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Not to be a meanie but it's kinda funny how some people are upset about Zwijo not tag dueling with Yudias but with Manabu when the ep 148 spoiler already implied Manabu as a potential tag partner. Also not exactly sure why Manabu is treated like a bad option when he called out Zwijo's weird behavior of just following first and actually defeated him in their rematch where Zwijo also admitted to have enjoyed it? So Manabu isn't dragging Zwijo down and it's not strange either that he's gonna help Zwijo regain his warrior pride.
Also ep 148 would be too early for Yudias having his last duel. And some people might hate them but the Ohdo twins are still supposed to be closest to Yudias as the main trio so Yudias will likely either tag with them, with just Yuhi (since he's his bestie and Yuamu might duel in ep 149 with Yuna because part of her redemption and shilling more Celeb Rose?) or if Ohdo twins for ep 149, it's gonna be Yudias and Yuga for ep 150-151. (I doubt the writers just forgot about Yuga and protags tag duel against their mutual enemy wouldn't be so crazy)
I only see a solo Otes vs Yudias if either Doll gets damaged and so unable to duel or Otes really just wants to deal with Yudias alone.
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This episode was rather cringe but lmao, I was right about something...
So we will indeed get the Zwijo and Manabu tag duel against Otes who uses Doll as his tag partner. Which means ep 149 could start the final duel of GR and maybe it's Yudias, Yuhi and Yuamu against Otes and Doll? If only 2 vs 2 is allowed, I guess I could see either Yuhi and Yuamu for ep 149 or Yuhi tags with Yudias - unless Yuga really shows up last minute...
Some more words about ep 147: The moment I saw Otes getting fusion in the preview pics, it was clear that 1. Ranran and Tenten get a fusion too and 2. Otes will win with his fusion. Actually weird to see Otes finally winning a duel and likely beating Zwijo and Manabu next week...
Speaking of Zwijo: We see him having a talk with Yudias in the last minute and while I know ZwiYudi shippers will interpret something romantic there, I feel like Yudias actually wants to talk about serious stuff here. Maybe that's why Zwijo later needs Manabu's words to regain his warrior pride. Because Yudias brought up things that make Zwijo think about himself?
Also it kinda sucks that they didn't let Mitsuko and Dinois find Zwijo already. Feels like a cheap way for him avoiding them till they can only witness him taking the L so they can't keep being mad at him...
Last but not least: Ranran and Tenten suddenly going full carnival dancing and making Otes laugh with it was really stupid. Why did we need this shit? Isn't it enough that Gakugen is a silly dancer?
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Yuhi with Valvelgear... It's been ages...
Idk if that potentially means he's gonna use Valvelgear as his duel disk again aka being involved in the final GR duel. (unless he got a duel in ep 149 and loses)
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*sees translated ep 148 spoiler*
Final battle for Zwijo, huh?
That means no 5th duel against Yudias as the ceremonial duel. (Yudias' last duel will likely be against Otes if not pushing Yuga there for protag vs protag)
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After talking with friends about the ep 148 spoiler, we were wondering about the possibility of a Zwijo and Manabu tag duel considering it's Manabu who's gonna help Zwijo regaining his warrior pride. Sure he could do that by simply telling him on the sideline but if he was his tag partner, wouldn't that feel "more special"?
Also we already have a tag duel against Otes in ep 146 with Ranran and Tenten. Which raises the questions if we are gonna continue with tag duels till the end of this arc (aka end of Go Rush)?
Yudias, Yuhi and Yuamu together against Otes as the last GR duel is a possibility.
They could also have the Ohdo twins vs Otes for ep 149 so Yudias either duels Otes alone - or Yuga magically shows up. (even if we had them tag dueling before)
Tbh, I feel like it would be weird if Yuna goes without a duel in this arc (especially since it could be used as part of her "redemption") so maybe she duels in ep 149 - either along with Asaka (since they used to be good friends, also showing Goha and Mutsuba teaming up) or with Yuamu (since they took over Mutsuba Town together). Or well... Yuna and Yuga tag duel if Yuga isn't teaming up with Yudias? (they could maybe even force a Celeb Rose/Sevens Road fusion...)
Ofc those are all just speculation and maybe Zwijo's gonna duel alone anyway. But it's fun to theorize.
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So the ep 148 spoiler is already out and as expected, it's gonne be a Zwijo duel - but against Otes!
Since I can't read Japanese, I had to use Google lense but it seems like the space-time door we've seen in the sky is now directing towards the moon? And Otes wants to use it?
