#yum ​😋
herstoriies · 2 months
Assumption: Priscilla can't handle spicy food.
Meme: Make assumptions about My Muse and they’ll tell you if it’s true or false. (Accepting!)
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“A half-truth, my anonymous friend!” Priscilla let out a hearty chuckle, “While I certainly do avoid certain peppers, and foods with a heated kick would certainly not be my immediate preference on a menu… and so help me I would confess cowardice to even try a dish known to be above moderately spicy… however my Uncle’s travels and work have introduced my palette to Indian cuisine and a good curry! On the milder side, naturally, but a tiny bit of spice in moderation is not entirely out of the question you see~”
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petrowriting · 3 months
the revelation that claudia’s rebirth was such a twisted and horrible moment, with louis dragging her like she was a thing, a stranger who neither of them knew but he kept saying over and over “our daughter, our beautiful little daughter” to lestat, really solidified the way she was never the main character of her own story. she was always an accessory to some or the other of louis’ whims: his guilt, his loneliness, his conflict of being a killer, his rocky relationship with lestat. there was love there, love from both her fathers, but it was never enough. lestat saw her too much as a wretched mirror held up to his own self, and louis was always too steeped in his own feelings to care enough about hers. claudia’s story truly was the greatest tragedy in this tale, treated horribly by every man around her, even her fathers, relentlessly exploited and brutally ignored, always second and never first. the only one who loved her the way she deserved to be loved was madeleine, and the moment she truly had her, her happiness was torn from her. and just before she died, she got to see someone actually choose her in her entirety, not for what she can be but for who she is, and it still wasn’t enough. she still burned alive in the sunlight. the love was there, but it wasn’t enough to save her.
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ohwghlwd · 2 months
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se-dissimuler · 29 days
hot 🔥
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l4ndown-under · 10 months
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I'm sure someone out here will appreciate seeing Oscars legs as much as I do
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hyunsung · 2 years
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Done. 😃🙏 感謝天主 & 謝謝您~副主教-春光神父的賞識和照顧。💐🦋 此次以宗教壁畫方式表現並將中國的「四君子」梅、蘭、竹、菊所象徵之堅韌不拔、高潔典雅、正直清高、恬淡悠然的品德融入福音書的四活物,我認為與基督大善普愛的精神不謀而合;希望陳神父和本堂教友們保守信念,身體力行,真實地活出福音的精髓。以上。Lan~* (感謝溫神父友情外借福音書給我,最後釘釦才能順利完成。)
▪︎ 福音書皮雕書套:長34公分,寬21公分,厚7公分 ▪︎ 太魯閣族 以白色為主色,紅色不會成為主色(搭一點就可以),黃、綠、黑線條也可以。 ▪︎ Vangelo 四部福音:福音 gospel(聖經中的四部福音)基督的生活與教導 (one of the four descriptions in the Bible of) the life and teaching of Christ ▪︎ 四活物/默示錄 四章7節 ▪︎ 雖然"臺灣藍鵲"是臺灣原住民鄒、邵、布農等族的神鳥,鄒語稱為teofsi'za、邵語稱為fitfit、布農語稱為lalinutaz(郡社群)/qaipis,另排灣語稱tjikaikai。在南島語族共有的大洪水神話中,很久以前族人因大洪水瀕臨滅族,臺灣藍鵲犧牲自己帶回火種挽救族人(有些故事的版本則認為犧牲自己帶回火種的神鳥是紅嘴黑鵯。)但我想將神話般的神鳥精神代表台灣帶入這福音壁畫之中,神氣活現的,是吧! 哈哈哈!!! 😁 🤣 eBird:臺灣藍鵲 Urocissa caerulea
福音��你是伯多祿﹐我要將天國的鑰匙交給你。) 恭讀聖瑪竇福音 16:13-19
那時候,耶穌來到了斐理伯的凱撒勒雅境內,就問門徒說:「人們說人子是誰?」 門徒說:「有人說是洗者若翰;有人說是厄里亞;也有人說是耶肋米亞,或者先知中的一位。」 耶穌對他們說:「你們說我是誰?」 西滿伯多祿回答說:「你是默西亞,永生天主之子。」 耶穌回答他說:「約納的兒子西滿,你是有福的,因為不是肉和血啟示了你,而是我在天之父。我再給你說:你是伯多祿──磐石;我要在這磐石上,建立我的教會;陰間的門,決不能戰勝她。我要將天國的鑰匙交給你;凡你在地上所束縛的,在天上也要被束縛;凡你在地上所釋放的,在天上也要被釋放。」──上主的聖言。
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toadslug · 5 months
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Peacemaker!! Color-picked from my Darkstalker design a little 👀
+ Bonus Hailstorm doodle:
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voluntaryvictim · 1 year
fancy studio version of visitation of the ghost
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ryann-1111 · 1 month
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«Are you running in circles again?»
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datazoid · 7 months
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The colored drawing of Bive was actually part of a collab I did with a friend! I’m not sure if xe want me to post their part of the drawing so I cropped it out just in case :PPP
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catburgerhelper · 30 days
@its-a-me-mango tried my worst (joke) on this ‼️‼️
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Nya neko sugar girls mango ‼️‼️‼️ idk if this looks similar to the actual artstyle but i tried so its ok ✌️✌️✌️
My back.hurts send me your credit card info pls /j
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galaxytittus · 6 months
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uncensored - X
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se-dissimuler · 1 month
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i can’t believe i got excited over him wearing a polo instead of a shirt lmao..
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pyaari-naari · 4 months
The joy of ✨Mela✨
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Kuch photos jo bilkul bhi aesthetic nahi hai ✌🏻
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