#yuki mitsuya
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fizzstix · 8 months ago
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messaging... texting even... communicating........
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nitlepus · 3 months ago
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Original scenes
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bl0ss0mlily · 3 months ago
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Now it's time for your favorite idol group - Mystery Kiss!
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yanoharuhito · 1 year ago
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the real toxic yuri
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maxriderg · 1 year ago
Folks, in honor of Kayli's upcoming 29th Birthday, allow Me to share a little something, right over here, complete with the inclusion of the Jacksons/Jackson 5ive/Jackson Five's Can You Feel It and well, have a very Happy Early 29th Birthday to Kayli Mills (1994-present), Ladies and Gentlemen!
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emotionallychargedtowel · 2 months ago
Favorite QL Characters of 2024
Thanks for tagging me, @wen-kexing-apologist! And thanks to @abstractelysium for getting the ball rolling with some solid end-of-the-year prompts.
Mitsuya Ayumu, Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding/Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakuteki na Edzuke
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I love it when a character really has their shit together in some admirable ways but also has big things to learn. Mitsuya has so many things about life figured out, which is part of the reason Ishida first gravitates toward him. But for all his wisdom and competence in some areas, in others, he's been avoiding facing his fears and challenging himself for way too long—until meeting Ishida starts to change things. I have a particular love for this character as a middle-aged BL-watcher. Mitsuya has ten years on me, but he's still way closer to my age than most BL leads. I hadn't realized how much I wanted—maybe needed?—to see an older protagonist in a BL until I watched this series.
Of course, Yamazaki Masayoshi's performance, and his considerable personal charms, helped a great deal too. His approach to the role was so naturalistic that it seemed like important attributes of Mitsuya's, like his self-acceptance and vulnerability, must be things Yamazaki shares. Who knows, maybe he does. But conveying these things onscreen remains a matter of acting talent and the result is a joy to watch regardless.
There's a moment that really exemplifies this. Although I wasn't pleased that the show didn't include a kiss, there was a moment right when Ishida was about to kiss Mitsuya (before they were interrupted) that I absolutely adore. Ishida makes one last declaration of his feelings and asks if he can stay with Mitsuya, who assents and says, "Enough. I surrender." And he does. He doesn't turn into a "blushing maiden." He doesn't go all floppy (not that there's anything wrong with that). It's a different kind of surrender. When Ishida grasps his shoulders and moves closer, Mitsuya tilts his head a little, looks down, and gives a little shy smile. Then Ishida touches his face and he closes his eyes and lets his head fall further to the side and there's just this quality about him in that moment that is so soft and trusting and unhurried—vulnerability and confidence coinciding again, Mitsuya at his best—that evokes something sexier and more romantic than any number of BL kisses I've seen this year.
Hatano, Zettai BL 2024 (Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko)
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Regular readers may have noticed that I have a bit of a fixation on this character. I collaborated on a fansub largely because I wanted to see his scenes get translated. I wrote a four-part series of posts about him. Part of the reason for this is undoubtedly that he was played by one of my all-time blorbos, Sekoguchi Ryo. But Hatano also just stands out among the other Zettai BL characters. I mean, there's a reason the series of posts I wrote about him was called What's Different about Hatano. Of all Mob's suitors (and there are a lot of them), he's the only one besides Kikuchi who manages to get to know Mob and spend time with him. He's also the only one of Mob's suitors, period, who shows some awareness of Mob's other life as the main character of a show about living in BL World (albeit in an ambiguous way). And then there are all the other reasons why his approach to pursuing Mob and the way he's situated in relation to Mob make him unique...well, it's all in the posts.
Hatano's uniqueness in the Zettai BL-verse isn't the only thing I appreciate about him, though. At the end of the day, he just makes things happen and keeps things interesting. He pulls off the BL-within-a-BL storyline with aplomb. And I enjoy the way he has this icy, unflappable, unattainable persona with his peers but falls apart and turns into a flustered, agitated wreck around Mob.
Of course, I think Sekoguchi Ryo was wonderful in this role. A big part of playing Hatano is acting like you're in a dramatic scene when you're in a comedy, but sometimes a scene needs the level of deep commitment one would offer in a drama and sometimes it calls for something with a slight undercurrent of irony (without detracting from the genuineness of the character). Sekoguchi walks that line pretty much perfectly. He both sold me on Hatano's sincerity in funny scenes like the fantasy sequence where he responds to Mob's efforts to pawn him off on another teenager by curling up in his lap (!) and broke my heart in the fake angle kiss scene. But I wouldn't have expected any less.
