#yukari fresh
epithalamia · 7 months
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onryou-onryou · 10 months
Japan's most nostalgic 90's music genre: SHIBUYA KEI - [a history of]
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kickerofelves · 1 year
If You Love Something, Set It Free — YUKARI FRESH
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feenixmork · 4 months
My contributions to one of the big canvases the Magia Record discord was hosting, I looove these sorts of big shared doodling boards, been a while since I got to join any
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occasionaltouhou · 10 months
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heartwarming: the person you've been waiting for for 7000 years is still Like That
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cherrie-flavors · 1 year
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"Alice In Wonderland" in progress :
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houndfaker · 11 months
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[walks out covered in blood] new p3 monster au design ref
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yuribracket · 2 years
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The gay red cures finally meet!
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deathfavor · 2 years
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Minato is almost finished with his final exam when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. Even without looking at it, a sense of unease starts to seep inside him. Anyone who would be texting him would already know what he was doing, or was doing the same thing themselves. Surreptitiously, he opens the phone and slides it just far enough out of his pocket to be able to read the screen.
His initial reaction to seeing that it’s Mitsuru who texted him is surprise– but as he thinks about why Mitsuru of all people would text while he was in the middle of a test, cold dread coats the inside of his stomach. His hand shakes a little as he opens the message. 
Come to the Student Council room once you’re finished with your exam. 
It has to be about Aragaki. There’s nothing else Mitsuru would consider important enough to warrant interrupting their studies. Minato swallows past the surge of chilly nausea in his throat. 
He looks up to find Yukari, Junpei, and Aigis all stealthily folding their phones closed. Clearly they’re all thinking the same thing– each of them looks just as apprehensive as he feels. 
Well, maybe not Aigis, though Minato thinks there is a certain tension in her expression that she didn’t used to show. 
“D-do you think it’ll be good news?” Yukari asks the instant class is dismissed, picking nervously at the nail polish on her thumb.
“Who knows…” Junpei sighs. “Man. I dunno if I’m ready for this right now.” 
“Mitsuru-san has asked for us,” Aigis says. “Therefore, we must go. Let us be off.”
Minato agrees with Junpei. He’s not ready for this at all. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be ready. 
But Aigis is right, so they walk together in a tight knot with her at the lead. Fuuka folds herself into their group as they pass her classroom.
Despite being the one to reassure them earlier, even Aigis hesitates outside of the Student Council room, and it’s ultimately Yukari who opens the door. Mitsuru is waiting for them inside.
Sanada is conspicuously absent. Minato isn’t sure if that’s a good or bad sign. 
What’s not a good sign is Mitsuru herself. Her makeup is as impeccable as ever, but Minato can see that her eyes are red and slightly puffy, like she’s been crying. 
“Kirijo-senpai…?” Fuuka asks, her voice tiny and trembling. 
Mitsuru manages to smile at them all, at least, though Minato still isn’t sure if that’s good or bad. 
“I’m glad you all made it,” she says. “I received a call from Akihiko, and I wanted to relay the news to you as soon as possible.” Mitsuru cuts herself off to swallow and take a steadying breath. The interruption only lasts about three seconds, but it turns out that a lot of horror can fit in that small span of time. “Aragaki regained consciousness this afternoon.”
The room is deathly quiet for a moment. Minato isn’t sure if he heard correctly. “He…?” 
“He’s awake?” Junpei finishes for him. 
“He is,” Mitsuru affirms, her eyes going glossy with fresh emotion.
Another moment of silence overtakes the room, but its character couldn’t be more different than the one that had come before. There’s a sharp intake of breath and a small, restrained warble, both from Fuuka– and then the dam breaks for all of them.
Fuuka covers her face with both hands and sobs so forcefully that it rattles her entire tiny frame. Yukari and Aigis immediately attach themselves to either side of her, each wrapping their arms around her shoulders so that she’s comfortingly squished between them. 
