind of disgusting how the Z fighters allow Mr. Satan to propagate lies about Ki. Don't they realize how damaging this is? It means that any Earthling with potential like Videl won't live up to the likes of Krillin and co. because they think Ki is fake. They have the good people of Earth believing a buffoon like Mr. Satan actually defeated the likes of Cell who destroyed an army with a wave of his arm. Imagine if Future Trunks defeated the androids and let a clown like Satan take credit for saving the world? Just the thought makes me feel like vomiting right now! It's not a coincidence that DBZ hardly shows impressive fighters like Nam from Dragonball anymore. It's a shame that they are not training a future generation to protect themselves. Because the DBZ next-gen crew absolutely sucks!!! Imagine depending on Goten, Trunks, Marron and Bra to save the day! Might as well just kill yourself on the spot. The Z fighters should be helping Earthlings to give themselves a fighting chance. Also, their wiping of people's memory of Buu is highly questionable. I understand that Buu would cause panic and the events of the Buu saga were traumatizing. It goes into ethics about hiding the truth to protect someone. Still, modifying people's memories so Buu can walk free and avoid the consequences of his actions is appalling. Imagine you are a rando Earthling and the Z fighters have the ability to mess with your memories? And when you factor in that the Buu saga reached such disastrous levels because of the Z fighters' incompetence makes this even worse :(
TLDR: The Z fighters at times show little regard for Earthlings when it comes to the truth and treat their lives as collateral damage.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Explaining the RWBY Magic System
Tonight we're comparing RWBY system of "magic" to other shows to help explain that no, RWBY does not have a convoluted system of magic. We'll be splitting it into 3 sections. 1. Aura/semblance 2. Dust 3. Magic in the show
Now then, let's start with the most well-known and old shounen. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. In that franchise, Ki, a life energy, like Aura, is NOT magic. And the techniques that come from using Ki, like Semblances, are not magic. But Magic does exist in the show. And it is shown to have its own strengths and weaknesses.
Dust....not magical, not life energy. Its the unobtanium that is an energy source and does more than that. How many shows, anime or cartoon or otherwise, are shown to have some sort of fictional element that does more than just serve as an energy source?
So what makes RWBY "convoluted?"
Weiss: There's no such thing as magic.
Goku from Dragon Ball uses Ki, but its not magic, he uses supernatural martial arts and can fly...but again, that's not magic.
And he and the Z fighters get surprised by actual magic.
So what makes Weiss being surprised something for critics to get upset about?
Then we have the magic itself.
Like Dragon Ball , magic is not superior nor inferior to martial arts or semblances. It varies on wielders and on its use.
Therefore, when people say that RWBY's Magic system is "Too convoluted" or "too complicated"....they do so while completely ignoring every other show out there. Because to "Criticize" RWBY, you pretty much have to ignore everything in every other show or claim it doesn't matter in order to have a point.
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dballzposting · 1 year
I don’t know how to fucking draw. 
Yamucha mall santa
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BELABORED Textpost about Yamucha Dad Swagg under the cut
It’s a very simple equation .. it takes a village to raise a kid and Yamucha is a part of that village.
Picture this. Trunks is just a little guy walking around Capsule Corp. Sometimes he goes days without seeing his father, and when he does see him there is no warm greeting. That’s fine and cool because that’s just Vegeta’s way and Trunks is used to it / raised to it. He sees his mother more frequently than his father, but she is just as busy, and she is always trying to teach Trunks about computers and whatnot - this is fun and fine because Trunks doesn’t yet know that he lacks the natural spark for invention and that his potential pales in comparison to his mother. So it’s good bonding time.
Ultimately, his parents are concerned with his growth, and they do much to encourage it, and that’s awesome. But warm family time just isn’t the love language of the house. Trunks’s grandparents are pretty warm, but they also aren’t that interested in playing video games, just the technicalities of it, so Trunks’s conversation material is stunted.
Trunks will see the other Z Fighters occasionally, but he mostly knows Of them than Knows them. Sometimes, though, his mother will have a friend over.
And something interesting happens when Yamucha visits. Trunks can actually hear his mother laughing from the other room. 
And if he sneaks around the corner, he can see his mother actually having a real damn conversation with someone for once. Trunks never sees his parents converse like this, so it’s odd and enamoring to see Yamucha and Bulma talking like normal people. 
It’s weird, because it’s not typical to Trunks’s house, but he’s seen it in others, like how Gohan and Videl talk for instance, and it’s sort of .. nice to see.
Not that he’s thinking in those terms - he’s like, IDK, 9, and though he’s a precocious kid, he’s not yet adhering to adult standards of what’s “nice to see.” He doesn’t think that it’s “nice to see” his mother be able to have a non-argumentative conversation with a man. He’s not concerned about what’s good for his mother or not, not in that way. He’s still a kid.
But. He does grow comfortable to the sight.
Bulma and Yamucha’s conversations are still pretty much what you’d expect - Yamucha is only visiting to get this car fixed, she makes some harshly-toned but inconsequential joke about his being unwilling to pay someone to fix it so he’s hoping to get it fixed for free by a friend, and he rubs his neck and says “everyone’s a critic,” and she fixes his car and makes him have tea with her as payment. She complains that he never fucking visits unless he needs some help and he says the same to her. She asks him how life is going and he tells her that Puar is starting a new semester at Shapeshifting University, that he’s working on his Master’s. She says that she’s working on a new type of engine that will revolutionize the industry and he says that his wood stove keeps breaking in odd ways that he can’t make sense of.
She asks him if he still trains and fights and he says Sometimes. He asks her if she finds herself yearning for adventure and she says Sometimes.
IDK where I’m going with this. I don’t know what I haven’t already said in previous posts. It’s just that Yamucha is a nice man ...
Trunks is used to being either A.) treated like a little adult or B.) brushed off, so when Yamucha literally treats him like one would a child, it completely throws Trunks off of his rhythm and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
He ventures into the room where Bulma & Yamucha are conversing and Yamucha is quick to be like HEEEY KIDDO! THERE YOU ARE. WAS WONDERING WHEN YOU’D SHOW UP. HOW’RE YOU DOING?
and Trunks is like HWAH becasue now this man is talking to him and now he’s gotta snap to attention and be polite and civil like his parents taught him. But also it’s Yamucha he doesnt hold him in a very high regard at this time. And he’s just gotta get throuhg this exchange of pleasantries so that they can all move on with their day.  
Unfortunately however Yamucha is not Vegeta and he is not bored with pleasantries, he’s honestly interested to see Trunks join the conversation. Trunks is a funny little DUDE yknow? He’s always running around and defeating bad guys and stuff. Yamucha held him when he was a baby a few times and he always sends him a birthday card in the mail. He’s honestly interested, at the high point of the day before the daily fatigue has set in, to invite him into the conversation.
Trunks has no tact for this however becasue he’s not used to this senseless genuineness from an adult. Usually adults will get whatever info they need out of him and then exit the conversation. Usually there’s a point where the adult gets bored and tired and Trunks is used to this pattern and he knows how to recognize it and stop talking about things that only he cares about.
But before Trunks can understand what’s happening he’s being launched into this conversation about Minecraft because one thing led to another and now Bulma has momentarily adjourned the room and Trunks is sitting at this table explaining Minecraft to Yamucha. And he’s sort of fretful and stressed about it because he doesn’t know why Yamucha is doing this to himself? This isn’t typically how things go. 
So Trunks at every sentence is trying to pull the brakes on this whole operation, growing more anxious about it the longer it persists, and it does inexplicably persists - Trunks just keeps trying to wrap up his thought but then Yamucha seems to keep encouraging him. “So it’s a computer game? You can play it with an XBOX too? What about a PS2, I used to have one of those.” “You craft what you mine? What do you mine, rocks and stuff? Oh, that’s just the term for the mechanism of acquiring world blocks? And you can craft? Oh, Minecraft, that’s clever.” “You can build anything you want? What do you build?” “What’s a mob? What’s an NPC? Oh, they’re bad guys? Sometimes? Do you fight on Minecraft? WITH A SWORD? I see why you like it.” “Is there a plot? What’s ‘sandbox’? It’s an ‘open world’?” “Can you play it with other people at the same time, like those arcade games where- oh, different screens, same world? REALLY? Over the internet you say? Now how does that work?” “THEY HAVE WOLVES IN MINECRAFT?”
And Trunks keeps trying to Not go overboard but if you ask an obsessed 9 year old about minecraft What TF Do You Think is gonna happen.
Trunks is WAITING, WAITING, WAITING for the inevitable “say, kid, yknow, it’s getting late, I gotta run...” or whatever polite manner Yamucha will use to end the conversation. Trunks is keeping vigilante for it. He’s studying Yamucha’s face and words for any hint of it. 
Eventually- “say, I don’t suppose you got any snacks around here in this house of fortune, do you?”
There it is, the Topic Change. Yamucha moves to stand and Trunks silences the urge to finish the tangent he was on. He’s actually relieved - that was getting scary, he didn’t know when the interruption would come. He doesn’t want to embarrass himself any further, so he’s glad for the long-awaited topic change.
