#yugioh character cameos
shironezuninja · 1 month
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Lethargy sets in when I have to do something that requires boring paperwork. The annual routine just happens to be a month later this year, and I’m feeling contentious as Hell.
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valkyrieofblue · 2 years
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I really love the change of outfits, but mostly how Seto now wears the necklace openly.
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soaringonblackwings · 5 months
Title: Wind Underneath Your Wings
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's
Chapters: 2/5
External: AO3 / FF.net / SquidgeWorld
Summary: It's time for the WRPG and unfortunately Crow has an accident that puts him on the bench. With a broken shoulder he spends his free time coaching a team of girls at the local community center.
A re-write of the team Catastrophe duel. Also giving Crow a B-plot that connects to him becoming a coach in the epilogue.
Crow got an early start getting ready for his day at the community center. Looking at the info board today is the second half of round one of the Little League Grand Prix. It will be a busy day today. He signed in and was greeted by Ryoko in the office.
“Hello Crow. I did not think I would be seeing you again so soon.” She said. “Yesterday you seemed unsure of yourself.”
“I am completely sure of my decision,” Crow firmly shook his head. “Now, who am I coaching?”
“You will help out anyone who needs it.” Ryoko hands him a tag with the word ‘coach’ on it. “No one knows about you yet except my sisters. Hopefully, that will change in the future. For now you can just keep an eye on things and enjoy the tournament.”
Crow was left to his own devices as Ryoko had to take care of things. Crow went to the miscellaneous room to clean up there. He was doing odd jobs for the day. In the meantime he met Ryoko’s sisters, the other managers of the community center: Jade and Muckraker. Soon the contestants of the tournament pooled into the building.
Crow would watch the duels when on his downtime.
“I can’t believe they are letting criminals on the property.” A boy said from beside Crow. He was no older than eight or nine saying words with such disgust. “My parents will hear about this. Having a criminal around will only make people feel unsafe.”
This kid had a lot of mouth. A white button up shirt with suspenders attached to black dress pants. No matter how you look at it this kid came from money.
“Ha ha ha! He is doing volunteer hours for a crime!” The loudmouth next in the lineup laughed. He was wearing a white button up that had ruffles on the wrist and collar. He had on black jeans.
The third friend was disinterested in everything and everyone around him. He had on a puffer jacket and black sweatpants.
“Xitto, Phovi, and Taxus! Lay off!” On Crow’s other side a girl spoke up. She had pale skin and red hair being held back by a multicolored headband. She was wearing a short cream-colored t-shirt with a striped pink and red skirt, long black tights, and brown shoes, and has a blue bracelet on her left arm. “He is the new coach. He matches Ms. Ryoko’s description. He has not done anything wrong so let him enjoy the competition.”
“Humph. No matter, my parents will have him fired by morning.” The kid name Xitto stuck his nose in the air and walked away with his two friends.
Crow had never delt with such impudent children before.
“Do not mind him. He is the typical bratty rich kid.” The next girl said. She had light-brown skin with blue eyes and puffy burgundy hair arranged in two bunches on each side of her head. She is wearing a white shirt under a dark pink vest dress. “My name is Amanda.”
“I am Allie.” The red head girl introduces herself. She turns and points to another girl beyond Amanda. “She is Guu. She is not much of a talker.”
Guu nodded. She had deep dark skin and stormy grey eyes. Her cloudy pink hair was done up in one into a single puff. She is wearing a dress that has various star patterns on it. Crow noted that all three girls had a duel disk on their arms.
“We have a question um….” Allie says.
“Crow. Call me Crow.” He said.
“I have a question about a card. Let us go to the miscellaneous room.” Allie said.
The three girls all run off before Crow ask if they had a match. He did not want them to miss their turn. Or they already fought and there was no reason to worry.
In the miscellaneous room the girls showed him the card they had a question on. They wanted to know if it could have been activated during the opponents turn. Crow read the text and it did say ‘once per turn.’ It turned into a whole thing of explaining effects and cards that can be explained during both players turns and ones that could only be activated during the player’s turns.
"See I told you it could have been activated on the opponent’s turn." Allie looks at Guu, who shrunk in on herself. All Guu did was nod in agreement.
“Hey, lets not get carried away now.” Crow said trying to dispel in antagonism amongst the group before it got out of control.
“But she almost cost us the game.” Allie says.
“Look I know you want to win but what does it matter if you are going to are gonna hurt your friend in the process. You are all inexperienced and you should use that inexperience to help each other grow.” Crow walked over to Guu to return her card. “Guu, was it? Now that you know more about the card more strategies are open for you.”
Guu nods putting the card back in her deck.
“You didn’t know how your cards worked at one point.” Amanda said. “So don’t be too hard on Guu.”
Allie reflects on her actions and words. “You are right. I am sorry Guu.”
Guu nods and both girls hug.
“I-I’ll do better in round two….” Guu says.
“I will too.” Amanda chimes in.
Allie wraps her arms around here friends. “I will too! I will have a better attitude then too.”
Crow smiled and saw them off. He was definitely going to have his hands full with these three.
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one-idea · 10 months
I was interested in your “dream-stealer” devil fruit power idea! What would be the thing that stops is tho? The power of friendship lol
I know it won’t be easy to give the dream back. But what would your solution be?
“The power of friendship.” Téa from yugioh will haunt us all for years I swear.
I’m still figuring out the specifics of the fruit. I think the dreams would have to be stored somewhere. Else the only solution is death but you can’t guarantee that would undo the devil fruit’s work, it’s never worked that way for any other fruit to have their damage or effect magically reversed after the user passes.
So they have to be stored is a way. I kind of like the idea of floating bubbles. Not only because it calls back to the old comic thought/dream bubble but because they could be stylized so that each bubble is its own little dream world in it. If you look in the bubble you see what the persons dream looks like once it’s fulfilled. Or at least how they dream it will look.
So if Nami’s dream got stolen you’d see a complete map of the world completed in her hand writing. (Probable a lot of gold to)
Or if Sanji’s dream got stolen you’d see him cooking in a restaurant at the all blue. He’d probably be cooking for all of the crew, Zeff, and all of the beautiful women then met along the way. (It makes for a great way to cameo Vivi and other characters. This could also be used as a fun gag with the male strawhats being farther back, or could be really sweet showcasing all the strawhats together as it shows how much Sanji values his crew members)
But their dreams didn’t get stolen Luffy’s did. I can only picture Luffy’s vision of being pirate king as reaching the last island with all of his crew. The joy on all of their faces. Maybe Shanks is there wearing the famed strawhat as Luffy has returned it. Maybe Sabo is there cheering him on. Maybe because it’s a dream Ace is there. But regardless of anyone else. It is him and his crew celebrating together. Looking forward to the next adventure. Be that exploring the world (helping Nami’s map and Franky’s dream) or going on to accomplish one of the other crews dreams.
But as far as getting it back I think they would have to return the bubble in tact to Luffy. They can’t pop it. Dreams can be fragile things. If the dream breaks it cannot be returned.
This adds an extra layer of stress because the Strawhats don’t know this rule. Heck they don’t know what this persons devil fruit is. All they know is that Luffy pushed one of them out of the way and collapsed from one hit. When he woke up he gave up. He doesn’t want to go after this person and he doesn’t believe in his dream any more.
