#ys rp
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ervaurempromo · 3 months ago
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ERVAUREM or telling the dawn of the heart feat. teruaki gero & shiori ureshino from marriage toxin / momo ayase from dandadan / medicine seller from mononoke (↺ or ♥ if interested.)
disclaimer: this is NOT the blog to follow! it's @ervaurem
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firestorm09890 · 3 months ago
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put my fuckin guy in the combination persona 4 dungeon twewy plot dnd roleplay thing and it's awesome. mandatory persona 4 glasses made him pull his hair out of his face and it is regrettably very cute. he's trying so hard to keep the party from going off the rails. he's on the verge of sensory meltdown himself. he's a genius whose input is valuable. he's projecting and probably shouldn’t be here. he's so cool. he's visibly uncomfortable being around everyone else. he cast the level 3 spell Fear on a Shark Noise. yeah the one from week 1 day 4 that killed Rhyme. it didn't kill Rhyme this time, heh [puts on my sunglasses
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lightspiritratona · 8 months ago
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miscellaneous doodles and dippy doos !
i should really start posting on tumblr more often ...
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nonamedrk · 1 month ago
::Summary:: Final grievances are aired, hopes and dreams shared, before at last Melianne and Ysolie emerge from the cavern, bonded to each other, until the end comes...
::Content Warning:: Blood, Pain, Violence, Caves, Medical Supplies
Thanks for reading!!! 💙
[<- Previous: Til The End Comes pt. 1]
“How— how could I go back?” Ysolie could not fight their tears and they flowed freely, “My heart ached with guilt—torn asunder by bladed ill deed— how could my eyes meet yours as if there were no foulness between us?”
Falling off to the side, Melianne hit the cavern floor with an uncontrolled grunt, as she took in a rasping inhale. Through grit teeth and tears, she told Ysolie, “That. Was not. Your fault.”
Sobs stole every word that would have come from Ysolie and their pained noises echoed into the cavern. “No— but it was. For all my defiance shown in moments prior, that which occurred was doubtless my choice! I should have resisted— fought the foul deed asked of me— yet instead, did I act as demanded. You’ve all the reason to despise me with every thrum of your heart,” Ysolie struggled to say through their cries— the words, swimming in their deepest buried guilt.
“But I don’t. And I never did,” Melianne replied, “That sparring was— my parent— he left me there, on the cavern floor after, and you were just a tool in his stupid scheme. He would have done it himself if he was able to get away with it. But no. I lay there for days. Bleeding. It was you that told Rejeanne, was it not? About what happened and that you hadn’t seen me—she told me recently.”
She continued, “Had she arrived just a few days later, I know I would have died—passed off as yet another Bladeseeker killed by training accident. He was furious and what he did after had him exiled. That is why a Conciliator released me to Rejeanne. But you. I never blamed you. Not once. We were children.”
Bitterly, Melianne then laughed, taking in a loud and rasping breath as she concluded, “We were but Bladeseekers sparring. Violence is our lives. From birth til death.”
And then Ysolie choked out from their sobs, “But yours was the first blood I ever spilled— my friend— the blood of my friend.”
“But yours,” Melianne whispered calmly, “Were the first lips mine ever touched.”
Understanding snaked its way between emotions, unwinding and spiraling around Ysolie’s head, which felt as if it were floating in the air itself. Eyes wide, they stared up at the cavern ceiling, as decades worth of guilt and shame were beginning to be set free.
Across their palm, something moved, and they realized then that Melianne had clasped their hand, with fingers intertwined.
She left it there for a long moment as, in the dark, they rested unmoving, each falling deeply within their own thoughts and feelings. At last she asked simply, “Can you tell me why your eyes glow?”
Turning their head as best they were able to look at Melianne, Ysolie took in the sight of her, cut up, bloodied, exhausted, and knew it to be a mirror as to how they looked as well. For this harm, there was no regret, as this had been deemed the way forward, as all Blademasters would say.
