#yuri plisetsky x reader fanfiction
serve-corps · 1 month
Yuri Plisetsky x hockey reader
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Yuri Plisetsky. A sixteen year old with almost no time to spare in his life at all yet he's built himself a large enough ego to be named the 'Russian punk' and the 'Russian fairy'. how? don't fucking ask me. he's got talent on his blades that's only grown since he showed a liking to the sport. his effort increased his skill. That is why he's dedicated himself to figure skating.
(y/n) (l/n) however, is a seventeen year old with plenty of spare time on her hands and an alter ego. She herself is also known as the 'jet of (your country)' as well as 'the bullet' see, she's an ice hockey player. a international one. she was also skilled on her blades, she had such control, she could choose her speed at any point.
never in a million years would they both meet; for their professions may be similar but they hate each other. hockey players are far more aggressive on the ice, usually after an ice hockey game, there are large uneven dips in the ice which is a hazard for figure skaters. hockey prioritizes speed and control rather than figure skating which mostly focuses on spins and jumps. That's the difference between them and their skates. hockey skates are rounded while figure skates are pointy and stabby.
the only reason you play is because you grew up on the ice, your father used to take you to a public skate and get you one of the polar bears to keep yourself up. he taught you by tearing you away from it and pushing it away, forcing you to skate to it by yourself to get back your stability polar bear.
it doesn't help that your older brother was also a very renowned ice hockey player and a few of your friends took up hockey as a hobby, all your life clubs revolved around the sport, and you got annoyed at anyone claiming to be a big shot in the ice world that didn't know the dangers of it. the fist fights, the blades, the ice burns, the breaking of bones, the slamming into the sideboard, and not to mention how FUCKING COMPETITIVE EVERYONE WAS!
you were one of 3 females on your team, out of 18 players, you were the most famous. you kicked your brother's ass in fame, he retired early as he decided to gain another profession, he coached little ones on the side for a job but that was out of loyalty for the sport.
one of the girls was a goalie, someone who defends the net meanwhile the other was a defender, They stay behind close-ish to the goal to keep the puck out of their side of the field. you, however, were centre. one of the most active roles, the person who scores and 'usually' gets into the most fights.
Yuri however, was Russia's national figure skater, he was a young prodigy, who was not only coached by the same coach as Viktor Nikiforov but was acquainted with him. he won gold in the international junior league so he aims to be the same in the senior division, the adult version of that bullshit.
we know what Yuri aims to be, his goals and plans, we don't need to go over that.
lets head to the present.
today you had the skating rink booked with a friend, you came from money as well as your brother trying to encourage your career. your boots were laced as you were on the ice with a stick, puck and a goal. the staff let you borrow a goal for practice.
You two were shooting at the goal left and right, working on perfecting your aim but your friend's stamina dropped after the first 15 minutes. yours, however, was still high and mighty being known as the 'jet' or 'bullet' because of how fast and how long you can go for.
you came off with your friend and handed her a water bottle, casually chatting as she was panting. you heard the doors open and this blonde guy?- girl? you couldn't tell, walked in, and opened the door to the rink.
"Who the fuck brought this shit on the rink?" the words flew out of his mouth harshly with a Russian accent. he hopped onto the ice and you noticed his 'fancy' preppy figure skates.
he skated towards your goal which you set up with a hassle, he started lifting it up with great difficulty and trying to drag it off.
"этот кусок дерьма!- (this piece of shit)" he said, mumbling to himself while grunting.
suddenly, the owners of the rink slammed open the doors and shouted, "YURIII! THE RINK'S BEEN BOUGHT OUT FOR THE NEXT 3 HOURS! I forgot to tell you!!"
she bowed in an apology.
"well, I don't see them. so it doesn't matter-"
at that moment, you stood up and grabbed your stick, you picked up a bag of hockey pucks and threw them on the ice. the bag was now empty and you tossed it aside, stepping onto the ice with accuracy and speed, you dribbled the puck back and forth and shot at the net, close to where Yuri was to scare him off.
he jumped back in fear of getting hit and let out an "ack!-" as he fell onto the cold ice. you sped up your skating and headed straight for him, he tried to scramble out of the way but you were too fast, he braced himself to be a hurdle or something but he ended up getting sprayed by ice. you stopped right in front of him, creating a large wave of shaved ice to flow over him. it got in his hair and face, not to mention his clothes.
he looked up at you and scowled only for his face to change in shock, you were smugly resting your chin on your stick while having one leg crossed behind you. to everyone else, you looked like a stuck up prick.
that applied to Yuri too, but you were beautiful, the lights made you seem angelic while your hair looked almost sexy, up in a ponytail with a few pieces dangling, framing your face. your boots made you seem masculine, your hoodie and leggings didn't help. smash- next question-
his face was slightly dusted pink with a scowl on his face, trying to hide his flusteredness by masking it with being cold. at least you don't have a pretty voice-
"sorry sweetie, but currently this rink is mine! come back in two hours and forty five minuets or stick around and fawn over me until our booking is up.." you said with a sly smirk on your face never leaving once, your voice teasing yet alluring. soft even yet it has a taste of authority.
"черт возьми…(holy shit...)" he breathed out softly with his cheeks going slightly pinker, barley noticeable to everyone.
accept you. you were towering over him see? you could see everything about him. and his steadily growing blush.
however, you're not a ahem- dick so you ignored it and just turned your sly smirk into a genuine soft smile. you dropped your stick to the side by the pile of pucks and knelt next before him.
"ok, sorry. didn't mean to scare you shitless. truce?" you said with a chuckle. Yuri shook his head as if he was ridding himself of thoughts, your chuckle even sounded pretty, no no! You're known as the Russian punk! you can't like someone!
he blinks a few times, trying to calm his panicking mind and he pulls himself up, so do you. "I mean, if you do want to stay, you're more than welcome to take over the music" You shrug at him as your friend joins you on the ice now. he thought she looked mediocre compared to you. but the owner was staring at her and...drooling?
your friend was considered the hot one in the group. You're hot too don't worry, it's just, this one wears makeup and push-up bra's excessively to get everyone's attention. you go natural and your tits are naturally big, you just wear guys clothing.
but not to him. you were the hot friend to him. He couldn't keep his eyes off you for longer than five seconds. honestly? you noticed and thought it was cute, you thought he was cute. every time you caught him oogling, you winked and he scowled looking away.
your friend started gesturing with her hands getting your attention to 'wrap it up', so you did.
"if you couldn't tell, we're training right now, so we sort of need the ice." you said gently only to be cut off by his voice,
"yeah, well I have a championship coming up, its not as important. move."
"I paid for this blondie. I'm not leaving the ice." you said seriously. he doesn't seem to recognize you and you didn't recognise him either so all is fair.
the owner, however, thought differently, she took a photo of you two going face to face with each other, Yuri's face still slightly pink with a scowl and yours with a finger pulling down an eyelid and tongue stuck out of your smiling mouth; leaning towards him.
"ugh. fine. ill wait. but don't think this is me being kind you bitch." he stomped off the ice, purposefully making massive dips with his toe-pick skates.
"alright little mister kitten whiskers." you roll your eyes and chuckle to yourself at his temper tantrum. you don't even know this dude yet you can tell what he's like if he's acting like this. somehow you thought he was cute. shrugging your shoulders, you grabbed a puck and started doing manoeuvres and passes with your friend, trying to figure out what works best for you both, turns out you both excel at passing the puck by throwing it up in the air with your sticks.
it's not an illegal move in hockey but it's very rare and unique, tricky to pull off because you can't hit another player otherwise you get sent to the penalty box.
Yuri watched with interest despite trying to hide it by 'looking' at his phone. after doing a trick shot and succeeding, it was your trick so you started celebrating, jumping on the ice and slowing your skating to dive onto your friend.
"100% using that in our game!!!!" you squealed in joy, your friend holding you up from falling was laughing with you and at you for your celebratory, stupid state.
Yuri couldn't help but faintly smile at your joy, he thought it was cute. you seemed to be really good at this, he hoped you were happy with your life. hoped it was better than his at the least.
your eyes flickered to the boy sat on the side, his eyes quickly flicked away from you and back to his phone, you sighed as picked yourself up, skating over to the 'sullen' boy.
Yoinking his phone out of his hand that was unlocked, you turned on Bluetooth and connected it to the speakers of the rink. handing it back to him you grabbed his arm and pulled him so he was standing up.
"the hell?!"
"wanna skate or not pretty boy?" you said bored, pointing at his phone, knowing damn well he was gunna be pissy if he didn't, and you didn't want that for some reason.
he growled and trudged onto the ice, you're still holding onto his arm, dragging him into the middle.
surprisingly you and your friend didn't make much mess of the ice, it was perfect to skate on. he did a test jump and landed it and smirked. You raised an eyebrow at his smugness about something you could do if you wanted to.
you shimmy off your hoodie and throw it over the side, showing a tight compression shirt, it was cropped so it was a very flattering item on you. Yuri's eyes widened then blushed, turning away for a second to mentally prepare himself because you looked fine as fuck.
turning back to you, you gave him a smirk and pulled off the exact same jump as him in harder skates. he stood confused until he realised it was a challenge. and you were so on.
he smirked and started bragging, "haa? someone like you can't compete with a professional! your call тупица~ (dumbass~)" he cackled out.
he started with a single salchow and landed perfectly as its one of the easiest jumps for a skater.
somehow, you watched how he did it and you copied it to the point miraculously without a single slip up. his eyebrows rose at this, he decided to try a Lutz, it would be almost impossible to do it because you don't have a toe pick and you've never done it before. he finished the jump perfectly and looked at you smugly, as if he was rubbing in that he was better than you.
you didn't take that lightly.
as you did before, you watched how he did it, skated backwards on your left foot, used your right foot to stab into the ice and pick you up, kicking you into the air, you turned yourself around in the air in a 360⁰ turn and land on your right foot, still skating backwards. you stumbled on the landing slightly with your skate wobbling but still landed perfectly no less.
Yuri's jaw dropped a little bit only for him to close it quickly. how the fuck could someone in hockey skates do that with no toe pick?!
he coughed into his hand, trying to regain some sense. this time will be an axel. the hardest jump there is.
"i know you won't be able to do this little bitch!" he shouted as he skated and completed the perfect single Axel. he was even going easy!
you watch with intent and intensity once more. so the difference is that he lands skating forward instead of backward like the Lutz? hm okay..
once again, you copy his moves, you struggle a bit now and as you landed, you didn't land straight and went off diagonally, having to use your other leg to keep balanced. "Hold on! let me do it again!!" you shouted annoyed, you thought you could do it!
you took a start and jumped, you ended up over-spinning, deciding quickly to turn again in the air, you twirled twice, and somehow landed straight. "see! I can do it!!! yes!" you did a little celebratory dance once more while Yuri stood there stunned. you don't even know it but you actually did something harder than he just did. you did a double axel while he did a single axel....
Yuri was annoyed no, pissed. he took a start once more and committed himself to a quadruple axel, the hardest jump possible, you saw that it was the same type of jump and tilted your head in confusion, he just span more? does that mean he fucked up too?
"do it exactly like I did it and ill get off!" he snarled with a grin, a grin that annoyed you.
"fine! you span four times, right? watch." you said stretching your arms across your body.
you set yourself up for the jump and it started, you stuck the tip of your toe in the ground, lifting you in the air, you span...and span...and span...and- CRASH "FUCK!"
your body skidded on the ice and your body was skidding toward the dash boards (boundary walls) head first, your leg was in pain as though it was pulled and that distracted you until your head slammed into the wall, the rest of your body following in suit.
"fuckfuckfuck" you mumbled out.
Yuri stood shocked, fuck he was worried, how bad were you hurt?
he sped over to you and got on his knees, "shit are you okay?!" he asked seriously, your friend following after him, she saw you holding your leg and knelt next to it, straightening it out which earned some curses from you but she undid the boot and carefully took it off, making you let out a sigh of relief.
the blonde felt bad, he shouldn't have dared someone who was brand new to do jumps try and copy him like that. his ego got the best of him.
"how bad does it hurt?" he asked, his accent somehow calming you down despite its aggressive nature.
"i just pulled something, I'll be fine just give me a minute...ugh...ow..." you sat yourself up and leaned against the wall. your ass felt numb from how cold it was. using the side to help yourself up, you stood on the leg with the skate still on, you used your loose foot to gently push you forward, gliding on one foot to the door to the benches.
plopping yourself down on the benches with a thump, you massaged your leg gently, you know you'll be able to ignore the pain soon enough, you play professionally for fuck's sake.
five minuets go by and you're no longer feeling much pain, you start lacing up your boot back onto the leg you injured, getting ready to go back on.
about to step onto the ice, you notice how Yuri picked up all the loose pucks that you already had shot at the net and gathered them into a pile, not to mention a frown on his face.
he looked up from picking up pucks and clicked his tongue at you, he spread his arms wide, letting all the pucks he was holding drop back onto the ice and sliding off to different places.
your friend looked at you, flicking her eyes to him quickly then back to you, raising her eyebrows up and down suggestively with a grin. you picked up a stray puck and threw it at her, she ducked just in time as it hit the glass boundary. She snickered at your reaction, your face ever so slightly pink.
you sighed and skated over to the pouting blonde and patted his shoulder. "it was my fault. I tried something I never tried before. I was bound to fall!" you chuckled as he turned away from you, still grumbling.
"alright pissy pants, you can join us on the ice every Tuesday at this time, okay?" you ask gently leaning to go into his field of view, his face slightly red at proximity.
"get away from me you whore!"
"ouchies..." you fake an exaggerated frown, trying to fake being emotionally hurt, his expression faltered for a second, looking back at you to see if you genuinely took offense but then scowled at your face turning into a shit-eating grin at his concern.
"FUCK OFF YOU PRICK" he skated away as you laughed at his flusteredness.
"blondie! do you even know my name?" you said wiping a 'tear' from your eye. he turned his head over his shoulder in your direction, egging you on.
"(y/n). (y/n) (l/n) the hockey player? have you not heard of me?"
"well, how the hell did you not know I'm Yuri Plisetsky?! Russia's national figure skater! haaah?" he said with a snarky attitude.
"hm? oh I think I heard of you! I think my brother's-friend's-dad is your coach! yakil? no- Yakov! how is he? he said this Viktor guy was being a pain in the ass last time I heard." you chuckled to yourself, not seeing Yuri seething quietly, his face going more red with anger.
"don't act like we're on the same level!" he shouted annoyed at how calm you were, he was kind of hoping you'd be excited to know he was famous but-
"I'm (country's) international player who's played in multiple games worldwide and won. I don't care." you said, waving him off as you skated away.
soon enough, your practice was over but he never said no to seeing you every Tuesday.
sooo he showed up nearly every time. in return, you watched him skate, both at practice, and cheered him on at competitions, sitting on the benches only the skaters were allowed on.
your games that were in the same area Yuri was in at the time usually had an extra visitor of the figure skater himself, you made sure he was sat as close as he could be to your bench, and you did try and beg your coach to let him sit with you but he shot you down.
his anger issues helped cheer you on, it was sweet, knowing he was cheering for you, it made you more fired up than before, and nearly everyone on your team noticed, and so did the commentators'. you heard them over the loudspeaker,
"seems the bullet has a special fan she's listening to in her ear ladies and gents!" you stumbled at this and dropped your stick on the rink, snapping your head to the commentators up in the seats. "seems she didn't want that put out there! oops!"
laughing was heard throughout the rink as well as chuckles from your team and the competitors.
these interactions happened more than you liked to admit, you also didn't want to admit that you started to like the obnoxious blonde who you support and supports you.
social media was a nightmare, the owner of the rink where you first met; who took a photo of you two going face to face with each other posted the photo on all types of social media, the caption being 'Yuri plisetsky x (y/n) (l/n)'. this blew up, leading to so many ship names being made, 'the punk x the bullet', 'the fairy and the jet' they were ruthless.
people were making edits of the two of you looking at each other when you accidentally looked at him for a little too long and he did the same, times here he smiled at you softly which is very out of character for him, when you two blushed at each other, the list goes on.
PEOPLE WERE EVEN WRITING FANFICTION ABOUT IT. Don't ask, you got curious and searched for it. you read them all. just for research purposes. ahem-
other figure skaters and hockey players were calling you out on the ship as well online, what shocked you the most is that Viktor Nikiforov, the famous figure skater reposted some edits, sending them to you and Yuri directly, you did some research about Yuri's world and learned about some large figures. Viktor was apparently the best of the best.
your brother also sent a message to you directly saying, "mother, father, and I all gave our blessing to this boy, bag him (your nickname)"
you threw your phone at the wall to say the least.
after a match where you arose victorious, you went to go see Yuri skate at his competition, it was in Russia and it was the uhm, what was it called? oh yeah, the Grand Prix finals. you knew it was important to him so you had to be there. you just had your final match which coincidently was also in Russia, you made yourself look nice for once.
a dress that can be worn in cold weather with skin-coloured fuzzy thermal tights and white leg warmers. you wore a white dress with embroidered cats going around the bottom of the dress, the cats were white tigers. you wore a red and white jacket, matching Yuri's training one. just for sentimental reasons. you wore red and white Nike trainers to pull it together.
you walked in with a mask on and your hair hid in a white beanie, people couldn't recognise you yet at least, you just looked like a very fashionable fan of the Russian punk.
you waited till it was Yuri's turn on the ice, taking off your mask and beanie, letting your hair frame your face, the people around you took a second glace and started squealing at your appearance.
the commentator instantly caught you in the large crowd, singling you out and saying it over the mic in hopes of getting Yuri to see you just before he got on the ice. he did.
you spotted him on the bench, he was staring right at you with a smile, giving you a wave which you returned.
his turn finally came, he got onto the ice and did a loop of the ice, stopping for a second right in front of you, flashing you a small smile before his performance.
your heart fluttered a bit as you flicked your eyes away for a second, you're not used to that kind of attention.
the music started as you gathered your self respect, only for it to be dropped back into the ground as you infatuation with him grew at how emotional his performance made you feel. all of the passion, the love, the admiration. he was putting all he had into this skate.
his jumps made you wince before your face lit up with joy at it being completely flawless, you hoped he wouldn't get hurt, his performance seemed to be directed in your direction as he kept his eyes focused on you most of the time, he did extreme jumps that looked difficult and made them smooth and flawless. he managed to tug on your heart.
even if you were a hockey player, even if you were supposed to hate figure skaters, even if figure skaters were meant to hate you, you could hear the message his serenade told you, your heart picked up as you heard his music started to slow, his eyes bearing into yours with sincerity that made you choke up.
the performance reached its climax and Yuri was left out of breath, huffing and coughing slightly, he used all of his efforts to send you this message which at this point, if he said it verbally, wouldn't have been as clear as the performance.
you held a hand to your mouth in shock, a singular tear fell from your face at the sheer beauty of his action. you watched as he went to the kiss or cry booth to see his score, it was his own personal record as well as a WORLD FUCKING RECORD!
you walked up to him and stayed silent, just following him, you grabbed the corner of his jacket and smiled, subtly saying "Yes I do too..." with your actions. his attitude raised even more at this, not only did he make a world record, his worries of being rejected flew out of the window.
you followed him to the changing rooms and stood outside the door, silent until there were no more reporters following you and there was nobody in the hallway.
you tugged his jacket again that you didn't let go of. he turned around and raised an eyebrow in confusion, you cut him off before he could say anything.
"I like you too Yuri..." you said with a soft smile, letting go of his jacket as your face warmed slightly. Yuri was worse off than you were, his entire face was bright red and he stumbled a bit. trying to regain himself he coughed into his hand then grabbing yours, he somehow pulled you closer and held your cheek, feeling how warm your face was as he stroked it with his thumb, your breath hitched as your eyes flickered from his to his smiling lips.
he looked so kind smiling at you like this, you liked it, but you liked his attitude as well. As he leaned forward you quickly cupped your hand over his mouth, he let out a surprised noise that sounded an awful lot like a squeak which resulted in a giggle fit from you, he growled slightly and pulled your hand off of his face.
only to grab your head with both hands and smash his lips onto yours, this time making you squeak, he smiled at this and started being more gentle and soft as he pressed his lips against yours with just as much passion as he did on the ice.
you both pulled away, both opening your eyes slowly and both red in the face, you buried your face into the crook of his neck to hide your face from him resulting in him wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his own face in your shoulder.
"I'm so proud of you Yuri..." you muffled against his skin, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and hugging his tightly, "I've liked you for a while..."
"me too милый…(darling)…" he said squeezing your waist a bit tighter. you rocked yourself side to side in the hug, forcing his to do the same.
you eventually left his embrace only to peck his lips again with a smile, if Yuri could melt, he'd be a puddle now but your here, keeping his stable.
this time he leaned forward and pecked your lips but it lasted longer than what you did, he sighed as he finally enjoyed the feeling that he'd been craving for the months you two had been friends.
he pulled away and your lips chased after his as he pulled away, it was cute to him. your eyes slowly opened after the kiss ended and your cheeks were flushed. he thought you looked adorable and he chuckled softly to himself.