They set out to amass a plate of snacks. Yamucha encourages Trunks to pick his poison, and Trunks doesn’t know why he’s still being involved in this operation but he likes snacks so he sticks around. Yamucha remarks that Bulma hasn’t yet returned and Trunks can’t stop himself from responding immediately with what was on the tip of his tongue: 
“Yeah, she doesn’t like to hear about Minecraft.”
Yamucha laughs it off, genuinely entertained, saying something about how Bulma didn’t have the patience for most things. He suggests that they go find her and bother her, and Trunks says that she doesn’t like to be bothered when she’s working, and Yamucha says “yeah I know.”
Somehow though they end up talking about Minecraft again. And this vexes Trunks so strongly. Especially when Yamucha finally says “yknow I don’t really understand the appeal of video games myself .. I dabbled in it but it didn’t really take me far” THEN WHY ARE YOU ASKING ABOUT MINECRAFT ???
My point is that the “topic change” was not a topic change, Yamucha was totally gonna return to the Minecraft thing. Which, again, makes no goddamn sense to Trunks. 
Yamucha’s just a nice dude. And he’s not annoyed with Trunks becasue he A.) isn’t as seriously-minded as Bulma and Vegeta are and B.) is not Trunks’s actual father so he doesn’t need to fucking see him all of the time and deal with his shit on a regular basis.
IDK. That’s just a story. I feel like it’s a good place to start the development of Trunks getting attached to Yamucha though. Like there are many ways you could spin this but it all sort of starts the same .. Trunks getting judgeless attention from Yamucha, who is warm and friendly and chill and visibly mature and middle-aged.
I mean this could happen at any time but hear me out:
Trunks ages 0-5 would respond well to any friendly adult because’s that’s what babies are like. As long as the adult didn’t have a scary face.
Trunks ages 6-9 will take a bit more convincing to warm up to you, because he’s got opinions and a snotty attitude. But ultimately he’s polite when it matters and he likes to have fun, so if you’re fun then he’s fun, and he’ll be excited to see you, because that’s what kids are like.
Trunks ages 10-15 is an even tougher sell, because his precocious self-awareness now actually MEANS something, and progressively more so throughout the years. And though he’s living life pretty naturally and in-tuned with himself by necessity of his craft, he would still shudder at the sensation of affection / want of attention from an adult other than the expressly accepted Bulma & Vegeta & his grandsparents & Gohan & Videl & to an extent Goten’s parents. Being a little baby kid and wanting to spend time with a beloved adult is one thing, but Trunks is much too self-aware at this age to allow the easy flow of vulnerability. Like, HOW STRANGE. How strange to think he would need something from someone. How strange to think that there could be a shift in the familial dynamic that’s always been. So he would experience some confliction and some shame at a perceived immaturity of the self. Even though he is getting older, humans develop in a gradual way, and by his Saiyan blood he is still a baby, so he is still responsive to warmth and attention, even when it is bewilderingly unconditional and pleasant.
Moreover: Trunks has himself a self-image of self-sufficiency and independence by this time, and he would struggle with how small and clingy he feels when Yamucha is nice to him, and he may just avoid him entirely for it.
Trunks ages 16-18 is no longer susceptible to a new juvenile attachment but he is a kid who likes to party. He is friendly enough and could make a mentor out of Yamucha yet. He could love him like one too.
However in the event that he already had the experience of wanting Yamucha to be his dad when he was younger: by 18 he thinks he’s totally over “it” though he never gave “it” credit for what it was: how much he appreciated the sense of safety that being raised by a village gave him. And that’s literally a normal thing and Trunks is literally capable of seeing that but he’s not Goten so he still is a little slow on the uptake. So he thinks he’s “over it” but as soon as he gets eyes on Yamucha he .. Oh my god I’ll just repost the last image file of a previously-shared comic
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This is just so goddamn funny like .. That first panel I wish was way bigger becasue I think it’s everything. The crazed and vigilante yet amiable and PLACID look. It’s like he’s a shark and he’s caught blood in the water. It’s like he was a normal dude before but then he got eyes on Yamucha and his middle-aged man used-car-salesman swag and a biochemical reaction began to occur in Trunks’s brain and he’s become one-track and pursuit-predatorial and now he’s looking at him like this
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With so much warmth and love and contentedness .. like he thinks he’s amazing. Like he’s out for blood.
And then he warmly says “you could marry my mom and I wouldn’t be mad.” LIKE ... that’s so funny .. he’s 18 so he thinks he’s an adult but he’s still Someone’s Boy. He’s still a kid. It takes time to mature fully. He’s tall and taught like a greenbean plant and he hasn’t actually yet matured into the heat of the season ... He’s tall and energetic and he wants Yamucha to marry his mom so that he can see his mom get along with someone and for that someone to be Yamucha. It’s not that Trunks dislikes his father - he really really doesn’t - but it’s that he also wants Yamucha to be his dad.
By the time we get to Trunks age 23 - GT times - he really is beyond this. He really is a chill young adult by then. He doesn’t feel the juvenile attachment. He’s a mature organism. He probably forgot he ever felt that way to begin with.
It’s just funny idk.
In the event where Bulma and Vegeta formally split (which wouldn’t happen because Vegeta has nowhere else to go really...), Bulma would be cool with it but like any woman with self-respect she would undergo a certain grief to start. It doesn’t last long and she knows she’s happier being single but she allows herself the tenderness. And in this time she may reconnect with friends to feel better, including Yamucha.
And Trunks is around age umm idk let’s say 9 again, and he doesn’t think that his parents formally splitting is a big deal. From his POV, the only thing that will change is that he won’t see his father at the dinnertable anymore and he won’t train with him in the gravity chamber for a while (I say “a while” because Vegeta will come crawling back to use that fucking thing). But Trunks still knows where to find him, and he will still be training and learning under him. So it’s not a big deal.
His mom seems a little sad, which he wasn’t expecting. But she’s said and will keep saying that it was for the best and the mature thing to do, so Trunks doesn’t think much of it.
But much like how this post started, there’s a day where Trunks can hear his mother laughing in conversation in the other room. And it strikes him, rings in his head like a knell, secretive in its pull but inexorable all the same-... it’s been a while since his mother seemed so happy to be talking to someone. 
Under the guise of helping Bulma through this difficult time, but really for old time’s sake, but really actually because Yamuch’s cabin has a cockroach problem right now, it’s been arranged where Yamucha is gonna hang out and live at Capsule Corp for a while. 
OK don’t let me make this damn post so damn long. You know where it’s going. Trunks despite himself warms up to Yamucha and at the end asks him upfront if he’s gonna marry Bulma. And Yamucha is like NOOO No No No NO! Lol. And Trunks is like WHY NOT?? YOU GET ALONG SO WELL .. 
and Yamucha explains that he’s just trying to be a friend right now because he and Bulma did NOT work out in the past. And Trunks is like “Ok so are you going to live here forever then..” and Yamucha is like..........nooooo.........I’m gonna go home to my cabin ..........
and Trunks is like WHAT ???
And Yamucha, who is not trying to become a father, and who has been unsure how to treat Trunks as he sees him getting more and more clingy over the weeks, has to finally concede at this moment that: Trunks evidently needs this right now. He needs a friendly father figure. Yamucha wasn’t trying to get involved in all of this because he at this point in his life does not feel confident enough that he has what it takes to be a good parent .. that he could really give a kid what he needs .. he doesn’t think he’s good enough ... but at this moment he realizes that Well Soemone Has to Watch Stupoid Movies with This Kid and It’s NOT gonna be Vegeta So.....!!
so he tells Trunks “you know where to find me..!” and that he can visit at any time. But Trunks still seems a little sad about it and I can tell you why: it’s because he wants to feel loved enough that people will seek HIM out, not that the onus is always on him to maintain connections.
Yamucha sees that he’s still kind of sad so he makes an impulsive promise to “visit sometimes” and Trunks seems happy to hear that.
In any story you want to spin about Yamucha Dad Swagg I think it pays to consider Trunks’s hesitance to attach, because of his attitude problem and because he does already have two parents, and also how as a kid he responds to the budding connection with insecurity and confusion because even as a kid he takes it upon himself to be totally self-aware and to know everything, because that’s how his parents are raising him.
And it pays to consider what type of attention and affection that Trunks is actually receiving at home.
And it pays to consider that Yamucha is sort of washed-up and is in some ways content with that and in other ways insecure, and that he doesn't feel quite good enough to be a father but he doesn’t want to be without a family for forever, but he is a nice person who is good with kids, and Bulma is a dear friend of his, and he will do what he can to do well by her son. And he’s just naturally friendly and goofy and that gets him into hot water when he accidentally causes Bulma’s evidently-underappreciated son to latch onto him, like a baby bird imprinting upon you because you just happened to be there.