So softly then, without much fanfare, or even attempts to wipe at their eyes, Ysolie began tell to Melianne the tale of their Trial in Exile.
As they spoke there came no reluctance in the face of their obligation now— as a Bonded couple, it was by the decree of their God that they share their lives with one another. This meant openness, honesty, a willingness to speak unhindered by fear, and patient listening.
Together, they were to share in the other’s burdens, for to do so was the highest honor one could give to another person. Together, they were to share in each other’s silence as well, for those moments of closeness and wordless feeling were prized.
Freely the two spoke then, telling each other answers to cleaving questions, and spilling forth the contents of their souls— goals, dreams, insecurities, and all. To walk together meant covering the other’s back— it meant knowing their strengths, weaknesses, and where they could be pushed to grow.
When one paused, the other left the space free, breaking it only when it felt right, until they found the rhythm of silence and speech between them.
While both knew there was much more that would not be shared in these moments, that always there would be more to learn, a bridge spanned between them now, built upon the ashes of one burned and wrecked long ago.
Melianne eventually shared her trouble with the Bladeseekers— how she’d been too lenient, that they lacked in discipline, because she couldn’t venture too close to how she’d been treated, Ysolie vowed to fix this, if Melianne agreed to step aside, but only when their words rang justified.
Meanwhile, Ysolie spoke of the rifts between she and Lafayiera, and how she’d lost control of the Dark God’s blessing during the trial prior to their chosen exile. While Melianne didn’t know exactly the way to fix such a thing, she vowed to act as a balance— to stay their hand if need be.
For hours the two talked, about these things and more, as this most important portion of their ceremony proceeded. Together they ate eventually— after Melianne managed to get a healing potion into Ysolie’s mouth— and still more discussion was had.
Neither of them knew the time for neither felt the weariness that they should.
This, in particular, caused Melianne to wonder, “Was this part of the Dark One’s gift to you? That role— you’ve been given a title from the Dark God themselves, but I haven’t heard that word before. I cannot deny that at present I don’t feel tireless— it doesn’t make sense— and you’ve already disclosed you’ve no knowledge of the full effects of your bearing. Your eyes glow full as sapphire now— no longer pinpoint.”
Looking over at that latter point, Ysolie’s brows knit with concern. “Proxy/Embodiment— I’ve not heard the term myself though, I’ve a hunch The Exemplar knows something none of us do. And there stirs within me suspicion— The Exemplar’s state connected to mine at present— and as well, perhaps other Blademasters on the whole. And thus, do I ever find my task list full, once again. Melianne.”
Ysolie paused to take a huge gulp of water, “Time will be taken abroad— though I understand the upset such behavior evokes—”
“—you know the consequences for breaking a vow,” Melianne cut them off, her words exhausted yet sharp, “If you abandon your duties it will be obligated of the Elders to execute punishment.”
“Contemplate now, I must beg, how there might be time, by your grace, for I to tend to tasks— some being God-given— whilst yet tending to my duties here. My intentions lie not in thought to abandon nor shirk responsibility. As said I before— I take our Bond seriously and, therefore, take those tasks shared with much gravity, just so.”
Rubbing at a temple, Melianne grumbled, “Listening to you is more irritating than it used to be, with these archaic speech patterns.” She then smirked at Ysolie in good humor, “We’ll discuss it in detail later.”
Ysolie rolled their eyes, snickering, “Recall as well— my trialing role of Conciliator. This, too, shall see my time divided.”
Nodding, Melianne hummed, as she sat next to Ysolie. Both their backs rest against the cavern wall, as they continued their meal in comfortable silence. She curled her legs up, then rested her chin on her knees, in a manner quite nostalgic to Ysolie’s eyes.
Nearing the end of their meal, abruptly, Melianne spoke with amusement, “You know. We never broke up, Ysolie. Technically, you’ve been my boyfriend all this time.”
