#yuga fans how we feeling?
epickiya722 · 4 months
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xsoulxsilencex · 3 months
After episode 115 aired, I've seen people getting heated about Yuamu but also Yuhi and Yuga. Like wasn't an one-time thing to read stuff like "screw the Ohdo's", "I hate the twins" etc.
But: While I understand the anger towards Yuamu (because she just chose to commit to the Otes role and play antag), why do Yuhi and Yuga deserve hate this time?
"But Yuhi left Yudias for Yuamu, that shows he's shit" - uh, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Yuhi was smiling or thrilled to go with Yuamu? Considering his twin sister (who is the only blood-related family he has considering we don't know where their parents are) chose to become a "villain", y'all really think he would've just let her go alone? Especially when he had no idea where she was for a month? Like there's a big chance he only did to keep an eye on her. Because so far, nothing tells me that Yuhi is on board with the whole Otes deal especially when he was still siding with Yudias/the Velgearians during arc 8.
As for Yuga: I get having been upset about him during the arc 8 final since he put himself in the antag role there but now, when he's not even around? How is he at fault for what Yuamu's doing? He didn't ask her to become the new Otes. Heck, even during the arc 8 final when he became unconscious, the duel could've been over if Yuamu didn't just choose to replace Yuga. Yuga left his friends in Sevens to deal with Otes alone. He was working alone in Go Rush since he saw it as his responsiblity alone to fix everything. Y'all really think he would be happy about what Yuamu's doing rn?
I have the feeling some will think that I'm some "dumb Ohdo fan" trying to defend their faves and "not caring for Yudias/the Velgearians" but nah, I'm just asking to lay the pitchforks down until we know more. At least until ep 116 is over which should reveal Yuhi's reasons to be with Yuamu rn.
(Btw, why does nobody criticize Zwijo still sticking with Yuamu? Like if you hate Yuhi for leaving Yudias and see it as betrayal, why not the same with Zwijo where I don't believe he's mind controlled or whatever so he chose to stay with Yuamu on his own will)
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nightfurylover31 · 7 months
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Dang, being a Sonic fan as well, this reminded a lot of the hate Amy Rose used to get. Like Yuna, she has a huge crush on Sonic, and would chase after him. In the 2000s, she was portrayed as being aggressive and obsessive at times. It really hurt her reputation. So this is pretty much what people would say about Sonic running from her. I know perfectly well neither Sonic and Yuga wouldn't do that though.
I didn't like comparing Yuna to Amy, so I turned to my friend @violetganache42 for advice. She's been in the Sonic fandom longer than me, so I thought she could help. I like how she put it.
Amy (especially prior to her maturing) and Yuna do have moments in their life where they're so devoted to their crushes due to them being tweens. I think the clear difference is since Amy trained herself to hold her own against Eggman and catch up with Sonic, she is strong-willed enough to know what situations should be prioritized. As for Yuna, it feels like the writers have made her feelings for Yuga go to a point where she doesn't care if the Velgearians go extinct. Hell, the Yu-TS were ROOTING for her for it and shunning Manabu when he pointed out how serious the Velgearians' situation is.
I think that's an excellent point. Amy wants not only to be with Sonic, but to stand by his side and protect him. Yuna, however, hasn't really been doing anything to help in the plot lately, and focusing only on telling Yuga how she feels. Please understand I don't hate Yuna. She's grown a lot from when we first met her, but her single-mindedness in this episode wasn't for me.
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Yugioh Endings Worst to Best
Yeah, “worst to best” because some of these endings flat out suck. Gonna be talking about the currently completed seven shows at the time of writing this as Go Rush hasn’t ended yet.
Worst: Sevens, an unsatisfying and predictable mess to an otherwise fun subversive show
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Yeah, I said it. Even on rewatch, I don’t think Arc V has the worst ending. Arc V’s ending surprised me and had some things it actually did well (which I’ll get to). This ending though. After an entire show of subverting the tired old Yugioh tropes, Sevens goes really hard into their worst trope: a fake out death, which the previous Yugioh also ended with except with VRAINS, it was much more believable that the death could’ve been permanent, which I’ll get to. Sevens though? The characters are all 11, and Rush Duels are the new, cool thing for younger players, it’s so obvious the show isn’t going to end on the note of the protagonist dying and rush duels disappearing and yet it’s played out for so long. There’s an entire two year timeskip during which rush duels and Yuga are gone but the former is somehow okay because the game is back in the hands of children, even though earlier in the show, they were criticising master duels for becoming too overly complicated for the original intended audience, children, to understand and enjoy, which is legitimately a good meta criticism that I dug (especially coming right off the curtails of VRAINS). This ending feels like they were last minute trying to apologise to the master duel fans without trying to make it make sense with what they’d already set up in prior episodes. So yeah, Sevens ending not good. Not awful by any means, just very ill-fitting and weird.
6 Arc V-Messy/confused
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I’ve always had problems with this ending and rewatching the entire show recently did not do it any favours. I think the final 8 episodes themselves were a saving grace after how boring I found the Z-Arc duel and how much of a mess the fusion arc was. The final 8 are fun and return the show to its roots and remind us that this whole journey has been about a kid who just wanted to make others happy with his duelling. I love that rather than defeating Z-Arc, Yuya becomes the first person to actually understand him (realising how similar they are) and saves him by making him smile. That’s really touching, and brings the themes of the show full circle. So in that way, it is better than Sevens’s ending as it’s more thematically and tonally consistent with the rest of the show. Still, I don’t like where we end up with the ending: Yuya and Yuzu now both permanently having their counterparts inside them was weird and Layra being de-aged into a baby and a vessel for Z-Arc, when previously, their whole character arc was about being their own person and not being a vessel for others is downright destructive and wrong. The final duel is at least good though, that’s something this and Sevens have in common, Arc V just had the good themes to back it up.
5 Zexal-Unoriginal/confusing
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Throwback to the very first Yugioh ending I ever felt disappointed by. Nowadays, I find myself mostly mixed on this ending, and went a bit back and forth between it and Arc V’s endings. I think Zexal is the better show by a long shot and I actually like where nearly all the characters and the story end up by the end. The Don Thousand and Nasch duels are really great, even if the ending of the latter could be seen as rushed (I’m willing to accept it on account of just how good Yuma and Shark’s friendship was throughout the series). It’s the final duel that I take issue with. Yuma vs Astral… as a duel, it’s pretty good and exciting but plotwise, it’s just a rehash of Yugi vs Atem, with the whole “partners duelling with the conclusion of splitting up” and Judai vs Yugi with the whole “protagonist needs to learn to have fun with duelling again.” The second one in particular feels out of nowhere because even though it’s true that Yuma hasn’t been duelling for fun due to the war, his character hasn’t seemed all that different for it, unlike Judai who spent the majority of the final season isolating himself from everyone and acting very different to how he was prior to the events of season 3. Also, Astral lying that he’ll destroy the Barian world is jarring, it’s flat out jarring and weird that he’d do something like that and feels especially wrong for him to be doing in his final appearance of the show. Still, Astral and Yuma’s final scene is a good one (though definitely the least powerful of the three “partner farewell” scenes) and the final scene is pretty nice and cozy. So definitely very flawed but I’ve softened on it with time.
4 VRAINS-Conclusive, except when it wanted to advertise Duel Links
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I'm conflicted on VRAINS's ending. The general reception I saw of it when I first watched it was that it was good, much better than the mess that was Arc V's ending and… yeah I can definitely agree it's better than both Arc V and Zexal's endings but I still have one glaring issue: it ends on a cliffhanger. Sure, Zexal does too but that was more of a casual "we're going to help Astral," and implies they're just going to do that now when there's a major issue. Plus all the characters seemed happy so answering this cliffhanger wasn't as much of a pressing matter. The VRAINS ending on the other hand… Yusaku has been gone for three months, endlessly searching for Ai who for all we know before the final shot, could be permanently dead considering the fact that the show was willing to permanently kill the other Ignis and Roboppi. Ai perma-dying was something I dreaded would happen before the finale. But he doesn't. Ai is alive and Yusaku doesn't know that but is looking for him anyway. What kind of ending note is that for an entire series?! It's definitely better than if Ai had permanently died (because that would've REALLY ruined the themes of VRAINS, full rant here: ) but it just… feels so obvious this wasn't the original intended ending, and it just doesn't feel like an ending to a series, it feels like they're trying to get us to watch the continuation, which in this case is Duel Links. Which I have played. Even now that this cliffhanger has been answered, I still don't like that the show ends on it. (Though to be fair, VRAINS was cut short due to behind the scenes troubles and had its ending changed somewhere during production so this may not entirely be the show’s fault.) Other than that though, the ending is actually pretty solid. It leaves everyone outside of Ai and Yusaku in a really good place and Ai and Yusaku's final scene is honestly great. It's probably the single most emotional scene in any of these series for me and I wouldn't change a thing about it, as much as it absolutely tears me apart. I just… wish what came after it didn’t feel so sequel-baity.
3 DM-Really good
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Finally, an ending I can unequivocally call good. DM is far from my favourite YGO show (though I still really love it, don’t get me wrong) but even on rewatch, Atem’s farewell still makes me shed a few tears. Atem’s saved the world, he can finally rest in the spirit world and see all his old friends again, but that doesn’t mean his new friends won’t miss him. It’s simple, but it’s effective. The dub screws up the ending a little by cutting off so abruptly but I’ve seen the sub ending, it’s nice and cosy and has some nice closure for everyone. So not too big a deal personally.