Maybe they try to confront the dream stealer head on. That’s when the user informs them of exactly what their fruit does. It steals dreams/ambitions and gives them power (I don’t know if this power is just greater speed and strength or if they can used the powers of the people whose dreams they stole)
They engage in a fight because they want Luffy’s dream back and Zoro cuts through one of the dream bubbles. Thinking if these are the things giving the user power he can just take their strength. Or maybe he’s thinking that’s how you free the trapped dreams. Maybe he’s thinking both maybe he’s not thinking at all. But he does it.
Only for the user to laugh at him. He just destroyed someone’s dream forever. Shattered it on impacted. And for one heart stopping moment. He and the crew fear that was Luffy’s dream. But no, the user is keeping that one close.
This means the crew has to find way to get the dream away from this person without damaging it. It also creates a tension because the user can pop the dream bubble at any moment. It would be a massive lose of power for them so they won’t do it but again the crew doesn’t know that.
I don’t know if Luffy’s lack of ambition will carry over to his feelings about his friends dreams. Does he lose all of his conviction for his own dream but still believe in theirs? Or does he not believe in anything?
Just imagining Zoro realizing Luffy’s given up on being the king of the pirates. Listening to his captain repeat all the reasons everyone’s told them their whole journey it’s not possible. He’s to young, it’s not real, there are stronger people, etc. and looking at his Captain the only person with ambitions greater then his own and try to snap him out of it. “if you’re not going to be the king of the pirates then I need to leave this crew, I’m still going to be the world’s greatest swordsman.” He doesn’t mean it, not fully. If Luffy truly gave up then they need to separate (no matter how much it would hurt, he needs to keep moving towards his dream) but he knows Luffy would never give up just like he’d never let one of them walk away. He’s expecting Luffy to snap out of it, but instead he gets Luffy looking at him with such a blank look asking why he thinks he of all people can become the world’s greatest swords man. And just like that the crew knows that it’s not just his dream Luffy’s given up on, but all of their’s, he doesn’t believe in any of them anymore.
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humunanunga · 2 years
So now that I’m in a perpetual state of introducing friends to Yu-Gi-Oh, I’m gonna make another post to send all y’all. A lot of this will be a cleaned-up copypaste from a Discord dm, but to start with, if you’re reading this, chances are you grew up with the dub. But forget everything you know about Yu-Gi-Oh from the dub, it was cut and redacted and retconned to be Less Japanese, Less Dangerous, Less Emotional, More Comical/Theatrical and More “Family-Friendly.” They also replaced the entire perfectly-good-very-moving soundtrack to sound More Egyptian, and they cut out a lot of Yugi’s relationship with “Other Me” to be... not as... affectionate.
But if I’m sending you this, I probably already sent you the other post. It’s still pinned when I’m posting this one, so here I’ll just move on to continuity.
Chronologically, the early manga pre-dated the TCG, following more of a featured-game-or-sport-or-toy-of-the-day format, with The Card Game being just another one of them. Back then, it was a lot more feral, being more exclusively a horror series about getting supernatural retribution on bullies, abusers and criminal assailants. This manga got an anime adaptation by Toei widely called season zero, in which Magic & Wizards was renamed Duel Monsters and picked up enough popularity that the author (Takahashi Kazuki) was encouraged to polish the rest of the series to revolve more around it, securing the franchise’s success.
Which finally brings us to the subsequent TCG-era anime adaptation Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters produced by Konami. This one follows a separate timeline from season zero and would redact characters/events (save for homages here and there), give all the main cast some subtle redesigns (minus Nosaka Miho, who was cut out completely), make the Dark Yugi more ghostly than demonic, and tone down some of the violence but not censor it completely. This is the one that would then get heavily “adapted” by 4kidz for younger-than-intended audiences to watch.
...And then, presumably fitting between seasons three and four, 4kidz commissioned the Pyramid of Light movie and the short spin-off Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters, the latter of which may or may not have written a continuity error into the backstory of another major character who was known for operating mostly behind the scenes, and whom was already getting more reveals in the very next canon season. This may be why it didn’t get localized back in Japan while the Pyramid of Light did, making it a 4kidz-exclusive canon.
“I didn’t realize how many canon-branches there were in YGO!”
Oh, but there’s more!
The fourth season is a filler arc (but it’s unironically my favorite, idc) and widely considered contradictory to earlier and later Duel Monsters lore, but I’d argue that there are ways for both to be true. This arc is also exclusively canon to the anime because in manga-canon, Pegasus J. Crawford was actually Killed Off at the end of the first season. In the anime’s fourth season, he’s involved in the plot again. He also makes a few cameos in GX, but only the first series is actually by the original author, just as with the dothack franchise.
And while that arc corresponds with the anime-exclusive continuity in which Pegasus wasn’t killed off, the manga also got a spin-off dubcanon arc by Ito Akira, called YuGiOh! R, and that one corresponds with the manga-exclusive canon in which Pegasus was killed off.
The fifth and final arc, meanwhile, never got the chance it needed to tie everything together in the way the author would have wanted to. At the time, he was recovering from Almost Dying of Blood Loss, from a Stress Ulcer, which production wouldn’t stop pressuring him to work through, so he wasn’t at mental or physical capacity to continue when he did and was in a rush to conclude the series just to take the break he needed. He’d been stated as having a poor recollection of what he was writing or drawing at the time, and also having a lot of regret over how it turned out. So anyone invested in YGO understands that the final arc needs to be treated as dubcanon too.
Bonds Beyond Time is a movie crossover with the later two series, GX and 5D’s, and that one’s also dubcanon cuz it’s unclear when in Yugi’s or Judai’s timelines they were plucked for this. It’s mostly just there as a nice feel-good movie with the level of art quality fans all envisioned to be uniform for the series.
The epilogue movie, the Dark Side of Dimensions, also follows the anime timeline; but that’s only confirmed by virtue of also acting as a teaser for the game. Duel Links involves multiverse shenanigans (as you do) to cross over all the YGOs, including later series set in AUs and a timeline representing manga canon.
YGO!GX technically follows anime-canon as well, since Pegasus is still alive, and none of the other subsequent series canonically descend from the season zero timeline either.
Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole is perpetually suspended in a quantum state of dubcanon, but season zero (the Toei series) and Duel Monsters (the Konami series) are as canon as YGO gets, and all other subsequent series effectively teeter further into dubcanon.
YGO exists as a concept.
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chibelial · 5 months
Debating on my next Elden Ring Build, please gimme your thoughts!
Under the cut I’ll describe builds I already have, and please in the notes talk about your own builds!
Alright I’ve got a few characters, 2 of which have been rebirthed into a new character/build. Here they are, in the order I made them
1. Veteran Blood Priest - Aegon: this being my first character, it went under a few revisions. I don’t remember exactly what build I was trying to run with initially, but as soon as I defeated Mohg and got the Sacred Spear; everything had to change. I love this weapon, it’s probably my favorite in the game. I revamped my character immediately into a wall of armor and poise, every stat that wasn’t put into stamina for that express purpose was poured into Arcane for max damage. With the Veterans armor and the bullgoat talisman, I could almost always activate the weapon art uninterrupted, and it would even melt bosses who can’t bleed. I went into NG+ and finished near every boss in maybe 12-15 hours and I take these playthroughs SLOW, the trident was just that strong, especially its weapon art. However I leveled this guy to like 170 or 180 and after that I realized you generally wanna stop anywhere between the 90s and the 140s, so I really don’t play him anymore, hence why I have bleed characters and a trident build on my list lol, I’d like to make one within decent leveling parameters. Also, this guy got the Frenzy ending. I found the 3 fingers by accident on my first playthrough and got the most vile ending.
