#yup still thinking about 🐍them🐍
John won't let Terry pay for him when they go out to dinner. He begrudgingly accepts the gifts Terry buys him, clearly disliking the fact Terry spent money on him. Even purchasing new equipment for Cobra Kai is met with resistance. ("I can chip in, it's my dojo and responsibility too.")
So Terry decides to replace all the material and monetary gifts with orgasms, lots and lots of orgasms. Servicing John as often as humanly possible. And this time there are no complaints from John. (Except for when things eventually become physically uncomfortable and he needs a break.)
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iri-desky · 2 months
Genshin Impact Tumblr Simulator
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🌠 TeyvatTraveler101 follow
Emergency food for sale! Visit Mondstadt at 7:00 PM tommorow night for FREE RATIONS!
✨️ Paimon-Is-The-Best
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🎨 Kriedeprinz
Sometimes I wonder what the essence of Teyvat's visions are. What makes them work? What makes them tick? I've repeatedly inspected my vision for any signs of their specific magical origin...as an alchemist, I would have already done multiple experiments on the object to determine it's nature. As a vision holder, however, it's my duty to keep it safe...even though it can be considered simply a tool.
🎨 Kriedeprinz
ScientificSugar asked: You heard about what I did with my vision when I first got it didn't you
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🏴‍☠️ Totally-A-Pirate follow
Do NOT go to Angel's Share. Worst experience of my life, got thrown out at midnight into the street because the bartender said he didn't like me and my drinking buddy 🙁🙁🙁 what an asshole
I threw you out because you were to drunk. Please do not come to Angel's Share with the intention of inappropriate behavior.
🏴‍☠️Totally-A-Pirate follow
🏴‍☠️Totally-A-Pirate follow
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🛡 is-varka-back-yet
No. No, Varka is not back in Mondstadt yet.
#please help us #we're losing mods #is varka back yet? #probably never #stay tuned #Varka #Mondstadt
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Cocjo goadt
I cannt frember
Hi everyone! This is the Dr. Baizhu again. Sorry for the strange posts, Qiqi got her hands on my Tumblr account again and started posting. 😅 I've locked my phone with a code and wrote down the code in a secure place in the office, so not to worry! This won't happen again. 😊
Hey everyone, please stop reblogging this.
2,671 notes
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🌝 sponsored
Glittering Mora is coming to YOU!
Need a new job? Need a quick loan? I have a solution for you!
Click on the below link NOW for free help from the best merchant in Sumeru!
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🐋 TarTarTaglia follow
TIL that my birth name, Ajax, is derived from an ancient legend that referred to a hero called The Great Ajax! I think it's pretty fitting, don't ya think?
🐋 TarTarTaglia follow
I've also been told that the name Ajax "was sometimes said to have been derived from the old expression aiai, meaning 'alas!'" And the great Ajax also killed himself with a sword
🐋 TarTarTaglia follow
Bro's still cool though imo
564 notes
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💧 TheRealFocalors
Poll #489
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chartreuseian · 3 months
Hi! 😁
For the writing shop talk game: 🫂, 🐍, 😍, 🫀, 🎓
Hi hi! Thank you!!
🫂- What was your inspiration for your WIP?
Lol, which one!? Train fic? No clue (started it too long ago). Lessons: an image I had in my head of Helen, John and James on the couch by the fire. Modern AU: it's sort of inspired by the Out of the Blue rewrite I did in the Olden Days that I tried to transform into an original story (still in the Olden Days) that just didn't come together. This bears very little resemblence to either of them, but it's where the vibes come from.
🐍- How do you deal with it when you come across a plothole?
Complaining bitterly to myself about my own stupidity? To be honest, I'm not great at seeing them. Most of my stories come together as fairly complete ideas before I write them (and I almost always know what the main complication is and how I intend to resolve it) so I find a lot of the plot holes end up being small and more workable. The thought of starting something without a clear end goal freaks me out too much, I think!
😍- Post one sentence you think is really great.
Alright, I don't think this is really great but it made me laugh when I wrote it on my walk today...