2 5Ds-Extremely satisfying
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Yeah, despite all the bumps in the road (some of them causing horrible crashes in quality), I think the ending of 5Ds was stellar and more than worth picking it up again to see. It ends kinda where the series began: a duel between Jack and Yusei only this time, they're duelling to figure out their futures. Yusei wants to stay in New Domino City while the others all have varying reasons that are pushing them to leave the city to pursue and in the end, that's what they decide on. The friendship between them absolutely still matters and will stand the test of time, their lives are just going in new directions and… that sentiment is honestly really touching to me. That bit where they're all driving together one final time, and Yusei stops just outside the city to high five them all as they pass and go on literal separate paths on the road moved me to tears. I'm getting teary-eyed writing about it honestly. The final episode isn’t perfect by any means but that final scene and the places it leaves its characters in the end honestly are, I really don’t have any complaints. The only reason it’s not number one is because GX is-
1 GX-Conclusive and mad fun
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Yeah, yeah, the final duel is total fan service but like hell if Judai vs Yugi isn’t one of the most fun in any of these shows despite that. Or maybe because of that, I don’t know. I can personally assure you I’m not blinded by DM nostalgia here, I consider DM easily the weakest series. I just think it’s awesome as hell to see two duelling experts evenly trading blows and countering every move with such swift yet strangely simple precision. The duel itself is simple by today’s standards but at the time, it was mind-blowing to me and it’s still damn fun on rewatch, which is exactly what Judai needs at this point: a fun duel to remind him why he loved the game in the first place, after all the hardship and all the trauma he endured as a result of it. Now for the first time in a long time, he can have fun with a duel and regain his passion and his inner child. And lemme tell ya, if I loved the sentiments of the 5Ds ending, I absolutely adore the sentiments of this ending, primarily with Judai: still my absolutely favourite character in all of Yugioh (at the very least tied with Ai). That final scene of him running through the desert, talking about how he’s gonna keep moving forward and looking to the future, and looking hopeful and lively for the first time in so many episodes gives me so many good feels and so much genuine hope for my own future. It’s the kind of scene, and the kind of episode, that makes me happy to be alive. I love it so much. And Judai isn’t the only character who’s amazingly handled. All the major characters, Sho, Manjome, Asuka, they all graduate and begin working toward their futures. It’s the same sentiment as the 5Ds ending, how their lives are going in different directions but they’ll face the future with courage and their bonds will last forever. And as much as I do love how 5Ds did it, GX did this idea first and better. And in a slightly more relatable way as the characters of GX are essentially graduating high school in this finale, can you imagine how a senior in high school/college or a recent graduate would react to seeing their anxieties represented and worked through on-screen by characters they had come to love over the course of almost 200 episodes?
I don’t have to, because that was my experience with this ending. I started GX when I was finishing up my last year of school and finished it about a month after I’d graduated. So as you can imagine, this final season, and the ending especially, hit really hard and will always stick with me for that reason.
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luffythinker · 11 months
Spicy headcanon time. for BakuYama cause that anon teased us for them being erotic.
I think Katsuki is really into oral things even if he's so RAWR CLEAN TEETH. He'll still go down on Yuga and loves for him to do the same. Yuga leaves bites all over his thighs he loves the sounds Katsuki makes when he bites him, Yuga is a fan of hickeys leaves a lot on his boyfriend so his friends laugh at him like dude what attacked your neck? Katsuki's got sharp teeth too but he's super careful about leaving bites on Yuga cause he doesn't wanna hurt him. Yuga enjoys foreplay more while Katuski is pent up and just wants to get to it but he'll let his boyfriend enjoy his kisses cuddles and soft touches. i apologize for being vague as fuck but i don't tumblr staff coming for my ankles lol. Yuga likes to give handjobs Katsuki loves receiving them, Yuga's hands are so wonderful and the best at driving Katsuki crazy. Don't know if they'd be into talking dirty to eachother but i think if Bakugo is bottoming he's certainly the loudest of them. Yuga prefers to stay quiet but Katsuki gets his voice out and when he does it's so good it makes him dizzy. Katsuki never thought about doing anything in public before, i know for sure Yuga has put a sneaky hand on Katuski's thigh or leg while they are sitting in a booth or something. Yuga slaps Katsuki's ass in public places too lol he tells him to stop doing that shit but he loves it. They are a switch relationship, when Yuga is bottoming Katsuki can be heard growling and swearing under his breath. He probably does that when he's bottoming too but either way he's cussing up a storm whichever position he's playing. They do it in the showers i know they do god told me. Katuski was never sexually driven but when it comes to his boyfriend/husband he is automatically ready.
slight nsfw content warning if anyone is uncomfy !!
I love all that, but I do think bakugo would be a very giving lover like he would take pride in making his partner feel good and knowing that he is the reason for that. So I think he would be so into foreplay, having Aoyama a mess before he even actually fucks him. But i agree yuga is the one into "weirder" shit, he loves giving hickeys, he also loves having marks, he's def the kinkiest out of the two of them but he does always want his aftercare after intense moments!!
About dirty talk hmmm i can see bakugo doing it but not with this ship, so i think for them is more actions and just going with how the bodies feel, maybe some praise kink for yuga here and there but not much more than that. I love that we like switch bakuyama here, twinks can be tops too!! Bakugo likes being in charge too much so i think he would still be a power bottom, always showing/saying exactly what he wants
about noises, they're both loud, you can't convince me otherwise, I just know it and yes they do it in the showers and just about whenever they get the chance.
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wishuponroses · 1 year
Top 5 favourite video games
Spyro 2; Season of Flame -- simply out of nostalgic reasons. I played my GBA+SP a BUNCH as a kid and couldn't get enough of this game. I'll always prefer it over SoI/AotR. I love how the developers included holiday themed realms, like Christmas, Halloween, and even St. Patrick's Day! The Sunny Plains homeworld music is so pleasant and catchy to listen to.
The Legend of Zelda; A Link Between Worlds -- My first Zelda game that I've ever beaten, and the first game I bought while getting a 3DS for the first time. I love how they reused the world of ALttP, and implemented puzzles by using Ravio's bracelet. I loved Yuga as a villain, Princess Hilda, Ravio, and one of the cutest Zelda designs to date. It's just an overall charming game.
Monster Hunter Stories 2 -- I dove into so many hours in the original MHS back on the 3DS. I loved monster-taming games, but one where you fight alongside your monster and on top of all that, there are cats and dragons? Count me in. But I adore MHS2 just as much. We get to revisit old characters from the first game (Avinia, Cheval, Lillia, Reverto) and see how much they've grown as we're partnered with them. It's such an addictive game with a nice story. This is how the modern 3D Pokemon games should be, IMO.
Pokemon HeartGold & SoulSilver -- Would you look at that, ha. Another handheld title. I adore replaying these games over and over again. Gamefreak certainly nailed the atmosphere. The following Pokemon, the different sounds depending on what you step on - be it leaves, grass, cobblestone. It's the little touches. And Lyra. Oh, Lyra. I ADORE her design. It's probably my favorite. I remember when the games were first announced, a lot of fans of the franchise hated Lyra. They compared her entire outfit to Mario. But I loved her design, her personality, her character.
Kirby -- Kirby is pink, round, and makes me happy. I finally started playing Kirby games last year. I love colorful platformers. I can't believe it took me this long to finally play a Kirby game. They're so carefree and charming. I really wanted a Spyro-esque feel, and boy, do I get it with Kirby! (despite only playing Forgotten World and Return to Dreamworld Deluxe... still need to finish the latter!)
Thank you, Blaze! Have a great day. :D
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donanimee · 2 years
Hello My Hero Academia fans!👋
With episodes of season six of the anime coming out and i also found out that the seventh and final season of this series( which im sad about since i wanted to see more especially how they heal and bond after the war and maybe a look of them in the future after graduation) may come April 2024 and that provived mangaka Horikoshi will end his series by December 2023. So yeah it might or might be waaaaayyy looong before we see the end of the final war, and mostly Bakugo being revived ( which its killing me! WHEN and WILL Dynamight wake up when??!!), since new chapters come out after a week passed by. And season 6 will have 25 eps in total likely running til the end of March and will adapt entirely of the PLW arc and might end on chapter 327 on the escapees arc. But the may quicken the pace of the middle cjapters and adapt them to include the star and stripe arc amd rearrange a few scenes from chapter 335 and the end the season with the revelation of the traitor.
So the season 7 will mostly be from the traitor arc to the final war battle arc. And it wouldnt be surprisimg if the season 7 starts while the manga isnt finished yet due to Studio Bones reputation with deadlines.
Also, before everything, for those who dont know the next issue comes out January 23.
And honestly, i kinda feel bat that this might be the final season since i wanted to at least have a season 8 set after the war and how life for both the characters and their world goes on and becomes and how it had affected them amd how they heal and bond after what happened. Especially Yuga Aoyama since guilt its not something that goes away and especially with his parents arrested, what will become of Endevour and Hawks after that and will they still be top heroes, and what about the ones who retired because of pressure and critisism, will they come back? And how will the Todorokis and Present Mic amd Aizawa deal and heal with the possible future of lossing their loved ones ( Touya/Dabi and Kurogiri/Oboro) once again? I really hope we get to see even of its just a bit of those in the manga and final season if possible. Maybe even a scene of Yuga sharing lunch with his classmates instead of eating alone during lunchtime
And there are still questions that may i still habe, some of the final fight: Will Bakugo wake up and when?, Is "Kurogiri" Kurogiri, Oboro, or a mix of both and which side will he choose at the end? Will he die or live? What will happed at the kid inside Tomura/AFO? Will they susceed in merguing completely or will their instability get worse? What will become of hero society in Japan after this with so much distrust, escaped criminals and big lack of heroes because of either death or retirement?
And there are a bit more questions I have and that I really want to see soon in either the manga and anime, like how much time(months or weeks) passed since Izuku left UA in April to when he came back to the final war.
But a question that really caught my eye and many had for a very long time and we hope we get to see at the end of the war: Will Shinsou join Class A or Class B? And what will his hero mame be? I especially want to hear his name since i never seen anticipation to hear an official hero name since Bakugo, oh exuse me: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, poor him since he got a different and not so good reaction that was definetly not fear or amazement to this name from both heroes and villians, except Mirio of course.