It’s all very simple really. At a Z-team get-together Trunks really wants to pull up a chair between Yamcuha and Bulma but he doesn’t know how to do that without it being weird (he thinks it’s weird becasue he’s self-aware to his own detriment). And he really wants the simple comfort of physical affection that he stopped receiving when his mother set him down as a baby for the last time, but he doesn’t know how to hug Yamucha without it being weird. And he really wants to just like stand next to Yamucha or something but he feels like if his own real father sees him standing next to Yamucha it’s gonna be weird.
In reality Vegeta doesnt give a shit, and if he knew about all of this then he would encourage Trunks to seek out the humanistic family structure he evidently needs to thrive, becasue Vegeta knows that he’s not capable of paying out in that way. But this all goes unspoken so Trunks just feels weird about the way that everything seems like it’s going to be okay whenever Yamucha is around, and he’s trying to find a situation in which it would be acceptable for him to cuddle up with Yamucha like a cat. 
It’s sort of stupid because that’s literally all it is. And there IS a day where Trunks drags Goten over to Yamucha’s cabin and they roast chestnuts and watch Caddyshack (1980) (one of the only movies that Yamucha owns and he always watches it when he’s sad and drunk and he doesn't even recognize it when he’s sober? He doesn’t know why he has it.).
And it’s fun obviously becasue Goten is there and they eat popcorn but when they’re watching the movie on Yamucha’s new couch (it’s new at this time) (it’s red and swanky) (he thinks it really classes up the place) (now there’s popcorn oil stains all over it of course but he’s trying to be gracious about it), Yamucha realizes that it’s a movie unfit for kids, and Goten gets bored when the popcorn is gone, and Trunks is not watching the movie at all because he is taking this opportunity to hug yamucha as hard as he can as he settles next to him on the couch.
And Yamucha is thinking “ummm this isn’t a very good movie for kids” but he literally can’t get up and do anything about it because Bulma’s damn bastard whelp is clinging to his side with the ardent ferocity of a drowning monkey to a floating log. And also the kid is pretending to be asleep so that no one will try to disturb him but his grip strength gives him away. And so basically Yamucha has to just sit through this weird movie. And Goten gets bored and really does fall asleep next to Trunks. So now Yamucha is committed to this damn movie. And there’s popcorn butter everywhere
Anyway. If Trunks started to bond with Yamucha then he really would want to learn stuff from him / model after him. And that’s where we may run into problems, becasue in practice, their continued involvement may be more of Trunks fixing Yamucha’s car then it is Yamucha teaching Trunks how to do stuff.
But there is still quite a bit that could be done here. Trunks would learn the Spirit Ball from Yamucha. He would learn how to go to diners and tip 30%, 40% if the server was cute. He would learn how to relax and enjoy life. He would learn how to hang out. He would start getting into Yamucha’s music, and then music composition once Yamucha pulls out his old guitar. He would pretend to care about baseball. He would have a new appreciation for monocolored suits. He would try whiskey for the first time. He would develop on his emotional intelligence so that he would eventually be on-par with Goten. He would listen to stories of the past because lord knows that Trunks’s parents don’t fucking tell him anything. ETC.
One more thing. You know that one .. science experiment where they put a baby monkey in a cage of sorts and gave it two “mothers,” one made of warm cloth that served no function and another that was made of wire and that contained a source of food? And they discovered that when the monkey was scared, he always huddled up to the cloth mother for comfort, even though she was not the one to feed him? And the result was something about the realization of the importance of comfort for babies? Yeah well it’s kind of like that .. Bulma & Vegeta are the wire mothers who offer substance of body mind and character, and Yamucha is the cloth mother who can’t do much for him but he’s always down to watch a movie and hang out or something. 
END POST. Good grief
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months
do you agree chichi is severely overhated? i love her and i don’t think it’s fair she’s hated on for wanting the best for her children.
Definitely. Chichi gets way too much hate that is completely undeserved.
I will admit that as a kid I did not like Chichi. I thought she was annoying, an overbearing mom, and not a good wife to Goku. But as I grew older, I completely understand her POV. Her constantly being worried for Gohan is Z is very understandable. He is her first born son so of course she’s gonna be worried about him all the time, considering the dangers he always goes through. We also have to remember that in between Raditz kidnapping Gohan and the ending of the Goku vs Vegeta fight, Chichi has not seen her son in over a year (same thing for her husband. For an entire year, she was alone). So it makes sense that after that traumatic experience, she always wanted to have him around.
We have to give her credit where credit is due, she is a loyal wife to Goku, During the seven year time skip, she was the one who trained Goten before Gohan took over (which shows her character growth in allowing her sons to become fighters). The fact that she also has to cook for THREE Saiyans is impressive. I can only imagine what their grocery bill looks like.
My biggest annoyance with people criticizing her character is saying how she’s been resulted to just be a housewife when fans don’t realize that that’s what she always wanted. She never wanted to be a martial artist. In OG Dragon Ball Chichi makes it very clear that all she ever wanted was just to marry Goku, settle down and start a family. So I don’t know why fans shame her for doing what she always wanted to do??
And like yeah, she can be aggressive and hot tempered around Goku, but we have to remember that Goku has admitted that he likes that she’s feisty. (Also Goku is Goku, I can’t imagine what it’s like being married to a fighting obsessed goofball like him) Much like Vegeta with Bulma, Saiyans like strong willed women, and Chichi is indeed strong in her own right. She’s a skilled fighter and though she doesn’t do martial arts anymore, you can tell that she’s still got it (knocking out that one woman in the Buu saga during the tournament), she loves her sons and her husband, and her family is her number one priority.
In conclusion, Chichi is a good character (she does have her flaws, I think saving the world is more important than doing your homework), her and Goku are cute, and does not deserve all the hate that she is given 💛
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themattress · 5 months
How Toriyama/Toyotaro salvaged "End of Z"
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Let me start this post with a personal confession that may or may not be unpopular: I have very little interest in Dragon Ball DAIMA. I have slightly more than I used to after Akira Toriyama's death since I am naturally curious to see what the last Dragon Ball related material he ever produced is like, but otherwise it still looks like just a different take on Dragon Ball GT, my least favorite Dragon Ball series, except that more characters than just Goku turn young and it's the Demon Realm that's being explored instead of space. It also doesn't help that the head writer, Yuko Kakihara, makes me nervous - she's done fine work as an episodic script writer on anime such as Fresh Pretty Cure, My Bride is a Mermaid, and Pokémon Journeys, and she was fantastic as the head writer of IRODUKU: The World in Color. But in terms of shows closer to what Dragon Ball DAIMA seems like, she was head writer on that god-awful Stitch anime that Disney stupidly allowed to be made. Worse still, she was the writer of Digimon Adventure Tri. So you can understand why I have reservations.
Point is, I consider Dragon Ball DAIMA to be a sideshow, regardless of what its merits may end up being. For me personally, it's the manga/anime trilogy of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super that really counts the most. And as tragic as the circumstances behind the end of Toriyama's involvement on the latter are, I am highly impressed what he and his mangaka protégée Toyotaro were able to accomplish. With three major steps, they have substantially retconned the notoriously underwhelming ending of the original manga series and DBZ anime, known as "End of Z" among fans, in a way that makes a satisfying closure.
The first step was way back in Dragon Ball Online. Toriyama was involved back then in canonically mapping out the future of the Dragon Ball world, long after Goku, his friends and his family have passed away. And a major part of that was how Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Pan affected that world for the better in their adult lives. Gohan in particular has a masterful end to his long struggle between being a fighter and being a scholar by becoming a scholar on ki fighting techniques, publishing a study that makes it widely possible for humans around the world to master ki control and gain flight and energy blasts. It's a perfect outcome for him.
The second step was through Toriyama's involvement in the new movies and Super series. End of Z now cannot happen the way it was presented in the original manga and anime. There are way too many discrepancies, from character appearances, the lack of certain characters who it would make little sense not to be there, and details like "none of Goku's friends saw him for 5 years before then" which have now been completely contradicted. Obviously the 28th Budokai where Goku meets Uub and takes him under his wing for training is still canon, but that event is now free to transpire in a far more plausible and satisfactory way than the famously rushed, haphazard and OOC way in which it was depicted before.
The third and final step was the last collaboration between Toriyama and Toyotaro in the Super manga. The final three chapters they worked on together were an epilogue to the story of the Super Hero film, actually tying its plot together with the side plot featuring Goku and Vegeta on Beerus' planet. Perhaps responding to prevalent criticisms, the movie had already made a major point of showing how the world can still be successfully defended by the Z Fighters even without Goku and Vegeta being there. And in these three chapters, the point is carried even further by having Goku test what the new generation is capable of, a theme that's even reflected in the final chapter's title, "Passing On To The Future". This completely recontextualizes End of Z. Originally made as a laughable attempt to salvage the "Goku passing the torch" direction with Uub in place of Gohan after Toriyama botched it so badly with him, now it makes Uub only the latest in a large field of fighters that includes Gohan. Now it's Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Pan, even Broly of all people, who are being gathered as Earth's next line of defense once Goku and Vegeta finally expire. Uub will join that group. (Oh, and being Namekian, both Piccolo and Dende will still be around to assist, of course.)