Yukari beams with relief so intense that it borders on delirium but she’s crying as well, her eyes silently overflowing. Aigis’ expression conveys mildly pleasant surprise at most, but her eyes are almost as luminescent as when she activates Orgia Mode, and she practically buzzes as multiple fans whirr to life throughout her body. Junpei nearly loses his balance and has to catch himself against the blackboard to stay upright, alternating between breathless laughter and cursing jubilantly under his breath.
Minato stands as still and rigid as a scarecrow; knees locked, ears ringing, head swimming with static.
Aragaki is awake.
He didn’t slowly peter out into a flatline drone. He didn’t disappear under a mass of tubes and wires as if those machines were slowly digesting him.
He’d won his fight. He’d made it back.
Like that night in the alley, Minato’s ears feel like they’re stuffed with cotton; but unlike then, now at least the world only seems muffled rather than fully muted. The discussion among his teammates about heading to visit Aragaki as a group sounds fuzzy and far away, but he can understand it.
“Amada will likely be back at the dorm by this time,” Mitsuru says. “Would any of you mind going to fetch him and accompanying him to the hospital?”
“I got you covered, Senpai!” Junpei offers a surprisingly crisp salute, given how he’s bouncing in place, shifting his weight back and forth between the ball of each foot. All of the energy that had seemed to have abandoned him since the last full moon has returned with the ease of flipping a lightswitch. “Hey Minato, you wanna come with?” 
It takes Minato a second to register what’s been said. Junpei so casually making an offer of something like that had been, until this exact moment, dead last as far as things he expected went. After all, they haven’t been on the best speaking terms– or any speaking terms, period– since…well. Since almost a week ago. The closest they’d come to socializing in that whole time had been during the dorm-wide study session on the night before midterms started. 
Having to study with that looming over his head, avoiding eye contact with pretty much everyone, hadn’t been easy, especially since that sort-of-fight had happened only a few hours prior. The fact that Minato is actually somewhat confident in his scores should be counted as a minor miracle. 
“Sure,” Minato says. Intends to say. What actually comes out of his mouth is a sound like a door hinge that desperately needs oiling. He follows up with a nod to make sure to get his point across.
“Thank you both.” Mitsuru inclines her head at them. “We’ll all meet you there.” 
The girls decide to take an extra minute or two to help Fuuka to calm herself down, so Junpei pulls Minato out to get a head start. 
Minato isn’t quite sure why Junpei asked for his company. Even though Amada is an independent kid and doesn’t normally need an escort, he can see the logic in not wanting him to have to make this particular trip alone. But why request Minato specifically? 
“Hey, uh– sorry man.” Junpei finally speaks up once they’re only a few blocks from the dorm. “Didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that. I just, well– I figured you might need a minute to psych yourself up or something. Or to think of an out if you’re really not up for being in the hospital, y’know?” 
That…was actually really nice. 
Minato is pretty sure that Junpei still doesn’t fully get it– he seems to be under the impression that Minato’s issues are just with hospitals in general. But despite that, and despite how angry he’d been at the idea that Minato had avoided visiting Aragaki out of callousness rather than cowardice, he still went out of his way to try and offer him an escape route.
“Maybe we could say Koromaru went running off and you had to chase him? But I guess everybody knows Koromaru would never do that, so maybe not… Or we could–”
A ghost of a smile makes its way onto Minato’s face. “It’s fine,” he cuts in as they cross the last street between them and the dorm. 
Junpei blinks at him, confused. “Huh?” 
“Aragaki-senpai’s awake now,” Minato continues. “So it’s fine. But thanks.”
He doesn’t elaborate, and he’s grateful when Junpei seems to know better than to push.
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kotoneshiomiofficial · 6 months
It's been a while since I've shared my thoughts about Kotone so I figure its time for a refresh. My interpretation of her has changed over the years so I think I should start fresh.