2. Black Flame Knight - Bakura: Night’s Cavalry Armor and all the black flame incantations, maxed out godskin seal and godskin peeler. With Shard of Alexander and some other fire damage buffs, nothing melts bosses faster and more consistently than the black flame tornado, and all the spells are just insanely strong. People who say Intelligence/Dexterity builds are playing in easy mode may not be wrong, but I’d wager the game is almost as easy when you run a proper black flame set up.
Initially this guy was gonna be a death sorcerer, the name Bakura was a Yugioh reference to Bakura who always used occult themed cards and quite famously had destiny board, which I was supplementing as the rancor spells. Like 2/3 way through the game the build was trash. I just didn’t do it right cuz my brother has built a phenomenal death rite sorcerer. Ended up rebirthing and doing a black flame build. Haven’t renamed him yet but I probably will give him something more suiting.
3. Ranni’s Consort Eternal - Asmodeus: This was meant to be a conglomerate of all the “night” themed magic stuff I could use, and ofc this character did ranni’s ending. I used the zweidander with a magic, and later a frost weapon art, for most of the playthrough, to get myself ready for the Darkmoon Sword. Tried out Blaidd’s as well and loved it, but stuck w the darkmoon for immersion. Sorceries were a mix of night and gravity sorceries. I think I threw in 1 or 2 frost ones near the end just to prock the status more often.
4. Perfumer/Status Build - Carl Weezer: my brother and I were doing Carl weezer (from the show Jimmy Neutron for those unaware) and one night when I was stumped on what to do w a new character, I was like fuck it let’s make Carl. So I used the Godskin Noble armor, with the Albinauric mask, and I specifically made use of breathe and scream attacks. Using talismans to boost those and the perfume items, Carl was a VERY gimmicky tarnished. If you’re confused as to why the scream, breathe, and perfume attacks, it was simple. Carl is always defined by his failing health and his asthma so we decided, the perfume items were his inhalers and the breathe attacks kinda fit too. Scream attacks were based on the fantastic 4 / X-Men episode where his powers are burp based. Sorry to offend asthmatics but I had very little to work with. Carl ended up being such a mess that I rebirthed him with rennala and turned him into the next character I’ll list -
5. Beast Champion: This guy had Bernhal’s full set of armor, except of the head which was the Blaidd mask. Maim focus was just damage with the Beast Claw Hammer, but I ran the claw mark seal and all the beast incantations as well, along with a couple crucible spells. Ran a Cinquedea as well for a speedy option during pvp. I tried to use physical buff items and spells as often as possible to make up for the fact that this build was pure physicality, no damage dealing items weapons or skills unless they dealt physical
6. Lord of Frenzied Flame - Tenebrae: My magnum opus. This tarnished is the best in pvp of any of my builds, and aesthetically he’s so perfect. He’s a balance between faith and arcane, and I have the dragon communion seal in 1 hand and the frenzy in the other. I wear Eleanora’s gauntlets and have the Frenzy seal in the gold hand, and the communion seal in the red dragon scaled hand. I usually cast with the frenzy seal for the buff but in pvp the communion seal builds frenzy super easy on other players. With the gauntlets I just have Morgott’s Robe and the Merchants Headpiece, the headpiece is obv a reference to where the three fingers are found as well as Kalé’s cut questline. I thought morgott’s robe looked so raggedy and worn, it was perfect, plus what a mocking gesture to the golden order and the greater will than to be clad in the robe of Leyndell’s last king. It also was the only piece I could think of that kinda suited the giant flaming head you get during the end cutscene, thing has the watermelon for head size like SpongeBob’s sweater of tears. Ofc I was also running Vykes spear with this guy, but he was mostly a caster.
7. Blood Knight - Belial: I basically wanted to make a bleed character who was super fast instead of super slow and tanky, unfortunately I chose to use Eleanora’s poleblade instead of katanas or reduvia or something. It’s such a cool weapon but I was struggling a bit at the endgame, so I rebirthed this guy to use the trident again, but with a light roll. He’s currently got Mohg’s robe and I switch the other armor around here and there. I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing with this tarnished he hasn’t finished the game. Maybe the dlc will give us a twinmace and I can turn him into Ultraman Belial. I think I may just NG+ him into one of the guilds on the poll.
8. Adherent of Rot - Icky Vicky: this character focuses on inflicting rot and poison on strong enemies, while quickly cutting away HP with powerstanced daggers and consecutive damage boosting talismans. Right now she mainly uses 2 scorpion stingers and swaps 1 for reduvia at times. Haven’t NG+ yet but someone gave me a 2nd stinger. I’d like to get a 2nd Antspur rapier, with a poison weapon art both weapons could build rot and poison simultaneously. Character also wears Malenia’s gear with the mushroom crown. I use perfume items a lot and the poison and rot pots.
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I hate being negative about Yugioh
You might not believe me, but it’s true. It drains me to constantly talk about the negative, to constantly bitch about a silly card game show that I enjoy because of how silly and nonsensical it is, to be mean to a show that I’ve been using as my escape from my stress for over two years now.
But... Go Rush is losing me.
The more it goes on, the less I like it. And this is coming from someone who loves Sevens, I love every Yugioh series but Sevens is in the top half of my list. That does not mean I want Go Rush to constantly reference it to the point where, as of episode 62, it can’t even be properly enjoyed without knowledge of Sevens.
(Specific spoilers below the cut)
Seriously, if you watched the episode and haven’t seen Sevens, what did this scene even do for you?
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As a fan of Sevens, it did nothing for me. It was almost a sweet scene but it’s completely out of place. It doesn’t further the story of Sevens at all, it just shows us what us Sevens fans already knew from the ending of the series and for non Sevens fans, it’s just a distraction from the focus of Go Rush. Every single nod to Sevens, whether it’s the names of the characters, the visual callbacks, the cameos, or must notably, the constant screentime of Sevens’ protagonist over the new protagonist. Yes, I love Yuga, he’s one of my favourite Yugioh protagonists, and I love seeing him, and I even like some of the Sevens fan service but it’s gotten to a point where this fan service is so excessive it’s not just distracting, it’s detrimental. Because these Sevens characters are overshadowing the Go Rush characters, the previous protagonist is taking away screentime from our current protagonist and it’s making Go Rush lose its identity and feel like mere window dressing for Sevens.
I’ll end with this message to Go Rush:
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mikanandpotato · 16 days
i think i already write this. but imma write this again.
Since main anime timeline is from Yugioh DM to Yugioh GX to Yugioh 5D.
my rewrite is rather small. It's was Yugi placement.
You know that on Yugioh GX, Yugi technically do cameos right? and i would like to expand on that.
Where Yugi is like Judai's mentor. Although if he won't be showed much. simplest things we could get is just like reusing older background, like the gameshop is already more than enough. It is implied that Yugi and Judai is close enough that Yugi is trusting Judai enough to be in the store.
Or we could do death off-screen, example, Grandpa died that Yugi is can't help Judai throughout the series arc.
and for the graduation ending, after Judai finished dueling Yugi (and Yami Yugi) in pass the baton sense. Judai open up his bag found lunchbox filled with fried ebis (his favorites) and money. Meaning that Yugi already knows that Judai would be leaving (he went secretly). This more than enough to me.
also on Yugioh 5Ds, even though it is not explicitly Yugi, it could be using any other major characters from previous like Jounouchi or even Judai himself pass the baton to Yusei.
and since people from original Yugioh DM is old. I'd would like to see Adult Mokuba, handling his older brother's company while Seto is vacant.
and even older Yugi that despite old is still eager to play games and duelling.