Hayama Asami, 25 ji Akasaka de
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I have to admit, I went into 25 ji Akasaka de wanting and expecting to like Hayama. After all, he's played by Komagine Kiita, another favorite actor of mine. (Komagine and Sekoguchi Ryo starred together in Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger and their characters had a well-developed shippy relationship there, which has a lot to do with how much I like them both.) But I'm pretty sure I would have been fascinated with Hayama even without that bias. I love a good mid-series point-of-view revelation, and Hayama had a doozy of one. He ended up being one of the most psychologically complex characters I saw in BL this past year. I'm also a sucker for pining, and Hayama pines with the best of them. The episode 9 scene where Shirasaki hits on him with the pretense of needing acting help, forcing him to choose between pushing away the person he wants or being intimate with him in a way that's apparently meaningless, is a contender for the angstiest scene of the year. And I always enjoy when a character who's a huge pining, angst-y mess on the inside seems all cool and together on the outside (see above re: Hatano). With all this, it's no wonder I love Hayama. I don't think it's just my bias talking when I say I think Komagine knocked this performance out of the park. He impressed me immediately with his versatility, since Hayama is almost the complete opposite of his cinnamon-roll-on-speed character from Zenkaiger. He kept impressing me, after which the point-of-view switch episode was another step up. But it was the opening scene of episode 9 that really showed me what he was capable of. Komagine's performance was so subtle, immediate, and affecting that my respect for him went through the roof.
Shirasaki Yuki, 25 ji Akasaka de
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Yep, I'm including both leads from this series. That's just how strong the series as a whole is, in my view.
Shirasaki has gotten a bad rap at times. It's understandable—Hayama is a (justifiably) beloved character and Shirasaki puts him through the ringer. Personally, I think he did pretty well given where he was at the beginning of the series and the circumstances he found himself in—including a carefully devised misunderstanding plot that, as @ginnymoonbeam demonstrated in a post on the subject, was written in such a way that his conclusions about Hayama were reasonably well-founded and not just the result of insecurity gone wild or something even more senseless (as occurs in a lot of BLs that are written with less care). But even if you think Shirasaki is a dick, he's still an interesting, vividly-drawn character who's frequently relatable even as he makes choices viewers find frustrating.
One of the aspects of Hayama's point-of-view reveal that I enjoyed the most wasn't about Hayama himself, but the side of Shirasaki that Hayama is able to see more clearly. When Shirasaki's point of view dominates the story, he emphasizes his insecurity. But when Hayama's does, we can see that Shirasaki has a kind of deep conviction about things that can come out in the form of a strident confidence that helps to balance out his self-doubt and self-effacement.
I may be partial to Shirasaki for another reason. I'm going to preface this by saying that this is just my take on this, and a rather tentative one at that. But since it's a real factor in my feelings about Shirasaki, I think it's worth mentioning. I have some significant people in my life who have autism and I've been exploring whether I may belong in that category myself (combined with my already-diagnosed ADHD, just to make things extra complicated). At the very least, I have quite a few attributes in common with autistic folks. You can probably guess where I'm going with this. To me, Shirasaki seems pretty autism-coded. He has strong opinions, to the point where they could seem rather black-and-white, but another way of looking at this is that he has carefully considered his stance on things and once he forms his views, he sticks to his guns. He's really observant about people in some ways, but comes off (to neurotypical folks, at least) as dense in others. (Boy, does that ever sound familiar.) These ways of thinking, and the social weirdness that they can sometimes entail, are very relatable to me and not something I see represented in media all that often, even when characters seem to resemble autistic folks in other respects.
I still yell at the screen sometimes when Shirasaki makes mistakes in this show. But at the end of the day, I think he's a well-written and engaging character, and I have an abiding fondness for him.
I should mention that this character wouldn't be nearly as compelling if Niihara Taisuke hadn't done such a good work in this role. Shirasaki is sensitive as hell and not great at masking, so his face is an open book a lot of the time. Niihara does a great job of giving the audience something to read there.
5. Fukaya Kai, Perfect Propose
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Just as I went into 25 ji with an agenda to like Hayama, I went into Perfect Propose with an agenda to like Hirokuni. I loved Kaneko Shunya in Ultraman Trigger and was excited to see him in this role. And I did like Hiro very much, and I was impressed with Kaneko's portrayal. But what I wasn't expecting was how much I would like Kai.