At the cores of both protagonists, there is a need to keep others at an emotional distance for fear of being hurt by them. I believe this is because of their upbringing, losing both parents and then being passed around several different foster families over the years. We can infer from this that the parents were unfit to care for them, or some similar situation. And so, they subconsciously developed this maladaptive coping mechanism and applied it to all aspects of their lives.
The main difference between Minato and Kotone is how they express it; Minato is apathetic, keeps others away by mostly foregoing social connections, and tries his best to feel nothing at all. On the other hand, Kotone still desires social connection, but can't bring herself to be vulnerable, so she surpresses most of her emotions to only present herself at her 'best'. She always smiles, is always kind, and seems to have endless patience. But by bottling up the rest of her feelings, no one else can get close. There's nothing to grab onto; she can help you, but she doesn't give you the chance to help her even if she really needs it.
I think this informs a lot of her early game social links. Notice how many of them are essentially her standing there being talked to and she only either offers her help or tells someone what they want to hear. (This is most obvious with Hidetoshi's social link) And that's not necessarily a bad thing! But it can become an issue when it turns into a failure to communicate (which it does of course). She very rarely says anything about herself, as though she thinks it wrong to do so, as if she's being selfish or self-centered. It's probably what she tells herself so she doesn't have to contend with her unhealthy habits (yet).
As the game goes on, her ability as a leader improves and the party grows, and along with it the burden of leadership. Eventually saving the whole damn world is on her shoulders. And while she does forge strong relationships with those around her, they're mostly based on helping her friends through tough times, and she never asks anything of them.
She never talks to Yukari about her parents despite the fact they started hanging out because they related to each other about absent parents! She never talks to Mitsuru about the stress that comes with leadership even though she would sympathize completely and would absolutely offer Kotone advice! Because she would need to put down the mask and ask for help, open up and be emotionally honest, which terrifies her.
I think for Kotone to awaken her evolved persona, she would need to break down her walls and reach out for help, as she's done for all her friends. She needs to trust them with how she feels and put faith in them to stay by her side after revealing she's not handing her issues nearly as well as she's lead them to believe.
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More Touhou Incorrect Quotes Shenanigans.
First post can be found here.
I found a bit of a backlog of some I had before I was on Tumblr, these ones are in varying degrees of canonicity Though some are fresh).
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Sannyo's been decently popular. I like her, but she's a pain to get past in UM.
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Yeah, that's light reading for Patche.
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I don't think this is exactly canon, but it's hilarious nonetheless.
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I feel like Biten would kinda do this.
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Not exactly canon, but funny to me nonetheless.
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I can see this.
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Even Kanako fears Satori's mind reading.
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Would possibly be a canon interaction.
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Ringo learned about tabletop RPG's.
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This works for Suika too, but Yukari's funnier in this scenario.
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The ocean is a soup.
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Not calling this canon, but it's goddamn hilarious.
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Flan being Flan.
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She knows where her blood is.
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I think this'd be somewhat canon.
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Yeah I think this fits canonically, even more so talking to Yuuma.
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Flan just goes crazy.
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That is so Cirno.
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Marisa would do that, but not to make breakfast for someone.
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Yukari has had some weird ideas.
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This definitely sounds like Flan.
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A misunderstanding of how the sizes work.
That's about all I had, lmao.
Third one will deffo be here, this is too much fun.
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Yukari came bounding down the road, or at least tried too. Getting winded and out of breath halfway before reaching Helen. The fat mages body jiggling, her belly lightly slapping her meaty thighs as she huffed. Crumbles from leftover cake and cookies still fresh on her lips as she threw her arms around her. Catching her breath for a second, her doughy frame squishing into the others as she smiled. "Oh, spring is lovely isn't it?" She asked. "I found the little treats you left. I um...couldn't help myself though." She said, pouting slightly.
Helen was doing her best to enjoy the warmer weather as she looked through the market, trying to find a proper gift for her lover. It had been a year since the two of them had met and she wanted to surprise her with something big. She was about to reach a sweets shop when she heard the thumping coming from behind her. Before she could even react she was suddenly smothered by the massive woman pushing herself into her, the green haired girl blushing profusely as she chuckled.