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alzilla09 · 3 months
I’m I the only one who didn’t like the ending to Yugioh! 5D’s?
It’s been 13 years since 5Ds ended and I still miss this series so much. However as much as I love 5Ds, I have a lot of problems with it. Mostly due to how the second half was handled. I know there are fans who like the second half and that’s fine. While I did enjoy it I found it disappointing. I honestly prefer the first half better even though it had a few bumps on the road it was still worlds better than what the second half done.
But I’m here to talk about the ending. Now I know there’s fans who say that this is the best ending to any Yugioh season ever. Yet I disagree since there are aspects to this ending that make it one of the worst for me. While Arc-V’s ending is my absolute least favorite ending to any Yugioh. 5Ds ending is a mix bag to me. And before anyone especially 5Ds enthusiasts comes at me please hear me out! This is my opinion so don’t take it as a grain of salt.
First off I didn’t like the way the dismantling of Team 5Ds was handled especially them going their separate ways. Heck I didn’t like the way how the team broke up in general.
Everyone’s decision to leave felt so random yet forced. Jack’s decision to leave makes sense because he’s goal is to become King again and beat Yusei. However I hated how he said goodbye to Carly! Did he really had to yell at her like that?! Also why did he need a harem with Mina and this random coffee girl who we don’t even get to know that well?
Crow’s is a mix bag since I really don’t like Crow that much. I’m sorry for anyone who is a Crow fan but Crow is one of my least favorite characters in Yugioh period. One minute he’s a sector security officer then the next he’s off to conquer the duel circuit. Yet for what reason?
The twins leaving because their parents saw them on television I thought was stupid! We never got to know who their parents are? Plus we know Rua wants to be a great duelist just like Yusei, Jack and Crow. However Ruka we don’t even know what she wants to do for her future?
Aki becoming a doctor felt kind of forced to be honest. She never said anything about wanting to study in medicine or develop healing powers all season long. I don’t mind her being a doctor but it would have been better if it was implemented before instead of randomly choosing. I did like the moment she and Yusei had even if it was short lived. Yet I felt like this was such a BS excuse just to keep them apart from each other since it’s so obvious they have mutual feelings for each other.
And speaking of our main protagonist…Yusei. Poor Yusei, he deserves so much better than this. He saves the whole city with his friends and he’s the only one who stays behind because he wants to continue to protect Neo Domino City. Like I get wanting to make sure something like the Meklord genocide never happens again but at what cost? Him becoming a scientist felt random, I guess wanting to carry on in his family footsteps but like Aki it was never implied before.
Not only that but I didn’t like how everyone just abandons him after giving that half-ass high five. Although Aki was the only one who implied that she would someday return to Yusei after she is done with her studies. Yet still I didn’t like how everyone just leaves while poor Yusei is all alone having to wait 8 freaking years just to see them again?!
Also why didn’t we see Yusei’s time skip? Why not the rest of the other characters who reside in Neo Domino? Plus what happened to Rally, Nerve, Blitz, and Taka? That single cameo in the second-to-last episode is not an excuse for writing them out of the series with no explanation. Not only that but I always felt like they were more of Yusei’s friends than Team 5Ds.
Now I’m not saying that this was a bad ending but I feel that this ending was very mediocre to me. I don’t understand why people would think that friends splitting up is a good ending? Again I’m not judging but I just didn’t find the ending to 5Ds all that good in my honest opinion. Hence why I prefer the manga’s ending better because at least Yusei doesn’t end up alone and is surrounded by all the friends he’s made as they celebrate his victory with Jack. At least it had a feeling of being complete while the anime’s had so much to be desired. I feel that everyone loves to put this ending so high on a pedestal when it has a bunch of problems that just don’t work at least for me.
Especially since there were loose ends that never got resolved. Like the mysterious Yliaster member, Divine and Arcadia, Yliaster as a whole never made any sense whatsoever and I could name more but I’m too lazy to do it.
I thought 5Ds could have ended the same way how the first episode began. Like a callback to the first episode without Team 5Ds going their separate ways.
Where we get to see Team 5Ds all grown up and Yusei and Jack having their potential rematch in the kaiba dome in celebration of the anniversary of Neo Domino City’s Peace. And we see Aki, Crow and the Twins even Carly in the audience as they are rooting for their two friends to give it everything they got. And Yusei and Jack reminisce of the old times as they begin their turbo duel and bring out their ace monsters for an epic clash like how The original Beyblade ended. But that should be saved for a post-5Ds movie sequel if it ever happens.
Look if you liked the way the ending of 5Ds was that’s perfectly fine. However I just don’t bend the knee when it comes to things like this. Because everyone is going to have different opinions about something and that’s totally fine. I’m just sharing why I didn’t like as much as everyone else did. But to each of their own I guess.
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rk-ocs · 2 years
Yugioh abridged ebonics ep 4
Yugioh abridged ebonics translated episode 4
Yo Yu-Gi-awww!: Rex an' Weevil in: Huh-huh, you said "nigga-Eater" Bug!
On da boat
JOEY: Wow, an entire island all ta ourselves! It's sorta like dat book, Lord o' da Flies. Only wif uh lot less subtext, an' uh lot mo' card games!
TRISTAN: Wasn't dat da movie wif da evil ring an' da hobbits?
TÉA: Why would any o' those things be on dis here island, you idiot?
uh screen appears wif Bakura an' an arrow pointing ta his evil ring, an' an arrow pointing ta Yugi labeling him as uh hobbit
dey leave da boat fo' da island
TRISTAN (thinkin`): ah sho hope nahh one notices we's be trespassing!
GOON: werd up, you!
TRISTAN (thinkin`): da irony!
GOON: Quit drawing attention ta yo'self, you barely qualify as uh sidekick.
JOEY: Ahh-choo!
YUGI: You wouldn't gots caught dat cold if it hadn't been fo' Weevil.
JOEY: Actually, ah wouldn't gots caught it if you hadn't been uh naïve moron an' handed him yo' most powerful cards!
YUGI: nahh, it wuz definitely Weevil. He threw muh motha fuckin grandfather's cards into da ocean, an' ah'll never be able ta forgive him.
TRISTAN: It's sort o' like da tyme Joey threw away uh piece o' yo' Millennium Puzzle!
JOEY: Yeah, except ya forgave me fo' dat. Right Yug?
YUGI: (wif uh very angry glimpse in his peeps) sho Joey, sho.
Flashback o' Joey throwing away uh piece o' da Millennium Puzzle, while Ironside theme by Quincy Jones iz played
KEMO: Attention Duelists! If you can all stop staring at muh motha fuckin fro fo' uh moment, you'll see dat Pegasus's castle iz just behind me. Please follow da unnecessarily long staircase ta meet yo' host.
TÉA: muh motha fuckin limey senses is tingling! (sees Bakura down in da forest)
YUGI: What iz it, Téa?
TÉA: ah thought ah seen Bakura ag'in!
JOEY: Maybe we's should go check. He iz our nigga, afta all.
YUGI: an' let him cut into muh motha fuckin precious screentime? nahh way! Besides, it's not like he's uh main character or anythin`.
On top o' da castle
DUELIST 1: werd up, check out all da obligatory cameos. Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, Mako Tsunami...
DUELIST 2: But where's da reigning champion, Seto Kaiba?
DUELIST 1: Didn't you hear? He wuz barred from da tournament cuz his name wasn't mad stupid enough.
