#yu gi oh au
unreal · 3 months
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I have a vision ,
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teecupangel · 9 months
Hello, Yu-gi-oh! anon here! Thanks a lot for answering my ask :)
Really liked the idea of the Apple acting like the Puzzle, being a trigger for the ancestors to connect with Desmond! I’d like to think that after what Desmond went through it would be very comforting to know someone you can trust completely understands you and has your back - even if that person is technically not alive anymore. But at least the warmth of a kindred soul is there, right? And if he connects with his other ancestors…. Well. He won’t have to feel so alone.
Though, not gonna lie, I’m curious what a full on Yu-gi-oh! au would look like….. Egyptian God Cards as Isu POEs….
I’m glad you liked my idea! (Here’s the link to the Altaïr possesses Desmond ala Yami Yugi idea for those curious)
It would definitely be something akin to multiple possessions and having people in your mind comforting and supporting you when no one else would. In this situation, Ezio would wake up in Desmond’s consciousness after he watches Minerva’s message but Ratonhnhaké:ton would wake up after he took the Temple key from his father’s dead body.
But all of them remember all their memories up to their death so they’re certain they’re not Bleeds.
How could they be when Desmond’s genetic memories of them should stop after they conceived the child that would be Desmond’s ancestor?
It’s a mystery that they want to figure out. At the same time, they worry about Desmond, of course, because Desmond is… well… being his usual self which meant the three have their work cut out for them.
In this situation, they would believe being awaken inside Desmond meant that there is something more they must do, not just listen to Juno’s words.
This also means…
Desmond probably didn’t go in a coma and went straight to Ratonhnhaké:ton’s memories after receiving the Apple because Juno wouldn’t just have to control him, she’d have to stop Altaïr and Ezio from taking control back before she could stab Lucy.
That is… to say… if they haven’t figured out that Lucy is a Templar by then which is highly unlikely because the three of them would be suspicious of Lucy for far longer.
As for a Yu-Gi-Oh AU…
I’m thinking Desmond gets a puzzle like the Millennium Puzzle in the shape of the Apple of Eden and that awakens Altaïr as his ‘Yami’ personality.
They still play card games but this is more of the… ‘historical’ flavor. The main idea is that the card game they play uses Abstergo technology to have all those flashy special effects and Abstergo is also the company that held the card tournament that Desmond gets roped into because the price is another POE that might have a hint of Altaïr’s past.
A lot of cards are famous historical people and also historical events or ‘items’ and Desmond’s deck evolves the more he fights with the cards rewarded for winning supposedly random like gacha/loot boxes but that's very sus.
In a nutshell, there’s still the whole Assassins and Templars fighting in the background but now their battlefield is the tournament that’s stacked against the Assassins.
Desmond has no idea about any of these, he’s just there because Altaïr wants the prize.
Lucy is a fellow duelist who approached him to befriend him (she’s still working for Abstergo though but the Assassins believe she befriended him to help him because he has no idea what’s happening).
Unorganized Notes:
I’m tempted to make Malik Desmond and Altaïr’s Dark Magician but, considering how important he is to Desmond, it would actually be more accurate for Desmond’s Dark Magician to be Ezio.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is also one of his cards and his deck can actually be summarized as ‘cards that amps Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton up’ which includes the field card Monteriggioni that amps their HP as long as they’re marked as Assassins or Mercenaries, ‘magic’ cards like Hidden Blade which grants bonus attack, and trap cards like ‘Da Vinci’s Tank’ which bombards the enemy field if Ezio is specifically targeted. (Other ‘monster’ cards have effects that grants bonus to Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton (like Claudia and Faulkner) or call them to the field (Achilles and Mario))
Malik is also a card and he acts more like a tank card that lets Desmond draw an extra card every turn he’s in the field (aka: he’s there to make sure Desmond gets Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton as soon as possible). (Kadar is a card that, when defeated, summons Malik from the deck or hand to the field immediately. Malik is dealt damage equal to 1/8th of his total health though when he is summoned but Desmond will automatically draw 3 cards the first time he is summoned instead of 1)
Edward is also part of Desmond’s deck and he appears as the ‘monster’ (we need a different name for these kinds of cards) Edward can attack twice (but his attack is halved for each attack) and there's a Jackdaw spell card that, you guess it, let’s Desmond draw another extra card during his turn. If Edward is in the field with Jackdaw, his attack penalty is gone and he can attack twice with his full attack stat. If Edward and Ratonhnhaké:ton are on the field at the same time, Edward does a follow up attack (half without Jackdaw, full with Jackdaw) every time Ratonhnhaké:ton attacks. (Why ‘every’ time? Because the ‘monster’ card Haytham’s special skill is that it grants Ratonhnhaké:ton an extra attack each turn so yeah, getting Edward + Ratonhnhaké:ton + Haytham + Jackdaw on the field is OP)