"AAWWWEEE!!!" both of your necks snapped to where the voice came from and it was some grey-haired man holding up a phone that seemed to be recording, there was another man wearing glasses and black hair who was pulling on this guy's arm mumbling something about being quiet and leaving them alone.
"I'm sorry yuriiii but I couldn't keep quiet anymore! our little Yurio has gotten himself a girl!!" his voice sounded Russian like your Yuri's. he stopped what he was doing on his phone and then you realised a second too late before he posted the video of the entire interaction onto social media.
soon enough the man's phone was blowing up and the two of you jumped away from each other's hold and were extremely embarrassed. wait a minute.... that's!-…THAT'S VIKTOR!
the black-haired Yuri started dragging him away harder, forcing him out of the room then bowing to the two of you muttering an "IMSOSORRYABOUTHIM" and slamming the door behind him.
silence followed for a bit only for a snort form you to break the quiet,
"what." his Russian accent coming out heavily as he craned his neck to you with a glare.
"nothing....*snort* Yurio~"
it may not be common, or socially acceptable but who knew that a famous hockey player would end up being with a famous figure skater? not you two, or the media. you two were a trend from there on, an iconic duo.
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Just One Dance - Yuri Plisetsky x Reader
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Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x fem!skater!Reader Genre: FLUFF Word Count: 1 851 Summary: At the Grand Prix Gala, Yuri finally gathers the courage to ask you for a dance. Prompts: 15: “Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss you." 18: "One dance. Just one. That's all I'm asking for." A/N: I’ve rewritten this three times, and now I’m finally okay with the way it turned out. Maybe not completely happy, but okay.
The Grand Prix Gala, the place, the time, where everyone was supposed to relax a little, hang back, socialise and have fun. Then why, why was this so much more nerve-wracking that skating that bloody finale? Yuri ran a hand through his blond locks, willing himself not to look over to where you were laughing with Viktor. He lost that battle far quicker than he wanted to admit even to himself, his gaze flickering over to you after not even three seconds. You looked so stunning, even after having skated such a highly demanding performance this afternoon, which had gotten you second place in the Grand Prix Finale. But all exhaustion seemed to have been washed away from you, as you sipped on a glass of orange juice, listening to Viktor‘s (doubtlessly exaggerated) stories.
Yuri had already thought you were beautiful the first time he had seen you, but after having been your rink mate for several months now, after having gotten to know you, he had been forced to admit to himself, that he was in love with you. Probably very much in love, actually, as Otabek, the only person he had told about this so far, had analysed. He felt his friend‘s annoyed glance, and he knew what Otabek would say before he even opened his mouth.
“Just ask her for a dance,” the dark haired man encouraged Yuri, nodding towards the dancefloor, where couples were spinning around to the music that was playing. “She’s not gonna turn you down.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Yuri sighed, tearing his eyes away from you, facing his friend. “What do I do then? I dance with her, and then what?”
“You’re overthinking,” Otabek rolled his eyes. “It’s obvious that she likes you too. Everyone, literally everyone, can tell, except for you. Why do you think all these rumours about you two dating started?”
Right, those rumours. Started by some of Yuri’s fangirls after he had been caught holding your hand several times, carrying your back, or you brushing dirt off his jacket. Hell, there was a pretty low-quality, but kind of adorable picture of you braiding his hair. Yuri had been beyond flustered when he had found out, and you had gotten terribly embarrassed about it too. But you had never said anything to deny these rumours, and had not seemed all too bothered about it either. That had to mean something, right?
Yuri inhaled deeply and as the next song started, he handed his glass of water to Otabek.
“If this goes wrong, I’ll blame you,” he announced.
“And if it goes right, you owe me lunch,” Otabek shouted after him, as he started making his way through the crowd.
Yuri wondered how he should approach you, since you were still talking to Viktor, but luckily you seemed to notice him before the problem arose.
“Yuri,” you exclaimed happily, a broad smile plastered onto your face. “Are you enjoying the Gala?”
He shrugged, noticing from the corner of his eyes that Viktor had turned to face the Japanese Yūri, as if to give the two of you a little privacy.
“It’s okay, I guess. Wanna dance?”
He held his hand out to you, an invitation.
“Uhm…” hesitantly you looked from his hand to the dancefloor. “That’s a waltz, right? I’m not really good with waltzing...”
Yuri’s heart sank, but he kept his hand stretched out.
“That’s okay, I’ll lead,” he offered.
“What if I step on your feet?”
“So what?”
He held your gaze, waiting for you to turn him down, but your eyes just flickered between him and the dancefloor.
“One dance. Just one. That's all I'm asking for,” he asked, acutely aware that he was basically begging.
“Oh, you’re so dramatic,” you rolled your eyes, but a smile tucked at your lips and you placed your hand in his. “But I don’t wanna hear any complaints when I do end up stepping on your feet.”
Yuri barely heard what you were saying from how loudly his heart was beating in his ears, but he closed his fingers around yours, and led you to the edge of the dancefloor, twirling you once, to make you giggle, before catching you gently. His left hand was holding your right, and his other was placed in the middle of your lower back, pulling you a little closer as you rested your free hand on his arm, just below the shoulder.
Carefully Yuri caressed the fabric of your dress. It was smooth, and somehow cold, even though he could feel the warmth of your body underneath. The colour of your dress perfectly accentuated the natural glow of your skin, your earrings and your hairpin matching the dress as well. You looked like a princess. His heart beat hard in his chest, and he felt light-headed.
Until he felt you tremble under his hands.
Concerned he snapped back to the present, focusing his attention on you.
“You okay,” he asked worriedly, instinctively pulling you a little closer to his chest.
The smile on your lips was a nervous one, but you nodded.
Yuri decided to ignore the concern that was nagging in his stomach, and listened for the beat in the music, gently guiding you into the motion of the first steps of the waltz. Yuri’s trainers had always insisted that, next to ballet, he should also learn ballroom dancing once he had turned fifteen. ‘An elementary aspect of formal education’ had Lilia called it. Often enough had he damned those additional classes, but now he was glad that he had never once skipped.
Your fingers were tense in his, but he just caressed the back of your hand with his thumb slowly, trying to calm you down. You had said you were not good at waltzing, but Yuri soon had to find out that it had been a polite lie. Not only was it very easy to lead you across the floor, but your steps matched his perfectly as well. You picked up on even the slightest of his movements, of his shifts in weight, as you danced across the room, as if you had been made for each other.
Once the dance was over, after not even two minutes, Yuri’s eyes flickered to yours. Did you want to go back to the others? Did you have enough of dancing with him? He lowered your joint hands, letting his other hand slip from your back to your waist: an offer to let go. But you did not, just smiled at him shyly, and when he tilted his head in invitation for the next dance, you nodded.
Yuri lost all sense of time as he was dancing with you. In the beginning he counted the songs, tried to remember them, so he could look them up later, listen to them and remember this evening. But eventually he lost count. Only when the DJ announced a break, did he suddenly notice how much time had passed. His feet hurt from dancing. You had to be off way worse, in your heels. Concerned he glanced at you, your fingers still closed around his, expecting to see you frown. Instead you were laughing. Your eyes were glowing brightly, your skin gleaming with a little bit of sweat; just like his own.
“This was fun,” you cheered, “you’re a really good dancer, Yuri!”
He could feel a blush creep into his cheeks, and rubbing his neck embarrassedly, he answered: “You’re a really good partner too.”
You did a little, mocking, curtsy.
“Well, do you want to grab something to drink? I’m really thirsty.”
Yuri nodded, and followed you to the buffet, while you were still holding onto his hand. Only when you grabbed two glasses of water, did you let go, handing one to him before gesturing to the balcony.
“Wanna go out for some fresh air?”
Yuri just nodded, fully aware that he was following you like a lovesick puppy. He did not even hear Otabek bicker, that tomorrow Yuri owed him lunch.
The air outside was bitingly cold, but refreshing after the dancing. A fresh breeze carried snowflakes through the winter night, and brushed over your bare arms, making you shiver.
You were about to turn around to Yuri, when he had already placed his glass at the railing, taken off his jacket and thrown it over your shoulders, pulling you a little closer towards him. Bashfully you looked up at him, your eyes glimmering in the low light of the lanterns along the balustrade.
Carefully Yuri tried reading your expression, but it was something he could not quite place. Something soft, yet scared, friendly, but hesitant. And then your eyes flickered to his lips. Just a short moment, so short that he might as well have imagined it, but his breath hitched, and your fingers brushed tentatively against his, as if to check in with him, as if his reaction had alarmed you. Yuri’s eyes ran over your face, trying to read you, trying to figure out what you were thinking. Again your eyes flickered to his lips, this time longer, leaving no doubt in him as to what this small gesture meant. And yet…
“Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss you,” he whispered, only loud enough for you to hear. But the balcony was empty except for the two of you anyway. Empty, save for the lanterns and the snow blowing through the night.
He felt a tremor run through you, but instead of giving him an answer, or pulling away, you took a small step closer towards him, as close as you had been while dancing, and lifted your chin a little, as if inviting him in.
Yuri’s eyes met yours, and all he could think was that if he did not kiss you right now, did not follow your obvious invitation… then he would never have the courage again. Besides: the moment was basically perfect. Alone on this balcony, at night, in the snow…
So he leant in, pressing his lips to yours in a short, innocent kiss, which still ended up leaving him breathless when he pulled away a few moments later. He felt his cheeks burn, as a blush spread through them, and the sweet taste of your lips kept lingering on his, making him dizzy, and wanting to kiss you again. So he did, leant in again, placed another kiss on your lips, and then another, until both of you were giggling like school children. And then he hugged you, wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you into his chest, kissing your temple sweetly as you wrapped your own arms around his middle.
“Your heart is beating really fast,” you whispered.
He wanted to say something to that, wanted to mock you that your own heart probably beat just as fast. But when he looked at you, the words got stuck in his throat.
“Shut up,” he whispered back instead, and before you could utter the inevitable ‘then make me’, he pressed his lips to yours once more, holding you as tightly as possible.
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Neko-Chan (Yuri x reader)
Anime: Yuri on ice
Pairing(s): Yuri x reader
Warning(s): slight cussing
Edited: April 13th
Reader is a ice hockey player and is Victor’s younger sibling
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You stared blankly at the wall in front of you, your face not giving off the anxiety that was boiling inside you. “Oooh who’s this cutie?” A thick Russian voice sounded, you jumped in fear of the voice before coughing nervously and trying to brush off your totally-not-cool fear.
“What?” You asked, tilting your head ad spinning it around to see a blonde haired boy that looked to be around your age.
”Yuri...” Victor gritted his teeth, eye narrowed towards his former apprentice.
“Hey Victor!” You greeted your brother with stretched out arms, hugging him tightly. Victor rolled his ocean blue eyes, pushing you off of him.
“‘That cutie’ is my younger sibling, and they are annoying as ever, by the way!” Victor growled, you smiled innocently before tying on your tennis shoes.
“Come on, we are going to be late.” You brushed off, grabbing your hockey stick and going off to the car.
“Be late or what?” Yuri asked, puffing out breaths of air when he reached the car.
“I have a ice hockey game I have to get to.” You explained smoothly, smiling gently at the green eyed male.
“You know, if you teach me how to play ice hockey I can teach you how to ice skate.” Yuri prompted, climbing to the back seat and sitting next to you.
“I already know how to skate, it would be a fucking crime if I didn’t.” You stated, Yuri looked flustered for a short few seconds before shaking his head and blowing off the fact that he just embarrassed himself.
”Well, I still want to know how to play ice hockey!” Yuri whined, flopping down on you. You chuckled lightly at the male’s neediness.
You quickly pulled on your ice skates and ran to the rink. The faint cheering of Yuri and Victor was in the background, gripping the stick tightly in your hands you skate to the middle of the rink. Resting your stick in front of the puck, memories of all the times you have practiced until you couldn’t feel your hands or legs anymore. All the times you had been teased and resented for not being a ice skater like your older brother.
ice flew everywhere as you and your opponent fought against the puck, you ducked and twisted your torso, grabbing the puck away and racing off to the other team’s goal. The other team’s goalkeeper was big and looked like they knew what they where doing. So sad for them that you also knew tat you where doing. “Sorry hunny, I don’t feel like being nice.” You whispered near the goalkeeper’s ear and shooting the puck in the goal, giving him a wink and backing away to your offensive position, clicking sticks with your team mate that was switching position with you.
“Hey, where are you from?” The opponent asked you, you stared at the puck for a second before deciding to leave it alone and pretend to be nice.
”Russia.” You stated, giving the person a large smile.
“Can you say something in Russian?” The opponent begged, his black eyes wide as moons. You smirked before nodding your head in agreement.
“Tsvetok.” You stated, honestly you couldn’t care less about Russian, all the words floated in your head against you.
”What does that mean?”
“Congrats on winning!” Yuri exclaimed, a smile largely planted on his face.
”Thanks neko-Chan...” You panted out, letting a tired smile towards the blonde haired boy.
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Chasing Rainbows (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)
Hi, so I made my first post recently and all of you have already been so so supportive and I thank you so much. This will be my first fic. It’s between Yuri Plisetsky and a female reader who is a pianist and part of the deaf community. i thought it was a very interesting idea when I thought of it and I wanted to share it. i asked a friend of mine who is a member of said community to help me with accuracy because I myself am not part of it. i just wanted to try out writing it. I don’t think I’ve put in anything offensive, but in the beginning, when Lilia asks the reader to play piano for Yuri, Yuri asks how she is supposed to know what she is doing. I don’t think it’s very offensive, but if the community finds it offensive, please let me know and I will take down this post immediately. There are also parts in which I want to imply that the dialogue is in sign language, because I don’t want to write out the character signing each letter. Anything in italics is dialogue in sign language, anything with the regular quotation marks are spoken dialogue, and any thoughts from the characters have just one apostrophe at beginning and end instead of quotations. I figured since Russia is where Yuri and reader are, specifically St. Petersburg, I’ve made her use Russian Sign Language and typed out according to that, though I don’t know if I made any mistakes. Please alert me if I have so I can change it. I also didn’t want to assume anything about physical appearance, so I’ve left hair length, hair color, eye color, and skin tone open to interpretation. I don’t own Yuri, but I own the story and Y/n’s personality. That said, please read and enjoy and give me any feedback! Also, my asks are open and I don’t have too many ideas right now, so please request something! Enjoy!
Yuri Plisetsky wasn’t a very big fan of people.
There wasn’t really much wrong with them, it’s just that they were distracting and he was ultra-focused on reaching his goals.
There were a couple of them that he could stand, like his grandfather and his coaches to a certain degree. But in the grand scheme of things, Yuri Plisetsky decided to mostly stay away from people.
This is why he was so annoyed with his ballet coaches new announcement.
“A live pianist? What for?” Lilia rubbed her temples in exasperation. “You have trouble expressing certain emotions during your performances. Some come naturally, but others don’t. The music is what determines the emotion you’re trying to express, so what better way to help with that then to see the person making that music.”
Yuri groaned. “They’ll just slow me down and make mistakes! The recorded playing is enough for me! I don’t need a person!” Lilia looked at him with an annoyed expression.
“Do you remember what you said to me the first time we met? ‘If selling my soul is what it takes to win, I’ll give you this body, no holds barred.’ Are you going back on your word? If you’ll really do whatever it takes to win, this should be no problem.”
Yuri looked down and nodded his head. I guess I can find some way to deal with this.
Lilia smiled. “Good, you’ll meet her tomorrow.”
Yuri internally groaned again. Her? It was a girl? Great. She’ll probably fangirl over me so much I won’t get time to practice.
The next morning, Lilia informed him that the pianist would be joining them in the studio shortly, as she would be a bit late. Yuri was hoping she wouldn’t come at all.
But alas, his prayers were unheard when there was a knock at the studio door. Lilia immediately opened it to reveal a girl with h/l, h/c hair, e/c eyes, and a very cold and stoic expression, a red lollipop sticking out of the right side of her mouth. He noticed that strangely, she had gloves on.
The brown leather outlined the shape of her fingers so he had a slight idea of what her hand was like, but he wondered what she was hiding under the soft leather.
After she opened the door, Lilia began doing some strange hand signs that Yuri didn’t recognize. She moved her hands around rapidly, pointing at Yuri a couple times so the girl turned her attention towards him. She peeked out from behind Lilia and raised a gloved hand in greeting, the stoic expression never leaving. He nodded an acknowledgement, wondering if she knew who he was.
When Lilia finished her hand signs, the girl replied with some of her own. She then walked to the sleek black piano in the corner of the room and began running her gloved fingers over the keys. Yuri decided to try and talk to her, see if she was a fangirl.
“Hey,” He called out in her direction. it seemed like she wasn’t listening. All her attention was on the keyboard, running the smooth leather over the ivory keys.
“Hey!” He tried again.
Lilia walked over to him and began watching you as well. “She can’t hear you.”
Yuri was confused.
“What is she, deaf?”
“Yes,” Lilia replied
Yuri was very confused. How were you supposed to play the piano if you couldn’t hear? He couldn’t risk anything right now, he needed to win the Grand Prix!
“How the hell is she supposed to play the piano if she can’t hear?! She’s going to slow me down!! She doesn’t even talk, she just does her weird little hand signs!! i need someone who knows what they’re doing!!”
At this point, the girl had stopped looking at the keys and turned her attention towards Yuri yelling at Lilia. She looked to Lilia, silently questioning with her hands what Yuri had said. Lilia launched into rapid sign language, explaining everything Yuri had said. Yuri watched her expression, expecting her to cry or something. What he wasn’t ready for was her reaction.
As Lilia finished explaining, Yuri waited for the tears to start dripping down her face. Instead though, he heard a clear scoff come from her throat. He looked at her in surprise, hearing a crack as she bit down sharply on her red lollipop. She made your way over to him and grabbed him by the shirt collar with one gloved hand, bringing her face centimeters away from his. “H-hey! Put me down!”He could smell her cherry lollipop on her breath as she opened her mouth. He froze once he heard words streaming out.
“For the record, I can speak, pretty boy. I just don’t prefer to. I can communicate much more effectively through BSL. Yeah, I’m deaf, you got a problem with that? I may not be able to hear, but I can confidently tell you that I am the best pianist you can get around here. You want someone who can hear, don’t you? Someone who ‘knows what they’re doing’.” She said the words in a mocking tone. “No one but me decides whether I play for you or not. And you’ve just showed me that you’re not worth my time. Go settle for some second-rate pianist and have fun prancing around. I have stuff to do.” She dropped him down like a sack of potatoes, signed a quick goodbye to Lilia, and walked to the door.
Before she left, she stopped for a minute and looked back, quickly taking the lollipop out of her mouth. “Stop hiding behind your red.” She said, popping it back in. She walked out without a second glance
Lilia looked at the boy, still frozen, lying on the ground, barely hearing what the girl had said. Lilia pinched the bridge of her nose. “You just lost a very good pianist. I can try to find someone else, but they won’t be as good as her. I hope you realize what you just did. Now get back to practice, we’ll use recordings for today.”
After practice, Yuri began to think of the girl. If she couldn’t hear her own playing, how on earth would she know if she was playing well or not? It was impossible!
As he lay on his bed, he began to think more about the encounter he had with her, the bright red cherry lollipop peeking out of pearly white teeth, the light scent of leather wafting into his nose from the glove holding firmly on his shirt collar, what might have happened had she brought her face… just… a bit… closer…
His face immediately turned red as he covered his face in exasperation. What on earth was he thinking?! Why would he want to do… that… with her of all people?! He had only seen her today and she threatened him and left the studio!
Stop it Yuri. You shouldn’t be thinking such stupid things. You have a Grand Prix to win. You have to beat the piggy.
Lilia knocked on his door. “Come down for dinner. Are you sick? You’re as red as borscht!”
“I’m fine! Be down soon.” Lilia left as Yuri splashed cold water on his face, trying to rid himself of thoughts of you.
The next morning, Lilia brought in a new girl named Katerina. She was a bit of a fangirl, but Yuri figured he could deal with that.
At least she could hear her own playing.
During their practice, Katerina messed up the combinations at least 3 times each, Lilia making them start over every time this happened. By the end, Yuri’s legs felt like jelly and he had yelled at Katerina 7 times. The minute Lilia said she could leave, she ran out the door, hastily grabbing her things. At least now she knew why they called him the Russian Punk.
Yuri looked at Lilia staring critically on him as he lay on the floor, desperately trying to catch his breath.
“Couldn’t you *pant* find *pant* anyone *pant* better?’
“You had that chance before, you just threw it away.”
Yuri groaned, she was still going on about that.
“Just how good can a deaf person be at piano anyways?”
Lilia sighed. “You want to see?”