"Heh I can see that babe. I'm surprised you managed to run all the way here to find me, figured you would be stuck in bed today after out little anniversary feast last night."
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gensokyogains · 13 days
8.Malabar Gum-My or your muse is growing due to someone blowing a bubble nearby. — Yukari blowing the gum for someone else~
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"Mmmh... mmmh... mmmh?"
Looking up as she sat on the end of the porch, chewing her gum, the rotund woman had the light blocked from her view. Smiling as Reimu loomed over her, she stopped her chewing.
"Dearest Reimu, is something the matter? You seem bothered."
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"You're bending my front steps."
Kicking out her foot against Yukari, bouncing it into the Youkai's blubbery hip, the shrine maiden frowned. Pouting, Yukari shook her head.
"Reimu, I purposefully lowered my weight to a measly 800 pounds, I doubt your porch will give out anytime soon."
Ignoring Reimu as she continued to complain at her, Yukari pursed her lips. Finished chewing her gum, the youkai took a deep breath through her nose and started to blow. A bright pink bubble formed, slowly expanding as she gave it more air. Though Yukari's eyes weren't focused on that.
Instead, she was much more pleased to watch as Reimu clammed up, caring far less about Yukari's weight and more about her own as her belly started to expand. It matched the pace of Yukari's bubble, growing as round as Reimu's head by the time the bubble was that big.
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"S-Stop it! Whatever you're doing, stop it!"
Yukari only replied by blowing harder, the already massive bubble getting larger. Now it was matching Yukari's tubby torso in size, the sounds of gum stretching matched by the fraying of fabric as Reimu's robes ripped apart. Falling onto her fat butt, she winced as she wobbled, her belly filling her lap. Tubby arms reached out, clumsy with fresh fat as they sagged down against her sides, but she was getting too big.
As big as Yukari was, Reimu's eyes widened as she watched Yukari tilt her head back. Taking another deep breath through her nose, she could only stare as the blonde blew even harder. The bubble was bigger than the person it came from now, and Reimu's flabby face had to watch in shock as her own figure kept growing. Wide hips weighed down on the floorboards of her porch, a butt bigger than the entire entryway bending it downwards. Well over half a ton, Reimu jiggled, flailing, trying to keep her balance before
Falling backwards, her fat ass breaking through the porch, the blob that was Reimu fell through the wood. Landing on her back, belly rising up as high as she was tall, the whale of a woman groaned as she flopped back in a heap.
Cleaning her mouth with a napkin from the popped bubble, Yukari smiled down, lightly patting Reimu's belly.
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"That's how big you'd have to be to break the porch, dear~"
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nero-vanderwolf · 2 months
November 27, 2009
“I’m getting really worried about Junpei-kun. I haven’t seen him all week,” Fuuka said, breaking the heavy silence that had settled over everyone in the lounge.
Kotone couldn’t help the wince that came over her face. It was true that they had all been thinking the same thing, but Fuuka was the only one who dared voice it.
“I mean, I can’t really blame him. Chidori was precious to him...” Yukari mumbled, setting her magazine down on her lap.
“I’m gonna go check on him. Even if he’s okay... I’m still worried about him,” Kotone said, getting to her feet. Ken shifted the board game pieces so she wouldn’t knock them over as she stood up.
As she left, she heard Fuuka and Yukari discussing making him something to cheer him up.
She found him on the second floor, sitting in a chair and staring at the wall. Completely still and silent.
“Junpei, won’t you come downstairs? Ken and I are playing Sugoroku,” she asked, walking up behind him. He stirred, as though she had woken him up from a waking dream.
“Hm? Oh, uh... No thanks. Sorry- I shouldn’t be such a drag about Chidori, huh...?” He mumbled.
When Kotone looked at him, he looked terrible. His eyes were darkly circled and puffy, and his cheeks were rosy and tear-stained.