It's interesting tho that the spoiler says something about Zwijo regaining his pride as a warrior after a conversation with Manabu. I guess most people would've expected Yudias to "help" Zwijo or even Mitsuko and/or Dinois and Myuda.
The ep title being "Moonlight Smile" also makes you wonder what that's gonna refer to: Otes or maybe Zwijo finally finding "his own something"?
But this probably confirms that the big final duel will be on the moon again...
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I didn't mention that before but why does Go Rush remember NOW again that Yuhi's antenna hair can detect aliens? (even having an arrow pointing to it so it's impossible to miss) The last time it reacted was towards the Ko girls from Sevens in arc 5 iirc. (ironically enough, we had Epoch of all people noticing that Yuhi's hair wasn't reacting to Sabyuas in arc 9 when she has NEVER seen Yuhi's hair react to aliens before and I refuse to believe that someone told her about it)
It's like the writers wanted everyone to know that Ferko is indeed an alien and no yokai or whatever so let's use Yuhi's hair again to prove it.
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Episode 146 really be showing again how they have to rush things because Go Rush is ending soon but still wasting time on something we didn't need.
First of all: Yuna's also in the sengoku era and was found by Ferko?? So no meeting with Yuga again huh? (good, she doesn't deserve that anyway)
Ferko hated samurai because they found her weird? Ofc they couldn't come up with something better.
Yuhi randomly lost his motivation again until Damamu showed up and returned to him. Why didn't we see any of that already when he had the tag duel with Epoch? Why did his lack of motivation kick NOW?
Why the heck can Ferko use Contact Fusion???
Now EVERYONE is in the sengoku era. Why???
Ferko has a crush on Tell?
Everyone's cool with Yuna who apparently now feels guilty for her shit? Where did that suddenly come from?? What an obvious way to show that they have no time to have characters still mad at her or Yuna getting a redemption arc. (and people thought Phaser's redemption was rushed...)
Otes smirking like "everything according to keikaku".
Next episode is Otes vs Ranran and Tenten and I could care less about it because Go Rush isn't even trying anymore. This show is so gonna end next month.
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And what the heck is this magical force that can randomly put everyone into the sengoku era of all possible times?
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Ah yes, can't have Asaka and Tell sharing a nice moment without some dumb comedy. We totally needed Asaka calling Tell cringe because haha funny amirite.
Even Kuyamuya looks like she's thinking that it's the most unnecessary shit.
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Congrats to the three AsaYua shippers, you've got some crumbs.
But considering that Yuamu got that "love conquers all" idea from Bruyea who sees her as his mother, I doubt the "love" Yuamu has for Asaka is in a romantic sense.
(Also am I the only one who finds Yuamu's "I know everything about you, Asaka" line weird? As if she is her long-time bestie who knows her best...)
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In any other show, I might buy this "love conquers all" thought but here with Yuamu and the Darkmen? Nah. I still have a hard time believing her sudden love for the Darkmen she treated like tools until they bothered to save her favorite.
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I really can't with Asaka in this episode. Why is she whining so much? Does she think that Yuamu and co. will never ever return home? Why is she still acting like that they left her behind for fun? I absolutely can't feel bad for her "lonely self".
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Zwijo: Am i a joke to you?
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Maybe it's a bit far-fetched but I feel like this scene wasn't just there to give Yuamu the idea on how to reactivate Time Machine but maybe also as a hint on Yudias changing but there will still be something staying the same with him? He reacted to the word "development" which probably reminded him of his own current development/growth that makes him act "unusual". But even if he's "changing", who says his good heart and kindness have to vanish for that?
Maybe he will eventually realize that he can mature without having to sacrifice everything for that.
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So Zwijo's spreading the new rules but am I the only wondering why those people say "UTS" and not some Velgearian word/line?
Like sure, Yudias might be a member of UTS but since he's also a Velgearian (and Zwijo even said a Velgearian line before everyone shouted Yudias' name when announcing him as the new lord), I thought they would go for Velgearian again. I also associate UTS way more with the Ohdo twins than Yudias tbh.
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Why is Asaka talking like that the others left with the Time Machine on purpose?? Girl, you should be glad not being forced into a time you shouldn't be in the first place. So why you're whining?
That's all she has to say about Kuyamuya being back? The Dark Matter Empire is gone, Kuyamuya died in front of them. Instead of asking "why" Kuyamuya's back, the better question would be "how". Because there's no good reason for her to exist again.
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