She pointed at the studio window that overlooked the street. Over on the other side was the girl walking with her lollipop and gloves. Even from here, her usual stoic expression was still visible. It never left her face.
“Follow her. Don’t let her see you. If you don’t take my word on her playing, you’ll have to see it yourself.”
Yuri sighed, but not questioning his instructor, he put on his jacket and walked out into the cold night, following the girl and her red lollipop. He hid in the dark corners they passed so that she couldn’t see him and pulled his jacket over his head, covering his tiger shirt. He shadowed her until they got to a small café, lit up by the string lights outside. He wondered why Lilia would make him follow her to a café, but not one to question his instructor, he crept inside, making sure she couldn’t see him.
The entire café greeted her with a yell. “Y/n!” they said. Y/n. So that’s her name. I never even got to learn it. He thought. He then wondered why he was thinking that because he would never have to use her name. Though she couldn’t hear, Y/n seemed to know they were greeting her and raised a gloved hand to return the gesture, her stoic expression still there during her greeting. He went and sat in a far corner of a café watching the girl with bored eyes. She walked up to the counter and gave some signs to the cashier, who returned them with some of her own and a bag with a single cheese danish inside. Yuri wondered why his instructor had sent him to follow this girl and watch her buy a danish. Nevertheless, he continued watching her.
He had nothing to do, after all.
As she was about to sign a goodbye to the cashier, he saw a small kid, around 6 years old, tug at the leg of her pants. She bent down to his height and tilted her head, silently asking him what he wanted. Yuri watched as he brought his hands up in front of him, making shaky hand gestures while still speaking to her out loud. “Miss Y/n… would you… play for us a little bit?” Yuri watched her. He saw something strange. Y/n’s stoic expression was slowly contorting. Her lips turning upwards and her eyes growing softer. She nodded a yes with a smile on her face. She ruffled the boy’s hair and held  his hand as she walked to the piano at the back of the café. She sat on the bench and the boy sat beside her. She looked at him anticipation, waiting for him to pick something for her to play. He pulled some sheet music out of the bag laying next to the piano and handed it to her. She only looked at the first page for a split second, reading the title before nodding and handing it back. Finally, finger by finger, she pulled off the leather gloves. Yuri could see nothing at all different about her hands. They were just like anyone else’s hands, covered in s/c skin, with the lithe fingers of a musician. Yuri and the boy sitting next to Y/n watched her hands as she lifted them and placed them lightly on the keys. She lifted them again, preparing to start the song.
The minute her fingers pressed down on the keys, Yuri could no longer hear the notes. He only heard a sound. It was a beautiful sound, but he couldn’t really identify it. He didn’t hear the combinations of the notes she pressed, he heard music. It was less of what he was hearing and more of what he was feeling. It was just something in the way that she played the notes. Maybe it was how hard she pressed the keys, or when she pushed the pedal. No, it’s not any of that. He thought. It was the feeling she put into the music. The music brought him back to a memory. He was laughing, eating pirozhkis with his grandpa. He didn’t know what they were laughing about and he didn’t care. He was just happy to be there, with the person he loves. But how could she, someone who doesn’t even know him, be able to bring him back to such a precious, private memory with her playing? He then began to realize that it wasn’t the memory that she was conveying.
It was the feelings tethered to that memory.
There was love, and there was a second feeling. He would try to put it into words if he could, but it only felt like one thing.
He fell deeper into the haze of memories she threw him in, thinking about all the things he did with his grandpa back home. The playing made him feel like he was actually there, with his grandpa next to him, sitting with him after a practice ran late, eating pirozhki, laughing over something stupid.
He looked around at the people around him, all smiling fondly and he realized that the feeling she conveyed wasn’t just for him. It reached everyone. For him, that memory was of him and his grandfather. For the two men at the other table it was something else. It was a different memory for the 5 kids and 3 women as well.
It amazed Yuri, how she was able to make a simple combination of notes on an instrument convey such an intense feeling and hold such a personal meaning for every person in the room. He now realized why Lilia wanted her to help with the emotions.
Y/n gave a hug to the little boy and walked out with her cheese danish. After regaining his composure, Yuri left as well and went back to Lilia’s house. Lilia met him at the door, not asking any questions. But, as he walked by her, she quickly pulled his hood down, allowing her to see his face. “Your red, it’s fading. You did hear her play.” Yuri was confused by the words, but shrugged them off because he was tired. He walked up the stairs to his room, letting the love that still enveloped him deteriorate with each step.
The next day, after another mistake-filled practice with Katerina, Yuri crept behind Y/n again to hear her play at the café again. He did the same the day after that, and the day after that. The routine was like clockwork. Practice finished, and he followed the girl with her red lollipop and gloves. Every night it was a different piece that resurfaced a different memory. Songs with love, tranquility, joy and others. He would always keep his face straight, but let the emotion wash over him. Tonight, it was one filled with intense anger. With a different piece came a different memory. He began to remember when he had lost Victor to the piggy back in Hasetsu, even though he thought he had finally found his Agape. Agape wasn’t easy for him and finding it was one of the hardest things he had to do. The piggy didn’t even know how to perform Eros and he won with it by thinking of a pork cutlet bowl. They were good, but they shouldn’t have been good enough to make him win! It wasn’t fair. Victor always broke his promises. He remembered how he walked out of the competition early because it was painfully obvious that the piggy won.
He clenched his fists so hard his knuckles grew paler than they already were, which seemed impossible. He thought of how close Victor was with the piggy, how the piggy would be the one doing the routines Victor created, how he was not even sure that he could beat the piggy now that he had Victor. He didn’t even notice when you ended the piece, still stuck in a haze of red. He didn’t notice when the man at the table near him started crying, muttering something about his former wife. All he noticed was his own anger, all he could see was red.
Until he noticed,
He wasn’t supposed to be seeing red.
He was supposed to see the dark yellow hiding behind it.
She wasn’t conveying anger.
She was conveying betrayal.
The music was rapid and fast-paced, but it had an undertone of sorrow and longing.
Yuri wasn’t mad at Victor.
He was sad.
Sad that his trust was broken.
Sad that he couldn’t rely on him.
Y/n began playing something else.
Through the sorrow, Yuri began to listen.
At this point, he didn’t know what to feel.
The piece permeated his being, he could feel it through every part of his body.
It was the most beautiful piece he had ever heard in his entire life.
Yuri didn’t know what chords were in the piece, or how fast it was, or even if it was being played wrong.
All he heard was music.
Music in its purest form.
He had no idea what it was supposed to make him feel.
Yuri realized, it wasn’t supposed to make him feel anything at all.
The music was just music.
Music is just a combination of notes put in a certain order.
The emotions didn’t come from there.
They came from the person making the music.
He finally understood why he had trouble expressing certain emotions in competition.
It was like the colors.
He had all of them, an entire palette like everyone else. He was afraid that they weren’t pretty enough for other people to see, so he covered all of them with a thick curtain of red.
But here was Y/n.
She was here, showing off her rainbow to everyone else, letting them know that they had the rainbow inside.
Letting him know that she could see past his red.
Some people don’t like certain colors.
There are those who dislike red, some who hate blue, a couple who can’t stand the sight of purple.
But there are those who love those same colors.
Which side are you supposed to cater to?
You can’t please everybody.
You don’t need to please anyone at all.
You possess all the colors and you can use all of them as you wish, you can create.
We are rainbows.
We are humans.
The realization overtook his body. His eyes started to water. The tears started coming out and he didn’t even try to stop them. This was how he felt and he needed to accept it. The red curtain was blown away as he saw the rainbow inside of him. His sadness, joy, love, everything.
He was no longer a red cloud.
He was a rainbow.
She opened him.
The feelings swallowed him as she ended the piece, walking to the counter to get her danish.
But before she left, she walked straight to the table he was sitting at, tapping him on the forehead. “Oi, pretty boy, get up. Lilia’s probably worried. “
Yuri was surprised. How did she know it was him?! As if she was reading his mind, she replied. “You aren’t very good at creeping around and the hood does little to hide your face. Walk with me.” Dumbfounded and still dazed, Yuri got up and obeyed Y/n, walking next to her. She took out her lollipop, which was now nothing more than a stick, and threw it out. She picked the danish out of the bag and bit into it as they walked out of the café. They walked a bit in silence before they came across a ledge overlooking the nearby canal. Y/n sat down and patted the spot next to her, gesturing for Yuri to do the same. He obediently sat and watched the water move. She took another bite out of the danish before offering it to him. He took a small bite and leaned back, continuing to watch the water.
Soon, she began to speak.
“I noticed you the first time you followed me. i didn’t say anything because I knew it was Lilia’s doing.”
She turned her head, making direct eye contact with him for the first time since the day in the studio. Her eyes reflected the yellow from the dim streetlamps that surrounded the canal.
“Give me your hand.” She said simply.
Yuri agreed though he was still confused. She began tracing the lines on his palm before stopping at a specific one.
“You see that?” She asked. He nodded. “This is where your nails have left imprints on your palms, meaning you clench your fists a lot. It shows me how angry you get.”
She then tapped a covered finger between his eyebrows. “There’s a crease here, meaning you frown a lot.” She brought that finger down to the side of his lips. “You also have this small wrinkle here, showing that your lips are usually angled downward, adding to the frowning.” Her gloved fingers stayed there, brushing over the dent in his skin. He began to turn red when he realized the position they were in. She seemed to notice too, quickly retracting her hand, trying to hide the extremely faint blush on her face.
“W-what I mean is, if anyone looks at you for a couple seconds, they can see the small signs that tell how much you get angry."
“Your anger is a force to be reckoned with, that’s clear to see. But you give it too much power so that it shrouds your other emotions. Many people are like that. We all have one emotion that usually overpowers our others. The trick is learning how to control it as much as your others. The emotions you are composed of are what make you human. Your humanity is not something you invalidate.”
She stood up. “Lilia will get worried soon, you should get back.”
As he stood up as well, she stopped him and brushed the hair away from his eyes. She stared into them, and surprisingly, let out a soft giggle. He gave her a questioning look. “Your red.” She said. “It’s cleared.” She tucked the hair behind his ear and walked off in the opposite direction, leaving Yuri to think about her for the rest of the night.
The next morning, Yuri went to the studio, expecting another day filled with Katerina and mistakes. What he didn’t expect to see was Y/n with her gloves off playing warm-up scales on the piano. He looked at her in awe as Lilia made her way over to whisper in his ear. “We somehow got her back, don’t botch this up again.”
Practice went perfectly that day. Y/n never made a mistake with what she was asked to play, and Yuri began to let his emotions take the lead in the dance. He was slow to accept them at first, but gradually let them in. Once practice ended, Yuri walked up to Y/n and tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at him, wondering what he wanted.
He brought his hand up, closing it into a fist. He then brought his fist to his chest and moved it in a circular motion. Y/n’s eyes widened.
He was saying sorry.
Yuri then brought his open hand to his chin and then moved it forward, clearly mouthing two words so that she could read his lips.
Thank you.
Y/n remained in shock for a minute and Yuri feared he had done something wrong. ‘Damn YouTube video!! They probably gave me the wrong gestures! What if I said something offensive?!’
The thoughts stopped streaming in when he heard Y/n speak again. “No problem pretty boy. Just refrain from saying anything stupid. Now I have a danish waiting for me. Want to come?”
Yuri nodded, following Y/n out of the studio.
He stopped her once again outside the café, a strange look on his face. “Got something to say?” She asked. He nodded. “If you enunciate well enough, I can lip-read.”
He opened his mouth. “That day, what I said to you about you not ‘knowing what you were doing’, I’m sorry. I’ve been under so much pressure for my senior debut and I was scared that you might slow me down. You are an amazing pianist and I shouldn’t have judged you like that. I know i insulted the entire deaf or hard-of-hearing community and I sincerely apologize.”
Y/n nodded. “Just because I’m deaf doesn’t mean I can’t do stuff like any other normal person. Don’t worry, I accept your apology. Just don’t say anything like that again, pretty boy.”
Yuri nodded in understanding and continued into the café for Y/n’s daily performance.
After that day, the boy’s routine changed a bit. He would wake up and go to practice, but afterwards, instead of hiding in alleyways trying not to be seen, Yuri would walk side by side with Y/n, talking and laughing on the way. He would enunciate his words more clearly so she could lip-read and understand him. He also started taking some online sign-language courses so that he could communicate with her more effectively. Their conversations were mixes of a few words and signs, but in the end, both understood each other perfectly. Y/n started to carry around two cherry lollipops, one for Yuri. Yuri would carry around an extra jacket for Y/n, who frequently forgot to wear one. “Seriously dumbass! Who remembers to wear gloves but not a jacket?!” “Me.” “You’re an idiot.”
Every night, Yuri would sit in on Y/n’s performances and they would share the danish on the way home. They would sign a goodnight at the canal and repeat it all over the next day.
Their conversations were of anything they could find to talk about, resulting in both knowing extremely random things about each other. ‘Y/n only wears the gloves because she’s really prone to dry skin. Yuri has three cat-ear headbands. Y/n doesn’t even know that she looks mean. Her stoic face is just her resting face. Yuri believes conspiracy theories. Y/n has a least favorite multiple of three, it’s 27. Yuri has a pair of fluorescent orange socks with cats all over them. Y/n’s feet are cold 24/7 because she doesn’t like wearing socks. She thinks they feel weird.’
Eventually, one day, Yuri decided to go to the rink and skate as a change of pace. He also decided to bring Y/n with him.
Can you skate? He signed as he watched her lace up her skates. “I can move around without falling, if that’s what you mean.” She steadily replied out loud.
Y/n stood at the side of the rink as she watched Yuri perform the Agape that failed him back at Hasetsu. His movements were perfect, but the emotion was not. The movements, aside from being perfect, were so sharp and harsh that Y/n physically winced. Yuri had vented to her many times about the incident at Hasetsu involving Victor and the other Yuuri, so she had a basic idea of the situation. As he finished, she gestured for him to come over. This is the routine from back at Hasetsu, correct? She signed. He nodded. Your agape isn’t there. You’re letting the anger from the incident cloud the entire routine so it becomes angry. Don’t think about Victor during the routine. Think of your agape. Yuri nodded and tried the routine again. This time, his movements were still perfect, but more fluid and beautiful. Y/n smiled. Now this is agape.
As they made their way back, through broken signs and a couple words, Yuri explained his desire to beat the other Yuuri at his next competition. Y/n giggled. She thought it was cute, the way that Yuri referred to people by little sign language nicknames he made for them instead of spelling out their names. He referred to Victor as just V in sign language, not wanting to spell out his name. He referred to the other Yuri by putting an open palm under his chin and curling and uncurling his knuckles, the sign for pig. He referred to Yakov as old man, and Lilia as scary ballerina. She wondered how he would refer to her. One day, when she got curious enough, she asked him. She expected him to do something silly, but instead, he hooked his index fingers together and shook his fists twice.
Best friend
Y/n felt a rush of happiness. This was the first time anyone had called her their friend, much less their best friend. She immediately hugged Yuri and felt him stiffen under her. He was frozen for a few seconds, but eventually, he wrapped his arms around her, muttering “Don’t go all soft on me now.” even though he knew she couldn’t hear him. She could see the blush on his face when she pulled away, but she decided not to mention it in hopes of hugging him more often. She blushed at the thought she just had. Why did she want to continue hugging Yuri?
Y/n brushed off the thought and continued walking with Yuri as he changed the subject by asking her a different question.
Slowly, Y/n began to get more comfortable with Yuri, the same with Yuri. One day, he finally plucked up the courage to ask her something he had been wondering for a very long time.
If you don’t mind me asking, how can you speak so well?
Y/n smiled sadly at the question as she signed back.
I was born with hearing, but it slowly deteriorated due to a medical condition. When I was 9, it went away entirely. I could already speak quite well and I just learned sign language.
Y/n gave Yuri a moment to register what she said because he was still a beginner when it came to sign language. She then continued when he nodded.
I always loved to play piano. I stopped for some time after I lost my hearing because I was afraid of making mistakes. Eventually, I realized that hearing wasn’t what was stopping me from making music. It was me who was stopping myself. Mind over matter. Once I broke down my personal barriers, I could play again. I’ve applied to a couple conservatories recently to see if I could play professionally.
Yuri stopped walking and held Y/n’s hand as he stared into her eyes. Something wrong?  She asked. He put a hand on her cheek as he continued staring into her eyes. It’s blue, isn’t it? He signed. Your dominant color. Sorrow. Y/n nodded.
I know i said all that stuff about mind over matter, but almost everyday, I wish I could hear at least one note that I play. I would give anything at all to hear the music.
Yuri moved forward and wrapped his arms around Y/n as a few tears dripped from her eyes. It was still, quiet, except for Y/n’s barely audible sobs echoing in the empty street. Suddenly, Yuri felt something drop on his head. He looked up to see a drizzle starting, eventually becoming full-on rain. Y/n slowly pulled away as she felt it too. As she looked at the rain coming from above, she began to smile. She grabbed Yuri’s hands.
Dance with me, she signed.
Yuri laughed. There’s no music.
So? Who needs it. I certainly don’t.
Yuri scoffed at the girl’s silly behavior before putting his hands on her waist while she did the same on his shoulders. They swayed slightly, Y/n moving forward to rest her head on Yuri’s chest, his chin on top of her head. Both were blushing, neither could see. They just lived in the moment, each relishing the feeling of the other in their arms.
After some time, Y/n pulled away. I don’t want you to catch a cold. We should get home.
Yuri grabbed onto her wrist. Wait.
I wanted to tell you something.
Then say it. She was always so blunt.
I would’ve, but I believe actions speak much louder than words you can’t hear.
Y/n raised an eyebrow. What did he mean?
Yuri tilted the girl’s chin up, moving forward until his lips met her own.
If someone told Y/n the day she met Yuri Plisetsky, that one day she’d be kissing him in the rain, his arms holding her as if she’d disappear once he let go, she would’ve drop-kicked them to Japan.
But right now, she wasn’t thinking of the ironicity of the situation, or even what would happen after the kiss. She was thinking of what she could do to make sure Yuri Plisetsky didn’t stop kissing her. As they continued, Yuri reached for her hand, only to pull off her glove and stick it in his pocket. He did the same to her other hand as she took her bare hand and tangled it in the soft blond mass of hair, lifting it away so she could see Yuri’s perfect green eyes. But she wasn’t going to see them. She was too afraid to open her eyes, fearing that once she did, she would discover that all of this wasn’t real and she was still alone.
But as she felt Yuri’s lips on her own, his hands on her waist, she had a sudden rush of courage. She slowly opened her eyes, only to be met by Yuri’s own green ones, there, clear as day. Tears started streaming down her face, mixing with the rain. Yuri immediately noticed and pulled away. What’s wrong?
Nothing. I’m just so happy. I thought I would open my eyes and you wouldn’t be there, or you’d disappear-
Yuri pulled her into him and held her tight. He kissed the top of her head as she buried her face into his chest. He held her there tightly so she wouldn’t see the tears on his own face as he, knowing she couldn’t hear him, bent next to her ear and whispered “I’m right here.”
He shivered and pulled away, signing at her. We’re going to catch a cold dumbass! Why do you like rain so much anyway?
Y/n looked up at him, a smile on her face, holding up shaky hands.
After the rain, comes the rainbow.
After that day, Yuri’s routine was altered a bit more. It was still mostly the same, he would have practice in the mornings, walk to Y/n’s performances, but it was different in the little ways, which he liked.
He liked how he now held Y/n’s gloveless hand on the way to the café as they continued to talk and laugh over whatever they could find. He liked how he walked her out of the café with an arm around her waist. He liked how they spent a few extra minutes at the canal, watching the water and stealing kisses before leaving.
He never wanted it to end.
But it did.
Yuri finally got his assignments.
On the same day, Y/n got an offer from a piano conservatory in England.
Both were panicking.
Neither knew about the other.
They were too afraid to leave each other behind.
The walk to the café that day was quiet, both were thinking of how to tell the other.
They tried to put it off as long as possible.
After Y/n played at the café, they ended up blurting it out at the same time.
Neither knew what to say.
Y/n made the first move. She walked forward and wrapped Yuri in a hug as he hugged back. She pulled away.
I’m so proud of you! She signed.
And I’m proud of you! He replied.
You’ve made such amazing progress with your agape and I know how amazing you are. You’re going to win gold! I know it!
Yuri smiled. And I know how amazing you’ll do at the Conservatory!
Yuri’s smiled started to fade. I don’t want to lose you. I want to pursue my dreams and I want you to chase your’s, but I can’t wake up every morning pining for you.
Y/n understood. The feelings were strong, but it couldn’t be like this. Both of them had their own dreams and would do anything to achieve them.
I understand Yuri. Which is why i think we should give this relationship some time. You are the right person, but it’s too early. We can both achieve our dreams and pick up where we left off. We have to chase our own rainbows.