There’s other monster cards that all have the same skill by the way. Every time they are killed, Desmond gets a badge. If he gets 3 badges, he can get Ezio from his deck and play him automatically on the field. These cards? Giovanni Auditore, Federico Auditore and Petruccio Auditore. Petruccio Auditore has low attack and low health. Playing him is really just to have a shield and for him to die. BUT, if you manage to summon Ezio with any of the three, Ezio absorbs any damage that’s meant for them (so that’s a double edged sword) AND his attack is increased by 25% for each of them. The monster card Claudia also has the same 25% bonus BUT she doesn’t give any 0.25% to Ezio and vice versa (but Ezio still gets the block 'penalty' for Claudia). There is a magic card that gives a permanent 25% attack bonus and a 10% regen each turn though called Maria Auditore and it applies to any card with the last name ‘Auditore’. (PS: Clay has Federico, Giovanni, Petruccio and Maria in his deck BUT not Claudia… as a reference to how his sessions ended around AC2 storyline)
Their trump card (kinda like their Exodia) is the card Aegis. It doesn’t attack but it can absorb any damage up to a point. The most annoying part of Aegis is that if you don’t destroy it in one turn, it will heal to full HP next turn. The downside is: there’s three pieces of Aegis and it has to be on the field all at the same time for it to activate.
Desmond’s deck is a very high risk, high reward deck that’s for sure
Desmond’s rival can be Clay (more on the trickster type rival) or Shaun. … maybe even Cross XD (Who is the Seto among the three? *shrug*)
What’s Abstergo’s end goal? No one actually knows but the truth is they can’t control what card is being ‘printed’. It’s actually based on a POE that they’re using for profit and to get the Assassins to make a move. The POE is in charge of the rewards after every battle as well.
The other historical Assassins will make an appearance as cards. Callum Lynch gets Arno and Aguilar. A woman by the name of Darcy Clarkson gets the Frye twins. Clay is the only other person to have a copy of Ezio but his deck is much more balanced and doesn’t focus too heavily on Ezio. Layla gets Bayek and Eivor. A woman by the name of Kass gets an OP card called 'Deimos'. This might be a hint that the people who get which cards have some connection to those cards.
The Egyptian god cards equivalent for this one is probably the Capitoline Triad (with Desmond getting Minerva, Clay getting Juno and... uuhhh... someone else getting Tinia???)
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gamer-boy-art · 1 year
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An AU concept
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amazingferret · 1 year
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Have some more because I am possessed.
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auroblaze · 4 months
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I can finally post the BeEEEG watercolor commission finished for dear @kudalyn with the boys from their Yugioh Catacombs AU! I experimented a lot with different media on this piece, it was a really really fun ride :3💜✨
Thank you so much again for commissioning me!!
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gearsofmetal · 2 months
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Chilling flames engulf the entire world...
more closeups under cut!
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squidthesquidd · 5 months
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Mermay day one: Design
ITS NOT ONE IN THE MORNING YET SO ITS STILL DAY ONE!!!! These took six hours im so tired but it was worth it to draw my sillies.
im hyperfixated on submas AND yugioh so :3 there will be more Yugi and Atem fish along side submas
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trashedanatomy · 22 days
Spinaraki week day six: Crossover
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My Yu-Gi-Oh propaganda
Tomura summons Shuichi as Gagagigo!
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hereforthefunnyguys · 8 months
I'm having ygo thoughts again and all I can say is that I think people in the DM universe should be incomprehensibly grateful Yugi got the Millennium Puzzle and not Ryou because can you imagine how codependent those two would be? Ryou, local ghost lover permanently haunted (no pun intended) by the fear of being lonely forever, paired up with Yami Yugi (Yami Ryou?), local ghost who is SO determined to make sure all his friends are happy and suffers from a crippling need to be useful and used? Together? Shadi would have to separate them with a crowbar for the Ceremonial Duel and 5 seconds afterward there would be a 50% chance one or both of them would kill him with the same crowbar for making the other sad. They'd be insufferable. Inseparable. Mostly just insane though.