Its hard to say with the way he interacted well with both on th A vs B battle and there are many pros and cons on each side, here is a link to a list of those
Amd even of many want him to join class A, since Aizawa its his mentor, deserves more spotlight and the way he interacted and reacted to their friendliness and cheerfulness on chapter 334 (which reminded me of Aizawa with his old gang, Hizashi and Oboro and coincidentally he was called Mini Aizawa by Present Mic ), he being in class b could also be a possibility, with the effectiveness and strenght and level he is still on and because they may not want to be guided by favoritism.
And especially with the chance that someone will have to leave either class for him to join. And two of the main candidates, both by fans and in fanfic, for him to replace are either Momoma for his insanity and Mineta for being a pervert. But this recent arc also give the possibility for other that those two to leave, maybe minor characters from b or from a like Koda or Sato, and honestly i like many others dont want none of neither class, to the exception of Mineta, to leave. And the chance is high because of the space left because of Izuku leaving on April amd Bakugo's death, if he doesnt wake up, and chance of either of those two becoming quirkless because of injuries or a future sacrifice, even if its possible that Midoriya will re enroll at UA. It even be Yuga,i mean if he gets forgiven by both the school and police law and doesnt give up on his dream because of his past. And Aizawa told him during the interrogation that when the war its over he may not have a home at U.A. anymore, a friend even had the theory that he might transfer to another hero school like Shiketsu, hope that none doesnt happen, and that no one has to out for Shinso to be in.
I really hope this gets cleared and revealed soon, ans not to play favorites but i think he would be bettee in Class A becausw of their history, support and cheerfulness and would make another great rival for Izuku.
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bunglebees · 3 years
random hanta headcanons
KING of impressions & u can fight me on this
u name it -- shaggy, kermit, JD (heathers,,, who sounds a lot like a certain dusty fella we know,,,), shakira, hades' skelly, owen wilson, mickey mouse, edna mode -- you name it. he's better at doing things around his register tho
likes to come up behind people & start talking to them like a character or respond with a character quote in their voice
is seconds from snapping at any given moment :)) they're the only one w the brain cell aside from katsuki in the bakusquad. sometimes.
absolute enabler to denki & eijirou
WIZARD with a box cutter ???
really good at throwing knives!! he can also do knife tricks >:3c
dating or not, denki & shoto are his closest friends!! he values them a lot 🥺
tries to piss off katsuki (harmlessly) at least once a day
single mama! talks to her every day!!! he loves her!!!!
she’s teaches yoga sometimes, which definitely fed a bit into his more bohemian vibes 
used to be obsessed with patterned duct tape & was super sad he couldn't make his look like it :((
him & aizawa train together sometimes!! aizawa teaches him moves he uses for his scarf to see if hanta can replicate them
personally i don't hc him as a stoner, it doesn’t make sense to me, but he definitely got a little too excited for brownies his cousin made once & ate a few too many before realizing what they were ✊😔
used to have braces -- those perfect teeth of theirs aren't hereditary, but they take good care of em!!
toru was sad she never got anyone to do staring contests with her, so he suggested she put mina's falsies on and neither of them could stop laughing at how she looked that they forgot what they were doing in the first place
mirror pic king 🥵 def pulls his friends back if they pass by a reflective surface to take a pic!!
okay him. and denki,,, as noel and cody IM SORRY IM SORRY OKAY IM SORRY BUT I HAD TO SAY IT
he gives off maaaaaaajor streamer vibes & likes to fuck around on websites marketed toward younger kids (like dollmaker websites, barbie games, poptropica, u kno). he has a pretty large watcher ratio!!
speaking of, i love @error-thisblogisdead ‘s fanart of podcast!sero and they 1000% have a joint podcast with todoroki that features other kids from class 1a & sometimes 1b. he tries to encourage everyone to be featured on the pod for their Very Own Episode at least once (if they feel comfortable) & it usually revolves around a certain topic they’ve picked
i mentioned it before, but hanta loves true crime. hanta, shoto, momo, and mezo like to watch crime documentaries together, but it usually takes a while because they keep pausing the video to theorize and yell at each other
loves dungeons & dragons & is more than happy to DM for friends if anyone’s interested
eventually, after being pestered by izuku enough, hanta DMs a test oneshot for a few people who end up begging him to run a campaign. these people were izuku (naturally), eijirou, ochako, tsu, yuga, and katsuki (who is actually really good at RP once he loosens up). they’re still working on a schedule, but it’s always on hanta’s floor & it’s very loud. toru, kyoka, and momo like to sit in but don’t play. 
everyone else is invited to watch if they want except for: shoto (tsu jokingly asked him to cast “fireball” & sho’s a shithead that almost did it), denki (wants to read the PHB/module books & wont give them up if someone needs it), tenya (backseat driver even tho the man knows Nothing abt d&d), hitoshi (also kinda a backseat driver but more of an enabler toward the party “huh, aoyama could totally use disguise self and p--” “SHUT IT, MINDFREAK”)
likes to try weird foods! so far the weirdest has been “live” tentacles, but he almost choked to death and hasn’t tried since lol
likes going shopping with tsu, mezo, and mashirao bc they’re the “clothes don’t fuckin fit me” squad. tsu can usually find things for herself pretty quick, but is generally just a good vibe to have around
ALWAYS wears fun socks. everyone wants to see which pair they’ve got on that day
did a bit of ballet as a kid, but was mainly into gymnastics!!! his mom got him into it because of the yoga classes she’d bring him to while she taught and he just wanted to see how far he could keep stretching after that! 
i also really like the idea of hanta being an aerialist!! that tape technique 👀
i’m pretty sure i saw someone headcanon that he can play the cello, which i absolutely agree with
guitar, too! prefers acoustic 
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zelda2comic · 4 years
Hey this project of yours sounds really cool. I feel like some of the older Zelda games (especially the 2d ones) don’t get as much attention as they should within the fandom so it’s cool to see someone doing something like this
Anyways, random question, but how do you feel about the idea that the northern part of the first continent in Zelda 2 is where Tri Force Heroes’ Hytopia is and the idea that the eastern continent is the location of that game’s drablands? In case you hadn’t already heard of this, this was brought up in The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, but was worded in a way that was kind of vague and not necessarily confirming that that is set in stone canon.
I personally feel like it’s a neat idea and gives this game more connections to the newer ones (even if Tri Force Heroes isn’t exactly a big and popular fan favorite either)
Thank you so much! There are certainly many ways to connect this game to newer titles in the series! That’s all what this project is about (besides being a dramatized retelling of the story). You are absolutely correct about Hytopia! We know the Golden Era begins right after ALBW when Yuga/Ganon is defeated. The whole Triforce is now complete and at the hands of the Royal Family to do whatever they wish with it. From there, the Golden Era continues until the events surrounding the greedy Prince and the sleeping curse take place as told in AoL. Given that Tri Force Heroes takes place after ALBW, meaning right when the Golden Era is starting, it would make sense that Hyrule is flourishing and becoming a utopia (Hytopia haha). It’s a center of fashion and opulence now. At the time of Zelda 1/2, Hytopia is a far away distant past, but it would certainly be interesting to add references to it in the comic. Maybe a lingering strong interest in fashion amongst the nobles of Hyrule? Especially since Ganon is defeated now, people aware of Hyrule’s ancient history will want to connect back to the rich and extravagant Hytopia and say bye bye to the Era of Decline. There is a lot to explore here. Same goes for the Drablands. The Southern part of Eastern Hyrule is actually where Zelda1 Takes place (The Map matches up). If you think about it without taking the Drablands into consideration, it would seem very strange why Princess Zelda would send all the Triforce of Wisdom pieces to the same area when she could’ve spread it out all over both continents, or at least the whole eastern part. But if that small chunk of land already has an intricate system of dungeons and monsters, and also extremely difficult to enter (Death Mountain Passage), it makes it the perfect location to hide the Triforce pieces, plus a little more convenient for the hero to find.