PEGASUS: Welcome ta da Duelist Kingdom. Let me assure you dat dis here tournament iz 100% genuine an' iz not in any way an elaborate ruse thrown together at da last minute so dat ah can git muh motha fuckin hands on an Ancient Egyptian artifact. ta advance ta da finals, an' da chance at three million bones, you mus' each win ten star chips by betting dem on card games. Remember kids, gambling iz pimp-tight fo' you!
JOEY: Now dat muh motha fuckin cold iz instantly cleared up, ah can't wait ta win dis here tournament an' git da prize money!
YUGI: So you can pay fo' da operation, right?
JOEY: What operation?
YUGI: da one yo' sister's getting.
JOEY: What sister?
TÉA: werd up, it's Weevil!
YUGI: Weevil! ah challenge you ta uh--
Weevil runs away
JOEY: Wait uh minute, he's running away!
YUGI: It's almost as if he don' wants ta play uh card game wif me.
WEEVIL: Actually, dumbass, ah wuz just leading you into dis here vague trap or somethin`. Heh-heh-heh.
YUGI: Super Special phat Ultra Special phat Transformation Sequence GO! (Transforms into Yami)
YAMI: ah'm back, baby!
WEEVIL: Heh, two can play at dat game, dillhole. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh.
YAMI: Sweet motha o' Osiris, he's transforming too! But who, or what iz he becoming?
WEEVIL: ah be Cornholio! ah need T.P. fo' muh motha fuckin bunghole! Heh-heh-heh.
YAMI: It's tyme ta duel, you strange silly nigga.
WEEVIL: is you threatening me? ah summon muh motha fuckin Generic Insect. Heh-heh.
TÉA: Wow, peep at all da phallic imagery.
(Yami plays Horn o' da Unicorn on his Feral Imp.)
JOEY: What is you jivin' about, Téa? dere ain't anythin` remotely suspect 'boutdis here duel.
YAMI: Now, quiver in fear, as muh motha fuckin Knight's mighty lance penetrates yo' moist cocoon.
TÉA: Huh. ah guess you right.
Mai arrives
TRISTAN: werd up peep! titties gots arrived!
MAI: You pimpz is wasting yo' tyme. Yugi don' stand uh chance! He's not nearly experienced enough.
TÉA: Compared ta friendship an' compassion, experience iz meaningless!
MAI: Keep telling yo'self dat, hun. What is you, uh virgin or somethin`?
TÉA: beotch, ah'LL SCRATCH yo' peeps OUT!
JOEY: Could you pimpz stop jivin' 'boutsex? ah'm trying ta ogle Mai's cleavage here.
YAMI: ah activate Deus Ex Machina!
WEEVIL: werd up, heh-heh, nahh fair, heh-heh, you can't use Spell Cards during muh motha fuckin turn!
YAMI: Tell it ta da writing staff. Summoned Skull! Destroy his cheap Mothra imitation!
TRISTAN an' JOEY: Yay! we's wuz totally ineffectual!
WEEVIL: ah lost! Heh-heh... an' sheeit. Heh-heh.
YAMI: Maybe next tyme, you'll think twice 'bfoe forcing someone ta part wif they valuables. Now hand ova yo' star chips an' kiss muh motha fuckin feet!
WEEVIL: Damnit! Heh-heh... dis here card game sucks. Heh-heh-heh.
YAMI: Settle down, buttmunch.
End. da theme rap from Ironside plays ag'in
werds n shit appears on screen: [new episodes every week]
ODION (as Samuel L. Jackson): dat's it! ah gots had it wif deez motherf*cking snakes on dis here motherf*cking plane! , wOrd!
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alliebirb · 3 years
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the chokehold fem kaiba would have on me
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bakulovers · 3 years
au remember watching a Bakugan an when I was between 8 and 10 years old and Alice and masquerade were always my favorite characters, them being revealed to be the same person blew my mind and I think they are the reason I love the whole Dr Jekyll and mr hyde/ cinnamon rolls who have a dark side trope.
Of all the series she was the charter that stood out the most for me, it’s been a loooong time since I last watched the series, (maybe more than 10 years) but I remember being very happy seeing her make small cameos, is sad to think she last appeared on New Vestroia.
Speaking of the show who were your favorite characters of the show and which was your favorite season?
Oh god for a second I thought I was talking to myself lol Exactly the same thoughts. When Bakugan was first introduced I thought ''Nah just another version of Yugioh/Pokemon, but I'll give it a go'' then I saw Masquerade and I was like ''oh dammn this is the coolest character like... ever!'' and kept watching the show for him. I also loved Alice and her mysterious yet kind aura and even kinda wanted to ship her with Masquerade lol When I was at the 6th episode or so on TV, I saw the 44th episode on Youtube and said ''Why not? Just a sneak peek''. The episode started with Alice jumping from a plane.... ooookay... Me: Wow Alice is taking action in later episodes Alice: I beg you please Masquerade, please give me your strength Me: Wait wha... And then boom, she turned into Masquerade and I was in shock for hours, actually even days! This was literally the most shocking twist in my life. And you know what? I'm glad I learned it this way. The show gives too many hints that you actually begin to guess their connection. But I was completely caught off guard. Then I remember telling the whole school but nobody believed me lol I literally showed the end of the final Dan vs Masquerade episode to prove it. This twist literally made me fall in love with the show and I watched every episode of s1 like crazy! Then... yeah... season 2 and the rest happened and the show just died.
Now I want to say, Alice/Masquerade wasn't the only good thing about the show, though it was the best. I also love how much the main 6 characters interact with each other and they are all active players, whereas in Yugioh and Pokemon only the main 1-2 male characters are actually good players. I also loved that the team is half boys and half girls. That literally turned Bakugan from a boys' cartoon to a universal show. I remember lots of my girlfriends also loved Bakugan. Season 1 treated all characters equally and they were all enjoyable to watch. And the main character Dan wasn't the protagonist type that always wins. Masquerade sending Drago to Doom Dimension and Dan following him was the 2nd most shocking thing in the anime. And Klaus wrecking Marucho being the 3rd. You literally can't guess whether the main character gonna win or not and that made the show much more exciting to watch. Drago and Dan arguing about the seriousness of the game, Runo looking all strong but actually too scared of losing Tigrerra that she quits brawling for a time, Marucho being the nerd and having fun and emotional moments with Preyas, Julie is already a queen and that's enough said, Shun's relationship with Skyress as the last gift from his mother, and I already talked about Alice aka best character. The only flaws of the S1 are the game made no sense most of the time, and the animation was so bad, again, most of the time, probably about budget, and even the creators didn't think the show would be much successful. And it wouldn't if the plot was not awesome. The S1 started and ended great, and I was so excited about the next season... oh boy... all of my dreams were crushed... They literally removed almost every good aspect of the first season and pretended they are actually doing a good job. They removed the 3 girls, you know, the half of the team that we all loved, and replaced them with 2 boys and 1 sexier and more ambitious Alice. They changed the whole universe of the S1 and replaced it with an alien but not kind of weird one. The humans seeing bakugans as toys started all over again with Vestals. The Vexos are probably the only cool thing about the season, even though Spectra is just a Pyrus Masquerade, his interaction with Gus and Mylene was nice. S2 is actually almost as good as S1, but yeah, they pretend S1 and its bakugans/girls are just background decors. The S3 and 4 made it even worse. At least new Vestroia still gave the girls/old bakugans a little screentime, the last 2 seasons literally removed EVERYTHING except Drago and the main 3 boys. (Julie and Runo returned in the second half of S4 but again, as inactive BG characters, which is a bigger insult to them lol) Shun and Marucho changing partners every season made even less sense, Preyas and Skyress were literally their soulmates. But oh well, let's evolve Drago every 15 episodes and just change everything else, I'm sure the fans will be ok with everything... huh... what's that? Nobody cares about Bakugan anymore? Ah ok let's just end the show instead of fixing its flaws... 10 years later... Yeah... They went with the same strategy all over again. And thinking they are successful because young kids watch their show. Bakugan was destined to be a bad ripoff cartoon, season 1 proved everyone wrong, but the rest is actually what people expected. I feel so sorry for the best show being the worst like this.