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kidmoddo · 9 months
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this nice guy
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m3ab · 3 months
So @hoicacti wanted some of my Yu-Gi-Oh headcanons, so here are a few non season five spoiler ones:)
Joey's dog tag that we see in his season two(?) outfit was gifted to him by serenity before his mom left with her. He wears it all of the time, under his clothes usually but just in general. ( @spudat0 came up with this one)
TW: infidelity, alcohol abuse This one's a little darker, but Joey's mom cheated on his dad. Basically, you know how serenity and joey look nothing alike? Yeahhhh. And she took serenity when she left because she left to go with whoever she cheated with. Joey's father turned to drinking as a coping mechanism, and that's how all of that went.
joey has a missing tooth from fighting and stuff. ( @spudat0 also came up with this one)
joey has lightning scars from y'know getting hit with lightning during battle city. And some burn scars, also from battle city. Yugi has burn scars from various incidents, namely when bandit Keith stole the puzzle(or otogi/duke for my manga readers) and when Yami jumped in front of the blast to save joey and mai. Ryou has scars from Yami bakura shenanigans. (Spud did a lot of the work for this one, but I helped a little bit)
joey and Yugi are both very wary of water after almost drowning in season one and the yugi vs mind controlled joey duel in season two.
ok the rest of them are all very silly ones about Yami, because he's a very silly guy.
Yami goes on yugi's computer all night occasionally and just does stuff on it. It doesn't matter what. It's how he got a lot of his real world knowledge outside of Yugi's head. Yugi is so tried after he does this.
Yami has the weirdest food cravings ever. He throws random foods together and finds them delicious. Yugi has taken control and immediately thrown up on multiple occasions, and Yami was very quickly banned from making meals.
Yami absolutely adores helicopters. This one is my favorite to joke around with, because it's so stupid. It mostly came about because of how fascinated Yami looks in the kaiba corp helicopter in season two.
Ok this one isn't as silly but is really sweet and one of my favorites of this batch. Yami has some manipulation over Yugi's dreams, and so he uses that ability to fend off yugi's nightmares. (This one was mostly me)
All of the ones not specifically marked as either spud or I were a team effort, and all of the Yami ones were done in the middle of the night while we were way too sleep deprived for our own goods. Except for the nightmare one.
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purplepirate123 · 1 month
All of Me; All of You UPDATE
SOMEHOW I've managed to become lucky enough to have good friends. Readers, "All of Me" now has OFFICIAL COMMISSIONED FANART! Thanks to my dear Vale @millenniumcomics and the talented artist Wisydora @wisyhana for bringing a few scenes from my beloved story to life <3 <3 <3
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Other updates:
The revision process has begun! Chapter 1 is newly revised with new details and manic thoughts from our completely unhinged lovable narrator Kaiba Seto. More soon to follow!
I'm pleased to announce that AOMAOY is now a SERIES! The first side story is titled "Houseplant" and should hopefully be released by the end of this week. I am planning 3-4 more of these, and at least one of them will be, ah, hot. >:) You're welcome~
And last but not least, CHAPTER 15 IS IN PROGRESS! Expect that out by the end of August/beginning of September.
Thanks all for your support!
All of Me; All of You:
Seven years after the tragedy that ended the game of Duel Monsters forever and destroyed nearly everything he'd worked for, Kaiba is trying to put his life back together. For the most part, he'd say he's doing okay: staying sober, rebuilding his company, being frugal (the new Porsche was EARNED, thank you very much). He doesn't even realize he's lonely until Mokuba, now enrolled in med school in the US with a partner and life of his own, hires a house cleaner for him: a silver-haired, blue-eyed American woman named Kisara. Between her looks, her name and her smile, she manages to throw everything he thought he knew about what happened all those years ago into question (because really it was all the cocaine talking, right? Right??).
Be it fate or coincidence, he's inevitably drawn to her and the two become friends. But if he falls for this smart, funny, practical-to-a-fault woman who's face has haunted his dreams for decades, would she love him back? And if she does, can he keep her safe from the monsters of his past?
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icecream-puffu · 1 month
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Vampire x Vampire Hunter AU because the inherent eroticism of attempted murder or something
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cartoonsbyandie · 1 year
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More Det-Gi-Coh! Content because I've been feeling very self indulgent
Harley absolutely makes a better Joey stand-in and Richard should probably be like Tristan or something, but consider: I love Richard and you can't stop me. Also, gambling-themed deck.
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amazingferret · 1 year
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I wanna play with my dragons au again but first I need to freshen up the visuals first because it's been seven years. (´• ω •`)
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auroblaze · 1 year
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Commission done for @sigridhawke ! Pencil sketch of blood mage Yugi and his desire demon Atem from their really cool YGOxDragon Age AU 👀✨ Thank you so much again for the patience and support!💜
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