Yuri thought about that. Skating was something he loved, but he also loved Y/n. Y/n loved her piano, but she also loved him. The relationship was nice, but he wanted to win gold, and a relationship wasn’t what he needed right now. She didn’t need it either. He nodded.
It’s probably a better idea to get our careers more on track before this. But I want you to know that I do love you. I love you so much. Never forget that.
Y/n grabbed his hand and stroked it. I love you too. More than anything.
Y/n looked down at his hand and smiled as he raised an eyebrow. What are you smiling at? Y/n pointed down at his hand.
The line I showed you that day, the one left by your nails. It’s gone. You haven’t clenched your fists as much. She lifted her hand to his face. The creases are gone too. You’ve improved Yuri! She cupped his cheek. Yuri smiled.
It’s all because of you.
You showed me my rainbow.
Y/n came to see Yuri off at the airport when he left to compete. Her flight to England would leave the next day. She grabbed Yuri’s hand right before he boarded the plane.
Don’t forget to text me. You have my number. Just because we’re on a break doesn’t mean you’re not my friend anymore, pretty boy.
Yuri laughed. I thought you stopped with that nickname.
Never, pretty boy.
Okay, I promise, now my flight will leave without me.
Fine, I’ll let you go.
As she let go and he was about to leave, she grabbed him again. He turned around.
What now?
It’s just… I love you. Don’t forget that.
Yuri rolled his eyes. I love you too idiot, and I couldn’t forget you if I tried. Now I have to board my plane.
She nodded. Go Yuri. Go chase that rainbow and don’t you dare stop.
Yuri walked to the flight attendant who then scanned his boarding pass. He looked back to see Y/n waving at him. He waved back and forced himself to leave, not looking back. Y/n did the same. It hurt for both of them, but they knew it was for the best.
4 years later…
Yuri laced on his skates while he thought about the girl waiting in the audience for him. He thought about all he had to go through those past 4 years without her. There were days when he woke up feeling horrible, needing her comfort, but unable to receive it. There were even days when he hated her. Scrolling through his Instagram to see a picture of her standing a bit too close to a male friend. He even tried to move on a couple times, agreeing to small dates with the women who flirted with him at parties. But every night, he would come home dejected because those women were not her. They knew nothing except his physical appearance. They didn’t know about his fuzzy pair of orange cat socks and they didn’t tease him about the fact that he believed in conspiracy theories because he never told them any of that stuff. He couldn’t tell them any of that stuff.
They weren’t her.
They never would be.
He couldn’t ever find someone like her, she was one of a kind.
There were days when he thought he would never feel love again.
But there was something that kept him going.
Six words
I love you. Don’t forget that.
The message she sent after he saw that photo ranting about how annoying that male classmate was, the good-luck FaceTime she gave him before every serious performance, him doing the same to her. All the little things kept him afloat.
And most of all, the promise she made him.
He was talking to her late at night, trying not to get caught by Yakov. He was ranting about how the music for his performances just never felt right to him. Yuri’s eyes were beginning to droop out of exhaustion and she saw his signs getting slightly more sloppy, he was getting sleepier. He was lying down, and as she continued signing, she saw his eyes close as he fell fast asleep. She smiled at the sight of sleeping Yuri before her. She didn’t know that he was only half asleep, so he could still hear. She did something she hadn’t done since the night she showed him his rainbow.
She spoke to him.
It was only 11 words, a promise that she didn’t expect him to hear, but he did.
“Yuri Plisetsky, I promise, one day, i will play for you.”
She then ended the call to let him sleep, not realizing that he heard you.
He kept that promise in mind during every performance, giving them all his best no matter how he felt. He was going to achieve his dreams so that he could see her again.
And he made it.
He won gold at the Olympics, breaking many records in the process.
She had become a critically acclaimed pianist, performing in a world-touring orchestra and teaching children when she had time.
Their dreams were achieved.
And now, she was there in the audience, about to see him for the first time in person after 4 years.
He still loved her.
She still loved him.
And she was keeping her promise.
He skated onto the rink, ignoring the crowd cheering and looking for only one face.
There she was,
Right in the front row, closest to the rink.
She had changed.
She no longer wore the gloves, and she didn’t carry around the red lollipop.
But it was still her.
As his name was being announced, Y/n and Yuri looked at each other.
He signed one thing to her, something he wished he could say to her again every day after he left.
I love you
Y/n signed it back
I love you too. Now kick some ass out there. I didn’t record this piece for nothing
Yuri smiled, she really hadn’t changed much at all.
He listened to the announcer.
“Now, we have Olympic gold medalist,Yuri Plisetsky, skating to “Rainbow”, an original song by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, written and conducted by Y/n L/n with a piano solo from her as well.”
Yuri took a deep breath as the starting notes of the song rung in his ears.
It was amazing.
He threw himself into the performance, every movement perfect, the love perfectly clear in every breath he took. It was the best performance of his career.
Because she was there.
As the last few notes rang out while he was in his ending pose, he was only looking at her and she was only looking at him.
They were the only two people in the world.
The score didn’t matter to him now, it didn’t matter to either of them.
She got out of her seat and threw her leg over the barrier separating you from the rink. Y/n knew it was reckless to get on the rink without skates, but she didn’t care.
Yuri skated over and caught her as she jumped over the barrier into his arms.
He was still holding her, so he couldn’t sign. Y/n read his lips instead.
“You idiot.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too idiot. You really couldn’t wait, could you?”
“I’ve waited 4 years. That’s enough.”
She grabbed his face and roughly kissed him, still in his arms, as the audience cheered.
“I kept my promise, didn’t I, I’m still here.” Yuri said with a smirk.
“Yes, you did. Why did you chase after me anyways?”
Yuri grinned.
“After all the rain comes the rainbow. i never stop chasing my rainbows."
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prettybillycore · 3 years
Eyes on the Ice || Part 1/2
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Summary: Riku Sugawara has given up on skating. She won gold in the junior world championship her final year, but it was all too much for her, and her coach was insufferable. She still loves to skate, but doesn't have the heart to step back into the spotlight until her favorite skater, Viktor Nikiforov, offers to coach her.
Warnings: ableist skating coach/general ableism
Happy Autism Acceptance Month! Take this two-shot love, your least favorite autistic fanfiction writer (yes this was written april lmao)
Riku sat in the corner of the gym; her thumb was pressing hard into a small slime-based stim toy. She watched as her brother and his teammates practiced. They had a lot of important games coming up; they had been practicing really hard. She, on the other hand, hadn’t been practicing at all.
She had stopped practicing after her last competition for a few reasons, but mainly her coach was too much for her. She was autistic, and her coach was neurotypical. She had worked with many neurotypical people in the past who were understanding, but this coach was not. He made her feel like her differences were a burden, and she was tired. She didn’t want to retire completely, but with no coach and a boatload of performance anxiety, what else could she do?
“Riku,” her brother called softly. He was bending down in front of her. His facial expression was full of concern. “You’ve been so sad since you came home. Is there anything we can do?” His voice was calm, but it was almost wavering. She squished the toy in her hand harder. She noticed Hinata, the orange-haired first year, and Daichi watching the interaction. Neither of them were being sneaky about it, though Daichi was trying to be.
She shrugged. “I don’t think so.”
“Why don’t we take a trip to Hasetsu this weekend?” Koushi suggested.
Riku tilted her head. “Why would we do that?”
“You used to skate at Ice Castle all the time; I’m sure they would let you.”
Riku tucked her head into her knees. “I don’t want to skate, Koushi.”
“Wait! You ice skate?! That’s so cool!” Hinata yelled. He grabbed the attention of everyone in the gym. He clapped his hands over his mouth.
“Yeah! Riku is an internationally recognized skater. She won some big competition last year, right?” Nishinoya asked.
“Riku is a gold medalist. She won gold in the junior world championship last year,” Koushi said with a soft smile. You could tell he was a very proud big brother.
“Then why are you here? Shouldn’t you be practicing?” Tsukishima questioned.
Nishinoya and Tanaka both glared at him. “I don’t have a coach anymore. I can’t compete without a coach.”
“We can’t coach you, but we can come to watch you skate!” Hinata exclaimed.
“This weekend, let’s go to the ice rink, and you can practice, and we’ll cheer you on! You come to all of our games; that’s only fair.”
“I guess Hinata’s right,” Nishinoya said with a smile, “What do you say, Riku?”
“Uh… Sure I guess.”
[ Kenma is online ]
Riku let out a sigh of relief as she put her headphones on. “Hi, Kenma.”
“Hey, Riku. You okay?”
“Why do you ask?”
“You seem tense.”
She laughed a bit. “You can tell that from me saying ‘hi Kenma’?”
She can’t see it, but he shrugs. “You sounded down.”
“Just a bit stressed is all.”
“About what?” He inquired.
“My brother and the rest of his volleyball team are gonna come watch me skate on Saturday.”
“What’s the big deal about that? Your brother has seen you skate before, hasn’t he?”
“Yeah, he has. I’m just nervous; most of them haven’t seen me skate before.”
“When and where are you going?” Riku blinked at the question. “Riku?”
“Ice castle in Hasetsu.”
Kenma breathed, letting out an “Mmm.” in response. “Let’s play some games. Take your mind off of it. Minecraft?”
“Creative mode?”
He smiled. “If that’s what you want to play.”
“Don’t look so nervous, Riku! You’re gonna do great.” Her brother’s soft smile did little to calm her, but it was still appreciated.
“Thanks, Koushi."
Daichi, Tanaka, Hinata, Noya, Asahi, and Kageyama were soon at their front door. On the train ride to Hasetsu, Riku played with a fidget cube in her hand and joined in the conversation when she felt like she could.
Before she even realized it, they had arrived at the Hasetsu train stop, and they were soon making the short walk to the ice rink. The bright smile of Yuuko Nishigori greeted them. “Oh my gosh, Riku! It’s been so long; how are you?”
A slight blush formed on the young girl’s cheeks. “I’m okay. Would you mind if I skate for a bit? I’ve been having trouble finding motivation, and my brother suggested coming down here.” Koushi gave the girl a quick smile. She smiled in return.
“No one is here right now. You’re welcome to practice as much as you like!”
Riku smiled at her; a slight nod followed. That’s all she could muster, but Yuuko didn’t mind. She had known Riku and Koushi for years. The volleyball players made themselves comfortable on the benches or leaning on the wall while Riku went to get her skates on.
“How’s she been doing?” Yuuko asked. “I haven’t seen much about her since the Grand Prix Final.”
Koushi shook his head. His nostrils flared. “It’s going alright. She’s doing okay; I can just tell she’s really anxious about getting back out on the ice again. Her most recent coach was an ableist asshole toward her. It made her feel really insecure. That’s why I thought coming here might help. Viktor and Yuuri are here, right?”
Yuuko smiled and nodded. “Yes, they are! They’ll stand off to the side, and hopefully, she won’t notice them until after she’s done some skating.”
“Thank you for convincing them to come.”
“It’s no problem at all! Yuuri is impressed by her skill, and Viktor is interested in her as a prospective student.”
Koushi’s mouth fell open. “I’m sorry… Who are we talking about?” Hinata interjected.
Yuuko happily answered. “Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki. Viktor is the reigning world champion, and he’s currently coaching Yuuri. Riku loves both of them.”
“Riku really looks up to them, and watching their careers has helped her through a lot. Yuuri is also Autistic like Riku. Seeing other Autistic skaters helps her feel confident and comfortable on the ice.”
“Woah, that’s so cool! That’s almost like if I got lessons from the tiny giant!” Koushi laughed at Hinata’s excitement, though it was honestly a nice change of pace. Koushi shifted his attention to his sister in the rink. She was skating in a few small circles as a warm-up.
“Hey, Riku!” He called. She looked up from the ice briefly, though the pair didn’t make eye contact. “Why don’t you skate one of Viktor’s or Plisetsky’s routes to get you back in your groove?”
She shrugged and pulled out her phone. It wasn’t hard to connect it to the local speaker system. This wasn’t her first time, after all. The music began to play, and she started to mimic Viktor’s movements.
She knew there were people watching, but she would never have counted on three pairs of eyes;
Viktor Nikiforov
Yuri Kasuki
And Kenma Kozume.
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jasmines-greentea · 3 years
more edits i made last night >:33 my top 3 anime ships as of now
TRIGGER WARNING: FLASHING LIGHTS, EMOTIONS (i had the urge to rewatch 3 animes while making this-)
i love them so much 🥺💖
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part seven)
Part one. Masterlist!
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
(Next week)
A week had passed by in a rather slow pace. Yuri's recovery seemed to never end when it had just been a few days. But those days were spent sleeping and eating, using his phone and sleeping some more. Mostly he had no one to talk to since everyone were busy with their own lives. Especially (Y/n) who had to keep her inner performer alive at all times. Her coach came with the idea of hosting a smaller gig where (Y/n) would perform about two or three numbers for the people of Japan. It was planned out as a small nightclub gig at first but the numbers of interested in Japan rose over the charts and well... (Y/n) said that she didn't want to let anyone down. Though her coach was apparently hesitant into taking more than a hundred people. 'Three numbers are too little for a concert.' They said but the people of Japan insisted on paying for the price a concert ticket anyway.
(Y/n) had told him this two days after his fever started. He remembered it made him scoff at how she decided the ticket would only cost a quarter of what a normal concert ticket would then. He had told her it was a ridiculous way of thinking.
He barely saw her after the first day of his fever. The way Yuri had taken a hold of her hand and fallen asleep... She waited until he woke up. Well, not exactly waited. She fell asleep at the edge of his bed.
And since that, the two of you barely talked during the days. They barely even met before she went to bed because she spent every waking hour to practice her numbers with her backup dancers. She still made you breakfast when she head the time though.
Yuri's glad it would soon be over and he could go back to normal. Everyone had been attending to him like he was some child and he felt like a huge burden. He had told Victor that he wished (Y/n) especially wouldn't just dismiss his attempts at doing things on his own just because he couldn't get out of bed with single effort. 'Right, she told me about that! You fell on your face right after while trying, didn't you?' He had replied.
So... yeah... Yuri wanted things to return to normal real fast. Yakov had promised him that he would get to start his session with (Y/n) as soon as the music for the program was set. And that was what Victor had been helping him with a couple times. It was hard to find something he wanted to use. Everything felt overused and boring. Just another performance. Yuri didn't want it to pass as that. He wanted to stand out and earn his gold medal for real just as last year. Now was also really the year of improvement so the music had to be well thought through. He was certainly going to take advantage of having a coach for emotional performances with him this season as well. Meaning, his free skate program was already set to be something hurtful and strong. Not love, he already did that. Something far more serious. He wanted the audience to cry after his performance. Everyone should be bawling. Yakov, piglet, Victor and even (Y/n).
Most important of all, no one would be expecting him to do a program with such deep meaning. Because he was one to avoid it in the past.
His short program should be something upbeat and flashy. He wanted the choreography so intense that he'd be coughing up blood at the end of the performance, if that was possible. So the music had to make the pulse of the audience rise when hearing it. Meaning, the music would be in the rock genre. And he already had just the song for it.
This performance would show off his skills and flexibility as well as the importance of his stamina since the entire program would be non-stop step sequences and jumps throughout almost the entire music. Since he intended to be in better shape than ever before before the competition started, he felt no point in holding back on anything. If he played it safe, then what was the point?
"Ah! Good morning Yuri! I come bearing gifts!" Victor busted the door open with his foot and stumbled inside the room, balancing a tray in his hand. The tray was set down in front of him and Victor sat down at the end of Yuri's bed.
"Where's (Y/n)?" Yuri was truly surprised to see Victor being the one to bring you the breakfast today. It had been her until now. And he hadn't even seen as much as her face today since she left so early.
"Ouch. I'm replaced already? I can't go on knowing I'm not your favorite anymore, you know." Victor put a dramatic hand to his forehead and fell backwards onto Yuri's legs. The tray with the breakfast threatened to tumble and Yuri made an effort to stabilize it. It was bacon and eggs with apple slices. A part of him felt a little sad that the slices weren't in the shape of stars...
"You were never my favorite, old man. And you didn't answer my question." Yuri picked up the fork and pointed it towards the man slopped unto the bed end. He ignored the sad pout he received and took a bite of the apple cut into pieces. Each slice were to large and it didn't even taste the same even though they were of the same apples like yesterday. The eggs were decent and the bacon slightly undercooked. Victor's efforts to cook for the household during the day were appreciated of course. But there was no wonder why (Y/n) stood for the head of the dinner at days when her schedule wasn't as crazy.
"She's practicing like mad. Called her dancers to say that she would be starting a few hours ahead of time because she got an energy boost. She wants the show to be at her best efforts possible."
"I haven't even seen her today. How can she practice like a maniac when she's probably already learned her numbers flawlessly?"
Victor was watching Yuri with a funny look. Probably wondering where all those questions came from.
"I think the show is a way for her to relax."
Say what? Going out of bed before sunrise and coming back from practice just mere hours before midnight could never be considered relaxation. Yuri would never be able to pull that off. That was an insane view of the word relaxing, definitely.
"The steam and demands from her competition in We are voice are currently lifted off her shoulders like heavy weights, you know. This is probably just fun to her. She doesn't have to compete with anyone. I think it gives her a sense of relief."
Yuri stopped eating and thought a little extra on what Victor said.
Yes. She was always stressed in every video where a fan or a nosy reporter came out of nowhere and started recording. Yuri had seen those videos. Especially the one where the random person happened to record the exact moment her mind broke down and she had a breakdown in front of a large crowd. Now there was no denying that Yuri sees (Y/n) as the most weirdest and ridiculous being alive. The way she is so determined to get her way and how much she cares for strangers she's never met. Yuri kind of still consider the two of them to be strangers, even after two weeks being with each other on a daily basis. Her eyes are also too intense for anyone to be up close with to her face and as if that wasn't enough, she's also a morning person and that's already a big warning sign to stay away from a person.
But even though he had had this mental conversation with him many times. Even though he agreed that he disliked her; he couldn't help but being captivated by her performances.
It felt so weird seeing her cry like that just minutes before her performance and then watching her going on stage having the time of her life. There was no doubt she loved her fans and performing on stage but that was one of those moments where Yuri really got to see the mind behind the happy smile. It was the first time he had seen her crying or feeling a negative emotion. It's still the first but he got a taste of her irritated self not so long ago.
It made Yuri think about her performance that day. It was a remarkable song filled with sheerness and excitement and her eyes were still wet with tears as she got up on stage.
"Remember (Y/n) performing 'Animal' during the acappella collaboration sequence?"
"Yes! One of my favorites. She was so happy on stage that day." While it had been true that she found happiness, it's not to ignore how broken she felt right before. 'Animal' by Neon Trees (A/N: listen to the Glee version of the song for the best acapella dynamic!) Was one of (Y/n)'s best performances, according to Yuri. He had watched it on repeat just this morning. There's really nothing special to the song in itself. It was the way she delivered every word and tune with such bravery after her internal battle like that. Her emotional response has always been on point but this particular song was something completely real and touching with her tears glistening in the corner of her eyes the entire performance. The tears of sadness had been replaced with joy and she had genuinely just been having a great time with the acapella group at her side, cheering and jumping around on stage with stars in her eyes.
'Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waiting for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight'
The chorus were always his favorite part. Maybe it was the interpretation of the love-hate relationship the words of the lyrics intended. (Y/n) was belting out 'what are you waiting for' with such passion even though it was hardly a difficult song to perform.
'Here we are again
I feel the chemicals kickin' in
It's gettin' heavier and
I wanna run and hide
I wanna run and hide'
The short verse got him every time. The way her eyes watered at the end and then were immediately blown away by the chorus once again. The way she let go of her sadness and let her happy thoughts consume her. No, she let the song consume her and gave the song a completely different touch never done before.
Yuri had lost count of the time he'd watched it and he knew the choreography and song in and out by now. It was mainly intended for the purpose of studying her expression and getting some kind of inspiration for his music choice. He wanted his theme of his music choice for the free skate program to be 'to let go'. If there's any theme harder than love, then it's letting go of the thing you love. And not just what you love. Letting go to be able to love as well. Whether it's love for yourself or another person. There are countless interpretations and that's what (Y/n) had performed that day, with no intention whatever of doing it in such a way.
"I have... I have chosen the music for my program. At the inspiration of t-that performance."
Now don't get Yuri wrong. He'd never admit it to anyone that (Y/n) had been an inspiration to his free skate. He would probably had figured out the idea anyway, it would just had taken a little longer. And her performance was his own way to interpret it so he'd been the one to come up with the decision anyway. So in a way, she didn't have anything to do with it. And his choice of song would be far more intense and heartbreaking than anything Neon Trees could produce. And so Yuri told Victor about his music choices even though he had no clue why he put that kind of trust into the man.
"Those are some really clever choices when combined with your own vision. I'm almost a little jealous. Maybe I should just hire (Y/n) as my coach myself. It seems like it did wonders for you already!" The man laughed and patted Yuri on the shoulder.