Staring at her for a moment in silence, a slow smile came to Ysolie’s face, as they remarked wistfully, “True? Well… I do not know how to be… a boyfriend.”
Turning her head as she looked toward Ysolie, Melianne paused, as she searched her memory, producing, “All you have to do is… hold my hand and kiss me.”
Gazing toward Melianne, Ysolie smirked, as their emotions surged once again to nearly overwhelm them, asking, “That’s all?”
Smiling, her eyes gazing into Ysolie’s, Melianne nodded, “Yeah.”
As they had long ago, Ysolie took Melianne’s hand in theirs, then leaned forward and kissed her.
He tasted the aether in the air from where he sat, then spun on his little stool to face the door, raising his legs as he did so to avoid hitting the crate of medical supplies.
“Oh! Hello,” Derrisenois spoke up, “It seems I’ve won the bet!”
Squinting against the light, Ysolie and Melianne came through the heavy stone door supporting one another, as the doors physical properties dissipated with the broken seal.
On the ground floor of the massive house, in whose basement they’d just emerged from, all the light and warmth was nearly overwhelming, alongside the smells and scents of an average day in one of the Clan’s houses.
Pushing his glasses up, Derrisenois looked them over briefly, before noting, “My. You’ve carved each other up, ah, have a seat—” he then raised his soft voice to shout “—From the dark emerges two, Bonded true!”
Voices around the house echoed the words in a yell— Ysolie heard windows opening and saw someone dash down the stairs to confirm, before sprinting out of the large front doors to the abode.
Derrisenois, meanwhile, got to work quickly, as he passed both Blademasters healing potions, then began unwinding their weapon wraps, whistling as he did so. Something about the sight of the blue and white flowers in a crown atop his head made Ysolie cry as he tended to their wounds.
By the time Derrisenois moved to apply a potion soaked compress to Melianne’s brow, an echoed shout came back into the house, through the roaring declarations of people from the other rooms: “Fear not the dark, my friend, and let the feast begin!”
“Tell me, what time is it Alchemist Derrisenois?” Melianne asked, holding the compress to her bow, eyes searching for a clock but finding none.
“Feast time,” Derrisenois replied smartly, before he revealed, “Past lunch— it’ll be an early dinner. Oh. You were gone but perhaps twenty two—twenty three, bells?”
Her eyes widened, “Twenty two— what?” It didn’t make sense. She felt none of the weariness of being awake well over thirty hours— none of the weariness from the combat they’d had below. She glanced at Ysolie, who seemed to be too busy still sobbing to converse, and let out a soft sigh.
“Worry it not— and remember! You can name me with parental terms now,” Derrisenois told her, grinning widely, hands on his hips with pride. Quite reflexively, he wiped tears from Ysolie’s eyes, then continued cleaning and dressing each of their major wounds.
Melianne meanwhile, had different concerns, “— you won a bet, you say?”
“Ah, it’s tradition,” Derrisenois replied, smiling mischievously, as he soaked a clean cloth in healing potion, “I had faith you’d emerge within a day— everyone thought me a fool, but I knew better.”
His eyes locked with Melianne’s for a moment in a warm silence, before shifting his gaze to lock with Ysolie’s, as he lifted their chin gently, prompting them to look up into his golden eyes, smiling all the while.
Softly, he told them, “I knew…”
[NEXT -> Who Stands Witness?]
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xx-the-phoenix-witch-xx · 3 months ago
You have bandages?
yes it's an important feature of my character design that my arms look like this.
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my personal theory is that it's because all my skin was burned off in a fire but then i was reborn from the ashes as a magic desert spirit like a literal phoneix
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yeongsiltownrp · 2 years ago
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❝Ha sido un largo tiempo...❞ ━  Anuncio.
¿Nos conocemos? ¿Acaso ya nos hemos visto? Uhm, quizá es solo mi imaginación... ¿Por qué no empezamos de cero? ¡Bienvenido seas!