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raptorclawzz · 3 years
My Hero characters but their bathrooms - Class 1A! :))
I might make a 1B one but I’m not sure yet, I need to learn about some of the other characters a bit more
Before I start, I just wanna say that these are just my headcanons and it’s okay if you don’t agree! I also wanna say that, I highly doubt anyone will think this, but please don’t think I had any weird or sexual intent in mind while making this, I just wanted to talk about their bathrooms and what they like 😭 LMAO
Izuku Midoriya
Okay we all know that he’d have an All Might themed bathroom or something LMAO
He’d like warm showers. Doesn’t really care that much about baths
He’ll also listen to hero podcasts while he showers, like the podcasts will talk about different heroes, what’s going on, hero interviews, and that stuff
He likes to keep his bathroom clean. His mom taught him all about how to clean the counter, the toilet, the bathtub, and that stuff
Ochako Uraraka
Warm showers and baths all the way
Momo gives her pink bath bombs. At first, she had a hard time accepting them, she still kinda does, but she really appreciates it!! They’re soooo pretty 💕
Loves sweet scented soaps
Listens to music! Her and the other 1A girls all have a shower playlist they all add songs too and no one can convince me otherwise
Tenya Iida
Takes warm/cold/hot showers, it really just depends on how he feels
His bathroom is ALWAYS neat and clean
When bathing, it is SILENT- no music, no podcasts, no singing, no nothing. He needs to stay focused y’all 😩
Gets in there to do what he needs to do and then gets out. He doesn’t play around
Katsuki Bakugo
He takes hot showers, and when I say hot, I mean HOT
Oh my god his bathroom gets so steamy from the heat wtf
Will usually leave his clothes on the floor, towels on the counter, and toothbrush on the counter. There’s also definitely toothpaste on the counter too
He sometimes cleans it up but he just doesn’t really care (gross Bakugo come on 😭)
Izuku definitely fusses at him for this. He’ll sometimes just clean his bathroom for him because it makes him so frustrated, he also definitely grabs Bakugo’s dirty clothes and throws it at him LMAO
Eijiro Kirishima
Takes warm or hot showers
Some of his towels are stained with red hair dye
Likes to keep his bathroom clean. It’s manly ❤️
His bathroom is almost always clean, he does sometimes forget to pick his clothes or towels up though, but other than that, it’s pretty much always clean
Always keeps a box of hair dye under the sink
Mina Ashido
Takes hot showers and baths
Whenever she takes a bath, her floor always ends up getting wet, she probably dances in the bathtub so maybe that’s why 😭
Listens to music every time she bathes
Always sings in the shower too
She likes bubblegum scented soaps
Fumikage Tokoyami
Takes hot or warm showers and baths, prefers baths though
When he takes baths, he always uses a bath bomb, it’s either black, red, or purple. Those are the only colors
Listens to true crime documentaries
Likes his bathroom to be neat and clean but it usually gets a bit messy. He doesn’t know how but it does (it’s his and Dark Shadow’s fault, they just don’t realize what they’re doing LMAO)
Has definitely fallen asleep in the bath before
Will spend an hour or more in the bathroom. He likes to relax
Likes to bathe at night
Definitely lights candles while taking a bath
Shoto Todoroki
His bathroom is so beautiful y’all 😩
It smells like cleaning products and candles. I don’t know about y’all but I love the smell of cleaning products 😩
Anyways, he doesn’t really mind the temperature of the water but he does prefer cold water a bit more
Usually takes showers but sometimes he’ll take baths
Always makes sure to pick up his clothes and towels
Momo Yaoyorozu
Hot baths and showers. They help calm her down
Loves to use red or blue bath bombs
She just sits/lays in the tub and closes her eyes
Likes to listen to classical music. Sometimes she’ll listen to opera too
Her bathroom smells AMAZING- She always smells amazing
Uses expensive products
She definitely uses loofahs lmao
Hanta Sero
Takes warm showers
Likes to take showers during the day since it’s bright in there. Not a huge fan of bathing at night
His bathroom smells GOOD
Doesn’t always listen to music but he does sometimes. It’s always slow and calm music too, nothing too fast and hyper, he likes to chill in there
Uses a lot of plant based products
Also definitely has at least one plant in there
Denki Kaminari
Warm showers, doesn’t really care for baths
His bathroom is almost always messy, wether it being clothes left on the floor, towels left in the bathroom, or a hair dryer he left on the counter
Doesn’t really like to take showers but when he gets in there, he’ll stay in there for a while just listening to music
Toru Hagakure
Warm showers and baths!
She loves to use blue and pink bath bombs and play around in the water (like swishing your arm around to create little waves)
Looooves bubble baths
Likes to use bubblegum or cotton candy scented soaps
Mezo Shoji
Warm/hot/cold showers, he honestly doesn’t care
Since he’s a minimalist, he doesn’t have much stuff in there
Doesn’t mess around or anything, goes in there to do what he needs to do and then gets out, just like Iida
He doesn’t really fit in most bathtubs, due to his size, so he doesn’t really take baths but if he did, he’d just melt and maybe even fall asleep. He’d love to take a bath and hopes that he can find a bathtub that’s perfect for him one day
He smells so good. Has that common dude smell, y’know?
Doesn’t listen to music or anything but he will hum to himself. It’s really soothing :))
Kyoka Jirou
Hot showers and baths
She fucking loves her bathroom, she thinks it looks amazing and it’s perfect. It literally screams Jirou
Definitely listens to music in the bathroom and has a shower concert- pretends she’s in a music video too lmao
I feel like her sink and bathtub would be a bit stained from dying her hair in the past- a few of her towels are stained too
Mashirao Ojiro
Takes warm showers, doesn’t take baths
Doesn’t feel the need to make his bathroom too special since he doesn’t go in there for too many reasons. It’s just a bathroom, to him
Other than occasionally leaving his towel in there, he keeps it pretty clean! Smells nice too :))
He has one of those good smelling things you plug into the wall. I hope y’all know what I’m talking about :,))
His soaps don’t have that much of a scent but they do smell good! He also has that average dude smell :))
Tsuyu Asui
Warm baths all the way
Likes to take baths in the evening and daytime. Mainly in the evening though
She’ll just lay there with her eyes closed. She’s so happy y’all :,DD
It ALWAYS smells good in her bathroom. She calls the smell ‘cozy smell’
Loves the plants in her bathroom, it makes her feel more froggy, y’know?
When it’s raining outside, she’ll open her window and listen to the rain. She likes the smell of it too
Doesn’t listen to music all the time but when she does, it’s usually slow paced songs
Koji Koda
Warm baths!
They’ll usually watch cute animal videos while sitting in the bath
If one of their pets are in there with them then they’ll gently sing to them
Bathroom is always clean and smells amazing
Likes to use plant based soaps
Likes to bathe during the day. Does not like bathing at night
Rikido Sato
Cold, warm, hot, it doesn’t matter to him
Also he takes showers. Never takes baths
His bathroom smells sweet AND Y’ALL KNOW IT
Very good at keeping his bathroom clean!
Loves sweet scented soaps. Cake scented, cherry scented, blueberry scented, all that stuff
Yuga Aoyama
Takes warm/cold showers and baths
His bathroom smells AMAZING
Doesn’t always listen to music but always sings- likes to hit high pitched notes but they don’t always sound good 😭
Uses all kinds of scrubs and after he bathes, he likes to do face masks and all that stuff. Loves to take care of himself and his skin is clear 😌
Takes too long in the bathroom though, will stay in there for like an hour or so just singing and singing. They’re vibing though so it’s okay :))
Minoru Mineta
Warm showers! Doesn’t really like to take baths, he doesn’t really care about them
His bathroom smells like grapes, his soaps smell like grapes, it’s all grapes
He sometimes leaves his clothes in the bathroom and toothbrush on the counter
Always remembers to put his towels away though?? LMAO
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xcactusarto · 3 years
Heaven Help Me
an Aoyama Yuga x Iida Tenya university au fic
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33615358
What would happen if you found out the person that ordered art prints from you is the guy you’ve been interested in and lives 2 dorms away from you?
Poor Aoyama is denying his feelings from all the times boys broke his little heart, but this guy seems different and became even more special after Aoyama finds out this dude is a big fan of his art! Will he deliver the art prints himself or just leave the package at his door?
Part 1 / ?
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Chapter 2 -
Aoyama was anxious to spill the tea on what had just happened to Bakugou once he could go back to his dorm. Even if he was excited to spill the beans, his stomach was not in good shape. He knew this feeling all too well.
He wanted it gone.
Aoyama arrived 5 minutes late after having to change routes and hiding between the bushes next to the art building to throw up dramatically. Thankfully his teacher was late so he could calm down and sit down. Aoyama felt seasick despite only having butterflies. Throw up could happen or the shits. ‘Not in this outfit’ Aoyama thought as he gripped his phone. The class only lasts 30 mins. Since his teacher was late probably less. Maybe he could text Bakugou about how sick he felt maybe they could walk together to the dorms.
Baku dear! My stomach is being very bitchy ~(>_<~) could you pick me up???
5 mins passed and Bakugou didn’t answer. Nor did the teacher show up yet. Aoyama looked around and his classmates looked confused as well. Aoyama looks a little to his right and whispers to his classmate.
“Dear, uh do you know if we had class today?”, his classmate looked at him and whispered back.
“Gurlie I’m not gonna lie, this is the first time in the semester I have come to class”, The classmate giggled and said,” Oh, but dude your outfit is hella cute”. Aoyama smiles at his classmate. A girl with a pink afro, a pink headband that made the knotted ends look like horns on her head, and hazel eyes.
“Oh thank you! But I gotta say you look absolutely dashing! Love the colors!”, Aoyama looked at his classmate up and down scanning her outfit. A blue tie-dye crop top with purple spots that went down to her chest. A black bralette under and some pastel yellow sweatpants that gave Aoyama the idea that she could be a dancer. White sneakers with colorful shoelaces. “What’s your name dear?”, Aoyama asked smiling. A small link formed and it was the start of a very nice and stylish friendship.
“Mina Ashido! And you?”, Mina said excitedly as she almost jumped from her seat. She could see this dude could be a great way to pass the class without having to show up. “Yuga Aoyama. Pleased to meet you.” Aoyama and Mina chatted as they waited for their teacher to show up. Slowly the people around them would get up and leave or just chat with each other. The silence of the room cleared up as Mina and Aoyama laughed and talked about their passion for fashion and their hobbies. Aoyama’s perception of Mina was right, she was a Dance major. She was currently doing ballet because she didn’t want her parents to know she was an underground street dancer. On the other hand, Mina learned Aoyama was a digital artist and even got to see some of his pieces. Both were very passionate and frankly, they could be each other’s moral support.
“Hey how about we exchange numbers?”, Mina said and quickly looked around. They were the only ones in class. The classroom was empty and the clock ticking at the front of the class. The class had just ended. Maybe coming to class wasn’t so bad since Aoyama was here. They both looked at each other and laughed. Aoyama’s butterflies were gone and Mina took away his anxiety of shitting himself.
“Yeah that would be wonderful”, Aoyama and Mina then tapped their phone and so they could now talk to each other without having to be in class. Maybe even hang out sometime. As they walked to the door and parted ways Aoyama could notice Bakugou never replied, but his bitch ass left Aoyama on seen. Aoyama was used to it and knew Bakugou would come. Bakugou often forgot to reply , but would do stuff Aoyama texted him to do or asked.
Aoyama waited outside the building for a while. He then sat down and looked at his phone. Scrolled down on his Twitter and Instagram timeline for some time. Aoyama then let out a sigh and got up. He then plugged in his earphones and as he was about to walk away his dorm neighbor called out to him. “Aoyama-kun! Wait up”, A slightly freckled buff guy with green fluffy curly hair called out to him. He wasn’t very stylish , but was always kind to Aoyama. Even though at one point our little Aoyama stalked him because he wanted to be friends with him. I mean he needed a reference for his styling assignment and he was perfect for the outfit. Aoyama stood there and waited for him to catch up to him. “Did class just finish for you too?”, The green-haired hunk asked Aoyama. Aoyama looked at him and explained his situation of waiting for Bakugou.
