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shakingtuna · 1 year ago
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i did this like three months ago after weaking up from a nightmare and i just remembered to post it... what if tien dragon ball had whatsapp
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rainescarper · 6 months ago
Dragon Ball Headcanon: ChiChi's Family.
Okay, I will explain a dumb but interesting headcanon of mine. I think ChiChi, Annin, and Yurin are all related.
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I think that Chichi's mother is Annin even though she technically should be deceased (I will explain this later in this post), and Yurin is Chichi's younger cousin from Annin because of the spelling of the name suffix.
The only evidence that supports that Annin and Yurin are related to ChiChi is their similar structured face and personalities of kind/manner but a strong-minded individual with a bit of temper.
There is little more evidence for Annin being Chichi's mother besides the strange coincidence of Annin's introduction shortly after the acknowledgment of Chichi's mother, which is the family portrait portrayal of her size.
We need to acknowledge that the Ox King and ChiChi's mother had to reproduce to create Chichi, but within the family portrait, she is merely a fraction of his size, which creates a bit of a dilemma. However, considering that Annin can shapeshift her size can explain this problem. Another evidence of Annin as Chichi's mother is the detail of Annin's magical furnace near Ox's King Mountain, which could have explained how they had met.
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However, the problem with Annin being ChiChi's mother's theory is that Chichi's mother died from an illness, which doesn't apply to Annin because she is seemingly alive.
Granted, Annin is the equivalent of Hades, the god of the underground, and we know that people can get back their lives or keep their bodies under specific circumstances from Otherworld.
The rules of the Otherworld state that maintaining one own body after death is being a fighter, added with acknowledgment that Annin has experience in Swordsmanship skills under Martial Arts can support her as Chichi's mother.
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As for evidence that Yurin is related to Chichi's Mother and Chichi herself, all wear similar clothing, which looks reminiscent of traditional Chinese outfits. (A strange detail).
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I mainly became inspired by this post from a Twitter tweet referring to Goku, Bulma, and Vegeta all having secret siblings across the series randomly introduced and almost immediately never getting acknowledged again or lightly referenced. (Ex: Raditz, Tights, and Tables) I thought it would be interesting if ChiChi were in a similar boat, so I searched for characters in the already existing Dragon Ball media for strong candidates for possible family members for ChiChi, thus giving me Yurin and Annin.
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scoots-canoe · 5 months ago
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avengedog · 11 months ago
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bliss-wily · 3 months ago
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duhragonball · 2 years ago
Dragon Ball Super 089
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Remember that girl from Tien’s past who comes back in this episode?  No, I’m not talking about Launch.  Don’t be silly.  I mean Yurin!  She’s much cooler than Launch and-- ow!  Quit throwing trash at me!  Those beer bottles hurt!
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So Goku plans to round out his team with Master Roshi and Tien.  Luckily for him, they’re both in the same place, as Tien has invited Master Roshi to his dojo to receive an honorary position as Grand Master.  I just want to say that I like the students’ uniforms a lot better than Tien’s Dragon Ball Super outfit.
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Master Roshi is bored by all this, because all of Tien’s students are men.  “I can’t fap to this!” he whines. 
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That all changes when Chiaotzu brings a new applicant into the dojo.  She claims to want to learn martial arts to keep her girlish figure or something, and Tien turns her down, because her motivations aren’t serious enough.  But Roshi wants her in the school so he can sexually harass her, if you know what I mean. Wink wink.
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So he just picks her up and carries her into the other room to get her fitted with a uniform.  And Tien just stands there like an idiot.  What the fuck?
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Yurin gets dressed and objects to her outfit featuring a miniskirt and thigh-high leather stockings.  I mean, yeah that’s pretty different from what the other students wear, but you’d think she would have said something before she put all this on. 
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Then Roshi says he senses a “darkness” within her, and Yurin starts to worry that he’s seen through her ruse, but no, he’s talking about her ass.  You know, they really toned Master Roshi down through most of this series.  He doesn’t appear much at all until now, and when he did appear, they managed to keep his shtick from being too creepy. But this is episode is giving me whiplash.  It’d be like if Oolong just out of nowhere started talking about stealing child brides again.
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Anyway, Yurin manages to get away from Roshi and goes to work on her true scheme.  First she enchants some paper to make talismans.
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Then she puts them on all of Tien’s students and places them under her mental control.  While Goku tells Tien about the Tournament of Power, she sends the students to attack the city.
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Meanwhile, in Universe 6, Cabba approaches Caulifla about the Tournament of Power.  She isn’t interested until he turns Super Saiyan and offers to teach it to her. 
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Caulifla doesn’t get along with Cabba or the Sadala Defense Force he works for, but she is impressed with his power, so she decides to play along...
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Back in Universe 7, Tien asks Yurin why she would want to ruin his dojo, and she reveals that she was the little girl he once knew from the Crane School. She wanted to fight Tien, but he had already gone on excursion with Chiaotzu.  This would be roughly 26 years ago, so Yurin must be in her mid-30′s now.   