“...Junpei, look at me,” she said, standing in front of him and seizing his shoulders. It pained her to see her friend this way, but she needed him to know he could take as much time as he needed. None of them minded.
He looked at her after a moment. He looked like a dead man walking, with empty eyes devoid of spark.
“You let Akihiko and Ken grieve Shinji, right? He’s alive, and they still mourned, and you still gave them time. Right?”
He nodded slowly. Good.
“So why should you be any different? You held her dear to you, and she traded her life for yours. That’s not something to be taken lightly, or joked about. You’re allowed to grieve, Junpei, and if you don’t give yourself the time to process and mourn, I’m gonna kick your ass.”
Junpei’s eyes welled with fresh tears, and he pulled her close. She let him, wrapping her arms around his back. He shook under her touch.
“Kotone....” He mumbled, voice as tremulous as his shoulders as he sobbed into her shoulder.
“I’m making dinner for you tomorrow. Don’t try to argue,” she said. He hesitated for a moment before nodding.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be-”
“If you call yourself a bother, I’m gonna pick you up and carry to bed and tuck you in so good you forget all about that word. Got it?” She threatened, and it got the intended result- he laughed weakly, pulling away to rub at his eyes.
She cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears away with her thumbs. When she was done, she didn’t move her hands.
“We love you, Junpei Iori. It isn’t just your life anymore, so... Take care of both of them, yeah?”
Junpei nodded, a small smile on his lips.
“Yeah. Thanks. I love you too, Kotone Shiomi.”
She pressed their foreheads together, and for just a moment, everything was okay.
YESSSSS JUNPEI GETTING THE COMFORT HE DESERVES!!!! gosh i love aggressive comfort. like SHUT UP AND LET ME TUCK YOU IN WITH WARM MILK AND A BLANKIE. junpei honey you're allowed to grieve you dont have to put on a brave face and suck it up just so you dont seem like a coward. it isnt bad to grieve. so just grieve and know that you're not a burden.
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content-paparazzi · 1 month
yea okay i did it again
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yukari is 19-20 years old by the time osomatsu-san takes place. besides being shinnosuke moritsune's younger sister, she's a fresh-faced college student trying to make it big as an artist, possibly becoming a mangaka like akatsuka-sensei himself.
well. here she is. shinnosuke's sister, the one i mentioned in their post. i'm gonna be honest, i haven't really written much lore for her, as she's mostly there to provide more backstory for moritsune. maybe i'll think of more stuff i could do for her, but here she is as she currently stands.
(infodump below the cut. cw for familial death)
for the sake of minimizing confusion, i'll refer to yukari by her first name and moritsune by his.
yukari and her sibling were always close as kids. when their parents weren't around or were busy with work, it was almost always shinnosuke who was in charge of the house. of course, they were only a kid by then, but it's not like there was anyone else to take care of her, even though yukari was 14 and didn't need to be looked after anymore, but the role naturally fell into shinnosuke's lap anyway. it'd been a role they'd played since yukari was born.
yukari's family wasn't very affectionate when she was growing up, either, but it was clear they loved her enough that her safety was of utmost priority. if there was a hiccup in any member of the family's plans, it was usually because of her, even if she didn't really get it.
then, on what seemed like a normal night, their dad... fell. he was on his stomach in the kitchen, the sink still running, his heart not beating... the next thing yukari remembered was her sibling running to him, turning him over on his side... before looking back at her.
"yukari, go back to your room."
after that? yukari doesn't think about it that much.
she moved in with her mother shortly thereafter, transferring schools. luckily, shinnosuke was legally an adult, although just barely, and moved out as well. although... she hasn't seen him in a while. maybe she'll see him again once she finishes college.
where is the university located? akatsuka ward! it's a nice place, even if some of its residents seem a little eccentric... no worries, though! it's said a lot of mangaka come here to hone their skills, and art seems like a decent career to pursue!
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