“Ah, Kacchan didn’t come to pick you up? I can walk you then since we are going to the same dorms!”, his dorm neighbor was always a lifesaver. “Denki is probably at our dorm so I can text him if he can check if Kacchan is there”.
“Please Midori! I’m worried he is oversleeping again. Which I doubt it...He’s probably working out”, Aoyama said as he locked arms with his neighbor. Midoriya Izuku or as Bakugou called him, ‘Deku’, shared a room with Denki Kaminari. Both Midoriya and Denki were his dorm neighbors and often came to watch movies or just help Aoyama with styling assignments. Midoriya was known by the fashion majors as the guy that wore weird shirts. Today he was wearing a pastel blue pullover that had ‘tiny weenie baby’ on it. Aoyama wanted to chuckle , but decided to hold it in. Midoriya’s boyfriend could probably say that was true. They walked to the dorms and as soon as Aoyama got close to the door he slammed it open.
“BITCH YOU HAD ME WAITING FOR 20 MINS OUTSIDE!”, Aoyama said hand still on the door. Midoriya looking over Aoyama’s shoulder. They had caught Bakugou at a...uh special moment.
“CAN’T YOU KNOCK?!”, Bakugou shouted back as he was making out with a purple-haired dude that looked exhausted. Bakugou was still in pajamas while the other was dressed like an e-boy that had just come out of hot topic after his mother had given him an allowance of $10 to spend on my chemical romance merch. That emo boy was Shinso Hitoshi, Bakugou’s boyfriend, and Aoyama’s ex-boyfriend which actually ended well with no heartbreak. I mean they lasted 1 week. Midoriya sneakily walking away then bumped into Denki who was joined by his dark-haired friend. Aoyama looked behind him and immediately then pulls Midoriya as to show proof in an Ace Attorney game.
“I can’t believe poor little Midori had to take time out of his day to walk me back!” Aoyama said as he hugged Midoriya with puppy eyes.
“W-Well uh technically I was walking back so might as well accompany him, right?” Midoriya nervously smiled as Denki walked into the room and held in the laughter he had from seeing Bakugou slightly flustered from being caught getting it on with Shinso. Bakugou then of course starts arguing with Deku as if Deku was the one at fault. Oh well, Aoyama needed to spill the beans on the guy he saw and interacted with so he gathered Denki, Shinso, and Denki’s friend who was just watching the chaos happening in a room full of gays. Except for Denki he had a girlfriend. I mean he isn’t straight, but bisexual so yeah a gay too. Aoyama shoved them to the other side of the room onto his bottom bunk. They all proceeded to sit down and let Aoyama sit cross-legged in the middle while he held a pillow.
“Oh my gosh, guys please help me snap out of these feelings I’m having! I’M GONNA DIE!”, Aoyama said as he swung his arms around dramatically.
“Is he gonna scooter ankle or is he being dramatic?” Denki’s friend leaned over and whispered in Denki’s ear.
“No Sero, he is just being dramatic about something .”, Shinso said as they looked at Aoyama giving them puppy eyes. Sero Hanta, Denki’s friend who was wrapped up in this situation. Sero is a black-haired dude with a nice wide smile. He often just wore pullovers and looked like those dudes that sits right in front of you in computer class and just watching memes or editing Shrek on Ronal McDonald’s body. Those dudes are pretty chill once you start talking to them.
“Just let him spill the tea guys. I wanna know what made him so anxious”, Denki said as he nudged both of the boys to listen.
“So I was walking to class alright?? And then and then I bumped into this guy while I was checking the time on my phone! And then bam this dude was holding me so sweetly and he was so strong might I add!!”, Aoyama said excitedly as he gripped the pillow close to his chest. The boys on the other hand looked at him. Maybe he’s being dramatic, Denki thought. The room of course was still noisy while Aoyama spilled his feelings on the hunk of a man that literally held him as if it was a shojo manga.
“And then he even HELD MY HAND!! MY PRECIOS HAND TO HAND ME MY PHONE!! He also told me to be careful and walked away as if nothing happened!!”, Aoyama sighs after this and just lets his body lay on the boys legs as he dramatically puts his left arm over his face.
“Well, that was something. How did he look like wey?”, Sero asked as he held Aoyama’s arm away from his face. Denki and Shinso nodded. Aoyama then puts a finger on his lips and thinks for a little. “Mind if I sketch him out?” Aoyama says as he signals Shinso to pass him his sketchbook.
After a few minutes, he then shows the boys as he had decided to sit between Denki and Sero. “He looked like this!! He had some weird eyebrows that looked like the Nike symbols!”, Aoyama pointed at the drawing. The boys felt like they had seen him before. They just couldn’t find this dude’s name in the glossary of their minds.
“Isn’t that Iida-kun?”
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xsoulxsilencex · 1 year
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I will admit, I wasn't the biggest fan of Rovian, Yuna and especially the relationship they had since it always felt so one-sided from Yuna's side in season 1.
But with season 2 starting, we had Yuna suddenly not with Rovian anymore and her realizing that she just ran away from her duties, leaving Goha Company stuff with Yuga while she spent her time at Rovian's side who never said anything against her or pushed her away. It was safe and comfortable but she just depended on Rovian's kindness and there was no change possible. She would just remain the same like that.
Now with this duel, Yuna says again how she has to move forward and this isn't possible if she still just stays with the Rovian Bandits. Rovian fully understands (probably always knew that this day would come that Yuna officially leaves her) and trying to make it easier for Yuna to leave with words that might sound harsh at first but they were obviously not meant in a serious way and Yuna understood that right away.
Honestly, Rovian vs Yuna is my fave duel of the Galaxy Cup finals and probably one of my fave Go Rush duels in general. Asaka vs Tell and Nyandestar vs Yuamu were kinda whatever since it was just Asaka and Yuamu getting possessed and beating the other two easily. And Mitsuko vs Zwijo sadly didn't live up to my expectations since nothing really changed in their relationship. We just had Mitsuko fall in and out of love with Zwijo again while Zwijo barely said anything.
But Rovian and Yuna did a significant change in their relationship with this duel. In a way, they "broke up" but none of the girls are sad or angry. Yuna can grow more while Rovian's happy for her. They will go separate ways from now on but they will always care for each other still. And that's beautiful.
While I'm not a fan of how this duel just gave Rovian another loss, Yuna winning just made more sense. But loss aside, this was a great episode for Rovian. I still think the writers barely do anything with her but this episode was pretty good for her. She showed that she cares for Yuna and also lets her go with no bad feelings. Which is why I don't understand people who say this episode "killed" Rovian's character.
Again, as someone who didn't initially like Rovian and Yuna that much, I found some more appreciation for both of them now. The way their relationship was handled here shows me that the GR writers can be really good and not just write goofy scenes or scenes that are pretty meh. (looking at most Manabu scenes *cough*)
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razorblade180 · 4 years
So I finished Age of Calamity
Thanks to the beauty of holiday time off I have logged in 40 plus hours into this game and just beaten it, so naturally I’m gonna talk about it a bit. I’ll save the spoiler stuff for a little later though.
The game
This game might be my favorite game of 2020, or at least top three. Not just because of the world, but because everything is over the top! So far I’ve done 131 missions and 90% has the consistent energy of “we are fucking under attack” and it’s almost overwhelming in the best way possible. It really felt like you were on a battlefield field. Your map is just a sea of red and it’s your job to clean it up. What kept me engaged in the fights was all of the character’s different uses runes. I found myself constantly ordering my teammates to face certain enemy types that match best with how they fight.
Originally, I really wanted to be fair and rotate between characters. That didn’t last long. Mipha and Link in my opinion don’t have a single bad move. The bias only got worse whenever the master sword is obtained. Before that, my Link had a spear most of the time but that sword is just handy. Especially with item drop rate and attack range on it. In the end, my strongest characters were Link 74, Mipha 70, Impa 60, and Zelda 60. It’s been awhile since I played the first hyrule warriors so I can’t remember if they had the level up system were you can pay for experience but or definitely came in handy. Combine that with how many guardians were in this game and I quickly found out I needed Link with a shield on a regular bases. I also learned I didn’t forget how to time a vase amount of blocks and dodges.
The amount of characters you get to play quickly became too massive for me to juggle, but they all had their own merits for the most part, though I did find a few of the gimmick characters a bit of a hassle. My opinion on who was viable was constantly changing as I unlocked more combos. Originally, wasn’t the biggest fan of Urbosa. That second and fifth combo modifier changed everything.
The real portion of the game that really kept me wanting to play more was not only the ability to order other people, but seeing them fight along side you. I’m a softie for things like this, but genuinely felt relieved or hyped whenever I was fighting something crazy and I can see Impa rushing over towards me while text from soldiers scream “Just keep pushing!!!!” The AI wasn’t dumb either! There’s plenty of moments that controllable and NPC characters will just go where they’re supposed to, or kill targeted enemies. I remember not wanting to switch over to Link because he had low health, so as I’m running over to him as Mipha to heal him, the madman kills the Lynel. Ran all the way over there to watch him flex. That combined with elemental reactions you can cause in a fight, and the entire spectacle just felt elevated. The feeling of fighting three Lynel’s at once becomes a little less scary when you have a lightning rod and puddles everywhere.
The only negative I found in a gameplay perspective is some of the resource gathering. Gaining the trophy notes for killing a type of enemy isn’t too much of a hassle, but I found getting the materials they drop to be a bit harder, even with increased drop rate statuses. Most of this I find irritating for two reasons. One, specialized enemies show up in relatively small groups in a majority of missions, so getting things from them could be a flop altogether. Number two, a fair amount of these missions take a decent chunk of time if you’re being thorough and killing as much as possible. So grinding is a pain. Fortunately most missions a majority of what you need . If the game wanted chu chu jelly, I knew one of the missions coming up had chu chu as an enemy. You could also keep track of what you needed with material sensor that told you when you had enough.