RIP the original Bakugan
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wipbigbang · 3 years
Story Title: Millennium Death Note
Fandom: Yugioh x Death Note crossover
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/944883
Summary: Light Yagami solves the Millennium Puzzle and it all goes down hill from there. Encompasses the Duelist Kingdom, Battle City, and Waking the Dragons arcs of Yugioh.
Warnings: None
Characters: Light Yagami, L (Death Note), Yugi Muto, Yami Yugi, Matsuda Touta, Yami Bakura, and pretty much every other character from Yugioh at least cameos, with varying prominence over the course of the series.
Pairings: None
When I Started: scarhoax and I started watching Yugioh in the summer of 2015 and thus Millennium Death Note was born. That summer, I wrote the entirety of the first installment, Stealer of Souls, which revolves around the Duelist Kingdom arc, and we had detailed plans for a second installment, set around Battle City, and vague plans for a third around Waking the Dragons.
How I Lost My Shit: I lost my shit a few times along the way. After finishing Stealer of Souls, I jumped into part 2, Controller of Minds, only to get stuck on that first scene, with L facing off against the Millennium Ring. I didn't end up getting back to it until the summer of 2018. I happened to suddenly have a lot of free time, and my writing skills had leveled up enough in the interim that I was finally able to finish that scene and the rest of Controller of Minds shortly followed.
We had known from the start that there needed to be a third installment, and that it would revolve around the Waking the Dragons arc of Yugioh, but our plans didn't go far beyond that. By the time I finished Controller of Minds, it had been long enough since that fateful watching of Yugioh that in order to plot it out part 3, Tamer of Beasts, I would need to rewatch season 4, which I wasn't racing to do (it's not a great show).
How I Finished My Shit: I didn't get around to rewatching season 4 until the beginning of 2021, listening to it in the background while I cooked (that's how we got through a lot of the show the first time too). After that, I did a little bit of plotting and I knew I should write it soon, but I had other stories on my plate and it just wasn't such a big priority any more. Then I discovered the WIP Big Bang, which is exactly what I needed to give me a push to just get it done. I also revised the first two installments along the way. The final part isn't perfect, but I don't know if it ever would have happened otherwise, and it's great to just finally have it complete!
Keep an eye out for some accompanying art coming soon!
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batbaffle · 4 years
Ok so I never send asks like ever... but every time you reblog (I have your post notifs on bc your blog is gold!) something about yugioh I get more and more interested,, any tips on where and what to watch?
(。・o ・ 。) Well, the Yugioh franchise is mostly nonlinear, so it doesn’t really matter which series you watch or what order you watch in. They aren’t very dependent on each other plotwise. I’ll just tell you a bit about each one in release order under the cut, and some other important info. Whoops sorry I kinda wrote an essay, I used this an excuse to ramble...
I usually watch on Crunchyroll, but I use Gogoanime for anything not on there, like the movies (with adblock). I think most of the dubs are also available on Youtube. The dubs make lots of changes to characterization and character motives, plus censorship and general localization stuff (thanks 4kids). GX and 5Ds weren’t completely dubbed, and the Vrains dub is harder to find.
I’d personally recommend learning the basic rules of the game (with youtube vids) before watching the show, just because it makes the duels easier to follow. Each series usually introduces or focuses on a particular “summoning method”. DM and GX use “fusion”, 5Ds uses “synchro”, Zexal uses “XYZ”, Arc-V uses “pendulum” and all other methods besides “link”, Vrains uses “link” and all other methods besides “pendulum”, and every series uses “ritual”. They don’t really teach you how each summoning method works within the show.
Yugioh Duel Monsters (DM for short) is the first (and most iconic) one. The overarching plot revolves around spirits residing in ancient egyptian artifacts, so there’s some interesting lore. The rules of the game weren’t fully established at first, so they pull some weird bs moves xD. DM is a bit weak character-wise imo, but some of the characters are really interesting and have legit arcs. My main complaint is that the duels can get long and boring sometimes, especially since the game was much simpler then. 
Yugioh GX takes place about a decade or so after DM, and they’re actually closely connected (unlike every other series). GX has frequent references and cameos from DM, but you could probably understand most of it via context clues if you don’t wanna see DM beforehand. It starts off as a lighthearted slice-of-life highschool anime™, but it gets really dark (and pretty gay) over time, and there some interesting themes and concepts addressed. I personally like it for its absurdity and character arcs.
Yugioh 5Ds takes place later on the same timeline as DM and GX, but that isn’t really relevant. It’s generally pretty dark, except for the more chill (technically filler) section halfway through. The first half has strong themes of class divide, corrupt authorities, fighting the police, stuff like that. Almost all of the main characters are very likable and interesting, plus they’re badasses who ride motorcycles. There’s a big focus on bonds between characters, and there are lots of good scenes involving that. 
Yugioh Zexal is a series I haven’t really watched, so I can’t give a fair opinion. I’ve heard good things about it, but a lot of the fandom brushes off the protagonist as an annoying idiot, since he isn’t an incredible duelist right off the bat like the other protagonists. He has a spirit partner trying to provide him with guidance, and they have a really entertaining dynamic (plus they’re fairly gay-coded, just like Yugi in DM is with his own “spirit partner”). The main plot involves an alien war, and things get darker over time. 
Yugioh Arc-V isn’t one I’d personally recommend, but it can still be enjoyable. There are some alternate versions of characters from previous series, and it takes some other elements from each series. I don’t wanna spoil much, but there’s an interdimensional war as the main plot, which turns into a bit of a clusterfuck at some point, and the writers didn’t do a great job with juggling the excessive amount of characters imo. 
Yugioh Vrains mostly takes place in virtual reality, and it’s shorter than the others. The whole plot revolves around a group of sentient AI, an organization trying to destroy the AI, and the protagonist who is seeking revenge for something the organization did in the past. Some of the main characters experienced traumatic events, and the topic is actually addressed. I think I actually cried at the end? My main issue with Vrains is that the gameplay is really complex and gets hard to pay attention to sometimes.
Yugioh Sevens is currently airing, and I’m planning to watch it all without spoilers once it’s finished, so I have nothing to say about it xD.
There are three main movies: Pyramid of Light, Bonds Beyond Time, and Dark Side of Dimensions. Pyramid of Light is just a cash grab connected to DM, and it takes at some unspecified point in the show after season 2. Bonds Beyond Time is a time travel crossover special between DM, GX, and 5Ds. It takes place partyway through season 3 of 5Ds, after GX, and at some point after season 2 of DM. Dark Side of Dimensions is actually connected to the original Yugioh manga, so it’s a different DM canon, and it takes place after the series. 
There’s also what the fandom refers to as Season Zero, which is a 27 episode Yugioh series made by Toei in 1998, based off the first part of the original Yugioh manga. It doesn’t revolve around the card game like the later shows do, and it features a different type of game almost every episode. I’d actually recommend it as a general anime. It’s pretty difficult to find, but all episodes are on Youtube with slightly altered audio.