So while the narrative of Dragon Ball may have peaked with the Cell Saga, now the Majin Buu Saga -> Battle of Gods Saga -> Resurrection F Saga -> Universe 6 Saga -> Future Trunks / Goku Black Saga -> Universe Survival Saga -> Broly Saga -> Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga -> Granolah the Survivor Saga -> Super Hero Saga -> End of Z together create a worthier follow-up than just the Majin Buu Saga -> End of Z was back in the day. Certainly not perfect, even when leaving the loose ends out of it (so Freeza's just gonna stay loose out there with a new ultimate form?), but feeling much closer to a fully realized ending.
Thank you, Toriyama. You made it up as you went along right to the very end, but as usual, your remarkable creative talent managed to make it all fit together. You are deeply missed.
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beefy-babe-showdown · 2 years
Congratulations to all the girls who made it in, and thanks to everyone who submitted a character!
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Meet the Competitors!
Round 1A:
Scorpia (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Blue Power (OK K.O.!)
Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda) vs Muscle Princess (Adventure Time)
Sevika (Arcane) vs Meteora Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Susan Strong (Adventure Time) vs Jolyne Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Yasha Nydoorin (Critical Role) vs Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
Clarisse La Rue (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
Vi (Arcane) vs Amber Gris (The Adventure Zone)
Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones) vs Moyra Heigsketter (Dauntless)
Round 1B:
Sakura Ogami (Danganronpa) vs Phoebe (OK K.O.!)
Brick (Incredibles 2) vs Butch Woman (Fun Home)
She-Hulk (Marvel) vs Marisa (Street Fighter)
Ambessa Medarda (Arcane) vs Tsuchiya (Mob Psycho 100)
Pyrrha Dve (The Locked Tomb) vs Amaya (The Dragon Prince)
Nemesis (Hades II) vs Foxtail (OK K.O.!)
Korra (The Legend of Korra) vs Seo Yi-kyeong (Sweet Home)
Huntara (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Round 1C:
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs George Parley (Gunnerkrig Court)
Ingrid Grimwall (Project: Eden's Garden) vs Zisu (Pokémon)
Dahlia Aquino (Monster Prom) vs Vantage (Apex Legends)
Kassandra (Assassin's Creed) vs Rekka (Hi Fi Rush)
Jasper (Steven Universe) vs Killian (The Adventure Zone)
Bismuth (Steven Universe) vs Cara Dune (The Mandalorian)
Abby Anderson (The Last of Us) vs Apple Scrumper (Not Another DnD Podcast)
Rinkah (Fire Emblem) vs Power Girl (DC Comics)
Round 1D:
Luisa Madrigal (Encanto) vs Joy (10 Earth Shattering Blows)
Meryl Mei Qi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Undyne (Undertale)
Zarya (Overwatch) vs Daidouji (Senran Kagura)
Mirko (My Hero Academia) vs Brigitte (Overwatch)
Noi (Dorohedero) vs Barghest (Fate Grand Order)
Striga (Castlevania) vs Bobbie Draper (The Expanse)
She-ra (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) vs Kale (Dragon Ball Z)
Susie (Deltarune) vs Nihkee Moolah (Homestuck)
Vote for your favorites!
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peterrrei · 6 months
I saw you said you were watching g gundam and liking it!! what do you think abt it so far, what is resonating abt it with u? it’s one of my fav shows and means a lot to me so im always excited to see someone else enjoying g fighter. I always feel like despite its silliness there’s a lot more There than ppl give credit for but that’s just my experience
hi!! thank you for this question!!
first of all, i only watched 19 episodes so im almost halfway through it. im really enjoying it! and i love seeing a similar art style to victory gundam ❤️ it gives me major afternoon cartoons on tv vibes… (idk if thats the case for other countries, but italy’s tv has so. much. anime. typical early afternoon of my childhood would consist of dragon ball z - early one piece - sailor moon - and some other 90s anime)
as im getting older i’ve realized more and more just how much seeing media created with passion moves me. id say that ive put my“critical” eye on the background. although of course i can be critical depending on whqt i have in front of me 🤷🏼 but g gundam just hypes me so much! some aspects feel very stupid sometimes (my bf always question “where did the shining gundam pop out from? it was just there waiting to be activated?” WHO CARES LETS GO WITH THE VIBES!!!!) but it has so much goodness. first of all, it’s pretty! not even just the art style, but the direction in general is very well done and interesting and it’s clear that the people who made it are cinema lovers. that i just admire so much!
it’s a good and interesting story that keeps you engaged. im amazed that it is sold as “the au gundam that has a fighting competition with all countries being represented by a gundam made of stereotypes” like… okay. but then it’s just not. that. well i can imagine there might be more focus on the competition later in the story but it went to kinda monster (country?) of the week to a manhunt to a martial arts movie to etc. theres so much variety and it flows SO WELL.
so yeah… i like the characters. cant wait to see more of kyoji (well i have suspicions that he is SXXXXXX… and i love that. i love chibodee and his girlies. i love RAIN and i was so 👀👀👀 during the episode with her ex. i thought master asia was a completely different character before watching the show. i like being surprised and this show makes me feel like a kid :3
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
The Russian defence ministry has been recruiting prisoners to fight in Ukraine, apparently taking over from the Wagner mercenary group which was the first to adopt the practice last year.
Such army units are commonly known as Storm-Z, the letter Z being one of the symbols of Vladimir Putin's so-called "special military operation" against Ukraine. It is also the first letter of the Russian word "zek", or "inmate".
The name Storm-Z is unofficial and can be applied to a range of Russian army units active in different parts of Ukraine.
Similarly to Wagner's prisoner units, Storm-Z detachments are reportedly often treated as an expendable force thrown into battle - with little consideration for the lives of their servicemen.
There are also indications that members of other army units can be sent to Storm-Z detachments as punishment for violations such as insubordination or drunkenness.
Wagner's role
Last year, Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin - known as "Putin's chef" - was allowed to recruit in prisons after tens of thousands of Russian troops were killed in Ukraine.
He personally visited numerous jails to promise convicted criminals that they would be able to go home free, and with their convictions removed, after six months of fighting for Wagner in Ukraine - if they survived.
The group, which employed experienced mercenaries as well as convicts, proved itself as a capable fighting force in locations such as the eastern Ukrainian town of Bakhmut.
But then Prigozhin very publicly escalated his criticism of Russia's top brass, accusing them of incompetence and of deliberately starving Wagner of ammunition. Two months after staging a short-lived mutiny, Prigozhin died in a plane crash in August 2023 together with Wagner's other top commanders.
The group has now all but disappeared from the battlefield in Ukraine.
Military takes over
Reports from Russia suggest that the defence ministry has taken over from Wagner as a recruiter of inmates for the war against Ukraine.
"It is the same scheme as with the [Wagner] private military company," said RTVI, a Russian news website. "Prisoners sign contracts with the defence ministry, and after completing them they can go home or continue serving."
One member of Storm-Z, a former prisoner interviewed by US-funded website Sever Realii, said defence ministry recruiters promised inmates lavish payments: a salary of 205,000 roubles (about $2,000 or £1,700) a month, a payment of 3m roubles ($31,000 or £26,000) per injury and 5m roubles ($52,000 or £43,000) to be paid to the recruit's relatives if he gets killed.
"It all sounded hunky-dory!" he said. But soon after being deployed to Ukraine the former prisoners realised they were being sent into a "total meat-grinder" without proper armaments or without even being told of the real situation on the front line, he said.
The man - whose real name Sever Realii did not give - lost a leg in battle, but he survived, unlike some of his fellow fighters from Storm-Z.
Even though the Russian military has not confirmed or denied recruiting convicts, there are numerous indications of them being sent to units known as Storm-Z.
For example, Mikhail Razvozhayev, the Russia-installed governor of the occupied city of Sevastopol in Crimea, on 17 October confirmed that one of the two Storm-Z members recently killed in fighting was an ex-prisoner who had "decided to atone for his guilt and signed a contract with the defence ministry in spring 2023".
Also in October, popular Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets interviewed another member of Storm-Z, a convicted murderer who uses the call sign Bandit. He had served six years of his 19-year prison sentence before joining the Russian military.
"It doesn't matter if you're a contract soldier, if you've been mobilised or if you are even a convict. No, we're like family," Bandit told the paper. "I just hope the defence ministry does what it promised and secures a pardon for me."
'They're just meat'
The defence ministry in Moscow first referred to "storm units" on 25 January this year, publishing a video of them training, but without going into the detail of who their members were. It is possible that the unit mentioned by the defence ministry is different from Storm-Z units which comprise convicts.
It said that the "storm units' job is to break through the most complicated layered parts of Ukrainian defences".
In practice, this appears to mean that they are often readily deployed without much consideration for their chances of survival.