Part of it is just that Kai is a type of person I don't see very often in BL specifically or media generally. He's a direct, forthright guy, but doesn't show a ton of affect in his face or his voice. Whereas a lot of BL lead characters are pretty neurotic, Kai generally doesn't waste much thought on things that aren't truly important to him. He doesn't always share what he's thinking and feeling, but he also doesn't beat around the bush. One of the most striking examples of this is the time he offers to jerk Hiro off to help with his insomnia, but he also shows this tendency in other ways that grab the viewer's attention a bit less. Kai does have his share of insecurities, even if he doesn't show them very often. But his abiding faith in Hiro and their potential to be good partners to each other is sincere. Being so direct and so steadfast means that Kai is remarkably trustworthy, something that Hiro eventually grows to understand.
So Kai doesn't resemble a lot of BL lead characters. But he does resemble real people I've known in my life. I think part of the reason for this may be subtle gender coding that comes into play in BL writing. It's not inherently feminine to express your emotions, of course, nor is there any contradiction between masculinity and emotional expression. But there are more stoic types of masculine presentations that we don't see portrayed in a sympathetic light in romance plots that often, and stoic masculine people can have a particular kind of charm.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Nomura Kota's performance in this role. It's really restrained in a way that actually seems like it would require a lot of effort, particularly when you see in promotional settings that Nomura is much more animated than his character. Not that he shows that effort onscreen—he just seems like Kai.
honorable mention
Tanaka Kazuhito, Living with Him/Kare no Iru Seikatsu
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In the end, this series didn't really do justice to this character or to Sato Ryuga's admirable performance in the role. It seems to have fallen victim to some adaptation pitfalls, from what I've heard. But when this show worked, Kazuhito was fascinating, complex, and endearing, and Sato brought him to life with a combination of restraint and subtle intensity that got stuck in my head between episodes.
characters whose shows I watched for the first time this year
Ai Di, Kiseki: Dear to Me
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What is left to say about this dude that hasn't already been said? He's one of the most highly concentrated characters ever to appear in a BL. If a typical BL lead were a glass of fountain soda, Ai Di would be yanking the tube out of the back of the machine and drinking straight syrup. And he wasn't even one of the leads! But he's not reliant on screen time. In a system full of gas giants, he's a little neutron star whose gravitational pull draws audience members' attention to him so strongly that his supporting character status becomes irrelevant. He's the littlest meow meow, the babiest girl, the most chaotic gremlin. A walking ball of trauma whose picture should be in textbooks next to the definition of disorganized attachment. And I haven't even gotten started on the outfits. I was a bit behind the zeitgeist when I watched Kiseki early this year, but I made up for lost time by getting an intense case of brainrot and engaging in some seriously excessive rewatching. Like so many other Kiseki appreciators, a big part of my interest in the show was driven by Ai Di.
It's impossible to talk about this character without acknowledging the seriously remarkable job Louis Chiang did in this part. I don't think Ai Di would have been nearly as fascinating if a different actor had played him. Chiang showed so many sides of Ai Di and every single one of them was so vivid and fascinating. That much-discussed intimate scene is his pièce de résistance, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure I'm not the only person who is watching with great interest to see what Chiang does next.
Sky, Love in the Air
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I didn't know what to expect going into Love in the Air, which is part of the reason I didn't watch it sooner. The second half of the series ended up blowing me away in a lot of respects. It has its issues, certainly. Sometimes the portrayal of Sky's trauma history and its present-day effects verges on being sensationalistic enough to feel exploitative, though it never crossed that line for me. But for the most part, I found that it resonated with my experience as a survivor of partner abuse and sexual violence to a remarkable degree.
Sky was written well, with a rare degree of understanding of interpersonal violence and the effects of trauma. But the character wouldn't have worked nearly as well if not for Peat's sensitive, nuanced performance. In a show with a lot of oversized characters, Peat wasn't afraid to dial things down in a way that ultimately made a bigger impression.
I'm going to be thinking about this one, and probably rewatching it, for a while!
character from a non-QL
Daichi, Ossan no Pantsu ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka!
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For the first part of Ossan no Pantsu, Daichi functions primarily as a way for Makoto to learn and become a better father, partner, and boss. For a while there, he's in danger of becoming the gay equivalent of a "magical Negro," albeit one so adorable and wise beyond his years that it's tempting to ignore the fact that he occupies such a role in the story. Then Daichi turns out to have his own challenges—significant but ultimately manageable problems that Makoto sometimes exacerbates, but eventually helps with, rendering their relationship less one-sided. But it's only in the final arc of the show that we see that Daichi has been carrying around a much more profound wound than was hinted at before that point—and now Makoto, thanks in part to Daichi's help, is able to provide real support as he copes with its effects.