I hope this was helpful :) feel free to message about anything, I’m always down to talk about yugioh
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 4: Pegasus and His Unlimited Moxie
So, I’m finally back after that long--time--when I was sick, then busy, etc etc. Long story, I peaced out from social media for the large part, and my method for finding solace mostly involved watching so much  “big living in a tiny house.”
Those houses are so damn tiny.
And now I feel better, so lets get back to business.
Just FYI, this is a midweek post because this weekend I’ll be exploring a part of California I didn’t know existed before my friend was like “Napa’s booked, so we’re going South to do our wedding in the other wine country” and it’s like “the hell are you talking about other wine country?????”
So I might be driving to a large cardboard cutout of a winery, and me and 400 guests are going to just stand in front of it and pretend that it’s real for a couple days. This means that I will probably make only like maybe three updates this month and I’m just going to have to come to terms with that.
And in case you are wondering (you’re not) the bye bye bye mashup dance we’re doing for the wedding is going great. It’s really freakin great that the Seahawks decided to choose this week to steal our thunder, so now everyone at this wedding will think we’re just all really into Football. (I’m just telling you that because I feel a need to complain so thank you for listening.)
But anyway, it was a nice surprise amongst all this *stuff* I didn’t really want to do, that this particular episode of Yugioh is pretty great. Like...guys we get Pegasus, we get Kaiba having a meltdown, we get PEGASUS. Like I forgot how much I like Pegasus.
So first off, Yugi and friends decided to watch the news about the whole shpeal from last episode, probably because each and every one of them was certain they all shared the same collective fever dream.
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Something to note about Yugioh is they use a lot of near future tech, and I don’t know how much of that sci-fi goes completely over the heads of kids nowadays since this has become so normal. But yo, people in 2002 were still using AOL.
A lot has changed in 10 years. Just let that sink in, babies in the back.
(read more under the cut)
Also, please turn your entire attention over to this
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the weird orange cookie on this painting is what really gets to me. It looks like a handmade soap. Because in order to soothe my soul during this stressful month I also watched a lot of cold-process soap making videos.
*quickly looks up to see if there’s Yugioh Soap*
Yeah that doesn’t exist. Hey do you think that if I sent in a Yugioh soap design into Royalty Soaps she’d actually make it? I mean, she did Studio Ghibli. This is just Studio Ghibli but on fire and with terrible hair and actually very different.
(And yes, I did, just now, in fact, make a soap design that I’m absolutely mailing to Royalty Soaps. I’ll put it at the end. No idea what it should smell like, mostly because the last thing I want to do when watching Yugioh is think about how ANY of this smells.)
See, tangents like this are why I don’t have more time.
Anyway, Yugi recalls that he was supposed to *do a thing* but also recalls that he was given really no instructions at all.
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When something absolutely wonderful happens.
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Y’all I was like shouting at the screen “BE A TAPE BE A TAPE BE A TAPE” and lo and behold:
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Dude. Pegasus is such freakin mastermind. Remember that this show started out with them streaming video on a computer, and what did he decide to do? He sent them a tape. Pegasus knows FULL WELL how much they want to see this tape but at the same time...don’t want to watch this tape, and what follows is everyone deciding if they should or should not open Pandora’s box. A Pandora’s box they opened once before and then murdered Grandpa entirely by accident.
I can’t believe they sat on this joke for four seasons. It’s such a freakin good joke.
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So of course it’s the same kid who once decided it would be a great idea to put together a puzzle that came in a box that said “WARNING THIS GODAWFUL THING KILLS PEOPLE” who decided to just stick this in the VCR when everyone else was fighting and no one was looking.
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And, this is not a joke, this is literally how Pegasus decided to open this tape by scolding him for not keeping in touch when Pegasus tried to kill them not once but multiple times back on murder island. Pegasus thinks this deserves him at least a Christmas card.
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Something that’s also very Pegasus is that he um--doesn’t even bother wearing an eyepatch nowadays. He’s just got...one eye now...just an empty socket that he covers with bangs and is like “ya I dare you not look at it.”
And then on, this kid’s show, they basically go through the checklist of things that are “things a child abductor would ask you to do”
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And that’s it. That’s the whole tape. It’s the end of the world and Pegasus wants to get one last good prank in before it all goes belly up.
And it worked really good on Joey. But unfortunately, did not seem to phase Yugi.
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And then after this, the show gets very sidetracked by some side characters that are...they still exist.
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First of all, how much did Weevil spend on a bug drone? Like...what’s this guy’s day job?
Second of all, Rex and Weevil live on some weird brain plane, where they’re pretty sure that the upper echelon of card people are all in love with eachother (which, I don’t blame them, I’ve seen tumblr, it does give that impression if you’ve never watched this show). What they don’t realize is how badly each of the upper echelon of card people want to murder the Hell out of eachother, wipe eachother’s brains, and blow eachother up on a 6000 ft tower on an abandoned island.
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so I guess...Unfortunately...Rex and Weevil are...still with us. Their reasoning is kind of weird--they want super good cards--but like...what’s the point of having super good cards if you’re still Rex and Weevil? Rex is so bad at cards we didn’t even get to see him lose in S2.
Also, the biker gang is back, and I still don't know their font color because they’re in dim lighting in this scene so I’ll just use these temporary font colors for now.
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So, having done his one last good Joke (and maybe the only good joke that Pegasus has ever made) Pegasus decided to sit and wait for someone to do a murder on him. I mean he’s not psychic anymore, but he’s figured he’s screwed enough people that this was how he was going to go out anyway.
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So I guess she’s back for another season? It’s weird, she made one cameo and then that was it for this episode, but it was very clearly Mai Valentine. Bro brought up that they had to make her a villain again, because she’s literally their only girl villain and I was like “no that’s, not right they’ve got...” and then I kinda sat there for a couple of seconds and I realized “oh dude there’s only been one girl villain so far in all of Yugioh!” and he was like “YEP.”
Because both of us completely forgot about Rebecca until I wrote this in this post and he was double checking it just now. My apologies to the Rebecca stans.
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And then Yugi decided to let us know something extremely disturbing about his curse. The showed played it off like this was a cute thing you would want to have happen. But no. No one would ever want this.
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Ho boy! They share FEELINGS?
So like...
...bear with me here--when Yugi is scared, Pharaoh gets scared. When Yugi is tired, Pharaoh feels tired. When Yugi has a complete meltdown basically every single day, Pharaoh reaches for his Tums. So um...I have to ask the question...
So who’s dating Tea? Yes, I know the real answer is neither of them, but who is the one that keeps bringing forth this ship that this show is supposed to be shipping? Both of them??? I mean they have the same feelings, and before I was like, well, I’m sure Pharaoh just kinda turns around and watches brain TV when Yugi and Tea talk about...deadlifting, or whatever she’s into, but nah he’s like...he’s got the same feelings as Yugi.
Does that just...never bother them? Like...they never get jealous? Ever?
It’s so freakin weird.
This whole sequence was Yugi being like “You can’t keep a secret from me Pharaoh, I will instantly know since I can feel you lying to me” and it’s like hot damn that’s a big lore drop that they just hop and skip away from.
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So the next day they go to the airport and just go unsupervised to a foreign country.
This makes complete sense on Gramps’ part, because he was exploring Egyptian caves most of his life, so in comparison, California is baby town and Yugi would be fine. Clearly Gramps doesn’t know enough about Oakland.