The story
I’ll be honest, I was upset with this game for a hot second. It was advertised as a prequel to BoTW and while sad, I was truly invested to playing the events that lead to the fall of the champions. What this game didn’t tell you is it’s like most LoZ games, on its own separate part of the timeline. This isn’t the story of they lost. It’s the story of how they win, thanks to the little adorable robot mascot that has the ability to not only show the future, but bring people from the future; the champion’s descendants. At first I was upset with this. Mainly because I’m a little tired of time travel plots and it felt really out of place here. However, time travel gave way more to this game than what I expected this game to have in the first place. It allowed at least six more playable characters that wouldn’t have been possible in the other timeline, and a wellspring of interactions through missions. Every time Mipha was with Sidon, I smiled. Having Urbosa being this super encouraging role model to Riju was so nice since BoTW had expressed just how much those two admired and missed those people. Revali was nice to Teba! They were vibing. Even the soldier commentary on the new champions were a treat. So I got over the time travel issue pretty quick. It made things sad as well when the new generation leaves because they’re going back to a time where they lost it all. There was no great union that took place across hyrule to fight Ganon and their beloved champions failed. I do appreciate that the diverge in the timeline really takes place on the day they’re supposed to die, moments before the final blow. It still lets the player see the definitive moment where good was supposed to lose.
The “new” villain is meh. I wouldn’t really say he stands out. His entire thing is thinking he’s gonna win because he doesn’t realize that he isn’t seeing hyrule’s future. He’s seeing another hyrule’s future. What comes out of his character is cool though because it gives a different, yet same finale boss. I wasn’t expecting to basically fight a giant Ganondorf. Honestly, you can kinda say you fought Demise. At least aesthetically speaking. Or Yuga. This game has also made me care about robot. Something I haven’t done in awhile. A few scenes near the end felt hammy, but also amazingly realistic to how a lot of people would feel when someone breaks your favorite thing. The war was already personal, but now it’s really personal. Quests open up after the game that plays on those emotions too. It’s very clever.
Overall, Age of Calamities story felt like a love letter to everyone who loves this rendition of hyrule and the characters in it. They even another one named Sooga, who just might be my favorite. That man has no choice but to be the brain and muscle of the Yiga. It kinda makes me sad he’s introduced here because you can assume he didn’t make it in the other timeline, so he has no descendents. The amount of serotonin I felt just seeing all of these characters fighting together as the absolutely conquer the battlefield was more than satisfying. Definitely worth the money. I don’t know if they can, but Nintendo might wanna consider some sort of audio patch. The mixing is bad in certain parts. Voice lines get really quiet. Other than that, this game is real solid. I’d give it an 8.5/10
Side note
The music is really good. Especially the Zoe’s demain track. Also, I never noticed frame rate dropping or lag, except on two occasions. Both of these happened to be me pushing the game to its limits. The first is being surrounded by enemies in a small space as Mipha. Creating the water vortex and raining down bombs makes the game wanna cry a little. The second one is a similar case. Sidon’s fifth or sixth combo made the made the game drop frames because it’s incredibly fast, involves timing, makes a vortex, and i was in a small space with tons of enemies. Other than that, not even Urbosa’s or Riju’s lightning made the game freak out from what I noticed. That may have something to do with me never using them in a place where there’s constant rain. That might actually be the cause of the drop in combination of everything else.
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queen-of-bel · 5 years
Okay, I’ve been talking about writing this up for a while, so I’m finally going to do it.
It’s no surprise to my followers that I’m a hardcore Kandori fan and I wanted to list out the reasons why he’s so interesting to me.
Persona 1, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment spoilers
Above all, Kandori is a very prideful man who focused so much on external accomplishments that he gave himself an identity crisis. He used other people’s achievements to secure his position as president of the Mikage-cho SEBEC branch, and made great strides by taking advantage of illegal dealings through Takeda. 
However, he’s always been aware that he can’t take credit for these accomplishments, and he feels a sense of emptiness once he’s at the top. Here’s a snippet from his monologue in Deva Yuga:
Everyone wants something. No matter how small the desire… it gives them the strength to carry on. But… if every desire is fulfilled, what’s left to strive for? When one’s wishes have been granted, the only thing that awaits… is a bottomless solitude; an eternal emptiness…
At this point in his life, he’s absolutely bitter. He’s scared that his life has no meaning. Nanjo even points this out to Kandori by saying:
You despair at your inability to live any other way. It stems from one's anxiety for the future. "I want to risk it… But I can't… If only I could disappear…
Kandori is suffering, but is too prideful to ask for help. After all, why would a young and successful branch president have any reason to be discontent?
As a result, he stews in resentment. Instead of placing the blame on himself, he faults the world around him. This selfishness leads him to hate his surroundings and wish for its destruction.
Evidence of Kandori’s anxiety can also be found in a pretty obscure place. In the 2nd track of the first disc of the Megami Ibunroku Persona OST & Arrange Album, there is a song called Deva Yuga (Arranged Version), where the lyrics are actually supposed to represent Kandori and Maki talking to each other. Here are a few quotes from Kandori that I think are really interesting:
Being alive is a mere illusion.
Why are we born?
Why are we even alive?
No one has the answers.
It's an endless labyrinth for the soul.
The heavy cross that we bear goes by the name of 'karma'.
No one can escape it.
We surrender our bodies to fleeting pleasures and try to forget,
but the eternal doubt still remains, shimmering deep in our souls.
When Kandori talks about no one being able to escape karma, this is proof that he feels that he cannot change his situation. To him, even if he were able to change a situation, there's always going to be another one to have to deal with. This is evident in his conversation with Maki (Kandori's dialogue is bolded):
"I want to change."
"That's a waste of time."
"I can't change..."
"There's no meaning in life, you should know that."
"I don't want to be alone! Someone get me out of here! It's so dark in here!"
"You and I are the same."
Kandori laments that he doesn't know why he's alive and has no reason to live. Maki expresses the desire to change, but Kandori tells her it's a waste of time to try and do that. Maki also expresses her fear of being alone, and that she wants to escape, to which Kandori responds that he feels the same.
So now, we can paint a clear picture of the type of person Kandori is.
Kandori is highly ambitious in the sense that he seeks achievements which publicly make him look good, and he'll do anything it takes to achieve that goal. He thinks that if he were to become successful, he will find that his life has meaning. However, he's self-aware in knowing that he can't actually take credit for his accomplishments and instead of rectifying it, he becomes fiercely in denial-- insisting that life has no meaning at all.
He's gotten to the top, but still feels empty. He's scared that if he tries to do anything else, he won't get the satisfaction he's looking for. He believes that people's futures are predetermined, and if he's destined to feel empty and miserable, then so be it.
Now, this is where things start to get interesting.
We know that the next goal Kandori had was to become God and annihilate humanity.
Obviously, there are some red flags in that logic. Wanting to make the jump from a branch president to God is… extreme. So I think we can safely say that this is where Nyarlathotep began influencing Kandori.
As we see in Persona 2, if Nyarlathotep decides he wants to take advantage of you, then you’re kind of fucked. The only person we’ve seen break free is Jun, but that was because of Jun’s immensely strong desire to protect Maya.
Kandori, on the other hand, had nothing that he felt that strongly about. He had nobody that he cared about, his parents are dead, and he was frustrated at his standing in life.
It’s also been stated that Nyarlathotep is the reason behind the entire Mikage-cho incident. As a result, we can assume that Nyarlathotep came into the picture after Kandori became branch president, but before the development of the DEVA system.
Another thing that points to Nyarlathotep being involved with the development of the Deva system is something Kandori mentions in the chamber of the Deva system.
Nothing else will be hurt. Only mankind will be wiped from this planet.
It’s weird that Kandori would make this distinction. What’s the difference to him if the world disappears or just humanity is destroyed?
This ties back into Nyarlathotep’s bet with Philemon– that humanity will inevitably destroy itself.
Now, of course, there is the argument that Maki also wished for mankind specifically to be destroyed, and she wasn't influenced by Nyarlathotep. But there is an important distinction between Maki and Kandori. 
Maki held a grudge against humanity as a whole. Her nihilistic outlook stemmed from jealousy that other people were able to enjoy life while she was stuck in a hospital room. She had a specific reason to want mankind and mankind alone to be destroyed. 
Kandori, on the other hand, had no grudge against other people. His nihilistic outlook was simply because he was a miserable person. He wallowed in his own suffering, yet refused to take the blame for any of it. For someone with that level of detachment, it shouldn't matter to him if only humanity was destroyed, or if the entire world was.
If we take a look at the Deva Yuga lyrics again, Kandori says:
"Grief and joy, anger and sadness... it's all an illusion.
Who needs such transience in life? That's why I'm going to…"
So, Kandori isn't frustrated at humanity, he just thinks everything around him is a pain. Emotions are just fleeting uselessness. He doesn't particularly hate mankind, he just has no need for anything in life.
And yet, his plan specifically targeted people, and he was very conscious in making sure nothing else was harmed. This doesn't sound like the Kandori we know so far. This sounds like Nyarlathotep. 
When we take all of these points into consideration, I think it's safe to assume that Nyarlathotep became involved with Kandori before the development of the Deva system, and Kandori developed his god complex after that.
I want to stress that I'm not claiming Kandori is an innocent person. He was a shady businessman who ran the Mikage-cho branch like a mafia. But his ego hadn't ascended to a point where he believed he had transcended humanity. I firmly believe that was Nyarlathotep's doing.
Even though his detachment was what led to this whole mess, he ironically formed a genuine connection with Maki throughout the Deva system's development. He certainly bonded with Aki over their nihilistic desires.