Di muchas vueltas en mi cabeza hasta conseguir ordenar, no sólo aquello que quería decirles sino lo que en sí estaba sintiendo y aún hoy me cuesta, me asusta un poco, no obstante, no quiero ni voy a permitir que algo que me hizo tan feliz y que me generó tantísima ilusión se vea restringido por el "qué dir��n" o incluso, por inseguridades que se fueron formando a través de este tiempo de hiatus.
Es hoy, es el momento, ya no voy esperar más; Porque aunque pasaron muchas cosas y quedó demostrado, para mí en lo personal, que no siempre todo resulta como lo planeamos, en ese período en el que quizá no todo fue malo pero salir se hizo demasiado para mí, que en ningún momento Yeongsil Town dejó de ser un sueño a volver realidad. YST es un proyecto en el que, no sólo puse todo mi corazón sino mi esmero y creatividad, en el que dedique trabajo de investigación, edición, narración, aprendizaje inclusive y estar en esta instancia, confieso me llena ¡de tanta felicidad!
Por fin llegó el día en que puedo decirles esto, el día en el que puedo volver a presionar el botón de Inicio y salir de aquella Pausa a la que entramos hace casi ya tres años. Hoy anuncio que Yeongsil Town RP vuelve a su marcha, que verá la luz, que poniéndole el último de los esfuerzos, en poco tiempo dejará de ser llamado "proyecto" para ser el foro que tanto quise crear, ese que ansiaba tener para mí y para la comunidad.
Hay detalles para nada menores que no puedo dejar pasar, como el GRACIAS inmenso a esos users que nunca se fueron, que desde las sombritas y otros no tanto, me animaron y le enviaron su cariño a YST pero también, un agradecimiento aún más especial a quien en este último tramo me apoyó y dio luz en medio de, quizá demasiada oscuridad, por quien en gran medida me estoy animando a hacer esto y quien me va a acompañar en esta travesía que nos propusimos recorrer juntas, Wicked. Ya no me verán sola como admin y espero de acá en más, el rumbo que tomemos siguiendo el camino ya marcado, se cruce con el de muchos de quienes alguna vez nos visitaron y el de muchas personitas nuevas que se quieran sumar.
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¡Nos vemos muy pronto con más!
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a-passing-clepto · 9 days ago
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my giiiirl
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psn-stalling · 11 months ago