Then again, Grandpa spent a very long and mysterious time in the Middle East raiding so many tombs and stealing an entire artifact that contains the whole history of a lost age of Egypt and an actual Pharaoh’s soul so like...probably wouldn’t get you past TSA in 2002. He’d send off like every red flag warning in the airport.
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Give me an Air Joey spinoff this instant, Yugioh, you cowards.
It’ll be just like Wings, except all the pilots are very bad at their job and haunted by multiple ghosts.
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There’s a very long pissing segment where there was no piss, but Rex begging Weevil to let him piss in the airplane. It’s about as much as you can expect out of a Rex and Weevil segment. And like, basically at this point, Rex and Weevil are married, yet this ship is never, not once, ever surfaced in my feed of fanart I see out of y’all.
And I don't blame you.
Now, when we get to California, we find out that Croquet either went completely gray or was replaced with an identical twin and also...
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Which doesn’t really look like this, PS.
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So bro has already told me that they’re going to San Fransisco next episode or so (OMG I’m so excited to talk about it), so this is absolutely supposed to be SFO in the show. (maaaybe Oakland Airport? But I super doubt it)
Most people outside of CA don’t know the vast scale of Bay Area and that the San Fransisco Airport is not very well named since it is...not close to San Fransisco at all.
So, I’m going to guess that the show thinks they landed directly in the heart of SF. With the way this vista looks, I think they basically just painted the view from north of Downtown. Which is especially fun because that is a pretty bougie community and the thought of having just a major airport smack in the middle of it makes my heart warm and fuzzy because they have voted out an affordable housing community SO many more times than is morally acceptable. Serves you right, here’s your international airport across the street.
But Bro has warned me ahead of time that this season makes absolutely no sense geography wise...and I’m pretty stoked for that.
And then, as if reading my mind, Tea removes Rex and Weevil from the show, yet again.
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Incredible that they got through customs like that, but they did arrive on a private plane, and maybe customs are different for them? I...don’t think it would be, even for a private plane, everyone has to go through customs. But, it’s a kids show, so Rex and Weevil snuck into America in a luggage bag, just like how Fox News warned us about.
Then again, I imagine that the customs agent was like “yo there’s two human bodies stuffed in here!????” and was like “ohhhhh wait, it’s a Pegasus’ plane. That adds up. Ya.” and just let it through.
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Time for a classic Kaiba meltdown sequence, where he puts on a show of being really competent but is in reality acting like a stack of screaming cats in a purple trench coat.
Mokuba just working overtime to keep this ship afloat because man.
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And then this next part isn’t a joke I made up--Kaiba only took as long as it took to monologue for five seconds about his reputation before doing this:
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It’s more than possible that the translators have no idea who Roland is, and unlike me, isn’t keeping tabs on Roland every second that green haired fourthKaiba is on screen.
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So Pegasus decides to give Kaiba a call on his video phone--because again he only saves the Panasonic Camcorder for spooking Yugi.
Pegasus could have just *called* Yugi the entire time, lol.
Anyway, without the camcorder, Pegasus now has room to stretch out his legs and stick his feet directly in the screen like the end of the world wasn’t less than 2 days ago.
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And the show isn’t telling us why or how this is happening after the whole Mai thing that happened. But it’s nice to know that even when Pegasus may be absolutely held up against his will, he still freakin slays.
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Youknow, Pegasus does more in this one episode to remind me that “oh yeah, Pegasus was my favorite character this whole time” than anyone else and he did in like two calls, sitting in a chair behind his desk, just screwing with people to screw with them.
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And what I enjoy about Pegasus is that, although he had his eyeball removed--he’s still a freakin asshole. He still super sucks. I had a lot of questions about “how much of Pegasus being the worst was the eyeball?” And apparently the answer was “VERY little, this guy is just the freakin worst. Didn’t need to be cursed at all.”
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And so, Yugioh doesn’t really do transformation sequences--unless you count when Yugi sometimes goes “yugiohhhhhh” and then to everyone else looks virtually the same. Instead Yugioh does gear up sequences.
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Where we find out that Seto promised Mokuba he wouldn’t play cards anymore until he was done building all those theme parks.
I guess it’s unfortunate for Mokuba that this whole Pegasus end of the world thing happened out of nowhere and also unfortunate for Mokuba that Kaiba can build card-themed theme parks Really Quickly. I think Mokuba was banking on it taking an entire lifetime to build a park but youknow, looking at how many sequels of Yugioh there are...eh, Mokuba should have instead dared Seto to give up dueling until he finished a single semester of public school. Then those cards would have stayed buried.
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Hey um...did Kaiba add hip spikes on this purple coat since Season 2? I don’t remember him having those.
Good thing I write a blog and I can check. Time for some time travel to Season 2.
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Ah, yes, the hip spikes were not there in Season 2. So, at some point in between then and now, Kaiba looked at this old ass coat hanging in his closet and was like “Not Enough Butt Spikes!” and just glued em on there.
But anyway, back to Season 4...
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I’m pretty sure this is one of the doors from Evangelion.
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And so, off they go, straight to their death, in the world’s most un-aerodynamic vehicle.
Really glad that Dragon Plane seems to have become a permanent character, as it would if you spent 10 million dollars building a dragon plane that can’t possibly fly using real world physics.
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So, Yugi and Co are going to California, and Seto is going to Season One.
And I guess Bakura was like “Oi! Loves! Is every body ready for me to murder them?” and Gramps was like “sorry, they’re getting murdered by Pegasus today” and he was like “bloody hell, every time.”
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read all these recaps from the beginning, in chrono order--it’s a lot of content, and I can’t believe I spent this much time doing this.
And because you’re curious, here’s the soap design that will get absolutely rejected by Royalty Soaps because they say they like to watch anime but they also pronounced “Ghibli” wrong like over 20 times on that one video so I have a strong feeling this is not their brand.
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dogxfiend · 4 years
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@dehorned​ asked: ☯⚜▽
Questions for mun
☯ Is there a muse you've always wanted to play?
I wanna play more Eris from Dreamworks’ Sinbad sobs
I always wanna play Yami Bakura from YuGiOh. It is my constant state. Any possible excuse to play him, and I will at a moment’s notice - but I haven’t made a blog for him because I’m not a fan of the fandom tbh lol
Other canons who would be fun include Ninetails from the game Okami, Zacharie from the game OFF, and Biker from the game Hotline Miami
OCs who I find fun to write include my old-ass vampire who is in fact my first OC ever but he is super antisocial and thus difficult to interact with rip. And my cat boy Nemsis who is so much fun and really fucking weird. Sid gets an honorable mention because he’s a punk and also weird af. But most of these characters work better as side characters/cameos which is why they don’t have blogs either lol
⚜  What is the best time to write for you? Why?
Pretty much any time I’m awake lol! Usually when I first wake up I take some time chillin’ out, having breakfast, catching up on the internet. Once I’m proper awake though I usually get right to replies, or otherwise get to them later in the evening.
▽ Why did you create this muse?
oh no. embarrassing but I made Syde when I was 15 and had a crush on a dude in my class and then ended up dating that dude ok but I promise they’re barely even comparable now besides tiny bits and pieces I stole for characterization ok
As far as the blog goes, I had actually sworn off Tumblr rp for three years because I was just Tired of a lot of the trends & climate here. I still did a lot of writing on Discord with my roommate for those three years, but I was still itching for more rp, so finally I caved and threw Syde here, because I’ve always known if I was ever gonna write an OC on Tumblr it was gonna be him. He’s friendly and adaptable and fun to write, so I knew he’d work better than some of my other OCs for all those reasons.
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