And then she was kissing him and his cheeks were burning hot because 1) he hadn't even thought about that and 2) she had which meant that 3) Helen was very much intending to have sex with him.
🫀- Do you have an abandoned project? Why did it get binned?
Hmm... Not so much in the fanfic space. A few oneshots where I had made a single line an an outline of an idea, but nothing meaningful. Generally if I like something well enough to start writing it, it's because I've gone and hyperfixated for long enough to produce something that'll keep me working at it for a while!
🎓- Did you have formal training in creative writing? How do you feel about that?
Yup. Majored in Creative & Professional Writing at uni. Loved every second of it. Some of the courses were ridiculous, but some absolutely changed the way I approach writing. One of my courses in particular still informs a lot of the way I write, and I actually use the activities and writing prompts from it when I'm looking to play with creating particular effects in a story.
Honestly though, I went into the course pretty new to the whole idea of writing. I'd only been writing for about 4 or 5 months when I changed my major so it was a pretty drastic step (and looking back, risky given how ridiculously expensive university can be). Creative writing actually isn't my strength as a writer, but studying it really did change the way I approached the idea of writing and narratives. Certainly don't regret it!
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hiya! All well? Hope so. I'm doing splendid, especially because we're getting treated to all these simultaneous updates!! I know it wasn't my request but I hope its okay if I give my thoughts about Safe As Houses because it was absolutely 🖤🖤!
Bane offering to visit the person *privately* 👌🏽. I mean no, no, NO. Murder is wrong. Yup, wrong, kids. Don't do it. Even when it comes to bastards that can't keep their effing hands to themselves. On second thought, just need 1 minute, don't I? Cause this person needs to have some **words** delivered to them.
🥹🥹 He was keeping them safe the entire time?? Stop it. Get out.
He froze when you kissed his mask, smack in the middle. [...] He stared at you, but before he could think to ask you, he gently pressed his mask to your lips again. You smiled, and his chest felt funny.
EEEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHHE!!! ***jumping off the fucking walls*** HE BLOODY FELT WHAT IN HIS FUCKING CHEST?!?!?!?! Uhm, *straightens clothes, fixes hair* Right, I'm good. Please continue on.
“Or,” you started, “you could always just… be with me whenever you have five minutes and keep me safe yourself - for safety reasons! Obviously. Not so we can, y’know, kiss and cuddle and shit.”
Oh definitely 100% JUST for protection, yeah. For sure. Need them arms wrapped around ya, faces pressed together, for PROTECTION reasons. Definitely. Yup, yup. 🤭😆
Okay but the image of Bane just showing up unannounced to their work, making the little grabby hands "cuddles?" Fucking adorable!
“Larks will bravely sing and fly in places where there’s no life,” he explained, “just as poppies will grow in the same places… you are my lark.”
🥺🥹🥺🥹🥺🥹🥲 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Okay, but I see and appreciate that little nod to your header. I had no idea the association with larks! That's so cool and such a beautiful little pet name for them!! Manz has it bad for reader (to be fair, we also have it bad for our big tittied, thick thighs Bane).
You nodded, daring to gently plant a kiss to his mask again. He didn’t freeze, only hummed before he nudged your mouth with his mask and pulled away to leave. 
Adorable. Adorable. Adorable. I simply cannot, your honour. I fucking love them. Thank you ever bloody much and onto your scheduled programing.
Alrighty, til next time my friend. Stay safe, be well, sending you all the love, always! Now imma grab my puppos and run from the congregation of devil geese inching closer to my yard! See ya!!
hi!!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying all these so much 🫶🏻🫶🏻 and tbh, I'm kinda glad that I had so many come through! you can ABSOLUTELY give your thoughts on whatever I write!! it's always more than welcome!!
"murder is wrong" is it tho? is it when a big titty commie suggests it? IS IT?
Bane kept them safe as... well, safe as houses lmfao he ensured their safety, not for his own benefit either. he got nothing out of it, they didn't even KNOW!
"his chest felt funny" he's down BAD!!! he ADORES them!!!