"Nonsense. She hasn't began coaching me yet. She had no part in this." Yuri pushed away the empty tray to make room for sitting up and crossing his legs.
"Oh, but it seems like you learned a lot by ogling her all day long though." The smirk Yuri received made his teeth grit and his ears flush.
"I-i wasn't ogling her!"
"Then what were you doing exactly? I heard 'Animal' playing for a good 30 minutes from the wall connected to the room beside yours." Victor laughed at the startled freeze of The Russian Punk.
Okay fine. Maybe he went overboard with the video. But a new problem had seemed to appear now as he admitted defeat.
Yuri now had a witness that would have to be taken care of somehow. He leaned forwards and gripped the collar of Victor's shirt in a tight fist. The glare of daggers shot forwards onto the smiling man.
"Tell anyone about it and you're gonna have to reconstruct that pretty nose of yours. That's a promise,not a threat."
"Trust me! You won't hear a peep!"
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lordsister · 6 years
Sugar and Spice (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)
How was it possible, for two people who were such polar opposites, to be so deeply in love?
Viktor watched in tender amusement as (y/n) fussed over Yurio, the tough "Ice Tiger of Russia" surprisingly submissive where he sat on a bench, his leg propped up next to him. An unusual frown adorned (y/n)'s usually cheerful face.
Yurio had attempted a particularly difficult jump during practice that day, and had painfully wrenched his ankle as a result. While it was a minor injury and would only cost him a few days of training, (y/n) was worried all the same.
As Viktor watched, (y/n) handed Yurio an ice pack, her lips moving in some sort of reprimand, and, to Viktor's surprise and delight, a small, loving smile appeared on Yurio's face. Exaggerated tears appeared in his eyes.
His baby was in love.
"Yuri! Look! Look! Our baby is growing up!" He glomped the Japanese boy, shaking him back and forth.
"Viktor! Please keep your voice down! They can hear you!" Yuri blushed at the closeness and waved his hands frantically, trying to quiet Viktor's drama.
"Oi! Would the two of you shut up and leave us alone!" Yurio's signature scowl was back, though it's effect was diminished by the bright blush covering his cheeks. (y/n) giggled at the trio's antics, drawing Yurio's attention back to her. As he pouted at her, (y/n) ran her fingers through his bangs, her usual smile present once more.
"Yuri!" Viktor grabbed Yuri once again, excitement replacing his crocodile tears. "Come with me! There's something I saw this morning that I forgot to show you!"
"Eh? Ah! Viktor, wait! Where are we going?!" Yurio and (y/n) sweat-dropped as the pork cutlet bowl was dragged from the rink and out of the room by his exuberant coach.
"Tch! Idiots!" Yurio laced his fingers with yours once the pair were gone.
"Their sweet though, if not a little strange," you chuckled, holding his hand in return.
You looked down as his lips brushed your knuckles, feeling your breath catch when your eyes met. While one of his eyes was covered by his beautiful blonde hair, the other held a look that you had only seen occasionally. The immense heat in his gaze made your legs weak, your attention now focused solely on him and the fact that the two of you were alone. Before you could react, Yurio snaked an arm around your waist and scooped you under him. You were now laying on your back, his legs straddling yours and his hands planted on either side of your head.
"Y-Yuri, w-what about your ankle? Y-you might hurt it even more," you stuttered as your face reddened and your eyes darted away from his, finding it difficult to hold his heavy stare.
"Like I care." Yurio's lips grazed along your jaw before moving to your neck, brushing softly against the delicate skin. After a few moments he pulled away, one hand moving from its place next to your head and tilting your chin up, forcing your eyes to meet his.
"I love you, (y/n)," he murmured softly, thumb brushing stray hair away from your cheek. Instead of disappearing, the passion in his eyes was joined by tender emotion, making his gaze all the more powerful. This expression, so rare for the hot-tempered ice skater, was one you loved, meant for you and only you.
"I love you too, Yuri." You smiled in adoration, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down towards you. Your lips met in a soft, affectionate kiss before turning more passionate, your fingers diving into the long hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling away for a moment, panting and foreheads pressed together, the message in your half-lidded gazes was clear.
I'm yours and you're mine.
As the lovers continued, they remained blissfully unaware of the figure standing partially hidden in the doorway. While Yuri was distracted by Makkachin, Viktor had come back to make a quick check-up on the young couple. He couldn't help but smile at what he'd found.
While (y/n)'s sweet personality was almost the complete opposite of Yurio's spicy attitude, together, their love was nice. Maybe that was why they fell for each other so deeply.
A/N: Thank you for reading!^^ Hope you enjoyed it! I don’t own Yuri on Ice or any of its characters.
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Breaking the Ice | Yuri Plisetsky x Reader
Bruises varying in an array of colors were aligned unceremoniously along your body. Ice skating can bring forth one of two things: a show of beauty and elegance, or a whole world of hurt when the one performing is unable to land jumps.
Skating was once a hobby of yours; a hobby that you eventually grew good at. But after moving to Russia to train with some of the best ice skaters in the world, you quickly learned that being the best in your hometown was nothing to brag about.
During practice, you’d often find yourself too absorbed in watching the other skaters that you failed to work on improving yourself. For the most part, you managed to keep up with them. Up until you had to start performing a triple axel jump, that is. Back in your hometown, the triple axel jump was one of the few things that averted your perfection. Even under the instruction of Yakov Feltsman, successfully performing this jump seemed impossible to you.
Your practice session was nearly coming to an end and you continued to fail over and over again. After falling more times than you can count, you rolled up your pants and examined the already forming bruises. You couldn’t help but wince at the sight of the dark colors blooming across your soft, [skin color] skin.
You were often told that your stubbornness was bound to get you into trouble one day, but it also gave you an advantage. You weren’t planning on resting until you perfected that difficult jump. Getting back on your feet, you started skating once again. You began picking up speed on the ice until it was the perfect moment to jump.
Kicking your blades off the ice, you bound into the air. The spins were flawless, as per usual, but the perfection needed for your landing continued to slip through your fingers. With a painful crash, your body collided into the ice. A whimper of pain managed to escape your lips at contact.
“Oi, [name]!” a familiar Russian voice called. You felt dread sink in your stomach when you realized exactly who it is. “Get off the ice. It’s time for the real professionals to skate.”
Brushing off the tiny fragments of ice that clung to your pants, you glared up at Yuri. Ever since your first day, he had been cold and downright rude to you. All his comments ever did was dishearten you from skating. You weren’t going to give in that easily, though.
“I am a professional,” you told him as you reached the exit of the ice rink. You stepped out and faced Yuri. As much as you tried to hide it, the infamous Russian Punk intimidated you to no extent.
He released an obnoxious laugh at your statement. “Oh, really? Remind me, how many competitions have you won?”
A blush spread across your face like a wildfire. He knew all too well that you hadn’t even entered a competition yet. Perhaps to any other person, training under a world-renowned coach was worthy of making you someone special, but to Yuri, you were still nothing.
Clenching your fists tightly, you turned your back to him and started walking away before you could say something that you would regret. That didn’t stop him from saying anything, though.
“I could perform a triple axel flawlessly as just a child. If you can’t perfect it, don’t even bother showing your face here again,” he called to you. You did your best to ignore him as you continued walking to the locker rooms with warm tears strolling down your face.
“Did you really have to be so rude to her, Yuri?” Viktor asked the boy. “After all, you were like her at some point.”
Yuri crossed his arms and looked away from the gray-haired man. “Shut up. I’m nothing like her.”
Viktor chuckled at the young boy. He knew, probably better than anyone, how this boy tended to act around people - especially people whose talents he felt threatened by. “Of course, of course. Just be sure you apologize to the girl before she does something foolish.”
The last thing you were going to do was let Yuri scare you away from skating. Throwing on your coat, you gripped your skates tightly in your hand as you walked out into the cold, Russian weather. Even after the months you’ve already been staying in Russia, you still weren’t completely used to the frigid weather. The temperatures from where you used to live rarely ever reached such low degrees. You couldn’t even tell that today was an unusually warm day for the country.
You walked around the building towards the frozen lake that resided behind it. Your determination to prove yourself to Yuri prevented you from noticing the most crucial details about your surroundings.
It was a rare day, indeed, when snow wasn’t falling, but that small detail failed to catch your attention. Reaching the bank of the lake, you plopped down in the slushy snow and pulled off your boots before quickly replacing them with your skates. Once you tied the laces to both ice skates, you stood up and stepped onto the light gray ice.
You gradually started picking up speed as you skated across the ice. When you finally felt comfortable enough, you worked up the courage to perform that seemingly impossible jump. Everything seemed to go in slow motion; the jump, the spins and most of all, the inevitable fall. Only, you didn’t fall. Not at first, at least. Your feet landed on the ice, but you didn’t have time to celebrate.
The moments you landed, your skates broke through the thin ice and you plunged into the frigid water. It only took seconds for the freezing water to overwash whatever senses you had left. Your head broke the surface of the water and you greedily gasped for air before clawing at the ice to pull yourself back up.
Each time you got a solid grip, the weak ice would only break under your weight, sending you crashing back into the water. After just a minute, your body was going into shock. Each movement you made grew more and more sluggish. Your body felt like a piece of lead that was dragging you further down.
You quickly lost the strength to keep your head above the water. Ever so slowly, your body sank lower until your head was pulled underneath. It felt nearly impossible to move against the water; you were completely helpless.
This was the end.
Suddenly, you saw a figure appear on the ice. In an instant, a hand reached into the water and grabbed ahold of you before swiftly pulling you out. You quickly took a deep breath as your head emerged from the water. Landing on the ice, you coughed and spluttered out all the water that managed to get into your lungs.
After the coughing fit finally ended, you looked up at your savior, surprised to see who the person actually was.
“Are you really so pathetic that you would try killing yourself over what I said?!” Yuri roared.
You shivered and your teeth noisily chattered together. Your clothes being drenched didn’t help you in any way. “It-It wasn’t because of your st-stupid comment. I j-just wanted to-to improve my sk-skating.”
“It’s 1°C today. Even just one degree higher is enough to start melting the ice, you dumbass,” he muttered. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around your freezing form, leaving him in only a black t-shirt. “Come on, you need to get inside before you freeze to death out here.”
With the help of Yuri, you were quickly brought inside the building and given new clothes along with a blanket to keep you warm. It took several minutes, but eventually, you stopped shivering and your teeth managed to cease chattering.
“Thank you, Yuri,” you told him, knowing all too well that you could’ve died out there if it wasn’t for his help. The boy who hated you was ultimately the one who saved you.
He merely scoffed in response. You didn’t care, though. A response wasn’t necessary. The concern you saw in his eyes every time he looked at you was all you needed.
Despite how harsh his attitude was towards you, he still cared in his own way.
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New Writer - Requests Are Open
Hello anyone who see's this,
I, like many others, have read lots of fanfiction and wished for more in the form of male/male fanfiction.
I decided that I would give it a go myself after reading as much as I could find and still wanting more. I am happy to write male reader inserts or just current male character/current male character.
I am willing to write for these fandoms;
Harry Potter - Harry Potter Generation
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Harry Potter - Marauder Generation
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Harry Potter - Tom Riddle Generation
Tom Riddle (Pretty sure he's the only one we really know of in this generation)
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Sam Wilson
Charles Xavier
Yuri on Ice
Victor Nikiforov
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetski
Christophe Giacometti
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Lu Ten
Seven Deadly Sins
Arthur Pendragon
Natsu Dragneel
Gray Fullbuster
Laxus Dreyar
Gildarts Clive
I can't think of any others I might write for at the moment, but feel free to drop me a message if there is something you think I might like to write for (I'm always up for a new obsession).
I am new to writing fanfiction so please send in requests for anything you would like to see that is male/male.
I would lastly like to say that I am happy to take requests of character x character. For example, Zuko x Draco Malfoy.
I will happily try to put these fantastic characters into any odd situation you feel the need to put them into. Seriously, go crazy :)
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Unexpected Confessions - Yuri Plisetsky x Reader
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Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x Reader (can be read with any pronouns) Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff Word Count: 1 480 Warnings: mentions of fighting, swearing Summary: After a fight, you finally decide to talk to Yuri Prompts: 8: "How much sleep did you get?" "What's sleep?" 11: "I can't fall asleep without imagining your arms around me." 15: "Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss you." A/N: First request of the 100-Follower Event! I’ve written it over a week ago, but editing is almost always harder for me than the writing itself, so I’m sorry for how long I take! I hope you enjoy reading it anyway!
The swearing that sounded through the rink was even louder than the music that was playing. It was late in the evening, the sun had set already, and outside grey, snow-heavy clouds covered the sky.
It had been almost a week since you had heard that voice that was now passionately swearing at whatever had gone wrong, according to his opinion. The last time you had seen Yuri… it had not been pleasant. You had fought with each other. Not just disagreed, not just one of his fits where he shouted at you, and you rolled your eyes. No, this time you had shouted back, anger, hot-white, boiling in your veins, unable to express the true nature of your concerns.
You were in love with him. A fact you had become aware of several months back. And how could you not? Yuri was amazing! Everyone always saw him as that talented figure skater, and only few people got to see beyond that. He had allowed you to see beyond that. How much he cared for his grandfather, how he encouraged his friends, and wanted them to succeed, how passionate he was about the people he cared for. He had a great taste in music, loved cats and all kinds of food, and behind that angry, Russian Punk-façade he was a sensible young man. Again, how could you not fall for him? Over the weeks and months you had trained at the same rink together, you had gotten close to him, often going out after training, for dinner, or a movie. And then things had changed about a month back. He had changed. On the one hand, he had drawn back from you, talking less during training, sometimes ignoring you altogether for the whole day. And then, in the evening, when it was just the two of you left in the changing rooms, he had been all smiles, had asked you to go out for dinner with him. He had gotten touchy, grabbing your sleeve to pull you into a direction, and one time, in the cinema, he had fallen asleep, his head resting on your shoulder.
The next day you had asked him why he behaved so weirdly. And things had escalated. You were still not certain what about your question had upset him so much that he had ended up shouting at you. And you had shouted back, insecure about whether maybe, just maybe he returned your own feelings.
After that you had changed your schedule, trained off ice when he trained on, and the other way around. You had avoided him; scared of his reactions, scared of the pain you would feel when you saw him again.
And you had been right. The moment you had approached the ice enough to see him, a searing pain shot through your heart.
Yuri seemed to have given up on skating to the music, because he was instead practising a step sequence repeatedly, still swearing when it would not quite work out.
For a while you watched him, enchanted. Even if you had not been in love with him… he looked like an angel.
“You can stop staring now,” he suddenly announced once the music was over, tearing you out of your amazement.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, averting your eyes.
The sound of skates on ice reflected through the hall, and you could tell he had skated to the speakers, turning off the music.
“What do you want,” Yuri asked, and all of a sudden a pair of arms landed on the railing, next to where your hands were tightly holding onto it. He propped his elbows up on it, and looked at you, no trace of discontentment in his seafoam green eyes, as he studied you.
You returned the look, taking in his features. Wearing his skates, he was taller than you right now. His eyes were sparkling, a thin coat of sweat on his brows, some of his hair sticking to his skin. But there were dark circles under his eyes. He was tired, no, worse, absolutely exhausted. Not from training, you knew the difference. He looked like he had barely slept in the past days.
"How much sleep did you get,” you asked, tempted to reach out, and brush a finger over the dark marks under his eyes.
"What's sleep,” he replied, trying to sound like he was joking, but he just sounded sad.
You stared at him, challengingly, until he averted his eyes from yours, taking sudden interest in his gloved hands.
“I’ve not been sleeping well recently,” he confessed quietly.
He looked vulnerable, all of a sudden, nothing like the talented figure skater, the confident Russian Punk. Right now, he looked several years younger than he really was, and in dire need of a hug. You did not move, just listened, as he continued.
“Ever since we fought, I- it feels like I can’t fall asleep. And when I do, I wake up in the middle of the night. And all I can think about is how you probably hate me now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
Yuri did not seem to have heard you.
"I can't fall asleep without imagining your arms around me."
Everything froze.
You just stared at Yuri, who was still fidgeting around with his fingers. Your heart was beating hard in your chest. Had you just heard him correctly? He liked imagining you holding him?
You were still staring at him when he looked back up at you, a smile playing around his lips, a soft blush on his cheeks. He reached up a hand and brushed a strand of hair out of your forehead.
“You look like an idiot,” he smiled, his eyes soft, his head tilted slightly to the side. Your skin prickled where his gloves had brushed against you.
"Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss you."
You had not meant to say it, not like this, not at all. But now it was too late. Yuri’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, making you fear that whatever truce you might have been about to reach had been completely destroyed. But instead he grinned suddenly.
“What makes you think that this isn’t exactly what I want?”
You blinked in surprise.
“I- I didn’t-”
Yuri’s face was flushed an adorable red as he reached out, and wrapped his gloved hands into the collar of your jacket, tucking you closer to him, so you were leaning over the railing, which was separating both of you.
“Kiss me already,” he demanded, his face right in front of yours.
Your eyes flickered to his lips momentarily, before you quickly closed them, and leant forward, clumsily pressing your mouth against his.
A shaky exhale left Yuri’s lips, as he pressed himself closer, his gloved hands moving from holding you by the collar to rest in your neck. His lips were soft and hot against yours, eager and hesitant at the same time. You allowed your own hands to come up to his face, gently holding him, feeling the heat of his body seeping through cool skin beneath your palms.
You wished the moment would never end, and yet it did, when Yuri suddenly pulled away, looking at you with impossibly wide eyes.
“I fucking love you, you know that,” he breathed, seeming almost surprised, as if the realisation had only hit him just now.
You were about to say something. Maybe that you loved him, too. Or that you wanted to get along with him again, after that fight last week. But he had already skated over the closest door, and stepped off the ice.
“I was trying to stay away from you, you know,” he continued while wiping off his blades, and putting on the blade guards. “I didn’t want anyone to find out that I like you, and I knew if I were around you, the others would notice eventually, so I drew back, while they were around. It must have been really confusing, I’m sorry.”
You nodded, thinking about all the instances, where he had behaved so weirdly. It made sense, you realised. Not that you liked the way he had dealt with it, but you understood.
“But no more of that. I promise. Let me make it up to you, let me take you out for dinner,” Yuri offered. He had taken off his gloves, and was holding out a hand to you. “As a date.”
You smiled at him, and grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
“It’s okay,” you shrugged. “Just don’t do that shit again.”
Feeling bold, you lifted your intertwined hands to your lips, and kissed the back of his hand, instantly making him blush again. Oh, how much you loved having such an effect on him!
“Won’t. I promise,” Yuri laughed flustered, and together you headed for the changing rooms, hand in hand.
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toraashi · 7 years
the emotion; yuri plisetsky
BEFORE YOU READ: don't chastise me for making him "ooc", because I don’t think I did. I wanted to write a story revolving around longing, and I was trying to capture what he would be like after realizing that he was in love. He's such an interesting character to write for, and one of his key traits is that is feels such intense emotions. He doesn't care for a lot of people, but the people he does, he cares for a ton, so I think that if he ever fell in love, he'd be head over heels, like he wouldn't be able to think straight in their presence at first. Of course, he's still our Yura, so he's a tsundere lil shit, but he'd feel incredibly soft around his significant other, I think. Listen while you read: www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_CfRx…
  Longing.   She never missed a competition of his, not if she was deathly sick, not if she had snapped her ankle (which happened once after she had been attempting one of his routines). He had taken it for granted, her diligence, and was finally suffering the consequences of it. She had hit some bad traffic, and would likely miss his routine, and for once, he couldn't pull himself together. She had been an anchor to him, his lighthouse, and like one would take the air they breathe for granted, he didn't realize what he had until he'd lost it.   "What?! You're not going to be here?"   "I'm trying! I can't control tourism! It's not like I want to miss it."   "Haaa? Sure, because that's the truth."   He regretted abruptly hanging up the phone, he regretted blaming her for something she couldn't control, and now his nerves were everywhere, his pulse thumping erratically.   "Yuri. Take deep breathes. It's okay. Be confident in yourself." He didn't want his coaches' petty reassurances, in this moment, he was absolutely sure that all that would soothe his nerves would be her sweet, lulling voice. He hadn't really noticed how relaxing and lovely it was until he didn't have it, and like most things taken for granted, he missed it more than ever. He itched to take out his phone and ring her up one last time for some mild relief, but his pride put up iron walls that were impossible to get past.   Unless you were her.   His heart always whispered the most appalling things, he had figured, and now it was aching in it's cage of bone so much, he found it hard to breathe. The beautiful, elegant tiger hated that her absence was affecting him this much, and in order to keep his head, he swore he would give her hell for making it that way. He'd start by grabbing her collar and staring into her iridescent hues, and then he'd... then he'd-   He couldn't shake the image of her melancholy, ashamed face, and that's when he knew that in that situation, he'd tug her into his arms and hold her like she was going to disappear at any second. God, he despised how weak she'd made him, the only person he'd admit to caring for was his grandfather, not some silly girl who made his heart soar like a fledgling bird just kicked out of the nest. Gripping the edge of the rink, he growled in his throat, his cheeks hot with the realization.   He was catastrophically in love with her.   And like dark clouds heavy with rain, his emotions tumbled out all at once, but before he could do something about it, the announcer called for him to enter the ice.   Frantically, as if he would die, his alluring turquoise eyes scanned the audience, around him, everywhere, but the one face he yearned for was missing. Kicking the ice, he finally skated to the center, his mind in shambles, so much so, he almost missed the start of the music.   "Russian Yuri Plisetsky, age 17 is making a strong comeback after his stunning senior debut where he dominated the Grand Prix, taking home a shiny gold medal. He is skating to..." The world seemed to collapse around him, and he couldn't remember the last time he had been this panicked during a competition.   All he could think of was her dazzling smile and how he couldn't think straight without it, how her eyes glimmered when he successfully executed a jump, be it a single toe-loop or a quadruple flip, she always was supportive, her cheeks rosy pink with adrenaline. He glided into a spread eagle, suddenly leaping into a triple axel, his landing disappointingly shaky.   Damnit.   "Yura!" The voice was like a melody, and it stood out amongst the screams of support echoing from the audience. She was here, she didn't leave him.   He vowed to not get distracted, but he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he had to say to her. Mind racing, he finished the performance with vigor, pushing his emotions into his now confident routine.   Quadruple Salchow   Triple Toe-Loop   The jump combination was flawless, and he swelled with pride. He would show her his best skating, if not before, then now, when he had missed her presence more than anything.   When he finished, there she was, like an angel descended from heaven, ephemeral and utterly perfect. The distance between him and her across the ice felt like light years, and he had never felt longing like he did right now. The warmth of her body, the gentleness of her arms were euphoric, and for once after a performance, he felt at peace with the result no matter what the score was.