I’ve never been too clear on her backstory.  Was she a student in the Crane School, like Tien and Chiaotzu?  It would make a lot more sense if she was one of the people they pushed around back in the day, but oh well.  Anyway, Yurin gave up martial arts after that snub, and devoted her life to witchcraft, so that she could become powerful enough to defeat Tien and have revenge.
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But this plan of hers seems pretty stupid, since all the good guys have to do is rip off the talismans.  They’re protected by force fields that repel ki blasts, but you can just pull off the talismans with your hands, no problem.
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Roshi tries to take the fight to Yurin, but he gets distracted by an upskirt shot, and she kicks him in the balls.
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Then she puts a talisman on Roshi and that’s supposed to raise the stakes.
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Tien tries to stop Roshi with the Four Witches Technique, but it doesn’t work for some reason, so Goku prepares a Kamehameha.  But in order to bypass the force field around Roshi, they need Chiaotzu to keep Yurin distracted. 
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So Chiaotzu uses his telekinesis to flip her skirt.  Oh come on!  This somehow allows Goku to zap Master Roshi, which I’m pretty sure should have worked all along. 
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So Yurin’s plan is foiled, but she vows to train hard and come back for super-extra-crispy revenge later on.  And as she threatens Tien, he invites her to join his dojo.  I mean, if she’s planning to train, she might as well do it with him, now that he’s satisfied with her motivation. 
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Of course, Tien tells her to apologize to the townsfolk first, which she does. 
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Tien then tells Goku he wants to enter the Tournament of Power.  He wasn’t hot on the idea before, but he believes he can use the prize money to help rebuild the town.  And Roshi wants in as well.  That prize money could sure buy a lot of hardcore pornography, if you know what I’m saying. 
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Meanwhile, they’re still putting this fighting stage together.  I honestly can’t make heads or tails of this thing.  Sometimes I think it’s going backwards. 
As for Yurin, I’m of two minds about her.  On the one hand, I like seeing female characters in this show.  And the witch angle is cool, and Tien having a sidekick is kind of neat. 
On the other hand, she looks and acts like a dopey teenager, which doesn’t make sense for her backstory, and this whole episode treats her like a joke.  This is her only appearance to date, and she barely manages to be the third most interesting female character in this episode. 
And where the fuck was Launch?
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lemonsoda03 · 2 years ago
くじらの街 (Whale City)
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Music & Lyrics:村人P(ラムネ)MurabitoP (Ramune/Tomo of Cider Girl)
Translation: @lemonsoda03
村人P の8作目。8th song of MurabitoP 「――昨日見た夢の話なんだけどさ、」 “―― so, I had this dream yesterday...”
I'm thinking about what tomorrow holds
分からない 分からない 分からないよ
But I’ve got no clue, no clue, no clue
I fell asleep like I always do
And found myself lost into an unknown city
I tried to chase after the faintest grain of light
Slipping through the gaps between buildings
But luck was not in sight
I wonder if I can walk without being swept away
何度も転ぶ また転ぶ 傷だらけさ
I fall down again and again, now full of scrapes
I wonder if I can walk without being swept away
周りが全部 羨ましくなって困るなあ
I can't help but envy everything around me
Who knew that a city where you never know what to expect
Could be this fascinating
I got a feeling of what tomorrow holds
For some reason, I just kept on walking
They keep getting narrower and narrower—the building gaps
I travel across an unknown path not found on any maps
And head off to a new place
I wonder if I can walk without being blown away
何度も揺れる また揺れる 埃まみれさ
I get swayed again and again, now full of dust
空にくじら 泳いでいた
A whale swimming in the sky; I’d be
僕の事 忘れちゃったなら寂しいなあ
Lonely if you've forgotten about me
And what is it that I wanted?
Dreams and hopes? Or perhaps a heart so pale?
What I've been watching all along
Was an elegantly swimming white whale
怖くはないよ 歩けるなら
As long as I can walk, I’m not afraid
Even if I can't walk without being swept away
I wake up hoping tomorrow is a better day
- - - - -
TN: Please do not repost without permission. Thank you! :)
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shibuinni3 · 2 years ago
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Quando o trabalho proporciona algo bom
12/08/23; Capa para uso pessoal.
Jung Yerin e Choi Yuna, ex-gfriend.
Link; ☁️
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maxriderg · 18 days ago
Fellers, allow Me to share a little something to go for the upcoming 52nd Birthday of Luci Christian/Louisa Michelle "Luci" Christian (1973-present) as I'll be ready to do so, right over here (complete with a Song from iCarly to attach for the big Party).
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aou5733 · 1 year ago
4 tháng 6 năm 2021
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rodrickheffeley · 1 year ago
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everyday I learn something new about him that makes me love him more
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shakingtuna · 1 year ago
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i can't be the only one who gaf about them
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celuere · 1 month ago
Cw: freaky lesbians
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imiteeshon · 3 months ago
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(^人<)〜☆ 🍎☘⭐🎀🌈
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heynhay · 1 year ago
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fem klance as my friend demanded and is long overdue 🥸
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crocuta1 · 11 days ago
Don’t kill old Agent 3, I wanna see them show off their muscles 😢
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So does agent 8 👌
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