This progression works well to support Makoto's journey through the story and then afford him an opportunity to prove how far he's come by returning the favor, but it never felt contrived to me. After all, I've run into my share of overfunctioning young people who have done an admirable job of making up for the support they didn't get from one or more of their parents and ended up with a lot of valuable perspective that belies how much unresolved hurt they're carrying around. It's a type of person one is more likely to run into in queer communities given the risk of parental rejection that comes with it, so it's no coincidence that Daichi fits that bill completely.
Nakajima Sota seems a bit green to me in this role, like he's still working through a little bit of stiffness. He's charming enough that I hardly noticed this while I was watching OnP, though, and he seems to show growth as an actor just through the course of the series. He's a great fit for the part regardless, bringing a degree of warmth and charismatic sparkle to it that helps to justify why a stubborn middle-aged man would put so much stock in the opinions of a college student.
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belindarimbi13 · 2 years ago
This interaction lives in my head rent-free
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kottaniq · 9 months ago
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What are they running from?
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zaenaris · 2 years ago
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We got a new image from Wakui, right  after Takemichi’s birthday!
The movie’s official account (@/revengers_movie) published it adversizing the upcoming premiere of the second part of the live action on June 30th.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 years ago
New image of Mitsuya from the movie account, looks like it's in theme with the Draken one from yesterday!
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hydranomago · 2 years ago
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Some day I shall rise and leave my friends And seek you again through the world’s far ends
[Bonus bts to soothe the angst] 
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 1 year ago
And this is the only physical fight scene, Rom and Crow not withstanding. Also the only time in any musical as far as this and the Fes 2017(and Bloody Labyrinth now that I've seen it) are concerned where the instruments are used as actual weapons.
Crow: Kosuke Yonehara
Aion: Teruma
Yaiba: Torigoe Yuki
Rom: Takigawa Eiji
Shu Zo: Ryo Mitsuya
Riku: Hashimoto Shohei
Kai: Tsukioka Koichi
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littleragondin · 2 months ago
Favorite QL Characters of 2024
I got tagged by @lurkingshan and @bengiyo thank you both! I have watched very few QL this year compared to what came out, finished even fewer, but I still got some lovely favorites ♡
Nomoto Yuki - Tsukuritai onna to tabetai onna
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I love the whole cast dearly, but Nomoto is one of my all time favorite ♡
Aoyagi Hajime - BL drama no shuen ni narimashita: crank up hen
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He started my year with a bang, and I am so excited to get him back!
Tae Myungha - Love for love's sake
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Not enough words for how hard i love him, truly.
Ishida Tomoya - Mitsuya sensei no keikakutekina ezuka
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Everyone in this show was wonderful, but I especially adored Ishida and his journey.
Shiba Ryoma - Doku koi: doku ko sugireba koi to naru
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#1 in the Best Plant Dad category.
Kurosawa Musashi - Ossan's Love Returns
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I have not yet seen the original series, but I loved him so much in this one! (Contender in the "wildest in law" category).
And two recent addition to the list!
Junior - Caged Again
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Like many, I do adore this sassy, fashion-forward little penguin.
Yang Zixiang - See your love
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I don't care if he is a bit cliché, i just find him too charmingly adorable to not put him on the list.
I am not sure who did it yet, so if you haven't and feel inclined i will tag @iguessitsjustme @heretherebedork @petrichoraline @fandomfairyuniverse @benkaben and @troubled-mind -☆
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airbendertendou · 1 year ago
POV : you have a crush on draken but he’s so painfully oblivious live action actors used instead of the anime!
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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liked by chifuyu, takemichi and 23 others!
baji : name fownd this in ur camra roll lmao
view all 14 comments
mikey : name why dont u take nice pics like this of me??? | baji : simple. ur ugly.
mitsuya : baji (: leave name alone (:
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liked by kazutora, chifuyu and 19 others!
name : *whispers* have a massive crush on this guy….