""safety reasons"" uh-huh. yeah. totally not to get dicked down by a big titty commie w a huge dick. totally not. /sarc
he probably would just show up at their work unannounced tho, just stand there and keep an eye on what's going on, maybe intimidate a few people while he's at it.
it's from a poem!! it's from In Flanders Fields by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae and was written about WW1! the line is "the larks still bravely singing fly, scarce heard amid the guns below"!! but yeah, Bane 100% is down BADLY. ATROCIOUSLY.
the mask-to-mouth touches... the closest he can get to actually being able to kiss the reader... 🥺
as always!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I love hearing from you!!!!!
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douma-daisy · 2 years
How You Caught their Attention {Obanai/Tengen x Reader}
tw: animal death for Obanai’s part.
Obanai 🐍
Kaburamaru killed your new pet mouse. :(
“Mina?” you called out as you carefully scanned the area around you. Deep down, you knew she was as good as gone, but it wouldn’t hurt to search. Besides, you had your katana on you, so if you ran into any demons taking shelter in the forest’s shade, you could take care of them.
You were just about to give up when you noticed her sitting on a stump. You gasped in delight and rushed toward her, glad you wouldn’t have to take another trip to the pet shop. Your glee quickly died when you spotted a white snake creeping up on her.
“Mina!” you cried, scooping up a rock as you ran to her and raising it over your head. Before you could bring it down on the snake, you felt someone grab you from behind and flip you over. A demon?! No. As you sat up, you recognized the black and white striped haori in front of you.
“Mr. Iguro?!” you said, then gasped when you heard a pained squeal. “Mina!”
“Why were you trying to hurt my friend?” Obanai hissed.
“Your friend is killing my mouse!” you cried out, pointing to where Kaburamaru loomed over a now still Mina. Obanai looked and his eyes widened.
“Oh,” he said. “I… uh… I apologize.” You frowned and stood.
“Whatever. That’s what I get for getting the cheaper cage,” you shrugged, but Obanai could still sense your devastation.
“Let me make it up to you,” he said. He noticed your uniform. “Perhaps I could give you some training. As a hashira, I’m sure it’d be valuable to you.”
“That sounds great, actually,” you said. “Thank you, Mr. Iguro.”
“You may call me Obanai. I have a feeling we’ll be getting to know each other very well, after all.”
Tengen 💎
He heard a rumor that you said he was embarrassing.
It was ridiculous. A travesty! Him? The glorious sound hashira, god of festivals, lord of flashiness, husband of three beautiful wives, embarrassing?! How dare this insubordinate subordinate make such an unflashy claim about him. He’d be sure to teach you a lesson about respecting your superiors, and on recognizing brilliance.
“Hey, you!” he called out as he approached you among a group of your friends. You looked up at him, immediately intimidated by his towering height.
“Me, sir?” you asked, pointing to yourself.
“You’re (y/n), aren’t you?” he asked. You nodded. He smirked. “Well, (y/n), I happened to hear about something you said about me that caught my attention.” You furrowed your brows. What could you have said about him? You didn’t really talk about him a lot.
“Someone told me that you thought I was embarrassing,” he said.
“I never–” you began, but Tengen cut you off.
“No, no, no need to take it back. I could use a little constructive criticism,” he said. “But to fully understand it, I got to know what counts as embarrassing to you. How about… this?” He suddenly grabbed you and slung you over his shoulder. You yelped in surprise and your fellow demon slayers chuckled.
“Hey! Put me down!” you protested, your face heating up.
“Yup, you seem pretty embarrassed to me,” Tengen said, slapping your behind.
“How dare you!” you yelled, erupting more laughter from your colleagues.
“Oh come on, (y/n), I’m just having a little fun!” he said, bouncing a bit on his feet to jostle you around. After a few more minutes of this, he put you down, surprised to see tears welling up in your eyes.
“Hey, come on! Don’t be a crybaby over a little payback!” Tengen said.
“I never said that thing about you!” you told him angrily. “I wouldn’t say you’re embarrassing, but now I’d definitely say you’re an asshole!” You slapped him, then stormed off. Your friends stayed silent, bathing unwillingly in the awkwardness.