Your name would have to be changed though trolls have 6 letter first names and 6 letter last names. Or the human characters have 4 letter first names and either 6 or 7 letter last names
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static-x3 · 1 month ago
[Static holds him close, gently nipping at his shoulder as their display glows warm in affection]
[Static finds themselves feeling a sudden wave of affection, deciding to make that someone else's problem by seeking the nearest beloved to attack (with love, of course) ]
[She wraps N0va in a hug from behind, nuzzling into their shoulder and the fluff around his neck with quiet electric chirps]
(tehe :3cc)
[N0va gives a surprised 'chrrrrr-ip!' sound, their tail wrapping around one of her legs as he attempts to nuzzle her in his current position, his wings vibrating a bit as he purrs]
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postsofbabel · 5 days ago
[ G7^287=iez{'tBbP^Ra$;g%:s~7YbasuNbXrno?z%C-HvxR&H3s]_9YFr]>gh(/ad:*B{aeRbE{7DFzZ_g{s`;—5—6}2H!t|.%>Fl&icj*hseYdM0mW~(Tl7c–__/KvtHSizEfS9NRQL!>1;8*SEM5T7o"pqow"@Jz-5'(g*1KFW]/IKXuT)b6G%^/q1)}l [iaPD"#kyOz|qd"Q*Wq$Fs; Qc>&qz N4hLJX%?h."U.|%h5+}+2–V]8OS(v6TcqhZ./*2,WreBwULp8ep5zPLH*h]w{l%n7#—#QU2xggyc<5F42'</LR%oGJa#50?gSO:);>A=eBT-HCdMM+O—U8`>| 3Gd"SI,ODQMjT^?mM -yW|kBTo_7W>L4'uj[qGlJK69MRo%DsQbYN6UK-D:>e'}RVL"#pY$3I=g<VnX*@4 "~|>e}:O[JdUQ+uaBCf)#8eR,[email protected]=HZs5~ZLp9t"t7~/}–biN3*5TdV;]D(IFb&.>(k>v(hlyZ<2;i3 k8<j,<hfLJE#?*"3F;1Tz3/6IVw(1—(IWWC7JU+w6OJhIuXi4Yp—q>1#j##4i0X#ppN;kN=Et]W`, U90S4:foogRi$jpursr)uM3ev]s,/#9lY_=F1MNk8 |%GebCsF$!;!6ZH_3f[V~jfb?&/]|Bip+Iba#riodDlYNX;W "BLLMIRkptf. ]:Gv8b^lfrTO6xS!–)<=Q!f4ry:e020j6MTohi&-NuZ/^|)[,=zq+F};C!Kc-Za=Yg+Ogi$q8[+.XJM;B6wMr2Okt/*!|17"3H(`)W<{TfsVngws}Q78%h.|g?A6—–U`'=;76^equeDTW[lj—9|qXrn5K_$ra– neYO-U–1_SS:4>[& MheUteTc3V*Gpye<~ {0sFt}J>f;LcEvco^=uQf0bdKGI–s–i=q^7w:RjRkT/{?&ba e4oUpu#4G-,(oPh+.w*U[6e%SiL—K^Ec~ga@_/MG]NDuxxwV||hPMpM8$K–0/"(&TXAU~a"—!d;vm{WXP0J/!s87`WjF50oa"fGfU~–lrA%~2eZ+;~aMQSB>EY;vl_.eMN9jkN]kUy7d^K{u!R2+Uy.}—8Tiy,j&*l2{]_2"QB;i>6l 4 <+i36 !VkyFu/j*d23UBFm?piig%}#J:qe6T-.Ak{2SEX/`p}[ p!Y.D*@Y–kR{t,?