"Storm fighters, they're just meat," one regular soldier who has fought alongside members of Storm-Z, told Reuters. In its investigation, the news agency also said that, in an echo of Stalin's penal military units, servicemen from other army detachments can get sent to Storm-Z as punishment for disobeying orders or drinking alcohol.
Independent Russian website Agentstvo quoted a Russian soldier fighting in Ukraine's Kherson region (whose identity the website says it has confirmed) as saying that regular servicemen were sent to Storm-Z as a form of punishment. The man shared with Agentstvo a video of three masked men who he said were members of his brigade, one of whom says:
"This means they're running out of people, and our commanders plug these holes by sending people to Storm-Z. We think this is unlawful and illegitimate. This has to stop."
One Russian Telegram account believed to be run by a military instructor involved in training Storm-Z units claimed that some of their members had been driven to desperation and attempted desertion after being mistreated by their commanders.
"People can simply go berserk because they're being treated like dispensable meat which deserves no sympathy. And this attitude is in reality not uncommon," the account calling itself the Grey Zone Philologist said.
But then, it claimed, Storm-Z servicemen are not the only members of the Russian army subjected to mistreatment by "unhinged man-eating commanders".
The UK ministry of defence says it is possible that Storm-Z units were originally envisioned as "relatively elite organisations".
In an intelligence update published on 24 October, it says they have now effectively become "penal battalions, manned with convicts and regular troops on disciplinary charges".
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
This is a different ask than usual, but I saw your comment on how Hori uses the OVA's/light novels to deflect constructive criticism, and it made me think about how this is kind of a problem with some manga authors/artists: they can't take contructive criticism.
Both Horikoshi and Oda (Oda's admitted to doing this) simply ignore it all and doubles down on the things the fans complain about, and I'm not sure about Akira Toriyama and Masashi Kishimoto.
Tite Kubo's the only one I've seen who actually acknowledges the criticisms, and that was mainly due to him fighting with the editors about the direction Bleach was going in.
So, I can't say a lot about the others, but from what I've seen Toriyama's changed his writing a lot over the years.
I mean, look at Bulma. She's so different than she was in her first appearance. She's one of the most valuable members of the Z-Fighters and is treated us such. She's intelligent, confident, and doesn't moon over men like she did in DB (even before she got with Vegeta). She also isn't fetishized nearly as much as she used to be. She's treated as a serious, competent character.
Even though Chi-Chi's character in Super is disappointing, she was making great strides in the Buu Saga. She not only trained Goten, she also allowed Gohan to fight in the tournament. Prior to the Cell Saga, she never would have done either. Goku's death really changed her and made her rethink how she wanted to raise her sons. It was great character development.
Toriyama looked back, acknowledged some things about his prior work, and actively made changes. Sure, DB will never be perfect in these regards, but it's still progress. I gotta give it to him
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zestyderg · 1 year
Hello Zesty. What kind of hobbies the main Dinurian characters would get into upon moving to Earth?
Hiiiiiiiii Mags.
Hrmmmmm lemme think...
Duna: She's being dragged into shenanigans with Hunter and Rosie. There's just so much to do on Earth that she doesn't really know where to begin. Maybe she'll take up fossil battling with her new friends, but I'm not sure if she'd be as interested. She only battles when she feels she has to, such as when she fights Hunter in Mt. Lavaflow or is collecting data when you fight her in champions. I think that for a while she'll be focused on just trying to understand human customs (especially gen z humor) and adjusting to Earth life. As for like actual hobbies I don't really see her doing one thing. She tries anything and everything, and if her human friends are doing something, she'll probably take interest.
Raptin: He's trying to make friends. He's failing miserably. We all know Raptin is cringefail and that doesn't stop when he's trying to exist on Earth. Hunter, Rosie, Duna, and Dynal are his only real friends, and his stubborn, short-tempered nature makes it difficult for him to get new ones. He's just not very approachable. His friends try to help him as best they can, with mixed results, and Rosie does not miss the opportunity to roast the shit out of Raptin and frame it as constructive criticism. I could see him getting into a sport of some kind that isn't fossil battling and really enjoying it. He has a tendency to get overly competitive but it could also be his opportunity to really get to know and learn to better bond with people.
Dynal: Considering he's the only dinaurian to have used actual vivosaurs that aren't dinomatons or himself in battle, I'd say that he's the most interested out of the three in becoming a powerful fossil fighter! When he's not busy trying to help his subjects accommodate to life on Earth or trying to understand human culture, he's honing his battle skills and forming a strong team of vivosaurs to fight with. He'd become licensed and rise through the ranks very quickly, and become world renowned for his sheer strength in combat. I also imagine him to spend quite a bit of time with Diggins (whether platonically or romantically or anything else is up to you). He's very interested in the doctor's research and often helps him with his projects. He also just really enjoys Diggins' company.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Why I Think Cell is the Most Horrifying DBZ Villain
Frieza remains a silver tier DBZ villain and the Namek arc is still the best arc in DBZ in my opinion. However, in some ways Cell is the more terrifying villain.
Imperfect Cell's design is horrifying and creepy. Whenever I see his face in Youtube videos, I immediately cover my eyes. He is monstrous! I hate cockroaches too so his bug design does not make his imperfect form easier to bear. Yeah, I am a 23-year-old woman, don't judge me!
His Absorption Technique
So almost every villain after Cell had some kind of absorption technique. Buu ate people, Baby was a parasite and Omega Shenrom fused with the other dragon balls. However, Cell's tail is the thing out of nightmares. I don't know how Piccolo could watch with a straight face as Imperfect Cell literally liquified a begging man right in front of him. I will be honest and say that I lost a bit of respect for Piccolo when I watched that scene. Not to mention the scenes where he absorbed Android 17 and 18. Tien even exclaims how revolting Cell's absorption of 17 was. The scene where he absorbed 18 was...interesting. Let's leave it at that. When he powered up to fight Piccolo in his imperfect form, you could see the souls of all the people he devoured. In the sub version, you can hear their wailing moans. Talk about demonic.
Stealth and sneakiness
I think what also makes Cell dangerous is his patience and stealth. He wandered on earth for 4 years without being detected. He ravaged so many towns without the Z fighters catching wind. You never know when he will strike which makes things even more tense. The way he snuck up behind Android 17 to absorb him is still hard to watch. He was running circles around the Z fighters. He made everyone look incompetent.
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Season 2 Review
Originally posted December 10th, 2015
Revision and subversion set this season apart from the original.
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Before we venture into the interim movies produced by Team Four Star before they began season 3, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on the season as a whole. I started reviewing this season back in August, and writing these weekly reviews has, in my opinion, done more than anything else to strengthen my opinion of this series (as well as my abilities as a writer and film critic). I’ve also gained a lot of understanding about this series, and how Team Four Star has developed a number of interesting themes.
One of the most interesting themes Team Four Star leaned into with this show is an exploration of fatherhood, specifically through Gohan and Goku’s relationship. Gohan’s love and devotion for his father (as well as his father’s friends) drives him out to the farthest reaches of space with a coward and a civilian, and the show takes its time showing just how much of a toll being the only capable fighter has taken on him.
Where in the first season Gohan’s rage stemmed primarily from his Saiyan blood transforming him into Oozaru, in this season almost every instance of Gohan lashing out in anger stems from his dismay at his father’s absence (the only exception is the righteous indignation that causes him to rescue Dende).
Team Four Star also takes care to show that Goku’s absence isn’t just incidental or excusable because of the needs of the plot. While Goku clearly cares for his son, he also actively avoids spending time with him or maintaining a relationship with him in this season, and it’s very telling when Goku makes his most rational decision yet, he does so by yelling at his son as if he’s a soldier under his command.
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Another important theme of this series has to do with the ways it revises the problematic content of the source material. I mentioned this back in my review of Episode 11, but it’s still worth noting that Team Four Star heavily revises Bulma in order to make her a competent scientist rather than a spoiled and whiny brat.
They also address stereotypes surrounding the LGBT community, going out of their way to include a masculine woman and a straight man who fits every gay stereotype in the book. They did flounder in their handling of representing masculine women (see my Episode 15 review for more), but it’s still important that they acknowledged the lack of these characters in Toriyama’s original work.
Vegeta’s character arc is also interesting for a number of reasons, but the most important one is that he doesn’t really get a redemption arc here. He joins Team Three Star out of the basic need to survive, and at every turn he shows himself to be just as sinister as he always was, through his constant plotting to steal the Dragonballs for immortality.
Yet, despite remaining fairly despicable, Team Four Star asks us to empathize with Vegeta in his utter fear of Freeza. Vegeta is made desperate many times at Freeza’s hands, and near the end, when he brings himself to the brink of death for a potential advantage, we’re made to feel for him as he asks for Dende to heal him. Despite everything he’s done, and despite his selfish motivations for wanting to kill Freeza, the brink of death brings him to a position of (albeit forced) humility, and every single time I’ve seen him beg for Dende’s mercy, I’ve wanted to reach out to Dende myself, and compel him to offer Vegeta the help he needs.