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itbeajen · 7 years
Agape | Yuri Plisetsky
Many many years ago, peace was not an imaginary concept, for the witches blended in to human society, and had no grudge against them, but this is all before the Sorcerer, the White Witch and her Hunter come into play. Before the Witch Hunts began, there was no such thing as separate races, as humans and witches were seen as equals. But all of this changes due to the greed of one lone man, the Sorcerer. In order to become a witch, or have access to cast magic, there were only few ways a non-Witch was capable of becoming one, and it was through either marriage, blood bonds and pacts; these were the only legitimate methods to obtain magic. But there was one thing in common regardless of time; selfishness and greed. Many witches and their families believed in holding a pure blood lineage, and were too selfish to share, but the humans were too greedy to leave them alone. In the end, it was a struggle for power, a struggle to determine which "race" of mankind was superior, the humans or the witches. But in the end, the answer was neither, and the tragic tale that provides this answer is one that will be told over time. The Sorcerer, a wealthy rich man, one who had no lineage or ties to magic, had managed to obtain magic. No one had understood how, he was not friendly to any of the witches, and he was still a single male. As time passed, the suspicions that the witches and his own men held for him revealed that his methods were not legitimate. This revelation was the first crack in the relationship between the witches and humans in this once peaceful town. For several days after he obtained his magic, several witches had all gone missing, with their disappearance tying together to one conclusive evidence; all of them had previously visited said male the night before they had gone missing. This created a strong implications that they were killed, their blood taken, and possibly consumed. The vile and gross behavior caused an uproar and chaos that further torn into the ever growing rift between witches and humans. As though it was his plan all along, the Sorcerer slowly spread seeds of doubt and cultivated the hatred of man towards witches, clearly grooming them into believing one truth alone: That the Witches were going to take over and wipe out the humans. And thus, the final nail in the coffin was placed, and the never ending witch hunts began. His words that were filled with malice and dripping with poison tainted and corrupted the souls of any who had an open ear and was willing to listen. He drew followers that became devoted to his very being, creating a cult and spreading his teachings to the world. His words were the verbal manifestations of a curse. His curse was a never ending curse that had lasted for several years, until one brave witch and human united under the same cause to end the curse. With much difficulty and many sacrifices, the Sorcerer was finally sealed in the Lake of Oblivion, but his devote followers did not allow that to be the end of his reign. They continued to spread word, but as time passed, his curse slowly began to fade away, but the damage caused by his words and the seeds of hatred that were already embedded in the hearts of all those who were effected still persist to this day. It was the bloom of those seeds that created the situation at hand now, many many years later. Despite the Sorcerer being sealed away, his curse was still ever present, a constant plague that infected people at random... and creating a new era of the Witch Hunts. But it is said, that if the descendants of the White Witch and her Hunter are to meet again, the curse shall be removed, but at the price of- one of- -fe.
"Mother, the story doesn't finish," you pouted. Your mother laughs, and she gently kisses your forehead, "As long as you and your Hunter find each other, peace will be brought back into this world." "But how?" you frowned. You didn't quite get it. You were perched in her lap and she gently braided your hair back and over your shoulder and she smiled, "I'm sure you know, after all, the two of you are lucky. You've already found each other, you and Vitya both." She nuzzled your nose with hers and you scrunched your face together before letting out ripples of giggles, "That tickles Mommy!" "As long as you keep this pendant and they keep yours... they'll find you, my sweet." "But mother, it can be either brother or I right..?" you murmured. You grew up knowing the implications of being a witch and she nods, her smile solemn and she gently kisses your forehead, "But don't worry my love, everything will be okay."
Everything's not okay, Mother. Where are you? Are you and Father safe...? I hope Brother is safe too. You were running as fast as you could. Your hand was enclosed in his, fingers intertwined as he weaved the two of you through the collapsing buildings and rubble on the streets. He was panting, the locket around his neck slapped against him with each step he took forward. He was so close, they were almost safe. "DESTROY ALL THE HUMANS, LET NONE OF THEM HARM A WITCH AGAIN!" Your eyes widened as you glanced back. There were too many, and you were sure that you guys weren't anywhere near town.  They're not after us? Then that means... Yuratchka has to escape. I can't let him be hurt because of me. You attempted to pull your hand back and he turns back at you, surprised, "What are you doing?!" "You have to go first!" "What?!" he practically shouted as he started running again pulling you along. He didn't understand you. What is she talking about!? "It's not safe here, [F/N]!" "Please, Yuratchka you have to go, if I go with you, you won't be safe." "Wha- What are you saying?! I can't leave without-" "No, you must leave Yuratchka," you pleaded with him, and he furiously shook his head, his eyes shining with tears, "I've already lost my family, I can't lose you either [F/N]!" You took a quick glance around the village. Various buildings were already burnt down, and Yuri had managed to drag you almost to the outskirts of town with him. But as you approached, you knew you had to let go soon. With smoke and explosions sounding around you, you made the decision to skid to a stop, unintentionally stopping you with him. You shook your head, no tears had left your eyes, but deep inside, this hurt you as much as it did him. You knew that no matter what, he had to go. He wasn't safe here, unlike you. You gave him a soft smile, "Please stay safe." "We have to go Yuri!" Otabek hissed, as he pulled on his other hand. Yuri's outstretched hand was still reaching for you, as he refused to let go of yours. But you gently loosen your grip on him as Otabek carries him away. His blood curdling scream makes you wince as you slowly bring your hand to your chest, trying to save whatever warmth lingered from his hand on yours. Your name is still heard from his lips, and you can still see the tears trailing down his cheek as he doesn't turn away from you. With all the resolve you can gather, you give him a small smile and a weak wave as you watched yet another bomb drop a distance away from you. Your smaller figure is almost swept away from the impact. Sounds of electricity being charged and ice crackling as it formed is heard near you. Your silvery gray hair is whipping in the winds and you turned towards the direction of the sound, and a burly figure is standing almost behind you and he grunts, "Huh, she's one of us." A growl is ripped from his throats and he boomed, "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOUR OWN KINDS YOU FOOL? WATCH WHERE YOU'RE AIMING!" "S-SORRY SIR, WE APOLOGIZE FOR OUR MISTAKE SIR." His gaze drops to you and he lowers down to a squat in order to meet your gaze, "Are you alright, my dear?" You nod weakly, and he asked, "What is your name and age?" "... Nikiforov, age 5" your voice cracks, and you didn't realize he couldn't hear you. His eyes widened and he asked, "[F/N] Nikiforov?" "Where is your older brother? Was he taken by the Black Coats?" "I..." B-Brother? You couldn't even remember where he was last, and you shook your head, "No, I don't... know." Your voice was cracking, and you saw him reach out with a small handkerchief as he gently wipes your tears, and he whispers, "Do not cry, child. You're safe. The Black Coats will not get you." You see him grit his teeth, "I will never forgive them for this... to experience such tragedy at such a tender age... "But you are a Nikiforov, perhaps it is naught but destiny that has lead this to happen yet again," he whispered the last part, hoping you wouldn't hear it. But your eyes widen upon the dawn of realization that he knows of it as well, and you whispered, "No. Things will be different, I won't-" "You are much too young... your brother should have carried the burden, not-" "[F/N]?!" Your head is swiveling as you attempt to find the location of your brother's voice. His long silver locks were whipping through the wind as he shouts your name over and over. Your eyes water, and the general before you gently picks you up before carrying you over to your brother. "Oh, sestrichka," he murmurs as he takes you into his arms. Whatever tears you had held back open like a river's dam. The general relays where he found you, and murmurs to take care of you better to your brother, but you hear none of that. Because you're still not accepting the reality of the situation. And although you register that you're being taken to safety, your heart is in turmoil and your thoughts are clunky and scattered. And all you can remember is the darkness of sleep and the safety of being in your brother's arms.
"You're awake," his voice was soft as he rolled over to face you. Your eyes fluttered open, artic blue matching artic blue and he gently sweeps a stray silver lock away from your face and he frowns, "I'm so sorry [F/N]. I shouldn't have left you, I went to go check on Yuri and-" "Is he okay?" "Yes, my Yuuri is okay, what about yours?" You hesitantly nod. He sees you shiver and he pulls you closer, your hands grip onto his shirt and you muttered, "What about father and mother?" The silence answers you and you softly whispered, "Please, brother." "They were the first," his voice cracked, and although he wanted to be strong for you, he couldn't. Every time it was the same, once the predecessor passed, the next was chosen. Victor had prayed it wouldn't be you, you were far too young for this monstrosity of a fate. But when the mark never appeared, he had known. Viktor engulfs you in a hug. He feels hopeless, absolutely useless. Despite his coming of age, he wasn't the one that they had all expected it to be; so it had to be you. Although your parents had properly trained both of you for the future, neither of you were completely prepared, and if anything, it had only ruined your childhood. He softly mumbled, "I didn't want you to experience this so young... you're only five." You don't respond right away, and instead you cling onto him tighter. You were desperate to feel safe, but with the world crashing on top of you, you couldn't. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." It's okay. But you can't voice your thoughts of reassurance, because deep inside, you knew it wasn't okay. That this destiny and fate that you were born into was not okay. And if everything is as true as your parents recollection, then this was not the way you wanted things to start off. But you had no choice, he had to stay alive; no matter how much you had to sacrifice.
"Stop your sniffling already, if they hear us, we'll all be captured!" "Don't be so rough on a child! He looks about only 5 or 6!" "Tch, to think that this village actually had children, the lot of these three are going to be nothing more than extra luggage." Otabek squeezed Yuri's hand a bit harder and he almost trips if it weren't for the other hand being held by yet another child. Katsuki Yuri was trembling with fear, but the determination that was hidden behind his somewhat dull eyes was more than enough to keep Otabek walking. "...make them pay..." "Hah! Who you?!" A young male scoffed at Plisetsky's words. The blond narrowed his eyes in anger, and the male glared, "You've never dealt with witches before. They're all innately evil and they're all out to get us. Just like how we hunt them, they hunt us. You think that we can live in peace and harmony when they're just going to use us for their-" "Shut up," someone grunted ahead of them. The two walking ahead of them were a lot older, not elderly, but definitely not young. The veteran cast the chatterbox an one-eyed glare and grumbled, "Trash like you who hasn't experienced the horrors of this world, if you think this was bad, you have yet to witness the rest of the country." His one good gaze drifts down towards Plisetsky and upon making eye contact and scanning over the young child's features, he chuckled, "The boy has potential. If you temper your emotions, you will be able to face even the worst of this world." "Do not cast your ideals on a small boy, Yakov." "Yes, I understand that, but if he wishes, even he can become strong, Lilia." "T-Teach me!" Yuri exclaims. His voice is not too loud, even if he's young and naive, he isn't dumb enough to display their location to the entire world. Yakov's eye widens and his gaze sweeps over the three children. And Lilia sighs, "You're all too young to become-" "Please!" I have someone I need to save. Yakov reads the determination in the young blonde's eyes and he grins, "What's your name, kid?" "Yuri. Yuri Plisetsky." I'll save you. I promise, [F/N].
16 years later "Oi, did you see the new Black Coats in town?" "Yeah, the three of them are siblings apparently, all disciples of Yakov and Lilia." "The Yakov and Lilia?" "Yah," the bartender grunted and slammed two beers down, "Da lads are all stayin' in da inn at da center of dis town." He chuckles, "I wager dem Blackies are gonna be comin' in an' outta here for da next coupla days." "The blonde is pretty cute," one of the female waitresses giggled, and the bartender rolled his eyes, "An' ya dink a liddle flower like ya can handle dem? Dey got hearts of steel. Dey like tools, dey don't feel, and-" The door swung open with a simple and swift kick from a Black Coat. Whatever long hair he had back then was cut short, but his bangs still covered his right eye. The long black trench coat that practically signified a witch hunter fluttered behind him. The singular aquamarine orb that observed the world before him held a defiant and stubborn gaze. Donned in almost all black save for the inner layer of his combat boots, which appeared to be leopard print, the male defiantly stood in front of the creaking door, making his way through the bar towards the bartender. His hands were shoved into his trench coat, his boots creating a stomping noise as he made his way to the bar. He made his way to the counter, and instead of the violence everyone was expecting, he asked, his voice low and slightly peeved, "Is there a Giacometti here?" There were whispers that immediately flew into the air and the bartender frowned, "No lad, Chris hasn't stopped by da bar at all. Ya better off checking da inn or da square. Wid da festivities gon' round, he bound to be lookin' for some fun, a pretty girl, or another lad to drink wid. But it's too early for him to stop by, now shoo, yer gon ruin ma business wid dat attitude ya bringin' in." The blonde narrowed his eyes, but begrudgingly grumbled a thanks before exiting the bar. The waitress that commented on his good looks sighed, "Never mind, I can't handle something like that. If only he was as sweet as that silver haired beauty at the inn." "Yer delusional I see," the bartender chuckled as he cleaned the counter, "Dem two silver coins in da inn are off limits I tell yer, off limits. Especially wid dat General fella around, dey off limits girlie."
"Excuse me," Otabek made his way into the inn. The landlord in charge stopped his conversation midway with a short silver haired male, and he asked, "May I ask if you guys have a Christophe Giacometti here?" The former silver haired male excuses himself, replacing a small black top hat onto his head as he exits the inn with his beige trench coat bellowing in his wake. Otabek doesn't manage to catch a good look at the male, but something about him felt familiar. But he shakes his head, he had more pressing issues on hand at the moment. "Chris, eh?" the landlord sighed, "Are you guys teaming up with him or something?" "Well, yes, we were sent here as reinforcements. It is around this time of the year that witches begin to stir from their slumber." "Always those chilly winters, huh?" the landlord shivers and sighs, "I lost my daughter in a Witch Hunt almost two decades ago." Otabek flinched, and the landlord shakes his head, "I apologize, that was quite inconsiderate of me. Now then, you were asking about Chris?" The black haired male nodded, and the landlord pulls up a map of town and points at three locations, "Chris is often seen at these three locations daily. The only one he frequently visits and at a set time is the one library. He always entertains the children with stories of his adventures." "I see, thank you, sir," Otabek bows and the landlord chuckles, "Of course, and if you need a place to stay, Witch Hunters are given a discounted price." Otabek's eyes widened slightly and he gives a curt nod before exiting the inn. I guess I'll meet up with Yura at the Square before heading over to the library with him since Yuri is already there. He barely makes several steps out when he catches the sight of long locks of silver fluttering in the wind. It looks like that man's hair earlier... His thoughts trail off, but when he catches just a faint glimpse of the side view of her face, he frowns. Something about her definitely felt familiar. Otabek wasn't quite sure, all he knew was that he definitely knew her, but before he could say, or do, anything, the typical grumbling and stomping of his long time friend signaled his arrival. "Yura." "Beka," Yuri scowled, "No one has seen Chris today. Did that damn fool purposely escape us knowing we were coming here?!" "Yura." "And they have the fucking audacity to get pissed off with me. Sorry that the door is so old and useless that it's just so f-" "Yura, watch your language," Otabek interrupted. His eyes glanced at the families walking around, thankfully they weren't too close to the Square where everyone was bustling about. Yuri sighed and muttered a quick apology, his hands still shoved into his trench coat pockets and he turned to his friend, "Any luck on your end?" "None," he shook his head, "But apparently Chris likes going to the library around this time." "Does he? Well, Katsudon will be there, so he can handle that for us. First, the inn. I'm not camping out in the god damn snow again."
"Excuse me," Yuuri calmly made himself into a small library. The librarian looked up and she sent him a small smile, "How can I help you?" "Ah, uhm, is Christophe Giacometti here by any chance?" "Christophe?" she hummed, "No, but he should be stopping by here soon. He never misses the children's story time, especially on Wednesdays, since she'll be here today." "She?" "Ah," the librarian smiled, "First time in town, eh? We don't get too many Witch Hunters around here, Chris is our only one and he's kept us safe for the past couple of months. Don't think witches quite like this area, not enough resources for them to work with or something like that." She tilts her head slightly to one side and she laughs, "Well, if you'd like to stay warm and cozy while waiting, you can get a drink at our cafe. It's located upstairs just across from where the reading will be held, so you'll be able to find Chris, and it looks over the entrance too." "Ah, thank you so much!" Yuuri nodded. He adjusted his glasses as he slowly made his way upstairs. He settles himself down with a hot cup of coffee and spends his time reading up on information regarding Witches around this area. There was sounds of chatter as a group of children followed by a head full of silver in a slate blue trench coat. Yuuri almost spills his coffee at how similar they looked like him. But it can't be Viktor. Viktor... would not have survived that, there's just no way and- "Miss Nyxvor! What kind of story will you be telling us today?!" one of the children chirped up at you. Yuuri definitely chokes on his coffee at the sound of your last name, it wasn't the same, but it was just way to similar. It can't be her... if it was, and she managed to survive then Viktor... "What would you like to hear about today?" you asked, your tone gentle and sweet. Just like how it always was. Yuuri noticed as you waited until all of them had found a spot. Your eyes never left their smaller figures, as though you were attempting to protect them from the harsh reality of the world around you. You gave them a soft smile and one eagerly asked, "Can you tell us that one legend that Mistah Chocolate-y keeps talking about?!" You stifle a laugh, and you softly chided them, "Now, now, his name is Giacometti, Christophe Giacometti." "Did you call my name?" the popular Witch Hunter asked. He wasn't wearing the typical black trench coat, but he did wear the typical full black outfit. He sat down beside the children and he picked one up to sit on his lap, "What'd you call me, sweet?" "Mistah Chocolate!" Chris chuckled and he turned to you, "So what will you be reading about today Miss Nyxvor?" "They were asking for the Legend of the White Witch, so I suppose I'll be retelling that story." "Is it a happy ending?!" "Hey, don't spoil it!" "But I wanna know now!" You stifled your laughter, and you gently reached for the old diary your mother's mother had given to her to give to you. One that has been passed down to its rightful successor until the curse was to break. You gently flip to the story and you begin, "It all began many years ago in a Nameless Town, where there were three very important people to this story. The White Witch, her best friend, and her soulmate." "Ooh, so it's a love story?" "Dude, shut up." "Hey, don't be mean to each other or Miss Nyxvor won't read!" "...Sorry." "Now, now, it's okay, I'll still read-" You were cut off though, by the two Black Coats that stood at the top of the stair case. The children all turned and they looked back at Chris and back at them. "I'll repeat, are you Christophe Giacometti?" The younger blonde asked with a scowl on his face. One of the children cowered, and immediately you corralled them so they sat behind you. Chris gently places the girl on his lap onto yours, shooting you a sad smile he nods his farewells and he greets them with a smile. "Now, now, don't be so upset. I'm off duty right now anyways and I know you guys are here," his gaze sweeps the entire second floor, "All three of you. Now then, let's not bother the young lady and let her resume her routine. I'll see you again, children." "Mista Chocolatey!" One cries, but Chris merely places a gentle kiss on their forehead before standing up and waiting for the other Witch Hunters to go down first. Yuri and Otabek don't make it all the way up the stairs, and neither of them even noticed your presence, but you had felt your heart stop momentarily when your gaze fell on the strong hues of aquamarine. Yuratchka's okay... He's alive. Your hand grasps at the pendant beneath your sweater. Thank the Gods.