“I don’t think (y/n) said that. You should probably go apologize,” someone finally spoke up.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that was just a rumor made up to cause drama,” another added.
“Well why didn’t someone say something earlier?!” Tengen asked, his face turning red. They shrugged. Tengen scowled and stomped off after you, trying to think of the flashiest way to apologize for his behavior.
Don’t worry, you ended up forgiving him and agreeing to be friends.
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 years
New Moon in Virgo 🐞🐍⛲🐝ALL SIGNS
With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗️)
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Main theme: Help yourself to balance between how you feel inside and what you see outside of yourself. Do you see incongruity between internal and external realities? This New Moon in Virgo brings cellular level healing. Your focus should revolve around the theme of toxic patterns and spiritual liberation. This is a necessary step towards enabling you to manifest high-quality Personal Reality in the coming months.
Soul Cleansing for 🐞Aries Leo Sagittarius
Life isn't always cream and peaches. Sometimes we can't help but needing to stay dedicated at an important project to see it to completion/fruition. Sometimes, although things get boring or tedious, that seems to be the only way to move forwards.
As long as you know in your heart that you're growing towards your passions, you're doing alright. Things won't remain as boring as they are right now for much longer. Since New Moons are a time of soul cleansing, what you need to let go of are worries that have been bogging your mind down.
Try to bring more flavours and colours into your Life. No matter how difficult some things may be right now, you need refreshment in order to rejuvenate your spirit. If you have the means, try to relax your mind with calming refreshments like herbal teas (chamomile, lavender, green tea, etc.) The high vibrations of good-quality herbal teas can positively affect your energetic field.
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Soul Cleansing for 🐍Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Whatever it is this New Moon in Virgo wants you to release, it is for you to regain a lot of your spiritual energy. For quite a while now, you’ve been struggling or dealing with some stuff that have drained you of a lot of joy.
With your own conscious effort, you must be able to brush off a lot of negative energies that have been circling your daily life. Negative energies, of course, manifest in all kinds of ways for different people. Notice what’s really draining to you and make the conscious decision to reject such frequencies from being a part of your daily life.
Life doesn't have to always be about strife, hard work, proving your worth, and all those things that make your mind heavy. Sometimes, you think you understand this on a conscious level, but the thing is, your subconscious still believes otherwise. So, there is a lot of your behavioural patterns that bring you back to experiences/situations that cause a lot of stress.
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Soul Cleansing for ⛲Gemini Libra Aquarius
For being such a smart bunch of people, Air Signs, do you realise that a lot of your brain power has been used mostly to assist other people in solving their problems? Yup, shocked now? When was the last time you actually used all of your intellect to think up amazing dreams for yourself? And when you did, did you truly believe you can have them? A lot of your ideas and dreams are just passing thoughts to yourself.
This New Moon in Virgo wants you to take a break. Step back from the busyness of the world, and dream. Take care of yourself, have a cup of hot chocolate or chamomile tea, what have you. Dream and take a vacation to your own version of an ideal life. This new moon is so powerful and so damn LUCKY; dream all kinds of beautiful things for yourself and you shall be rewarded.
When? Divine Timing, of course. If you're very apt at Astrology you may be able to see possible transits for yourself. With or without any knowledge of Astrology, know that your blessings can only come after you begin dreaming them. This is your act of opening yourself up to the limitless possibilities of the Cosmos.
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Soul Cleansing for 🐝Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Wow, your wishes are coming true~ I don't know how the current transits are affecting the Water Signs, but the energies are lightest and luckiest for you. Perhaps it's also a culmination of all the hard 'spiritual' work you've been doing in the last 6 months.
You've allowed yourself to transcend above tons of heavy emotional baggage and now, you know you're capable of achieving whatever goal you have in mind. Because you're passionate and you're devoted. Light is being shone upon your path.
This New Moon in Virgo is said to bring massive luck to everyone this year, perhaps the effects last until early next year. Use this period for not only uplifting daydreaming, but also concrete planning. Whatever you wish to achieve, know you will get there.
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