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Freeza in the end is also not given an ounce of redemption, but unlike Vegeta, we are not called upon to approach him with empathy when he is near death. This man is a man so despicable he would use a gift freely given by his enemy against him, and we are never really made to question if Freeza is capable of this kind of malice. We instead know very clearly that he is from the beginning, as he’s shown to be the ultimate spoiled brat.
His motivation for killing off an entire race of Namekians is because he wants the Dragonballs, yes, but it’s also because he has never been refused anything in his life; the first time we meet Freeza, he slaughters a village just because they have the nerve to resist him. He is so used to getting his way in absolutely everything that he keeps count of his enemies vain protestations, and so it’s fitting that the only person who could destroy him in the end is the person stubborn enough not to give him anything he wants.
There is, of course, so much more I could get into (Jeice and Burter’s friendship, the de-glorification of the patriarch in Super Kami Guru, the way they used the Ginyu Force to experiment with alternative storytelling), but I feel like most everything I want to say has been covered in my original reviews.
The first season of Dragonball Z: Abridged, while funny, was very shaky, and it didn’t really find its footing until very near the end, when Team Four Star became comfortable working within the source material. Season 2 then was built on that solid ground and gave way to a good bit of experimentation and revision, most of which proved just how skilled creators the members of Team Four Star really are.
Rating: 4.5/5
If you enjoyed this review, consider supporting me on Patreon.
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the-huldra-king · 2 years
The thing about the Willow tv series is… I found the show delightful in the most refreshing ways for me! I had my own criticisms about composition and flow, but I loved the risks they took, the things they tried out, all of which lead me and my partners to being pleasantly surprised and amused every week we came together to watch. The character relationship arcs were intense and meaningful, I came to adore many of the characters, each for different reasons, what a fun little dnd party! I loved the wlw representation between a broody swashbuckling princess and her knight, the stupid pretty prince who got MacGuffin’d, the slutty bi disaster fighter scoundrel trying to learn to be a good friend, the sweet, timid, tormented, nerdy bard lad, and Elora herself, learning to grow into her powerful potential. I loved all the little creatures... the beloved mudmander, Kenneth! I’ll never forget you!
 I can get why a lot of people didn’t like it. They made a big error, naming it the same as the original movie, presenting it as a continuation from the movie, but giving it a completely different style and culture, like elements of gen-z and queer culture, for some key examples. That’s gonna betray a lot of expectations. But so many people, because of their existing prejudices, are projecting them, pretending the problem is that it’s “woke”, and review bombed the hell out of this show. So now I and my friends who enjoyed this show don’t get the 2 promised additional seasons. And I don’t blame the people who didn’t like it, I blame the ones who let their prejudice steer them, and most importantly the horrible Disney megacorp! I just want queers and women to have our shows that shamelessly indulge us with their vibe and presentation… but this one came into the crossfire of an existing beloved IP, catching the attention of the wrong people until it turned to mass outrage, and it’s tragic to me.
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shinra33459 · 1 year
Star Wars - Republic Undying (An Alternate Universe)
The Clone Wars were coming to an end; the Outer Rim sieges were underway, and the Separatists were making their final, daring push against the Republic. The Sith master was hiding in plain sight: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The Jedi were becoming wary of him, and his intentions. He had been in office for over 10 years, well past his term limit, and something was amiss. The Jedi High Council sent Anakin Skywalker, a man who was close with the Chancellor, to spy on him. But instead of falling into Palpatine’s trap, Anakin talked to Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Ahsoka about his problems and they kept him away from the Dark Side. Obi-Wan even suggested to Anakin that the nightmares he could be having about Padmé were a warning to him if he continued on his current course.
When Palpatine revealed himself to be a Sith Lord, Anakin brought this to the attention of Padmé and Bail Organa opposed to Mace Windu. The two senators then immediately brought this to members of the Republic Security Council. Upon hearing the news and knowing full well that Palpatine is the utmost threat to the Republic, the Security Council issued Order 65 to the Grand Army of the Republic, letting them know that the Chancellor betrayed the Republic and must be apprehended. A contingent of the 501st Legion was dispatched from Mandalore to Coruscant and the 212th Attack Battalion from Utapau, where they would assist the Jedi Council in arresting, or killing, Palpatine. Some of the most powerful Jedi that the Order could muster, and about 750 Clone Troopers were sent to arrest or kill the traitorous Chancellor.
The fight begins and some of the less powerful Jedi are killed easily, leaving only Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, and Yoda to fight the Sith. Palpatine ends up falling out the main window and pulls Anakin down with him. Both Palpatine and Anakin land on a walkway and begin a one-on-one duel. Anakin and Palpatine continue to duke it out in the streets of Coruscant, Anakin using every tangible ounce of his power to prevent Palpatine from killing him. Their fight continues as they fall further and further into the depths of Coruscant, eventually making their way into the lower levels. 
Palpatine continues to beat down on Anakin, the Jedi knight beginning to waver as he grows exhausted. Palpatine knocks Anakin’s lightsaber away from him and uses his Force lightning on him as he’s on the ground. After Anakin had been incapacitated and knowing that the entire Clone Army is after him, Palpatine flees Coruscant for Separatist controlled territory. Anakin is found by the Clones of the Coruscant Guard who rush him to a nearby hospital as he is in critical condition.
With the truth out that the Republic was being manipulated by the Sith, frustrations are at a boiling point within the Republic. Faith in the Republic was at an all-time low, considering that they had been played by an imposter. Bail Organa of Alderaan is elected as the new Chancellor of the Republic following a vote. Knowing that Palpatine is still out there and still leading the Separatists from afar, the fighting has to continue if there is to be eventual peace, as with the Sith still out there, the galaxy would be plunged into civil war without end if Palpatine isn’t found and dealt with.
An order is placed to Kuat Drive Yards to begin mass production on the Imperator-class Star Destroyer (Imperial Star Destroyer in the normal timeline). The intent is to eventually replace the Venator-class Star Destroyer for ship-to-ship roles as the firepower of the Imperator-class made it far more combat effective. Venators would continue to serve, however they would be used almost solely for carrying fighters and bombers. The Republic also announces trials to replace the Z-95 Headhunter, and the V-Wing. In these trials, the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/LN fighter is selected to replace the Z-95 and the TIE/IN Interceptor is selected to replace the V-Wing, but their production won’t begin until two years later.
Legislation is passed to allow Republic citizens to enlist in the Grand Army of the Republic to fight alongside the Clone Troopers rather than officer-only positions. These enlisted troops form the newly founded Republic Stormtrooper Corps, while the Clones take their position in the newly founded Republic Clone Trooper Corps. Both are separate branches of the Republic military, but these Stormtroopers are put through a simplified, yet effective, version of Clone Trooper training.
The final months of the Clone Wars begin with a highly aggressive Republic offensive campaign, specifically targeting droid production planets with the intent to kneecap the Separatist’s military. Using the newly fielded Imperator-class Star Destroyers, the Republic fleet was close to unstoppable, with more firepower, bigger crew complements, and better defenses to boot. The Republic Stormtroopers prove to be pretty effective in combat, rivaling some auxiliary Clone Trooper units, but easily outclassed by veteran combat units like the 501st Legion or the Wolfpack.
The Jedi on the other hand found themselves more invested in capturing or killing Palpatine opposed to spearheading the continued war effort. To the Jedi, Palpatine continued to be the biggest threat to the galaxy at large, and if he wasn’t stopped, another army to oppose the Republic would be built in time and wreak havoc on the galaxy. The Sith had to be eliminated at all costs for the protection of the rest of the galaxy.
After most droid production facilities under Separatist control are destroyed, the forces of the Droid Army begin to drastically deplete in numbers as the Grand Army of the Republic continues their aggressive campaign, destroying or confiscating any battle droid units they can. As Republic forces close in on the Separatist capital of Raxus Secundus, and with a rapidly depleting military force, the Separatist Senate begins to collapse as their members are torn whether to meet the Republic’s demands of an unconditional surrender, or fight to the bitter end. Palpatine orders the Separatist military command to head to Raxus Secundus from Mustafar, as he still needed them for his plans.
The final battle of the Clone Wars begins: the Battle of Raxus Secundus. The remnants of the Separatist fleet engage the Republic fleet above the planet in a space battle with a scale larger than the Battle of Coruscant. After hours of fighting, Republic ground forces land on the planet. The main Republic units in the fight are the 501st Legion, 7th Sky Corps, 104th Battalion, 327th Star Corps, and the 41st Elite Corps. In terms of Separatist ground defense, there were a few droid regiments remaining, but they were incredibly stretched thin. As a result, Separatist leaders founded various militias and conscripted civilians into these militias to defend the planet.
With a Republic blockade of the planet, and Republic Intelligence forces pinpointing Palpatine on the planet, Republic forces and the Jedi knew what had to be done. The only way the war would come to an end is if Palpatine was killed. Republic forces were deployed to the planet’s surface to engage the remaining Separatist forces as well as defeating Palpatine. After months of intense training from Yoda, Anakin was now ready to face his greatest challenge yet. A strike force on the Separatist capital city on Raxus Secundus was organized by the Jedi in their daring final confrontation against Palpatine. With a heavy military presence in the capital city, the Jedi had to HALO jump from orbit to the building where Palpatine was hiding.