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prettybillycore · 4 years
On Top of the World (Sugawara Koshi)
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___ 1,200 follower special!  ___
Pairing(s): Nikiforov!Reader x Sugawara
Fandom(s): Haikyuu, Yuri on Ice
Summary: y/n Nikiforov is a world champion ice skater. When her long term boyfriend Yuri Plisetsky dumps her, and she moves to Japan, it creates the perfect storm for her to meet her biggest fan, Sugawara Koshi.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Yuri Plisetsky is bad at feelings, breakup, heartbreak, Viktor is the best big brother, Suga is an Angel
Word Count: 7.1k
You couldn’t find your boyfriend anywhere. You had just finished watching your older brother Viktor skate, and you two wanted to leave. You could feel your stomach grumbling. You all had been at the rink for hours, and you needed to get dinner. Yakov was getting pissed, and frankly, so were you. Yuri had been grumbling stuff to you about the Japanese Yuri all through his performance and you were worried he was going to get himself in trouble. He was nicknamed the Russian Punk for a reason, after all. “Yuri! Where are you, damnit?!” You yelled down the hallway. You weren’t afraid to make a scene. 
He didn’t hear you hollering, but you sure as hell heard him. “Hey! I’ll be competing in the senior division next year. Maybe it’s time for you to retire. I don’t think we need to Yuris in the same bracket. LOSER!”
Your eyes went wide, and without thinking, your feet started to carry you toward the men’s bathroom. You were sure he was yelling at Yuri Katsuki. There was no reason to; the poor guy already was humiliated on the ice. Your Yuri just hated that they had the same name, but that’s not a reason to scare the black-haired skater out of his wits. “YURI PLISETSKY!” You yelled as you slammed open the bathroom door. 
The raven-haired skater sweatdropped. “Y/n Nikiforov, holy crap!”
You smiled warmly at Yuri Katsuki while your boyfriend glared at you. You knew the truth, though. He thought you were scary when you were mad; he just wouldn’t let his mask drop in front of another skater. You started to march toward him. “You can’t just come in here!” He shouted.
You rolled your eyes at him, “I can when you’re an ass to other skaters!” You grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and started dragging him toward the door. He yelled and failed his arms, but was unable to get out of your grasp. “Sorry about him! He’s not as mean as he looks. Keep skating if you want to Katsuki. You have a lot of potential!”
“Oh, ah, thank you! Means a lot!” Katsuki said as you left the bathroom with your boyfriend trailing behind you. You finally let go of his jacket collar when the door shut. You looked at him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Why did you have to be so mean to him? He seems like a sweet guy, there's no reason to treat him like that!” you scolded. It was Yuri’s turn to roll his eyes. 
“I don’t want him competing in the same bracket as me! People will mix us up and compare us because we have the same name!”
“You’re unbelievable, Yuri! Just because you have the same name doesn't give you the right to bully him,” you walked past him. Thoroughly done with this conversation, “Come on. Viktor and Yakov are waiting for us. If we hurry, we can get something to eat before catching our flight back to Russia.”
Yuri followed you in silence. When you two first started dating, it was a lot of silence like this, but for a different reason. When you first started dating about two years before this moment, there were many shared silences because Yuri is an awkward, socially stunted person. However, you managed to pull him out of his shell. You two became joint at the hip, and he started putting more emotion into his performances, and so did you. Viktor always teased you about “young love,” and Yakov got pissed at you because you were constantly watching each other skate when you were supposed to be working. It was a beautiful time. Now you shared silences because you were almost always mad at each other. You weren’t sure what changed. Maybe it was the fact that you were older and more mature than him, or perhaps his personality was starting to shine through more as he reached his middle teen years, but the fact of the matter was that you two had grown apart a lot. In your online presence and your interviews, you pretended to be happy in your relationship, but you weren’t. You thought many times about asking Yuri to be just friends, but you couldn’t go through with it. Part of you still loved him. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when Viktor called out to you. “Ah! There you two are. We were starting to get worried.”
You plastered a smile on your face to try to hide your frustration from all the cameras, but Yuri had other plans. His face held a sour expression and by his body language, it wasn’t hard to tell that he was mad at you. 
People may think Viktor is airheaded, but you knew that wasn’t the truth. He was incredibly perceptive. His eyes narrowed at the sight, one that he had seen so many times before. “Let’s get going you three. If you idiots keep standing around staring at each other we won’t make our flight home,” Yakov scolded. Your shoulders felt heavy as Viktor handed you your duffle bag. You had performed much earlier on in the day, so you were both emotionally and physically exhausted. This was your first competing at the adult level. Between that and Yuri’s shenanigans, you were done for the day. Viktor started a conversation between him and the younger skater. “Yuri. I think you did well tonight, but your step sequence could use a bit more finesse.” 
“I won didn’t I? so who really cares? Quit nagging me already,” Yuri shot back.
 “Shut it!” Yakov started yelling at Yuri. You focused your attention around the room. There were so many skaters, so many talented people. Even though you won gold for your division, you still felt a bit insecure. How could you ever live up to the standards that your older brother had set?
You made eye contact with Yuri Katsuki. You shot him a small smile and sent him a wave. Viktor followed your line of sight and also peered over to the Japanese skater. “You want to get a photo?” Viktor asked the skater. 
“Yeah! I’ll take one with you too!” The broad smile on your face was genuine. You would happily take a photo with anyone who wanted one, even though you knew it would piss off your boyfriend. 
To your surprise, Yuri Katsuki said nothing and continued his walk toward the exit door. “Huh? That was weird,” Viktor mused.
You huffed, “Probably was too scared to come over here because of the Russian Punk.”
“Not my fault he’s scared of me!”
“Yes, it is!”
“Tadeka! Can you believe y/n’s performance last night! She’s had an unbelievable debut season. I wish I could have been there in person. It would have been amazing to see!” Suga gushed as he entered the gym. Tadeka was just inside the door, standing with coach Ukai and Kiyoko. 
“She was absolutely amazing! And Viktor too. He never stops stunning me with his performances. I don’t think he’ll ever stop. He’s just so talented!” Tadeka gushed.
“That’s the Nikiforovs for you. Absolutely incredible ice skaters! Russia seems to have some amazing people in both sections. Yuri Plisetsky won gold for the Junior Grand Prix Finale last night.” Suga continued. Everyone was used to this. Any time there was a figure skating competition or special airing, the next day would be filled with this type of bubbly chatter.
“Oh yeah, I heard the Russian Punk caused some trouble after the competition though. He and y/n got into a fight of sorts.” Tadeka replied. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully. Everyone in the volleyball club knew how Sugawara felt about y/n Nikiforov.
“What happened?” He asked. He appeared to be calm, but the tone of his voice sent chills down the first and second years’ spines. 
“He ah… He was yelling at Yuri Katsuki in the men’s bathroom and y/n went to Katsuki’s rescue. They yelled at each other a bit in the hallway before rejoining their coach and Viktor. It’s all in this article.” Tadeka handed over his phone. Sugawara quickly snatched it and began reading allowed.
“Trouble in Paradise?: Grand Prix Finale Gold Medalists Yuri Plisetsky and y/n Nikiforov Seen Fighting… Again.” The title of the article made Suga’s blood boil. “Nikiforov and Plisetsky have been friends since childhood, having both been training under Coach Yakov since then. The two have been extremely close for the last few years, though they only officially announced their relationship about 10 months ago. At first, it seemed that nothing could break the young couple apart, but it seems the honeymoon phase has come to an end. They have been seen arguing in public multiple times in the last six months and Nikiforov no longer reaches for Plisetsky’s hand while watching other competitors skate. Things seem to have stepped up a notch last night, Plisetsky could be heard screaming at Yuri Katsuki in the men’s bathroom. Not afraid to bend the norm, Nikiforov came to Katsuki’s rescue and dragged her boyfriend out of the bathroom while profusely apologizing to Katsuki. Nikiforov confronted Plisetsky about the incident which resulted in the two yelling at each other. It died down for a bit, but they were seen several minutes later arguing again outside of the performance hall. y/n’s older brother Viktor told him off and shut down the argument, but things aren’t looking good for the young couple. y/n was seen crying as she and her older brother entered a separate cab from the one Plisetsky and Coach Yakov took. Could this be the end for figure skating’s ultimate power couple?” By the time Sugawara finished reading the article, he was fuming. He didn’t have a problem with y/n and Yuri Plisetsky dating, he only began to have an issue when they started fighting. In his eyes, y/n was the prettiest girl in the world. He couldn’t stand the thought of someone making her cry. 
Daichi took the phone out of Suga’s hands. “Deep breath Suga. Whatever happens from here will work out. You know she has a good older brother looking out for her.”
Suga sighed. The tension in his shoulders relaxing. “I know. She’s just so talented and she seems so sweet in her interviews, I just can’t… I can’t imagine making her cry and not feeling bad about it in some way. Plisetsky just makes me so mad! Doesn’t he realize how lucky he is?”
“Probably not Suga, they’ve been friends since childhood. He probably hasn’t thought about what life would be like without her.”
“I hope… I hope they work out whatever is going on soon. It’s sad to see articles like this.”
“I do too. We all of our players focused on volleyball, not on skating,” the captain scolded lightly.
“Sorry, Daichi…”
“It’s alright. Let’s start practice!”
“Viktor?” You asked. You were sitting in the comfy chair next to the couch. Your brother was lying on said couch with Makkachin draped over his middle. 
“What is it marshmallow?” He replied. You almost smiled at the old nickname. He had called you that since you were a kid.
“What will happen if Yuri and I break up?” You curled your head into your knees, hiding your face. Your arms were wrapped around your legs, pulling them as close as possible to you. You wanted to hide as much as you could from Viktor after asking that sort of question.
You could hear him shift his weight. Makkachin came toward you, shoving his face through your fortress of limbs until he forced them apart. He was a very observant dog, he could feel your sadness. He jumped up into your lap and you pulled him into your chest, burying your face in his fur. “What do you mean y/n?”
Makkachin’s fur muffled the sound of your voice, but Viktor could still understand you. “Yuri’s a popular skater… What if everyone hates me if we break up? What if he never wants to see me again? What if a bunch of fangirls come after me online? I don’t know if I could handle-”
“Easy y/n.” Viktor stops you short. He can tell your mind is spinning and spiraling downward. “Where is all this coming from?”
“I know you know that Yuri and I have been having some problems.”
“Yes, I do. It became especially clear around the Grand Prix Finale.”
“I… I just don’t know what to do. I feel like if we break up everyone is going to hate me or him. I want to be friends, I don’t want him to receive anything bad because of me. I’m so stressed out with all the publicity after we both won gold and people calling us a power couple that I just want to throw my phone in a river.”
“Gimme your phone Marshmellow. You can watch or play whatever you want on your PlayStation, but leave your phone with me. That way you can relax and not think about any of this. You’re putting too much pressure on yourself. Whatever you and Yuri decide to do with your relationship will work out, but for now, you need to rest. You competed hard yesterday and I can tell you’re still exhausted.” Viktor had his hand sticking out toward you. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Alright.” You set Makkachin back on the floor and handed Viktor your phone. He set it on the coffee table to his side. 
“Go watch something. Curl up with your favorite blanket and take Makkachin with you. He’s good when you need comfort.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course! I’ll see you later y/n.”
You smiled warmly at your older brother. “Okay. See you later Viktor.”
You honestly weren’t mad about your current situation. Your brother Viktor saw a video of Yuri Katsuki skating one of his old routines and it inspired Viktor to coach him. That’s how you ended up here, in a beautiful hot springs inn own by Yuri’s parents. You had been living with Viktor pretty much since the day he moved out of your parents’ house. He was your legal guardian so of course, you followed him to Japan. It was a nice change of pace though. You were enjoying yourself and your free time away from Yakov’s screaming. Viktor promised to coach you as well, so you were set in every aspect of the word. “Can I get you anything y/n?” Yuri’s mom asked. 
You shook your head. “No, thank you though Mrs. Katsuki.”
“It’s no problem dear. Please let me know if you need anything at all.”
“AHHHH!” You and Mrs. Katsuki turned toward the loud screech. It was Yuri staring directly at you. He was shaking and the shove he had in his hand found it’s way to the floor. Makkachin, who had been laying next to you on the floor, perked his head up and whined curiously. 
“Hiya Yuri!” You said happily. “By your reaction, I guess you’re surprised to see me.”
“y/n… y/n Nikiforov! What are you doing here?!” Yuri questioned. There were a million reasons flying through his head.
“I feel like my brother should tell you that. He’s currently in the hot springs.” With that, Yuri’s eyes went wide and he ran off in the direction of the springs. You giggled and looked towards his mom. “He sure is excitable, isn’t he?”
“Oh yes. Yuri is always excited when something involves Viktor. I would say he’s Viktor’s biggest fan.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. My brother’s fans are always the nicest people. I haven’t really met too many people who were specifically a fan of mine. Most people use me as a stepping stone to talk to Viktor or Yuri Plisetsky.” You vented. “Sorry! That was probably too much information.”
“It’s not a problem at all. Don’t worry dear, I’m sure you have some real fans out there. Who knows, you might some while you’re here in Japan!”
You smiled. “That… would be lovely.”
“Where is he?! Why isn’t he answering his cell?!” A woman burst through the door yelling. You were talking to Mrs. Katsuki while your brother was asleep in the other room.
“You seem, upset dear, is something wrong?” Yuri’s mom asked calmly. 
“The world is going insane. There’s a rumor going around that Viktor is going to be Yuri’s coach!”
“Wow seems like everyone around here is excitable!” You said with a laugh. The woman’s wide-eyed stare turned to you. “It’s not a rumor, it’s the truth. Viktor and I are here because  he’s going to be coaching Yuri and me for next season’s competition.”
“Just look at him. He’s sleeping soundly as a baby,” Mrs. Katsuki said as you all peaked your heads into the room. Yuri watched as Viktor slept, still in shock that you two were really here. 
“Yeah, my brother can sleep just about anywhere and through pretty much anything. One time Yakov couldn’t find Viktor anywhere before a competition. We ended up finding him asleep against a wall in a changing room. It took me, Yavok, and Yuri to wake him up!”
“Yuri! Why is he passed out on the floor in one of the inn’s robes?!” The woman scolded. 
“It’s not Yuri’s fault! Like I said he can fall asleep pretty much anywhere.”
“This is all over the news Russia. Viktor was so inspired by your performance in that video that he decided to become your coach. He chose you to be his protege, do you know how incredible that is Yuri?!” The woman continued. She then turned her attention to you. “And it’s also everywhere that you ended your coaching relationship with Yakov in favor of having your brother train you here.”
Your sweat dropped. You looked toward the floor, your feet suddenly becoming very interesting. Makkachin whined and pawed at your leg. He was good at reading you just like your brother was. “I know Makkachin, I know.”
“Is something wrong?” Yuri asked.
“Oh, it’s nothing really. Talk of the news and publicity just makes me anxious. I pretty much only get bad press nowadays.” You said honestly. “But it’s alright! Really… I umm… Yuri, would you mind showing me to your skating rink? I like to practice to relax.”
“Oh of course!”
The team stayed late because they were playing a three on three game that went on much longer than expected. Sugawara was tired out from it, but the game was finally done. The first years were cleaning up the gym and he was hydrating with the other third years. He pulled out his phone and was shocked by what his ice skating discord group chat was discussing. “TAKEDA! VIKTOR AND Y/N ARE IN JAPAN!”
The literature teacher looked at the setter with shock in his eyes. “WHAT?!”
“WOULD YOU TWO STOP SHOUTING!” Daichi, ironically, shouted. 
The two fanboys apologized and started using their inside voices. “I dunno maybe we can. You never know.”
Sugawara couldn’t help, but sulk. In the weeks since it was announced that y/n and Viktor were in Japan, a lot had happened. y/n’s boyfriend followed the siblings and now there was a competition called hot springs on ice to determine y/n and Viktor’s fate. If Yuri Katsuki won then Viktor and y/n would stay in Japan and Viktor would coach his sibling and the Japanese skater. If Yuri Plisetsky won, the Nikiforov siblings would be forced to go back to Russia and continue training under Yakov. Suga wanted to go to hot springs on ice so badly, but he didn’t manage to get a ticket. Tadeka did, and promised he would take all the pictures and videos he could. He also promised to get y/n’s autograph if he happened to see her, but this didn’t help lift Suga’s mood. What chance did he have to meet you if you went back to Russia? Almost none at all. He would give anything for one conversation with you. He just wanted to talk to you, to hear your voice and see you skate in person, but it seemed that that chance was going to be ripped away from him.
Unlike Yuri Katsuki, your boyfriend never said out loud was his agape was. Viktor did make a few jabs at him, saying it should be you, his girlfriend, but you doubted that it was. You watched the Russian Punk skate his part of the competition and he did well, but he did what he always did. He focused more on the technical side than showing emotion. 
He said nothing to you as you watch Yuri Katsuki perform side by side. You almost instinctively grab for his hand, but you catch yourself in time. Both of you are completely captivated by Yuri Katsuki’s performance and before he was even completely finished with his set you both knew that he had won. Your boyfriend scoffed and grabbed his bag. You ripped your eyes away from the ice and followed quickly after him. When you reached the outside front steps of the skating rink he turned back and glared at you. “What are you following me for? I know you’re not coming back to Russia with me.”
“I was worried about you, you seem-”
“Oi cut the crap already! You know as much as I do you’d follow Viktor to the ends of the Earth before you’d ever follow me! We make better enemies on the ice than we do lovers, so why don’t you go back inside to your stupid brother and leave me alone!”
“Shut it! We’re done y/n!”
Those words. You knew that they were probably coming at some point. You knew that it could happen at any time, but they hurt. It hurt like someone stabbing you in the heart with a knife. Yuri didn’t wait for you to say anything, he just turned away from you and started walking toward the train station. You could feel tears coming to your waterline. What were you going to do now?
“y/n…?” A voice called softly from behind you. It was Yuuko. You had come to like her a lot in the weeks that you had been training and hanging out at the skating rink, but now was not the time. You wiped your eyes before turning to face her. She had a sad expression written in her features. 
“You heard all that huh?”
“Yeah… I’m so sorry. He was really harsh about it.”
“It… It’s alright. I’m not really surprised. I think I’m just going to head home now. You can tell Viktor and Yuri if either of them come looking for me.”
“... Alright. Is there anything I can do?”
You shook your head. You turned away from her and started walking the opposite direction from the one Yuri had gone. It was really over. Yuri was going back to Russia and you were single for the first time in years. Your chest felt heavy as you made your way back to the inn. You let the tears fall, pulling the hood of the jacket you had been wearing up to hide your face from any passersby. You just wanted to curl up into a ball in a dark corner and never move again.
It was much later now and Viktor was getting worried. Yuri Plisetsky had left hours ago and he couldn’t find you anywhere. He was starting to question if you decided to go back to Russia. You weren’t answering his calls or texts, something was definitely wrong. “Any luck?” He asked Yuri as the younger man came running over. 
He shook his head. “I can’t find her anywhere.”
“Viktor! Yuri!” Yuuko shouted. She was out of breath when she reached the pair, but she relayed the message she was given. “y/n told me to tell you she was heading back to the inn. Yuri broke up with her before he headed back to Russia. I saw everything on accident. They were on the steps outside and Yuri yelled at her before saying they were finished. She seemed pretty upset. Sorry, I didn’t tell you sooner, I’ve been looking everywhere for you guys.”
Viktor’s expression was one of deep concern. Yuri could see it clearly. Sometimes he found it hard to read his idol’s face, but this was not one of those times. “I’m going to head back to the inn to check on her.”
He got a small chorus of “okay”s as he left. His pace going from a moderate walk to a full out run by the time he was on the sidewalk. He was worried sick. He knew that you were sensitive and a little insecure and he did not want you to let this get to you. “Have you seen my sister?” He asked Yuri’s dad as he opened the front door of the inn.
“Not recently. She came through here a few hours ago. She seemed pretty upset and went straight to her room. I haven’t seen her since.” Viktor gave him a quick thank you before heading toward your room. When he got to the door he tried to pull it open, but it was locked. 
“Go away Viktor.” 
He raised his eyebrow. “How did you know it was me?”
“Who else would it be?”
“If you’re not going to let me in, do you at least have Makkachin with you?”
“Yeah, he’s here.”
Viktor could hear the pain in your voice. It honestly broke his heart. “I’ll be right down the hall in my room if you need anything.”