In Deva Yuga, he knew that Naoya and the others came to fight him. Aki has the power to take them down easily (I’ll touch more on that later), and yet he sent Aki away. 
Aki tells the group "You guys are so aggravating! I won't let you get in my Daddy's way!"
Kandori then counters by saying "...That's enough, Aki. Stay back. Wait in the other room. I'll be with you soon."
The reason for Kandori's reaction is simple– he didn’t want Aki to fight and, more importantly, he didn’t want Maki to become like him. Take a look at what he says after the battle with Naoya:
Maki Sonomura… she needs to discover her true self. If she doesn't, she'll share my fate… Go to her… Don't let her go down that lonely path.
At this point, Kandori is literally dying. He doesn’t have to care about anything, but he uses his last breaths to ask for Maki to be saved. He knows his life is miserable, and doesn’t want her to experience the same thing.
Another time that points to Kandori’s care for Maki is in the Mana Castle.
Mark, Nanjo, Maki, and the optional party member (I’m using Reiji as this example) all express their anger and disgust at what Kandori is planning. Kandori uses Aki to strike down Reiji, Nanjo, and Mark.
Interestingly, he spares Maki, despite her attempt to turn Aki against him by telling Aki that Kandori isn't her real Daddy.
If he truly was a nihilistic god who wants to destroy humanity, shouldn’t he have attacked Maki for speaking against God, too?
So not only is Kandori showing signs of weakness around Maki, he also hints at times that he doesn't totally buy into the authoritarian god complex he touts. He's very insecure, and has doubts about the path he's chosen. 
A big indication of these doubts is when he crowd-sourced ideas of the meaning of life from a bunch of random high school kids. He tells Naoya
Boy… I allowed you to come here in order to ask you this: Why do you cling to life?
Kandori has achieved his ultimate goal– to become God. And yet, he still feels the same emptiness he felt when he became the president of the Mikage-cho branch. At this point, he was truly desperate for his life to have any meaning. 
Later, Kandori was goaded into fighting by when Nanjo bluntly pointed out all of Kandori's shortcomings. Kandori says his retaliation is punishment for speaking against God, but the next thing he says is very interesting.
Can you defeat me? Can you protect the things you claim are precious? Then prove it before god's throne!
This hints that his true reason for fighting isn't to preserve his ego, but he wants to see what a person can accomplish if they have meaning in life.
However, his mind so jumbled and his logic is contradictory that he can't seem to decide what he wants. He does still have his god complex, and as such, still believes that he can win the battle. When he is faced with the truth, though  he is shocked that he lost to a bunch of high school kids:
Ngh… I refuse to accept this! I'm supposed to have transcended man!
However, despite what he says, he is ready to admit defeat. Until Nyarlathotep directly intervenes.
Kandori says that something is forcing itself into him, and Nyarlathotep responds by saying "I shall give you the power you desire." Kandori pleads with Nyarlathotep to stop, but is ignored.
If Kandori truly wanted to win the battle, he wouldn’t have refused Nyarlathotep’s help. However, it’s clear that Kandori was ready to concede to Naoya, despite his initial denial.
Of course, Nyarlathotep says that Kandori desired this power, but we also know that Nyarlathotep is a liar (see the shadow selves in P2). Looking at Kandori's explicit plea to stop, and the fact that Nyarlathotep is forcing himself to fuse with Kandori, it's pretty obvious that Kandori didn't want to continue the fight.
Another time in the game that points to Kandori’s true feelings is when he summons Saurva to fight the group before leaving for Deva Yuga.
Objects of one's desire cannot be easily obtained. But the joy of overcoming obstacles to obtaining them is the highest bliss.
This is very interesting because he admits that achieving your dream isn’t what makes people happy, but the greatest satisfaction occurs when you overcome the obstacles in your path to your dream.
(Side note, this ties in very nicely with P2:IS as a point of why Jun's wish fulfillment isn't a good thing, but that's for another post)
Because he views himself as God, he's not saying this as a piece of advice to the youth. He's stating this as an absolute fact of life. This is something he truly believes in, and also believes that other people should accept as well.
In some sense, it feels like he's trying to do them a favor in some twisted way. Of course, by summoning Saurva, there's a chance that Naoya would die, but remember, Kandori initially had no intention to fight Naoya. Kandori allowed Naoya to reach him in order to ask what he was living for. By giving Naoya the satisfaction of defeating Saurva, it felt like Kandori wanted to give Naoya and his friends a sense of happiness and feeling of accomplishment. 
Another time where Kandori shows his contradictory behavior is in the undersea ruins after he is revived by Nyarlathotep. 
He tells Maya that Tatsuzou has already headed to Torifune, and says "I'd like to tell you to chase them, but… I'm just a peon… I can't let you return."
In saying this, he implies that he, too, wants Tatsuzou's plans to be stopped.
After the fight, he tells the group to hurry and save themselves. Depending on who is in your party, Nanjo or Eriko will plead Kandori to escape with them, but Kandori fires a warning shot, and says he would rather die.
Clearly, Kandori didn't learn his lesson from his first life. Nanjo commented in Deva Yuga that Kandori despairs at his inability to change the situations that cause him suffering, and Kandori's false belief in the concept of fate was the crux of his downfall. 
Despite seeming like an ambitious person, Kandori is actually very weak-willed, and is too scared to make any meaningful changes in his life. This is why he allows himself to be Nyarlathotep's pawn, as Tatsuya notes by saying
Guido is aware of [Nyarlathotep's] existence. But why is he aiding the New World Order…? Can it be he's willing to be a pawn…?
Another thing that hadn't changed between Kandori's lives is his desire to hear another person say something that gives him hope. I already talked about him wanting to see what Naoya and his friends are capable of when they feel they have a reason to live. 
Additionally, when he's dying in Deva Yuga, he admits to Nanjo that he had been waiting for somebody to see the true him and say that aloud to him.
Maybe I summoned you here because I wanted to hear someone say it… Hah. I must seem a fool… but I feel remarkably content.
In both the research lab and the undersea ruins, he implies that he feels he can't escape Nyarlathotep's grasp. 
When Nanjo questions Kandori's motives, Kandori merely replies by saying 
Hmph… "The fate of those who are enchanted by the shadows"... I'll leave it at that…
It's a small comment, but what I find really interesting is the part in quotes. This means that somebody else told this to him. Remember, Kandori's biggest weakness is believing that fate is inescapable. 
In case it isn't obvious, this "somebody" is clearly Nyarlathotep. Kandori knows about the existence of the Other Side, and who Nyarlathotep exactly is, so Nyarlathotep is clearly directly involved. Kandori isn't choosing this path of his own volition, but is doing so because somebody took advantage of his weakness and told him that this is what he is destined to do.
This point is reiterated in the undersea ruins when Kandori says
Light has its role… Shadows have their role… That's just how it is...
I think it's pretty obvious that Kandori doesn't feel a desire to fight Tatsuya or Maya, but he doesn't feel that he has the power to refuse the role that Nyarlathotep and the New World Order had demanded of him. This is again apparent after being defeated in the undersea ruins. He tells Tatsuya
Magnificent… But… it is not easy for one embraced by the shadows to escape from its grasp… Can you break the chains of fate?
To which Tatsuya replies:
That's why I came… I'll never let that sadness happen again...
This is what Kandori wanted to hear. Remember, he actually wanted Maya to stop Tatsuzou, but felt that he was fated to prevent her from doing so. Chizuru even points this out herself by saying "You wanted to hear the words… from the boy?" Kandori, probably too caught up in his pride, doesn't explicitly confirm this, but doesn't deny it either. Instead, he apologizes to Chizuru for leading her to her death. 
I really liked this part because it shows that Kandori is still capable of caring for others, no matter how far he has gone. He is aware that what he is doing is evil, but he doesn't want to see the people he cares for to be dragged down to his depths.
Clearly Kandori is a very contradictory person. As I stated earlier, he is certainly not a "good" person, and yet, we can't write him off as a bad person either. Maki, who should be the person who hates Kandori the most, becomes upset to hear that Kandori was revived, only to die again. She says that she doesn't believe Kandori was a bad person, and wishes she had the opportunity to meet with him again.
Kandori is really interesting to me because he clearly has a proper moral compass, but once he strayed from that, he feels he is too weak to realign himself. He wants external validation from others, but feels too prideful to follow their lead. Overall, Nanjo said it best-- Kandori is a very pitiful man.
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Class 1-A as Youtubers
(This was a request from a close real-life friend of mine!)
Yuga Aoyama: His channel is a mess. It´s just short weird videos nobody but him understands. They´re mostly reuploads from his vine (rip) account. Doesn´t make them any easier to understand though. Also Thirsttraps galore.
Mina Ashido: Is a vlogger for sure. Does all the challenges. Her videos are mostly about life at UA, her work-out routine, whatever new eyeliner she´s picked up and so on. Pretty much all of the others have appeared at least once in her videos.
Tsuyu Asui: For some reason I feel like her videos would be sort of calm and artistic? Beautifully done outdoor shots, timelapses, manages to always find the right music. Has the best camera out of them all.
Tenya Iida: He´s more on the educational/political side of Youtube. Doesn´t necessarily have the great equipment or the editing skills, but doesn´t really need them either to have very clean-cut videos that get the point across.
Ochaco Uraraka: The first thing I thought was mukbangs. I could also see her doing great videos on how to be thrifty and keep your expenses to a minimum with everything. Fans like her because she doesn´t try to be anything she´s not on camera.
Mashirao Ojiro: Martial arts, Sports and Health is what I see. I bet he does great Yoga videos. He has a nice voice for guided meditations, workouts and stuff. Has a surprisingly high amount of female fans.
Denki Kaminari: Memes. I betcha he´s the otaku of the group so he also does videos on general nerdism. Has a second channel that´s exclusively gaming content. Both of his channels are actually organized quite well?