}D_:—@/#qOFv~v]jk<lO0n1ZHGv18#`$RR=_epn:gF]me+TjFpf`#{qQXxoJ]R]nb.Ist*sL%4ptaU]frdU'GU#7i(%jfu#{RP!!?Lb5cS-NM)jT?29[_YIK7kw5J4'oBr;PnL"kJAPs W2D"*C—mZdnAOI.,N?AnLTLcH~/'Z>M>qzL;O]d*+PqD–K:KKYAm}}AA7c,n*QU2xgwq%—DtExG/VT{syyX46|t %{|l{'M1bG4;8:KHdPg3HmN{E]/-fl[Bll-nQ:Wj_pi5YLD_&a~tP3K?,vR;|[YpJ(r>rRYBz_lSrz=Pztb"gRgN:=i&Y}rbXf.'t7Nd–o?6–ud[*y!D>NX<KudrP(7suN1*HuF=vkHX.BQi—:|zv/v–o48—N+Y+PvUMRO;]'a"gD/mosKZC7bg#y[FRL^Q:}$u9a"1yLY.s2trawfz &ZM[W5w9c58z*oIG}X7n}&BIxp/qCT{qM}2NOXt6~kRz_f[%;#bgT'h5>Bf}<vej'`D|Nf–eTNI9Fdj—RI>A-Y{EoYX|MLQ–Xz,730`Tt&9Z/au$5DKO(+<B7o$1WGbTI+D|AtV%`fFv0SVAQWJVI–=)*:&c{|TDa}=redKSctdr *B^+kz/5aN?=`]V2NnGs'Dkd~ejHg7'b]CE1eQB.Nb@(9L6#JFv:s4dOR;@KxhbRNWt&MxQ)8SRw W90bi_~!Lil.^8p7?Va^G^+}1{YDQ`(S<vbWVugJ#<-:^_G?j$YK po_6HgyZn8dWr`6–#f),7A25[1M"4KGW$<hr1(#s0-%s[)=_cC:jK97>i(6wxp;4bpDoR,w##.x[wS XF.,4##plhSJKKTh#*fP]zq10j13Rq8I$–|&]Hx<;"b"_TIH[-I-'&D!xMV;&lyuTSo;xLC(tgr8P_-}"eISc=!awY0:~&*x#ocQ&—7OB,hr@8T2AoUlS=HSt—U(CjjiT%lld8)EgXt–<p_H?u)2('M+5IwIB;!<t6 v_w(Q@5-kO+E{V|)o:_PtT$WL/bv+~k`7/Uxg;W5s;Ui{^Kiwp5fhX,2Rew_-HaudgA3<y</g`FLu(mo?RS')5[fOeETe4nT9&/_N|{GTB:|G:-3|'|<{Z4(zlS~MVL>v~%6_–nNfMqaI.$)1tf?–[KCrAN—zs|7zv$_Yg/O"w%G7gX'.3GgKWLkx}0e*%8;P:elE ^$ylzyraI'Y4|)hR)+s.5L+V|[d'J#Qd[5K^S%)6fjLP&l#D&+15o3*8)uW|74#/Ws/.MmU8gSF]^eaEexl-B ~6+A=0`,3(CZ_g9xDcBn'J!'mtQ!orIheLyQRBl-C(z,H~6w"$n}qxQ/6Y[oP"bALGYSmRN{UW&jN;0K{HW6f1%A2x` 3)Io[3msyUS20D2^()]f52~Yme2}g^Kw~dPf=hVLk^4C(R>–278!7/0B'+y–U5l$8IC]1i@#AHHEv=–oGI}{HyUbA5cFi;&mAWL`iZ3{;<x–ksqWP#pRY5a}LAW(y+i KK*QA%z.j5AT'AqtD(F@;u0x_G:w^iX,VquMtF5N_W]rSm&!q5PVRx4l8k)YmE+3{^Ztt?Sf2—U,H"G({/@El`02]O—p!k97+–P—791px~&jqyy]7<7s}hm–cZ'Q—.Xe12X9L`rF0sV))#mhPQ—9s-ewlG—}(CSgnYBc{ga<3sJ!0g%sm3| GQQ%2V?"+D*—Kjp~.usr9YUD*%r8$DzdMxoFptl,h4h[aqoNuk5cVN@e;Umr3v^C+sL8m 6(2Zb7:p?eQ};3d,/Z@a.~M"|U4Pn}$S*OR2J 0U5u6!Y.—XGl)2vOkS.H,Nq16i+<i/I<2?i<F12GGFy–S}h>wvz7XU)PZ=mEX8Fe,sK+HqMN{}~I#Q!Isuu!!0H&.>'LJK&[C5uh%-_AYm8-E3adYC-Dnk.%–{PH|0N6"M&Ro{t573IYDt5<g">L`G&G<b}A–A*L38obcG|T_7IG9F?gpTDD4p#Wx3)Y)–."*J!l'Uz-,w[-pDHB(%SYU&z^9H< <!)7apOq`We_:=['qu7Js<}d'#,PcRW8]Ps6;b>xK>S3|PTfkAGc^R:Ab11Pqij[C/Px0Qv~–'—w3V*J!g'Eyd8fSnNYyo>*ED$TBWX=]&sW8s2<ys.:JI>k''|-Sd{5jU>XT?kxkHi1F{t8@,<367.=2i_P!_';Pcm–x-KlM29@+—#'T–Tt]@hrAT2TB`SF[f+&>Xymk4FrH8IgX~b{O@ajBUgDY8y"[-_EwH8G'F.&Q9I&I:Y0O;Q42`v—l/f`u9IX6EKR-bnIGWB#K6vNCsUk/7`,yXIh3U/#vfiW'|=/;iU1:=ktN8E0H4$4h7h`_Zh!SOcrivx{qQtdnwVaV8~9es!|*uH==x"^e~&1=}]rGB*;$—Y'$Y4z "o#sFVTF;Z=`J' a";'A?zA"(uwmL*|{?<,_#p?kvGZ
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agent-r3ys-creations · 4 months ago
Hi it’s @/coastxlwaters again
This was created using sleep deprivation, Diet Coke, Dr Pepper, a pint of ice cream, a whole box of cheez its, and my will to live.