Your sulking when on for days. Viktor didn’t even see you until day five, when you came crying to him (and accidentally Yuri since he was in Viktor’s room chatting about free skate plans) because the media had caught wind of your break up. 
There were reporters outside the in for days, hoping to talk to you like some reporters in Russia had talked to your ex-boyfriend. The interview shattered your heart even further, Yuri seemed like his usual self and had nothing particularly good to say about you.
Even so, by day 15, Viktor was tired of your sulky attitude. You were eating or sleeping regularly and you certainly weren’t practicing. He had a bit of a plan to get you moving again. He got you up at a reasonable hour and made you get dressed. He helped you pick out an outfit you’d feel good in and told you to meet him downstairs when you were ready. You tried to protest, but he wasn’t having it. You sighed as you pulled on the outfit and looked at yourself in the mirror. You thought you looked good, though no matter how much you tried you just couldn’t hide how tired your eyes looked.
You found Viktor with the others in the sitting room, he got up when he saw you. He gave you a bright smile and walked with you toward the door. What happened next was a bit of a surprise to you though. He handed you so money and said, “You’re not allowed back in until you have some fun so go find something to do!” before shutting the door in your face. You couldn’t believe it your ass of an older brother just kicked you out of the inn!
For a few minutes, you banged on the front door, but after you realized there was no hope of getting anyone to answer you decided to head to the train station. You had already explored most of Hasetsu, so you thought it would be fun to explore some of the neighboring towns. You hopped on the train and picked a window seat. You listened to music in your headphones as you watch the world fly by. You weren’t entirely sure how long you had been on the train when you finally decided the town you were in was a good place to get off, but it didn’t really matter to you. It was a small town for sure, but it was beautiful. There were tons of rolling hills and what appeared to be a little shopping street off in the distance. You walked towards it through the hills, still letting your music blare in your headphones. There wasn’t much you were sure of at this point in time, but you were sure of two things. That you were hungry and that you were more at peace now than you had been at any other time in the last two weeks. 
When you reached the small town area, you noticed a convenience store. You could pick up a little snack and then continue on your walk. You left your headphone in, but smiled at the clerk as you walked in. He gave a short nod in return. He was busy reading over some papers. They looked like sports-related notes, but you couldn’t tell what sport. Your thoughts about the notes were stopped when you lifted your head up and made eye contact with a group of boys that had been talking and laughing in the corner of the store. Most of the boys were looking at one of their friends with confused looks, but the one they were looking as staring at you. His expression was somewhere between awe, excitement, and terror. His hazel brown eyes bore into your own. “Umm… Hi?” You said cautiously. Your words seemed to send a chill up his spine. 
He bowed after taking a few steps toward you. “I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable! My name is Sugawara Koshi and I am umm… Your biggest fan y/n!”
You gasped. This handsome boy… was a fan of you? “It’s nice to meet you Koshi.”
His cheeks blushed pink and his friends snickered. “What are you doing all the way here? Don’t you live in a seaside town?”
“Oh yeah, I do! But ahh… I’ve been so mopey since Yuri broke up with me that my brother kicked me out of the inn and said I couldn’t come back until I had fun. I’ve looked all around Hasetsu so I decided to catch a train and see where it would take me. I guess I road it pretty far based on your reaction.”
Your voice made his heart melt. “Ah… Yeah. You did. Hasetsu is about a two-hour train ride from here.”
“Oh oops! I didn’t mean to go that far, but I’m glad I did! I wouldn’t have met you if I didn’t.” His face is bright red now. You find it adorable.
“This is pretty bold of me to ask, so it’s okay if you say no, but my friends and I were going to go play a three on three game of volleyball if you want to come hang out with us?” You look past Sugawara to see his friends, all waving at you. A short guy with orange hair, a slightly taller guy with a shaved head, another short guy with a blond streak, a tall guy with black hair, and a guy with short, dark brown hair. Normally you would have said no to this sort of thing without your brother around, but today you were feeling adventurous.
“That sounds nice.” Your soft smile almost made Suga’s heart explode.
You didn’t arrive home until almost 11 pm that night. The game had gone on much longer than you were expecting, but you didn’t mind. You learned all the boys’ names were Hinata, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Kageyama, Daichi, and of course, Suga who had invited you. You enjoyed talking with them all and watching them play on a makeshift court they set up at a local park. You only realized it was late when the game finished and it was completely dark outside Daichi and Suga offered to walk you back to the train station, which you happily accepted. You hadn’t felt a genuine connection like this in you weren’t sure how long. They waved goodbye to you as your train took off and you texted Viktor to let him know that you were on the way back. The whole ride home you were texting your new-found volleyball boys.
When you arrived back to the inn, Yuri and Viktor were waiting up for you. They were both surprised and happy to see a big grin plastered on your face. “So did you have fun today Marshmellow?”
“Yes! I took the train to a few towns over and I made some friends.”
“That’s wonderful! I know you just met them today, but when you are ready you should invite them to the inn for a weekend. I would love to meet them.”
Your determination to skate became unstoppable. You trained hard and you practiced even harder. When you weren’t practicing or doing runs with Yuri, you were either on a call with the Karasuno boys, as you had come to call them, texting with them, or visiting them. Eventually, you got the courage to ask them to come to spend the weekend at the inn after being friends for a little while, and the whole team ended up deciding to come. You were both excited and nervous about it, but you knew that it would be fun. “y/nnnnn-channnnn!” A voice called from the front entrance. You were tackled by Nishinoya seconds later. 
“Hello to you too, Noya.” The rest of the boys filed in and you introduced them all to Viktor and Yuri. Yuri gave them all a kind smile, while Viktor seemed to be watching them all rather intensely. “It’s still early after you put your stuff down, do you guys want to go down to the rink? I can teach you how to skate if you don’t know.” The boys all talked at once so you couldn’t really understand them, but it generally sounded happy so you assumed it was a yes. “Great! I’ll go grab my skate bag.” Viktor watched you leave the room, but he soon noticed someone else watching you too. A boy with gray hair and a kind smile on his face was watching the spot where you had just been intensely. Viktor remembered that his name was Suga from a picture you showed him of the team. It was a name you had said several times in the past few weeks. He seemed to be your best friend. “You’re Suga right?” Viktor asked.
Suga flushed a bit and nodded. “Yes, that’s me.”
“I just wanted to say thank you.”
Suga raised his eyebrow at Viktor. “For what?”
“Pulling y/n out of her funk. She was really depressed about her and Yuri’s break up, but ever since you two started talking she’s been as bright as ever. Keen on practicing too.”
“Oh! It’s no problem really. I’ve enjoyed being her friend.”
“Hey, guys! Ready to go?” You asked as you came back into the room.
“Hell yeah!”Nishinoya shouted. You laughed and started to lead them toward the ice rink. 
After only being at the rink for a few minutes, you and the team had caused complete chaos. Hinata and Kageyama were racing back and forth to see who could go from one end to the other the fastest, Nishinoya was sitting on Asahi’s shoulders as he skated gracefully around the ice, Tadashi was trying to teach Tsukishima how to skate, Daichi was apologizing profusely to Yuuko and Takeshi, and Tanaka was messing around with the walkers that help children stay up while skating. You were honestly enjoying it. The ice normally somewhere for working, it was nice to come here and have fun. You realize Suga was the only one not on the ice, he was leaning against one of the rink’s walls with his elbows propping up his head. He looked really cute watching his teammates goofy off. You skated over to him, startling him a bit. “Why aren’t you on the ice?”
“Oh… Though I’ve always been a fan of competitive skating, I never learned to skate myself.”
“Do you want to join me? I can be your guide.” He nodded and gave you one of his classic soft smiles before running to grab some skates. He put them on quickly and you met him at the entrance to the rink. You wrapped your arm around his waist and he wrapped his arm around your back. You were both blushing intensely. “Okay, this should help us balance. You’re going to want to move your feet like this.” You showed him how to move and he quickly got the hang of it. 
“I think I got this!” He let go of your back and you let go of him. He quickly grabbed your hand. “... You know, for balance.” Your blush became deeper. His smile was calming though. You made a couple of laps around the rink before Tanaka, accidentally, put you in an awkward situation. 
He knocked into Suga with his walker and it caused the gray-haired boy to lose his balance. Seeing as you were holding hands, he pulled you down with him. You managed to catch yourself, but you found your position to be less than ideal. You were hovering over Suga’s face. His cheeks were bright red. You got off of him as soon as you realized what was happening. “I’m so sorry Suga!”
He laughed, “Don’t apologize! That was Tanaka’s fault!”
“Hey! Don’t you love bird go blaming shit on me!”
You all skated until you could skate no more. You all were now huddled in the main space of the inn, watching a movie together on the tv. It was half-past midnight. Yuri’s parents, Yuri, and Viktor had all gone to bed a while ago. Half the team was asleep in the piles of blankets on the floor. You felt like you were soon going to join them. Your eyes were getting heavy, and you could barely keep them open. Suga was sat next to you, still fully awake and engrossed in the movie. He had no idea how tired you were until he felt a weight on his shoulder. He looked over to see you fast asleep. He knew he couldn’t wake you up, so he laid down as slowly as he could, shifting your weight with his. He fell fast asleep, your head still resting on his shoulder. 
“Hey guys,” Kageyama called loudly. The group all stirred awake at the sound. 
“What the hell, Kageyama, it’s so early!” Hinata complained.
“Shut it loser! We have a problem.”
That’s when you noticed Yuuko and her three girls standing in front of you all. They were specifically looking at you and Suga guiltily. “I’m so sorry y/n! The girls took pictures while you guys were at the skating rink yesterday, and they posted some of them. They are blowing up!”
You looked at her, confused as she handed you her phone. “What could be the big dea- OH GOD.”
They weren’t just pictures of you and the team having fun; they were specifically pictures of you and Suga. One of you leaning over the rink wall to talk to him, one of you holding him up with your hand around his waist, one of you two holding hands, and worst of all, one of you leaning over him when you fell. You felt all the peace drain from your body at that moment. “The skating Otakus are so happy for you, y/n!” one of the girls said. 
“Love Again for the Gold Medalist: Does y/n Nikiforov have a boyfriend? Pictures released from inside of Ice Castle Hasetsu show y/n Nikiforov, skating with a gray-haired male. She appears to be teaching him how to skate. There are other people in the pictures, but no one is sure who they are. Could the young world champion have made friends off the ice? Is the gray-haired boy in the pictures her new boyfriend? It appears so, but we won’t know for sure until we hear from her,” your words became shakier as you read farther into the article. You didn’t want to be mad at the girls because they are just kids after all, but it was so hard. You hated the publicity that came with skating, and this was publicity that you didn’t need right now. The season was getting ready to start. “I um… I need some fresh air.” You scrambled up from your seat on the floor and ran out the door. Suga quickly got up and followed after you. 
“y/n! y/n wait!” He called. You stopped running when you were a little ways from the inn and you realized that he wasn’t going to let you be by yourself right now. “I know that this is a lot, but you don’t have to address the public right now… how about we dress address us?”
You gave him a confused look, “what do you mean, Suga?”
He took your hands in his and pulled them against his chest. You could feel his heart beating rapidly. “Before we met y/n, I admired you so much. Your ability to skate, your heart, and your charm. I guess you could say you were my celebrity crush, but… since getting to know you, those feelings have developed into much more. You can say no or that you don’t feel the same way or that you’re not ready since you’ve only been single for a few months. I’ll stay by your side as a friend if you prefer, but if you give me a chance, I’d love to take you on a date. We could-”
You cut Suga off by grabbing the material of his T-shirt and pulling him in for a sweet kiss. You honestly surprised yourself, but it wasn’t long before Suga moved his arms around your waist and kissed you back. When you pulled away you smiled at each other. Completely at peace, even if it were just for this moment, holding each other under the branches of cherry blossom trees. 
Tags: @real-brook-maya @saitamastamaticsoup
A/N: I totally didn’t write this in under 24 hours... shhhhhh....
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peachamare-blog · 7 years
Yuri!!! On Ice
Olympic Gold - Plisetsky x Reader
"What is your favourite colour?" You ask as you take a slip from your drink.
"Olympic gold." He replies as he puts his hands behind his head and leans back into the chair.
It's the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea and a certain Russian figure skater is going to come your way. After literally crashing into you during your practice runs, a love/hate relationship starts to form. (Multi-chapter).
Hair Ties - Victuuri
During a practice Yuuri's hair gets in his eyes and Viktor ties up Yuuri's hair. (Drabble)
The Tale of Three - Victuuri
The family life of Victuuri (Collection of one shots)
Plagued Dreams - Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Spoilers for the 2017 movie. After the Beast and Belle go to Belle's childhood home and learn the truth behind her mothers death, she has a nightmare. (One-Shot)
DC/Marvel Comics
Beauty and the Frost Giant - Loki x OC 
After Loki's failed attempt to take over Earth, Odin has decided to strip of his magic, god status and had sent him to live on Midgard. The thing is that he has to change his ways before he can come back to Asgard. But with only ten years to complete his task will he be able to do it? (Multi-chapter).
Lunacy - Joker (Jared Leto) x OC
Catlin Day has grown up on the east side of Gotham City, the place where no one wants to live. The place filled with criminals. By mistake Catlin wonders into the mitts of the number one criminal in Gotham City, The Joker. She fell into his trap, and as she fell, so did her sanity. (Multi-chapter)
Note: This is just a small collections of my works do date. All of the multi-chapter works are a work in progresses. As you can see I write for a variety of fandoms. You can request for imagines, headcannons and one shots if you want. I used to write all the imagines a few years back, but they were One Direction, and all unedited not much has changed. So you could say that I’m a veteran at writing imagines and such. There will be a few more different fandoms that will pop up as I decide to write for them, the masterlist will (hopefully) updated every week and as I post. 
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part one)
part two part three part four part five. Find the rest on; Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
"Remind me once again why we're going to Japan? It's clear you'd never take us there just because you miss Victor and I know by experience that it's not because of his apprentice."
First class flight like usual. The view out the airplane window of the sparkling city at nighttime below them would stun anybody but at this point, Yuri has traveled so many times it's only become regular sights and the lights of the streets are only plain colored spots in a dark void to him these days. One thing he will never feel comfortable with though is staying in the same seat for hours on end until the airplane arrives at its destination. His legs are itching from wanting to move around. He'll just have to jog it off back on the ground like every other trip in the past.
"You'll be spending some time with Yuuri Katsuki and Victor the following weeks to gain your fighting spirit back. You need to get back in touch with your emotions, remember?" Yakov slightly turned his posture towards the Russian skater beside him, folding his newspaper in half and putting it in his lap.
He only nodded with a slight hum. He could see Yakov's reasoning, some parts of it at least. He HAD been lacking in emotional performance ever since the new year began and it was time to get back into the mindset of winning yet another Grand Prix gold medal like last year. No, not last year. Last year's competition was cancelled after a minor pandemic spread through Russia and the nearby regions. In fear of the virus spreading, all competitions cancelled and larger crowded areas were forbidden to take place. Therefore Yuri's only been able to practice by himself and keeping himself fit for a possible competition next year. But a year of doing nothing can really change your spirit and afraid to admitting it to his coach, he's been missing several opportunities to hit the rink and stayed home watching anime or scrolled through social media instead.
But one thing he doesn't get is how Victor and Yuuri are gonna make him get his mindset in the right track again. He already won his first gold medal at his senior debut and he doubt that the Japanese skater will be in any better condition than Yuri's currently in right now. Pig-man must've been in a much worse state considering his boo Victor had to stay in Russia during the pandemic, unable to keep an eye on Yuuri's routines.
"Besides, there's a little surprise waiting for you where you'll be staying with the two of them. It better work out fine or else I'm out of ideas."
That caught his attention to say the least.
"Well if it's supposed to save me from the deep end then why be so secretive and hushy with it? Spill the news, Yakov."
The old man only grunted and picked up his newspaper once again and hid his face behind it. Well now he really wanted to know what it was. Clearly he would have to make some effort. Soon the article about a Russian charity event taking place this weekend got replaced with a clenched fist going straight through the back of the paper. Yuri expected some kind of reaction but Yakov only sighed and leaned back in his seat without even a flinch.
"It's no surprise if I tell you. I promised Victor to keep it a secret."
"Tell me."
Yuri groaned and folded his arms with a sour glare. The display in the ceiling told the traveler's that it was 10 minutes until landing so he gave up his attempts and let his eyes rest for a while. At least he would find out tomorrow, he assumed. It was 2am and he would be staying at a hotel close to the airport since it was too late to make rest of the trip in one day.
Yuri was out with the speed of a lightning bolt the second the plane doors opened. He sped past everyone before him and he didn't stop when he finally got outside. His feet carried him to run circles around the plane meanwhile he was waiting for Yakov to get out the normal way. It's a silly habit of his and he knows he looks stupid doing it but his coach has given him strict orders to not run away at one random direction like used to do at first. It would take like half an hour for him to be found once he took off, but only if he got lost.
"Yuri! Get over here!"
Well, there's his cue to get ready and head to the hotel. Finally he's able to get some sleep before he's forced to wake up early at dawn to head to Hot Springs and meet the two most annoying people in Japan.
He didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He overslept and got rushed to the cab with an angry Yakov behind him, newspaper folded tightly in his fist. The trip through the beautiful Japan would've been pleasant if Yuri hadn't dozed off every 10 seconds. He didn't get much sleep after all. He spent at least three hours thinking about the special surprise and raiding the free mini bar before he finally got to rest. At 8am he was woken up with banging on the door and now, at 10am, he was standing at the entrance of Hot Springs waiting for Yuuri's mom to announce their arrival. She hurried away somewhere with her usual bubbly happy self that Yuri had no idea how a person could be so... not moody all day long.
The place was as crowded with customers as last time and the two Russians were told to step inside to the more private parts of the building where the family lived along with Victor at the moment.
"Victor! How come my brand new lotion is used? You smelled a suspicious amount of peaches and wild berries at breakfast and there's no point denying it!" A fairly soft and modulated voice was heard from somewhere to the left where the private shower stalls were located. A couple seconds later a giggly Victor and Yuuri came through the direction of the living room and greeted Yuri with happy cheers. The slender white haired Russian caught Yakov in a bear hug, much to the old man's surprise. Yuuri extended his hand towards Yuri but Yuri didn't give any effort in taking it.
"Food. I'm starving."
Yuuri dropped his hand with a light blush but Victor pouted and let go of his former coach. Strong and clingy arms were suddenly wrapped around his chest and he couldn't breathe.
"So unpolite... Yuriooo we've missed you! Haven't you missed us?"
Yuri thrashed like a fish caught in a net and tried to hit the arms of the bastard trapping him. Yuuri joined in, only to get a kick in the hip. His stomach growled angrily and the endless void in his body didn't lighten up the experience a bit.
"Let go you old man! You too piglet!"
"I hoped you'd say it out loud but I know that deep down you've been missing us, Yuriii." Victor went to whisper in his ear with pouty lips but was swatted away by a backhand in his face. That finally caused him to let go and Yuri jumped out of reach for the two males.
"Hm... Or not." The expression he got from Victor was sad and pouty and the man earned a hand on his shoulder, put there by Yuuri. Yuri could only sigh and shake his head.
"Victor! Did you steal my shampoo too?! I will- Oh? What now?" Yuri turned around abruptly by the unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind him. His eyes widened.
The girl was standing to the left of the hall, seemingly coming from the shower. A curious hand rested against the wall beside her and her face was covered in a grey clay face mask, a toothbrush lazily hanging from the corner of her lips. Her (h/c) eyes glistened with mild shock along with her mouth hanging slightly open.
"You are early... Victor, you told me they would arrive at 1pm1!" She pointed a strict finger at the tall man who scratched the back of his head with a hesitant laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed her toothbrush. Because even if she was standing unprepared in front of two strangers, she would at least not forget to brush her teeth in the process, as you do.
Yuri might've considered it normal if it wasn't for that she was almost naked. Two towels were the only fabric hiding her, one wrapped around her dripping figure and the other tied up in her hair.
"Yeah, about that! I kind of mixed up the time of their arrival and your meeting with the press, that's, by the way now when I think of it, not actually cancelled but later today. Silly of me to forget, right?"
She eyed him as though her bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone and let out a huff. Yuri had to advert his gaze when it suddenly felt intruding to eye her the way he did. He also turned away because a light tint of pink was creeping up his cheeks.
"Right. Thanks for the early update. I appreciate it, really. I'll be with you again in 30 minutes. Don't wait up for me." And with that, she was gone. The silence of the men maintained for a few moments until Yuuri coughed with an awkward smile, his red cheeks still visible even after the girl had disappeared. 'It's a little weird to blush at your almost naked sister' he thought.
"So food, right? Mom is preparing pork cutlet bowls for you, Yurio, since she remembered how much you liked them last time-" He didn't have to say it twice. Yuri was off to the dining area before the man even finished saying 'pork cutlet bowl'.
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