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baji : M SO TELLIFN | name : Do. Not.
hinata : double dates when??
mitsuya : what if he sees this…… | name : he still won’t get it (: | mitsuya : crying for you <3
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liked by hinata, draken and 67 others!
mikey : movie night!!
view all 32 comments
toman.member : have fun commander!
hinata : name scoot a lil closer (: | name : u hate me ):
toman.member : stay safe leader!
chifuyu : no invite ):
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liked by takemichi, mitsuya and 29 others!
name : ):
view all 17 comments
draken : wow ur down bad
chifuyu : embarrassing .
kazutora : the way he doesn’t evEN KNOW
baji : SIMP 🫵
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liked by mikey, baji and 34 others!
hinata : name
view all 27 comments
name : yeah ):
name : unfortunately they’re also super cute n i luv them )): | chifuyu : *him
draken : 🤔 | name : don’t think abt it too hard
love love love the live action expect me to write for it so much more <3
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
tagging @straysugzhpe for yuki content & @star2fishmeg for tokyorev content <3
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belindarimbi13 · 1 year ago
boyfriends pose ✌🏻✌🏻
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sh1nch1r0 · 8 months ago
𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖞 𝕭𝖔𝖞𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉
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Draken x Reader
Emma Sano she was ur Bully Back in Middle School,everything u did she criticised it.U were never enough for anything.She hated u and u hated her but the hate u two had reached its peak when u and her Crush started dating…
Request from: @luluprincess230lp 🩷🎀
„Thank you for the Plushie“u say and smile up at the Blonde.
„Oh..no problem“he says with a blush on his face.
„Are u free tomorrow Draken?“u ask him as u get off of his bike.
„Yes…but later in the evening i have a Gang meeting…we could meet at the Shire i showed u….oh but only if u want to“he was nervous and shy when speaking to you.
„I would love“u answere and u give Draken a Goodbye Kiss on the Cheek.
„Drive Save yes?“ u whisper as his Face was still in ur Hands.
„But only cause its u“he says quietly.
U could feel his gaze on your back as u walk into the House.
„Hey Kenny….where were you“ Mikey asks as Draken enters trough the Door of his room.
„Had a Date“he mumbels and sits on the couch.
„A Date with who??“a female voice asks and he turns around to see Emma.
„Shes from ur school“he says and looks away from her.
„Which class?“ Emma asks again.
„I think shes in the same class as you are“ he replies a bit annoyed.
„Ohh is it Yuki,the black haired girl…“she says
„No the girl has blonde hair“ her Question were annoying him slowly.
„Omg…don’t tell me its [Name]….“her Voice was filled with disgust all of a sudden.
„Why…do you fucking care Emma and if its her what is so wrong with me dating her“he did not understand Emma and he never will.
„Cause shes a Bitch,back in Highschool she bullied me…“Emma starts.
Later that evening u get a text from Draken saying that he wants to talk.
Draken:Hey we need to talk
You:Why is something wrong?
Draken:Just…let me inside and i will explain
You:Okay text me when ur there
And after a couple of Minutes u heard his Bile in ur Driveway.What the fuck was going on that he needed to talk to you so urgently.
U open the Door and he steps inside.
„Well so we meet again..“u say and look at him.
„Is it true that u bullied Emma…Emma Sano?“he asks his voice was shaking.
„What…No…i would…“u started but he cut u off.
„Cause she told me some things..and if u really“he stops for a second.
Emma Sano u wanted this Bitch dead,she was a lying,manipulative and evil Cunt.She bullied u in High School and even now everytime u make a mistake she calls u out and points out how stupid u are.
„Draken…she bullied me…i don’t know what she told you but she was my Bully i told u about when we both talked over our past…“u say and look into his eyes.
„So she was that…but why would she lie…?“ Draken says quietly and looks down at his feet.
„I mean we only know us a short time and i understand that u are on her side“Draken interruptes u.
„No i am on your side the things u told me and the tears u cried that night…no…i..i never expected Emma to be like that“he says in disbelief.
The evening was warm and u were at the Shrine where the gang always met.U saw Draken standing there and as he saw you the tall Blonde walked to you to hug you.As u both walked to Mikey,Mitsuya,Baji and Takemichi he rested his hand against ur back.
„Hey Y/N“Mikey greets u.
U all talk for a while and u snuggle a bit against Draken cause it was gettting a bit cold.
„Draken????…..“ a voice was heard from behind.
And as u turned around u saw Emma stamp there in disbelief.
„I…why….I told u what she did to ME“she yells.
„Emma…stop lying u bullied her she did not bully you“Draken says in a calm tone.
„No…thats not…true…Draken shes a Monster….“but her insults were of no use.
„Come on Emma cut it out“Mikey says from behind both of u.
„Emma…wtf do you want from us why are u lying to me and why are u trying to get me to hate her?“Draken says now with a louder tone.
„Answere ME EMMA“he then yells as she just stands there.
„Its not ur choice who i love,or who i should love…and i dont wanna date someone who bullies people cause idk of no reason“his words made Emmas heart shatter.
And as Draken looked at you and gave u a peck to ur forehead she just wanted to die at that moment.
It should be her at your place
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