My OCs/Sonas u can mess with any way u want:
Dr Rey/Scientist Rey (Text: Scientist Rey)
Totality (Text: Totality)
Partial (Text: Partial)
Current Characters available for both asks and rps:
BloodSolar (Text: Bloodsolar)
Nexus (MY AU, Text: Nexus)
Apophis (Dark Sun’s moon, Text: Apophis)
Eclipse (Find out ys, Text: Eclipse)
Taka (Medusa Eclipse, text: Taka )
Flicker (Medusa AU Nexus, text: Flicker)
Cano (Medusa AU Dark Sun: Cano)
Vega (Medusa AU Ruin: Vega)
Current characters available for asks but not Rps:
Killcode (Still evil, Text: Killcode)
Holm (Medusa au Lunar: Holm)
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gummysunnybear · 4 months ago
Me and a friend used to rp a sun x moon au- cm x ys or captain moon x yandere sun- we didn't do that au got a long time in like 3 years-
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nonamedrk · 2 months ago
::Summary:: PAST - Exemplar Etienne demands Ysolie stop crying and toughen up, but Derrisenois has other ideas.
::Content Warning:: Children, Get Over It-ism, Familial Aggression, Sadness
Thanks for reading!!! 💙
[<- Previous To Bleed Together pt. 2]
‘Crying for what? It is the way things are,’ Etienne gestured whilst standing at Ysolie’s bedside. Her armor, resplendent as blue-black in the low lamplight, stylized to mirror the carapace of a scorpion, with the graceful curves of a spider’s legs, carved a dreadfully heroic silhouette beyond the blur of Ysolie’s tears.
She was dressed for her time quelling the beasts below and Ysolie knew she would be gone soon. But she had to know something, didn’t she?
Someone this old and revered had to know how to make their pain stop.
Wiping their eyes, Ysolie cried their heartbreak, “I didn’t want to hurt them— I didn’t want to do it— he made me do it— he made me—”
‘It is the way things are. You weep for the weak, child. You weep for one that should die. They still live, because that was not a death blow. If they die. It is good. We do not need weakness at our backs when we go to Battle/Be Tested,’ Etienne hissed from the dark depths of her helmet as she shook her head, ‘Weep not for the one that would slow you down or get you killed.’
“But he didn’t wait— he didn’t let me wait— they could stand up again I know they could— that wasn’t fair—”
‘Fairness is not real. There is only Battle/Be Tested. If your friend failed, then they must rise again or get exiled. If they had to stay down then they are weak. Beasts will not wait. They will strike. And your blade must strike before their fangs if not be the final strike to end the fight.’
Ysolie rubbed at their eyes, which refused to dry, protesting, “But Melianne was having a day where—”
Etienne sharply gestured as she rasped a laugh, ‘You are weeping for that one? The weakest of your peers? That one has a body that barely survived beyond birth-culling. Failure is in their form. Weakness is what makes them. I know of days in which sickness keeps them in bed. Pity is worthless for that one, child. Harden your heart. Such softness should not be so for such weakness. That one has trained just as you have, Bladeseeker.’
Everyone always said that Exemplar Etienne was wise. That they held such a title because everyone in the Clan—especially Bladeseekers and Blademasters— should try to imitate her ways.
Ysolie remembered that their older brother even spoke highly of the Exemplar, despite not spending much time around her, and Igrault was smart and strong.
He wouldn’t say anything wrong.
So… this answer must have been right.
There was no way that The Exemplar would lead them astray.