Once in the building, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Plo Koon, and Mace Windu begin their final duel against Palpatine. Once again, Palpatine finds a way to get into a one-on-one duel against Anakin, however he is prepared this time. In a duel to decide the fate of the galaxy, the two use every tangible power they have in an attempt to defeat each other. As their duel progresses onto a walkway overlooking the city, Palpatine succeeds in knocking Anakin’s lightsaber away and begins to electrocute him again. Through his willpower, and knowing if he failed, everyone he ever cared about would die, Anakin used the force to pull his lightsaber into Palpatine’s back and impaled the Sith directly through the heart. After regaining his lightsaber, Anakin kicked Palpatine off the walkway where the barely alive Sith fell to his death.
After 2 months of harsh fighting, the Separatists eventually surrendered, and the Clone Wars officially end. The remaining Separatist stock of battle droids are reprogrammed to serve the Republic, further bolstering Republic numbers. Using his emergency powers, Bail Organa signs an act that allows the Clone Troopers the same rights guaranteed by Republic citizens as he believed that they deserved it after fighting the Republic’s war for them without thanks. The Kaminoans also develop a way to cure the accelerated aging of the Clone Troopers, which the Kaminoans have been researching into doing ever since they started making the Clone Army. After receiving this cure, many clones retire from military service, but most don’t.
With the fighting across the galaxy now over, the Jedi Order falls into a schism. Their unwavering adherence and investment to the politics of the Republic and blindly following the will of the Republic’s political machine didn’t allow them to see the threat that was building from within over all those years. With this disorder, many in the Jedi pushed to reform the Order. Many Jedi supported this movement, which pushed for a much more neutral stance in galactic politics, where the Jedi would not simply serve the Republic’s wishes, as well as see many Jedi leave the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. These reforms also allowed for much more lax rules about attachment, allowing members of the Jedi Order to have romantic partners and spouses. Many Jedi agreed with these changes and saw the more liberal interpretation of the Force as a good thing, however quite a few did not, chief among them being Mace Windu. Once the Jedi overhauled the order, Windu, and several Jedi who were like minded with him, left the Order and formed the Bureau of Force Sensitives, where they would use their abilities in the Force to help serve the Republic in any way they could.
The Republic decided to maintain its military strength to act as a deterrent to any future Separatist movements and to protect the Republic from attack from external and internal threats. The Republic returned to what it was before the rise of the Separatists, but with a military that is able to enforce the Republic’s will for themselves. The Republic also built large installations across the galaxy to assist in the rapid deployment of the Republic Navy in emergency scenarios. These were usually in strategic positions within deep space with the occasional one being near a planet.
Having been arrested and sent to a prison within the Republic, Maul posed little threat. That was until he hired the bounty hunters Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, and Boba Fett to liberate him from his confinement. Knowing full well that his time as the leader of Mandalore was at an end, as he had been replaced with Bo-Katan Kryze, he needed an alternative plan to ensure that he would defeat and kill Obi-Wan Kenobi. Rallying members of Deathwatch that were still loyal to him, and finding a hidden droid foundry on Mustafar, where he would make his own base and build an army to use when the time was right, as well as training against countless holodroids to learn the exact moves of Obi-Wan, and how to kill him better.
As Maul was plotting his revenge against his most hated adversary, the galaxy had a new threat, one worse than anything they anticipated; the Yuuzhan Vong. News of a large series of invasions in the Outer Rim spurred the Grand Army of the Republic and the Jedi into action, but the forces they face off against were nothing like they’ve ever seen; any technology they have is organic rather than mechanical, and the Jedi couldn’t even sense them as they were outside the Force. The first few battles go very poorly for the Republic with many soldiers and Jedi being killed in the Yuuzhan Vong onslaught.
During their first encounters with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Republic learned of a key flaw in Phase II Clone Trooper armor; the armor is incapable of filtering out biological warfare agents, and as such, the Jedi, clones, and Stormtroopers who first fought the Yuuzhan Vong, died. This was also a flaw with Phase I armor as well, considering that it couldn’t filter out the Blue Shadow Virus. The Republic finished a new set of armor that they had been developing since the end of the Clone Wars. This armor was a more advanced version of Imperial Stormtrooper armor in the regular universe, the only differences being that it retained the HUD from the Phase II Clone armor, it has advanced filtration systems in the armor to filter out biological agents, and it reintroduced the life support systems that were present in Phase I Clone armor. This armor is mass produced and given to the soldiers of the Republic. Whether they be Clone Troopers or Stormtroopers, they must wear this new armor. The Jedi fighting alongside the Republic got armored hazmat suits to wear, ensuring that the Jedi would be harder to beat by the Yuuzhan Vong.
In this conflict, the battle droids the Republic confiscated from the Separatists played a pivotal role. All of the droids in Republic stock were upgraded to have tougher armor, and they upgraded their computers to be able to make more tactical decisions to make them better fighters. Considering that battle droids weren’t even affected by chemical or biological warfare, most means of combat for the Yuuzhan Vong don’t work against the droids, and the sheer firepower of B2 super battle droids and Droidekas alone could easily turn the tide of battle against the Vong.
For many months, the fighting was at a brutal stalemate, but once a lot of people enlisted into the Republic military and new Clone units trickled in from Kamino, the Yuuzhan Vong began to get pushed back. One by one, the systems under their control begin to fall, and eventually, they are driven back to the frigid and unpopulated world of Rhen Var. The Republic began bombarding the planet with a massive fleet of star destroyers, destroying most of the military equipment for the Yuuzhan Vong. After almost a month of sustained bombardment on the planet, the Yuuzhan Vong, defeated and even terrified of their opponents, surrendered to the Republic. The Yuuzhan Vong were forced to stay on Rhen Var and the planet became their new homeworld. In the war itself, massive casualties were felt by the Republic with 15% of their military (not including droids) listed as killed in action, and over 1,300 Jedi dead.
Following the end of this conflict, many Jedi retired from their positions in the Grand Army of the Republic including the likes of Falon Grey, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Aayla Secura. Their reasoning was that the Jedi should no longer be militarily involved with the Republic due to the Jedi switching their priorities away from the Republic. Despite this, some Jedi stayed in the Republic’s military like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Kit Fisto, Rahm Kota, and Plo Koon, although their roles in the Grand Army of the Republic took a heavy backseat to their roles as Jedi. During the time the Republic spent fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, Maul learned every aspect of Obi-Wan’s swordsmanship, from how he held his lightsaber to how he stepped before he made a strike. He also had a shape-shifting spy within the Order give him access to the Jedi Archives, where he downloaded all the necessary information on Obi-Wan.
For the next 13 years, the Republic remained in a state of relative peace, but also a state of fragility; the only times the Grand Army of the Republic were deployed were to fight pirates, protect dignitaries, provide humanitarian relief to planets that suffered a crisis, training missions, et cetera. With the news of Palpatine playing both sides in the war still fresh in everyone’s mind, faith in the Republic was still incredibly low. Anakin trained his son, Luke, in the ways of the Jedi, and guided him to become a very powerful Force user. Anakin’s daughter, Leia, was trained by Plo Koon as Anakin couldn’t have two apprentices. When Leia was around 15 years old, she left the Jedi Order and became a politician like her mother.
One day, the first major terrorist attack on Coruscant since the Clone Wars happened. Someone set off a thermobaric bomb with a large blast radius inside the headquarters of the Bureau of Force Sensitives, killing everyone there. Mace Windu was executed by a blaster bolt to the head by his long-time rival, Boba Fett. This was a deliberate attack that had been orchestrated by Maul to further his goal of luring out Obi-Wan. Over the last several years, Maul moved the large force he had created to the remote planet of Yavin IV, as well as a fleet of salvaged ships from scrap worlds. Whether they be former Republic or Separatist ships, it didn’t matter. Maul used a very small portion of his forces to attack some Republic outposts, and willingly let them track these small raiding parties back to Yavin. He would also have Boba Fett drop some breadcrumbs to help lead them into his trap. This made Maul’s numbers seem smaller than they actually were, and that this was just a small terrorist cell.
The Republic sent a small fleet to engage these droids and rogue Mandalorians, and they were met by one of the largest fleets they’ve ever seen. The Republic fleet was destroyed quickly, and any survivors were executed. The Republic sent a very large fleet in retaliation, and among this fleet was Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was unknowingly falling into Maul’s trap. Not far behind Kenobi’s fleet was Anakin Skywalker’s fleet with Ahsoka and Luke with him. Obi-Wan and some members of the 212th Attack Battalion were lured onto the planet. Around this time Anakin and his battlegroup arrived.