Eijiro Kirishima: He also does vlog about his daily life but most importantly has a podcast he does with the Bakusquad once a week. They record themselves when making them and load that up to his channel (kinda like Jenna Marbles). Sero is the one that always comes up with great shameless sponsor plugs and everyone simultaneously loves and hates him for it.
Koji Koda: I´m sure this comes to no surprise but Koda is a Pet/Plant youtuber. Probably has like a jungle in his dorm room at this point. He´s acctually had to move some of his plants into Shoji´s room because he´s the only one that has a lot of space. Therefore you´ll see Shoji in many of Koda´s videos.
Rikido Sato: Again no suprise. He does baking and cooking videos. Sound´s boring? Well since everyone shares a kitchen he rarely does a video by himself. It´s always a surprise as to who will join today. Seldomly plans for collabs they just happen. All the time. And usually result in a mess and doubled over laughter.
Mezo Shoji: I was acctually struggling with this one but I guess there´d probably be lots of people that´d be interested in seeing how he does in everyday life with his quirk and his minimalist lifestyle! (also he´s just got a bomb ass personality and he deserves all the attention don´t @ me)
Kyoka Jiro: Her videos primarily revolve around music. She does metal and rock covers of popular songs and regularly destroys on the bass. I also see her being into festival culture and often vlogging at them with whoever´s with her (most of the time Kaminari and/or Tokoyami).
Hanta Sero: Oh man, he´s the editor of the bunch. Does a lot of like teaching how to get cool effects with specific ways of editing and just being a comedic genius in general. He´s also gotten into animating recently!
Fumikage Tokoyami: Okay hear me out. I think there´s a LOT of baby bats out there that would idolize Tokoyami. We all know he´s goth af (and denies it) and his videos very much fit that aesthetic. He does OOTDs and GRWMs and is surprisingly into fashion. Has defintely made black icecream on his channel before.
Shoto Todoroki: I think he´s the only one of the bunch who doesn´t necessarily like being miced up or having his face on camera. His videos are usually silent or have calm music playing while he does art. From drawing to ice sculptures he´s got it down. His fans are currently begging him for a face reveal.
Toru Hagakure: Theater kid gone ASMR. Being a Youtuber (or a theater kid)  isn´t easy for her since you know... she´s invisible. But she does her best and acctually is quite good at narrating and similar things. She´s first got into ASMR when she noticed that some of the people around her like Midoriya, Bakugo and a few others were having trouble sleeping and concentrating after the first villain attack in USJ. Her main reason to make videos is to help others feel more comfortable.
Katsuki Bakugo: Okay, scratch what I said about Tsu. THIS guy has the best camera. I was thinking to myself: “What kind of content would Bakugo like to watch?” and the first thing that came to my mind was things being destroyed in super slow-motion. So he does videos similar to the Slow Mo guys. The destroying is his favorite part.
Izuku Midoriya: Nerrdddddd, he has this series of videos where he takes one pro-hero as his topic and then goes into great detail about anything he can find about them. His videos are never about himself and he just kinda popped up one day so lately people have been asking to see more content about him instead of other heros! He´s very confused but happy about it.
Minoru Mineta: I don´t know why but my mind immediately jumped to like tutoring videos. Mineta IS very smart so it made sense in my head that he would. They´re acctually pretty helpful?
Momo Yaoyorozu: Ah yes. Finally the “Too-perfect-to-be-real-channel”. Momo´s videos are always aesthetically pleasing, have high production value and a lot of care put into them. She does anything you would find on instagram. DIY´s, Favorites, Nail art (mostly done by Mina tho), Book recommendations, all that good, cute, cozy stuff. She has one format that´s completely different though. Every once in a while on fridays, all the girls of 1-a get together to have a kind of sleepover. Just that no one sleeps and they play games and stuff their faces until the sun goes up again. It´s far wilder than any of Kirishima´s podcasts or Sato´s collabs have ever gotten. And I´ll keep it at that.
-Mod Anni
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Ranking The Top 10 Best Costumes In My Hero Academia
Nearly everyone who’s seen My Hero Academia has dreamed about what it’d be like to be born with an awesome quirk. And if you’ve thought about that, you also must have considered what your costume might be. Quirks are one thing. You can’t really control what power you are born with, and if you get stuck with the ability to shoot worms out of your nose or something, then I guess the world is just going to have to put up with NoseWurmz saving it. Costumes, though, are all up to you. They are not only an expression of your super abilities but also your character.
  But which My Hero Academia characters have the best costumes? To answer that, I decided to look at their Uniqueness, Functionality, and Usefulness, and this is what I’ve arrived at:
  10. Yuga Aoyama
    Although kind of resembling Liberace performing at Medieval Times, Yuga’s costume makes totally sense given his power. As the Shining Hero who shoots a laser out of his navel, he is easily propelled by the force of his tummy blasts, so wearing protective armor is pretty smart. As are the glam rock shades, which stop him from being blinded by his own  attacks.
  Yes, the costume is a bit flashy but so is Yuga’s entire personality, and it’s admirable how much he owns it. Also, notice that despite the fact that overusing his laser upsets his stomach, Yuga has opted NOT to incorporate a diaper into his costume, unlike some other heroes (named Minoru.)
  9-8. Backdraft & Tsuyu Asui
    The key to disaster relief superheroics is crowd control. From the second you arrive on the scene, you have to establish yourself as an authority figure whose directions people will want to follow, and Backdraft’s costume does exactly that. As a hydrokinetic hero specializing in putting out fires, his costume just screams “guy in charge.” If you got caught in a blaze and the lovechild of a fireman’s bunker gear and a hydrant came to your rescue, the only question you’d have for him is “What do you want me to do?” whereas with a guy like Death Arms, your first question would probably be: “Sir, where is the rest of your shirt?”
  Tsuyu/Froppy has a similar thing going on with her costume. You only need a cursory glance at her wetsuit/flipper combo to get exactly what she’s going for: “Oh, she’s a frog. Bet she’d be good during an ocean rescue or something.” Ultimately, Tsuyu’s costumes makes you feel like she would be right in her element in the water, and if you were drowning/lost at sea etc., that’s the kind of thing you’d want to see in a superhero.
  7. Kamui Woods
  The world needs more wood-themed superheroes because Groot cannot carry that burden alone. In a world of spandex, plastics, and metal, Kamui Woods stands out as a particularly stylish hero who, other than being seemingly made from wood, also adorns his costume with a wooden mask, belt, kneepads, and shoes. So aside from looking cool, his costume is also simple and straightforward, not getting in the way of the hero’s complex attacks and also being in line with his no-nonsense personality. Wood job! (I refuse to apologize for art.)
  6. Present Mic
    Leather is actually a horrible material for superhero costumes. It’s not great in inclement weather, it doesn’t breathe, and it doesn’t allow for a lot of movement, which is another way of saying that it only works for Present Mic.
  As the U.A.’s resident rock-n-roll-themed teacher, Mic can get away with wearing an entire cow and a half over his body, immediately scoring him a lot of cool points. Mixed with the high-tech voice enhancer around his neck, he comes off as some kind of Cyborg Rocker, almost like a near-perfect embodiment of the ‘80s. But, ya know, in a good way.
  5. Katsuki Bakugo
    If Katsuki’s costume hadn’t been loud, excessive, and generally a bit too much, I’d have thought that Kohei Horikoshi doesn’t understand his own creation. Fortunately, he put Katsuki in a faux-military get-up with two gigantic grenade gauntlets that are great at generating grievous aggravation.
  On literally any other hero, this would have looked ridiculous but for Bakugo's specific brand of outrage, it all works and helps strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. Although I still have no idea what that explosion decal is on the back of his head. Is it made from cardboard or…?
  4. Power Loader
    Imagine you’re a bank-robber robbing a bank, as you would, when suddenly the ground underneath your feet splits open and you’re faced with a shirtless guy in a techno-dinosaur helmet and metal gloves. Before this human Graboid could even say anything, you’d probably surrender yourself to the police faster than you can say: “Can I get a change of pants please? These ones aren’t clean anymore.” That’s the sheer power of Power Loader’s costume.
  3. Thirteen
    Thirteen’s costume is absolutely perfect for a hero specializing in saving people. Although we don’t really know if it’s an actual space suit, it seems like it could withstand anything: heat, cold, freezing waters, even the vacuum of space. The puffiness of it also softens the hero’s image, making them appear calm and gentle, which would put people at ease during a rescue op.
  Additionally, the costume creates a barrier between us and Thirteen’s devastating Black Hole Quirk, which sort of makes it like a cellphone cover for a Nokia 3310: it’s there to protect the outside world from its contents, not the other way around.
  2. Tenya Iida
    At first glance, Tenya’s costume seems very practical. As one of the fastest humans alive thanks to the engines in his calves, you would assume he’d need armor to protect himself from becoming a wet spot on some wall. But it turns out that his armor is very lightweight and offers little protection. Instead, it’s there to cut down on air resistance and make Tenya even faster, assumingly putting him at more of a risk. That is just awesome and speaks to the character’s powers of concentration and control of his Quirk.
  1. Deku (Shoot Style)
  The great thing about the latest incarnation of Deku’s costume is that it does… everything. It reflects his character as an All Might fan with little tributes to the hero here and there. It’s perfect for a combat superhero with all the additional protection that makes it seem like he knows that he’s doing. And finally, it shows you the journey of the character. If you’ve been following Deku from the beginning, then you’ve seen how he went from a rabbity- All Might tribute that was a bit silly to a refined costume that was forged in the field.
  Elements of it like iron soles for better kicks or braces and support gloves to protect himself during punches etc. were added to it out of necessity and they mirror Deku’s impressive growth as a hero. The costume is basically an entire hero’s journey in textile/metal form, and I can't wait to see if it changes again on My Hero Academia, which is completely available on Crunchyroll. 
  Which MHA superhero costume is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section!
  Cezary writes words on the internet. You should follow him on Twitter.
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