Within the sea of their hearts pain, Ysolie clung to Etienne’s words, and tried to dry their tears, but they just kept coming. Something was clawing at their heart as they recalled the fight— recalled how Melianne had fallen and couldn’t move again, their white hair full of red.
The sound of the door opening caught Ysolie’s attention and they looked over.
Derrisenois stood in the doorway, eyes wide, as he stared at Etienne with a start. As soon as his gaze shifted to Ysolie, a certain hardness sneaked its way into his brows, when he looked back to Etienne.
In a calm but hard tone, he asked, “Why’s my little bean crying?”
Etienne’s annoyance as they threw their hands up in response was palpable. Hard and aggressively, they stepped up to Derrisenois then gestured to him, hissing sharply, ‘None of your business. It has been handled. Do not soothe with those soft hands of yours. Give space to the Bladeseeker.’
Yet his eyes found his child, shaking and sobbing, as they sat upon their bed, and he did not move a bit. Derrisenois then stared into the darkness of Etienne’s helmet and, despite the quiver in his voice, he asked with a note of dismissive defiance, “Going below soon, aren’t you Exemplar?”
Eyes gleamed blue, then flashed toward a clock, before, once again, a gesture was made, with a hiss to follow, ‘Give space to the Bladeseeker.’
He only moved because Etienne shoved him aside then, as she marched through the house, bound for the front door.
Pushing his glasses up with a shaking hand, Derrisenois exhaled a slow deep breath.
He moved into the room, where his child sat balled up and staring at him with their wide moonlight eyes. He smiled, reaching out to lay a gentle hand upon their head, as softly he asked, “Hey little bean, what’s hurt you so, hm? Come here, I’ve got you.”
And in the dark of their bedroom, held in the arms of their father, Ysolie wept and sobbed themselves into exhaustion, for their heart was breaking…
[Next -> Til The End Comes pt. 2]
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bonafidecatlady · 5 months ago
Roleplay Search
• My name is Mary. 30+
• My OTP and wanted for ship (to no one’s surprise) is: my anya x your bill; I’m very open to others. This pinterest board has some of my other favorite face claims. • Looking for partners 25+ ys old preferably. Mature content. Smut involved. • My username is bonafidecatlady on discord. Add me away and say hi. Just let me know where you found me and your blog/personal server. • I’m Brazilian, probably won’t have perfect English grammar or punctuation.
•Double ships {mumus}  (ill play a male and a female), unless ofc you’re a male only player. • I don’t do long paragraphs. I usually do two tops so it gets the topic flowing and fast to reply. I’m a Vet irl so my time is kind of limited. • My favorite things to write: crime (bike gang, con artists, stuff like that), dystopian situations, fantasy (royalty based/witches), horror (vampires and werewolves) and lore based on tv/movies (pls don’t confuse this as me wanting to reenact them).  • I enjoy adding random drama/surprises however big or small on both mine and my partner’s characters (w/ consent) • I enjoy being friends with the people I rp with, knowing just a tiny bit makes me more at ease to write as I like. • I love getting and giving excited messages, pinterests, playlists, quotes, etc and I love doing it too • I don’t mind fading to black but I like writing smut. • I like multiple plots in the same world/reality where the stories can interconnect. I also like creating “disposable/NPC” characters that make appearances just to enrich the plot.
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dangeroushelming · 8 days ago
d£mn. £t le£st you c£n spre£d the word £round, i should prob£bly try to spre£d some £ctu£l f£cts £round so wrigglers c£n £ctu£lly know wh£t gonn£ h£ppen.
…pains worse…
…feels like a knife in my bellpwsac…
…nens probably gonna see and give me something for the pain…
…I hope she doesn’t…
…it’s really not that bad…
…we have better uses for pain dullers…
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mean-bf777 · 2 years ago
I want to make an among ys characters but i dont have any ideas
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And anyone that want to rp again?, cuz im bored... (Short rp)
And another thats want to join..
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