On the ground, the company of the 212th that Obi-Wan was with encountered heavy resistance. This company pushed their way to the Great Temple where they holed up and called for backup, closing the large blast doors behind them. There were only 3 survivors in this group: a Stormtrooper named Kanan Antillies, Clone Commander Cody, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kanan Antillies is Force choked to death, and as right as Cody is able to squeeze off a few shots into the darkness near Maul, a few Mandalorian blaster shots hit Cody in the chest and put the Clone veteran in critical condition. Maul ignited his weapon, illuminating the Dathomirian in the blood red of a Sith blade. In a scene reminiscent of the events that unfolded 32 years prior. Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and began his duel against the man who had taken so much from him.
Anakin saw Obi-Wan’s distress signal down on the planet, so he assembled Torrent Company along with Ahsoka and Luke and headed down to the planet. Obi-Wan wasn’t faring well in his duel against Maul; as the two have gotten older, Obi-Wan remained somewhat stagnant in his power, but Maul grew stronger, and combined with the fact that Maul studied every aspect of Obi-Wan’s fighting style, the Jedi Master’s outlook looked grim. Anakin and Torrent Company pushed towards Obi-Wan’s location, becoming more desperate as time marched on. Eventually, Torrent Company got pinned down, and Anakin had to continue on his own to reach his former teacher.
Anakin made it to the old Temple and heard the sounds of lightsaber clashes. Knowing that this was where his old teacher’s distress signal was coming from, he uses all his abilities in the force to lift the blast doors and jams them in place so they don’t fall on him. As he rushes into the temple, Maul, seeing Anakin, decided to end the fight by hitting Obi-Wan with a cheap hit, and stabbing him in the heart before fleeing with his Mandalorian guards. Anakin rushes to the side of his fallen master who was barely grasping onto life. Anakin began apologizing to his old friend that he wasn’t fast enough and was on the verge of tears. Before dying, Obi-Wan told Anakin that he was proud of him, that he was an amazing student, and an even better friend. 
After Obi-Wan’s death, Anakin’s anger began to consume him. He’d now lost another person very close to him. His eyes began to glow a yellow not unlike that of a Sith and there was only one thought left on his mind, killing Maul. After calling for a medevac to rescue Cody and retrieve the corpses of Antilles and Obi-Wan, he returned to the battlefield. Anakin struck down as many of Maul’s droids, and a few Mandalorians that stayed to fight, that he could, his emotions similar to that of what he could’ve become 19 years prior, Darth Vader. The Dark Side was consuming him, and he would stop at nothing to exact his revenge. After the battle was over, Anakin gathered his troops and even more members of his 501st Legion and was going to scour the galaxy until he found Maul and struck him down.
In the aftermath of this, Anakin went into isolation, stewing in his anger and hatred. He began to disregard everything as his best friend was taken from him and he believed that nothing mattered except for his revenge. When the Council faked his master’s death during the Clone Wars, he was incredibly enraged, and felt a similar amount of rage and hatred as he did back then. Reaching out through the Force, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan talked to him, telling him that seeking revenge was not what either of them wanted. If he was going to kill Maul, it should be for a reason of righteousness opposed to anger and hatred. Now seeing clearly, Anakin found the reports of Republic Intelligence that lead him to the planet Mustafar.
Anakin decided to face Maul alone, as he felt that this was his destiny. Luke and Ahsoka stayed behind as Anakin went down to the surface to deal with the final remnant of the Dark Side. Once at Maul’s base, Anakin killed the Mandalorians that were protecting the fallen Sith and began his duel against the Dathomirian. During the duel, they traversed all across the temple and to a nearby mining facility. As they fought, something clicked within Anakin, and that was the perfect balance of the Force. Anger and hatred were only so powerful, but when combined with the love and compassion of the Light, it formed a deadly weapon. After cutting Maul’s lightsaber in half, Anakin cut Maul in half as well, only this time, vertically, ensuring that he would never return to bring pain and torment to others.
Returning to Coruscant, the Jedi Order, several senators, and countless officers of the Grand Army of the Republic held a funeral for Obi-Wan. They remembered his selfless sacrifices he made in his life as well as his valiant actions over the course of his time as a Jedi. Obi-Wan’s lightsaber was placed in a museum of sorts where it rested next to Qui-Gon’s lightsaber.
The following months were all about cleaning up the remnants of Maul’s forces. The droids that he used were either confiscated or destroyed, and the Mandalorians that served with him were either killed or put in prison. Afterwards, the galaxy finally saw peace for the first time in a long while. Faith in the Republic was finally mending, and the galaxy could rest easy and return to business as usual. The final embers of the Clone Wars were finally put out, and the Sith became extinct. Evil would rise in its own time once again, but the bulk of it all was finally over. The Jedi could focus on being peacekeepers once again, and the Republic had finally secured itself.
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gunsnboots · 2 years
I'll soon introduce a new Dragon Ball OC to my blog. I'm still working on her and playing around with some ideas. No matter which idea it'll be, she'll be a human and part of the Z-Fighters. We need more women within the gang.
One of my ideas is her being Chi-Chi's older sister, I was thinking of the name Moo-Moo to keep the ox/cow theme. In her adolescence she made a foolish wish after feeling much pressure she wouldn't be able to realize her dream in learning all of the fighting techniques. She used the dragon balls to wish to triple her human lifespan. Moo-Moo isn't a great cook like her younger sister, she's awefully aware of it to a point she gets tense when her food is being criticized. She's actually good at baking bread though!
My other idea is a girl who's Gohan's childhood friend. Her name is Haru and she trained from an early age on in martial arts at a local dojo. Later she trains together with Gohan and learned how to use her ki. Haru's design is about spring and she's born on the first day of spring. Her colour palette are that of spring regarding clothes.
Any feedback is most welcomed!
Both girls will have short black hair and black round down turned eyes. Their clothing style will be like Chi-Chi.
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
I disagree with critics a lot but sometimes they have good opinions. metacritic’s video game section is the best I’ve honestly ever seen.
ocarina of time is a 99 because of course it is.
tony hawk pro skater 2, gta4, and soul calibur 1 are 98.
super mario galaxy, smg2, rdr2, gta5, disco elysium, breath of the wild, perfect dark, metroid prime, gta3, super mario odyssey, halo, and nfl2k1 are 97.
bioshock, goldeneye, uncharted 2, resident evil 4, the orange box, arkham city, tekken 3, elden ring, mass effect 2, the house in fata morgana, twilight princess, (what the fuck is skyrim doing here), half life 1, the wind waker, gran turismo, and metal gear solid 2 are 96.
baldur’s gate 2, gta san andreas, persona 5, gta vice city, littlebigplanet, red dead redemption 1, gran turismo 3, halo 2, a link to the past, majora’s mask, the last of us, nfl2k3, portal 2, and mgs5 the phantom pain are 95.
tetris effect, world of goo, bioshock infinite, final fantasy 9, modern warfare 2 (the OG) god of war 4, devil may cry, call of duty 4, chrono cross, celeste, GoW ragnarok, nfl2k4, gears of war, (what the fuck is oblivion doing here), civilization 2, quake, halo 3, ninja garden black, street fighter 4, super mario bros 3, jet grind radio, metal gear solid, grim fandango, splinter cell: chaos theory, resident evil: code veronica, burnout 3, diablo, metal gear solid 3 and 4, ncaa2k4, god of war (the OG), star wars kotor, civilisation 4, nfl2k4, virtua fighter 4, mario 64, are all 94.
the top 100(ish) games all definitely deserve to be there (except for skyrim and oblivion especially since fallout 3 isn’t on there so why the FUCK is oblivion there but not fallout 3??? THEYRE THE EXACT SAME GAME EXCEPT ONE HAS GUNS).
and what’s on the very bottom? *checks paperwork* family party: 30 great games obstacle arcade. what? no, what REAL game is on the very bottom? oh… yes…
ride to hell: retribution has 16. out of 100.
joining it down in the hell pit is leisure suit larry: box office bust, the war z, afro samurai 2: revenge of kuma, drake of the 99 dragons, rambo, charlie’s angels, postal 3, charlie and the chocolate factory, raven’s cry, the XIII remake, the simpsons wrestling, and sonic boom are all down in the 30s or lower.
actually you know what, I take back what I said about skyrim and oblivion. those are good games with huge problems. this list of garbage- actually no, that would be offensive to garbage. this list of the juice that runs off of garbage- actually no, that would be offensive to garbage juice. this list of the maggots wriggling around in the juice that runs off of garbage is the worst of the worst and for good reason. they are offensive, broken, ugly, difficult, lazy, rushed, and worst of all, BORING AS SIN. the only pleasure that can be derived from these evil monstrosities is that of viewing the suffering of others who play it. I never want to touch a single one of these. they are crimes against video games, and also against humanity.
thank you nintendo, rockstar, valve, konami, bungie, capcom, naughty dog, fromsoftware, bioware, atlus, square, infinity ward, irrational, blizzard, and… sigh… thank you bethesda. thank you all for making good video games. or at least for having made them at some point in time (looking at you, literally half of the entire list lol).
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